1056 Convert this folder name to a UNC folder name
1057 Include this folder and all subfolders of this folder
1059 Include only this folder and not any subfolders
1060 Creating index %1
1061 Opening index %1
1062 Checking files to be indexed
1063 Compressing index
1064 %1 in %2 (%4 %3 bytes)
1065 %1 in %2 (size %3, type %4)\n Encrypted
1066 %1 in %2 (size %3)\n Not indexed (binary file skipped)
1067 %1 in %2 (size %3, type %4)\n Not indexed (file could not be accessed). Additional information:\n %5
1068 \n\n* * * Indexing complete * * *\n %1 file(s) were added to the index.\n %2 file(s) were removed from the index.\n
1069 Unable to create index '%1' in '%2'.
1070 Select folder for index
1071 Do you want to create a new index library in '%1'?
1072 No index was found in '%1'.
1073 Index '%1' created in folder '%2'.\n\nWould you like to add documents to the index now?
1074 Stop indexing?
1075 Stop immediately? \n\nClick Yes if you want dtSearch to stop indexing immediately, or click No if you want dtSearch to save the results of indexing so far and then stop.
1076 Checking file %1 of %2 -- '%3'
1077 Merging file %1 of %2 -- '%3'
1078 Merging word %1 of %2 -- '%3'
1079 Done merging indexes
1080 Stop verifying index?
1081 Index verified -- no errors detected.
1082 Index '%1' is corrupt. \n\nAdditional information: \n%2
1083 Unable to access index in '%1'
1084 Add new or modified documents
1085 Clear index before adding documents
1086 Compress index after adding documents
1087 Remove deleted documents from index
1088 Delete scheduled task '%1'?
1089 dtSearch Indexer Status (%d%% done)
1090 dtSearch (%d%%)
1091 %1 files were not indexed because dtSearch could not access them.
1092 %1 binary files were not indexed.
1093 %1 files were not indexed because they were encrypted.
1094 %1 files were added to the index (total size: %2k)
1095 %1 files were removed from the index.
1096 Click 'View Log' for details.
1097 Indexing complete.
1098 Indexing stopped. The index was not updated.
1099 Start logging diagnostic information?
1100 dtSearch is logging diagnostic information. Would you like to turn off diagnostic logging?
1101 Location
1102 Word count
1103 Document count
1104 Filename filters
1105 Exclude Filters
1106 Last updated
1107 Index property
1108 Value
1109 Created
1110 Compressed
1111 Index size
1112 Obsolete data
1113 dtSearch could not create or initialize the index in %1. Indexing could not be completed.\n\nThe index folder may be on a drive that is not currently accessible, or you may not have the network permissions required to write to this folder.
1114 dtSearch could not add the index to your index library. The library may be in a location that you cannot access right now (such as a network drive) or it may be read-only.
1115 An index already exists in %1. \n\nDo you want to overwrite it?
1138 There does not appear to be enough space available on the disk for indexing to complete. \n\nEstimated space needed: %1 k\nSpace available: %2 k\n\nContinue anyway?
1139 Reading files
1140 Checking files
1141 Storing words
1142 Merging words into index
1143 Compressing index
1144 Initializing index
1145 Indexing complete
1146 Opening index for update
1147 Stop merging indexes?
1148 Cache text
1149 Cache original files
1150 Stored fields
1151 Warning:\n\nThis dialog box lets you capture login information for the dtSearch Spider to use when indexing a web site.\n\nLogin information will be saved in your index folder, so anyone with access to the index files will be able to obtain your user name and password.\n\nContinue anyway?
1152 Some items could not be accessed.
57637 Paste list of files, folders, or web sites from the clipboard
57638 Unable to access the index in %1.
57639 Access denied. Another user may be updating this index.
61513 Indexing halted -- there is not enough disk space available.
61514 CD Documents Folder
61515 Select a folder to add to the index.
61516 The indexes could not be merged. \n\nAdditional information: %1
61517 dtSearch must minimize the Outlook window that is open before an Outlook folder can be selected.\n\nClick Yes if this is OK, or click No to cancel and return to dtSearch.
61518 Index update failed. Changes to the index in '%1' could not be saved.\n\nThe index may be damaged. Try updating the index again with the 'Clear index before adding documents' box checked (this will rebuild the index).
61519 dtSearch could not modify the index library '%1'. The file may be read-only, or you may not have sufficient access rights to change it.
61520 dtSearch could not access the index library '%1'.
61521 Percent full
61522 An earlier update of this index did not complete. Would you like to resume that update now?