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00002403 29 v 03 breathe 0 take_a_breath 0 respire 0 014 * 00004022 v 0000 * 00003593 v 0000 ^ 00003593 v 0103 ^ 00004022 v 0102 ~ 00002778 v 0000 ~ 00002909 v 0000 ~ 00003345 v 0000 ~ 00003475 v 0000 ~ 00003593 v 0000 ~ 00004022 v 0000 ~ 00004262 v 0000 ~ 00005004 v 0000 ~ 00005369 v 0000 ~ 00011104 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | draw air into, and expel out of, the lungs
00002778 29 v 01 choke 0 001 @ 00002403 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | breathe with great difficulty, as when experiencing a strong emotion
00002909 29 v 02 hyperventilate 0 breathe_excessively 0 001 @ 00002403 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | "The mountain climber started to hyperventilate"
00003051 29 v 02 aspirate 0 suck_in_air 0 001 @ 00004022 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00003129 29 v 05 burp 0 bubble 0 belch 0 eruct 0 expel_gas 0 001 @ 00062533 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | "In China it is polite to burp at the table"
00003272 29 v 01 force_out 0 001 @ 00062533 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00003345 29 v 03 hiccup 0 hiccough 0 make_a_hiccup 0 001 @ 00002403 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | breathe spasmodically, and make a sound
00003475 29 v 03 sigh 0 heave_a_sigh 0 utter_a_sigh 0 001 @ 00002403 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | breathe deeply and heavily
00003593 29 v 04 exhale 0 expire 0 breathe_out 0 expel_air 0 004 @ 00002403 v 0000 ! 00004022 v 0101 ~ 00004885 v 0000 ~ 00005260 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | "Exhale when you lift the weight"
00003880 29 v 01 sneeze 0 002 * 00003593 v 0000 @ 00006827 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | exhale spasmodically, as when an irritant entered one's nose
00004022 29 v 03 inhale 0 breathe_in 0 draw_in_air 0 008 @ 00002403 v 0000 ! 00003593 v 0101 ~ 00003051 v 0000 ~ 00005489 v 0000 ~ 00060428 v 0000 ~ 00682008 v 0000 ~ 00682463 v 0000 ~ 00682831 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | "Inhale deeply"
00004262 29 v 03 pant 0 puff 0 gasp 0 001 @ 00002403 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | breathe noisily, as when one is exhausted
00004379 29 v 01 cough 0 006 @ 00004688 v 0000 ^ 00004688 v 0103 ^ 00004688 v 0102 ^ 01255044 v 0101 ~ 00004599 v 0000 ~ 00022879 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | exhale abruptly, as when one has a chest cold or congestion
00004599 29 v 02 hack 0 whoop 0 001 @ 00004379 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | cough_spasmodically
00004688 29 v 04 expectorate 0 cough_up 0 cough_out 0 spit_up 0 005 @ 00062229 v 0000 ~ 00004379 v 0000 ~ 00022979 v 0000 ~ 00060533 v 0000 ~ 00060662 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | discharge for the lungs
00004885 29 v 02 snort 0 exhale_forcibly 0 001 @ 00003593 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | make a snorting sound by exhaling hard
00005004 29 v 02 wheeze 0 breathe_hard 0 001 @ 00002403 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | breathe with difficulty
00005106 29 v 02 puff 1 huff 0 001 @ 00005260 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | blow hard
00005184 29 v 01 breathe 3 001 @ 00005260 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | blow softly
00005260 29 v 01 blow 0 003 @ 00003593 v 0000 ~ 00005106 v 0000 ~ 00005184 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | exhale hard
00005369 29 v 02 yawn 0 utter_a_yawn 0 001 @ 00002403 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | as from lack of oxygne or when one is tired
00005489 29 v 02 sniff 0 sniffle 0 001 @ 00004022 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | inhale audibly
00005576 29 v 04 blink 0 wink 0 nictitate 0 nictate 0 002 @ 00006827 v 0000 ~ 00005707 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | briefly shut the eyes
00005707 29 v 02 bat 0 flutter 0 001 @ 00005576 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "bat one's eyelids"; wink briefly
00005811 29 v 02 wink 2 signal_by_winking 0 001 @ 00559482 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | "She winked at him"
00005912 29 v 05 wink 1 blink 1 blink_away 0 force_back 0 force_away 0 001 @ 00274177 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of tears
00006029 29 v 03 squint 0 squinch 0 cross_one's_eyes 0 001 @ 00022396 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | partly close one's eyes
00006145 29 v 01 wince 0 001 @ 00022396 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | make a face indicating disgust or dislike
00006249 29 v 05 shed 0 molt 0 exuviate 0 moult 0 slough 0 002 @ 00869802 v 0000 ~ 00006414 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | cast off hair, skin, horn, or feathers; of animals
00006414 29 v 02 desquamate 0 peel_off 0 001 @ 00006249 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | peel off in scales; of skin
00006520 29 v 02 twitch 0 jerk 0 001 @ 00006640 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 23 00 | make an uncontrolled, short, jerky motion
00006640 29 v 02 move_involuntarily 0 move_reflexively 0 004 @ 01043075 v 0000 ~ 00006520 v 0000 ~ 00008871 v 0000 ~ 00008979 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 23 00 | move in an uncontrolled manner
00006827 29 v 02 act_involuntarily 0 act_reflexively 0 005 @ 00007021 v 0000 ~ 00003880 v 0000 ~ 00005576 v 0000 ~ 00060355 v 0000 ~ 00060997 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | act in an uncontrolled manner
00007021 29 v 02 act 0 behave 0 024 ^ 01211303 v 0101 ~ 00006827 v 0000 ~ 00007652 v 0000 ~ 00007784 v 0000 ~ 00007927 v 0000 ~ 00008015 v 0000 ~ 00008116 v 0000 ~ 00008206 v 0000 ~ 00008319 v 0000 ~ 00008435 v 0000 ~ 00008579 v 0000 ~ 00008768 v 0000 ~ 00062746 v 0000 ~ 00063375 v 0000 ~ 00063873 v 0000 ~ 00063972 v 0000 ~ 01016551 v 0000 ~ 01345200 v 0000 ~ 01425659 v 0000 ~ 01426049 v 0000 ~ 01426771 v 0000 ~ 01466878 v 0000 ~ 01469868 v 0000 ~ 01543195 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 07 00 | behave in a certain manner; show a certain behavior; conduct or comport oneself; "You should act like an adult"; "Don't behave like a fool"
00007652 29 v 01 make 8 001 @ 00007021 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | act in a certain way so as to acquire; "make "friends"; "make enemies"
00007784 29 v 03 swagger 0 bluster 0 swash 0 001 @ 00007021 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | act in an arrogant, overly self-assured, or conceited manner
00007927 29 v 01 freeze 2 001 @ 00007021 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | behave cold and formally
00008015 29 v 01 wanton 0 001 @ 00007021 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | behave extremely cruelly and brutally
00008116 29 v 01 romanticize 0 001 @ 00007021 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | act in a romantic way
00008206 29 v 02 sentimentalise 0 sentimentalize 0 001 @ 00007021 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | act in a sentimental way
00008319 29 v 03 bungle 0 behave_clumsily 0 behave_foolishly 0 001 @ 00007021 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | "I bungled it!"
00008435 29 v 01 play 0 001 @ 00007021 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | engage in an activity as if it were a game: "They played games on their opponents"
00008579 29 v 03 act 1 play 1 act_as 0 001 @ 00007021 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | pretend to have certain qualities or state of mind; "He acted the idiot"; "She plays deaf when the news are bad"
00008768 29 v 01 stooge 0 001 @ 00007021 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | "He stooged for the flamboyant Senator"
00008871 29 v 03 tremble 0 shake 0 didder 0 001 @ 00006640 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | move with a tremor
00008979 29 v 03 shiver 0 shudder 0 dither 0 001 @ 00006640 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | as form cold or fear
00009090 29 v 03 rest 0 repose 0 be_quiescent 0 003 ! 00009222 v 0101 ~ 00009337 v 0000 ~ 00010543 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | be at rest
00009222 29 v 02 be_active 0 move 6 002 ! 00009090 v 0101 ~ 01192874 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | be in a state of action
00009337 29 v 05 sleep 0 kip 0 slumber 0 log_Z's 0 catch_some_Z's 0 011 @ 00009090 v 0000 ! 00013338 v 0101 ^ 00010122 v 0102 ^ 00010122 v 0101 ^ 00668421 v 0102 ^ 00668531 v 0102 ~ 00009632 v 0000 ~ 00009913 v 0000 ~ 00010122 v 0000 ~ 00010225 v 0000 ~ 00010391 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | be asleep
00009632 29 v 02 bundle 0 practice_bundling 0 001 @ 00009337 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | sleep fully clothed in the same bed with one's betrothed
00009772 29 v 03 snooze 0 drowse 1 doze 0 002 @ 00009913 v 0000 ^ 00011259 v 0309 01 + 02 00 | sleep lightly or for a short period of time
00009913 29 v 03 nap 0 catnap 0 catch_a_wink 0 002 @ 00009337 v 0000 ~ 00009772 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | take a siesta
00010029 29 v 01 oversleep 0 001 * 00009337 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | sleep longer than intended
00010122 29 v 02 sleep_late 0 sleep_in 0 001 @ 00009337 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | "On Sundays, I slepp in"
00010225 29 v 03 hibernate 0 hole_up 0 lie_dormant 0 002 @ 00009337 v 0000 ! 00010391 v 0102 01 + 01 00 | sleep during winter, as of certain animals, such as bears
00010391 29 v 03 estivate 0 aestivate 0 lie_dormant 1 002 @ 00009337 v 0000 ! 00010225 v 0101 01 + 01 00 | sleep during summer, as of certain animals
00010543 29 v 04 drowse 0 be_drowsy 0 be_sluggish 0 be_sleepy 0 003 @ 00009090 v 0000 ^ 00011259 v 010a ~ 00010708 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | be on the verge of sleeping
00010708 29 v 01 nod 2 001 @ 00010543 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | be almost asleep; "The old man sat nodding by the fireplace"
00010837 29 v 01 nod 3 000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | let the head fall forward through drowsiness; "The old man was nodding in his chair"
00010972 29 v 02 zonk_out 0 fall_into_sleep 0 001 @ 00011259 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | fall asleep fast, as when one is extremely tired
00011104 29 v 04 snore 0 saw_wood 0 saw_logs 0 breathe_noisily 0 002 * 00009337 v 0000 @ 00002403 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | breathe noisily during one's sleep
00011452 29 v 02 bed_down 0 bunk_down 0 002 @ 00011671 v 0000 ~ 00011554 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00
00011554 29 v 03 doss 0 doss_down 0 crash 0 001 @ 00011452 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | sleep in a convenient place
00011671 29 v 0a go_to_bed 0 turn_in 0 crawl_in 0 kip_down 0 hit_the_hay 0 hit_the_sack 0 get_into_bed 0 sack_out 0 go_to_sleep 1 retire 0 003 ! 00011915 v 0202 ! 00011915 v 0101 ~ 00011452 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | "I usually turn in at midnight"
00011915 29 v 05 get_up 0 turn_out 0 arise 0 rise 8 get_out_of_bed 0 002 ! 00011671 v 0202 ! 00011671 v 0101 01 + 02 00
00012038 29 v 02 get_up 1 cause_to_get_up 0 001 @ 01124703 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | "The sergeant got us up at 2 A.M."
00012162 29 v 06 wake_up 0 awake 0 awaken 1 wake 1 come_alive 0 waken 0 002 @ 00086015 v 0000 ! 00011259 v 0101 01 + 02 00 | "She woke up to the sound of the alarm clock"
00012335 29 v 04 awaken 0 waken 1 wake_up 1 arouse 1 005 @ 00072540 v 0000 ! 00012630 v 0101 ~ 00012527 v 0000 ~ 00014439 v 0000 ~ 00063735 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | cause to become awake
00012527 29 v 02 reawaken 0 re-awaken 0 001 @ 00012335 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | awaken once again
00012630 29 v 01 cause_to_sleep 0 003 > 00009337 v 0000 @ 00072540 v 0000 ! 00012335 v 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | "The soft music caused to to fall asleep"
00012787 29 v 03 affect 0 act_upon 0 act_physically_on 0 009 @ 00072540 v 0000 ~ 00013069 v 0000 ~ 00013223 v 0000 ~ 00014757 v 0000 ~ 00016583 v 0000 ~ 00016876 v 0000 ~ 00063273 v 0000 ~ 00410845 v 0000 ~ 00676703 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | have an effect upon
00013069 29 v 01 attack 0 001 @ 00012787 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | begin to injure; "The cancer cells are attacking his liver"; "Rust is attacking the metal"
00013223 29 v 01 ulcerate 0 001 @ 00012787 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | affect with an ulcer; "Her stomach was ulcerated"
00013338 29 v 01 wake 0 002 ! 00009337 v 0101 ~ 00013446 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | be awake, be alert, be there
00013446 29 v 04 stay_up 0 sit_up 0 keep_up 0 remain_up 0 001 @ 00013338 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | not go to bed
00013555 29 v 02 hypnotize 0 mesmerize 0 002 @ 00014589 v 0000 ~ 00013678 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | induce hypnosis in
00013678 29 v 02 entrance 0 spellbind 0 001 @ 00013555 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | put into a trance
00013781 29 v 05 anesthetize 0 anaesthetize 0 put_to_sleep 0 put_under 0 put_out 0 007 > 00009337 v 0000 @ 00051319 v 0000 ! 00014439 v 0101 ~ 00014016 v 0000 ~ 00014112 v 0000 ~ 00014223 v 0000 ~ 00014319 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00
00014016 29 v 01 etherize 0 001 @ 00013781 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | anesthetize with ether
00014112 29 v 02 cocainize 0 cocainise 0 001 @ 00013781 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | anesthetize with cocaine
00014223 29 v 02 chloroform 0 anesthetize_with_chloroform 0 001 @ 00013781 v 0000 01 + 09 00
00014319 29 v 02 freeze 1 anesthetize_by_cold 0 001 @ 00013781 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | as for certain surgical procedures
00014439 29 v 02 bring_to 0 bring_back 0 003 @ 00012335 v 0000 ! 00013781 v 0101 ~ 00058561 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | bring back to consciousness
00014589 29 v 04 sedate 0 calm 0 tranquilize 0 tranquillize 0 002 ! 00014757 v 0101 ~ 00013555 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | "The patient must be sedated before the operation"
00014757 29 v 06 stimulate 0 arouse 0 brace 0 energize 0 energise 0 perk_up 1 008 @ 00012787 v 0000 ! 00015052 v 0401 ! 00014589 v 0101 ~ 00015156 v 0000 ~ 00015932 v 0000 ~ 00016502 v 0000 ~ 00018439 v 0000 ~ 00116784 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | "Coffee and tea stimulate me"
00015052 29 v 01 de-energize 0 002 @ 00134905 v 0000 ! 00014757 v 0104 01 + 10 00 | deprive of energy
00015156 29 v 01 cathect 0 001 @ 00014757 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | inject with libidinal energy
00015249 29 v 05 perk_up 0 perk 0 percolate 0 pick_up 0 gain_vigor 0 001 @ 00055228 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | gain or regain energy
00015377 29 v 04 faint 0 conk 0 swoon 0 pass_out 0 001 @ 00015563 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | pass out from weakness, physical or emotional distress due to a loss of blood supply to the brain
00015563 29 v 04 lose_consciousness 0 zonk_out 1 pass_out 1 black_out 0 003 @ 00086015 v 0000 ! 00015763 v 0101 ~ 00015377 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | lose consciousness due to a sudden trauma, for example
00015763 29 v 03 come_to 0 revive 2 regain_consciousness 0 002 @ 00086015 v 0000 ! 00015563 v 0101 01 + 02 00 | return to consciousness: "The patient came to quickly"
00016054 29 v 03 refresh 0 freshen 0 refreshen 1 003 @ 00072540 v 0000 ^ 00016201 v 0204 ! 00046374 v 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | make fresh again
00016201 29 v 04 freshen 2 refresh 2 refreshen 0 freshen_up 2 002 @ 00064108 v 0000 ~ 00016403 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | become or make oneself fresh again; "She freshened up after the tennis game"
00016403 29 v 01 wash_up 0 001 @ 00016201 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | "She freshened up in the bathroom"
00016502 29 v 02 enliven 0 animate 1 001 @ 00014757 v 0000 02 + 10 00 + 11 00
00016583 29 v 03 tense 0 strain 0 tense_up 0 006 > 00017228 v 0000 @ 00012787 v 0000 ! 00016876 v 0202 ! 00016876 v 0101 ~ 00016774 v 0000 ~ 00017872 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 10 00 | make tense
00016774 29 v 01 crick 0 001 @ 00016583 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | twist the head into a strained position
00016876 29 v 06 relax 1 unstrain 0 unlax 1 loosen_up 1 unwind 1 make_relaxed 0 005 > 00017405 v 0000 @ 00012787 v 0000 ! 00016583 v 0202 ! 00016583 v 0101 ~ 00017112 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 | "A hot bath always relaxes me"
00017112 29 v 01 unbend 0 001 @ 00016876 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "relax the mind from absorbing too much information"
00017228 29 v 03 tense 1 tense_up 1 become_tense 0 002 @ 00086015 v 0000 ! 00017405 v 0101 03 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 23 00 | "He tensed up when he saw his opponent enter the room"
00017405 29 v 07 relax 0 unlax 0 loosen_up 0 unbend 1 unwind 0 decompress 0 slow_down 0 003 @ 00086015 v 0000 ! 00017228 v 0101 ~ 00017621 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 23 00 | become less tense; "He relaxed in the hot tub"
00017621 29 v 02 sit_back 0 take_it_easy 0 001 @ 00017405 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | settle into a comfortable sitting position
00017744 29 v 03 limber_up 0 warm_up 0 loosen_up 3 001 @ 00059503 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | prepare for strenuous physical activity
00017872 29 v 02 stretch 1 extend 0 003 @ 00016583 v 0000 ~ 00018039 v 0000 ~ 00018330 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 02 01 | of limbs or the entire body; "Stretch your legs!"
00018039 29 v 01 spread-eagle 0 001 @ 00017872 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | stretch out completely; "They spread-eagled him across the floor"
00018174 29 v 05 stretch_out 1 put_out 1 extend 1 hold_out 0 stretch_forth 0 001 @ 00559482 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "He held out his hand"; "point a finger"
00018330 29 v 02 crane 0 stretch_out 0 001 @ 00017872 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of the neck; so as to see better
00018439 29 v 02 invigorate 0 reinvigorate 0 001 @ 00014757 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | "Exercise is invigorating"
00018548 29 v 03 smile 0 have_a_smile 0 show_a_smile 0 006 @ 00022396 v 0000 ~ 00018795 v 0000 ~ 00018926 v 0000 ~ 00019029 v 0000 ~ 00019152 v 0000 ~ 00021149 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | change one's facial expression, often to signal pleasure
00018795 29 v 01 dimple 0 001 @ 00018548 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | produce dimples while smiling; "The child dimpled up to the adults"
00018926 29 v 02 grin 0 smile_broadly 0 001 @ 00018548 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | usually to show amusement
00019029 29 v 02 beam 0 smile_radiantly 0 001 @ 00018548 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | express joy through one's facial expression
00019152 29 v 02 smirk 0 simper 0 001 @ 00018548 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | smile affectedly or derisively
00019262 29 v 02 bray 0 laugh_loudly 0 001 @ 00020446 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00
00019345 29 v 02 bellylaugh 0 belly-laugh 0 001 @ 00020446 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | laugh a deep, hearty laugh
00019453 29 v 02 roar 0 howl 0 001 @ 00020446 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | laugh unrestrainedly and heartily
00020325 29 v 03 chuckle 0 chortle 0 laugh_softly 0 001 @ 00020446 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | laugh quietly or with restraint
00020446 29 v 03 laugh 0 express_joy 0 express_mirth 0 016 @ 01026241 v 0000 ! 00041693 v 0101 ^ 00451170 v 0101 ^ 00451170 v 0102 ^ 00478005 v 0104 ~ 00019262 v 0000 ~ 00019345 v 0000 ~ 00019453 v 0000 ~ 00019555 v 0000 ~ 00019651 v 0000 ~ 00019739 v 0000 ~ 00020105 v 0000 ~ 00020220 v 0000 ~ 00020325 v 0000 ~ 00020833 v 0000 ~ 00020932 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | produce laughter
00020833 29 v 01 convulse 0 001 @ 00020446 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | be overcome with laughter
00020932 29 v 01 cachinnate 0 001 @ 00020446 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | laugh loudly and in an unrestrained way
00021039 29 v 04 glow 0 beam 1 radiate 0 shine 0 001 @ 00021823 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | give off a glow
00021543 29 v 05 glower 1 glare 0 stare_angrily 0 stare_hard 0 stare_fiercely 0 001 @ 00021691 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | look at with hostility
00021691 29 v 02 stare 0 fixate_the_eyes 0 002 @ 00021823 v 0000 ~ 00021543 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | look at with a fixed gaze
00021823 29 v 02 look 0 appear 0 002 ~ 00021039 v 0000 ~ 00021691 v 0000 02 + 06 00 + 07 00 | have a certain outward or facial expression; "How does she look?" "The child looks unhappy"
00022011 29 v 02 scowl 0 frown_angrily 0 001 @ 00021374 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | frown with displeasure
00022112 29 v 03 shrug 0 shrug_one's_shoulders 0 express_indifference 0 001 @ 00559482 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | raise one's shoulders to indicate indifference or resignation
00022283 29 v 03 clap 0 spat 0 clap_one's_hands 0 001 @ 00559482 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | clap one's hands together
00022396 29 v 02 grimace 0 make_a_face 0 008 @ 00416793 v 0000 ~ 00006029 v 0000 ~ 00006145 v 0000 ~ 00018548 v 0000 ~ 00021259 v 0000 ~ 00021374 v 0000 ~ 00022617 v 0000 ~ 00022704 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | contort the face
00022617 29 v 01 screw_up 0 001 @ 00022396 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "screw up one's face"
00022704 29 v 03 pout 0 mop 0 mow 0 001 @ 00022396 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | mop and mow
00022789 29 v 02 blow_one's_nose 0 clean_one's_nose 0 001 @ 00062229 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00022879 29 v 03 clear_one's_throat 0 clear_the_throat 0 hawk 1 001 @ 00004379 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00022979 29 v 02 hawk 0 hawk_and_spit 0 001 @ 00004688 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00023055 29 v 02 shower 0 take_a_shower 0 001 @ 00023164 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | wash one's body in the shower
00023164 29 v 02 bathe 0 immerse_in_water 0 002 @ 00023287 v 0000 ~ 00023055 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | cleanse the entire body
00023287 29 v 02 cleanse 0 clean 0 008 @ 00026120 v 0000 ~ 00023164 v 0000 ~ 00023635 v 0000 ~ 00024072 v 0000 ~ 00024679 v 0000 ~ 00024769 v 0000 ~ 00026911 v 0000 ~ 00289761 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 | clean one's body or parts thereof, as by washing; "clean up before you see your grandparents"; "clean your fingernails before dinner"
00023635 29 v 02 wash 0 lave 0 007 @ 00023287 v 0000 ^ 00016403 v 0101 ~ 00023855 v 0000 ~ 00023950 v 0000 ~ 00024224 v 0000 ~ 00027009 v 0000 ~ 00273689 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 | cleanse with soap and water
00023855 29 v 01 sponge_down 0 001 @ 00023635 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 09 00 | wash with a sponge
00023950 29 v 03 scrub 0 scrub_up 0 wash_carefully 0 001 @ 00023635 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | of surgeons before an operation
00024072 29 v 02 soap 0 lather 0 002 * 00023635 v 0000 @ 00023287 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | rub soap all over, usually with the purpose of cleaning
00024224 29 v 03 gargle 0 rinse 0 use_mouthwash 0 001 @ 00023635 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | rinse one's mouth and throat
00024340 29 v 02 shave 0 epilate 0 003 @ 00026120 v 0000 ~ 00024494 v 0000 ~ 00024575 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 | remove body hair with a razor
00024494 29 v 01 razor 0 001 @ 00024340 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | shave with a razor
00024575 29 v 01 tonsure 0 001 @ 00024340 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | shave the head of a newly inducted monk
00024769 29 v 02 douche 0 cleanse_with_a_douche 0 001 @ 00023287 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 09 00 | direct a spray of water into a bodily cavity, for cleaning
00024923 29 v 03 comb 0 comb_out 0 disentangle 0 003 @ 00026120 v 0000 ~ 00025053 v 0000 ~ 00026042 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of hair
00025053 29 v 03 slick 0 slick_down 0 sleek_down 0 001 @ 00024923 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | give a smooth and glossy appearance, as to one's hair
00025195 29 v 07 dress 4 arrange 0 set 5 do 4 coif 0 coiffe 0 coiffure 0 003 @ 00026120 v 0000 ~ 00025349 v 0000 ~ 00025643 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of hair
00025349 29 v 01 bob 0 001 @ 00025195 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cut hair in the style of a bob
00025440 29 v 01 pompadour 0 001 @ 00953742 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | style women's hair in a pompadour
00025540 29 v 01 marcel 0 001 @ 00025643 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | make a marcel in a woman's hair
00025643 29 v 02 wave 0 set_waves_in 0 003 @ 00025195 v 0000 ~ 00025540 v 0000 ~ 00025763 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of hair
00025763 29 v 02 perm 0 give-a_permanent_wave_to 0 001 @ 00025643 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of hair
00025859 29 v 03 mousse 0 gel 0 apply_mousse_to 0 001 @ 00026120 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of hair
00025954 29 v 01 pomade 0 001 @ 00026120 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | apply pomade to, of hair
00026042 29 v 02 tease 0 fluff 0 001 @ 00024923 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of hair
00026120 29 v 02 groom 0 neaten 0 014 @ 00176535 v 0000 ~ 00023287 v 0000 ~ 00024340 v 0000 ~ 00024923 v 0000 ~ 00025195 v 0000 ~ 00025859 v 0000 ~ 00025954 v 0000 ~ 00026466 v 0000 ~ 00027363 v 0000 ~ 00027537 v 0000 ~ 00027663 v 0000 ~ 00027749 v 0000 ~ 00027902 v 0000 ~ 00028039 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 09 00 | care for the external appearance
00026466 29 v 03 make_up 0 apply_make_up 0 apply_cosmetics 0 004 @ 00026120 v 0000 ~ 00026625 v 0000 ~ 00026725 v 0000 ~ 00027129 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 09 00
00026625 29 v 01 lipstick 0 001 @ 00026466 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | "She lipsticked her mouth"
00026725 29 v 02 rouge 0 apply_rouge_to 0 001 @ 00026466 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of cheeks
00026814 29 v 02 condition 0 apply_conditioner_to 0 001 @ 00027009 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of hair
00026911 29 v 02 floss 0 use_dental_floss 0 001 @ 00023287 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | of teeth
00027009 29 v 02 shampoo 0 use_shampoo 0 002 @ 00023635 v 0000 ~ 00026814 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 | of hair
00027129 29 v 02 powder 0 apply_powder_to 0 002 @ 00026466 v 0000 ~ 00027266 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | as of one's nose or other body parts
00027266 29 v 01 talc 0 001 @ 00027129 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | apply talcum powder to (one's body)
00027363 29 v 02 manicure 0 care_for_one's_hands 0 001 @ 00026120 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00027450 29 v 02 manicure 1 trim 0 001 @ 00894185 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of fingernails
00027537 29 v 01 barber 0 001 @ 00026120 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | perform the services of a barber: cut the hair and/or beard of
00027663 29 v 02 pedicure 0 care_for_one's_feet 0 001 @ 00026120 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00027749 29 v 04 doll_up 0 do_up 0 pretty_up 0 glam_up 0 001 @ 00026120 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | "She dolled herself up for the night out with her friends"
00027902 29 v 04 spruce_up 0 spruce 0 slick_up 0 smarten_up 0 001 @ 00026120 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 09 00 | "He spruced up for the party"
00028039 29 v 02 perfume 0 scent 0 001 @ 00026120 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | apply perfume to
00028229 29 v 01 prank 0 001 @ 00028466 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | dress up showily; "He pranked himself out in his best clothes"
00028354 29 v 01 tart_up 0 001 @ 00028466 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 09 00 | dress up in a cheap and provocative way
00028466 29 v 10 dress_up 0 fig_out 0 fig_up 0 deck_up 0 gussy_up 0 fancy_up 0 trick_up 0 deck_out 0 trick_out 0 prink 0 attire 0 get_up 2 rig_out 0 tog_up 0 tog_out 0 overdress 0 008 @ 00030113 v 0000 ^ 00030113 v 0101 ! 00029238 v 0101 ~ 00028136 v 0000 ~ 00028229 v 0000 ~ 00028354 v 0000 ~ 00028956 v 0000 ~ 00029132 v 0000 03 + 09 00 + 02 10 + 02 01
00028824 29 v 01 dress 7 001 @ 00030113 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | dress in a certain manner; "She dresses in the latest Paris fashion"
00028956 29 v 01 enrobe 0 001 @ 00028466 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | adorn with a robe
00029037 29 v 03 prim 0 prim_up 0 prim_out 0 001 @ 00031169 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | dress primly
00029132 29 v 02 bedizen 0 dizen 0 001 @ 00028466 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | dress up garishly and tastelessly
00029238 29 v 02 dress_down 0 underdress 0 002 @ 00030113 v 0000 ! 00028466 v 0101 01 + 02 00
00029335 29 v 01 prink 1 001 @ 00030113 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | dress very carefully and in a finicky manner
00029442 29 v 03 dress 6 groom 3 curry 0 001 @ 00176535 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of dogs and horses
00029539 29 v 07 reduce 0 melt_off 0 lose_weight 0 slim 0 slenderize 0 thin 0 slim_down 0 003 @ 00086015 v 0000 ! 00029823 v 0101 ~ 00029726 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 02 | take off weight
00029726 29 v 02 sweat_off 0 lose 0 001 @ 00029539 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | lose weight by sweating
00029823 29 v 04 gain 0 gain_weight 0 put_on_weight 0 get_fatter 0 004 @ 00086015 v 0000 ! 00029539 v 0101 ~ 00030008 v 0000 ~ 00063620 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | increase one's body weight
00030008 29 v 02 round 0 fill_out 0 001 @ 00029823 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | become round, plump, or shapely
00030113 29 v 02 dress 0 get_dressed 0 013 @ 00064108 v 0000 ! 00032468 v 0101 ^ 00028466 v 0101 ^ 00029238 v 0101 ~ 00028466 v 0000 ~ 00028824 v 0000 ~ 00029238 v 0000 ~ 00029335 v 0000 ~ 00030420 v 0000 ~ 00032702 v 0000 ~ 00033311 v 0000 ~ 00033500 v 0000 ~ 00101643 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | put on clothes
00030420 29 v 02 bundle_up 0 dress_warmly 0 001 @ 00030113 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | "Mother bundled up the children for the long way to school"
00030561 29 v 03 hat 0 put_on_a_hat 0 wear_a_hat 0 002 @ 00032702 v 0000 ~ 00030870 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | "He was unsuitably hatted"
00030694 29 v 02 try_on 0 try 0 001 @ 00032702 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | put on a garment in order to see whether it fits and looks nice; "Try on this sweater to see how it looks"
00030870 29 v 01 bonnet 0 001 @ 00030561 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | dress in a bonnet
00030951 29 v 01 wear 2 001 @ 01487374 v 0000 02 + 05 00 + 08 00 | "wear one's hair in a certain way"
00031055 29 v 03 wear 4 bear 2 have_on_one's_person 0 001 @ 01487374 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "He wore a red ribbon"
00031169 29 v 0b dress 1 clothe 0 enclothe 0 garb 0 raiment 0 tog 0 garment 0 habilitate 0 fit_out 0 apparel 0 cover 1 016 @ 00086015 v 0000 ~ 00029037 v 0000 ~ 00031642 v 0000 ~ 00031721 v 0000 ~ 00031798 v 0000 ~ 00031875 v 0000 ~ 00031955 v 0000 ~ 00032032 v 0000 ~ 00032126 v 0000 ~ 00032284 v 0000 ~ 00032367 v 0000 ! 00032468 v 0101 ~ 00033210 v 0000 ~ 00033417 v 0000 ~ 00033583 v 0000 ~ 00063196 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | provide with clothes or put clothes on
00031642 29 v 01 jacket 0 001 @ 00031169 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | put a jacket on
00031721 29 v 01 frock 0 001 @ 00031169 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | put a frock on
00031798 29 v 01 shirt 0 001 @ 00031169 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | put a shirt on
00031875 29 v 01 uniform 0 001 @ 00031169 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | put breeches on
00031955 29 v 01 habit 0 001 @ 00031169 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | put a habit on
00032032 29 v 01 vesture 0 001 @ 00031169 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | provide or cover with vesture
00032126 29 v 02 overdress 1 overclothe 0 001 @ 00031169 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | dress excessively; "You should not overclothe the child--she will be too hot."
00032284 29 v 01 corset 0 001 @ 00031169 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | dress with a corset
00032367 29 v 02 shoe 0 provide_with_shoes 0 001 @ 00031169 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | furnish with shoes
00032468 29 v 07 undress 0 discase 0 uncase 0 unclothe 0 strip 1 strip_down 0 disrobe 1 005 @ 00107498 v 0000 ! 00031169 v 0101 ! 00030113 v 0101 ~ 00033088 v 0000 ~ 00914872 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 | take the clothes off
00032702 29 v 04 wear 1 put_on 0 get_into 0 don 0 005 @ 00030113 v 0000 ~ 00030561 v 0000 ~ 00030694 v 0000 ~ 00032888 v 0000 ~ 00032980 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | put clothing on one's body
00032888 29 v 01 scarf 0 001 @ 00032702 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | wrap in or adorn with a scarf
00032980 29 v 01 slip_on 0 002 @ 00032702 v 0000 ! 00033088 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | put on with easy or speed
00033088 29 v 02 slip_off 0 take_off 0 002 @ 00032468 v 0000 ! 00032980 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | take off with ease or speed
00033210 29 v 02 coat 0 cover_with_a_coat 0 001 @ 00031169 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | provide with a coat
00033311 29 v 01 cross-dress 0 001 @ 00030113 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | dress in the clothes of the other sex
00033417 29 v 01 costume 0 001 @ 00031169 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | dress in a costume
00033500 29 v 01 dandify 0 001 @ 00030113 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | dress like a dandy
00033583 29 v 03 vest 0 robe 0 clothe_formally 0 001 @ 00031169 v 0000 01 + 09 00
00033668 29 v 02 wear 0 have_on 0 001 * 00030113 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | be dressed in; "She was wearing yellow that day"
00033788 29 v 02 inseminate 0 fertilize 0 005 @ 00072540 v 0000 ~ 00033971 v 0000 ~ 00034158 v 0000 ~ 00034279 v 0000 ~ 00034519 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | introduce semen into (a female)
00033971 29 v 02 stratify 0 render_fertile 0 001 @ 00033788 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | of seeds
00034062 29 v 02 quicken 2 show_signs_of_life 0 001 @ 01043075 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | of a fetus
00034158 29 v 04 impregnate 0 knock_up 0 bang_up 0 prang_up 0 001 @ 00033788 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | make pregnant
00034279 29 v 02 cross-fertilize 0 cause_to_undergo_cross-fertilization 0 001 @ 00033788 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cross with
00034401 29 v 03 cross-fertilize 1 undergo_cross-fertilization 0 become_fertile 0 001 @ 00086015 v 0000 01 + 01 00
00034519 29 v 02 pollinate 0 cross-pollinate 0 001 @ 00033788 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | fertilize by transfering pollen
00034643 29 v 02 conceive 0 become_pregnant 0 002 * 00821271 v 0000 @ 00086015 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | undergo conception
00034763 29 v 02 nick 0 mate_successfully 0 001 @ 00821271 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | of livestock
00034857 29 v 07 beget 0 engender 0 father 0 mother 0 sire 0 generate 0 bring_forth 0 001 @ 00926361 v 0000 01 + 09 00
00034979 29 v 02 ejaculate 0 eject_semen 0 001 @ 00062229 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00035058 29 v 03 reproduce 0 procreate 0 multiply 1 005 @ 00926361 v 0000 ~ 00035243 v 0000 ~ 00035617 v 0000 ~ 00035711 v 0000 ~ 00038182 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | have offspring or young
00035243 29 v 01 propagate 0 002 @ 00035058 v 0000 ~ 00035370 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | multiply sexually or asexually, in biology
00035370 29 v 01 vegetate 0 001 @ 00035243 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | propagate asexually; "The bacterial growth vegetated along"
00035495 29 v 01 propagate 1 001 > 00035243 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cause (plants) to propagate, as by grafting or layering
00035617 29 v 03 fructify 0 set 6 bear_fruit 0 001 @ 00035058 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | of plants
00035711 29 v 02 breed 0 multiply 0 003 @ 00035058 v 0000 ~ 00035849 v 0000 ~ 00035948 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | usually used of animals only
00035849 29 v 03 pullulate 0 breed_freely 0 breed_abundantly 0 001 @ 00035711 v 0000 01 + 01 00
00035948 29 v 02 spawn 0 lay_eggs 0 002 @ 00035711 v 0000 ~ 00036059 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | emit spawn, of fish
00036059 29 v 01 spat 1 001 @ 00035948 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | "oysters spat"
00036135 29 v 07 give_birth 0 deliver 1 bear 1 birthe 0 birth 0 give_birth_to 0 have 0 009 * 00034643 v 0000 @ 00062229 v 0000 ~ 00036442 v 0000 ~ 00036534 v 0000 ~ 00036615 v 0000 ~ 00036693 v 0000 ~ 00036891 v 0000 ~ 00036984 v 0000 ~ 00037075 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 02 01 | "My wife had twins yesterday!"
