- manono for great ideas and starting a wonderful tutorial for AutoGK
- Swede, btothec2 and HannibalX for web hosting
- Doom9 for great support of video community at www.doom9.org
- authors of all the tools I'm using within this application
- and the rest of Doom9's forums for testing and suggestions
2.06 beta
- removed Maximum Quality mode (use 100% quality instead)
- DV sources can no longer be detected as hybrid
- hybrid AVI input sources can be processed now
- fixed bug when other than first stream of subs could not be displayed (introduced in 2.05)
- "All subtitles" option works again (broken in 2.05)
- xvid 1.1 beta build from 10/04/05 is bundled (may solve the problem with having "bitrate spikes control" option on without ESS support)
2.05 beta
- XviD 1.1 beta 2 is bundled (should be quite stable by now)
- fixed few minor bugs in the log
- M2V input is supported again
- disabled support for DIVX media format for the time being
- DGIndex updated to 1.3.0 beta 5
- audio and subtitles handling code is re-written to make it more flexible (for future versions)
- transport streams with multiple video streams can be processed again
2.02 beta
- improved accuracy of duration detection for AVI input sources
- fixed duration detection for AVI input sources with wrong AVI header
- forced 4:3 output resolution autodetection is improved and moved to hidden options
- 1:1 AR in hidden options changed to 'Original' to allow proper anamorphic encoding
- fixed a bug when the same subs were put in all current jobs after a preview with subs
2.01 beta
- added support for RGB codecs in input AVIs
- added support for manual AR settings for AVI input sources
- fixed procesing of 24fps AVI sources in some cases
- improved duration detection for AVI input sources
- added ability to select 1:1 PAR in hidden options to allow anamorphic encoding
2.00 beta
- added preliminary support for input AVI files
- added preliminary support for .DIVX media format
- updated tutorial
- new option in the installer to check updates only for stable versions
- auto complete of AVI file name in SaveAs dialog (uses input dir name as the name of avi file)
- minor GUI changes
- demuxed MPA tracks are no longer deleted after audio encoding
- min quality of credits that can be set is now 1%
1.93 beta
- speedup of denoising for SSE2 & SSE3 capable CPUs (via different versions of RemoveGrain.dll)
- Reduced chance of oversized XviD encode in some cases
- min quantizer is reduced to 1 if undersize of XviD encode is expected
- encoding is aborted after first pass if number of frames was very different from expected (to prevent wasting time during second pass after first pass crashed)
- DGIndex updated to version 1.2.1
- ColorMatrix.dll is updated to version 1.9
1.92 beta
- small GUI fixes
- VRO extension is recognized in file mode
- .sharpmatrix hidden option can be global now (i.e. reside in AutoGK home dir)
- during fixed width encoding softer resizer is used when comp test is too low
- added check for correct number of frames after the first pass
- DGIndex is updated to version 1.2.1b2
- RemoveGrain.dll is updated to version 0.7
1.91 beta
- fixed a bug when AutoGK didn't pick up all the vobs in DVD mode under FAT32 file system
- fixed check for update for some systems
- GUI is no longer reset after minimize/maximize operations
- message "color correction enabled" is no longer always displayed in the logs
- DGIndex updated to version 1.2.0 RC5
- faster color correction process via ColorMatrix.dll 1.8
1.90 beta
- split of AVI files is adjusted a bit to prevent small undersize of the first CD
- cosmetic GUI changes
- DGIndex is updated to version 1.2.0 RC3
- added check for unsupported MPEG-1 files
- file mode is working under win9x (and even DVD mode compatibility with win9x is improved)
- fixed bug in parsing of TS (again)
- added ".colorcorrection" hidden option (see hidden_options.txt for more info)
- installer deletes saved AutoGK settings
1.89 beta
- fixed audio detection for some configurations in file mode
- AutoGK respects max resolution settings after change of matrix during resizing step
- some new icons (should look OK on non-WinXP systems)
- improved PIDs detection for transport streams
- remove .tstream hidden option
