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- /* Copyright 1998 ForeFront Inc. All rights reserved.
- This file contains all necessary JavaScript funtions to apply the following
- Dynamic HTML effects:
- Blend Transitions
- Reveal Transitions
- Application of Visual Filters
- Application of Text Formatting
- Cursor Changes
- Toggle of Display and Visibility Attributes
- This file is designed to be used with ForeHTML Pro 3.5. */
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /********************************************************************************************
- ChangeTextFormat (element id, new style values)
- - This function can alter the following style attributes:
- fontSize, fontFamily, fontWeight, fontVariant, fontStyle, textDecoration, & verticalAlign
- - format of style string:
- fontSize:#;fontFamily:$...
- - to leave a default value do not add the attribute to the list
- - to clear an attribute specify a * for example: textDecoration:*
- *********************************************************************************************/
- function ChangeTextFormat (eID, newStyle) {
- var attr;
- var value;
- var index;
- if (! FullDHTML ())
- return;
- index = newStyle.indexOf (';');
- while (index != -1) {
- attr = newStyle.substring (0, index); // this is the actual attribute
- newStyle = newStyle.substring (index + 1, newStyle.length); // chop off the current attribute
- index = attr.indexOf (':');
- if (index != -1) { // we have a valid attribute
- value = attr.substring (index + 1, attr.length);
- attr = attr.substring (0, index);
- if (value == '*')
- value = "";
- eID.style[attr] = value;
- // go through sub P's, DIV's and SPANS's and set styles there too, they override
- for (i = 0; i < eID.all.tags("p").length; i++) {
- sub = eID.all.tags("p")[i];
- sub.style[attr] = value;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < eID.all.tags("div").length; i++) {
- sub = eID.all.tags("div")[i];
- sub.style[attr] = value;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < eID.all.tags("span").length; i++) {
- sub = eID.all.tags("span")[i];
- sub.style[attr] = value;
- }
- }
- if (newStyle != "")
- index = newStyle.indexOf (';');
- else
- index = -1;
- }
- if (newStyle != "") { // we still have one attr left
- attr = newStyle;
- index = attr.indexOf (':');
- if (index != -1) { // we have a valid attribute
- value = attr.substring (index + 1, attr.length);
- attr = attr.substring (0, index);
- if (value == '*')
- value = "";
- eID.style[attr] = value;
- // go through sub P's, DIV's and SPANS's and set styles there too, they override
- for (i = 0; i < eID.all.tags("p").length; i++) {
- sub = eID.all.tags("p")[i];
- sub.style[attr] = value;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < eID.all.tags("div").length; i++) {
- sub = eID.all.tags("div")[i];
- sub.style[attr] = value;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < eID.all.tags("span").length; i++) {
- sub = eID.all.tags("span")[i];
- sub.style[attr] = value;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /********************************************************************************************
- PlayTransition (element ID)
- - this function will play an assigned reveal or blend transition
- - the transition must be defined in the style of the object
- - the duration and type (if reveal) must also be defined
- - if the transition has already been played, it will not be played again
- - you must also set in the style: vivibility:hidden; width:auto
- *********************************************************************************************/
- function HideObj (eID) {
- eID.style.visibility = "hidden";
- }
- function PlayTransition (eID) {
- if (! FullDHTML ())
- return;
- if (eID.filters.revealTrans) {
- if (eID.filters.revealTrans.status == 0) {
- HideObj (eID);
- eID.filters.revealTrans.apply();
- eID.style.visibility = "";
- eID.filters.revealTrans.play();
- }
- }
- else if (eID.filters.blendTrans) {
- if (eID.filters.blendTrans.status == 0) {
- HideObj (eID);
- eID.filters.blendTrans.apply();
- eID.style.visibility = "";
- eID.filters.blendTrans.play();
- }
- }
- }
- /********************************************************************************************
- PlayAllTransitions ()
- - this function will be called duing onLoad, all DIV and SPAN objects will be checked
- for playTransOnLoad = 1 attribute
- - the transition must be defined in the style of the object
- - the duration and type (if reveal) must also be defined
- - if the transition has already been played, it will not be played again
- - you must also set in the style: vivibility:hidden; width:auto
- *********************************************************************************************/
- var load_only = 1;
- function PlayAllTransitions () {
- if (! FullDHTML ())
- return;
- var eID;
- for (i = 0; i < document.all.tags("div").length; i++) {
- eID = document.all.tags("div")[i];
- if (! load_only || eID.getAttribute ("playTransOnLoad") == 1)
- PlayTransition (eID);
- }
- for (i = 0; i < document.all.tags("span").length; i++) {
- eID = document.all.tags("span")[i];
- if (! load_only || eID.getAttribute ("playTransOnLoad") == 1)
- PlayTransition (eID);
- }
- for (i = 0; i < document.all.tags("img").length; i++) {
- eID = document.all.tags("img")[i];
- if (! load_only || eID.getAttribute ("playTransOnLoad") == 1)
- PlayTransition (eID);
- }
- }
- function ReplayAllTransitions () {
- load_only = 0;
- PlayAllTransitions ();
- }
- /********************************************************************************************