00036442 29 v 01 yean 0 001 @ 00036135 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | bear young; of sheep and goats
00036534 29 v 01 twin 0 001 @ 00036135 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | give birth to twins
00036615 29 v 01 drop 0 001 @ 00036135 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | used for animals
00036693 29 v 01 foal 0 001 @ 00036135 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | give birth to a foal, of a mare
00036786 29 v 01 cub 0 001 @ 00037075 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | give birth to cubs, as of bears, for example
00036891 29 v 01 kitten 0 001 @ 00036135 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | have kittens, of a female cat
00036984 29 v 01 lamb 0 001 @ 00036135 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | give birth to a lamb, of ewes
00037075 29 v 02 litter 0 give_birth_to_a_litter 0 006 @ 00036135 v 0000 ~ 00036786 v 0000 ~ 00037265 v 0000 ~ 00037341 v 0000 ~ 00037418 v 0000 ~ 00037499 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | of animals
00037265 29 v 02 whelp 0 pup 0 001 @ 00037075 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | of dogs
00037341 29 v 02 farrow 0 pig 0 001 @ 00037075 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | of sows
00037418 29 v 01 fawn 0 001 @ 00037075 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | have fawns, of deer
00037499 29 v 02 calve 0 have_young 0 001 @ 00037075 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | of certain mammals
00037593 29 v 03 bear 0 carry 0 expect 0 001 * 00034643 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | be pregnant with; "She is bearing his child"
00037716 29 v 01 carry_to_term 0 002 * 00037593 v 0000 ! 00037903 v 0101 02 + 02 00 + 09 00 | "She decided to carry the child to term, even though the foetus was shown to be defective"
00037903 29 v 02 miscarry 0 have_a_miscarriage 0 002 @ 00038036 v 0000 ! 00037716 v 0101 02 + 02 00 + 09 00 | suffer a miscarriage
00038036 29 v 01 abort 0 003 * 00034643 v 0000 @ 00062229 v 0000 ~ 00037903 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | terminate a pregnancy by undergoing an abortion
00038182 29 v 04 brood 0 hatch 0 cover 2 incubate 0 002 * 01132215 v 0000 @ 00035058 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | Birds brood
00038301 29 v 03 alter 0 spay 0 neuter 0 002 @ 00038965 v 0000 ~ 00038408 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | of animals
00038408 29 v 02 effeminize 0 remove_the_ovaries_of 0 001 @ 00038301 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of animals
00038510 29 v 03 emasculate 0 castrate 0 demasculinize 0 003 @ 00038965 v 0000 ~ 00038686 v 0000 ~ 00038779 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | remove the testicles of a male animal
00038686 29 v 01 caponize 0 001 @ 00038510 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | convert a cock into a capon
00038779 29 v 01 geld 0 001 @ 00038510 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | of male animals
00038864 29 v 02 vasectomize 0 remove_the_vas_deferens 0 001 @ 00038965 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | of men
00038965 29 v 06 sterilize 0 desex 0 unsex 0 desexualize 0 fix 0 make_infertile 0 004 @ 00050905 v 0000 ~ 00038301 v 0000 ~ 00038510 v 0000 ~ 00038864 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | of both males and females
00039164 29 v 02 face-lift 0 lift 0 001 @ 00050905 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | perform cosmetic surgery on someone's face
00039280 29 v 01 trephine 0 001 @ 00050905 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | operate on with a trephine
00039380 29 v 02 menstruate 0 undergo_menstruation 0 002 * 00039487 v 0000 @ 00046228 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00039487 29 v 03 ovulate 0 produce_eggs 0 discharge_eggs 0 001 @ 00062229 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | of females
00039594 29 v 02 sterilize 1 make_free_from_bacteria 0 002 @ 00053587 v 0000 ~ 00039703 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00039703 29 v 01 autoclave 0 001 @ 00039594 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | subject to the action of an autoclave
00039807 29 v 02 hatch 1 emerge_from_the_egg 0 001 @ 00217788 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | of birds or reptiles
00039912 29 v 02 irritate 0 make_irritated 0 004 @ 00125155 v 0000 ! 00040283 v 0101 ~ 01210146 v 0000 ~ 01210245 v 0000 02 + 10 00 + 11 00
00040055 29 v 03 inflame 0 become_inflamed 0 get_sore 0 001 @ 00122638 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | of tissue or organs
00040168 29 v 02 inflame 1 cause_inflamation_in 0 001 @ 00125155 v 0000 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | of tissue or organs
00040283 29 v 02 soothe 0 cause_to_feel_better 0 002 @ 00040410 v 0000 ! 00039912 v 0101 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00
00040410 29 v 04 relieve 0 alleviate 0 palliate 0 assuage 0 003 @ 00123997 v 0000 ~ 00040283 v 0000 ~ 00050077 v 0000 01 + 11 00
00040542 29 v 02 massage 0 give_a_massage_to 0 001 @ 00048767 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | "She massaged his sore back"
00040663 29 v 03 hurt 1 give_trouble_to 0 cause_pain 0 004 > 01211071 v 0000 @ 00040824 v 0000 ~ 00043545 v 0000 ~ 00044410 v 0000 03 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00
00040824 29 v 02 indispose 0 cause_to_feel_unwell 0 004 @ 00072540 v 0000 ~ 00040663 v 0000 ~ 00046130 v 0000 ~ 00046374 v 0000 01 + 10 00
00040966 29 v 04 suffer 0 hurt 2 feel_pain 0 be_in_pain 0 005 @ 01472320 v 0000 ! 00041249 v 0101 ~ 00041140 v 0000 ~ 00047697 v 0000 ~ 00048661 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00
00041140 29 v 03 have 2 suffer_from 0 be_ill_with 0 001 @ 00040966 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "She has arthritis"
00041249 29 v 03 be_well 0 be_healthy 0 feel_good 0 002 @ 01472320 v 0000 ! 00040966 v 0101 02 + 01 00 + 02 00
00041363 29 v 03 suffer 1 sustain 0 have 5 002 @ 01203891 v 0000 ~ 01017248 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of injuries and illnesses: "She suffered a fracture in the accident"; "He had an insulin shock after eating three candy bars"
00041587 29 v 04 wail 0 whimper 0 mewl 0 pule 0 001 @ 00041693 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | cry weakly or softly
00041693 29 v 03 cry 0 weep 0 bawl 0 006 @ 01026241 v 0000 ! 00020446 v 0101 ~ 00041587 v 0000 ~ 00041868 v 0000 ~ 00041971 v 0000 ~ 00042081 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | shed tears
00041868 29 v 02 tear 0 fill_with_tears 0 001 @ 00041693 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | "Her eyes were tearing"
00041971 29 v 02 sob 0 weep_convulsively 0 001 @ 00041693 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | "He was sobbing inconsolably"
00042081 29 v 04 snivel 1 sniffle 1 blubber 0 snuffle 1 001 @ 00041693 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | "Stop snivelling--you got yourself into this mess!"
00042226 29 v 02 sweat 0 perspire 0 003 @ 00045487 v 0000 ^ 00029726 v 0101 ~ 00043447 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00042334 29 v 05 exude 0 exudate 0 transude 0 ooze_out 0 ooze 0 007 @ 00045487 v 0000 ~ 00042600 v 0000 ~ 00042713 v 0000 ~ 00042813 v 0000 ~ 00042917 v 0000 ~ 00043071 v 0000 ~ 00043171 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | release through one's pores, as of sweat
00042600 29 v 02 reek 0 fume 0 001 @ 00042334 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | be wet with sweat or blood, as of one's face
00042713 29 v 01 transpire 0 001 @ 00042334 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | give off (water) through the skin
00042813 29 v 01 extravasate 0 001 @ 00042334 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | as of molten material, such as lava
00042917 29 v 01 stream 0 001 @ 00042334 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 22 00 | exude profusely; "She was streaming with sweat"; "His nose streamed blood"
00043071 29 v 03 gum 0 exude_gum 0 form_gum 0 001 @ 00042334 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | of certain trees
00043171 29 v 02 secrete 0 release 0 002 @ 00042334 v 0000 ~ 00043270 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00043270 29 v 01 water 0 001 @ 00043171 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | secrete or form water, as tears or saliva: "My mouth watered at the prospect of a good dinner"; "His eyes watered"
00043447 29 v 02 swelter 0 suffer_from_intense_heat 0 001 @ 00042226 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00
00043545 29 v 02 injure 0 wound 0 019 @ 00040663 v 0000 ~ 00043979 v 0000 ~ 00044137 v 0000 ~ 00044227 v 0000 ~ 00044330 v 0000 ~ 00044683 v 0000 ~ 00045000 v 0000 ~ 00054080 v 0000 ~ 00054476 v 0000 ~ 00054617 v 0000 ~ 00054916 v 0000 ~ 00060779 v 0000 ~ 00060864 v 0000 ~ 00063474 v 0000 ~ 00644990 v 0000 ~ 00701539 v 0000 ~ 00751213 v 0000 ~ 00858541 v 0000 ~ 00925696 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | cause injuries
00043979 29 v 01 trample 0 001 @ 00043545 v 0000 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | injure by trampling or as if by trampling; "The passerby was trampled by an elephant"
00044137 29 v 02 sabre 0 saber 0 001 @ 00043545 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | injure with a sabre
00044227 29 v 01 concuss 0 001 @ 00043545 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | injure the brain; sustain a concussion
00044330 29 v 01 calk 0 001 @ 00043545 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | injure with a calk
00044410 29 v 04 afflict 0 trouble 0 ail 1 pain 0 003 @ 00040663 v 0000 ~ 00044559 v 0000 ~ 00187059 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | cause bodily suffering to
00044559 29 v 01 disagree_with 0 001 @ 00044410 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | as of certain foods that don't agree with some people
00044683 29 v 03 torture 0 excruciate 0 torment 0 003 @ 00043545 v 0000 ~ 00044825 v 0000 ~ 00044906 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | subject to torture
00044825 29 v 01 rack 0 001 @ 00044683 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | torture on the rack
00044906 29 v 02 martyr 0 martyrize 0 001 @ 00044683 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | make into a martyr
00045000 29 v 02 pull 0 overstretch 0 001 @ 00043545 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | strain abnormally; of muscles and tendons
00045117 29 v 0f urinate 0 piddle 0 puddle 0 micturate 0 piss 0 pee 0 pee-pee 0 make_water 0 relieve_oneself 0 take_a_leak 0 spend_a_penny 0 wee 0 wee-wee 0 make 1 pass_water 0 002 @ 00045487 v 0000 ~ 00045404 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | "Again, the cat had made on the expensive rug"
00045404 29 v 01 stale 0 001 @ 00045117 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | of cattle and horses
00045487 29 v 04 excrete 0 egest 0 eliminate 0 pass 0 006 @ 00062229 v 0000 ~ 00042226 v 0000 ~ 00042334 v 0000 ~ 00045117 v 0000 ~ 00045842 v 0000 ~ 00047185 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "Pass a kidney stone"
00045781 29 v 01 purge 0 001 > 00045690 v 0000 01 + 09 00
00045842 29 v 07 defecate 0 shit 0 take_a_shit 0 take_a_crap 0 ca-ca 0 crap 0 make 0 002 @ 00045487 v 0000 ~ 00046051 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | have a bowel movement; "The dog had made in the flower beds"
00046051 29 v 01 dung 0 001 @ 00045842 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | used of an animal
00046130 29 v 02 constipate 0 bind 0 001 @ 00040824 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | cause to be constipated
00046228 29 v 04 shed_blood 0 bleed 0 lose_blood 0 hemorrhage 0 002 @ 00062229 v 0000 ~ 00039380 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | lose blood from one's body
00046374 29 v 0c tire 1 wear_upon 0 tire_out 0 wear 3 weary 0 jade 1 wear_out 0 outwear 0 wear_down 0 fag_out 0 fag 0 fatigue 0 005 > 00046996 v 0000 @ 00040824 v 0000 ! 00016054 v 0101 ~ 00046628 v 0000 ~ 00046880 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | wear out
00046628 29 v 03 exhaust 0 tucker 0 tucker_out 0 002 @ 00046374 v 0000 ~ 00046760 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | wear out completely
00046760 29 v 01 play 4 001 @ 00046628 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | exhaust (a hooked fish) by allowing it to pull on the line
00048043 29 v 01 freeze 0 001 @ 00048288 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 23 00 | be cold; "I could freeze to death in this office when the air conditioning is turned on"
00048203 29 v 01 swelter 1 001 @ 00048288 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | be uncomfortably hot
00048288 29 v 02 suffer 2 be_uncomfortable 0 004 @ 01472320 v 0000 ~ 00048043 v 0000 ~ 00048203 v 0000 ~ 00675114 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00048423 29 v 04 suffer 3 feel_ill 0 feel_awful 0 be_unwell 0 001 @ 01472320 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | feel under the weather, look green about the gills
00048573 29 v 02 gnash 0 grind_together 0 001 @ 00803142 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of teeth
00048661 29 v 05 ail 0 be_ill 0 be_unwell 1 be_sick 0 be_indisposed 0 001 @ 00040966 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00048767 29 v 02 treat 0 care_for 0 016 ~ 00040542 v 0000 ~ 00049140 v 0000 ~ 00049324 v 0000 ~ 00049421 v 0000 ~ 00049532 v 0000 ~ 00049633 v 0000 ~ 00050172 v 0000 ~ 00050264 v 0000 ~ 00050802 v 0000 ~ 00050905 v 0000 ~ 00051064 v 0000 ~ 00052067 v 0000 ~ 00052383 v 0000 ~ 00054177 v 0000 ~ 00224359 v 0000 ~ 00361778 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | provide treatment for
00049140 29 v 01 doctor 0 002 @ 00048767 v 0000 ~ 00049228 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00
00049228 29 v 01 vet 0 001 @ 00049140 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | provide veterinary care for
00049324 29 v 01 vet 1 001 @ 00048767 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | provide (a person) with medical care
00049421 29 v 01 nurse 0 001 @ 00048767 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | as of an illness or injury: "He nursed his cold"
00049532 29 v 02 manipulate 0 treat_manually 0 001 @ 00048767 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | in physiotherapy
00049633 29 v 02 administer 0 dispense 0 004 * 01313817 v 0000 @ 00048767 v 0000 ~ 00052163 v 0000 ~ 01313817 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 15 00 | of medications
00049788 29 v 02 cure 0 heal 1 002 * 00048767 v 0000 @ 00049922 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | provide a cure for, make healthy again
00049922 29 v 04 help 0 provide_help_to 0 improve_the_condition_of 0 aid 0 003 @ 00123997 v 0000 ~ 00049788 v 0000 ~ 01303475 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00
00050172 29 v 02 remedy 0 relieve 2 001 @ 00048767 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | provide relief for
00050264 29 v 01 dress 2 003 @ 00048767 v 0000 ~ 00050422 v 0000 ~ 00050544 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | apply a bandage or medication to, as of wounds and injuries
00050422 29 v 02 poultice 0 plaster 0 001 @ 00050264 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | dress by covering with a therapeutic substance
00050544 29 v 01 bandage 0 001 @ 00050264 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | dress by covering or binding: "The nurse bandaged a sprained ankle"; "bandage an incision"
00050699 29 v 02 strap 0 secure_with_a_strap 0 001 @ 00768642 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of sprained joints
00050802 29 v 02 splint 0 support_with_a_splint 0 001 @ 00048767 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of broken limbs
00050905 29 v 03 operate_on 0 operate 0 perform_surgery_on 0 004 @ 00048767 v 0000 ~ 00038965 v 0000 ~ 00039164 v 0000 ~ 00039280 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00
00051064 29 v 02 medicate 0 medicine 0 003 @ 00048767 v 0000 ~ 00051319 v 0000 ~ 00051987 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | treat medicinally, treat with medicine
00051215 29 v 02 medicate 1 impregnate_with_a_medicinal_substance 0 001 @ 00292777 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00051319 29 v 02 drug 0 dose 0 006 @ 00051064 v 0000 ~ 00013781 v 0000 ~ 00051476 v 0000 ~ 00051670 v 0000 ~ 00051759 v 0000 ~ 00053145 v 0000 01 + 09 00
00051476 29 v 02 dope 0 dope_up 0 002 @ 00051319 v 0000 ~ 00051584 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | give a narcotic to
00051584 29 v 01 soup 0 001 @ 00051476 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | dope a racehorse
00051670 29 v 02 overdose 0 o.d. 0 001 @ 00051319 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | dose too heavily
00051759 29 v 02 narcotize 0 drug_with_narcotics 0 001 @ 00051319 v 0000 01 + 09 00
00051846 29 v 04 anoint 0 oil 0 anele 0 ambrocate 0 001 @ 00486033 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 17 00 | in a religious ceremony of blessing
00051987 29 v 02 salve 0 apply_a_salve_to 0 001 @ 00051064 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00052383 29 v 03 cup 0 transfuse 0 treat_by_cupping 0 001 @ 00048767 v 0000 01 + 09 00
00052473 29 v 05 sicken 0 fall_sick 0 come_down 0 get_sick 0 take_sick 0 005 @ 00122638 v 0000 ~ 00052654 v 0000 ~ 00052737 v 0000 ~ 00052952 v 0000 ~ 00053987 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00052654 29 v 01 wan 0 001 @ 00052473 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | become pale and sickly
00052737 29 v 04 contract 0 take 8 get 0 come_down_with 0 001 @ 00052473 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | be stricken by an illness, fall victim to an illness; "He got AIDS"; "She came down with pneumonia"; "She took a chill"
00052952 29 v 02 catch_cold 0 come_down_with_a_cold 0 001 @ 00052473 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00053042 29 v 03 sicken 1 make_sick 1 make_ill 0 002 @ 00060864 v 0000 ~ 00047602 v 0000 01 + 10 00
00053145 29 v 02 poison 0 administer_poison_to 0 002 @ 00051319 v 0000 ~ 00053256 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00
00053256 29 v 02 intoxicate 0 have_an_intoxicating_effect_on 0 001 @ 00053145 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | of a drug
00053366 29 v 02 infect 0 taint 0 003 @ 00289637 v 0000 ! 00053587 v 0101 ~ 00053472 v 0000 01 + 09 00
00053472 29 v 01 smut 0 001 @ 00053366 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | affect with smut or mildew, as of a crop such as corn
00053587 29 v 01 disinfect 0 004 @ 00881979 v 0000 ! 00053366 v 0101 ~ 00039594 v 0000 ~ 00053722 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00
00053722 29 v 01 chlorinate 0 001 @ 00053587 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00053788 29 v 02 infect 1 communicate_a_disease_to 0 002 @ 01317872 v 0000 ~ 00053903 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 17 00
00053903 29 v 01 canker 0 001 @ 00053788 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | infect with a canker
00053987 29 v 01 canker 1 001 @ 00052473 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become infected with a canker
00054080 29 v 02 traumatize 0 shock 0 001 @ 00043545 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | inflict a trauma upon
00054177 29 v 02 shock 1 subject_to_electrical_shocks 0 002 @ 00048767 v 0000 ~ 00054287 v 0000 01 + 09 00
00054287 29 v 01 galvanize 2 001 @ 00054177 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of muscles
00054364 29 v 02 mutilate 0 mar 0 002 @ 00054476 v 0000 ~ 00733777 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | destroy a limb
00054476 29 v 03 maim 0 injure_seriously 0 wound_seriously 0 003 @ 00043545 v 0000 ~ 00054364 v 0000 ~ 00054721 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00
00054617 29 v 05 sprain 0 wrench 0 turn 0 wrick 0 rick 0 001 @ 00043545 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of joints
00054721 29 v 02 cripple 0 lame 0 002 @ 00054476 v 0000 ~ 00054817 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00
00054817 29 v 01 hamstring 0 001 @ 00054721 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | cripple by cutting the hamstring
00055043 29 v 03 deteriorate 0 drop 1 degenerate 0 006 @ 00122638 v 0000 ! 00055228 v 0101 ~ 00046996 v 0000 ~ 00055572 v 0000 ~ 00055658 v 0000 ~ 00058449 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00
00055228 29 v 04 recuperate 0 recover 0 get_better 0 convalesce 0 003 @ 00123459 v 0000 ! 00055043 v 0101 ~ 00015249 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | get over an illness or shock
00055396 29 v 06 relapse 0 lapse 0 recidivate 0 regress 0 retrogress 0 fall_back 0 000 01 + 02 00 | go back to bad behavior; "Those who recidivate are often minor criminals"
00055572 29 v 02 languish 0 fade 0 001 @ 00055043 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | become feeble
00055658 29 v 03 waste 0 rot 0 waste_away 0 002 @ 00055043 v 0000 ~ 00057861 v 0000 01 + 01 00
00055853 29 v 01 hypertrophy 0 001 @ 00138377 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | undergo hypertrophy, as of muscles
00055956 29 v 03 fledge 0 feather 0 grow_feathers 0 001 @ 00056139 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | of birds
00056054 29 v 02 teeth 0 grow_teeth 0 001 @ 00056139 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | of babies
00056139 29 v 05 grow 0 develop 0 produce 0 get 1 acquire 0 010 @ 00064108 v 0000 ~ 00055956 v 0000 ~ 00056054 v 0000 ~ 00056552 v 0000 ~ 00056640 v 0000 ~ 00056756 v 0000 ~ 00056843 v 0000 ~ 00056927 v 0000 ~ 00057316 v 0000 ~ 00057442 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | come to have, of physical features and attributes; "He grew a beard"; The patient developed abdominal pains"; I got funny spots all over my body"
00056552 29 v 01 sprout 1 001 @ 00056139 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | grow sprouts, of a plant
00056640 29 v 02 stool 1 tiller 0 001 @ 00056139 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | grow shoots in the form of stools or tillers
00056756 29 v 01 leaf 0 001 @ 00056139 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | produce leaves, of plants
00056843 29 v 01 pod 0 001 @ 00056139 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | produce pods, of plants
00056927 29 v 02 teethe 0 cut_teeth 0 001 @ 00056139 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | cut the baby teeth
00057021 29 v 01 grow_tegether 0 001 @ 00740051 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | of body parts
00057105 29 v 03 ankylose 0 ancylose 0 undergo_ankylosis 0 001 @ 00139093 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | of joints
00057211 29 v 02 ankylose 1 ancylose 1 001 @ 00742471 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | produce ankylosis by surgery
00057316 29 v 03 pupate 0 develop_into_a_pupa 0 move_into_a_pupa_stage 0 001 @ 00056139 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | of insect larva
00057442 29 v 02 work_up 0 get_up 3 001 @ 00056139 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | as of an appetite
00057533 29 v 02 fester 0 suppurate 0 001 @ 00062229 v 0000 01 + 23 00 | generate pus; of wounds
00057632 29 v 01 draw 0 002 @ 01421180 v 0000 ~ 00057777 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | cause blood, pus, or other bodily fluids to localize at one point
00057777 29 v 01 suppurate 1 001 @ 00057632 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cause suppuration
00057861 29 v 04 necrose 0 gangrene 0 mortify 0 sphacelate 0 001 @ 00055658 v 0000 01 + 23 00 | undergo necrosis; of tissue
00057987 29 v 02 rehabilitate 0 restore_the_health_of 0 001 @ 00123997 v 0000 01 + 09 00
00058079 29 v 02 regenerate 0 revitalize 0 002 @ 00123997 v 0000 ~ 00149859 v 0000 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | restore strength; "This food revitalized the patient"
00058239 29 v 01 rejuvenate 0 002 @ 00058343 v 0000 ! 00058449 v 0101 01 + 02 00 | become young again
00058343 29 v 01 regenerate 1 002 @ 00064108 v 0000 ~ 00058239 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | undergo regeneration
00058449 29 v 03 age 0 get_old 0 get_on 0 002 @ 00055043 v 0000 ! 00058239 v 0101 03 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 10 01
00058561 29 v 02 resuscitate 0 revive 1 004 > 00015763 v 0000 @ 00014439 v 0000 ~ 00058739 v 0000 ~ 00058848 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | "The doctors revived the comatose man"
00058739 29 v 03 boot 0 reboot 0 bring_up 0 001 @ 00058561 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cause to run; of computers
00058848 29 v 02 resurrect 0 raise 0 001 @ 00058561 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | raise from the dead
00058950 29 v 03 scab 0 scab_over 0 cicatrize 0 001 @ 00059140 v 0000 01 + 23 00 | of wounds
00059045 29 v 01 skin_over 0 001 @ 00059140 v 0000 01 + 23 00 | grow new skin over an injury
00059140 29 v 02 heal 0 get_healthy_again 0 004 @ 00123459 v 0000 ~ 00058950 v 0000 ~ 00059045 v 0000 ~ 00059282 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 23 00
00059282 29 v 02 granulate 0 form_granulation_tissue 0 001 @ 00059140 v 0000 01 + 23 00 | of wounds and ulcers
00059503 29 v 02 exercise 0 work_out 0 006 * 01043075 v 0000 ~ 00017744 v 0000 ~ 00059698 v 0000 ~ 00059853 v 0000 ~ 00060262 v 0000 ~ 00653260 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | do physical exercise
00059698 29 v 01 train 0 001 @ 00059503 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | exercise in order to prepare for an event or competition; "She is training for the Olympics"
00059853 29 v 01 tumble 0 001 @ 00059503 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | do gymnastics, roll and turn skillfully
00059956 29 v 02 exercise 1 work 0 003 > 00059503 v 0000 @ 01362875 v 0000 ~ 00060130 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | give a work-out to: "Some parents exercise their infants"
00060130 29 v 01 warm_up 1 002 @ 00059956 v 0000 @ 01362875 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | "The coach warmed up the players before the game"
00060262 29 v 04 tone 0 tone_up 0 stretch 0 strengthen 0 001 @ 00059503 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00060355 29 v 02 fart 0 break_wind 0 001 @ 00006827 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00060428 29 v 02 snuffle 0 snivel 0 001 @ 00004022 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | snuff up mucus through the nose
00060533 29 v 04 spit 0 ptyalize 0 spew 1 spue 1 003 @ 00004688 v 0000 ^ 00004688 v 0104 ^ 01255044 v 0103 02 + 02 00 + 08 00
00060662 29 v 03 splutter 0 sputter 0 spit_out 0 001 @ 00004688 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | spit up in an explosive manner
00061364 29 v 05 pale 0 blanch 0 blench 0 grow_pale 0 turn_pale 0 001 @ 00168046 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00061466 29 v 03 etiolate 0 make_pale 0 make_sickly 0 000 01 + 11 00 | "alcohol etiolates your skin"
00061569 29 v 03 tan 0 bronze 0 get_tanned 0 002 @ 00168046 v 0000 ~ 00061697 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | get a tan, form wind or sun
00061697 29 v 01 suntan 0 001 @ 00061569 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | get a tan from being exposed to the sun
00061800 29 v 03 sun 0 sunbathe 0 take_a_sunbath 0 001 @ 00891011 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 22 00 + 09 01
00061903 29 v 03 sunburn 0 burn 0 get_a_sunburn 0 001 @ 00168046 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00061989 29 v 02 generalize 0 become_systemic 0 001 @ 00792958 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | spread throughout the body; of diseases and infections
00062137 29 v 01 metastasize 0 001 @ 00792958 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | of cancer cells
00062229 29 v 04 discharge 0 expel 0 eject 0 release 1 011 ~ 00004688 v 0000 ~ 00022789 v 0000 ~ 00034979 v 0000 ~ 00036135 v 0000 ~ 00038036 v 0000 ~ 00039487 v 0000 ~ 00045487 v 0000 ~ 00045690 v 0000 ~ 00046228 v 0000 ~ 00057533 v 0000 ~ 00062533 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | as of bodily substances
00062533 29 v 04 emit 0 breathe 1 give_off 0 pass_off 0 006 @ 00062229 v 0000 ~ 00003129 v 0000 ~ 00003272 v 0000 ~ 00003787 v 0000 ~ 00175091 v 0000 ~ 00305097 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | as of gases and odors
00062746 29 v 02 joke 0 jest 0 002 @ 00007021 v 0000 ~ 00062862 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | act in a funny or teasing way
00062862 29 v 03 clown 0 clown_around 0 antic 0 001 @ 00062746 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | act as or like a clown
00062970 29 v 01 feel 0 001 @ 01472320 v 0000 01 + 07 00 | seem with respect to the sensation given; of physical states, indicating as health, etc.: "My cold is gone--I feel fine today"; "She felt tired after the long hike"
00063196 29 v 01 gown 0 001 @ 00031169 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | dress in a gown
00063273 29 v 01 jaundice 0 001 @ 00012787 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | affect with, or as if with, jaundice
00063375 29 v 01 piffle 0 001 @ 00007021 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | act in a trivial or ineffective way
00063474 29 v 02 run_down 1 run_over 0 001 @ 00043545 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | injure or kill by running over, as with a car
00063620 29 v 02 pack_on 0 put_on 1 001 @ 00029823 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "He packed on two pounds over the summer"
00063735 29 v 01 call 5 001 @ 00012335 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | rouse somebody from sleep with a call; "I was called at 5 A.M. this morning"
00063873 29 v 01 make 6 001 @ 00007021 v 0000 01 + 07 00 | behave in a certain way; "make merry"
00063972 29 v 01 make_as_if 0 001 @ 00007021 v 0000 01 + 28 00 | begin or appear to begin an action; "He made as if to shake my hand"
00064108 30 v 01 change 0 116 ! 00068138 v 0101 ~ 00016201 v 0000 ~ 00030113 v 0000 ~ 00056139 v 0000 ~ 00058343 v 0000 ~ 00066410 v 0000 ~ 00066830 v 0000 ~ 00069008 v 0000 ~ 00070006 v 0000 ~ 00070898 v 0000 ~ 00071121 v 0000 ~ 00072037 v 0000 ~ 00072314 v 0000 ! 00079704 v 0101 ~ 00080617 v 0000 ~ 00081466 v 0000 ~ 00082223 v 0000 ~ 00086015 v 0000 ~ 00089507 v 0000 ~ 00092840 v 0000 ~ 00096356 v 0000 ~ 00096498 v 0000 ~ 00096724 v 0000 ~ 00101800 v 0000 ~ 00101940 v 0000 ~ 00117110 v 0000 ~ 00122175 v 0000 ~ 00126521 v 0000 ~ 00131260 v 0000 ~ 00137562 v 0000 ~ 00137795 v 0000 ~ 00143469 v 0000 ~ 00143728 v 0000 ~ 00152359 v 0000 ~ 00154558 v 0000 ~ 00161922 v 0000 ~ 00162109 v 0000 ~ 00167892 v 0000 ~ 00168046 v 0000 ~ 00169416 v 0000 ~ 00184404 v 0000 ~ 00188944 v 0000 ~ 00189110 v 0000 ~ 00190093 v 0000 ~ 00206232 v 0000 ~ 00211130 v 0000 ~ 00215013 v 0000 ~ 00220717 v 0000 ~ 00223986 v 0000 ~ 00224079 v 0000 ~ 00228717 v 0000 ~ 00229932 v 0000 ~ 00233497 v 0000 ~ 00235056 v 0000 ~ 00242998 v 0000 ~ 00248414 v 0000 ~ 00249599 v 0000 ~ 00258338 v 0000 ~ 00258726 v 0000 ~ 00264061 v 0000 ~ 00270447 v 0000 ~ 00273772 v 0000 ~ 00277331 v 0000 ~ 00289355 v 0000 ~ 00299174 v 0000 ~ 00307705 v 0000 ~ 00308794 v 0000 ~ 00309061 v 0000 ~ 00309257 v 0000 ~ 00309764 v 0000 ~ 00310001 v 0000 ~ 00310102 v 0000 ~ 00310412 v 0000 ~ 00311577 v 0000 ~ 00312888 v 0000 ~ 00313006 v 0000 ~ 00315973 v 0000 ~ 00316419 v 0000 ~ 00316623 v 0000 ~ 00316866 v 0000 ~ 00316951 v 0000 ~ 00317427 v 0000 ~ 00317646 v 0000 ~ 00317745 v 0000 ~ 00317851 v 0000 ~ 00318227 v 0000 ~ 00318705 v 0000 ~ 00319581 v 0000 ~ 00320364 v 0000 ~ 00320613 v 0000 ~ 00320737 v 0000 ~ 00321641 v 0000 ~ 00321907 v 0000 ~ 00322755 v 0000 ~ 00322885 v 0000 ~ 00323869 v 0000 ~ 00323998 v 0000 ~ 00324588 v 0000 ~ 00325996 v 0000 ~ 00326526 v 0000 ~ 00326794 v 0000 ~ 00328124 v 0000 ~ 00328730 v 0000 ~ 00898017 v 0000 ~ 00996754 v 0000 ~ 01011485 v 0000 ~ 01018440 v 0000 ~ 01121790 v 0000 ~ 01131860 v 0000 ~ 01134520 v 0000 ~ 01266430 v 0000 ~ 01349908 v 0000 ~ 01434667 v 0000 ~ 01484898 v 0000 ~ 01508419 v 0000 ~ 01508541 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | undergo a change; become different in essence; losing one's or its original nature; "She changed completely as she grew older"; "The weather changed last night"
00066410 30 v 02 brutalize 0 brutalise 0 001 @ 00064108 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | become brutal
00066502 30 v 02 brutalize 1 brutalise 1 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | "Life in the camps had brutalized him"
00066627 30 v 02 caramelize 0 caramelise 0 001 @ 00067042 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | convert to caramel
00066726 30 v 02 caramelize 1 caramelise 1 001 @ 00066830 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | "The sugar caramelized"