- added .aspect hidden option to override 16:9 vs 4:3 input AR
- input dir (or its parent) are persistent for different AutoGK runs
1.88 beta
- intermediate WAV file is deleted after MP3 encoding
- DGMPGDec updated to version 1.1.0
- check for updates improved to detect stable/beta versions (new option will come for stable release)
1.87 beta
- fixed some bugs on new hidden option window
- shortcut CTRL-F10 is removed
- for PCM/MPA audio tracks in auto audio mode default bitrate for > 1CD rips is 192kbps now
- BeSweet is replaced by azid/normalize/lame(3.96.1) combo (lots of testing required)
- minimum bitrate for both CBR and VBR modes is lowered to 32kbps
- removed timeout for demuxing operation
1.86 beta
- added audio detection for the file mode (no more 'Unknown Audio')
- better handling of PCM audio streams in mpeg/vob files
- video PID is displayed in AutoGK upon loading of a transport stream
- ".audio_id" hidden option is removed (as audio should be properly detected in file mode now)
- AutoGK Asisstant is integrated into AutoGK (still via CTRL-F9)
- minor GUI fixes
- lame_enc.dll is downgraded back due to problems with mono encoding
1.85 beta
- removed high quality switch for lame mp3 encoding to get joint stereo output from BeSweet
- total duration of a job is displayed in the logs
- fixed minor GUI bugs in audio/subs selection
- autocrop.dll updated to version 1.2
- added additional parameters to control autocrop (see hidden_options.txt), so manual cropping can now be performed
- speed (fps) of comp test is displayed properly
- second audio/subs is now visible by default (no need to press CTRL-F10)
1.84 beta
- fixed subtitles position for half-D1 DVD sources
- debug mode shows complete vcf scripts in the logs
- bundled with XviD 1.0.3
1.83 beta
- added support for LPCM audio tracks in file mode
- added link to FAQ on info window
- lame_enc.dll updated to version 3.96.1
1.82 beta
- 2Gb predefined target size is reduced to accomodate oversize (now its 2040 Mb)
- fixed a bug when custom target size resets itself during minimize/restore action
- fixed a bug when AutoGK cannot write registry settings after a codec was just reinstalled
1.81 beta
- added option to the installer to explicitely control bitrates spikes for better SAP support. This means for DivX - home theatre profile is used only when this option is activated (previously it was always on and therefore HDTV sources could not beencoded properly using two passes). For future versions of XviD this option will enable VBV support (same as DivX profile basically).
- AutoGK can work under user with limited privileges (but not installed)
- minor cleanup of the code and compile using new libraries
1.80 beta
- added support for external subtitles to be burnt into final AVI (TXT,SRT,SSA,SUB for text subs, IDX for vobsub subs)
(CTRL-F8 toggles subs selection)
- improved detection of changed parameters after first pass readjustments
1.79 beta
- improved handling of DTS and PCM audio tracks
- minimum and maximum width settings are respected during adjustments after first pass
1.78 beta
- added support for DTS audio (note that to be able to play AVI files with DTS sound in them you'll need latest AC3Filter 1.01aRC5)
- added an option to check for latest version of AutoGK on startup to the installer
1.76 beta
- fixed a couple of bugs preventing resizing beyond width of 608 and adjustments after first pass
1.75 beta
- fixed bug when AutoGK puts itself in the loop after the first pass (again)
1.74 beta
- fixed bug when AutoGK increases width above max
- when increasing resolution AutoGK is able to switch matrix back to sharp one
- removed SSE2 version of RemoveGrain
- KernelDeInt updated to version 1.5.2
- autoscroll of log area has been improved
1.73 beta
- more invalid input/output names is checked to avoid problems with DGIndex CLI
- fixed bug when AutoGK gets into infinite loop redoing first pass
- resolution is properly adjusted when redoing first pass
- .sharpmatrix hidden options now affects > 1CD rips as well
1.72 beta
- log area is now automatically scrolled
- AutoGK.ini moved to user home directory
- RemoveGrain.dll does not longer require msvcr70.dll (static linkage)
- LanczosResize is used again