- ToggleDisplay (element ID)
- - this function will toggle the display attribute of an object
- - when hidden, no space in the document will be reserved for this object
- *********************************************************************************************/
- function ToggleDisplay (eID) {
- if (! FullDHTML ())
- return;
- if (eID.style.display == "none")
- eID.style.display = "";
- else
- eID.style.display = "none";
- }
- /********************************************************************************************
- ToggleVisibility (element ID)
- - this function will toggle the visibility attribute of an object
- - when hidden, space in the document will be reserved for this object
- *********************************************************************************************/
- function ToggleVisibility (eID) {
- if (! FullDHTML ())
- return;
- if (eID.style.visibility == "hidden")
- eID.style.visibility = "visible";
- else
- eID.style.visibility = "hidden";
- }
- /********************************************************************************************
- ChangeCursor (element ID, cursor type)
- - this function will change the cursor when over the current object
- - to reset value, use cursor type 'auto'
- *********************************************************************************************/
- function ChangeCursor (eID, cursorType) {
- if (! FullDHTML ())
- return;
- if (eID == '')
- document.body.style.cursor = cursorType;
- else
- eID.style.cursor = cursorType;
- }
- /********************************************************************************************
- ApplyFilter (element ID, filter string)
- - this function will apply a visible filter to the current object
- - you may only apply one filter at a time
- - to remove the filter set filter string to ""
- - you must set style="width:auto"
- - the syntax of the filter string is for example: ApplyFilter (eID, 'Glow(color=#FF0000,strength=2)')
- *********************************************************************************************/
- function ApplyFilter (eID, filterStr) {
- if (! FullDHTML ())
- return;
- eID.style.filter = filterStr;
- }
- /********************************************************************************************
- ChangeImage (element ID, image)
- - this function will toggle between two images
- - the original image will be stored in a origImage attribute
- - the secondary image will be stored in secImage attribute
- - if image parameter is non-empty, the image will be set to that image
- *********************************************************************************************/
- function ChangeImage (eID, image) {
- if (!FullDHTML && ! PartialDHTML ())
- return;
- var orig;
- if (eID.imgArray == null) {
- eID.imgArray = new Array (5);
- eID.imgCt = 0;
- }
- if (image == "" && eID.imgCt != 0) {
- image = eID.imgArray[eID.imgCt];
- eID.imgCt--;
- eID.src = image;
- }
- else if (image != "") {
- eID.imgCt++;
- eID.imgArray[eID.imgCt] = eID.src;
- eID.src = image;
- }
- }
- /*****************************************************************************************
- ChangeImageState (id, image id, visible image, hidden image)
- parameter list:
- id is the ID of the object that, based on display state, will determine image to display
- id_img is the id of the image to change
- img_visible is the file name of the visible image
- img_hidden is the file name of the hidden image
- Usage: When using the ToggleDisplay function, this function can be used to change an image based on the state
- of the object being shown or hidden
- *******************************************************************************************/
- function ChangeImageState (id, img_id, img_visible, img_hidden) {
- if (id.style.display == "none") // set image to img_hidden
- ChangeImage (img_id, img_hidden); // ChangeImage defined in FH_DHTML.js
- else
- ChangeImage (img_id, img_visible);
- }
- /******************************************************************************************
- ToggleGroupDisplay (show object id, hide object id 1, hide object id 2...)
- Use this function to toggle the display attribute of a group of objects
- *******************************************************************************************/
- function ToggleGroupDisplay () {
- // show main object
- if (ToggleGroupDisplay.arguments[0].name != "") {
- if (ToggleGroupDisplay.arguments[0].style.display == "none") {
- ToggleGroupDisplay.arguments[0].style.display = "";
- }
- }
- // go through variable array and hide the rest
- for (var i = 1; i < ToggleGroupDisplay.arguments.length; i++) {
- if (ToggleGroupDisplay.arguments[i].style.display == "")
- ToggleGroupDisplay.arguments[i].style.display = "none";
- }
- }
- /******************************************************************************************
- ToggleGroupVisibility (show object id, hide object id 1, hide object id 2...)
- Use this function to toggle the visibility attribute of a group of objects
- *******************************************************************************************/
- function ToggleGroupVisibility () {
- // show main object
- if (ToggleGroupVisibility.arguments[0].style.visibility == "hidden")
- ToggleGroupVisibility.arguments[0].style.visibility = "visible";
- // go through variable array and hide the rest
- for (var i = 1; i < ToggleGroupVisibility.arguments.length; i++) {
- if (ToggleGroupVisibility.arguments[i].style.visibility == "visible")
- ToggleGroupVisibility.arguments[i].style.visibility = "hidden";
- }
- }