00066830 30 v 01 convert 4 004 @ 00064108 v 0000 ~ 00066726 v 0000 ~ 00068065 v 0000 ~ 00167778 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | change in nature; esp. undergo a chemical change; "The substance converts to an acid"
00067042 30 v 01 convert 3 009 @ 00072540 v 0000 ~ 00066627 v 0000 ~ 00067281 v 0000 ~ 00067459 v 0000 ~ 00067665 v 0000 ~ 00067788 v 0000 ~ 00067901 v 0000 ~ 00067980 v 0000 ~ 00329284 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | change the nature of something
00067281 30 v 01 deaden 4 001 @ 00067042 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | convert (metallic mercury) into a grey powder consisting of minute globules, as by shaking with chalk or fatty oil
00067459 30 v 01 opalize 0 001 @ 00067042 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | replace or convert into opal; ""opalized tree trunks"
00067577 30 v 01 opalize 1 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make opalescent
00067665 30 v 01 receive 0 001 @ 00067042 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | convert into sounds or pictures, of incoming radio signals
00067788 30 v 01 reconvert 0 001 @ 00067042 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "Hollywood is reconverting old films"
00067901 30 v 01 malt 0 001 @ 00067042 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | convert into malt
00067980 30 v 01 malt 2 001 @ 00067042 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | convert grain into malt
00068065 30 v 01 malt 1 001 @ 00066830 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become malt
00068138 30 v 04 stay 0 remain 0 rest 0 continue 1 006 @ 01472320 v 0000 ! 00064108 v 0101 ~ 00068650 v 0000 ~ 01408439 v 0000 ~ 01530675 v 0000 ~ 01551424 v 0000 03 + 04 00 + 06 00 + 07 00 | stay the same; remain in a certain state; "The dress remained wet after repeated attempts to dry it"; "rest assured"; "stay alone"; "He remained unmoved by her tears"
00068499 30 v 03 keep_up 0 keep_abreast_of 0 follow 1 000 03 + 02 00 + 22 00 + 22 01 | keep informed; "He kept up on his country's foreign policies"
00068650 30 v 03 sit_tight 0 maintain_the_same_position 0 wait_it_out 0 001 @ 00068138 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | "Let's not make a decision--let's sit tight"
00068804 30 v 02 differentiate 0 become_distinct 0 001 @ 00096498 v 0000 01 + 01 00
00068891 30 v 02 differentiate 1 become_different_during_development 0 001 @ 00150592 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | of cells
00069008 30 v 02 mutate 0 undergo_mutation 0 001 @ 00064108 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | "cells mutate"
00069105 30 v 02 mutate 1 cause_to_mutate 0 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | cause to undergo mutation; of cells
00069222 30 v 02 arterialize 0 arterialise 0 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | change venous blood into arterial blood
00069344 30 v 02 make 0 get 1 004 @ 00072540 v 0000 ~ 00069686 v 0000 ~ 00069756 v 0000 ~ 01547181 v 0000 02 + 05 00 + 25 00 | give certain properties to something; "get someone mad"; "She made us look silly"; "He made of fool of homself at the meeting"; "Don't make this into a big deal"; "This invention will make you a famous physicist"
00069686 30 v 01 render 0 001 @ 00069344 v 0000 02 + 05 00 + 25 00
00069756 30 v 03 get 2 let 1 have 0 001 @ 00069344 v 0000 03 + 20 00 + 21 00 + 24 00 | cause to move; cause to be in a certain position or condition: "He got his squad on the ball"; "This let me in for a big surprise"; "He got a girl into trouble"
00070006 30 v 02 have 1 experience 0 002 @ 00064108 v 0000 ~ 01555083 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | "The stocks had a fast run-up"
00070129 30 v 02 alternate 0 take_turns 0 002 @ 01341700 v 0000 ~ 00070248 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | do something in turns
00070248 30 v 01 rotate 0 001 @ 00070129 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | "The actors playing Hamlet rotate every night"
00070358 30 v 03 alternate 1 jump 3 go_back_and_forth 0 001 @ 00071241 v 0000 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | swing back and forth between two states or conditions
00070628 30 v 03 counterchange 0 transpose 2 interchange 1 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | as of parts, for example
00070749 30 v 01 decrepitate 0 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | to roast or calcine so as to cause to crackle or until crackling stops; of salts
00070898 30 v 01 decrepitate 1 001 @ 00064108 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | undergo decrepitation
00070988 30 v 01 suburbanize 0 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make suburban in character; "highly suburbanized cities"
00071121 30 v 01 suburbanize 1 001 @ 00064108 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | take on suburban character; "the city suburbanized"
00071241 30 v 03 change 2 alter 0 vary 1 011 ~ 00070358 v 0000 ~ 00071744 v 0000 ~ 00071897 v 0000 ~ 00181048 v 0000 ~ 00183721 v 0000 ~ 00183836 v 0000 ~ 00259755 v 0000 ~ 00259904 v 0000 ~ 00260371 v 0000 ~ 00260478 v 0000 ~ 00314292 v 0000 05 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | make or become different in some particular way, without permanently losing one's or its former characteristics or essence; "her mood changes in accordance with the weather"; "Prices vary according to the season"
00071744 30 v 02 avianize 0 avianise 0 001 @ 00071241 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | to modify microorganisms by repeated culture in the developing chick embryo
00071897 30 v 01 move 0 002 @ 00071241 v 0000 ~ 01123346 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | "the debate moved from family values to the economy"
00072037 30 v 05 glaze 0 glass 0 glass_over 0 become_glassy 0 glaze_over 0 001 @ 00064108 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | of eyes
00072157 30 v 03 revolutionize 0 overturn 0 change_radically 0 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "E-mail revolutionized communication in academe"
00072314 30 v 02 turn 3 grow 3 002 @ 00064108 v 0000 ~ 00072443 v 0000 03 + 04 00 + 05 00 + 06 00 | "The weather turned nasty"
00072443 30 v 02 bald 0 grow_bald 0 001 @ 00072314 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | "He is balding already"
00072540 30 v 02 change 1 alter 1 291 > 00064108 v 0000 ! 00079704 v 0101 ~ 00012335 v 0000 ~ 00012630 v 0000 ~ 00012787 v 0000 ~ 00016054 v 0000 ~ 00033788 v 0000 ~ 00040824 v 0000 ~ 00066502 v 0000 ~ 00067042 v 0000 ~ 00067577 v 0000 ~ 00069105 v 0000 ~ 00069222 v 0000 ~ 00069344 v 0000 ~ 00070628 v 0000 ~ 00070749 v 0000 ~ 00070988 v 0000 ~ 00072157 v 0000 ~ 00078164 v 0000 ~ 00078319 v 0000 ~ 00078420 v 0000 ~ 00078534 v 0000 ~ 00078682 v 0000 ~ 00078791 v 0000 ~ 00078946 v 0000 ~ 00079913 v 0000 ~ 00081251 v 0000 ~ 00081357 v 0000 ~ 00083270 v 0000 ~ 00085524 v 0000 ~ 00088324 v 0000 ~ 00088912 v 0000 ~ 00090334 v 0000 ~ 00091455 v 0000 ~ 00096257 v 0000 ~ 00096621 v 0000 ~ 00097261 v 0000 ~ 00098399 v 0000 ~ 00109739 v 0000 ~ 00115359 v 0000 ~ 00115513 v 0000 ~ 00115611 v 0000 ~ 00115703 v 0000 ~ 00115809 v 0000 ~ 00116072 v 0000 ~ 00120125 v 0000 ~ 00120625 v 0000 ~ 00121293 v 0000 ~ 00121729 v 0000 ~ 00122307 v 0000 ~ 00123997 v 0000 ~ 00125155 v 0000 ~ 00128308 v 0000 ~ 00130659 v 0000 ~ 00132257 v 0000 ~ 00133069 v 0000 ~ 00134905 v 0000 ~ 00136751 v 0000 ~ 00143728 v 0000 ~ 00145464 v 0000 ~ 00146043 v 0000 ~ 00149321 v 0000 ~ 00149544 v 0000 ~ 00151273 v 0000 ~ 00151416 v 0000 ~ 00151497 v 0000 ~ 00152774 v 0000 ~ 00161168 v 0000 ~ 00161452 v 0000 ~ 00161772 v 0000 ~ 00162220 v 0000 ~ 00162424 v 0000 ~ 00163002 v 0000 ~ 00163368 v 0000 ~ 00164883 v 0000 ~ 00168839 v 0000 ~ 00172008 v 0000 ~ 00172999 v 0000 ~ 00176795 v 0000 ~ 00180497 v 0000 ~ 00182394 v 0000 ~ 00183482 v 0000 ~ 00186412 v 0000 ~ 00186547 v 0000 ~ 00186760 v 0000 ~ 00188285 v 0000 ~ 00189374 v 0000 ~ 00189557 v 0000 ~ 00189739 v 0000 ~ 00190199 v 0000 ~ 00190550 v 0000 ~ 00197644 v 0000 ~ 00213455 v 0000 ~ 00218472 v 0000 ~ 00222600 v 0000 ~ 00222990 v 0000 ~ 00223859 v 0000 ~ 00224715 v 0000 ~ 00225556 v 0000 ~ 00227667 v 0000 ~ 00228086 v 0000 ~ 00228189 v 0000 ~ 00228946 v 0000 ~ 00229041 v 0000 ~ 00229374 v 0000 ~ 00229460 v 0000 ~ 00230368 v 0000 ~ 00230657 v 0000 ~ 00230788 v 0000 ~ 00231075 v 0000 ~ 00231203 v 0000 ~ 00231389 v 0000 ~ 00234660 v 0000 ~ 00234780 v 0000 ~ 00238157 v 0000 ~ 00238417 v 0000 ~ 00238711 v 0000 ~ 00239181 v 0000 ~ 00239864 v 0000 ~ 00240726 v 0000 ~ 00240899 v 0000 ~ 00241096 v 0000 ~ 00241323 v 0000 ~ 00242716 v 0000 ~ 00242866 v 0000 ~ 00243091 v 0000 ~ 00243227 v 0000 ~ 00243402 v 0000 ~ 00243503 v 0000 ~ 00243697 v 0000 ~ 00243802 v 0000 ~ 00243919 v 0000 ~ 00244097 v 0000 ~ 00244290 v 0000 ~ 00244551 v 0000 ~ 00244721 v 0000 ~ 00244854 v 0000 ~ 00244979 v 0000 ~ 00247533 v 0000 ~ 00247885 v 0000 ~ 00248968 v 0000 ~ 00249759 v 0000 ~ 00250084 v 0000 ~ 00250208 v 0000 ~ 00256577 v 0000 ~ 00260125 v 0000 ~ 00261492 v 0000 ~ 00262983 v 0000 ~ 00264246 v 0000 ~ 00264748 v 0000 ~ 00266092 v 0000 ~ 00266740 v 0000 ~ 00266871 v 0000 ~ 00267845 v 0000 ~ 00268884 v 0000 ~ 00271317 v 0000 ~ 00277196 v 0000 ~ 00277816 v 0000 ~ 00278321 v 0000 ~ 00278527 v 0000 ~ 00283289 v 0000 ~ 00283380 v 0000 ~ 00283600 v 0000 ~ 00284270 v 0000 ~ 00286600 v 0000 ~ 00286971 v 0000 ~ 00287602 v 0000 ~ 00289903 v 0000 ~ 00290146 v 0000 ~ 00290823 v 0000 ~ 00293283 v 0000 ~ 00294094 v 0000 ~ 00294301 v 0000 ~ 00294545 v 0000 ~ 00294675 v 0000 ~ 00294801 v 0000 ~ 00295815 v 0000 ~ 00296218 v 0000 ~ 00297919 v 0000 ~ 00300121 v 0000 ~ 00300311 v 0000 ~ 00300994 v 0000 ~ 00301367 v 0000 ~ 00302228 v 0000 ~ 00302460 v 0000 ~ 00302585 v 0000 ~ 00305430 v 0000 ~ 00306284 v 0000 ~ 00306539 v 0000 ~ 00307179 v 0000 ~ 00307559 v 0000 ~ 00308184 v 0000 ~ 00308400 v 0000 ~ 00308536 v 0000 ~ 00308665 v 0000 ~ 00308935 v 0000 ~ 00309374 v 0000 ~ 00309680 v 0000 ~ 00310319 v 0000 ~ 00310853 v 0000 ~ 00313261 v 0000 ~ 00313343 v 0000 ~ 00313430 v 0000 ~ 00313540 v 0000 ~ 00314399 v 0000 ~ 00314494 v 0000 ~ 00314610 v 0000 ~ 00314751 v 0000 ~ 00314884 v 0000 ~ 00315769 v 0000 ~ 00315866 v 0000 ~ 00316074 v 0000 ~ 00316199 v 0000 ~ 00316494 v 0000 ~ 00317060 v 0000 ~ 00317180 v 0000 ~ 00317300 v 0000 ~ 00317513 v 0000 ~ 00318004 v 0000 ~ 00318121 v 0000 ~ 00319118 v 0000 ~ 00319970 v 0000 ~ 00320221 v 0000 ~ 00321025 v 0000 ~ 00321112 v 0000 ~ 00321472 v 0000 ~ 00321772 v 0000 ~ 00322290 v 0000 ~ 00322964 v 0000 ~ 00323074 v 0000 ~ 00323210 v 0000 ~ 00323292 v 0000 ~ 00323432 v 0000 ~ 00324492 v 0000 ~ 00325803 v 0000 ~ 00325897 v 0000 ~ 00326106 v 0000 ~ 00326221 v 0000 ~ 00326340 v 0000 ~ 00326436 v 0000 ~ 00326673 v 0000 ~ 00327080 v 0000 ~ 00327227 v 0000 ~ 00327439 v 0000 ~ 00327743 v 0000 ~ 00327993 v 0000 ~ 00328559 v 0000 ~ 00328990 v 0000 ~ 00329462 v 0000 ~ 00329688 v 0000 ~ 00529286 v 0000 ~ 00541146 v 0000 ~ 00599059 v 0000 ~ 00619750 v 0000 ~ 00623166 v 0000 ~ 00679666 v 0000 ~ 00687118 v 0000 ~ 00711112 v 0000 ~ 00711236 v 0000 ~ 00711392 v 0000 ~ 00715641 v 0000 ~ 00730116 v 0000 ~ 00767657 v 0000 ~ 00781238 v 0000 ~ 00827521 v 0000 ~ 00841249 v 0000 ~ 00856008 v 0000 ~ 00859267 v 0000 ~ 00881979 v 0000 ~ 00882947 v 0000 ~ 00911362 v 0000 ~ 00911559 v 0000 ~ 00953864 v 0000 ~ 00959417 v 0000 ~ 01025753 v 0000 ~ 01025863 v 0000 ~ 01207428 v 0000 ~ 01213859 v 0000 ~ 01221081 v 0000 ~ 01233110 v 0000 ~ 01237190 v 0000 ~ 01250152 v 0000 ~ 01253492 v 0000 ~ 01311008 v 0000 ~ 01321945 v 0000 ~ 01396529 v 0000 ~ 01426877 v 0000 ~ 01434540 v 0000 ~ 01435860 v 0000 ~ 01458826 v 0000 ~ 01491325 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | cause to change; make different; cause a transformation; "The advent of the automobile may have altered the growth pattern of the city"; "The discussion has changed my thinking about the issue"
00078049 30 v 02 sensualize 0 carnalize 0 001 @ 01458826 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | debase through carnal gratification
00078164 30 v 01 etiolate 0 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | bleach and alter the natural development of (a green plant) by excluding sunlight
00078319 30 v 02 barbarize 0 barbarise 0 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | make barbarous
00078420 30 v 02 alkalinize 0 make_alkaline 0 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | of chemical substnaces
00078534 30 v 03 mythologize 0 make_into_a_myth 0 convert_into_a_myth 0 002 @ 00072540 v 0000 ! 00078791 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | of stories or events
00078682 30 v 01 allegorize 0 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make into an allegory; of stories
00078791 30 v 02 demythologize 0 remove_the_mythical_elements_from 0 002 @ 00072540 v 0000 ! 00078534 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | of writings, such as the Bible
00078946 30 v 03 bring 0 land 0 bring_into_a_different_state 0 003 @ 00072540 v 0000 ^ 00255165 v 010a ^ 01438011 v 0103 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | "this may land you in jail"
00079134 30 v 02 secularize 0 make_secular 0 001 @ 00086015 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | as of societies
00079240 30 v 02 rubberize 0 rubber 0 001 @ 00722448 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | coat or impregnate with rubber, as of fabrics
00079361 30 v 01 anodize 0 001 @ 00722448 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | coat a metal with an oxide coat
00079457 30 v 01 citrate 0 001 @ 00086015 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cause to form a salt or ester of citric acid
00079704 30 v 03 leave 2 leave_unchanged 0 leave_unaltered 0 004 ! 00064108 v 0101 ^ 00345847 v 0106 ! 00072540 v 0101 ~ 00291924 v 0000 06 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | "leave it as is"
00079913 30 v 06 affect 0 impact 0 bear_upon 0 bear_on 0 touch_on 1 touch 0 009 @ 00072540 v 0000 ~ 00080214 v 0000 ~ 00080362 v 0000 ~ 00302695 v 0000 ~ 00585891 v 0000 ~ 00687702 v 0000 ~ 01205433 v 0000 ~ 01419689 v 0000 ~ 01436060 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | have an effect upon
00080214 30 v 01 tell_on 0 001 @ 00079913 v 0000 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | produce an affect or strain on somebody; "Each step told on his tired legs"
00080362 30 v 01 redound 1 001 @ 00079913 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | have an affect for good or ill: "Her efforts will redound to the general good"
00080505 30 v 02 bacterize 0 bacterise 0 001 @ 01205433 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | subject to the action of bacteria
00080617 30 v 03 change_by_reversal 0 turn 0 reverse 0 016 @ 00064108 v 0000 ^ 01252339 v 0202 ^ 00868288 v 0202 ^ 00868381 v 0203 ~ 00070513 v 0000 ~ 00081036 v 0000 ~ 00082076 v 0000 ~ 00096872 v 0000 ~ 00120233 v 0000 ~ 00121608 v 0000 ~ 00227824 v 0000 ~ 00229835 v 0000 ~ 00230895 v 0000 ~ 00235471 v 0000 ~ 00486465 v 0000 ~ 00874033 v 0000 05 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | "The trend was reversed"
00081036 30 v 01 commutate 0 001 @ 00080617 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | reverse the direction of an electric current
00081147 30 v 01 commutate 1 001 @ 00228189 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | convert alternating to direct current
00081251 30 v 02 alchemize 0 alter_by_alchemy 0 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of chemical elements
00081357 30 v 02 alcoholize 0 make_alcoholic 0 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | as by fermenting
00081466 30 v 01 change_integrity 0 028 @ 00064108 v 0000 ~ 00158285 v 0000 ~ 00158482 v 0000 ~ 00158728 v 0000 ~ 00185045 v 0000 ~ 00185462 v 0000 ~ 00195536 v 0000 ~ 00199925 v 0000 ~ 00201526 v 0000 ~ 00220482 v 0000 ~ 00220989 v 0000 ~ 00226625 v 0000 ~ 00235644 v 0000 ~ 00237247 v 0000 ~ 00237942 v 0000 ~ 00256712 v 0000 ~ 00263622 v 0000 ~ 00264580 v 0000 ~ 00265229 v 0000 ~ 00265418 v 0000 ~ 00265709 v 0000 ~ 00266485 v 0000 ~ 00294433 v 0000 ~ 00297453 v 0000 ~ 00297550 v 0000 ~ 00839659 v 0000 ~ 01167130 v 0000 ~ 01396914 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | change in physical make_up
00082223 30 v 03 change_shape 0 change_form 0 deform 2 016 @ 00064108 v 0000 ~ 00082728 v 0000 ~ 00156627 v 0000 ~ 00234436 v 0000 ~ 00259230 v 0000 ~ 00274817 v 0000 ~ 00277523 v 0000 ~ 00281537 v 0000 ~ 00282030 v 0000 ~ 00322371 v 0000 ~ 00696750 v 0000 ~ 00732809 v 0000 ~ 01164165 v 0000 ~ 01175179 v 0000 ~ 01175318 v 0000 ~ 01191503 v 0000 01 + 01 00
00082584 30 v 01 individuate 0 001 @ 00083270 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | give individual shape or form to; "Language that individuates his memories"
00082728 30 v 02 granulate 1 grain 1 001 @ 00082223 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become granular
00082818 30 v 01 tie 0 001 @ 00083270 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | form a knot or bow in; "tie a necktie"
00082918 30 v 01 terrace 0 001 @ 00083270 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make into terraces as for cultivation; "The Incas terraced their mountainous land"
00083065 30 v 01 fork 1 001 @ 00083270 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | shape like a fork: "She forked her fingers"
00083170 30 v 01 constellate 0 001 @ 01482779 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | form a constellation or cluster
00083270 30 v 02 shape 0 form 1 026 @ 00072540 v 0000 ~ 00082584 v 0000 ~ 00082818 v 0000 ~ 00082918 v 0000 ~ 00083065 v 0000 ~ 00083820 v 0000 ~ 00084004 v 0000 ~ 00084129 v 0000 ~ 00084281 v 0000 ~ 00084398 v 0000 ~ 00084528 v 0000 ~ 00084637 v 0000 ~ 00084730 v 0000 ~ 00084810 v 0000 ~ 00085054 v 0000 ~ 00085170 v 0000 ~ 00085256 v 0000 ~ 00085384 v 0000 ~ 00156738 v 0000 ~ 00181706 v 0000 ~ 00275114 v 0000 ~ 00281430 v 0000 ~ 00281762 v 0000 ~ 00281851 v 0000 ~ 00281932 v 0000 ~ 00282111 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause to shape or form
00083820 30 v 01 draw 4 001 @ 00083270 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | flatten, stretch, or mold metal or glass, by rolling or by pulling it through a die or by stretching; "draw steel"
00084004 30 v 01 strike 0 001 @ 00083270 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | cause (an arc) to form (as between electrodes of an arc lamp)
00084129 30 v 01 crystallize 2 001 @ 00083270 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cause to take on a definite and clear shape; "He tried to crystallize his thoughts"
00084281 30 v 01 twist 0 001 @ 00083270 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | form into twists; "Twist the bacon around the sausage"
00084398 30 v 01 culminate 2 001 @ 00083270 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | rise to, or form, a summit; "The helmet culminated in a crest"
00084528 30 v 02 granulate 0 grain 0 002 > 00082728 v 0000 @ 00083270 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | form into grains
00084637 30 v 01 sliver 1 001 @ 00083270 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | form into slivers, as of wool
00084730 30 v 01 ridge 0 001 @ 00083270 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | form into a ridge
00084810 30 v 01 plume 0 001 @ 00083270 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | form a plume: "The chimneys were pluming the sky"; "The engine was pluming black smoke"
00084960 30 v 02 conglobate 0 conglobe 0 001 @ 01482779 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become globular
00085054 30 v 04 round 0 round_out 1 round_off 1 make_round 0 002 @ 00083270 v 0000 ~ 00085779 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00085170 30 v 01 cone 0 001 @ 00083270 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make cone-shaped
00085256 30 v 02 scallop 0 scollop 0 001 @ 00083270 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | shape or cut in scallops, as of the edge of a garment
00085384 30 v 03 square 0 square_up 0 make_square 0 001 @ 00083270 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "Square the circle"; "square the wood with a file"
00085524 30 v 04 round_off 0 round_down 0 round_out 2 round 3 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | express as a round number
00085649 30 v 01 prim 0 001 @ 00799016 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | contract one's lips; "She primmed her lips after every bite of food"
00085779 30 v 01 purse 0 002 @ 00085054 v 0000 ~ 00085900 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | contract one's lips into a rounded shape
00085900 30 v 02 pooch 0 pooch_out 0 001 @ 00085779 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | round one's lips as if intending to kiss
00086015 30 v 02 change_state 0 turn 4 081 @ 00064108 v 0000 ^ 01485446 v 0202 ^ 00123754 v 0201 ^ 00227667 v 0204 ^ 01030106 v 0202 ~ 00012162 v 0000 ~ 00015563 v 0000 ~ 00015763 v 0000 ~ 00017228 v 0000 ~ 00017405 v 0000 ~ 00029539 v 0000 ~ 00029823 v 0000 ~ 00031169 v 0000 ~ 00034401 v 0000 ~ 00034643 v 0000 ~ 00079134 v 0000 ~ 00079457 v 0000 ~ 00079566 v 0000 ~ 00087630 v 0000 ~ 00089026 v 0000 ~ 00122638 v 0000 ~ 00123459 v 0000 ~ 00131750 v 0000 ~ 00140088 v 0000 ~ 00143229 v 0000 ~ 00154352 v 0000 ~ 00157807 v 0000 ~ 00157957 v 0000 ~ 00158856 v 0000 ~ 00158979 v 0000 ~ 00159055 v 0000 ~ 00159594 v 0000 ~ 00161353 v 0000 ~ 00185244 v 0000 ~ 00211850 v 0000 ~ 00216283 v 0000 ~ 00217788 v 0000 ~ 00218127 v 0000 ~ 00218247 v 0000 ~ 00222161 v 0000 ~ 00222263 v 0000 ~ 00223704 v 0000 ~ 00224247 v 0000 ~ 00224476 v 0000 ~ 00225005 v 0000 ~ 00225986 v 0000 ~ 00231823 v 0000 ~ 00243594 v 0000 ~ 00256352 v 0000 ~ 00256471 v 0000 ~ 00265946 v 0000 ~ 00266194 v 0000 ~ 00266653 v 0000 ~ 00267038 v 0000 ~ 00268551 v 0000 ~ 00272066 v 0000 ~ 00272170 v 0000 ~ 00272297 v 0000 ~ 00272433 v 0000 ~ 00272596 v 0000 ~ 00276939 v 0000 ~ 00280569 v 0000 ~ 00293366 v 0000 ~ 00293464 v 0000 ~ 00293790 v 0000 ~ 00293887 v 0000 ~ 00294195 v 0000 ~ 00294914 v 0000 ~ 00296414 v 0000 ~ 00296791 v 0000 ~ 00296908 v 0000 ~ 00306958 v 0000 ~ 00773597 v 0000 ~ 00773754 v 0000 ~ 00886848 v 0000 ~ 01005235 v 0000 ~ 01332260 v 0000 ~ 01413782 v 0000 ~ 01491797 v 0000 ~ 01558458 v 0000 ~ 01559884 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | undergo a transformation or a change of position; "We turned from Socialism to Capitalism"
00087630 30 v 01 fall 8 016 @ 00086015 v 0000 ^ 01436808 v 0101 ^ 01432441 v 0101 ^ 01432441 v 0102 ^ 01140345 v 0104 ^ 01140345 v 0103 ^ 00257521 v 0102 ^ 00125389 v 0103 ^ 00265833 v 0102 ^ 00201526 v 0104 ^ 00237118 v 0102 ^ 00123050 v 0105 ^ 00629264 v 0101 ^ 00629264 v 0104 ~ 00088204 v 0000 ~ 00280460 v 0000 07 + 04 00 + 06 00 + 07 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 22 00 + 06 01 | pass suddenly and passively into a state of body or mind; "fall into a trap"; "She fell ill"; "They fell out of favor"
00088128 30 v 02 fall_off 1 fall_away 1 001 @ 00253904 v 0000 01 + 01 00
00088204 30 v 01 fall_in_love 0 001 @ 00087630 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | "She fell in love with her former student"
00088324 30 v 01 suspend 1 002 @ 00072540 v 0000 ~ 00088476 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cause to be held in suspension in a fluid, of particles, in chemistry
00088476 30 v 02 resuspend 0 put_back_into_suspension 0 001 @ 00088324 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of particles, in chemistry
00088596 30 v 03 sober_up 0 sober 0 become_sober 0 002 * 00665239 v 0000 @ 00089026 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | after excessive alcohol consumption
00088738 30 v 03 sober_up 1 sober 1 become_more_realistic 0 001 @ 00089026 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | "After thinking about the potential consequences of his plan, he sobered up"
00088912 30 v 01 sober 2 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | cause to become sober; "A sobering thought"
00089026 30 v 05 become 0 go 4 get 0 come 0 come_out 2 010 @ 00086015 v 0000 ^ 00148709 v 0306 ^ 00148709 v 0307 ^ 00626539 v 0303 ^ 00628009 v 0305 ~ 00088596 v 0000 ~ 00088738 v 0000 ~ 00307301 v 0000 ~ 00324338 v 0000 ~ 00325173 v 0000 03 + 04 00 + 06 00 + 07 00 | enter or assume a certain state or condition; "He became annoyed when he heard the bad news"; "It must be getting more serious"; "her face went red with anger"; "The know came loose"; "Your wish will come true"
00089507 30 v 03 adjust 1 conform 1 adapt 2 008 @ 00064108 v 0000 ~ 00090035 v 0000 ~ 00090460 v 0000 ~ 00095834 v 0000 ~ 00190856 v 0000 ~ 00271420 v 0000 ~ 01439969 v 0000 ~ 01504581 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 22 00 | "We must adjust to the bad economic situation"
00089777 30 v 02 follow 0 conform_to 0 002 @ 00995557 v 0000 ~ 00089898 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "Follow a pattern"
00089898 30 v 01 go_by 0 001 @ 00089777 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | be or act in accordance with; "Go by this rule and you'll be safe"
00090035 30 v 03 re-adjust 0 readjust 0 re-adapt 0 001 @ 00089507 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | "After moving back to America, he had to re-adjust"
00090183 30 v 01 proportion 0 003 @ 00178525 v 0000 ~ 00254584 v 0000 ~ 00254757 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | adjust in size relative to other things
00090334 30 v 01 reconstruct 1 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | cause somebody to adapt or reform socially or politically
00090574 30 v 04 decrease 0 diminish 0 lessen 0 fall 6 020 @ 00101800 v 0000 ! 00093597 v 0101 ~ 00091111 v 0000 ~ 00091218 v 0000 ~ 00091356 v 0000 ~ 00092452 v 0000 ~ 00093469 v 0000 ~ 00143080 v 0000 ~ 00144252 v 0000 ~ 00145094 v 0000 ~ 00146761 v 0000 ~ 00157695 v 0000 ~ 00159183 v 0000 ~ 00191006 v 0000 ~ 00191921 v 0000 ~ 00255899 v 0000 ~ 00256826 v 0000 ~ 00258012 v 0000 ~ 00258123 v 0000 ~ 00322613 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | decrease in size, extent, or range; "The amount of homework decreased towards the end of the semester"
00091218 30 v 01 drop_off 1 001 @ 00090574 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | "The number of students in this course dropped off after the first test"
00091356 30 v 02 vanish 1 fly 0 001 @ 00090574 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | decrease rapidly, as of money
00091455 30 v 01 increase 2 021 @ 00072540 v 0000 ! 00262983 v 0101 ~ 00091908 v 0000 ~ 00092056 v 0000 ~ 00092151 v 0000 ~ 00092264 v 0000 ~ 00092379 v 0000 ~ 00095155 v 0000 ~ 00144140 v 0000 ~ 00147907 v 0000 ~ 00157454 v 0000 ~ 00174687 v 0000 ~ 00187831 v 0000 ~ 00192859 v 0000 ~ 00230177 v 0000 ~ 00254930 v 0000 ~ 00257133 v 0000 ~ 00257225 v 0000 ~ 00261850 v 0000 ~ 00261977 v 0000 ~ 00292288 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make bigger or more
00091908 30 v 01 augment 1 001 @ 00091455 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "The recent speech of the PLO chairman augmented tensions in the Near East"
00092056 30 v 01 build_up 2 001 @ 00091455 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "build up excitement"
00092151 30 v 01 snowball 1 001 @ 00091455 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | increase at a rapidly accelerating rate
00092264 30 v 01 enlarge 3 001 @ 00091455 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make larger; "She enlarged the flower beds
00092379 30 v 01 up 0 001 @ 00091455 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "up the ante"
00092452 30 v 02 break 8 fall_sharply 0 001 @ 00090574 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | of stock prices
00092545 30 v 03 rise 0 climb 1 go_up 0 005 @ 00138377 v 0000 ~ 00092718 v 0000 ~ 00093002 v 0000 ~ 00093379 v 0000 ~ 00094915 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | as of prices or numbers
00092718 30 v 01 soar 0 001 @ 00092545 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | "The stock market soared after the cease-fire was announced"
00092840 30 v 03 rise 9 jump 1 climb_up 2 001 @ 00064108 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | rise in rank or status; "Her new novel jumped high on the bestseller list"
00093002 30 v 01 jump 0 001 @ 00092545 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | increase suddenly and significantly; "Prices jumped overnight"
00093126 30 v 02 accrue 0 grow_by_addition 0 002 @ 00093597 v 0000 ~ 00093264 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | as of capital: "The interest accrues"
00093264 30 v 01 redound 0 001 @ 00093126 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | be added; "Everything he does redounds to himself"
00093379 30 v 02 bull 0 advance_in_price 0 001 @ 00092545 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | of stocks
00093469 30 v 05 ease_up 0 ease_off 0 slacken_off 0 slack_off 0 flag 1 001 @ 00090574 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become less intense
00093597 30 v 01 increase 0 021 @ 00101800 v 0000 ! 00090574 v 0101 ~ 00093126 v 0000 ~ 00094053 v 0000 ~ 00094168 v 0000 ~ 00094281 v 0000 ~ 00094787 v 0000 ~ 00095036 v 0000 ~ 00095355 v 0000 ~ 00135970 v 0000 ~ 00136241 v 0000 ~ 00138377 v 0000 ~ 00147706 v 0000 ~ 00183338 v 0000 ~ 00191709 v 0000 ~ 00192638 v 0000 ~ 00257317 v 0000 ~ 00257753 v 0000 ~ 00257902 v 0000 ~ 00322476 v 0000 ~ 00328260 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | "The amount of work increased"
00094053 30 v 01 add_to 0 001 @ 00093597 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | have an increased effect; "This adds to my worries"
00094168 30 v 02 gain 1 increase_in 0 001 @ 00093597 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "gain momentum"; "gain nerve"
00094281 30 v 01 explode 2 001 @ 00093597 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | increase rapidly and in an uncontrolled manner; "The population of India is exploding"
00094432 30 v 01 enlarge 0 002 @ 00138377 v 0000 ~ 00258235 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become larger or bigger
00094538 30 v 01 augment 0 001 @ 00138377 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | grow or intensify; "The pressure augmented"
00094646 30 v 01 build_up 1 001 @ 00138377 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | grow or intensify; "Pressure is building up at the Indian-Pakistani border"
00094787 30 v 01 pyramid 0 001 @ 00093597 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | increase rapidly and progressively step by step on a broad base
00094915 30 v 02 advance 1 gain 0 001 @ 00092545 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 11 00 | "The stock market gained 24 points today"
00095036 30 v 01 snowball 0 001 @ 00093597 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | increase or accumulate at a rapidly accelerating rate
00095155 30 v 02 raise 1 lift 1 002 @ 00091455 v 0000 ~ 00095281 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | raise the level or amount of something
00095281 30 v 01 bump_up 0 001 @ 00095155 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of prices
00095355 30 v 06 accumulate 0 cumulate 0 conglomerate 0 pile_up 0 gather 0 amass 0 003 @ 00093597 v 0000 ~ 00095560 v 0000 ~ 00095656 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | "Journals are accumulating in my office"
00095560 30 v 01 backlog 0 001 @ 00095355 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | acculumate and create a backlog
00095656 30 v 01 accrete 1 001 @ 00095355 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | "The story accreted emotion"
00095749 30 v 01 run_up 0 001 @ 01311458 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | as of debts or scores
00095834 30 v 02 assimilate 0 become_similar 0 003 @ 00089507 v 0000 ! 00096498 v 0101 ~ 00096016 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 12 00 + 22 00 | "Immigrants often want to assimilate quickly"
00096016 30 v 01 acculturate 0 002 @ 00095834 v 0000 ~ 00096132 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | assimilate culturally
00096132 30 v 01 detribalize 0 001 @ 00096016 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | cause members of a tribe to lose their cultural identity
00096257 30 v 02 assimilate 1 make_similar 0 002 @ 00072540 v 0000 ! 00096621 v 0101 01 + 21 00
00096356 30 v 02 assimilate 2 become_similar_in_sound 0 002 @ 00064108 v 0000 ! 00096724 v 0101 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | of sounds in phonetics
00096498 30 v 02 dissimilate 0 become_dissimilar 0 003 @ 00064108 v 0000 ! 00095834 v 0101 ~ 00068804 v 0000 01 + 01 00
00096621 30 v 02 dissimilate 1 make_dissimilar 0 002 @ 00072540 v 0000 ! 00096257 v 0101 01 + 21 00
00096724 30 v 03 dissimilate 2 become_dissimilar 2 change_one's_sound 0 002 @ 00064108 v 0000 ! 00096356 v 0101 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | of phonetics
00096872 30 v 02 undo 0 make_undone 0 001 @ 00080617 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "You cannot undo the damage!"