1.70 beta
- sharp resizer is now Lanczos4Resize
- sharp matrix is now EQM V2
- removed support for old XviD and DivX versions. Now only XviD 1.0.2 and DivX 5.2.1 are supported
- fixed some typos in GUI
- Undot() is replaced by RemoveGrain()
- AutoGK is compiled using new visual libraries (may be some GUI bugs there)
- AutoGK's ini file is no longer in windows directory, but in AutoGK home directory
- custom size is persistent across different runs of AutoGK
- broken frame info from VDubMod is ignored and won't stop AutoGK
- current advanced settings are shown in the status bar of AutoGK
- changed i-frames settings for XviD's second pass
- AutoGK assistant can properly be used to set three hidden option in AutoGK home dir (when launched from CTFR-F9)
- "No Audio" setting is not reset when opening new source
- first pass will be rerun if difference to comp test result after first XviD pass is more that 15% or undersize is expected and adjustment of resolution/settings is possible
- added hidden file option ".adjustsubs" that resize _bottom_ subs so that they are not squashed and in place properly (option works only for burnt-in subs)
- added support for launching AutoGK Assistant (the same way as Hidden Options Tool via CTRL-F9)
- info window contains all shortcuts used in AutoGK
- added missing FDecimate.dll and new KernelDeInt to the installer
- fixed bug when "all" subs were selected but only first ones were processed (for external subs)
1.57 beta
- better support of TS sources (better overhead calculations, more precise comp test and credits support)
- fixed small bugs/typos in the log file
- added support for bringing 60/50 fps sources down to 24/25/30 fps via FDecimate and ".fps" hidden file (see hidden_options.txt)
- threshold detection for small hybrid sources is now working
1.55 beta
- maximum width setting can now be larger than source width
- DVD/File mode setting is now persistent across several runs of AutoGK
- KernelDeInt is updated to version 1.5.1
- timeout of 45 min during indexing step is only happening if encoding is not the last one in the queue
1.54 beta
- log file is cleaned up and most of VDubMod scripts logged there can only be viewed when enabled via ".debug" hidden file
- audio stream comments removed in file mode
- muxing options of AC3 audio tracks for ESS-based standalones players changed
- slightly tuned resizing parameters for highly compressible sources
- added PID detection for TS which do not have PAT/PMT via bbSummary (I modified bbInfo 1.9)
- some bugs fixed in handling of second audio in file mode
- 60fps progressive sources are now either kelp at original frame rate or restored to 24fps if 3:2:3:2 dupe pattern found
- added one more optional line to ".autocrop" hidden file to specify starting frame for autocrop operation (useful if beginning logo or into has different AR)
- bundled with Avisynth 2.5.5 (works ONLY with it)
- bundled with XviD 1.0.2
1.53 beta
- hidden options are displayed in the log
- files that are being processed are displayed in the log
- file mode can work with 24fps sources
- added hidden file ".audio_id" to override audio stream in file mode (see hidden_option.txt)
- TS sources are handled more properly when opening in AutoGK
1.52 beta
- half-D1 DVDs are supported again
- support for win95/98/ME is back again (broken in 1.50)
- added support for Win2003 and Longhorn
- included better uninstaller with updates of AutoGK
1.51 beta
- resizing algorithm for >1CD rips is improved to allow higher resolutions
- quality parameters slightly tuned
- fixed bug: analysis step was run on the full source in 1.50
1.50 beta
- added support for DivX 5.2 (only H263 quantanization type)
- fixed bug when subtitle selection was not preserved for consequent sources
- soft matrix for XviD is now Jawor's 1CD matrix (so resizing algorithm was adjusted)
- comp test and analysis step have now lower limit of 2000 frames for better accuracy on short sources
- added hidden option file ".sharpmatrix" to enforce usage of sharp matrix for 1CD (or less) rips
- demuxing timeout is increased to 40 min
- added hidden option file (in AutoGK dir, not input folder) ".itu" which forces ITU resize method like in GK
