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- function ShowPopup (file, flags, width, height) {
- var path;
- var i;
- var str1;
- var str2;
- var cc;
- i = file.indexOf (":"); // if file has a colon, just use it
- if (i == -1) {
- // make full path for string
- if (GetBrowser () == 1) { // make full path
- path = GetPath (0, 0);
- cc = path.substring (path.length - 1, path.length);
- if (cc != '\\' && cc != '/')
- path += "/";
- path += file;
- }
- else
- path = file;
- }
- else
- path = file;
- PopObj.ShowPopup (path, flags, width, height);
- };
- function LaunchApp (app, cmdline) {
- var path;
- path = GetPath (1, 1);
- LaunchObj.LaunchApp2 (app, cmdline, path);
- };
- function ShowHHSecWindow (topic, wndclass) {
- var chm_path;
- if (FullDHTML () == 1)
- chm_path = document.location.href;
- else
- chm_path = document.location;
- if (chm_path.charAt(0)=="m" && chm_path.charAt(1)=="k" && chm_path.charAt(2)==":") {
- chm_path = FixSpaces (chm_path);
- PopObj.ShowSecondaryWindow (chm_path, topic, wndclass);
- }
- else
- alert ("You must have a compiled file to perform a secondary window jump");
- };
- function GetPath (remove_file, path_only) {
- var path;
- var i;
- var str1;
- var str2;
- var cc;
- if (FullDHTML () == 1)
- str1 = document.location.href;
- else
- str1 = document.location;
- // check to see if mk:@MSIT...
- if (str1.charAt(0)=="m" && str1.charAt(1)=="k" && str1.charAt(2)==":") {
- str1 = FixSpaces (str1);
- // parse string and convert all \ to /
- i = 0;
- str2 = "";
- while (i < str1.length - 1) {
- cc = str1.charAt (i);
- if (cc == "\\") {
- if (str2 != "mk:")
- str2 += "/";
- }
- else {
- if (cc == "/") {
- if (str2 != "mk:")
- str2 += cc;
- }
- else
- str2 += cc;
- }
- i++;
- }
- i = str2.lastIndexOf ("::");
- if (i != -1)
- path = str2.substring (0, i+2); // go beyond ::
- }
- else {
- i = str1.lastIndexOf ("\\");
- if (i == -1) // try with /
- i = str1.lastIndexOf ("/");
- if (i != -1)
- path = str1.substring (0, i+1);
- }
- if (remove_file == 1) { // take file:/// off front
- i = -1;
- i = path.indexOf ("file:///");
- if (i >= 0)
- path = path.substring (i + 8);
- }
- if (path_only == 1) { // strip mk:@msitStore
- i = -1;
- i = path.indexOf ("mk:@MSITStore:");
- if (i >= 0) {
- path = path.substring (i + 14);
- // strip off .chm file name
- i = -1;
- i = path.lastIndexOf ("/");
- if (i >= 0)
- path = path.substring (0, i);
- }
- }
- return path;
- }
- function FixSpaces (chm_path) {
- var front, back;
- var i;
- i = chm_path.indexOf ("%20");
- while (i != -1) {
- front = chm_path.substring (0, i);
- back = chm_path.substring (i + 3, chm_path.length);
- chm_path = front + " " + back;
- i = chm_path.indexOf ("%20");
- }
- return chm_path;
- }