00096985 30 v 04 change 4 exchange 0 commute 2 convert 2 003 @ 00097775 v 0000 ~ 00097387 v 0000 ~ 00113977 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | exchange or replace with another, usually of the same kind or category; "Could you convert my dollars into pounds?" "He changed his name"
00097261 30 v 03 commute 1 convert 9 exchange 2 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | exchange a penalty for a less severe one
00097387 30 v 01 capitalize 0 002 @ 00096985 v 0000 ~ 00097526 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | convert into capital, as of a company's reserve funds
00097526 30 v 01 overcapitalize 0 001 @ 00097387 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | capitalize beyond what the business or the profit-making prospects warrant
00097672 30 v 02 transduce 0 cause_transduction 0 001 @ 00228189 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | of energy forms
00097775 30 v 02 replace 0 substitute 0 004 @ 00098399 v 0000 ^ 01355234 v 0201 ~ 00096985 v 0000 ~ 00097964 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 20 00 + 31 00 | "He replaced the old razor blade"
00097964 30 v 01 change 6 001 @ 00097775 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove or replace the coverings of; "Father had to learn how to change the baby"; "After each guest we changed the bed linens"
00098154 30 v 03 refurbish 0 renovate 1 freshen_up 0 001 @ 00098399 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make brighter and prettier, as of a house
00098286 30 v 01 revamp 0 001 @ 00098399 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "They revamped their old house before selling it"
00098399 30 v 01 renew 0 011 @ 00072540 v 0000 ~ 00097775 v 0000 ~ 00098154 v 0000 ~ 00098286 v 0000 ~ 00098751 v 0000 ~ 00098860 v 0000 ~ 00098967 v 0000 ~ 00099118 v 0000 ~ 00101230 v 0000 ~ 00155982 v 0000 ~ 01445065 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | make new or like new; "We renewed our friendship after 20 years"; "We renewed the membership"
00098751 30 v 03 retread 0 remold 0 remould 0 001 @ 00098399 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | give new treads to a tire
00098860 30 v 02 renovate 0 restitute 0 001 @ 00098399 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | restore art works or antiques
00098967 30 v 03 refresh 0 freshen 0 make_fresh 0 002 @ 00098399 v 0000 ~ 00287179 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | "The cool water refreshed us"
00099118 30 v 02 revitalize 0 make_more_vital 0 001 @ 00098399 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | give new life or vigor to
00099246 30 v 02 vitalize 0 vitalise 0 002 @ 00132257 v 0000 ! 00100304 v 0101 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | make vital
00099375 30 v 01 consolidate 2 001 @ 00131909 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make firm or secure; strengthen: "consolidate one's gains"; "consolidate one's hold on first place"
00099543 30 v 01 consolidate 3 001 @ 00265418 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make or form into a solid or hardened mass: "consolidate fibers into boards"
00099696 30 v 01 consolidate 4 001 @ 00265229 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | "The mud had consolidated overnight"
00099809 30 v 01 proof 0 004 @ 00131909 v 0000 ~ 00099974 v 0000 ~ 00100084 v 0000 ~ 00100181 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make resistant, as to water, sound, errors, etc.
00099974 30 v 02 goofproof 0 foolproof 0 001 @ 00099809 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "Make this appliance foolproof"
00100084 30 v 01 fireproof 0 001 @ 00099809 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make resistant to fire
00100181 30 v 02 weatherproof 0 weather-proof 0 001 @ 00099809 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make resistant to bad weather
00100304 30 v 02 devitalize 0 devitalise 0 002 @ 00134905 v 0000 ! 00099246 v 0101 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | "The recession devitalized the economy"
00100466 30 v 01 shake 0 001 @ 00134905 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | "my faith has been shaken"; "her hopes were shaken"
00100580 30 v 02 regenerate 0 recreate 0 002 @ 00926361 v 0000 ~ 00101053 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | form or produce anew; "regenerate hatred"
00100726 30 v 01 regenerate 4 001 @ 01484214 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | be formed or shaped anew
00100818 30 v 01 reform 3 002 @ 00123459 v 0000 ~ 00100968 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | change for the better; "The lazy student promised to reform"
00100968 30 v 01 regenerate 3 001 @ 00100818 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become regenerate
00101053 30 v 01 regenerate 2 001 @ 00100580 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | replace (tissue or a body part) through the formation of new tissue; "The snake regenerated its tail"
00101230 30 v 03 regenerate 1 restore 0 return_to_life 0 002 @ 00098399 v 0000 ~ 00101397 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | get or give new life or energy
00101397 30 v 01 revive 1 001 @ 00101230 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | restore from a depressed, inactive, or unused state; "He revived this style of opera"
00101554 30 v 01 revive 0 001 @ 00187475 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | "Interest in ESP revived"
00101643 30 v 01 change 3 001 @ 00030113 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 09 00 + 22 00 | change clothes; put on different clothes; "Change before you go to the opera"
00101800 30 v 02 change_magnitude 0 change_size 0 004 @ 00064108 v 0000 ~ 00090574 v 0000 ~ 00093597 v 0000 ~ 00193567 v 0000 01 + 01 00
00101940 30 v 01 modify 0 015 @ 00064108 v 0000 ~ 00102306 v 0000 ~ 00102416 v 0000 ~ 00102525 v 0000 ~ 00102657 v 0000 ~ 00102743 v 0000 ~ 00102982 v 0000 ~ 00119915 v 0000 ~ 00120023 v 0000 ~ 00122390 v 0000 ~ 00182997 v 0000 ~ 00260682 v 0000 ~ 00301512 v 0000 ~ 00554014 v 0000 ~ 00906669 v 0000 05 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | make modifications
00102306 30 v 01 attemper 0 001 @ 00101940 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | modify the temperature of, as of air
00102416 30 v 01 syncopate 0 001 @ 00101940 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | modify the rhythm by syncopation, in music
00102525 30 v 02 update 0 bring_up_to_date 0 001 @ 00101940 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "We updated the kitchen in the old house"
00102657 30 v 01 update 1 001 @ 00101940 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | in computer technology
00102743 30 v 03 soup_up 0 hop_up 0 hot_up 0 001 @ 00101940 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of cars and motorcycles
00102849 30 v 02 modify 1 qualify 1 001 @ 00110396 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 31 00 | add a modifier to a constituent; in grammar
00102982 30 v 02 cream 0 add_cream_to 0 001 @ 00101940 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | add cream to one's coffee, for example
00103098 30 v 04 modulate 0 adjust_the_pitch_of 0 adjust_the_tone_of 0 adjust_the_volume_of 0 001 @ 00178525 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | in acoustics
00103250 30 v 02 enrich 0 make_richer 0 005 @ 00123997 v 0000 ! 00103980 v 0101 ~ 00103778 v 0000 ~ 00104236 v 0000 ~ 00295222 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | "The experience enriched her"; "enriched foods"
00103463 30 v 01 develop 4 003 @ 00123997 v 0000 ~ 00103673 v 0000 ~ 00318385 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | change the use of and make available or usable; "develop land"; "The country developed its natural resources"
00103673 30 v 01 redevelop 0 001 @ 00103463 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | change the plans for the use of (land)
00103778 30 v 02 round_out 0 fill_out 0 001 @ 00103250 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00103862 30 v 02 optimize 0 make_optimal 0 001 @ 00279738 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | get the most out of; use best
00103980 30 v 02 deprive 0 impoverish 0 003 @ 00122638 v 0000 ! 00103250 v 0101 ~ 00104103 v 0000 01 + 18 00 | take away
00104103 30 v 02 disestablish 0 deprive_of_status 0 001 @ 00103980 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | deprive an established church of its status
00104236 30 v 02 choke 0 throttle 0 001 @ 00103250 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | reduce the air supply; of carburetors
00104355 30 v 03 remove 0 take 0 take_away 1 087 ^ 00360479 v 0203 ~ 00106221 v 0000 ~ 00106393 v 0000 ~ 00106516 v 0000 ~ 00106619 v 0000 ~ 00106713 v 0000 ~ 00106828 v 0000 ~ 00106963 v 0000 ~ 00107067 v 0000 ~ 00107167 v 0000 ~ 00107256 v 0000 ~ 00107370 v 0000 ~ 00107498 v 0000 ~ 00107765 v 0000 ~ 00108001 v 0000 ~ 00108127 v 0000 ~ 00108224 v 0000 ~ 00108327 v 0000 ~ 00108438 v 0000 ~ 00108534 v 0000 ~ 00108635 v 0000 ~ 00108814 v 0000 ~ 00108903 v 0000 ~ 00109110 v 0000 ~ 00109241 v 0000 ~ 00109385 v 0000 ~ 00109464 v 0000 ~ 00109567 v 0000 ~ 00109653 v 0000 ~ 00115277 v 0000 ~ 00117617 v 0000 ~ 00117759 v 0000 ~ 00117993 v 0000 ~ 00118782 v 0000 ~ 00119122 v 0000 ~ 00119224 v 0000 ~ 00119360 v 0000 ~ 00119490 v 0000 ~ 00119588 v 0000 ~ 00119700 v 0000 ~ 00189889 v 0000 ~ 00267631 v 0000 ~ 00287110 v 0000 ~ 00293658 v 0000 ~ 00296309 v 0000 ~ 00306168 v 0000 ~ 00306419 v 0000 ~ 00312037 v 0000 ~ 00312387 v 0000 ~ 00328838 v 0000 ~ 00645399 v 0000 ~ 00709939 v 0000 ~ 00716124 v 0000 ~ 00716377 v 0000 ~ 00720119 v 0000 ~ 00721752 v 0000 ~ 00721944 v 0000 ~ 00722332 v 0000 ~ 00729302 v 0000 ~ 00749066 v 0000 ~ 00751308 v 0000 ~ 00752097 v 0000 ~ 00753110 v 0000 ~ 00781365 v 0000 ~ 00781800 v 0000 ~ 00802413 v 0000 ~ 00824875 v 0000 ~ 00852587 v 0000 ~ 00853606 v 0000 ~ 00855107 v 0000 ~ 00855264 v 0000 ~ 00856316 v 0000 ~ 00858401 v 0000 ~ 00869802 v 0000 ~ 00879526 v 0000 ~ 00881863 v 0000 ~ 00887051 v 0000 ~ 00892314 v 0000 ~ 00907443 v 0000 ~ 00907949 v 0000 ~ 00914952 v 0000 ~ 00916107 v 0000 ~ 00925840 v 0000 ~ 01058139 v 0000 ~ 01185408 v 0000 ~ 01202615 v 0000 ~ 01314932 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 16 00 + 20 00 | remove something concrete, as by lifting, pushing, taking off, etc.; or remove something abstract; "remove a threat"; "remove a wrapper"; "Remove the dirty dishes from the table"; "take the gun from your pocket"
00106221 30 v 02 clean 1 pick 1 001 @ 00104355 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove unwanted substances from, such as feathers or pits, as of chickens or fruit; "Clean the turkey"
00106393 30 v 01 clean 2 001 @ 00104355 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove shells or husks from; "clean grain before milling it"
00106516 30 v 01 winnow 0 001 @ 00104355 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove by a current of air, as of chaff
00106619 30 v 01 unbrace 2 001 @ 00104355 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove a brace or braces form
00106713 30 v 01 pick 0 001 @ 00104355 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | remove in small bits: "pick meat from a bone"
00106828 30 v 02 clear 6 clear_up 0 001 @ 00104355 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "The conductor cleared the signal"; "Clear up a debt"
00106963 30 v 01 muck 1 001 @ 00104355 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | remove muck, clear away muck, as in a mine
00107067 30 v 01 lift 0 001 @ 00104355 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove from a surface, of fingerprints
00107167 30 v 01 lift 9 001 @ 00104355 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "lift the pressure"
00107256 30 v 01 lift 8 001 @ 00104355 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove from a seedbed or form a nursery, as of bulbs
00107370 30 v 02 tear_away 0 tear_off 0 001 @ 00104355 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "The passing bus tore off her side mirror"
00107498 30 v 01 take_off 0 005 @ 00104355 v 0000 ~ 00032468 v 0000 ~ 00107681 v 0000 ~ 00118690 v 0000 ~ 00118891 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "Remove your hat"; "Take that weight off me!"
00107681 30 v 01 uncloak 0 001 @ 00107498 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | remove a cloak from
00107765 30 v 02 take_away 0 take_out 0 007 @ 00104355 v 0000 ! 00110396 v 0101 ~ 00109000 v 0000 ~ 00282836 v 0000 ~ 00450343 v 0000 ~ 00563648 v 0000 ~ 00835036 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "take out the chicken after adding the vegetables"
00108001 30 v 02 pit 0 stone 0 001 @ 00104355 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove the pits from, as of certain fruit such as peaches
00108127 30 v 01 seed 1 001 @ 00104355 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove the seeds form, as of grapes
00108224 30 v 01 unhinge 0 001 @ 00104355 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove the hinges from, as from a door
00108327 30 v 01 shuck 0 001 @ 00104355 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove the shucks from, as of certain vegetables
00108438 30 v 01 hull 0 001 @ 00104355 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove the hulls from, as of fruit
00108534 30 v 01 crumb 0 001 @ 00104355 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove crumbs from: "crumb the table"
00108635 30 v 02 chip_away 0 chip_away_at 0 001 @ 00104355 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | remove or withdraw gradually: These new customs are chipping away at the quality of life"
00108814 30 v 01 burl 0 001 @ 00104355 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove the burls from cloth
00108903 30 v 01 knock_out 0 001 @ 00104355 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "The windows were knocked out"
00109000 30 v 01 bus 0 001 @ 00107765 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove used dishes from the table, in restaurants
00109110 30 v 03 scavenge 0 clean 0 remove_unwanted_substances_from 0 001 @ 00104355 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | as in chemistry
00109241 30 v 03 hypophysectomize 0 hypophysectomise 0 remove_the_pituitary_gland_from 0 001 @ 00104355 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | a kind of surgery
00109385 30 v 02 degas 0 remove_gas_from 0 001 @ 00104355 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00109464 30 v 02 husk 0 remove_the_husk_from 0 001 @ 00104355 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | as of ears of corn
00109567 30 v 03 bur 0 burr 0 remove_burrs_from 0 001 @ 00104355 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00109653 30 v 02 clear_off 0 clear_away 0 001 @ 00104355 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00
00109739 30 v 04 unclutter 0 clear 2 rid_of_obstructions 0 remove_obstructions_from 0 004 @ 00072540 v 0000 ^ 00109653 v 0201 ^ 00109653 v 0202 ! 00109963 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | rid of obstructions; "Clear your desk"
00109963 30 v 02 clutter 0 clutter_up 0 002 @ 00268884 v 0000 ! 00109739 v 0101 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 31 00 | fill a space in a disorderly way
00110107 30 v 02 clog 2 overload 0 001 @ 00268884 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | fill to excess so that function is impaired; "Fear clogged her mind"; "The story was clogged with too many details"
00110303 30 v 01 brim 0 001 @ 00268884 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "brim a cup to good fellowship"
00110396 30 v 01 add 0 020 ! 00107765 v 0101 ~ 00102849 v 0000 ~ 00111004 v 0000 ~ 00111108 v 0000 ~ 00111309 v 0000 ~ 00111443 v 0000 ~ 00111538 v 0000 ~ 00111654 v 0000 ~ 00113019 v 0000 ~ 00113126 v 0000 ~ 00114890 v 0000 ~ 00114989 v 0000 ~ 00115092 v 0000 ~ 00115203 v 0000 ~ 00117258 v 0000 ~ 00133178 v 0000 ~ 00780416 v 0000 ~ 00786924 v 0000 ~ 01318841 v 0000 ~ 01331782 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | make an addition (to); join with others; increase by another or several; "We added two students to that dorm room"; "She added a personal note to her letter"; "Add insult to injury"
00111004 30 v 01 add_on 0 001 @ 00110396 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make an addition; "Let's add on to this"
00111108 30 v 01 include 0 001 @ 00110396 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | add as part of something else; put in as part of a set, group, or category; "We must include this chemical element in the group"
00111309 30 v 02 mix 1 mix_in 1 001 @ 00110396 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | add as an additional element or part; "mix water into the drink"
00111443 30 v 01 put_on 0 001 @ 00110396 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | "She put on a sun room"
00111538 30 v 01 butylate 0 001 @ 00110396 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | introduce the butyl group into a chemical compound
00111654 30 v 01 put_on 1 001 @ 00110396 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "He put on 1,000 miles on this trip"
00111754 30 v 02 iodize 0 iodise 0 001 @ 00302695 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | treat with iodine, as of salt
00111856 30 v 01 tank 0 001 @ 00302695 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | treat in a tank, as of animal refuse
00111954 30 v 02 oxygenate 0 oxygenize 0 001 @ 00302695 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | impregnate, combine, or supply with oxygen, as o blood
00112087 30 v 01 mercerize 0 001 @ 00302695 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | treat to strengthen and improve the luster, as of cotton
00112210 30 v 01 malt 3 001 @ 00302695 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | treat with malt or malt extract
00112303 30 v 02 fluoridate 0 fluoridize 0 001 @ 00302695 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | subject to fluoridation, as of water
00112420 30 v 01 creosote 0 001 @ 00302695 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | treat with creosote, as of wood
00112517 30 v 01 chlorinate 0 001 @ 00302695 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | treat or combine with chlorine, as of water
00112628 30 v 01 carbonate 0 001 @ 00302695 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | treat with carbon dioxide, as of soft drinks
00112739 30 v 01 camphorate 0 001 @ 00302695 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | treat with camphor
00112825 30 v 02 bromate 0 brominate 0 001 @ 00302695 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | treat with bromine
00112920 30 v 02 ammoniate 0 trat_with_ammonia 0 001 @ 00302695 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | in chemistry
00113019 30 v 01 inject 0 001 @ 00110396 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | "He injected new life into the performance"
00113126 30 v 02 welt 0 put_a_welt_on 0 001 @ 00110396 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of garments or shoes
00113224 30 v 04 insert 0 stick_in 0 put_in 0 introduce 3 009 ~ 00113505 v 0000 ~ 00113702 v 0000 ~ 00113780 v 0000 ~ 00113867 v 0000 ~ 00114090 v 0000 ~ 00114166 v 0000 ~ 00114470 v 0000 ~ 00114645 v 0000 ~ 00114805 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 21 00 | "Insert your ticket here"
00113505 30 v 02 inoculate 0 innoculate 0 002 @ 00113224 v 0000 ~ 00113642 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | introduce a micro-organism into
00113642 30 v 01 seed 0 001 @ 00113505 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00113702 30 v 01 inset 0 001 @ 00113224 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | set or place in
00113780 30 v 01 glass 1 001 @ 00113224 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | put in a glass container
00113867 30 v 01 catheterize 0 001 @ 00113224 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | insert a catheter into, as into a bladder
00113977 30 v 01 launder 0 001 @ 00096985 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | convert illegally obtained funds into legal ones
00114090 30 v 02 cup 1 put_into_a_cup 0 001 @ 00113224 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00114166 30 v 02 intersperse 0 interlard 0 002 @ 00113224 v 0000 ~ 00114323 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | introduce one's writing or speech with certain expressions
00114323 30 v 01 interleave 0 001 @ 00114166 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | intersperse alternately, as of protective covers for book illustrations
00114470 30 v 03 feed 1 feed_in 0 introduce_continuously 0 001 @ 00113224 v 0000 02 + 21 00 + 31 00 | as into a a machine or processor: "feed carrots into a food processor"
00114645 30 v 04 slip 4 insert_surreptitiously 0 insert_quietly 0 insert_quickly 0 001 @ 00113224 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | put something somewhere inconspicuously
00114805 30 v 01 foist 1 001 @ 00113224 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | insert surreptitiously
00114890 30 v 02 intercalate 0 insert_in_a_calendar 0 001 @ 00110396 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of days
00114989 30 v 02 punctuate 0 mark 8 001 @ 00110396 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | insert punctuation marks into
00115092 30 v 02 concatenate 0 add_by_concatenation 0 001 @ 00110396 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "concatenate terms"
00115203 30 v 02 string 0 string_up 0 001 @ 00110396 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00115277 30 v 02 flick 0 remove_with_flicks 0 001 @ 00104355 v 0000 01 + 21 00
00115359 30 v 02 activate 0 make_active 0 003 @ 00072540 v 0000 ! 00115809 v 0101 ~ 00115955 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | "activate an old file"
00115513 30 v 02 activate 1 make_radioactive 1 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | of substances
00115611 30 v 02 activate 2 aerate 0 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | of sewage
00115703 30 v 02 activate 3 make_more_adsorptive 0 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | of metals
00115809 30 v 02 inactivate 0 deactivate 0 003 @ 00072540 v 0000 ! 00115359 v 0101 ~ 00160052 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | make inactive
00115955 30 v 02 reactivate 0 activate_anew 0 001 @ 00115359 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | as of an old file
00116072 30 v 02 deaden 1 blunt 2 005 @ 00072540 v 0000 ! 00116784 v 0101 ~ 00116359 v 0000 ~ 00116474 v 0000 ~ 00232514 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make less lively, intense, or vigorous; impair in vigor, force, activity, or sensation; "Terror blunted her feelings"; "deaden a sound"
00116359 30 v 01 obtund 0 001 @ 00116072 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | reduce the edge or violence of; "obtunded reflexes"
00116474 30 v 01 petrify 1 001 @ 00116072 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | cause to become stone-like or stiff; "The horror petrified his feelings"; "Fear petrified her thinking"
00116642 30 v 05 jazz_up 0 juice_up 0 make_more_interesting 0 pep_up 0 ginger_up 0 001 @ 00116784 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | e.g., a party
00116784 30 v 06 enliven 0 liven 0 liven_up 0 make_lively 0 invigorate 0 animate 0 004 @ 00014757 v 0000 ! 00116072 v 0101 ~ 00116642 v 0000 ~ 00116986 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | make lively
00116986 30 v 03 spirit 0 spirit_up 0 inspirit 0 001 @ 00116784 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | "The company spirited him up"
00117110 30 v 02 deaden 0 become_lifeless 0 001 @ 00064108 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become less lively, intense, or active; lose life, force, or vigor
00117258 30 v 03 compound 0 combine 2 add_together 0 003 @ 00110396 v 0000 ~ 00329182 v 0000 ~ 00362441 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | put together
00117405 30 v 02 strip 1 draw_the_last_milk 0 001 @ 00117496 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of cows
00117496 30 v 02 milk 0 draw_milk 0 002 @ 00776245 v 0000 ~ 00117405 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | take milk from female mammals
00117617 30 v 03 strip 2 dismantle 0 strip_of_its_coverings 0 001 @ 00104355 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | strip a wall of its wallpaper, for example
00117759 30 v 02 strip 3 remove_a_constituent 0 001 @ 00104355 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove a constituent from a liquid; in chemistry
00117893 30 v 02 strip 4 remove_the_thread 0 001 @ 00715386 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | of screws
00117993 30 v 06 denude 0 lay_bare 0 bare 0 denudate 0 clear 1 strip 5 003 @ 00104355 v 0000 ~ 00118160 v 0000 ~ 00118274 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | as of a forest
00118160 30 v 04 defoliate 0 deforest 0 disforest 0 disafforest 0 001 @ 00117993 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of forests
00118274 30 v 01 burn_off 0 001 @ 00117993 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | clear land of its vegetation by burning it off
00118386 30 v 01 burn 3 004 @ 00154558 v 0000 ~ 00118581 v 0000 ~ 00226751 v 0000 ~ 00227430 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | burn with heat, fire, or radiation: "The iron burnt a hole in my dress"
00118581 30 v 01 scald 0 001 @ 00118386 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | burn with a hot liquid
00118690 30 v 01 declaw 0 001 @ 00107498 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove the claws from as cat
00118782 30 v 01 defang 0 001 @ 00104355 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove the fangs from (canines, snakes, etc.)
00118891 30 v 02 dehorn 0 deprive_of_horns 0 002 @ 00107498 v 0000 ~ 00119018 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | take the horns off animals
00119018 30 v 01 disbud 0 001 @ 00118891 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | destroy undeveloped horn buds, of cattle
00119122 30 v 02 bone 0 debone 0 001 @ 00104355 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove the bones from an animal
00119224 30 v 03 disembowel 0 eviscerate 0 draw 5 001 @ 00104355 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | remove the entrails of; "draw a chicken"
00119360 30 v 02 shell 0 pod 0 001 @ 00104355 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | take something out of its shell or pod, such as peas or beans
00119490 30 v 02 tusk 0 detusk 0 001 @ 00104355 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove the tusks of animals
00119588 30 v 02 dehorn 1 prevent_the_growth_of_horns 0 001 @ 00104355 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of certain animals
00119700 30 v 02 scalp 0 remove_the_scalp 0 002 @ 00104355 v 0000 ~ 00119826 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | "The enemies were scalped"
00119826 30 v 01 lift 3 001 @ 00119700 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove by scalping, of hair
00119915 30 v 02 moderate 0 mellow 2 001 @ 00101940 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | make less extreme
00120023 30 v 02 qualify 2 restrict 1 001 @ 00101940 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make more specific
00120125 30 v 03 remodel 0 reconstruct 0 redo 0 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | do over, as of a house
00120233 30 v 03 correct 0 right 0 make_right 0 005 @ 00080617 v 0000 ! 00121608 v 0101 ~ 00120411 v 0000 ~ 00120525 v 0000 ~ 00178525 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make correct
00120411 30 v 04 rectify 0 remedy 0 set_right 0 amend 1 001 @ 00120233 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | set straight
00120525 30 v 02 debug 0 eliminate_bugs 0 001 @ 00120233 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of computer programs
00120625 30 v 03 edit 0 redact 0 change_a_text 0 008 @ 00072540 v 0000 ~ 00120860 v 0000 ~ 00120953 v 0000 ~ 00121079 v 0000 ~ 00121189 v 0000 ~ 00121502 v 0000 ~ 00354151 v 0000 ~ 00450248 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make editorial changes
00120860 30 v 02 blue-pencil 0 delete 0 001 @ 00120625 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of books, etc.
00120953 30 v 05 bowdlerize 0 bowdlerise 0 expurgate 0 shorten 7 cut 9 001 @ 00120625 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of literary texts
00121079 30 v 03 interpolate 0 alter 4 falsify 3 001 @ 00120625 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | insert words into texts
00121189 30 v 02 hack 0 cut_up 0 001 @ 00120625 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | significantly cut up a manuscript
00121293 30 v 03 edit 1 cut 7 edit_out 0 002 @ 00072540 v 0000 ~ 00121397 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of film
00121397 30 v 01 black_out 0 001 @ 00121293 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of reporting, as for political reasons
00121502 30 v 01 blank_out 0 001 @ 00120625 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of newspapers, as for political reasons
00121608 30 v 02 falsify 0 make_false 0 002 @ 00080617 v 0000 ! 00120233 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | falsify knowingly
00121729 30 v 03 tame 0 chasten 1 subdue 0 003 @ 00072540 v 0000 ~ 00121852 v 0000 ~ 00121974 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00
00121852 30 v 03 domesticate 0 domesticize 0 make_fit_for_domestic_life 0 001 @ 00121729 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of animals
00121974 30 v 02 break_in 0 break b 002 > 00122175 v 0000 @ 00121729 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | make submissive, obedient, or useful, as of wild animals or new items; used metaphorically for people
00122175 30 v 01 break c 001 @ 00064108 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | be broken in; "If the new teacher won't break, we'll add some stress"
00122307 30 v 03 chasten 0 moderate 1 temper 3 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 01 + 09 00
00122390 30 v 02 corrupt 0 spoil 1 001 @ 00101940 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | alter from the original
00122486 30 v 03 pervert 0 misuse 0 abuse 0 002 @ 00658041 v 0000 ~ 00659840 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | change the inherent purpose or function of something
00122638 30 v 04 worsen 0 decline 1 grow_worse 0 get_worse 2 010 @ 00086015 v 0000 ! 00123459 v 0101 ~ 00040055 v 0000 ~ 00052473 v 0000 ~ 00055043 v 0000 ~ 00103980 v 0000 ~ 00122940 v 0000 ~ 00123050 v 0000 ~ 00123340 v 0000 ~ 00149022 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | "Conditions in the slum worsened"
00122940 30 v 01 tumble 1 001 @ 00122638 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | suffer a sudden downfall, overthrow, or defeat
00123050 30 v 05 slip 0 drop_behind 0 drop_off 0 drop_away 0 fall_away 0 002 @ 00122638 v 0000 ~ 00123211 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | "My grades are slipping"
00123211 30 v 02 lapse 0 backslide 0 001 @ 00123050 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | drop to a lower level; as in one's morals or standards
00123340 30 v 02 suffer 0 change_for_the_worse 0 001 @ 00122638 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | be set at a disadvantage
00123459 30 v 05 better 0 improve 0 become_better 0 ameliorate 0 meliorate 0 010 @ 00086015 v 0000 ! 00122638 v 0101 ~ 00055228 v 0000 ~ 00059140 v 0000 ~ 00100818 v 0000 ~ 00123754 v 0000 ~ 00159446 v 0000 ~ 00159698 v 0000 ~ 00161244 v 0000 ~ 00297117 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | get better
00123754 30 v 02 turn_around 0 pick_up 0 001 @ 00123459 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | "Her performance in school picked up"
00123878 30 v 03 brisk 0 brisk_up 0 brisken 0 001 @ 00260897 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become brisk; "business brisked up"
00123997 30 v 06 better 1 improve 1 amend 0 ameliorate 1 meliorate 1 make_better 0 023 > 00123459 v 0000 @ 00072540 v 0000 ! 00125155 v 0101 ~ 00040410 v 0000 ~ 00049922 v 0000 ~ 00057987 v 0000 ~ 00058079 v 0000 ~ 00103250 v 0000 ~ 00103463 v 0000 ~ 00124528 v 0000 ~ 00124917 v 0000 ~ 00125033 v 0000 ~ 00138132 v 0000 ~ 00155240 v 0000 ~ 00158117 v 0000 ~ 00176535 v 0000 ~ 00266358 v 0000 ~ 00279738 v 0000 ~ 00279980 v 0000 ~ 00280739 v 0000 ~ 00297011 v 0000 ~ 00325354 v 0000 ~ 01351854 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 10 00 + 11 00
00124528 30 v 02 condition 0 put_into_a_proper_state 0 002 @ 00123997 v 0000 ~ 00124663 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "he conditions old cars"
00124663 30 v 01 recondition 0 001 @ 00124528 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "He reconditioned the old appliances"
00124769 30 v 02 degrade 0 cheapen 0 002 @ 00125155 v 0000 ~ 00290315 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | lower the grade of something; reduce its worth
00124917 30 v 03 emend 0 make_improvements_to 0 make_corrections_to 0 001 @ 00123997 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of texts
00125033 30 v 03 iron_out 0 straighten_out 1 put_right 0 001 @ 00123997 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of difficulties or problems
00125155 30 v 05 worsen 1 make_worse 0 aggravate 0 exacerbate 0 exasperate 0 005 @ 00072540 v 0000 ! 00123997 v 0101 ~ 00039912 v 0000 ~ 00040168 v 0000 ~ 00124769 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | "This drug aggravates the pain"
00125389 30 v 03 deteriorate 0 degenerate 0 fall_apart 1 002 @ 00125525 v 0000 ~ 00277980 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | "His mind deteriorated"
00125525 30 v 05 decay 0 fall_into_decay 0 crumble_away 0 delapidate 0 fall_into_ruin 0 007 ~ 00125389 v 0000 ~ 00163514 v 0000 ~ 00163925 v 0000 ~ 00164049 v 0000 ~ 00231502 v 0000 ~ 00278126 v 0000 ~ 00787714 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | "The unoccupied house started to decay"
00125806 30 v 02 decompose 0 break_up 2 001 @ 00839659 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 11 00 | separate into constituent elements or parts
00125935 30 v 04 decompose 1 rot 0 molder 0 moulder 0 002 @ 00326526 v 0000 ~ 00126088 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 11 00 | "The bodies decomposed in the heat"
00126088 30 v 01 hang 0 001 @ 00125935 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 11 00 | of meat, in order to get a gamey taste; "hang the venison for a few days"
00126231 30 v 02 spoil 0 go_bad 0 003 @ 00326526 v 0000 ~ 00126451 v 0000 ~ 00263977 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | esp. of perishable foods
00126363 30 v 01 smut 1 001 @ 00126521 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become smutted, as of corn
00126451 30 v 01 addle 0 001 @ 00126231 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | of eggs
00126521 30 v 03 mold 0 mildew 0 become_moldy 0 003 @ 00064108 v 0000 ~ 00126363 v 0000 ~ 00126672 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 11 00 | spoil due to humidity
00126672 30 v 02 dry-rot 0 affect_with_dry_rot 0 001 @ 00126521 v 0000 01 + 11 00
00126757 30 v 04 dehydrate 0 dry_up 0 desicate 0 dessicate 0 002 @ 00130659 v 0000 ! 00127880 v 0101 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | "In the desert, you get dehydrated very quickly"
00126930 30 v 01 freeze-dry 0 003 * 00126757 v 0000 @ 00127132 v 0000 ~ 00127045 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | as of foods
00127045 30 v 01 lyophilize 0 001 @ 00126930 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of serum and tissue
00127132 30 v 01 preserve 0 007 @ 00127336 v 0000 ~ 00126930 v 0000 ~ 00127461 v 0000 ~ 00127538 v 0000 ~ 00127796 v 0000 ~ 00310969 v 0000 ~ 00311145 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | prevent from rotting, of foods
00127336 30 v 02 prepare 1 make_suitable 0 003 @ 00229460 v 0000 ~ 00127132 v 0000 ~ 00320071 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of foods
00127461 30 v 01 pickle 0 001 @ 00127132 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of vegetables
00127538 30 v 02 salt 0 preserve_with_salt 0 001 @ 00127132 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of meats
00127629 30 v 02 marinade 0 marinate 0 001 @ 00198433 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of foods
00127714 30 v 01 decoct 1 001 @ 00198433 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | steep in hot water
00127796 30 v 03 can 0 tin 0 put_up 0 001 @ 00127132 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of foods
00127880 30 v 02 hydrate 0 cause_to_be_hydrated 0 003 @ 00128851 v 0000 ! 00126757 v 0101 ~ 00128010 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00128010 30 v 02 slack 6 slake 3 002 @ 00127880 v 0000 ~ 00128160 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cause to heat and crumble by treatment with water, as of lime
00128160 30 v 01 air-slake 0 001 @ 00128010 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | alter by exposure to air with conversion at least in part to a carbonate, of lime
00128308 30 v 02 wet 0 make_wet 0 007 @ 00072540 v 0000 ! 00130659 v 0101 ~ 00128515 v 0000 ~ 00129214 v 0000 ~ 00130309 v 0000 ~ 00137068 v 0000 ~ 00137455 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause to become wet
00128515 30 v 01 bedew 0 001 @ 00128308 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cover with drops, as with dew
00128615 30 v 02 spin-dry 0 dry_by_spinning 0 001 @ 00130659 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | as of clothes
00128712 30 v 01 spray-dry 0 001 @ 00130659 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | dry by bringing into the form of a spray, through contact with a hot gas
00128851 30 v 04 humidify 0 moisturize 0 make_humid 0 make_more_humid 0 003 @ 00130309 v 0000 ! 00129054 v 0101 ~ 00127880 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | "We have a machine that humidifies the air in the house"
00129054 30 v 02 dehumidify 0 make_less_humid 0 002 @ 00130659 v 0000 ! 00128851 v 0101 01 + 11 00 | "The air conditioner dehumidifies the air in the summer"
00129214 30 v 06 drench 0 douse 0 dowse 0 soak 1 sop 1 souse 1 006 @ 00128308 v 0000 ~ 00129438 v 0000 ~ 00129514 v 0000 ~ 00129613 v 0000 ~ 00129708 v 0000 ~ 00270914 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | cover with liquid
00129438 30 v 01 brine 0 001 @ 00129214 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | soak in brine
00129514 30 v 01 bedraggle 0 001 @ 00129214 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | make wet and dirty, as from rain
00129613 30 v 01 bate 0 001 @ 00129214 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of hides; in order to soften them
00129708 30 v 01 ret 0 001 @ 00129214 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of flax, hemp, or jute, so as to promote loosening of the fibers form the woody tissue
00129855 30 v 01 flood 0 005 @ 00687390 v 0000 ^ 00422107 v 0103 ~ 00130112 v 0000 ~ 00130198 v 0000 ~ 01565295 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | cover with liquid, usually water; "The swollen river flooded the village"; "The broken vein had flooded blodd in her eyes"
00130112 30 v 01 flow 0 001 @ 00129855 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cover with water
00130198 30 v 02 inundate 0 deluge 0 001 @ 00129855 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | fill excessively, usually with water
00130309 30 v 02 moisten 0 dampen 1 003 @ 00128308 v 0000 ~ 00128851 v 0000 ~ 00194807 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make moist
00130437 30 v 01 moil 0 001 @ 00714946 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | moisten or soil: "Her tears moiled the letter"
00130553 30 v 03 parch 0 scorch 0 sear 2 001 @ 00130659 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | "The sun parched the earth"
00130659 30 v 03 dry 1 make_dry 0 dry_out 5 012 > 00131260 v 0000 @ 00072540 v 0000 ! 00128308 v 0101 ~ 00126757 v 0000 ~ 00128615 v 0000 ~ 00128712 v 0000 ~ 00129054 v 0000 ~ 00130553 v 0000 ~ 00130970 v 0000 ~ 00131081 v 0000 ~ 00131173 v 0000 ~ 00287384 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | dry clothes, hair, etc.