- fixed bug when non-english characters in output path resulted in "error opening AVI file" exception
1.48 beta
- disappearing arrows in job list/log window bug fixed
- fixed bug in job list hints
- shutdown windows option is not executed if job list is not empty
1.47 beta
- fixed bug: sharp matrix was not used for 1CD or less rips no matter what comp test result was
1.46 beta
- preview is working for NTSC sources more than just one time
- fixed bug when "No Audio/Subs" option was not preserved on source reload (and therefore two audio/sub streams were processed)
- BeSweet updated to version 1.5b29
1.45 beta
- added hints into job list to show settings for each job
- status of combobox for language/subs selection is preserved after new job load (only index not actual language)
- updated doc about hidden options
- added support for multi-program transport streams (pop-up dialog is shown to choose correct program)
1.44 beta
- preview is working for transport streams now
- fixed "audio not found" error for TS sources again
- added support for second audio for TS sources
- added support for ".deint" hidden file (should be input dir) to force deinterlacing of hybrid material
- added support for ".kerneldeint" hidden file (in home dir of AutoGK) which specifies threshold for deinterlacing (1-255, default 10)
1.43 beta
- job list now has automatic horizontal scrollbar
- input file must exist in file mode
- output file name is completed automatically in file mode
- fixed "audio not found" error for transport streams
- if TS has a proper PMT/PAT tables then audio streams of the first program displayed in the GUI
1.42 beta
- added shorcuts for all the buttons:
-- CTRL-O - open input dir dialog
-- CTRL-S - open save file dialog
-- CTRL-E - advanced options window
-- CTRL-P - preview
-- CTRL-A - add to the queue
-- CTRL-R - start encoding
-- CTRL-X - abort encoding
-- CTRL-Up - move job up
-- CTRL-Down - move job down
-- CTRL-D - delete job from the queue
- sharp matrix used for under 700Mb target sizes more frequently
- GUI rearranged a bit
- fixed bug with no audio found in file mode
- if audio file doesn't have delay in its name it still can be processed now
1.41 beta
- DGMPGDec updated to version 1.0.12
- Double click on the tray icon is no longer affects other icons
- added support for overriding autocrop parameters via ".autocrop" file:
first line is a threshold 0-255 (AutoGK uses 34 by default)
second line is number of frames to examine (AutoGK uses 10 by default)
- input file path for transport streams can contain spaces now
- maximum width setting is respected in quality-based mode
- fixed bug in selection of subtitle streams
- added explicit selector for DVD/file input (CTRL-F12 is no longer functional)
1.35 beta
- DGMPGDec updated to version 1.0.11
- added support for 60/50fps sources
- hybrid sources with threshold 0.0 are considered to be FILM
- added preliminary support for transport streams:
-- *.ts, *.tp, *.tsp, *.m2p are considered to be TS
-- ".tstream" in input folder can specify video (first line) and audio (second line) PIDs
-- if not found then DGTable is used to parse PAT/PMT tables and first video and audio streams are picked up
-- if tables are not present then default 11/14 PIDs are used
-- only MPA and AC3 audio is supported (use no audio option in case other types are in TS)
- added check for successful audio encoding
- added option to set maximum width
- heavily rewritten resolution-chooser algorithm and fixed a couple of bugs there
- bundled with XviD 1.0.1
1.30 beta
- AutoGK works now with DGMPGDec 1.0.9
- removed test for alternative field order for PAL sources
- video type and AR is taken from D2V file now
- added support for direct opening of MPEG2 files (VOB/M2V/MPG/MPEG). Enabled by CTRL-F12
- fixed problem of cutting off last few seconds of video during splitting
- installer fixes AVI file association to prevent "Error opening AVI" after comp test
- added option to rip all subtitle streams (only when using external subs)
- message "WinRar is not found" is no longer displayed when internal subs are used
- improved parsing of stream info file
- comp test limit is reduced to 65% for XviD 1.0 (resulting in higher resolution output)
- added more debug info into logs
- indexing/demuxing step has now timeout of 30 min after which job will be aborted to allow the queue to proceed
- subtitle splitting step has now timeout of 5 min after which job will proceed anyway
- bitrate for mono encoding is now always half of the bitrate set on advanced options window
- resizing algorithm changed heavily to accommodate upcoming support for different input sources (ITU standard is no longer applied)
- field order, aspect ratio and resolution is now taken during encoding from D2V file
- maximum width is increased to 1920
- max quality and target quality modes are using source input width and not predefined width of 720/704
- updated DVD2AVIdg to version 1.3.0 Final (which should solve issues with small cut off of movie endings)
- updated decomb.dll to version 5.2.1
- AutoGK and OS versions are now put in the logs
- updated documentation
1.24 beta
- updated DVD2AVIdg to version 1.3.0 RC3
- AutoGK detects MMX, SSE and SSE2 CPUs and chooses correct iDCT for DVD2AVIdg
- if CPU is not MMX-enabled - AutoGK won't start
- tray icon is restored after Explorer crash on win2000/XP
- updated BeSweet to version 1.5b28
- auto-resize is now mod 16
- XviD 1.0 final bundled
1.23 beta
- added support for half D1 DVDs
- update DVD2AVIdg to version 1.3.0 beta 6
- fix settings of fixed size of 1024
- fixed size increment is now 16 instead of 32
- some new icons
1.22 beta
- maximum fixed resolution is increased to 1024
- number of frames is detected correctly with new DVD2AVIdg
- language tracks info is added as comments to the video AVI stream (to use with MMSwitch)
1.21 beta
- fixed handling of pure FILM sources (bug introduced in 1.20)
1.20 beta
- updated BeSweet to version 1.5b27
- updated DVD2AVIdg to version 1.2.0 RC7 (testing required)
- input AR less than 1.4 is considered 4:3 material and that output AR is forced
1.19 beta
- fixed runtime 216 error for HT CPUs on startup
- forced subs are correctly displayed in the preview when selected
- changed normalized parameter of BeSweet to hybridgain again
- CTRL-F9 now launches Hidden Options tool if it resides in the same dir as AutoGK (plus current path is propagated to it - requires version 0.6+)
1.18 beta
- credits option for pure FILM sources is picked up properly
- fixed BeSweet 1.5b26 included
1.17 beta
- CTRL-F10 shortcut is no longer global and should not interfere with any other application (but rather works only on AutoGK active window)
- resolution settings are adjusted for XviD 1.0 RC4 comp test
- AC3 muxing setting are now 96ms/96ms
1.16 beta
- fixed bug when pure FILM movies cannot be processed (introduced in 1.14)
- overhead for second audio stream is calculated properly in auto mode
- when old XviD is detected during setup, warning is displayed and new XviD is not installed
1.14 beta
- field operations (ivtc, deinterlace) are performed before crop now to avoid colour problems
- new logo and icon for AutoGK
- added hidden_options.txt file which describes all hidden options
- added XviD 1.0 RC4 and BeSweet 1.5b26 to the installer as we're getting closer to stable release
1.12 beta
- fixed oversize when using credits option for XviD
- added quality percentage(20-100) and greyscale(TRUE,FALSE - capital letters) options to .credits file (should be second and third line in that file, just frame number doesn't work anymore)
- added "no audio" option to the list of audio tracks
- more info displayed in the logs about hidden options used (also log file is cleaned up a bit)
1.10 beta
- added support for mono audio tracks: if its describe as '1ch' in stream info file then AutoGK automatically does mono mp3 conversion or you can use usual ".mono" file to force it
- links to the new website updated
- advanced settings are restored on startup even if advanced window wasn't shown yet (bug introduced in 1.08)
1.09 beta
- changed the size of DVDRs related predefined sizes
- added support for cartoon mode for XviD 1.0 (via file ".cartoon" in input dir)
- added support for end credits for XviD 1.0 (via file ".credits" in input directory containing just a frame number in it)
1.08 beta
- added support for ".ivtc" control file in input dir to force normal IVTC on hybrid-detected material