00130970 30 v 01 rough-dry 0 001 @ 00130659 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | dry without smoothing or ironing, of laundry
00131081 30 v 01 blow-dry 0 001 @ 00130659 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | dry hair with a hair dryer
00131173 30 v 01 drip-dry 0 001 @ 00130659 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | dry by hanging up wet
00131260 30 v 03 dry 0 dry_out 0 become_dry 0 002 @ 00064108 v 0000 ~ 01565365 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | "The laundry dries in the sun"
00131392 30 v 03 lock 0 become_rigid 1 become_immoveable 0 002 @ 00131613 v 0000 ! 00131515 v 0101 01 + 01 00 | of bones
00131515 30 v 02 unlock 0 become_unlocked 0 002 @ 00131750 v 0000 ! 00131392 v 0101 01 + 01 00
00131613 30 v 02 engage 0 get_caught 0 003 @ 00686113 v 0000 ! 00131750 v 0101 ~ 00131392 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | as of gears, for example
00131750 30 v 02 disengage 0 become_free 0 004 @ 00086015 v 0000 ! 00131613 v 0101 ~ 00131515 v 0000 ~ 00312292 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | as of gears, for example
00131909 30 v 05 strengthen 0 get_strong 0 become_strong 0 become_stronger 0 gain_strength 0 005 ! 00134054 v 0101 ~ 00099375 v 0000 ~ 00099809 v 0000 ~ 00132947 v 0000 ~ 00183159 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | "His body strengthened"
00132143 30 v 01 attenuate 0 001 @ 00134054 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become weaker, in strength, value, or magnitude
00132257 30 v 03 strengthen 1 beef_up 0 fortify 1 012 > 00131909 v 0000 @ 00072540 v 0000 ! 00134905 v 0101 ~ 00099246 v 0000 ~ 00132590 v 0000 ~ 00132701 v 0000 ~ 00132823 v 0000 ~ 00133275 v 0000 ~ 00133483 v 0000 ~ 00694923 v 0000 ~ 00749258 v 0000 ~ 00749346 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | make strong or stronger
00132590 30 v 01 restrengthen 0 001 @ 00132257 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | make strong again
00132701 30 v 02 undergird 0 brace_up 0 001 @ 00132257 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | make secure underneath; "undergird the ship"
00132823 30 v 01 confirm 0 001 @ 00132257 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make more firm; "Confirm thy soul in self-control!"
00132947 30 v 02 sandbag 0 strengthen_with_sandbags 0 001 @ 00131909 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | protect with sandbags; stop up
00133178 30 v 02 fortify 2 add_nutrients 0 001 @ 00110396 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | of foods
00133275 30 v 03 reinforce 0 reenforce 0 re-enforce 0 005 @ 00132257 v 0000 ~ 00133593 v 0000 ~ 00133686 v 0000 ~ 00133932 v 0000 ~ 00637457 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make stronger; "reinforced concrete"
00133483 30 v 01 buttress 0 001 @ 00132257 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | make stronger or defensible
00133593 30 v 01 line 1 001 @ 00133275 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | reinforce with fabric; of books
00133686 30 v 03 substantiate 0 back 0 back_up 0 002 @ 00133275 v 0000 ~ 00133834 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "Can you substantiate your claims?"
00133834 30 v 01 vouch 0 001 @ 00133686 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "He vouched his words by his deeds"
00133932 30 v 03 support 0 bolster 1 bolster_up 0 001 @ 00133275 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | of morale, theories, etc.
00134054 30 v 05 weaken 0 die_down 2 get_weak 0 get_weaker 0 become_weak 0 013 ! 00131909 v 0101 ~ 00132143 v 0000 ~ 00134623 v 0000 ~ 00134796 v 0000 ~ 00140203 v 0000 ~ 00187969 v 0000 ~ 00232362 v 0000 ~ 00233372 v 0000 ~ 00233688 v 0000 ~ 00248823 v 0000 ~ 00250544 v 0000 ~ 00262431 v 0000 ~ 00278237 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | become progressively weaker; "His health weakened every day"; "The laughter died down"
00134477 30 v 01 die 2 000 01 + 02 00 | suffer spiritual death; be damned (in the religious sense); "Whosoever..believes in me shall never die"
00134623 30 v 01 collapse 0 001 @ 00134054 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | lose significance, effectiveness, or value; "The school system is collapsing"; "The stock market collapsed"
00134796 30 v 02 fade 2 fade_out 1 001 @ 00134054 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | visually: "The scene begins to fade"
00134905 30 v 03 weaken 1 make_weak 1 make_weaker 1 019 > 00134054 v 0000 @ 00072540 v 0000 ! 00132257 v 0101 ~ 00015052 v 0000 ~ 00100304 v 0000 ~ 00100466 v 0000 ~ 00135372 v 0000 ~ 00135451 v 0000 ~ 00135549 v 0000 ~ 00135691 v 0000 ~ 00135837 v 0000 ~ 00136850 v 0000 ~ 00177759 v 0000 ~ 00232106 v 0000 ~ 00232255 v 0000 ~ 00233250 v 0000 ~ 00278424 v 0000 ~ 00319443 v 0000 ~ 00319835 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | "The fever weakened his body"
00135451 30 v 01 etiolate 1 001 @ 00134905 v 0000 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | deprive of natural vigor
00135549 30 v 01 cripple 0 001 @ 00134905 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | deprive of strength or efficiency; "This weakens our efforts"
00135691 30 v 05 dilute 0 thin 2 thin_out 2 reduce 9 cut 5 002 @ 00134905 v 0000 ~ 00286878 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | as of solutions
00135837 30 v 02 rarefy 0 attenuate 1 001 @ 00134905 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | weaken the consistency of something, in chemistry
00135970 30 v 02 intensify 0 become_intense 0 005 @ 00093597 v 0000 ~ 00136150 v 0000 ~ 00186017 v 0000 ~ 00233780 v 0000 ~ 00260897 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | "The debate intensified"
00136150 30 v 01 redouble 1 001 @ 00135970 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | "The screaming redoubled"
00136241 30 v 03 intensify 1 compound 1 make_more_intense 0 009 > 00135970 v 0000 @ 00093597 v 0000 ~ 00136521 v 0000 ~ 00136640 v 0000 ~ 00138006 v 0000 ~ 00157065 v 0000 ~ 00233875 v 0000 ~ 00234010 v 0000 ~ 00234260 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "The efforts were intensified"
00136521 30 v 03 heat_up 4 hot_up 1 screw_up 0 001 @ 00136241 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "Emotions were screwed up"
00136640 30 v 02 fan 0 make_fiercer 0 001 @ 00136241 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | as of emotions, for example
00136751 30 v 02 blunt 0 make_blunt 0 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make less sharp
00136850 30 v 02 blunt 1 make_less_intense 0 001 @ 00134905 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | as of knives, for example
00136966 30 v 02 bloody 0 make_bloody 0 001 @ 00687390 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cover with blood
00137068 30 v 02 water 0 irrigate 0 004 @ 00128308 v 0000 ~ 00137218 v 0000 ~ 00137329 v 0000 ~ 00273601 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | Water the lawn
00137218 30 v 01 syringe 0 001 @ 00137068 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | spray with water, as of plants or a greenhouse
00137329 30 v 03 hose 0 hose_down 0 water_with_a_hose 0 001 @ 00137068 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | as of lawns, for example
00137562 30 v 03 distill 0 distil 0 transform_by_distillation 0 002 @ 00064108 v 0000 ~ 00137692 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of liquids
00137692 30 v 01 moonshine 0 001 @ 00137562 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | distill illegally; produce moonshine
00137795 30 v 03 distill 1 distil 1 undergo_distillation 0 001 @ 00064108 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | of liquids
00137902 30 v 03 distill 2 extract 0 distil 2 001 @ 00926361 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make by distillation
00138006 30 v 03 enhance 0 heighten 0 raise 0 001 @ 00136241 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "This will enhance your enjoyment"
00138132 30 v 01 enhance 1 002 @ 00123997 v 0000 ~ 00138271 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "This sauce will enhance the flavor of the meat"
00138271 30 v 02 touch_up 0 retouch 0 001 @ 00138132 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | as of pictures and photographs
00138377 30 v 04 grow 0 become_larger 0 become_greater 0 become_bigger 0 022 @ 00093597 v 0000 ^ 01178933 v 0101 ^ 01438373 v 0101 ^ 01188672 v 0102 ^ 01095806 v 0102 ~ 00055853 v 0000 ~ 00092545 v 0000 ~ 00094432 v 0000 ~ 00094538 v 0000 ~ 00094646 v 0000 ~ 00138909 v 0000 ~ 00139011 v 0000 ~ 00139954 v 0000 ~ 00141800 v 0000 ~ 00144398 v 0000 ~ 00150592 v 0000 ~ 00187475 v 0000 ~ 00187665 v 0000 ~ 00192081 v 0000 ~ 00215935 v 0000 ~ 01131336 v 0000 ~ 01188386 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | "The problem grew too large for me"
00138909 30 v 02 mushroom 0 grow_fast 0 001 @ 00138377 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | "The problem mushroomed"
00139011 30 v 02 overgrow 0 outgrow 0 001 @ 00138377 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00139093 30 v 01 grow 2 008 @ 00150592 v 0000 ~ 00057105 v 0000 ~ 00139333 v 0000 ~ 00139458 v 0000 ~ 00139573 v 0000 ~ 00139700 v 0000 ~ 00147132 v 0000 ~ 00215796 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | of living matter, such as plants and animals
00139333 30 v 01 undergrow 0 001 @ 00139093 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | grow below something; "The moss undergrew the stone patio"
00139458 30 v 01 exfoliate 0 001 @ 00139093 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | grow by producing or unfolding leaves; of plants
00139573 30 v 01 vegetate 0 001 @ 00139093 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | grow like a plant; "This fungus usually vegetates vigorously"
00139700 30 v 01 vegetate 1 001 @ 00139093 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | produce vegetation; "The fields vegetate vigorously"
00139818 30 v 01 vegetate 2 001 @ 00146999 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | establish vegetation on; "They vegetated the hills behind their house"
00139954 30 v 04 overgrow 1 grow_over 0 grow_beyond 0 grow_across 0 001 @ 00138377 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | "The ivy overgrew the patio"
00140088 30 v 02 overgrow 2 become_grown_over 0 001 @ 00086015 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | "The patio overgrew with ivy"
00140203 30 v 02 subside 0 lessen 1 001 @ 00134054 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | "The pain subsided"
00140296 30 v 03 pare 0 pare_down 0 decrease_gradually 0 001 @ 00262983 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00140397 30 v 03 reduce 1 narrow_down 3 tighten 3 001 @ 00140526 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "reduce the influx of foreigners"
00140526 30 v 08 restrict 0 restrain 0 check 4 trammel 0 limit 1 bound 0 confine 0 throttle 1 014 @ 01421427 v 0000 ! 00141800 v 0101 ~ 00140397 v 0000 ~ 00141067 v 0000 ~ 00141200 v 0000 ~ 00141354 v 0000 ~ 00141499 v 0000 ~ 00141590 v 0000 ~ 00141717 v 0000 ~ 00142629 v 0000 ~ 00248565 v 0000 ~ 00248694 v 0000 ~ 00274488 v 0000 ~ 00746370 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | place limits on
00140931 30 v 01 develop c 001 @ 00141800 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | expand a function or expression in the form of a series, in mathematics
00141067 30 v 01 tie 1 001 @ 00140526 v 0000 02 + 20 00 + 21 00 | "I am tied to UNIX"; "These big jets are tied to large airports"
00141200 30 v 01 gate 0 001 @ 00140526 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | restrict movement to the dormitory or campus, of Britsh schoolboys, as a means of punishment
00141354 30 v 02 draw_the_line 0 draw_a_line 0 001 @ 00140526 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | "I draw the line when it comes to lending money to friends!"
00141499 30 v 02 mark_off 0 mark_out 0 001 @ 00140526 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | set boundaries
00141590 30 v 05 rule 0 harness 0 rein 0 keep_in_check 0 control 3 001 @ 00140526 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | e.g. rule one's temper
00141717 30 v 02 baffle 0 regulate 1 001 @ 00140526 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of sound
00141800 30 v 02 expand 0 extend 0 009 @ 00138377 v 0000 ! 00140526 v 0101 ^ 00538150 v 0108 ~ 00140931 v 0000 ~ 00142073 v 0000 ~ 00153355 v 0000 ~ 00153682 v 0000 ~ 00157168 v 0000 ~ 00192740 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "The company expanded its product lines"
00142073 30 v 01 carry 5 001 @ 00141800 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | continue or extend; "The civil war carried into the neighboring province"
00142209 30 v 03 limit 0 circumscribe 0 confine 1 005 @ 00262983 v 0000 ~ 00142375 v 0000 ~ 00142511 v 0000 ~ 00142769 v 0000 ~ 00412235 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00142375 30 v 03 number 0 limit_the_number_of 0 keep_down 0 001 @ 00142209 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | place a limit on the number of
00142511 30 v 02 cap 0 place_a_cap_on 0 001 @ 00142209 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | restrict the number or amount of
00142629 30 v 03 hamper 0 halter 0 cramp 0 001 @ 00140526 v 0000 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | "He was hampered in his efforts by the bad weather"
00142769 30 v 04 restrict 2 curtail 0 curb 0 cut_back 0 002 @ 00142209 v 0000 ~ 00160320 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | place restrictions on
00142918 30 v 03 reduce 2 boil_down 0 concentrate 0 001 @ 00262983 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | as of sauces; "The cook reduced the sauce by boiling it for a long time"
00143080 30 v 04 boil_down 1 reduce a decoct 2 concentrate 3 001 @ 00090574 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | as of sauces; "The sauce should reduce to one cup"
00143229 30 v 02 concentrate 1 make_denser 0 001 @ 00086015 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of the solvent of a solution
00143340 30 v 03 reduce b come_down 0 boil_down 3 001 @ 01485446 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | "The proposal boils down to a compromise"
00143469 30 v 04 deoxidize 0 deoxidise 0 reduce 3 remove_oxygen_from 0 003 @ 00064108 v 0000 ! 00143728 v 0101 ~ 00143915 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | remove oxygen from, in chemistry
00143654 30 v 01 catabolize 0 001 @ 00143728 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00143728 30 v 02 oxidize 0 oxidise 0 004 @ 00072540 v 0000 @ 00064108 v 0000 ! 00143469 v 0101 ~ 00143654 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | add oxygen to or combine with oxygen; in chemistry
00143915 30 v 01 pole 0 001 @ 00143469 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | deoxidize molten metals by stirring them with a wooden pole
00144036 30 v 02 reduce 4 scale_down 1 002 @ 00144554 v 0000 ! 00144140 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | of images
00144140 30 v 03 blow_up 0 enlarge 1 magnify 1 002 @ 00091455 v 0000 ! 00144036 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | of images
00144252 30 v 03 shrink 0 draw_together 0 contract 4 003 @ 00090574 v 0000 ! 00144398 v 0101 ~ 01164797 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | "The fabric shrank"
00144398 30 v 02 stretch 0 extend 3 003 @ 00138377 v 0000 ! 00144252 v 0101 ~ 00834029 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "The fabric stretches"
00144554 30 v 02 shrink 1 reduce 5 008 > 00144252 v 0000 @ 00262983 v 0000 ~ 00144036 v 0000 ~ 00144794 v 0000 ~ 00144878 v 0000 ~ 00144973 v 0000 ~ 00312512 v 0000 ~ 00732489 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | reduce in size; reduce physically
00144794 30 v 01 zero 2 001 @ 00144554 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | reduce to zero
00144878 30 v 01 reef 1 001 @ 00144554 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | reduce a sail by taking in a reef
00144973 30 v 02 miniaturize 0 miniaturise 0 001 @ 00144554 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | design or construct on a smaller scale
00145094 30 v 04 shrivel 0 shrivel_up 0 shrink 2 wither 0 004 @ 00090574 v 0000 ~ 00055756 v 0000 ~ 00145275 v 0000 ~ 00145361 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | "The fruit dried and shriveled"
00145275 30 v 02 die_back 0 die_down 0 001 @ 00145094 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | of plants
00145361 30 v 02 mummmify 0 dry_up 3 001 @ 00145094 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | "a mummified body was found"
00145464 30 v 02 reduce 6 simplify 1 002 @ 00072540 v 0000 ~ 00146191 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make less complex; "reduce a problem to a single question"
00145623 30 v 01 consolidate 0 001 @ 00221242 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | "The companies consolidated"
00145720 30 v 01 consolidate 1 001 @ 00146043 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | bring together into a single whole or system; "The town and county schools are being consolidated"
00145895 30 v 01 weld 0 001 @ 00146043 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | unite closely or intimately; "Her gratitude welded her to him"
00146043 30 v 03 unite 2 unify 1 merge 2 003 @ 00072540 v 0000 ~ 00145720 v 0000 ~ 00145895 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "We merged our resources"
00146191 30 v 01 abbreviate 0 001 @ 00145464 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | as of words: "Abbreviate `New York' and write `NY'."
00146311 30 v 07 abridge 0 foreshorten 0 abbreviate 1 shorten 2 cut 8 contract 5 reduce 8 002 @ 00262983 v 0000 ~ 00146631 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "The manuscript must be shortened"
00146499 30 v 01 foreshorten 1 001 @ 00191921 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | shorten lines in a drawing so as to create an illusion of depth
00146631 30 v 02 encapsulate 0 condense 5 001 @ 00146311 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | contain a lot in a relatively small volume or form
00147907 30 v 04 multiply 0 manifold 1 increase_by_multiplication 0 combine_by_multiplication 0 005 @ 00091455 v 0000 ~ 00147217 v 0000 ~ 00147575 v 0000 ~ 00147806 v 0000 ~ 00148275 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "He managed to multiply his profits"
00148165 30 v 01 manifold 0 001 @ 00970576 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make multiple copies of; "multiply a letter"
00148275 30 v 01 proliferate 1 001 @ 00147907 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | "Health food shops proliferate in this region"
00148390 30 v 05 age 0 grow_old 0 grow_older 0 mature 1 maturate 1 003 @ 00150592 v 0000 ~ 00149236 v 0000 ~ 01524082 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | "She aged gracefully"
00148560 30 v 03 age 1 begin_to_seem_older 0 get_older 0 001 @ 00150592 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | "The death of his wife caused him to age fast"
00148709 30 v 08 progress 0 make_progress 0 come_on 2 come_along 1 advance 0 get_on 0 get_along 0 shape_up 0 003 @ 00150592 v 0000 ! 00149022 v 0101 ~ 00148930 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | "He progressed well in school"
00148930 30 v 02 leapfrog 0 progress_by_jumps 0 001 @ 00148709 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00
00149022 30 v 04 regress 0 retrograde 0 undergo_regress 0 retrogress 0 003 @ 00122638 v 0000 ! 00148709 v 0101 ~ 00629264 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 22 00 | get worse; fall back to a previous or worse condition
00149236 30 v 02 fossilize 2 become_inflexible 0 001 @ 00148390 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00149321 30 v 03 age 2 make_older 0 cause_to_age 0 003 > 00148390 v 0000 @ 00072540 v 0000 ! 00149859 v 0101 01 + 10 00
00149444 30 v 02 ripen 0 grow_ripe 0 001 @ 00149663 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | "The plums ripen in July"
00149544 30 v 02 ripen 1 make_ripe 0 002 > 00149444 v 0000 @ 00072540 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | "The sun ripens the fruit"
00149663 30 v 05 mature 0 maturate 0 grow_mature 0 grow 4 undergo_maturation 0 004 * 00148390 v 0000 @ 00150592 v 0000 ~ 00149444 v 0000 ~ 01438373 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | "He matured fast"
00149859 30 v 03 rejuvenate 0 make_younger 0 make_youthful 0 002 @ 00058079 v 0000 ! 00149321 v 0101 01 + 10 00 | "The contact with his grandchildren rejuvenated him"
00150028 30 v 02 evolve 0 undergo_an_evolution 0 002 @ 00150592 v 0000 ~ 00150466 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | "Modern man evolved a long time ago"
00150169 30 v 03 evolve 2 come_up_with 0 work_out 0 001 @ 00151497 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "We evolved an interesting idea"
00150291 30 v 02 elaborate 1 work_out 1 001 @ 00151497 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | work out in detail
00150387 30 v 03 evolve 1 derive 0 educe 0 001 @ 00926361 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00150466 30 v 02 derive_from 0 come_from 0 001 @ 00150028 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | "The present name derives from an older form"
00150592 30 v 01 develop 0 014 @ 00138377 v 0000 ~ 00068891 v 0000 ~ 00139093 v 0000 ~ 00148390 v 0000 ~ 00148560 v 0000 ~ 00148709 v 0000 ~ 00149663 v 0000 ~ 00150028 v 0000 ~ 00151111 v 0000 ~ 00151953 v 0000 ~ 00177033 v 0000 ~ 00177350 v 0000 ~ 00177603 v 0000 ~ 00216079 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | grow, progress, unfold, or evolve gradually through a process of evolution, natural growth, or differentiation; "A flower developed on the branch"; "The country developed into a mighty superpower"
00151111 30 v 05 build_up 0 work_up 0 build 0 form_steadily 0 progress 1 001 @ 00150592 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | "Resistance to the manager's plan built up quickly"
00151273 30 v 03 antique 0 antiquate 0 make_to_look_antique 0 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | give an antique appearance to; of furniture
00151416 30 v 02 antiquate 1 make_obsolete 0 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00151497 30 v 02 develop 1 make_grow 0 008 > 00150592 v 0000 > 00138377 v 0000 @ 00072540 v 0000 ~ 00150169 v 0000 ~ 00150291 v 0000 ~ 00151868 v 0000 ~ 00169328 v 0000 ~ 01445460 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause to grow and differentiate in ways conforming to its natural development; "The perfect climate here develops the grain"; "He developed a new kind of apple"
00151868 30 v 01 incubate 1 001 @ 00151497 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | of premature babies
00151953 30 v 02 incubate 2 undergo_incubation 0 001 @ 00150592 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | develop under favorable conditions, such as germs and bacteria
00152102 30 v 04 mellow 0 grow_mellow 0 grow_more_mellow 0 melt 4 001 @ 00152359 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | "With age, he mellowed"
00152237 30 v 02 mellow 1 make_mellow 0 002 > 00152102 v 0000 @ 00152774 v 0000 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | "Age mellowed him"
00152359 30 v 03 soften 0 become_soft 0 become_softer 0 003 @ 00064108 v 0000 ! 00264061 v 0101 ~ 00152102 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | "The bread will soften if you pour some liquid on it"
00152542 30 v 02 encrust 0 form_a_crust 0 002 @ 00264061 v 0000 ~ 00152657 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | form a hard layer
00152657 30 v 01 effloresce 2 001 @ 00152542 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become encrusted with crystals due to evaporation
00152774 30 v 03 soften 1 make_soft 0 make_softer 0 005 > 00152359 v 0000 @ 00072540 v 0000 ! 00264246 v 0101 ~ 00152237 v 0000 ~ 00153274 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | "This liquid will soften your laundry"
00152990 30 v 01 face-harden 0 001 @ 00264246 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | harden steel by adding carbon
00153088 30 v 01 callus 0 001 @ 00264061 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | "His foot callused"
00153171 30 v 01 callus 1 001 @ 00264246 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | "The long marche had callused his feet"
00153274 30 v 02 mollify 0 make_less_rigid 0 001 @ 00152774 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00153355 30 v 03 balloon 0 inflate 2 billow 0 002 @ 00141800 v 0000 ~ 00153493 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | become inflated, as of sails
00153493 30 v 01 reflate 0 001 @ 00153355 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become inflated again
00153579 30 v 03 bulge 1 cause_to_bulge 0 bulk 0 002 > 00156627 v 0000 @ 00153962 v 0000 01 + 11 00
00153682 30 v 03 swell 0 swell_up 0 distend 1 005 @ 00141800 v 0000 ~ 00153889 v 0000 ~ 00156928 v 0000 ~ 00218596 v 0000 ~ 00227564 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | "The bellies of the starving children are swelling"
00153889 30 v 02 belly 0 belly_out 0 001 @ 00153682 v 0000 01 + 01 00
00153962 30 v 02 swell 1 cause_to_be_swollen 0 004 > 00153682 v 0000 @ 00146999 v 0000 ~ 00153579 v 0000 ~ 00218712 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | "The water swells the wood"
00154128 30 v 02 bilge 0 take_in_water 0 001 @ 00154245 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | take in water at the bilge; of vessels
00154245 30 v 02 leak 0 have_a_leak 0 002 * 00787714 v 0000 ~ 00154128 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | of containers
00154352 30 v 01 break 7 001 @ 00086015 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | of the male voice in puberty
00154443 30 v 02 bilge 1 cause_to_leak 0 002 > 00154128 v 0000 @ 00154558 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | of vessels
00154558 30 v 02 damage 0 break 6 013 @ 00064108 v 0000 ~ 00118386 v 0000 ~ 00154443 v 0000 ~ 00154873 v 0000 ~ 00155079 v 0000 ~ 00156379 v 0000 ~ 00156489 v 0000 ~ 00163624 v 0000 ~ 00163818 v 0000 ~ 00176090 v 0000 ~ 00282220 v 0000 ~ 00894082 v 0000 ~ 00902145 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | inflict damage upon
00154873 30 v 01 afflict 0 002 @ 00154558 v 0000 ~ 01565216 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00154962 30 v 01 devastate 1 001 @ 01030582 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | "He was devastated by his grief when his son died"
00155079 30 v 04 hurt 4 injure 4 affect_negatively 0 damage_financially 0 001 @ 00154558 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause damage to a business or corporation
00155240 30 v 08 repair 0 mend 0 fix 1 bushel 0 doctor 1 furbish_up 0 restore 1 touch_on 0 012 @ 00123997 v 0000 ! 00787971 v 0101 ~ 00155592 v 0000 ~ 00155667 v 0000 ~ 00155789 v 0000 ~ 00155865 v 0000 ~ 00156115 v 0000 ~ 00156254 v 0000 ~ 00313992 v 0000 ~ 00314090 v 0000 ~ 00314194 v 0000 ~ 00762053 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "She repaired her TV set"
00155592 30 v 01 fill 2 001 @ 00155240 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | fill a cavity
00155667 30 v 02 piece 0 patch 1 001 @ 00155240 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | repair by adding pieces; "She pieced the china cup"
00155789 30 v 01 cobble 0 001 @ 00155240 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | repair shoes
00155865 30 v 02 point 9 repoint 0 001 @ 00155240 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | repair the joints of bricks, as of a chimney
00155982 30 v 02 overhaul 0 modernize 0 002 @ 00098399 v 0000 * 00155240 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "You should overhaul your car engine"
00156115 30 v 01 trouble-shoot 0 001 @ 00155240 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | solve problems; "He is known to be good at trouble-shooting"
00156254 30 v 02 patch 0 patch_up 0 002 @ 00155240 v 0000 ^ 00429444 v 0102 02 + 08 00 + 31 00 | patch a hole, for example
00156379 30 v 02 impair 0 make_worse 1 001 @ 00154558 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "His vision was impaired"
00156489 30 v 04 flaw 0 blemish 0 make_imperfect 0 make_defective 0 001 @ 00154558 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | add a flaw or blemish to
00156627 30 v 03 bulge 0 pouch 0 protrude 0 002 @ 00082223 v 0000 ~ 00156832 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | have bulges
00156738 30 v 02 dish 0 make_concave 0 001 @ 00083270 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | shape like a dish
00156832 30 v 02 bulk 1 be_bulky 0 001 @ 00156627 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | stick out or up
00156928 30 v 04 puff 0 puff_up 1 blow_up 2 puff_out 0 001 @ 00153682 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 11 00 | "Her faced puffed up from the drugs"
00157065 30 v 02 amplify 1 increase_the_volume 0 001 @ 00136241 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | of sound
00157168 30 v 04 inflate 0 blow_up 4 fill_with_gas 0 fill_with_air 0 004 @ 00141800 v 0000 ! 00157695 v 0101 ~ 00157359 v 0000 ~ 01166752 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | as of balloons
00157359 30 v 01 reflate 1 001 @ 00157168 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | inflate again, as of a balloon
00159322 30 v 04 turn_down 0 lower 0 lour 0 make_quieter 0 001 @ 00262983 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | as of the volume of a radio
00159446 30 v 04 get_well 0 get_over 0 pull_round 0 bounce_back 0 002 @ 00123459 v 0000 ! 00159594 v 0101 02 + 02 00 + 08 02 | "He got well fast"
00159594 30 v 02 get_worse 0 relapse 0 002 @ 00086015 v 0000 ! 00159446 v 0101 01 + 02 00 | of health
00159698 30 v 03 remit 2 go_into_remission 0 get_better 1 001 @ 00123459 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | of health
00159803 30 v 03 paralyze 0 paralyse 0 cause_to_be_paralyzed 0 002 @ 00160320 v 0000 ~ 00159972 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | "The poison paralyzed him"
00159972 30 v 01 palsy 0 001 @ 00159803 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | affect with palsy
00160052 30 v 02 paralyze 1 make_powerless 0 001 @ 00115809 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "The bureaucracy paralyzes the entire operation"
00160191 30 v 03 stun 0 stupefy 0 stupify 0 001 @ 00160320 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | as of fish, for example
00160320 30 v 02 immobilize 0 cause_to_be_immobile 0 003 @ 00142769 v 0000 ~ 00159803 v 0000 ~ 00160191 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | "The sudden storm immobilized the traffic"
00160513 30 v 03 freeze 3 block 2 immobilize 1 003 @ 01262879 v 0000 ! 00160643 v 0201 ! 00160643 v 0102 01 + 08 00 | of assets
00160643 30 v 04 unblock 0 unfreeze 1 free 1 release 0 003 @ 01403501 v 0000 ! 00160513 v 0201 ! 00160513 v 0102 01 + 08 00 | make available, as of assets; or free for sale or publication
00160833 30 v 02 immobilize 3 convert_into_fixed_capital 0 001 @ 00228189 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of assets
00160939 30 v 02 mobilize 0 circulate 0 002 > 01043075 v 0000 @ 01055491 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause to move around
00161063 30 v 03 mobilize 2 marshal 0 summon 0 001 @ 00794237 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | of resources
00161168 30 v 02 acerbate 0 make_sour 0 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 01 + 11 00
00161244 30 v 03 mend 1 heal 0 get_better 0 001 @ 00123459 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | "My leg is mending"
00161353 30 v 02 fluctuate 0 be_unstable 0 001 @ 00086015 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | have ups and downs
00161452 30 v 02 stabilize 1 make_stable 0 002 @ 00072540 v 0000 ! 00161772 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "The drug stabilized her blood pressure"
00161599 30 v 02 ballast 0 steady_with_a_ballast 0 001 @ 00161922 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00161694 30 v 01 guy 0 001 @ 00247219 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | steady with a guy
00161772 30 v 02 destabilize 0 make_unstable 0 002 @ 00072540 v 0000 ! 00161452 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "Terrorism destabilized the government"
00161922 30 v 02 stabilize 0 become_stable 0 005 @ 00064108 v 0000 ! 00162109 v 0101 ~ 00161599 v 0000 ~ 00246372 v 0000 ~ 00247219 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | "The economy stabilized"
00162109 30 v 02 destabilize 1 become_unstable 0 002 @ 00064108 v 0000 ! 00161922 v 0101 02 + 01 00 + 02 00
00162220 30 v 04 sensitize 0 sensify 0 sensibilize 0 make_sensitive 0 002 @ 00072540 v 0000 ! 00162424 v 0101 05 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 + 20 00 | "He was not sensitized to her emotional needs"
00162424 30 v 02 desensitize 0 make_insensitive 0 002 @ 00072540 v 0000 ! 00162220 v 0101 05 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 + 20 00 | "His military training desensitized him"
00162602 30 v 02 inure 0 harden 3 003 @ 00163002 v 0000 ~ 00162737 v 0000 ~ 00162814 v 0000 01 + 20 00 | "He was inured to the cold"
00162737 30 v 01 callous 0 001 @ 00162602 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | make callous
00162814 30 v 04 steel_oneself_against 0 steel_onself_for 0 brace_oneself_for 0 prepare_for 0 001 @ 00162602 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | prepare mentally or emotionally for something unpleasant
00163002 30 v 03 habituate 0 accustom 0 make_used 0 004 @ 00072540 v 0000 ~ 00162602 v 0000 ~ 00163193 v 0000 ~ 00661868 v 0000 01 + 20 00 | "She became habituated to the background music"
00163193 30 v 01 teach 0 001 @ 00163002 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 11 00 + 24 00 | accustom gradually to some action or attitude; "The child is taught to obey her parents"
00163368 30 v 03 familiarize 0 familiarise 0 make_familiar 0 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 01 + 17 00 | "Familiarize yourself with the facilities here"
00163514 30 v 02 corrode 0 rust 0 002 @ 00125525 v 0000 ~ 00163747 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | "The metal corroded"
00163624 30 v 04 corrode 1 eat 0 rust 1 cause_to_rust 0 001 @ 00154558 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | "The acid corroded the metal"
00163747 30 v 02 fret 0 eat_away 1 001 @ 00163514 v 0000 01 + 11 00
00163818 30 v 03 erode 0 eat_away 0 fret 1 001 @ 00154558 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | "Rain eroded the terraces"
00163925 30 v 01 weather 0 001 @ 00125525 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 11 00 | change under the action or influence of the weather
00167197 30 v 01 wash_out 2 001 @ 00169416 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | lose color in the process of bein washed
00167303 30 v 03 whiten 0 white 0 turn_white 0 004 @ 00168046 v 0000 ! 00167589 v 0101 ~ 00166817 v 0000 ~ 00167499 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "This detergent will whiten your laundry"
00167499 30 v 01 blanco 0 001 @ 00167303 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | whiten with Blanco
00167589 30 v 06 blacken 0 make_black 0 melanize 0 nigrify 0 black 0 become_black 0 002 @ 00168046 v 0000 ! 00167303 v 0101 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "The smoke blackened the ceiling"
00167778 30 v 01 melanize 1 001 @ 00066830 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | convert into, or infiltrate with melanin
00167892 30 v 03 lighten 2 lighten_up 1 become_lighter 0 003 @ 00064108 v 0000 ~ 00175458 v 0000 ~ 00175531 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | "His face lightened up"
00168046 30 v 04 discolor 0 discolour 0 colour 0 change_color 0 017 @ 00064108 v 0000 ~ 00061241 v 0000 ~ 00061364 v 0000 ~ 00061569 v 0000 ~ 00061903 v 0000 ~ 00167303 v 0000 ~ 00167589 v 0000 ~ 00169158 v 0000 ~ 00169241 v 0000 ~ 00169546 v 0000 ~ 00173840 v 0000 ~ 00173965 v 0000 ~ 00174042 v 0000 ~ 00174365 v 0000 ~ 00174592 v 0000 ~ 00306772 v 0000 ~ 00306887 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | "The shirts discolored"
00168467 30 v 01 blackwash 0 001 @ 00170120 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | color with blackwash
00168554 30 v 01 sallow 0 001 @ 00168839 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | cause to become sallow, as of complexion; "The illness has sallowed her face"
00168695 30 v 01 bronze 0 001 @ 00169546 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | give the color and appearance of bronze to something, such as baby shoes
00168839 30 v 02 discolor 2 cause_to_change_color 0 005 @ 00072540 v 0000 ~ 00167057 v 0000 ~ 00168554 v 0000 ~ 00169045 v 0000 ~ 00188535 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "The detergent discolored my shirts"
00169045 30 v 01 wash_out 3 001 @ 00168839 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | drain off the color in the course of laundering
00169158 30 v 01 turn 9 001 @ 00168046 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | of leaves in the Fall
00169241 30 v 01 silver 1 001 @ 00168046 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | turn silver, as of hair
00169328 30 v 02 foliate 0 grow_leaves 0 001 @ 00151497 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | of plants
00169416 30 v 03 discolor 1 lose_color 0 turn_colorless 0 003 @ 00064108 v 0000 ! 00170120 v 0101 ~ 00167197 v 0000 01 + 01 00
00169546 30 v 02 dye 0 color_with_dye 0 011 @ 00168046 v 0000 ~ 00168695 v 0000 ~ 00169836 v 0000 ~ 00169988 v 0000 ~ 00171633 v 0000 ~ 00172262 v 0000 ~ 00172769 v 0000 ~ 00173155 v 0000 ~ 00173242 v 0000 ~ 00173538 v 0000 ~ 00173756 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "Please dye these shoes"
00169836 30 v 01 deep-dye 0 001 @ 00169546 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00169900 30 v 01 henna 0 001 @ 00172262 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | apply henna to one's hair
00169988 30 v 03 impress 8 yarn-dye 0 dye_into_the_fiber_of 0 001 @ 00169546 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | dye the fabric before it is spun
00170120 30 v 02 color 0 give_color_to 0 018 ! 00169416 v 0101 ~ 00168467 v 0000 ~ 00170571 v 0000 ~ 00170668 v 0000 ~ 00170798 v 0000 ~ 00170910 v 0000 ~ 00171017 v 0000 ~ 00171100 v 0000 ~ 00171182 v 0000 ~ 00171256 v 0000 ~ 00171437 v 0000 ~ 00171512 v 0000 ~ 00172418 v 0000 ~ 00173447 v 0000 ~ 00174149 v 0000 ~ 00174278 v 0000 ~ 00174482 v 0000 ~ 00315027 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "The child colored the drawings"; "Fall colored the trees"
00170571 30 v 02 motley 0 parti-color 0 001 @ 00170120 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make motley
00170668 30 v 02 polychrome 0 polychromize 0 001 @ 00170120 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | color with many colors; make polychrome
00170798 30 v 01 azure 0 001 @ 00170120 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | color azure; "Morning azured the village"
00170910 30 v 03 purple 0 empurple 0 purpurate 0 001 @ 00170120 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | color purple
00171017 30 v 01 aurify 0 001 @ 00170120 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | turn golden
00171100 30 v 01 verdigris 0 001 @ 00170120 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | color verdigris
00171182 30 v 01 pinkify 0 001 @ 00170120 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make pink
00171256 30 v 01 incarnadine 0 001 @ 00170120 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make flesh-colored
00171343 30 v 01 madder 0 001 @ 00315027 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | color a moderate to strong red
00171437 30 v 01 embrown 0 001 @ 00170120 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make brown
00171512 30 v 02 handcolor 0 color_by_hand 0 001 @ 00170120 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "Some old photographs are handcolored"
00171633 30 v 02 stain 1 mark_with_dye 0 003 @ 00169546 v 0000 ~ 00171771 v 0000 ~ 00171885 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | as of furniture
00171771 30 v 01 ebonize 0 001 @ 00171633 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | stain (furniture) black to mke it look like ebony
00171885 30 v 02 dip 0 stain_by_dipping 0 001 @ 00171633 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | stain an object by immersing it in a liquid
00172008 30 v 03 stain 0 produce_stains 0 leave_stains 0 002 @ 00072540 v 0000 ~ 00172150 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | "Red wine stains table coths"
00172150 30 v 01 smut 0 001 @ 00172008 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | stain with a dirty substance, such as soot
00172262 30 v 05 tint 0 tinct 0 bepaint 0 tinge 0 touch 1 003 @ 00169546 v 0000 ~ 00169900 v 0000 ~ 00172630 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | dye with a color
00172418 30 v 01 pigment 0 001 @ 00170120 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | pigment a photograph, for example
00172516 30 v 01 pigment 1 001 @ 00172999 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | acquire pigment; become colored or imbued
00172630 30 v 01 tincture 0 001 @ 00172262 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | stain or tint with a color; "The leaves were tinctured with a bright red"
00172769 30 v 04 imbue 0 hue 0 suffuse_with_color 0 tinge 1 002 @ 00169546 v 0000 ~ 00172891 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00172891 30 v 01 complexion 0 001 @ 00172769 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | "The setting sun complexioned the hills"
00172999 30 v 03 hue 1 take_on_color 0 become_colored 0 002 @ 00072540 v 0000 ~ 00172516 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | "In highlights it hued to a dull siver-grey"
00173155 30 v 02 fast_dye 0 dye_with_fast_colors 0 001 @ 00169546 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00173242 30 v 02 double_dye 0 dye_twice 0 001 @ 00169546 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00173320 30 v 02 tie_dye 0 dye_by_knotting 0 001 @ 00173538 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "The flower children tie-dye their T-shirts"
00173447 30 v 01 retouch 1 001 @ 00170120 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of hair; retouch the roots
00173538 30 v 02 hand_dye 0 dye_by_hand 0 003 @ 00169546 v 0000 ~ 00173320 v 0000 ~ 00173680 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "This fabric is hand_dyed"
00173680 30 v 02 batik 0 dye_with_wax 0 001 @ 00173538 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00173756 30 v 01 piece-dye 0 001 @ 00169546 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | dye after weaving
00173840 30 v 04 redden 0 become_red 0 grow_red 0 turn_red 0 001 @ 00168046 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | "The sky reddened"
00173965 30 v 01 purple 1 001 @ 00168046 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become purple
00174042 30 v 03 gray 0 grey 0 become_gray 0 001 @ 00168046 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | "Her hair began to gray"
00174149 30 v 01 silver 0 001 @ 00170120 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make silver in color; "Her worries had silvered her hair"
00176535 30 v 03 beautify 0 embellish 0 prettify 0 009 @ 00123997 v 0000 ! 00176795 v 0101 ~ 00026120 v 0000 ~ 00029442 v 0000 ~ 00176906 v 0000 ~ 00177176 v 0000 ~ 00287709 v 0000 ~ 00710708 v 0000 ~ 01544286 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make more beautiful
00176795 30 v 02 uglify 0 make_ugly 0 002 @ 00072540 v 0000 ! 00176535 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make ugly
00176906 30 v 02 dress_up 0 window-dress 0 001 @ 00176535 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make something appear superficially attractive
00177033 30 v 04 blossom 0 blossom_out 0 blossom_forth 0 unfold 0 001 @ 00150592 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | "Youth blossomed into maturity"
00177176 30 v 07 spruce_up 0 spruce 0 titivate 0 tittivate 0 smarten_up 0 slick_up 0 spiff_up 0 001 @ 00176535 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | Spruce up your house for Spring"
00177350 30 v 03 bloom 0 blossom 1 flower 0 002 @ 00150592 v 0000 ~ 00177475 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | "The cherry tree bloomed"
00177475 30 v 02 effloresce 0 burst_forth 1 001 @ 00177350 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | "These manifestations effloresced in the past"
00177603 30 v 03 spike 1 spike_out 0 produce_a_spike 0 001 @ 00150592 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | bring forth a spike or spikes, as of flowers, such as hyacinths
00177759 30 v 03 dilate 0 temper 0 season 1 001 @ 00134905 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00177847 30 v 03 season 0 make_fit 0 harden 2 001 @ 00183159 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | "A seasoned traveller"
00177953 30 v 02 temper 1 adjust_the_pitch 0 001 @ 00178525 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of pianos
00178045 30 v 02 tune 0 tune_up 0 003 @ 00178525 v 0000 ! 00178175 v 0101 ~ 01238910 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of musical instruments
00178175 30 v 02 untune 0 put_out_of_tune 0 001 ! 00178045 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | "Don't untune that string!"
00178284 30 v 03 calibrate 0 graduate 0 fine_tune 0 001 @ 00178525 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make fine adjustments
00178395 30 v 02 tune 1 tune_up 1 003 @ 00178525 v 0000 ~ 00182892 v 0000 ~ 00271766 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | adjust for functioning
00178525 30 v 02 adjust 0 set 0 026 @ 00120233 v 0000 ~ 00090183 v 0000 ~ 00103098 v 0000 ~ 00177953 v 0000 ~ 00178045 v 0000 ~ 00178284 v 0000 ~ 00178395 v 0000 ~ 00179087 v 0000 ~ 00179261 v 0000 ~ 00179374 v 0000 ~ 00179497 v 0000 ~ 00179575 v 0000 ~ 00180220 v 0000 ~ 00180937 v 0000 ~ 00190652 v 0000 ~ 00235192 v 0000 ~ 00239563 v 0000 ~ 00240107 v 0000 ~ 00271520 v 0000 ~ 00276052 v 0000 ~ 00276254 v 0000 ~ 00283778 v 0000 ~ 00284431 v 0000 ~ 00287500 v 0000 ~ 00287804 v 0000 ~ 00293999 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 21 00 | "Adjust the clock, please"
00179087 30 v 02 zero 0 zero_in 0 001 @ 00178525 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | adjust (as by firing under test conditions) the zero of (a gun); "He zeroed in his rifle at 200 yards"
00179261 30 v 01 zero 1 001 @ 00178525 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | to adjust to zero value, of an instrument or device
00179374 30 v 03 readjust 1 re-adjust 1 reset 1 001 @ 00178525 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | adjust again after an initial failure
00179575 30 v 01 time 1 001 @ 00178525 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | regulate or set the time of, as of a clock or watch
00179688 30 v 01 adjust 3 001 @ 00181048 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 15 00 | make correspondent or conformable; "Adjust your eyes to the darkness"
00179829 30 v 02 gear 0 pitch 2 001 @ 00181048 v 0000 01 + 15 00 | "She pitched her speech to the teenagers in the audience"
00179957 30 v 01 pitch 1 001 @ 00180497 v 0000 02 + 05 00 + 08 00 | "She pitched her aspirations too high"
00180066 30 v 01 pitch 0 001 @ 00180497 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | set to a certain pitch, as of an instrument or one's voice; "He pitched his voice very low"
00180220 30 v 02 set 2 set_to_a_certain_position 0 004 @ 00178525 v 0000 ^ 01137942 v 0103 ~ 00180387 v 0000 ~ 01137942 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of clocks or instruments
00180387 30 v 03 reset 0 re-set 0 set_to_zero 0 001 @ 00180220 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of instruments and dials
00180497 30 v 01 set 1 011 @ 00072540 v 0000 ^ 01538041 v 0103 ^ 00242069 v 0101 ^ 00940378 v 0105 ^ 00378252 v 0103 ^ 00380421 v 0103 ^ 00408541 v 0104 ^ 00477746 v 0103 ~ 00179957 v 0000 ~ 00180066 v 0000 ~ 00180802 v 0000 02 + 05 00 + 21 00 | put into a certain state; cause to be in a certain state
00180802 30 v 01 keynote 0 001 @ 00180497 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | set the keynote of; "Comfort keynotes this designer's Fall collection"
00180937 30 v 02 regulate 0 modulate 1 001 @ 00178525 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "regulate the temperature"
00181048 30 v 03 adapt 1 accommodate 0 make_fit 1 009 @ 00071241 v 0000 ~ 00179688 v 0000 ~ 00179829 v 0000 ~ 00181389 v 0000 ~ 00181568 v 0000 ~ 00182551 v 0000 ~ 00182657 v 0000 ~ 00182763 v 0000 ~ 00296594 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | tailor something to something; "Words accommodate their meanings to other words in the same sentence"
00181389 30 v 01 fit 2 001 @ 00181048 v 0000 02 + 20 00 + 21 00 | insert and adjust; "Can you fit the toy into the box?"; "This man can't fit himself into our work environment"
00181568 30 v 02 anglicise 0 anglicize 0 001 @ 00181048 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "She anglicised her name after moving from Paris to London"
00181706 30 v 02 fit 1 make_fit 2 003 > 01504707 v 0000 @ 00083270 v 0000 ~ 01505007 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | "fit a dress"; "He fitted other pieces of paper to his cut-out"
00181877 30 v 03 qualify 0 make_fit 3 dispose 0 004 @ 01351726 v 0000 ! 00182394 v 0101 ~ 00182076 v 0000 ~ 00182267 v 0000 03 + 10 00 + 11 00 + 24 00 | "Your education qualifies you for this job"
00182076 30 v 01 habilitate 0 001 @ 00181877 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | qualify for teaching at a university in Europe; "He habilitated after his sabbatrical at a prestigious American university"
00182267 30 v 01 capacitate 0 001 @ 00181877 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | "This instruction capacitates us to understand the problem"
00182394 30 v 04 disqualify 0 make_unfit 0 unfit 0 indispose 0 002 @ 00072540 v 0000 ! 00181877 v 0101 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | "Your income disqualifies you"
00182551 30 v 02 shoehorn 0 tailor 0 001 @ 00181048 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make fit for a specific purpose
00182657 30 v 02 domesticate 2 make_fit_for_cultivation 0 001 @ 00181048 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of animals
00182763 30 v 03 domesticate 1 cultivate 1 naturalize 3 001 @ 00181048 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | adapt to the environment; of plants
00182892 30 v 02 fine-tune 0 adjust_finely 0 001 @ 00178395 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "fine-tune the engine"
00182997 30 v 02 temper 2 harden 4 001 @ 00101940 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of steel
00183078 30 v 02 anneal 0 temper 4 001 @ 00183159 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of glass
00183159 30 v 03 toughen 0 make_tough 0 make_tougher 0 003 @ 00131909 v 0000 ~ 00177847 v 0000 ~ 00183078 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | "This experience will toughen her"
00183338 30 v 02 widen 0 extend 4 004 @ 00093597 v 0000 ! 00184404 v 0101 ~ 00183944 v 0000 ~ 00184758 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | "The road widened"
00183482 30 v 02 widen 3 make_wider 0 002 @ 00072540 v 0000 ~ 00183574 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00183574 30 v 02 white-out 0 white_out 0 001 @ 00183482 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | widen the interlinear spacing by inserting leads, in printed matters
00183721 30 v 03 let_out 0 make_larger 0 widen 5 002 @ 00071241 v 0000 ! 00183836 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | of clothes
00183836 30 v 02 take_in 0 make_smaller 2 002 @ 00071241 v 0000 ! 00183721 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | of clothes
00183944 30 v 03 flare_out 0 flare 0 became_flared 0 001 @ 00183338 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | "The bellbottom pants flare out"
00184067 30 v 03 constrict 0 constringe 0 narrow 1 002 @ 00249599 v 0000 ~ 00184206 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 08 00 | "Her throat constricted"
00184206 30 v 01 strangulate 0 001 @ 00184067 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become constricted
00184293 30 v 01 bottleneck 0 001 @ 00184404 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | "Right by the bridge, the road bottlenecks"
00184404 30 v 02 narrow 0 contract 0 007 @ 00064108 v 0000 ! 00183338 v 0101 ^ 00140397 v 0102 ^ 00286032 v 0102 ^ 00260478 v 0103 ~ 00184293 v 0000 ~ 00184652 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "The selection was narrowed"; "The road narrowed"
00184758 30 v 02 dilate 1 distend 0 003 @ 00183338 v 0000 ^ 00538150 v 010b ^ 00538150 v 010a 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "His pupils were dilated"
00184909 30 v 03 implode 0 go_off 2 burst_inward 0 002 @ 01134520 v 0000 ! 00185045 v 0101 02 + 01 00 + 08 01 | "The bottle imploded"
00185045 30 v 03 explode 0 burst 9 burst_outward 0 003 @ 00081466 v 0000 ! 00184909 v 0101 ~ 00185918 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | burst, usually with noise; "The champagne bottle exploded"
00185244 30 v 04 explode 3 burst_forth 0 break_loose 0 be_unleashed 0 001 @ 00086015 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | burst forth with violence or noise, as of an emotion or an expression of emotion; "His anger exploded"
00185462 30 v 04 explode 1 detonate 0 blow_up 3 set_off 0 004 @ 00081466 v 0000 ~ 00185639 v 0000 ~ 00185717 v 0000 ~ 00185804 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 08 00 | "the bomb exploded"
00185639 30 v 01 crump 0 001 @ 00185462 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | explode heavily
00185717 30 v 01 go_off 0 001 @ 00185462 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | as of explosive devices
00185804 30 v 02 dynamite 0 blow_up_with_dynamite 0 001 @ 00185462 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "The rock was dynamited"
00185918 30 v 03 erupt 0 become_active 0 belch 0 001 @ 00185045 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | of volcanoes
00186017 30 v 04 erupt 2 flare_up 0 break_open 0 burst_out 0 001 @ 00135970 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | "Unrest erupted in the country"
00186155 30 v 03 dehisce 0 burst_open 0 split_open 0 001 @ 00323677 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | as of flowers and seeds when releasing pollen or seeds
00186300 30 v 02 oxygenize 1 oxigenise 1 001 @ 00186412 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | dehydrogenate with oxygen
00186412 30 v 01 dehydrogenate 0 003 @ 00072540 v 0000 ! 00186547 v 0101 ~ 00186300 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | remove hydrogen from
00186547 30 v 01 hydrogenate 0 002 @ 00072540 v 0000 ! 00186412 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | combine or treat with or expose to hydrogen, esp. to add hydrogen to the molecule of (an unsaturated organic compound)
00186760 30 v 02 oxygenize 2 oxigenise 2 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | change (a compound) by increasing the proportion of the electronegative part; or change (an element or ion) from a lower to a higher positive valence: remove one or more electrons from (an atom, ion, or molecule)
00187059 30 v 02 erupt 3 break_out 0 001 @ 00044410 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | manifest skin eruptions; "He broke out"; "My skin breaks out when I eat strawberries"
00187227 30 v 04 burst 0 split 1 puncture 1 break_open 1 002 @ 00201526 v 0000 ~ 00187374 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "The bubble burst"
00187374 30 v 02 stave 0 stave_in 0 001 @ 00187227 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | burst a hole into something
00187475 30 v 07 boom 0 prosper 0 thrive 0 get_ahead 0 flourish 1 grow_stronger 0 expand 1 003 @ 00138377 v 0000 ~ 00101554 v 0000 ~ 00187747 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | "The economy was booming"
00187665 30 v 02 proliferate 0 grow_rapidly 0 001 @ 00138377 v 0000 01 + 01 00
00187747 30 v 02 luxuriate 0 thrive_profusely 0 001 @ 00187475 v 0000 01 + 01 00
00187831 30 v 02 boost 2 give_a_boost 0 001 @ 00091455 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | "The tax cut will boost the economy"
00187969 30 v 05 blur 0 dim 4 slur 0 become_vague 0 become_indistinct 0 004 @ 00134054 v 0000 ^ 01424601 v 0304 ! 00190856 v 0101 ~ 00188183 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | "The distinction between the two theories blurred"
00188183 30 v 03 obliterate 0 wipe 0 efface 0 001 @ 00187969 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "efface a memory"
00188285 30 v 03 darken 1 make_dark 0 make_darker 0 008 @ 00072540 v 0000 ! 00189374 v 0101 ~ 00188650 v 0000 ~ 00188713 v 0000 ~ 00188800 v 0000 ~ 00188877 v 0000 ~ 00189997 v 0000 ~ 00190442 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | darken a room, for example
00188535 30 v 01 infuscate 0 001 @ 00168839 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | darken with a brownish tinge, as of insect wings
00188650 30 v 01 embrown 1 001 @ 00188285 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00188713 30 v 01 murk 0 001 @ 00188285 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make dark, dim, or gloomy
00188800 30 v 01 dun 0 001 @ 00188285 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make a dun color
00188877 30 v 02 blind 1 dim 3 001 @ 00188285 v 0000 01 + 11 00
00188944 30 v 03 darken 0 become_dark 0 become_darker 0 004 @ 00064108 v 0000 ! 00189110 v 0101 ~ 00189242 v 0000 ~ 01564988 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | "The sky darkened"
00189110 30 v 03 brighten 0 lighten 0 become_brighter 0 002 @ 00064108 v 0000 ! 00188944 v 0101 01 + 01 00 | "The sky brightened"
00189242 30 v 03 black_out 1 blacken_out 0 darken_completely 0 001 @ 00188944 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | "The dining room blackened out"
00189374 30 v 04 brighten 1 make_brighter 0 lighten_up 0 lighten 1 003 > 00189110 v 0000 @ 00072540 v 0000 ! 00188285 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "The paint will brighten the room"
00189557 30 v 05 blur 1 blear 0 make_dim 1 make_indistinct 0 make_vague 0 003 > 00187969 v 0000 @ 00072540 v 0000 ! 00190652 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "The drug blurs my vision"
00189739 30 v 02 clarify 0 make_clear 0 003 @ 00072540 v 0000 ! 00190199 v 0101 ~ 00304957 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "Clarify your ideas, please"
00189889 30 v 01 weed 0 001 @ 00104355 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 22 00 | clear of weeds, as of a garden
00189997 30 v 03 dim 0 make_dim 0 make_lusterless 0 001 @ 00188285 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00190093 30 v 03 dim 1 become_dim 0 become_lusterless 1 001 @ 00064108 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | as of lights
00190199 30 v 05 obscure 0 bedim 1 overcloud 0 make_obscure 0 make_unclear 0 006 @ 00072540 v 0000 ! 00189739 v 0101 ~ 00304850 v 0000 ~ 01560665 v 0000 ~ 01563965 v 0000 ~ 01564844 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "The distinction was obscured"
00190652 30 v 03 focus 1 put_into_focus 0 sharpen 3 005 > 00190856 v 0000 @ 00178525 v 0000 ^ 01513437 v 0101 ! 00189557 v 0101 ~ 00286032 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 21 00 | as of an image on a screen
00190856 30 v 03 focus 0 become_focused 0 come_into_focus 0 002 @ 00089507 v 0000 ! 00187969 v 0101 02 + 01 00 + 22 00 | as of an image on a screen
00191006 30 v 04 depreciate 0 undervalue 0 devaluate 0 devalue 1 002 @ 00090574 v 0000 ! 00191709 v 0101 01 + 01 00 | "The dollar depreciated again"
00191157 30 v 01 depreciate 1 003 @ 00290146 v 0000 ! 00191342 v 0101 ~ 00191603 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | lower the value of something; "The Fed depreciated the dollar once again"
00191342 30 v 01 appreciate 1 002 @ 00191472 v 0000 ! 00191157 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | increase the value, as of a currency
00191472 30 v 01 revalue 1 002 @ 00370825 v 0000 ~ 00191342 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | value anew, as of a currency or an asset
00191603 30 v 01 write_off 0 001 @ 00191157 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | reduce the estimated value of something
00191709 30 v 02 appreciate 0 revalue 0 002 @ 00093597 v 0000 ! 00191006 v 0101 01 + 01 00 | "The yen appreciated again!"
00191833 30 v 02 deafen 1 make_soundproof 0 001 @ 00232514 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00191921 30 v 03 shorten 0 get_shorter 0 become_shorter 0 003 @ 00090574 v 0000 ! 00192081 v 0101 ~ 00146499 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | in winter, the days shorten"
00192081 30 v 04 lengthen 0 get_longer 0 become_longer 0 grow_longer 0 002 @ 00138377 v 0000 ! 00191921 v 0101 01 + 01 00
00192206 30 v 02 shorten 1 make_shorter 0 007 > 00191921 v 0000 @ 00255165 v 0000 ! 00192859 v 0101 ~ 00176352 v 0000 ~ 00176442 v 0000 ~ 00192400 v 0000 ~ 00192483 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00192400 30 v 01 syncopate 1 001 @ 00192206 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | syncopate a word
00192483 30 v 02 truncate 0 cut_short 3 002 * 00745050 v 0000 @ 00192206 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "Erosion has truncated the ridges of the mountains"
00192638 30 v 02 broaden 0 become_broader 0 001 @ 00093597 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | "The road broadened"
00192740 30 v 02 broaden 1 make_broader 0 001 @ 00141800 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | "Broaden your horizon!"
00192859 30 v 02 lengthen 1 make_longer 0 005 > 00192081 v 0000 @ 00091455 v 0000 ! 00192206 v 0101 ~ 00193048 v 0000 ~ 00193433 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "Lengthen this skirt, please"
00193048 30 v 04 prolong 0 protract 0 extend 2 draw_out 0 003 @ 00192859 v 0000 ~ 00193229 v 0000 ~ 00193350 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | lengthen in time: "We prolonged our stay"
00193229 30 v 01 temporize 0 001 @ 00193048 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | draw out a discussion or process in order to gain time
00193350 30 v 02 spin 0 spin_out 0 001 @ 00193048 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | of stories
00193433 30 v 03 elongate 0 make_long 0 stretch 4 002 > 00144398 v 0000 @ 00192859 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "stretch the fabric"
00193567 30 v 02 size 0 make_to_a_size 0 004 @ 00101800 v 0000 ^ 01229172 v 0101 ~ 00193698 v 0000 ~ 00193797 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00193698 30 v 01 scale 1 001 @ 00193567 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | size or measure according to a scale
00193797 30 v 02 resize 0 change_the_size_of 0 002 @ 00193567 v 0000 ~ 00193898 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00193898 30 v 02 rescale 0 establish_on_a_new_scale 0 003 @ 00193797 v 0000 ~ 00254584 v 0000 ~ 00254757 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00194024 30 v 02 bake 0 cook_by_baking 0 004 @ 00195536 v 0000 ~ 00194192 v 0000 ~ 00194505 v 0000 ~ 00195249 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "bake the potatoes"
00194192 30 v 01 ovenbake 0 001 @ 00194024 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | bake in an oven
00194273 30 v 01 brown 0 001 @ 00195536 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "brown the meat in the pan"; "the bread was browning in the oven"
00194401 30 v 01 coddle 0 001 @ 00195536 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cook in nearly boiling water, as of eggs
00194505 30 v 02 fire 0 bake_in_a_kiln 0 001 @ 00194024 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of pottery
00194594 30 v 02 stuff 0 fill_with_a_stuffing 0 001 @ 00268884 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 21 00 + 31 00 | in cooking
00194706 30 v 02 pad 0 bolster 0 001 @ 00268884 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 21 00 + 31 00 | add padding to
00194807 30 v 02 baste 0 cover_with_liquid 0 002 @ 00130309 v 0000 * 00195536 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | baste a roast, for example
00194934 30 v 02 souse 0 cook_in_a_marinade 0 001 @ 00195536 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00195016 30 v 04 microwave 0 micro-cook 0 zap 0 nuke 4 001 @ 00195536 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cook or heat in a microwave oven
00195141 30 v 02 toast 0 make_crisp 0 001 @ 00222990 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | toast bread, for example
00195249 30 v 02 shirr 0 bake_eggs 0 001 @ 00194024 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00195322 30 v 03 blanch 0 parboil 0 cook_briefly 0 001 @ 00195536 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | as of vegetables
00195427 30 v 01 overboil 1 001 @ 00198680 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | boil excessively: "The peas are overboiled"
00195536 30 v 02 cook 0 change_by_heating 0 018 @ 00081466 v 0000 ~ 00194024 v 0000 ~ 00194273 v 0000 ~ 00194401 v 0000 ~ 00194934 v 0000 ~ 00195016 v 0000 ~ 00195322 v 0000 ~ 00195976 v 0000 ~ 00196108 v 0000 ~ 00196207 v 0000 ~ 00196625 v 0000 ~ 00196952 v 0000 ~ 00197055 v 0000 ~ 00198065 v 0000 ~ 00198300 v 0000 ~ 00198680 v 0000 ~ 00199038 v 0000 ~ 00321363 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 08 00 | "These potatoes have to cook for 20 minutes"
00195976 30 v 01 overcook 0 001 @ 00195536 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 08 00 | cook too long: "The vegetables were completely overcooked"
00196108 30 v 01 fricassee 0 001 @ 00195536 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make a fricassee of, as of meats
00196207 30 v 02 stew 0 cook_slowly 0 002 @ 00195536 v 0000 ~ 00196328 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 08 00 | "Stewed vegetables"
00196328 30 v 01 jug 0 001 @ 00196207 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | stew in an earthenware jug, esp. of hares
00196430 30 v 02 simmer 0 boil_slowly 0 001 @ 00198680 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 08 00 | boil at low temperature
00196539 30 v 02 seethe 0 roll 8 001 @ 00198680 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | boil vigorously
00196625 30 v 02 roast 0 cook_with_dry_heat 0 002 @ 00195536 v 0000 ~ 00196870 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 08 00 | as of turkeys
00196756 30 v 03 barbecue 0 cook_out 0 cook_outdoors 0 001 @ 00198065 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | cook on a BBQ
00196870 30 v 02 pan_roast 0 roast_in_a_pan 0 001 @ 00196625 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00197055 30 v 03 fry 0 cook_on_a_hot_surface 0 cook_with_fat 0 008 @ 00195536 v 0000 ~ 00197288 v 0000 ~ 00197400 v 0000 ~ 00197485 v 0000 ~ 00197567 v 0000 ~ 00197747 v 0000 ~ 00197850 v 0000 ~ 00197982 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 08 00
00197288 30 v 01 frizzle 0 001 @ 00197055 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | fry something until its curls and becomes crisp
00197400 30 v 01 deep-fat-fry 0 001 @ 00197055 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | fry in deep fat
00197485 30 v 01 griddle 0 001 @ 00197055 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cook on a griddle
00197567 30 v 01 pan-fry 0 001 @ 00197055 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | fry in a pan
00197644 30 v 01 slenderize 0 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make slender; "slenderizing skirts"
00197747 30 v 02 french-fry 0 deep-fry 0 001 @ 00197055 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cook by immersing in fat
00197850 30 v 02 stir_fry 0 fry_quickly 0 001 @ 00197055 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 08 00 | fry very quickly over high heat, as in a wok
00197982 30 v 02 saute 0 fry_briefly 0 001 @ 00197055 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 08 00
00198065 30 v 02 grill 0 cook_over_a_grill 0 004 @ 00195536 v 0000 ~ 00196756 v 0000 ~ 00198208 v 0000 ~ 00198836 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 08 00
00198208 30 v 01 hibachi 0 001 @ 00198065 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | cook over a hibachi
00198300 30 v 02 steam 0 cook_with_steam 0 001 @ 00195536 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 08 00 | cook something by letting steam pass over it
00198433 30 v 03 steep 0 brew 0 infuse 0 004 @ 00271204 v 0000 ~ 00127629 v 0000 ~ 00127714 v 0000 ~ 00198572 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 08 00
00198572 30 v 01 draw f 001 @ 00198433 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 08 00 | steep in or as if in the manner of tea
00198680 30 v 02 boil 0 cook_in_liquid 1 004 @ 00195536 v 0000 ~ 00195427 v 0000 ~ 00196430 v 0000 ~ 00196539 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 08 00 | "boil potatoes"
00198836 30 v 03 broil 0 oven_broil 0 cook_under_a_broiler 0 002 @ 00198065 v 0000 ~ 00198973 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 08 00 | "broil fish"
00198973 30 v 01 pan-broil 0 001 @ 00198836 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00199038 30 v 01 pressure-cook 0 001 @ 00195536 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | cook in a pressure cooker
00199142 30 v 04 branch 0 ramify 0 fork 0 separate 4 005 @ 01162168 v 0000 ^ 00259755 v 0102 ~ 00199322 v 0000 ~ 00199437 v 0000 ~ 00199583 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | "The road forks"
00199322 30 v 02 arborize 0 arborise 0 001 @ 00199142 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | branch out like trees; of nerve fibers
00199437 30 v 02 twig 0 branch_out_in_a_twiglike_manner 0 001 @ 00199142 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | "The lightning bolt twigged in several directions"
00199583 30 v 02 bifurcate 0 divide_into_two_branches 0 001 @ 00199142 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | "The road bifurcated"
00199698 30 v 01 atomize 0 001 @ 00203548 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | break up into small particles; of liquids or solids
00199822 30 v 02 dialyse 0 dialyze 0 001 @ 00839659 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | separate by dialysis
00199925 30 v 03 break_up 4 disperse 0 scatter 0 002 @ 00081466 v 0000 ~ 00200081 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | break up kidney stones, for example
00200081 30 v 01 backscatter 0 001 @ 00199925 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | of radiation
00200162 30 v 03 peptize 0 disperse_in_a_medium 0 disperse_into_a_colloidal_state 0 001 @ 00839659 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | of chemical substances
00200306 30 v 05 grind 0 mash 0 crunch 0 bray 0 comminute 0 005 @ 00203548 v 0000 ~ 00200521 v 0000 ~ 00200631 v 0000 ~ 00200725 v 0000 ~ 00200847 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | grind garlic in a mortar, for example
00200521 30 v 01 pulp 0 001 @ 00200306 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | reduce to pulp, as of fruit, for example
00200631 30 v 01 pestle 0 001 @ 00200306 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | grind or pulverize in a pestle
00200725 30 v 03 powder 0 powderize 1 pulverize 1 001 @ 00200306 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | reduce something to powder
00200847 30 v 01 mill 0 001 @ 00200306 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | grind with a mill, as of grain
00200947 30 v 02 powderize 0 pulverize 0 001 @ 00237247 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00201032 30 v 03 run 4 become_undone 0 unravel 1 001 @ 00237247 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | of clothes, such as stockings or knitted fabrics
00201167 30 v 03 partition 0 subdivide 0 zone 0 002 @ 01161526 v 0000 ~ 00201313 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | as of areas of a room, for example
00201313 30 v 02 screen_off 0 separate_off 0 001 @ 00201167 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of rooms
00201404 30 v 03 burst 1 bust 0 shatter 0 001 @ 00201526 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "The wine glass shattered"
00201526 30 v 05 break 0 separate 3 split_up 0 fall_apart 3 come_apart 0 008 @ 00081466 v 0000 ^ 00125806 v 0102 ~ 00187227 v 0000 ~ 00201404 v 0000 ~ 00201820 v 0000 ~ 00202465 v 0000 ~ 00202707 v 0000 ~ 00203548 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | "The figurine broke"; "The freshly baked loaf fell apart"
00201820 30 v 02 ladder 0 run 1 001 @ 00201526 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | of stockings
00201902 30 v 01 break a 004 @ 01161526 v 0000 ~ 00202047 v 0000 ~ 00202352 v 0000 ~ 00202465 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "He broke the glass"
00202047 30 v 01 break_in 1 002 @ 00201902 v 0000 ~ 00202161 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "He broke in the door"
00202161 30 v 01 stave_in 1 001 @ 00202047 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | break in the staves, as of a cask
00202268 30 v 02 sunder 0 break_aprat 0 001 @ 00203548 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00202352 30 v 03 smash 0 dash 0 break_into_pieces 0 001 @ 00201902 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "Smash a plate"
00202465 30 v 03 fracture 0 crack 1 check 3 004 @ 00201526 v 0000 @ 00201902 v 0000 ~ 00202615 v 0000 ~ 00202856 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00
00202615 30 v 01 fissure 0 001 @ 00202465 v 0000 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | break into fissures
00202707 30 v 04 snap 0 crack 0 break_suddenly 0 break_abruptly 0 001 @ 00201526 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | as of something under tension
00202856 30 v 02 crack 2 break_partially 0 004 @ 00202465 v 0000 ~ 00203010 v 0000 ~ 00203087 v 0000 ~ 00203195 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | "The glass cracked"
00203010 30 v 01 chap 0 001 @ 00202856 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | of skin or lips
00203087 30 v 01 craze 0 001 @ 00202856 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | develop a fine network of cracks; of ceramics
00203195 30 v 01 alligator 0 001 @ 00202856 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | of paint, varnish, or the like: to crack and acquire the appearance of alligator hide, as from weathering or improper application
00203391 30 v 03 splinter 0 sliver 0 break_into_splinters 0 001 @ 00203548 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | break up into splinters or slivers, as of wood, for example
00203548 30 v 04 break_up 0 fragment 0 fragmentize 0 break_into_fragments 0 010 @ 00201526 v 0000 ~ 00199698 v 0000 ~ 00200306 v 0000 ~ 00202268 v 0000 ~ 00203391 v 0000 ~ 00203822 v 0000 ~ 00203933 v 0000 ~ 00204013 v 0000 ~ 00204107 v 0000 ~ 00803142 v 0000 01 + 01 00
00203822 30 v 01 rag 0 001 @ 00203548 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | break into lumps before sorting, as of ore
00203933 30 v 01 crumb 1 001 @ 00203548 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | break into crumbs
00204013 30 v 01 brecciate 0 001 @ 00203548 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | break into breccia, of rock
00204107 30 v 02 crush 0 break_into_pieces 1 001 @ 00203548 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "The car crushed the toy"
00204231 30 v 02 break 1 develop 3 003 @ 00204516 v 0000 ^ 00207785 v 0102 ^ 00253784 v 0101 01 + 01 00 | happen, as of an event; "Report the news as it develops"
00204396 30 v 02 arise 0 come_up 0 003 @ 00204516 v 0000 ~ 00319008 v 0000 ~ 01542187 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | of an event
00204516 30 v 09 happen 0 hap 0 go_on 0 pass_off 0 occur 0 pass 0 come_to_pass 0 come_about 0 take_place 0 018 ~ 00204231 v 0000 ~ 00204396 v 0000 ~ 00205050 v 0000 ~ 00205167 v 0000 ~ 00205232 v 0000 ~ 00205410 v 0000 ~ 00205604 v 0000 ~ 00206038 v 0000 ~ 00206373 v 0000 ~ 00206582 v 0000 ~ 00206681 v 0000 ~ 00206795 v 0000 ~ 00207186 v 0000 ~ 00207305 v 0000 ~ 00207535 v 0000 ~ 01467841 v 0000 ~ 01490020 v 0000 ~ 01554976 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 04 00 + 34 00 | "What is happening?"; "The meeting passed off without an incidence"
00205050 30 v 02 work 0 operate 0 001 @ 00204516 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | "What is working in the minds of the people?"