- location of autogk.ini file has changed from install dir to windows dir (so default advanced settings are lost on update from previous versions)
- added 1/3, 1/4, 1/5 and 1/6 of DVDR as predefined sizes
1.07 beta
- fixed problem with encoding/muxing of second audio in some cases
- another attempt to solve HT issues (please report if it works or not)
1.05 beta
- second audio can be set explicitly to a given type in non-auto modes
- autosplit works correctly with two audio streams
- added support for XviD 1.0 which is automatically detected
- updated documentation
0.98 beta
- program doesn't hang anymore if no codecs are installed
- added check for previous version, so that update cannot be run without AutoGK installed already
0.96 beta
- second subtitle is properly displayed in the logs
- advanced audio settings are working properly again
0.95 beta
- fixed bug "divided by zero" after analysis step in rare cases
- audio bitrate is always 128kbps for MP3 in Auto Mode
- added support for ESS-based standalone DivX players (if selected during install then MPEG/H.263 matrixes are used instead of custom ones)
- slightly tuned resizing algorithm
- added support for second subtitle stream (only when using external subs) CTRL-F10 hotkey as usual
- changed handling of errors during audio demuxing/transcoding (no more errors about audio being 4Gb in size)
- small internal enhancement of analysis step
- new decomb 5.1.1 included (thanks sh0dan) which solved green picture problems
0.92 beta
- fixed bug when DVD2AVI was started two times in a row for indexing
- second audio is now always MP3 in Auto Mode
- new VDubMod is no longer packaged with update (please reinstall 0.8, then update with 0.92)
- changed normalization audio option from hybrid gain to post gain
0.90 beta
- min bitrate for VBR (ABR) is now 80kbps to avoid crashes in BeSweet
- added support for second audio, but it's hidden by default (press CTRL-F10 to enable it)
- added Delimiter(0,255,0,255) after decomb's filters to avoid green colour rips
0.89 beta
- fixed bug when audio could get out of synch after split
- added 2Gb predefined size
0.88 beta
- several minor job queue bugs fixed
- added icons for job queue buttons
- improved hybrid source handling again
- quality based mode sizing for XviD fixed
0.86 alpha
- fixed transparency of the main window for XP themes
0.85 alpha
- added support for DVDDecrypter 3.1.8 and higher
- added automatic PGC and Angle selection for subs from name of input files (use corresponding options from DVDDecrypter)
- fixed detection of WinRar installation dir
- audio MP3 encoding options changed (ABR and boosting)
- added job queue
- improved handling of hybrid sources (thanks for the tips, bilu)
- undot filter is not used if non SSE-enabled CPU is detected
- fixed problem when external subs are selected, but no sub stream is chosen
- tray menu improved
- updated tutorial
- maximum width of "minimal width" mode is now 640 instead of 720
- added possibility of custom subs settings picked up from "subs.settings" in input directory. It should have two lines like this:
0 - first is angle (0 if none)
2 - second is PGC
if file is not found then no angles and PGC 1 is assumed
0.77 beta
- make AutoGK work with VDubMod (although its not included in the installer and its usage not recommended yet)
- added tray icon when minimized
- improved autocrop & smartcrop
- xvid quality based mode improved
- chroma optimizer option is on for XviD by default
- new transparent logo in info window
0.75 beta
- fixed problem with preview and external subtitles
- added auto split of subs
- no more crashes while parsing of input folder - proper error message is displayed instead
0.74 beta
- max mp3 bitrate increased to 320kbps
- quality based mode for XviD now gives proper output size
- quality based mode now uses b-frames for both XviD and DivX
- added support for up to 32 subs stream
- added support for external subs (no splitting yet): <movie>.idx and <movie>.rar are created in the output dir only if WinRAR is installed on the system, otherwise internal subtitles will be used
0.72 beta
- added quality based encoding (single pass)
- added support for forced subtitles
- fixed output directory locking while application is running
- added more info in the log file