00205167 30 v 01 supervene 0 001 @ 00204516 v 0000 01 + 01 00
00205232 30 v 02 proceed 0 go 1 002 @ 00204516 v 0000 ~ 01480199 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 06 00 | follow a certain course; "The inauguration went well"; "how did yur interview go?"
00205410 30 v 01 come 1 001 @ 00204516 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | come to pass; arrive, as in due course; "The first success came three days later"; "It came as a shock"; "Dawn comes eraly in June"
00205604 30 v 01 fall 0 001 @ 00204516 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | "Night fell"; "Christmas falls on a Monday this year"
00205719 30 v 02 anticipate 0 occur 2 000 01 + 08 00 | be a forerunner of or occur earlier than, as in: "This composition anticipates Impressionism"
00205870 30 v 01 come 2 001 @ 01471536 v 0000 03 + 04 00 + 06 00 + 07 00 | be found or available; "These shoes come in three colors; The furniture comes unassembled"
00206038 30 v 01 develop 5 001 @ 00204516 v 0000 01 + 34 00 | be gradually disclosed or unfolded; become manifest; "The plot developed slowly"; "It develops thay neither one knows the answer"
00206232 30 v 02 transpire 1 come_to_light 0 001 @ 00064108 v 0000 01 + 34 00 | "It transpired that she had worked as spy in East Germany"
00206373 30 v 03 recur 0 occur_again 0 repeat 0 002 @ 00204516 v 0000 ~ 00206504 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | "This is a recurring story"
00206504 30 v 01 cycle 0 001 @ 00206373 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | recur in cycles
00206582 30 v 03 go_off 1 come_off 0 go_over 0 001 @ 00204516 v 0000 01 + 07 00 | as of an event
00206681 30 v 03 come_around 6 roll_around 0 happen_regularly 0 001 @ 00204516 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | as of events
00206795 30 v 02 fall_on 0 occur_on 0 001 @ 00204516 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | occur at a certain time or place
00206903 30 v 04 happen 1 materialize 0 come_into_being 0 become_reality 0 003 @ 01484012 v 0000 ! 00207079 v 0201 ~ 00253106 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | "Her dream really happened"
00207079 30 v 02 dematerialize 0 become_immaterial 0 002 @ 01230053 v 0000 ! 00206903 v 0102 01 + 01 00
00207785 30 v 02 erupt 1 break_out 4 001 @ 00207968 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | e.g., of a war
00207874 30 v 03 bud 2 start_to_grow 0 start_to_develop 0 001 @ 00207968 v 0000 01 + 01 00
00207968 30 v 06 begin 0 start_out 0 start 0 set_about 0 set_out 0 commence 0 014 ! 00211850 v 0101 ~ 00207785 v 0000 ~ 00207874 v 0000 ~ 00208409 v 0000 ~ 00208555 v 0000 ~ 00208660 v 0000 ~ 00208829 v 0000 ~ 00208973 v 0000 ~ 00209145 v 0000 ~ 00209321 v 0000 ~ 00209422 v 0000 ~ 00209576 v 0000 ~ 00209683 v 0000 ~ 00209936 v 0000 05 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 28 00 + 33 00 | "We began working at dawn"; "He started his trip yesterday"
00208409 30 v 01 break_out 3 001 @ 00207968 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 33 00 | begin suddenly and sometimes violently; "He broke out shouting"
00208555 30 v 01 launch 0 001 @ 00207968 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | take off or begin; "launch into a speech"
00208660 30 v 01 jump_off 0 001 @ 00207968 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | set off quickly, usually with success; "The freshman set off to a good start in his math class"
00208829 30 v 01 get_to 0 001 @ 00207968 v 0000 01 + 32 00 | arrive at the point of; "She gets to fretting if I stay away form home too long"
00208973 30 v 01 auspicate 0 001 @ 00207968 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | commence in a manner calculated to bring food luck: "They auspicated the trip with a bottle of champagne"
00209145 30 v 01 attack 0 001 @ 00207968 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | set to work upon; turn one's energies vigorously to a task; "I attacked the problem as soon as I got out of bed"
00209321 30 v 01 break_in 3 001 @ 00207968 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | start in a certain activity or role
00209422 30 v 04 plunge_into 0 launch_into 0 catapult_into 0 throw_oneself_into 0 001 @ 00207968 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "He launched into a long diatribe"
00209576 30 v 02 come_on 0 become_available 0 001 @ 00207968 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | of water or electricity
00209683 30 v 02 embark_upon 0 enter_upon 0 002 @ 00207968 v 0000 ~ 00209824 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | a career, enterprise, or subject of study
00209824 30 v 01 take_up 0 001 @ 00209683 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | take up a matter for consideration, for example
00210121 30 v 05 begin 1 start 1 commence 1 set_in_motion 0 cause_to_start 0 004 > 00207968 v 0000 ! 00213455 v 0101 ~ 00210341 v 0000 ~ 00210497 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "The U.S. started a war in the Middle East"
00210341 30 v 03 inaugurate 0 usher_in 0 introduce 0 001 @ 00210121 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | "The fall of the Berlin Wall ushered in the post-Cold War period"
00210497 30 v 01 set_off 1 001 @ 00210121 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | "The guide set the tour off to a good start"
00210630 30 v 04 go_on 1 continue 0 go_along 0 persist_in 0 004 ~ 00210943 v 0000 ~ 00211442 v 0000 ~ 01498253 v 0000 ~ 01527318 v 0000 05 + 33 00 + 02 03 + 02 02 + 27 02 + 02 01 | "Let's go on meeting once a week"
00210847 30 v 01 carry_over 0 001 @ 01498253 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | from one stage into the next
00210943 30 v 04 resume 0 restart 0 begin_again 0 move_on 0 003 * 00211850 v 0000 @ 00210630 v 0000 ~ 00211320 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 28 00 | "We resumed the negotiations"
00211130 30 v 03 resume 1 take_up 1 return_to 0 001 @ 00064108 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | return to a previous location or condition: "The painting resumed its old condition when we restored it"
00211320 30 v 01 take_up_again 0 001 @ 00210943 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 33 00 | "She took up knitting again after 30 years"
00211442 30 v 05 persevere 0 persist 1 hang_in 0 hang_on 0 hold_on 0 003 @ 00210630 v 0000 ~ 00211641 v 0000 ~ 00211738 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 28 02 | be persistent, show perseverance
00211641 30 v 02 plug 0 plug_away 0 001 @ 00211442 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | persist on working hard
00211738 30 v 02 stick_to 0 stick_with 0 001 @ 00211442 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 33 00 | "Stick to your principle"
00211850 30 v 09 end 0 terminate 0 close_over 0 cease 0 run_out 0 stop 0 come_to_an_end 0 finish 0 halt 0 014 @ 00086015 v 0000 ! 00207968 v 0101 ~ 00212262 v 0000 ~ 00212406 v 0000 ~ 00212500 v 0000 ~ 00212728 v 0000 ~ 00212858 v 0000 ~ 00212967 v 0000 ~ 00213270 v 0000 ~ 00213349 v 0000 ~ 00285716 v 0000 ~ 00402474 v 0000 ~ 00549131 v 0000 ~ 00678119 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | "The war ended after three months"
00212262 30 v 01 pass_away 1 001 @ 00211850 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | go out of existence; "She hoped that the problem would eventually pass away"
00212406 30 v 01 close_out 0 001 @ 00211850 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "We closed out our account"
00212500 30 v 01 lapse 1 001 @ 00211850 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | "The correspondence lapsed"
00212590 30 v 01 finish 3 001 @ 00213455 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | cause to finish a relationship with somebody; "That finished me with Mary"
00212728 30 v 02 cut_out 1 cease_operating 0 001 @ 00211850 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | as of machinery: "The pump suddenly ceased out"
00212858 30 v 02 go_out 0 become_extinguished 0 001 @ 00211850 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | as of lights or candles
00213104 30 v 03 end_up 1 wind_up 2 finish 1 001 @ 01341700 v 0000 01 + 33 00 | finally be or do something, as in "He ended up marrying his high school sweetheart"
00213270 30 v 02 die_hard 0 cease_slowly 0 001 @ 00211850 v 0000 01 + 01 00
00213455 30 v 04 end 1 terminate 1 bring_to_an_end 0 cause_to_end 0 020 > 00211850 v 0000 @ 00072540 v 0000 ! 00210121 v 0101 ~ 00212590 v 0000 ~ 00213909 v 0000 ~ 00214042 v 0000 ~ 00214189 v 0000 ~ 00214301 v 0000 ~ 00214692 v 0000 ~ 00214904 v 0000 ~ 00218979 v 0000 ~ 00219832 v 0000 ~ 00282709 v 0000 ~ 00284108 v 0000 ~ 00285198 v 0000 ~ 00310635 v 0000 ~ 00393343 v 0000 ~ 00428936 v 0000 ~ 00939705 v 0000 ~ 01373102 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00213909 30 v 01 abort 0 001 @ 00213455 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | terminate before completion, as of a computer process, a mission, etc.
00214042 30 v 01 culminate 3 001 @ 00213455 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 10 00 | bring to a head or to the highest point; "Seurat culminated pointillism"
00214189 30 v 01 lift 2 001 @ 00213455 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | put an end to, as of a siege or a blockade
00214301 30 v 02 ax 0 axe 0 001 @ 00213455 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | as of a project or a program
00214395 30 v 04 stem 0 stanch 0 staunch 0 halt 2 001 @ 01061046 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | as of the flow of a liquid flowing, such as blood from a wound
00214553 30 v 01 die 1 001 @ 00253904 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | disappear or come to an end; "Their anger died"; "My secret will die with me!"
00214692 30 v 03 stamp_out 0 put_an_end_to 0 kill 8 001 @ 00213455 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | end by forceful means
00214811 30 v 02 snap 1 snap_close 0 001 @ 00772512 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | close with a sound
00214904 30 v 02 dissolve 2 break_up 1 001 @ 00213455 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | as of a marriage
00215013 30 v 01 change_surface 0 016 @ 00064108 v 0000 ~ 00215369 v 0000 ~ 00215484 v 0000 ~ 00215583 v 0000 ~ 00218839 v 0000 ~ 00258958 v 0000 ~ 00259084 v 0000 ~ 00308302 v 0000 ~ 00715386 v 0000 ~ 00715759 v 0000 ~ 00731525 v 0000 ~ 00749984 v 0000 ~ 00787280 v 0000 ~ 00881315 v 0000 ~ 00881425 v 0000 ~ 00881552 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00
00215369 30 v 03 level 0 level_off 0 become_level 0 001 @ 00215013 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | "The ground levelled off"
00215484 30 v 02 crust 0 form_into_a_crust 0 002 * 00131260 v 0000 @ 00215013 v 0000 01 + 01 00
00215583 30 v 03 heave 0 buckle 0 warp 0 002 @ 00215013 v 0000 ~ 00215725 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | usually as a result of great pressure or heat
00215725 30 v 01 lift 4 001 @ 00215583 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of floors
00215796 30 v 07 shoot 0 spud 0 germinate 0 pullulate 0 bourgeon 0 burgeon_forth 0 sprout 0 001 @ 00139093 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | of plants
00215935 30 v 01 burgeon 1 001 @ 00138377 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | grow and flourish; "The burgeoning administration"; "The burgeoning population"
00216079 30 v 02 bud 0 develop_buds 0 001 @ 00150592 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | of plants
00216164 30 v 03 root 0 take_roots 0 take_root 0 001 * 00138377 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | begin to grow; of plants
00216283 30 v 08 die 0 pip_out 0 decease 0 perish 0 go 0 exit 0 pass_away 0 expire 0 014 @ 00086015 v 0000 ^ 00254335 v 0101 ^ 00254335 v 0102 ^ 00145275 v 0102 ^ 00134054 v 0102 ! 00217788 v 0101 ~ 00047954 v 0000 ~ 00216831 v 0000 ~ 00217306 v 0000 ~ 00217403 v 0000 ~ 00217661 v 0000 ~ 00674869 v 0000 ~ 01481898 v 0000 ~ 01481994 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | pass from physical life and lose all all bodily attributes and functions necessary to sustain life; "She died from cancer"; "They children perished in the fire"; "The patient went peacefully"
00216831 30 v 01 buy_it 0 001 @ 00216283 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | be killed; (slang)
00216913 30 v 01 go 8 001 @ 00253904 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | be abolished or discarded; "These ugly billboards have to go!" "These luxuries all had to go under the Khmer Rouge"
00217088 30 v 03 leave 3 leave_behind 0 be_survived_by 0 002 * 00216283 v 0000 ~ 00217223 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | "He left six children"
00217223 30 v 02 widow 0 cause_to_be_widowed 0 001 @ 00217088 v 0000 01 + 09 00
00217306 30 v 02 drown 0 die_by_drowning 0 001 @ 00216283 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | usually in water
00217591 30 v 01 fall 9 001 @ 00217788 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | of lambs
00217661 30 v 01 predecease 0 001 @ 00216283 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | die before; die earlier than; "She predeceased her husband"
00217788 30 v 02 be_born 0 come_into_existence 0 005 @ 00086015 v 0000 ! 00216283 v 0101 ~ 00039807 v 0000 ~ 00217591 v 0000 ~ 00217979 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | "She was born on a farm"
00217979 30 v 02 come_to_life 0 come_into_being 1 001 @ 00217788 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | "All these flowers come to life when the rains come"
00218127 30 v 03 clear 0 become_fair 0 become_sunny 0 002 @ 00086015 v 0000 ! 00218247 v 0101 01 + 01 00 | of the sky
00218247 30 v 02 cloud_over 0 become_overcast 0 002 @ 00086015 v 0000 ! 00218127 v 0101 01 + 01 00 | of the sky
00218361 30 v 02 mist 0 mist_over 0 001 @ 00687390 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become covered with mist; of surfaces
00218472 30 v 02 demist 0 free_from_mist 0 002 * 00222990 v 0000 @ 00072540 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | as of car windows
00218596 30 v 02 bloat 0 become_bloated 0 001 @ 00153682 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | "The dead man's stomach was bloated"
00218712 30 v 03 bloat 1 make_bloated 0 make_swollen 0 001 @ 00153962 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | "Hunger bloated the child's belly"
00218839 30 v 03 curl 0 curve 0 kink 0 003 * 00732809 v 0000 @ 00215013 v 0000 ^ 01180350 v 0105 01 + 01 00 | form a curl, curve, or kink
00218979 30 v 04 break 2 break_off 0 discontinue 0 stop 5 003 @ 00213455 v 0000 ~ 00219606 v 0000 ~ 00436765 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | prevent completion
00219137 30 v 03 cut_short 2 break_short 0 break_off 3 002 @ 00219832 v 0000 ~ 00219254 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00219254 30 v 01 hang_up 0 001 @ 00219137 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | interrupt a telephone conversation
00219361 30 v 02 drop 1 knock_off 0 001 @ 01515268 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 02 02 | drop an activity, for example
00219472 30 v 02 freeze 1 suspend 0 001 @ 00219832 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | stop a process or a habit by imposing a freeze on it
00219606 30 v 02 bog_down 1 bog 1 001 @ 00218979 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | get stuck while doing something
00219717 30 v 02 bog_down 0 bog 0 001 @ 00262560 v 0000 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | "The vote would bog down the house"
00219832 30 v 03 interrupt 0 break 3 end_prematurely 0 004 @ 00213455 v 0000 ~ 00219137 v 0000 ~ 00219472 v 0000 ~ 00220034 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "She interrupted her pregnancy"
00220034 30 v 03 adjourn 0 recess 0 break_up 8 001 @ 00219832 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | "The court adjourned"
00220148 30 v 02 punctuate 1 interrupt_periodically 0 001 @ 00436765 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00220246 30 v 03 condense 0 concentrate 7 contract 3 001 ~ 00220412 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | condense the contents of a book into a summary, for example
00220412 30 v 01 telescope_into 0 001 @ 00220246 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00220482 30 v 02 pasteurize 0 cause_to_pasteurize 0 002 > 00220600 v 0000 @ 00081466 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | as of milk
00220600 30 v 02 condense 1 undergo_condensation 0 001 @ 00220989 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | water condenses, for example
00220717 30 v 02 sublime 0 sublimate 0 004 * 00220246 v 0000 * 00220989 v 0000 @ 00064108 v 0000 ~ 00220891 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | vaporize and then condense right back again
00220891 30 v 02 resublime 0 sublime_again 0 001 @ 00220717 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | as in chemistry
00220989 30 v 02 evaporate 0 vaporize 1 003 @ 00081466 v 0000 ~ 00220600 v 0000 ~ 00221146 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | evaporate milk, for example
00221146 30 v 02 transpire 2 exude_water_vapor 0 001 @ 00220989 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | of plants
00221242 30 v 03 unify 0 unite 0 merge 0 007 @ 00276939 v 0000 ^ 00887284 v 0302 ! 00221660 v 0101 ~ 00145623 v 0000 ~ 00221551 v 0000 ~ 00221786 v 0000 ~ 00840930 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | become one
00221447 30 v 02 clog 3 clot 4 001 @ 00840930 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | coalesce or unite in a mass
00221551 30 v 01 syncretize 1 001 @ 00221242 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | unite (beliefs or conflicting principles)
00221660 30 v 02 disunify 0 break_apart 1 002 @ 01376355 v 0000 ! 00221242 v 0101 01 + 01 00 | "The country is disunifying"
00221786 30 v 01 converge 0 001 @ 00221242 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | come together so as to form a single product; "Social forces converged to bring the Fascists back to power"
00221967 30 v 01 league 0 001 @ 01398086 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | unite to form a league
00222061 30 v 02 federate 0 federalize 0 001 @ 01398086 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | unite in a federation
00222161 30 v 02 carbonize 0 turn_into_carbon 0 002 * 00223704 v 0000 @ 00086015 v 0000 01 + 01 00
00222263 30 v 04 cool 0 chill 0 lose_heat 0 cool_down 1 002 @ 00086015 v 0000 ! 00223704 v 0101 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | as of air, for example
00222486 30 v 02 overheat 0 get_excessively_hot 0 001 @ 00223704 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | as of engines, for example
00222600 30 v 04 cool 1 chill 1 cool_down 0 make_cooler 0 005 > 00222263 v 0000 @ 00072540 v 0000 ! 00222990 v 0101 ~ 00222792 v 0000 ~ 00222899 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "Chill the food"
00222792 30 v 03 ice 0 put_ice_on 0 put_on_ice 0 001 @ 00222600 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | as of sprained limbs
00222899 30 v 02 refrigerate 0 keep_cool 0 001 @ 00222600 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | as of food
00222990 30 v 03 heat 1 heat_up 0 make_hot 0 010 > 00223704 v 0000 @ 00072540 v 0000 ! 00222600 v 0101 ~ 00195141 v 0000 ~ 00223266 v 0000 ~ 00223360 v 0000 ~ 00223486 v 0000 ~ 00223590 v 0000 ~ 00226408 v 0000 ~ 00321219 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | "heat the soup"
00223266 30 v 01 soak 2 001 @ 00222990 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | heat a metal prior to working it
00223360 30 v 01 calcine 0 001 @ 00222990 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | in chemistry: heat a substance so that it oxidizes or reduces
00223486 30 v 02 preheat 0 heat_beforeheand 0 001 @ 00222990 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "Preheat the oven!"
00223590 30 v 02 overheat 1 make_excessively_hot 0 001 @ 00222990 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | "The room was overheated"
00223704 30 v 05 heat 0 hot_up 2 get_hot 0 heat_up 1 gain_heat 0 004 @ 00086015 v 0000 ! 00222263 v 0101 ~ 00222486 v 0000 ~ 01554124 v 0000 01 + 01 00
00223859 30 v 02 warm 1 make_warm 0 002 @ 00072540 v 0000 ~ 00224160 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "The blanket will warm you"
00223986 30 v 01 warm_up 1 001 @ 00064108 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | become more friendly or open
00224079 30 v 03 warm 0 warm_up 0 get_warm 0 001 @ 00064108 v 0000 01 + 01 00
00224160 30 v 02 chafe 0 warm_by_rubbing 0 001 @ 00223859 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00224247 30 v 02 carbonize 1 carburize 0 001 @ 00086015 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | unite with carbon
00224359 30 v 02 cauterize 0 burn 8 002 * 00226408 v 0000 @ 00048767 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | burn with a caustic agent
00224476 30 v 02 freeze 0 change_to_ice 0 003 * 00265229 v 0000 @ 00086015 v 0000 ! 00225005 v 0101 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | as of water
00224627 30 v 01 concrete 0 001 @ 00265418 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | form into a solid mass
00224715 30 v 01 boil 2 003 > 00225005 v 0000 @ 00072540 v 0000 ~ 00224895 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | bring to, or maintain at, the boiling point, as of water and other liquids
00224895 30 v 01 decoct 0 001 @ 00224715 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | extract the essence of something by boiling it
00225005 30 v 02 boil 1 come_to_the_boiling_point 0 003 @ 00086015 v 0000 ! 00224476 v 0101 ~ 00225183 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 08 00 | "Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius"
00225183 30 v 02 boil_over 0 overboil 0 001 @ 00225005 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | "The milk is boiling over"
00225287 30 v 02 deep_freeze 0 store_in_a_deepfreeze 0 001 @ 00225556 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | as of foods
00225399 30 v 02 quick-freeze 0 flash-freeze 0 001 @ 00225556 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | freeze rapidly so as to preserve the natural juices and flavors, of food
00225556 30 v 02 freeze 2 cause_to_freeze 0 004 > 00224476 v 0000 @ 00072540 v 0000 ~ 00225287 v 0000 ~ 00225399 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "Freeze the leftover food"
00225726 30 v 04 thaw 0 unfreeze 0 unthaw 0 melt 0 002 @ 00264580 v 0000 ~ 00225873 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "The sub melted the ice"
00225873 30 v 02 defrost 0 deice 0 001 @ 00225726 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "Defrost the car window"
00225986 30 v 03 burn 0 undergo_combustion 0 combust 0 006 @ 00086015 v 0000 ~ 00226192 v 0000 ~ 00226298 v 0000 ~ 01559366 v 0000 ~ 01560869 v 0000 ~ 01561916 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | "Maple wood burns well"
00226192 30 v 02 burn_down 0 burn_completely 0 001 @ 00225986 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | "The hut burned down"
00226298 30 v 03 smolder 0 smoulder 0 burn_slowly 0 001 @ 00225986 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | burn without a flame
00226408 30 v 02 sear 0 scorch 3 002 @ 00222990 v 0000 ~ 00226519 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "searing heat"
00226519 30 v 01 sizzle 0 001 @ 00226408 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | burn or sear with a sizzling sound
00226625 30 v 02 burn 1 incinerate 0 001 @ 00081466 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | "burn garbage", for example
00226851 30 v 04 burn 2 fire 1 burn_down 2 destroy_by_fire 0 004 @ 00900879 v 0000 ~ 00227067 v 0000 ~ 00227198 v 0000 ~ 00227302 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | "They burned the house and his diaries"
00227067 30 v 01 backfire 0 001 @ 00226851 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | set a controlled fire to halt an advancing forest ot prairie fire
00227198 30 v 02 cremate 0 reduce_to_ashes 0 001 @ 00226851 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | burn a corpse
00227302 30 v 03 torch 0 burn_by_arson 0 burn_maliciously 0 001 @ 00226851 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "The madman torched the barns"
00227430 30 v 03 char 0 blacken 1 scorch 2 001 @ 00118386 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "The ceiling above the fireplace was charred"
00227564 30 v 02 blister 0 get_blistery 0 001 @ 00153682 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | as of feet, for example
00227667 30 v 04 switch 1 change_over 1 shift 0 turn_around 1 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "First Joe led; then we switched"
00227824 30 v 03 permute 0 commute 0 transpose 0 002 @ 00080617 v 0000 ~ 00227981 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | as of letters in a word, for example
00227981 30 v 02 map 0 represent 6 001 @ 00227824 v 0000 02 + 04 00 + 21 00 | of mathematical elements
00228086 30 v 02 transpose 1 change_key 0 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of musical compositions
00228189 30 v 02 convert 0 change_over 2 013 @ 00072540 v 0000 ~ 00081147 v 0000 ~ 00097672 v 0000 ~ 00160833 v 0000 ~ 00228535 v 0000 ~ 00228630 v 0000 ~ 00229732 v 0000 ~ 00296099 v 0000 ~ 00297721 v 0000 ~ 00300433 v 0000 ~ 00300573 v 0000 ~ 00310740 v 0000 ~ 00312157 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "We converted from 220 to 110 Volt"
00228535 30 v 01 metricize 0 001 @ 00228189 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | convert tot he metric system
00228630 30 v 01 flour 0 001 @ 00228189 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | convert grain into flour
00228717 30 v 02 transform 3 transmute 0 003 @ 00064108 v 0000 ~ 00228863 v 0000 ~ 01485446 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | "He transformed into a monster"
00228863 30 v 01 aurify 1 001 @ 00228717 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | transform into gold
00228946 30 v 01 transmute 1 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | of chemical elements
00229041 30 v 02 transform 0 transmute 2 003 @ 00072540 v 0000 ~ 00229279 v 0000 ~ 00954722 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | "This experience transformed her completely"; "She transformed the clay into a beautiful sculpture"
00229279 30 v 01 sorcerize 0 001 @ 00229041 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | transform by sorcery
00229374 30 v 02 ash 0 convert_into_ash 0 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00229460 30 v 02 translate 1 transform 1 004 @ 00072540 v 0000 ~ 00127336 v 0000 ~ 00229637 v 0000 ~ 00307071 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | "Braque translated collage into oil"
00229637 30 v 01 metricize 1 001 @ 00229460 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | express in the metric system
00229732 30 v 02 reclaim 0 make_useful 0 001 @ 00228189 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of land, such as marshes
00229835 30 v 03 metamorphose 0 transfigure 0 transmogrify 0 001 @ 00080617 v 0000 01 + 01 00
00229932 30 v 02 convert 1 change_religious_beliefs 0 001 @ 00064108 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | "She converted to Buddhism"
00230059 30 v 02 reform 4 regenerate 5 001 @ 00230368 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | subject to spiritual regeneration
00230177 30 v 01 regenerate 6 001 @ 00091455 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | the amplification of (an electron current) by causing part of the power in the output circuit to act upon the input circuit
00230368 30 v 01 convert 7 004 > 00229932 v 0000 @ 00072540 v 0000 ~ 00230059 v 0000 ~ 00230555 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | cause to convert; "The missionaries converted the Indian population"
00230555 30 v 02 catholicize 0 latinize 0 001 @ 00230368 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | convert to catholicism
00232362 30 v 04 pine_away 0 waste 2 waste_away 1 languish 0 001 @ 00134054 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | "After her husband died, she just pined away"
00232514 30 v 05 dampen 0 damp 0 soften 2 weaken 4 break 9 002 @ 00116072 v 0000 ~ 00191833 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | as of a shock, for example
00232671 30 v 02 dampen 2 check_a_fire 0 001 @ 00262279 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | of fires
00232766 30 v 06 dampen 3 muffle 0 mute 0 deaden 6 damp 1 tone_down 0 001 @ 00273884 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | of sounds or images
00232901 30 v 01 shush 0 001 @ 00273884 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | silence (someone) by uttering "shush!"
00233002 30 v 02 stifle 0 dampen 5 002 @ 00274177 v 0000 ! 00295643 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "Stifle your curiosity"
00233124 30 v 03 choke_off 0 choke_down 0 choke_back 0 001 @ 00274177 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "He choked down his rage"
00233250 30 v 02 dampen 4 reduce_the_amplitude_of 0 001 @ 00134905 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | of oscillations or waves
00233372 30 v 02 dull 1 make_dull 0 001 @ 00134054 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "Middle age dulled her appetite for travel"
00233497 30 v 04 dull 0 become_dull 0 become_lusterless 0 lose_brightness 0 001 @ 00064108 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become dull in appearance; lose shine, as of a varnished surface, for example
00233688 30 v 01 pall 0 001 @ 00134054 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | lose strength or effectiveness
00233780 30 v 03 sharpen 0 become_sharp 0 become_sharper 0 001 @ 00135970 v 0000 01 + 01 00
00233875 30 v 03 sharpen 1 make_sharp 0 make_sharper 0 003 > 00233780 v 0000 @ 00136241 v 0000 ~ 00234352 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00234010 30 v 03 sharpen 5 heighten 5 make_more_acute 1 002 @ 00136241 v 0000 ~ 00234161 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | as of one's senses, for example
00234161 30 v 01 subtilize 1 001 @ 00234010 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make more keen, as of the senses
00234260 30 v 02 heighten 4 deepen 4 001 @ 00136241 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | of colors
00234352 30 v 02 strap 0 sharpen_with_a_strap 0 001 @ 00233875 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00234436 30 v 03 sharpen 8 taper 0 point 0 004 @ 00082223 v 0000 ^ 00184652 v 0201 ^ 01516343 v 0201 ~ 00234587 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | give a point to
00234587 30 v 01 acuminate 0 001 @ 00234436 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00234660 30 v 02 sharpen 2 raise_the_pitch_of 0 002 @ 00072540 v 0000 ! 00234780 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | of musical notes
00234780 30 v 03 flatten 3 drop 5 lower_the_pitch_of 0 002 @ 00072540 v 0000 ! 00234660 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | of musical notes
00234907 30 v 03 acclimatize 0 acclimate 0 get_used_to_the_climate 0 001 @ 00235056 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | "They never acclimatized in Egypt"
00235056 30 v 03 adapt 0 adjust 2 get_accustomed 0 002 @ 00064108 v 0000 ~ 00234907 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | get used to something
00235192 30 v 03 synchronize 0 sync 0 make_synchronous 0 003 @ 00178525 v 0000 ! 00235471 v 0101 ~ 00235362 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "Let's synchronize our efforts"
00235362 30 v 01 phase 0 001 @ 00235192 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | adjust so as to be in a synchronized condition
00235471 30 v 01 desynchronize 0 002 @ 00080617 v 0000 ! 00235192 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00235566 30 v 02 adhere 0 unite 1 001 @ 00235644 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 08 00
00235644 30 v 0a blend 0 mix 0 conflate 0 commingle 0 immix 0 fuse 0 coalesce 0 meld 0 combine 0 merge 1 011 @ 00081466 v 0000 ^ 00348761 v 0204 ~ 00235566 v 0000 ~ 00236014 v 0000 ~ 00236148 v 0000 ~ 00236318 v 0000 ~ 00236521 v 0000 ~ 00236600 v 0000 ~ 00236701 v 0000 ~ 00236809 v 0000 ~ 00327000 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | "The colors blend well"
00236014 30 v 01 absorb 0 001 @ 00235644 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | become one with: "The sales tax is absorbed into the state income tax"
00236148 30 v 01 melt 2 001 @ 00235644 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | lose its distinct outline or shape; "Hundreds of actors were melting into the scene"
00236318 30 v 02 blend_in 0 mix_in 0 002 @ 00235644 v 0000 ~ 00236430 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "Blend in the nuts"
00236430 30 v 01 cut_in 1 001 @ 00236318 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | mix in with cutting motions
00236521 30 v 02 accrete 0 grow_together 0 001 @ 00235644 v 0000 01 + 01 00
00236600 30 v 01 conjugate 0 001 @ 00235644 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of two substances, as in chemistry
00236701 30 v 01 admix 0 001 @ 00235644 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "Hyaline casts were admixed with neutrophils"
00236809 30 v 02 alloy 2 make_an_alloy_of 0 001 @ 00235644 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of metals
00236997 30 v 01 fuse 3 002 @ 00264580 v 0000 * 00223704 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become fluid, of certain solid substances
00237118 30 v 02 crumble 0 fall_apart 4 002 @ 00237247 v 0000 ^ 00125525 v 0103 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | "The Sphinx is crumbling"
00237247 30 v 02 disintegrate 0 break_into_parts 0 008 @ 00081466 v 0000 ! 00276466 v 0101 ~ 00200947 v 0000 ~ 00201032 v 0000 ~ 00237118 v 0000 ~ 00237809 v 0000 ~ 00265833 v 0000 ~ 00900074 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 11 00
00237468 30 v 01 fold 0 001 @ 00276466 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | incorporate a food ingredient into a mixture by repeated overturnings without stirring or beating; "Fold the egg whites into the batter"
00237674 30 v 01 reintegrate 0 001 @ 00276466 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | integrate again; "Russia must be reintegrated into Europe"
00237809 30 v 01 macerate 0 002 * 00129214 v 0000 @ 00237247 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 11 00 | break up as a result of excessive soaking
00237942 30 v 03 disintegrate 1 decay 1 decompose 2 001 @ 00081466 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 11 00 | of particles
00238052 30 v 02 putrefy 0 become_putrid 0 002 @ 00326526 v 0000 * 01212020 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00
00238157 30 v 02 magnetize 0 make_magnetic 0 002 @ 00072540 v 0000 ! 00238313 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | The strong magnet magnetized the iron shavings"
00238417 30 v 03 simplify 0 make_simpler 0 make_easier 1 003 @ 00072540 v 0000 ! 00239181 v 0101 ~ 00238593 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "We had to simplify the instructions"
00238593 30 v 02 oversimplify 0 make_too_simple 0 001 @ 00238417 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "Don't oversimplify the rules"
00238711 30 v 03 complicate 1 refine 6 elaborate 0 003 @ 00072540 v 0000 ~ 00238923 v 0000 ~ 00239105 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make more complex, intricate, or richer, as of a design or pattern, for example
00238923 30 v 01 develop d 001 @ 00238711 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | elaborate by the unfolding of a musical idea and by the working out of the rhythmic and harmonci changes in the theme
00239105 30 v 01 sophisticate 0 001 @ 00238711 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00239181 30 v 03 complicate 0 perplex 0 make_harder 1 003 @ 00072540 v 0000 ! 00238417 v 0101 ~ 00239338 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make more complicated
00239338 30 v 02 snarl 0 embrangle 0 002 @ 00239181 v 0000 ~ 00239494 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make more complicated or confused through entanglements
00239494 30 v 01 snafu 0 001 @ 00239338 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00239563 30 v 02 pressurize 0 increase_the_pressure 0 002 @ 00178525 v 0000 ! 00240107 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | as of airplane cabins, for example
00239707 30 v 02 pressurize 1 maintain_a_certain_pressure 0 002 * 00239563 v 0000 @ 01515519 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of airplanes and space suits, for example
00239864 30 v 03 supercharge 0 apply_pressure_to 0 pressurize 2 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | increase the pressure on a gas or liquid
00240006 30 v 02 puncture 0 cause_to_lose_air_pressure 0 001 @ 00240107 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00240107 30 v 03 depressurize 0 decompress 0 decrease_the_pressure 0 003 @ 00178525 v 0000 ! 00239563 v 0101 ~ 00240006 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00240248 30 v 02 categorize 0 assign_to_categories 0 001 @ 00240475 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | assign to categories
00240367 30 v 02 structure 0 restructure 0 001 @ 00240475 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | give a structure to
00240475 30 v 04 organize 0 organise 0 bring_order_to 1 coordinate 0 004 @ 00842219 v 0000 ~ 00240248 v 0000 ~ 00240367 v 0000 ~ 00240642 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00240642 30 v 03 interlock 0 mesh 0 mesh_with 0 001 @ 00240475 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00240726 30 v 03 centralize 0 make_central 0 concentrate 2 003 @ 00072540 v 0000 ! 00240899 v 0302 ! 00240899 v 0101 02 + 01 00 + 08 00 | of governments and organizations
00240899 30 v 04 decentralize 0 deconcentrate 0 decentralise 0 make_less_central 0 003 @ 00072540 v 0000 ! 00240726 v 0203 ! 00240726 v 0101 02 + 01 00 + 08 00 | of governments and organizations
00241096 30 v 02 socialize 0 make_socialist 0 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of governments or institutions
00241323 30 v 07 prepare 0 set_up 2 ready 0 gear_up 0 set 9 make_ready 0 get_ready 0 011 @ 00072540 v 0000 ~ 00241210 v 0000 ~ 00241721 v 0000 ~ 00241833 v 0000 ~ 00241972 v 0000 ~ 00242069 v 0000 ~ 00242277 v 0000 ~ 00242404 v 0000 ~ 00242531 v 0000 ~ 00994745 v 0000 ~ 01028468 v 0000 10 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 + 28 00 + 02 07 + 02 04 + 02 01 | "Get ready for school!"