- added balloon hints to main window
0.70 beta
- fixed avisynth crop error for non-standard video sources
- output resolution and AR is printed in the logs now
0.69 beta
- tmp dir renames to agk_tmp to avoid confusion
- max custom size increased to 10,000 Mb
- AutoGK can be run without admin rights on NT-based systems
0.68 beta
- fixed problem with output size > 2Gb
- improved help icon
- improved readability of the log file (formatting mainly)
- new VDubMod splitting problem fixed
- XviD codec startup error fixed (if XviD is not installed)
0.66 beta
- reduced bitrate for DivX to remove slight oversize
- implemented check for installed codecs on startup
- long movies are handled more properly
- new start & abort buttons
- new NSIS installer
0.65 beta
- added DivX 5.1.1 Pro support
- preview no longer require analysis
- audio encoding and sub indexing is done after analysis step
- fixed bug with saving/restoring of advanced settings (note name of the ini in root AutoGK folder changed)
- Max key frames interval is now always 10 sec and depends on output framerate
- fixed bug when aborting preview operation
- hybrid detection parameters slightly adjusted
- scroll arrows of the log window are always visible now
- double usage of softer resizer fixed
- fixed crash on exit while encoding
- first pass AVI is not saved anymore (to save some space)
- updated tutorial
0.49 beta
- autosplit only works if you select 2 or 3 CDs as target size now
- icons update
- minor cosmetic changes
0.48 beta
- fixed crash when source had more than 16 audio/subs streams
- muxing of audio is now done during second/single pass to save some space
- PAL sources with swapped field order can now be recognized (and appropriate option is selected in d2v file)
- new input folder selector
- implemented a check for input folder validity
- new icons
- updated tutorial
0.45 beta
- more information in shown logs (settings, duration and speed)
- ivtc/intrelace/hybrid detection changed again
- parsing of stream info file now relies on stream description, so that all types of audio/video/subtitles can be recognized
- fixed bug with advanced setting picked up wrongly on startup
- Neutral Bicubic is now used as softer resizer
- resizing algorithm refined with respect of keeping sharp resizer as long as possible
- d2v file is created with SSEMMX iDCT instead of FPU (encoding should be a bit faster)
- autosplit is improved (should not create more overhead while splitting)
- updated tutorial
- some minor bug fixes
0.4 beta
- added a tutorial help file
- first installer version
- fixed shutdown bug after preview
- history and license files are created, usage.txt is removed
- added third-party tools links
0.37 alpha
- added shutdown when done option
- added support for unknown languages in stream info file
- changed detection and handling for hybrid sources
0.35 alpha
- improved parsing of stream info file
- audio and subs are now handled in a more generic way (should be much less errors like "audio not found")
- extended subs information now displayed from stream info file
- fixed problem with preview and subs
- improved telecining/interlacing detection
- new type of source can be recognized: hybrid (both mostly FILM and NTSC)
- for pure FILM sources analysis pass is no longer run
- small internal fixes
0.33 alpha
- fixes oversize problem in some cases
0.32 alpha
- audio bitrate increment is now 16kbps
- video length is displayed in info when working with IFO files
- preview works again
- program asks to abort encoding when closing
- rough check for free size on output drive is implemented
0.31 alpha
- GREATLY improved compressibility test accuracy
- threshold for detecting interlaced frames was increased
- final quality is reported now after first pass
0.3 alpha
- "Bitrate 0" problem fixed
- symbols "[]" are not allowed in the input and output paths
- output can be a root directory now
- IFO mode can now correctly pick longest chain and use it all the way through (if it's the only chain in vobset though)
- "tmp" dir is cleared now on job start
- final video is split if its more than one CD (more than 702 Mb)
- Default deinterlacer is now KernelDeInt
- 4:3 input sources are kept with proper 4:3 aspect ratio (most of the time)