00241721 30 v 01 precondition 0 001 @ 00241323 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | put into the required condition beforehand
00241833 30 v 02 fix 2 prepare_for_microscopic_study 0 001 @ 00241323 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | kill, preserve, and harden tissue; in cytology
00241972 30 v 01 mount 1 001 @ 00241323 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of slides for macroscopic analysis
00242069 30 v 02 set_up 0 lay_out 0 001 @ 00241323 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | e.g., an experiment
00242162 30 v 03 rig 0 set 6 set_up 3 001 @ 01330622 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | equip with sails, masts, etc.; of ships
00242277 30 v 02 winterize 0 prepare_for_winter 0 002 @ 00241323 v 0000 ! 00242404 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | of cars, houses, etc.
00242404 30 v 02 summerize 0 prepare_for_summer 0 002 @ 00241323 v 0000 ! 00242277 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | of cars, houses, etc.
00242531 30 v 02 prime 0 get_primed 0 001 @ 00241323 v 0000 05 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 + 21 00
00242637 30 v 02 communize 0 make_public 0 001 @ 00244097 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00242716 30 v 03 internationalize 0 internationalise 0 make_international 0 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "We internationalized the committee"
00242866 30 v 04 communize 1 bolshevize 0 bolshevise 0 make_communist 0 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | of governments
00242998 30 v 02 Americanize 0 become_American 0 001 @ 00064108 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00
00243091 30 v 01 Europeanize 1 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | make (continental) European in customs, character, or ideas
00243227 30 v 01 Europeanize 0 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | denationalize and subject (a territory) to the supervision of an agency of a European community of nations
00243402 30 v 02 bestialize 0 bestialise 0 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | make bestial
00243503 30 v 02 Americanize 1 make_American 0 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00
00243594 30 v 02 Frenchify 0 become_French_in_appearance 0 001 @ 00086015 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00
00243697 30 v 02 anglicize 1 anglicise 1 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make English in appearance
00243919 30 v 03 civilize 0 modernize 2 develop 9 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | make a country technologically advanced; "Many countries in Asia are now highly developed"
00244097 30 v 03 nationalize 0 put_under_state_control 0 put_under_state_ownership 0 003 @ 00072540 v 0000 ! 00244290 v 0101 ~ 00242637 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "Mitterand nationalized the banks"
00244290 30 v 02 denationalize 0 make_private 0 003 @ 00072540 v 0000 ! 00244097 v 0101 ~ 00244451 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "The steel industry was denationalized"
00244451 30 v 01 privatize 0 001 @ 00244290 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "The oil industry was privatized"
00244551 30 v 01 naturalize 0 003 @ 00072540 v 0000 * 00245341 v 0000 ! 00244721 v 0101 01 + 09 00 | make into a citizen; "The French family was naturalized last year"
00244721 30 v 01 denaturalize 0 002 @ 00072540 v 0000 ! 00244551 v 0101 01 + 09 00 | strip of the rights and duties of citizenship
00244854 30 v 03 naturalize 1 make_more_natural 0 make_more_lifelike 0 002 @ 00072540 v 0000 ! 00244979 v 0101 01 + 08 00
00244979 30 v 01 denaturalize 1 002 @ 00072540 v 0000 ! 00244854 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | make less natural
00245084 30 v 02 naturalize 2 adopt_to_another_place 0 001 @ 00245175 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00245175 30 v 03 adopt 0 take_into_one's_family 0 take_in 3 002 @ 01257967 v 0000 ~ 00245084 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 20 00 | "They adopted two children from Nicaragua"
00245341 30 v 03 immigrate 0 come_to_a_new_country 0 change_residency 0 003 @ 01059868 v 0000 * 01144761 v 0000 ! 00247039 v 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | "Many people immigrated at the beginning of the 20th century"
00245556 30 v 02 immigrate 2 introduce_as_an_immigrant 0 001 @ 01189328 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 20 00
00245657 30 v 04 settle 0 locate 0 relocate 0 take_up_residence 0 003 * 01059070 v 0000 ~ 00245836 v 0000 ~ 00246799 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | "The immigrants settled in the Midwest"
00245836 30 v 03 colonize 0 settle_as_colonists_in 0 establish_a_colony_in 0 001 @ 00245657 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "The British colonized the East Coast"
00245989 30 v 02 dislocate 1 displace 0 001 @ 00246799 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | "The colonists displaced the natives"
00246112 30 v 02 settle 1 form_a_community 0 002 * 01059868 v 0000 ~ 00246246 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | "The Swedes settled in Minnesota"
00246246 30 v 02 homestead 0 occupy_as_a_homestead 0 001 @ 00246112 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | settle land given by the government
00246583 30 v 01 take_hold 0 001 @ 00246372 v 0000 01 + 01 00
00246648 30 v 01 roost 0 001 @ 00246372 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00
00246717 30 v 02 set_in 0 become_established 4 000 01 + 01 00 | e.g., of winter
00246799 30 v 02 resettle 0 settle_anew 0 002 @ 00245657 v 0000 ~ 00245989 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | settle in a new place
00246918 30 v 02 immigrate 1 migrate_to_a_new_place 0 001 @ 01059868 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | of plants and animals
00247039 30 v 02 emigrate 0 leave_a_country 0 003 * 01147140 v 0000 @ 01059868 v 0000 ! 00245341 v 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | "Many people had to emigrate during the Nazi period"
00247353 30 v 04 even 1 even_out 0 make_even 0 make_more_even 0 005 > 00247533 v 0000 @ 00164318 v 0000 ^ 01511264 v 0103 ^ 01511264 v 0104 ^ 01511264 v 0105 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00247533 30 v 04 even 0 even_out 1 become_even 0 become_more_even 0 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 01 + 01 00
00247637 30 v 03 equal 0 equalize 0 make_equal 0 005 @ 00164318 v 0000 ~ 00247802 v 0000 ~ 00271873 v 0000 ~ 00271960 v 0000 ~ 00630097 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00247802 30 v 01 homologize 0 001 @ 00247637 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make homologous
00247885 30 v 03 stiffen 1 make_stiff 0 make_stiffer 0 006 > 00248414 v 0000 @ 00072540 v 0000 ! 00248968 v 0101 ~ 00248074 v 0000 ~ 00248173 v 0000 ~ 00248258 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00248074 30 v 02 starch 0 stiffen_with_starch 0 001 @ 00247885 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | as of clothes
00248173 30 v 01 buckram 0 001 @ 00247885 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | stiffen with buckram
00248258 30 v 02 rigidify 1 make_rigid 0 001 @ 00247885 v 0000 01 + 11 00
00248335 30 v 02 rigidify 0 become_rigid 0 001 @ 00248414 v 0000 01 + 01 00
00248414 30 v 04 stiffen 0 become_stiff 0 get_stiff 0 become_stiffer 0 003 @ 00064108 v 0000 ! 00248823 v 0101 ~ 00248335 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00
00248565 30 v 04 stiffen 2 tighten 2 tighten_up 0 constrain 0 001 @ 00140526 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | restrict, as of rules or laws
00248694 30 v 02 clamp_down_on 0 crack_down_on 0 001 @ 00140526 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "The police clamped down on illegal drugs"
00248823 30 v 04 loosen 0 become_loose 0 become_looser 0 relax 2 003 @ 00134054 v 0000 ! 00248414 v 0101 ~ 00249258 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00
00248968 30 v 04 loosen 1 make_loose 0 loose 2 make_looser 0 008 > 00248823 v 0000 @ 00072540 v 0000 ! 00247885 v 0101 ~ 00249374 v 0000 ~ 00250336 v 0000 ~ 00316330 v 0000 ~ 00776797 v 0000 ~ 00776962 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | loosen the tension on a rope, for example
00249258 30 v 03 relax 0 loose 1 become_less_tight 0 001 @ 00248823 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | as of a rope, for example
00249374 30 v 03 relax 1 unbend 0 make_less_tight 0 002 @ 00248968 v 0000 ~ 00249515 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | as of a rope, for example
00249515 30 v 01 unbrace 1 001 @ 00249374 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove tension from
00249599 30 v 01 tighten 0 005 @ 00064108 v 0000 ~ 00184067 v 0000 ~ 00250015 v 0000 ~ 00799016 v 0000 ~ 00905368 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become tight or tighter
00249759 30 v 02 tighten 1 fasten 0 005 @ 00072540 v 0000 ~ 00249926 v 0000 ~ 00273516 v 0000 ~ 00777088 v 0000 ~ 00875359 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make tight or tighter
00251107 30 v 01 appear 0 015 ! 00253904 v 0101 ~ 00251509 v 0000 ~ 00251760 v 0000 ~ 00252220 v 0000 ~ 00252376 v 0000 ~ 00252720 v 0000 ~ 00252984 v 0000 ~ 00253337 v 0000 ~ 00253483 v 0000 ~ 00253784 v 0000 ~ 00323677 v 0000 ~ 01120029 v 0000 ~ 01135881 v 0000 ~ 01221436 v 0000 ~ 01230509 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | come into sight or view; "He suddenly appeared at the wedding"
00251509 30 v 05 come_on 1 come_out 0 turn_up 0 surface 0 show_up 0 001 @ 00251107 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | appear or become visible; make a showing; "She turned up at the funeral"; "I hope the list key is going to surface again"
00251760 30 v 01 emerge 0 002 @ 00251107 v 0000 ~ 00251941 v 0000 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | come out into view, as from concealment; "Suddenly, the proprietor emerged from his office"
00251941 30 v 01 burst 2 001 @ 00251760 v 0000 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | emerge suddenly; "The sun burst into view"
00252054 30 v 02 get_on 1 be_on 0 001 @ 00548893 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | appear in a show, on T.V., radio, etc.; "The news won't be on tonight"
00252220 30 v 01 outcrop 0 001 @ 00251107 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | appear on the surface, come to the surface on the ground; "Big boulders outcropped"
00252376 30 v 01 flash 3 001 @ 00251107 v 0000 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | appear briefly; "The headlines flashed on the screen"
00252500 30 v 02 appear 2 come_along 0 000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | come into being or existence, or appear on the scene: "Then the computer came along and changed our lives"; "Homo sapiens appeared millions of years ago"
00252720 30 v 01 turn_out 0 001 @ 00251107 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | come, usually in answer to an invitation or summons
00252845 30 v 01 resurface 0 001 @ 00253483 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | "The missing man suddenly resurfaced in New York
00252984 30 v 02 basset 0 crop_out 0 001 @ 00251107 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | appear at the surface: "A seam of coal bassets"
00253106 30 v 02 appear 1 come_out 1 001 @ 00206903 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | be issued or published, as of news in a paper, a book, or a movie; "Did your latest book appear yet?" "The new Woody Allen film hans't come out yet"
00253337 30 v 03 pop_out 1 burst_out 1 appear_suddenly 0 001 @ 00251107 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | "Spring popped up everywhere in the valley"
00253483 30 v 04 reappear 0 re-emerge 0 appear_again 0 appear_one_more 0 003 @ 00251107 v 0000 ~ 00252845 v 0000 ~ 00323563 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00
00253652 30 v 01 emerge 1 001 @ 01218651 v 0000 01 + 34 00 | become known or apparent; "Some nice results emerged from the study"
00253784 30 v 02 break_through 0 come_through 0 001 @ 00251107 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | "The sun broke through the clouds"
00253904 30 v 03 disappear 0 vanish 0 go_away 0 010 ! 00251107 v 0101 ~ 00088128 v 0000 ~ 00214553 v 0000 ~ 00216913 v 0000 ~ 00250656 v 0000 ~ 00250758 v 0000 ~ 00250959 v 0000 ~ 00254218 v 0000 ~ 00254335 v 0000 ~ 01230053 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | get lost; "He disappeared without a trace"
00254218 30 v 02 skip_town 0 take_a_powder 0 001 @ 00253904 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | disappear without notifying anyone
00254335 30 v 02 die_out 0 die_off 0 001 @ 00253904 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | become extinct; "Dinosaurs died out"
00254454 30 v 02 minimize 0 make_small 0 002 @ 00262983 v 0000 ! 00254930 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "Let's minimize the risk"
00254584 30 v 02 scale_down 0 reduce_proportionately 0 004 * 00090574 v 0000 @ 00193898 v 0000 @ 00090183 v 0000 ! 00254757 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | "The model is scaled down"
00254757 30 v 02 scale_up 0 increase_proportionateley 0 004 * 00093597 v 0000 @ 00090183 v 0000 @ 00193898 v 0000 ! 00254584 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | as of models, for example
00254930 30 v 02 maximize 0 make_big 0 002 @ 00091455 v 0000 ! 00254454 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "Maximize your profits!"
00255057 30 v 02 maximize 1 make_the_most_of 0 001 @ 00661466 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "He maximized his role"
00255165 30 v 0a reduce 0 cut_down 0 cut_down_on 0 cut_back 1 trim 0 trim_down 0 trim_back 0 cut 6 make_a_reduction_in 0 bring_down 0 009 @ 00262983 v 0000 ~ 00192206 v 0000 ~ 00255487 v 0000 ~ 00255580 v 0000 ~ 00255693 v 0000 ~ 00255802 v 0000 ~ 00256030 v 0000 ~ 00313125 v 0000 ~ 01335382 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00255487 30 v 01 cut_in 2 001 @ 00255165 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | "This cuts into my earnings"
00255580 30 v 01 retrench 0 001 @ 00255165 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | make a reduction, as in one'w workforce
00255693 30 v 01 slash 0 001 @ 00255165 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cut drastically; "Prices were slashed"
00255802 30 v 02 thin_out 0 make_sparser 0 002 @ 00255165 v 0000 ~ 00756901 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00255899 30 v 01 thin_out 1 001 @ 00090574 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become sparser; "Towards the end of town, the houses thinned out"
00256030 30 v 03 thin 1 make_thin 0 make_thinner 0 005 > 00256352 v 0000 @ 00255165 v 0000 ! 00256577 v 0101 ~ 00256197 v 0000 ~ 00286735 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00256197 30 v 01 draw 8 001 @ 00256030 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | reduce the diameter of (a wire or metal rod) by pulling it through a die; "draw wire"
00256352 30 v 02 thin 0 lose_thickness 0 002 @ 00086015 v 0000 ! 00256471 v 0101 01 + 01 00 | become thin or thinner
00256471 30 v 01 thicken 0 002 @ 00086015 v 0000 ! 00256352 v 0101 01 + 01 00 | become thick or thicker
00256577 30 v 03 thicken 1 make_thick 0 make_thicker 0 003 > 00256471 v 0000 @ 00072540 v 0000 ! 00256030 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00256712 30 v 03 thicken 2 make_viscous 0 make_dense 0 001 @ 00081466 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | as of liquids
00256826 30 v 04 decline 0 go_down 0 wane 2 grow_smaller 0 004 @ 00090574 v 0000 ~ 00256975 v 0000 ~ 00257051 v 0000 ~ 00257401 v 0000 01 + 01 00
00256975 30 v 01 dip 1 001 @ 00256826 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | "Prices dipped"
00257051 30 v 01 wear_on 0 001 @ 00256826 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | "The day wore on"
00257133 30 v 02 heighten 2 make_more_extreme 0 001 @ 00091455 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00257225 30 v 02 heighten 1 rise 2 001 @ 00091455 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become more extreme
00257317 30 v 02 shoot_up 0 rise_dramatically 0 001 @ 00093597 v 0000 01 + 01 00
00257401 30 v 01 drop 0 003 @ 00256826 v 0000 ~ 00257521 v 0000 ~ 00257635 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | "Stock prices dropped"
00257521 30 v 03 slump 0 fall_off 0 sink 0 001 @ 00257401 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | "The real estate market fell off"
00257635 30 v 01 tumble 0 001 @ 00257401 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | "Prices tumbled after the devaluation of the currency"
00257753 30 v 04 wax 0 mount 0 climb 0 rise 3 002 @ 00093597 v 0000 ! 00258123 v 0101 01 + 01 00 | "Sales were climbing after prices were lowered"
00257902 30 v 02 wax 1 increase_in_phase 0 002 @ 00093597 v 0000 ! 00258012 v 0101 01 + 01 00 | of the moon
00258012 30 v 02 wane 1 decrease_in_phase 0 002 @ 00090574 v 0000 ! 00257902 v 0101 01 + 01 00 | of the moon
00258123 30 v 01 wane 0 002 @ 00090574 v 0000 ! 00257753 v 0101 01 + 01 00 | become smaller; "Interest waned"
00258338 30 v 09 fail 0 give_way 0 die 4 give_out 0 give 0 conk_out 0 go 3 break 5 break_down 0 004 @ 00064108 v 0000 ~ 00258851 v 0000 ~ 00643292 v 0000 ~ 00877378 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | stop operating or functioning; "The engine finally went"; "The caur died on the road"; "The bus we travelled in broke down on the way to town"; "his hearing is starting to go"; "Her eyesight is going"
00263736 30 v 03 jell 0 set 7 congeal 0 001 @ 00265229 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become gelatinous; of a liquid that becomes solid
00263863 30 v 01 curdle 1 001 @ 00272433 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | turn from a liquid to a solid mass
00263977 30 v 01 curdle 2 001 @ 00126231 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | as of dairy products
00264061 30 v 01 harden 0 005 @ 00064108 v 0000 ! 00152359 v 0101 ~ 00152542 v 0000 ~ 00153088 v 0000 ~ 00293537 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | become hard or harder; "The wax hardened"
00264246 30 v 03 harden 1 make_hard 0 make_harder 0 005 @ 00072540 v 0000 > 00264061 v 0000 ! 00152774 v 0101 ~ 00152990 v 0000 ~ 00153171 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 10 00 + 11 00
00264422 30 v 04 crystallize 0 crystalize 0 effloresce 1 assume_crystalline_form 0 002 @ 00265229 v 0000 ~ 00296508 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become crystallized
00264580 30 v 02 liquefy 0 liquify 0 003 @ 00081466 v 0000 ~ 00225726 v 0000 ~ 00236997 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become liquid or fluid; of a solid substance, when heated
00264907 30 v 03 melt 1 run 0 melt_down 0 003 @ 00266485 v 0000 ~ 00236900 v 0000 ~ 00265079 v 0000 05 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 08 03 + 08 01 | melt butter, for example
00265079 30 v 02 try 0 render 4 001 @ 00264907 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | melt (fat, lard, etc.) in order to separate out impurities; "try the yak butter"
00265229 30 v 01 solidify 0 005 @ 00081466 v 0000 ~ 00099696 v 0000 ~ 00263736 v 0000 ~ 00264422 v 0000 ~ 00265577 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become_solid; "The metal solidified when it cooled"
00265418 30 v 04 solidify 1 make_solid 0 make_more_solid 0 cause_to_solidify 0 003 @ 00081466 v 0000 ~ 00099543 v 0000 ~ 00224627 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00265577 30 v 03 freeze 4 freeze_out 0 freeze_down 0 001 @ 00265229 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | change from a liquid to a solid when cold
00265709 30 v 02 crystallize 1 cause_to_crystallize 0 001 @ 00081466 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | of minerals, for example
00265833 30 v 02 dissolve 0 fall_apart 2 001 @ 00237247 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | as of sugar in coffee, for example
00265946 30 v 02 solvate 0 undergo_solvation 0 001 @ 00086015 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | a chemical process of association between different molecules
00266092 30 v 02 solvate 1 cause_solvation_in 0 002 > 00265946 v 0000 @ 00072540 v 0000 01 + 11 00
00266194 30 v 02 react 0 undergo_a_chemical_reaction 0 002 @ 00086015 v 0000 ~ 00309585 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | react with another substance under certain conditions
00266358 30 v 02 build 2 improve_the_cleansing_action_of 0 001 @ 00123997 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | in chemistry; as of detergents
00266485 30 v 03 dissolve 1 cause_to_dissolve 0 break_up 3 003 > 00265833 v 0000 @ 00081466 v 0000 ~ 00264907 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause to go into a solution
00266653 30 v 03 dissolve 3 fade_out 0 fade_away 0 001 @ 00086015 v 0000 01 + 01 00
00266740 30 v 02 validate 0 make_valid 0 002 @ 00072540 v 0000 ! 00266871 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | as of a document or ticket
00266871 30 v 04 invalidate 0 void 0 vitiate 0 make_invalid 0 002 @ 00072540 v 0000 ! 00266740 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | as of a document or a ticket, for example
00267038 30 v 04 empty 0 become_empty 0 become_void 0 discharge 0 003 @ 00086015 v 0000 ! 00268551 v 0101 ~ 00267342 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | The room emptied
00267194 30 v 03 clean_out 0 clear_out 0 empty_completely 0 002 @ 00267845 v 0000 ~ 00310513 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "We cleaned out all the drawers"
00267342 30 v 03 drain 0 flow_away 0 flow_off 0 001 @ 00267038 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | "The water drained "
00267448 30 v 02 bleed 0 drain_of_water 0 001 @ 00268395 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of radiators
00267540 30 v 02 evacuate 0 empty_completely 1 001 @ 00267845 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00267631 30 v 02 bail_out 0 bale_out 0 001 @ 00104355 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove water from a boat
00267732 30 v 03 evacuate 1 create_a_vacuum_in 0 exhaust 1 001 @ 00267845 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | of gases
00267845 30 v 03 empty 1 make_empty 0 make_void 0 011 > 00267038 v 0000 @ 00072540 v 0000 ! 00268884 v 0101 ~ 00267194 v 0000 ~ 00267540 v 0000 ~ 00267732 v 0000 ~ 00268119 v 0000 ~ 00268190 v 0000 ~ 00268395 v 0000 ~ 00734522 v 0000 ~ 00915044 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00268119 30 v 01 exhaust 0 001 @ 00267845 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00268190 30 v 01 knock_out 2 001 @ 00267845 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | empty of tobacco by knocking out, of a pipe
00268300 30 v 02 people 0 fill_with_people 0 001 @ 00268884 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | as of a room
00268395 30 v 03 drain 1 empty_of_liquid 0 drain_the_liquid_from 0 002 @ 00267845 v 0000 ~ 00267448 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "We drained the oil tank"
00268551 30 v 03 fill 0 fill_up 1 become_full 0 004 @ 00086015 v 0000 ! 00267038 v 0101 ~ 00268689 v 0000 ~ 00268778 v 0000 01 + 01 00
00268689 30 v 01 flood 1 001 @ 00268551 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become filled with a flood
00268778 30 v 01 rack_up 0 001 @ 00268551 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | supply a rack with feed for, as of horses
00268884 30 v 03 fill 1 fill_up 0 make_full 0 029 > 00268551 v 0000 @ 00072540 v 0000 ! 00267845 v 0101 ^ 00971216 v 0102 ^ 00679666 v 0104 ~ 00109963 v 0000 ~ 00110107 v 0000 ~ 00110303 v 0000 ~ 00194594 v 0000 ~ 00194706 v 0000 ~ 00268300 v 0000 ~ 00269517 v 0000 ~ 00269614 v 0000 ~ 00269715 v 0000 ~ 00269796 v 0000 ~ 00269948 v 0000 ~ 00270074 v 0000 ~ 00271119 v 0000 ~ 00271204 v 0000 ~ 00292777 v 0000 ~ 00293082 v 0000 ~ 00296692 v 0000 ~ 00853235 v 0000 ~ 00855783 v 0000 ~ 00856708 v 0000 ~ 00856837 v 0000 ~ 00876893 v 0000 ~ 00877039 v 0000 ~ 01195357 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 31 00 | fill a container, for example
00269517 30 v 01 heap 0 001 @ 00268884 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | fill to overflow, as of a container
00269614 30 v 01 overfill 0 001 @ 00268884 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 31 00 | fill to overflowing
00269715 30 v 02 ink 0 fill_a_pen_with_ink 0 001 @ 00268884 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00269796 30 v 03 replenish 0 refill 0 fill_again 0 001 @ 00268884 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 31 00 | fill something that had previously been emptied
00269948 30 v 02 prime 1 fill_with_primer 0 001 @ 00268884 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | fill with priming liquid; of engines
00270074 30 v 02 line 0 fill_plentifully 0 001 @ 00268884 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 21 00 | line one's pockets, for example
00270202 30 v 03 suffuse 1 perfuse 0 cause_to_suffuse 0 001 @ 00270536 v 0000 02 + 11 00 + 21 00 | cause liquid to spread
00270326 30 v 01 perfuse 1 001 @ 00270536 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | force a fluid through (a body part, for example)
00270447 30 v 02 suffuse 0 become_suffused 0 001 @ 00064108 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00
00270536 30 v 01 flush 3 003 > 01182440 v 0000 ~ 00270202 v 0000 ~ 00270326 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause to flow
00270656 30 v 02 flush 0 flow_freely 0 002 @ 01182440 v 0000 ~ 00270794 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | "The money flushed down the toilet"
00270794 30 v 02 wash_down 0 flush_down 0 001 @ 00270656 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | "The body washed down the river"
00270914 30 v 02 sluice 1 flush 2 001 @ 00129214 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | irrigate with water from a sluice
00271019 30 v 02 flush 1 scour 0 001 @ 00884254 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | pour a liquid through
00271119 30 v 02 complement 0 complete 0 001 @ 00268884 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00271204 30 v 03 saturate 0 soak 0 imbue 1 002 @ 00268884 v 0000 ~ 00198433 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 21 00
00271317 30 v 02 saturate 1 make_saturated 0 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | in chemistry
00271420 30 v 02 match 0 become_equal 0 001 @ 00089507 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | "The two pieces match"
00271520 30 v 04 match 1 make_equal 1 make_correspond 0 fit 0 003 @ 00178525 v 0000 ~ 00271682 v 0000 ~ 01511407 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "Match my sweater"
00271682 30 v 01 bring_into_line_with 0 001 @ 00271520 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00271766 30 v 01 service 0 001 @ 00178395 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make fit for use, as of appliances or cars
00271873 30 v 02 match 2 connect 1 001 @ 00247637 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | in electronics
00272066 30 v 03 homogenize 0 become_homogeneous 0 become_similar 1 001 @ 00086015 v 0000 01 + 01 00
00272170 30 v 02 homogenize 2 break_up_fat_globules 0 002 @ 00086015 v 0000 ! 00272297 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | of dairy products
00272297 30 v 03 curdle 0 clabber 0 clot 0 002 @ 00086015 v 0000 ! 00272170 v 0101 02 + 01 00 + 11 00 | form curds; of dairy products
00272433 30 v 02 clot 1 coagulate 0 002 @ 00086015 v 0000 ~ 00263863 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 11 00 | change from a liquid to a thickened or solid state, as of blood
00272596 30 v 04 sour 1 turn 1 ferment 0 go_sour 0 001 @ 00086015 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | as of dairy products
00272705 30 v 02 rush 1 hurry 1 002 > 00272825 v 0000 ! 00272949 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | "Don't rush me, please!"
00272825 30 v 05 rush 0 hasten 0 hurry 0 look_sharp 0 act_quickly 0 001 @ 01341700 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | "We have to rush!"
00272949 30 v 04 delay 0 cause_to_be_late 0 detain 0 hold_up 0 004 @ 00262074 v 0000 ! 00272705 v 0101 ~ 00273160 v 0000 ~ 00273268 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | "Traffic was delayed by the bad weather"
00273160 30 v 01 stall 0 001 @ 00272949 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | deliberately delay an event or action
00273268 30 v 01 buy_time 0 001 @ 00272949 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | act so as to delay an event or action in order to gain an advantage
00273409 30 v 03 stay 1 detain 1 delay 1 001 @ 00262279 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "Please stay the bloodshed!"
00273516 30 v 02 wind 0 wind_up 0 001 @ 00249759 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of mechanisms
00273601 30 v 02 hush 2 cause_to_erode 0 001 @ 00137068 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | in mining
00273689 30 v 02 hush 3 wash_ores 0 001 @ 00023635 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | in mining
00273884 30 v 06 hush 1 silence 0 quieten 0 still 0 shut_up 0 hush_up 0 007 > 00273772 v 0000 @ 00274177 v 0000 ^ 01225558 v 0106 ~ 00232766 v 0000 ~ 00232901 v 0000 ~ 01030832 v 0000 ~ 01250053 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | cause to be quiet or not talk; "This threat ought to shut them up!"
00274177 30 v 06 suppress 0 stamp_down 0 inhibit 0 subdue 1 conquer 0 curb 1 008 @ 01421427 v 0000 ~ 00005912 v 0000 ~ 00233002 v 0000 ~ 00233124 v 0000 ~ 00273884 v 0000 ~ 00274657 v 0000 ~ 00274746 v 0000 ~ 00903208 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | "curb one's appetite"; "conquer one's desires"
00274488 30 v 01 inhibit 1 001 @ 00140526 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | limit the range or extent of; "Contact between the young was inhibited by strict social customs"
00274657 30 v 02 burke 0 silence 1 001 @ 00274177 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "burke an issue"
00274746 30 v 02 squelch 0 quell 0 001 @ 00274177 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00274817 30 v 04 flatten 0 flatten_out 0 become_flat 0 become_flatter 0 003 @ 00082223 v 0000 ~ 00274988 v 0000 ~ 00800673 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | "The landscape flattened"
00274988 30 v 01 splat 1 001 @ 00274817 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | flatten on impact "The snowballs splatted on the trees"
00275114 30 v 01 flatten 1 004 @ 00083270 v 0000 ~ 00275303 v 0000 ~ 00801140 v 0000 ~ 00801372 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make flat or flatter; "flatten a road", "flatten your stomach"
00275303 30 v 01 splat 0 001 @ 00275114 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | split open and flatten for cooking, as of fish over an open fire
00275430 30 v 04 align 0 aline 0 line_up 0 adjust 5 006 @ 00277331 v 0000 ! 00276342 v 0101 ~ 00275639 v 0000 ~ 00275785 v 0000 ~ 00275937 v 0000 ~ 00413341 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 | place in line
00275639 30 v 02 realign 0 re-align 0 001 @ 00275430 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | align anew or better; "realign the wheels of my car"; "realign my jaw"
00275785 30 v 02 true 0 true_up 0 001 @ 00275430 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make level, square, balanced, or concentric; "true up the cylinder of an engine"
00275937 30 v 01 collimate 0 001 @ 00275430 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | adjust the line of sight ofan optical instrument
00276052 30 v 02 plumb 0 adjust_with_a_plumb_line 0 001 @ 00178525 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00276140 30 v 04 dislocate 0 splay 0 slip 3 move_out_of_position 0 001 @ 01055491 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of joints
00276254 30 v 02 align 1 coordinate 1 001 @ 00178525 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | as of wheels
00276342 30 v 03 skew 0 become_skewed 0 make_skewed 0 002 @ 00277331 v 0000 ! 00275430 v 0101 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00
00276466 30 v 03 integrate 0 make_into_a_whole 0 incorporate 0 006 @ 00841020 v 0000 ! 00237247 v 0101 ~ 00237468 v 0000 ~ 00237674 v 0000 ~ 00276717 v 0000 ~ 00276841 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | "She incorporated his suggestions into her proposal"
00276717 30 v 01 build_in 0 001 @ 00276466 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | make somethaing an integral part of something else
00276841 30 v 02 re-incorporate 0 incorporate_again 0 001 @ 00276466 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00276939 30 v 03 integrate 1 become_one 0 become_integrated 0 002 @ 00086015 v 0000 ~ 00221242 v 0000 01 + 01 00
00277055 30 v 03 standardize 0 make_standard 0 normalize 0 001 @ 01421912 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "The weights and measures were standardized"
00277196 30 v 03 normalize 1 make_normal 0 renormalize 0 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "normalize relations with China"
00277331 30 v 03 change_orientation 0 orient 0 reorient 0 003 @ 00064108 v 0000 ~ 00275430 v 0000 ~ 00276342 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "Orient the house towards the South"
00277523 30 v 02 disfigure 0 distort 0 003 @ 00082223 v 0000 ~ 00277658 v 0000 ~ 00324132 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00
00277658 30 v 01 morph 0 001 @ 00277523 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | change shape, as via computer animation; "In the video, Michael Jackson morphed into a panther"
00277816 30 v 01 morph 1 002 > 00277658 v 0000 @ 00072540 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | cause to morph; "The computer programmer morphed the image"
00277980 30 v 04 wear 0 wear_off 0 wear_out 0 wear_thin 0 003 @ 00125389 v 0000 ~ 00164173 v 0000 ~ 00788558 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00
00278126 30 v 04 wilt 0 droop 0 become_flaccid 0 become_limp 0 001 @ 00125525 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | of flowers
00278237 30 v 02 wilt 1 lose_strength 0 001 @ 00134054 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00
00278321 30 v 02 neutralize 0 make_neutral 0 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | in chemistry
00278786 30 v 01 cancel_out 0 001 @ 00278623 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | wipe out the effect of something
00278886 30 v 03 eliminate 1 get_rid_of 0 do_away_with 0 007 @ 00928634 v 0000 ~ 00279111 v 0000 ~ 00279206 v 0000 ~ 00279345 v 0000 ~ 00279562 v 0000 ~ 00282378 v 0000 ~ 00346220 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00
00279111 30 v 01 knock_out 1 001 @ 00278886 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "knock out a target"
00279206 30 v 01 drown 2 001 @ 00278886 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | get rid of as if by submerging; "She drowned her trouble in alcohol"
00279345 30 v 01 cut_out 0 001 @ 00278886 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | "Cut out the extra text"
00279458 30 v 01 sparkle 1 001 @ 01472320 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | be lively: "The music sparkled"
00279562 30 v 03 cut 2 prune 0 rationalize 0 004 @ 00278886 v 0000 ^ 00142769 v 0104 ^ 00255165 v 0104 ^ 00279345 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | weed out unwanted or unnecessary things
00279738 30 v 03 perfect 0 make_perfect 0 hone 0 003 @ 00123997 v 0000 ~ 00103862 v 0000 ~ 00279867 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00280112 30 v 02 refine 0 free_from_impurities 0 001 @ 00280739 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00280205 30 v 02 refine 2 separate_into_pure_constituents 0 002 * 00839659 v 0000 @ 00280739 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of oils
00280328 30 v 01 precipitate 1 002 > 00280569 v 0000 @ 00839659 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | cause to separate from solution or suspension
00280460 30 v 01 precipitate 2 001 @ 00087630 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | fall apruptly into a different condition
00280569 30 v 02 precipitate 0 separate_from_solution 0 001 @ 00086015 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | separate from solution as a fine suspension of solid particles, in chemistry
00280739 30 v 05 purify 0 sublimate 1 make_pure 0 distill 3 remove_impurities_from 0 004 @ 00123997 v 0000 ~ 00280112 v 0000 ~ 00280205 v 0000 ~ 00280922 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00280922 30 v 02 purge 0 rid_of_impurities 0 001 @ 00280739 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00281003 30 v 05 purify 1 sanctify 0 declare_pure 0 declare_holy 0 free_from_sin 0 003 @ 00461970 v 0000 ~ 00281158 v 0000 ~ 00281242 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00281158 30 v 01 spiritualize 0 001 @ 00281003 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make spiritual
00281242 30 v 01 lustrate 0 001 @ 00281003 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | purify by means of a ritual; also used in post-Communist countries to refer to the political cleansing of former officials
00281430 30 v 03 deform 1 distort 1 strain 0 002 @ 00083270 v 0000 ~ 00281640 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00281537 30 v 01 draw 0 001 @ 00082223 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | contract; "Her skin drew in the cold air"
00281640 30 v 01 jaundice 0 001 @ 00281430 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | distort adversely: "Jealousy had jaundiced his judgment"
00281762 30 v 02 blow 8 shape_by_blowing 0 001 @ 00083270 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of glass
00281851 30 v 01 block 0 001 @ 00083270 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | shape into a block
00281932 30 v 01 block 1 001 @ 00083270 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | shape by using a block, as of a hat
00282030 30 v 02 deform 0 become_misshapen 0 001 @ 00082223 v 0000 01 + 01 00
00282111 30 v 02 cup 0 form_into_the_shape_of_a_cup 0 001 @ 00083270 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | as of one's hands
00282220 30 v 06 mar 0 impair 1 spoil 2 deflower 0 make_imperfect 1 vitiate 1 003 @ 00154558 v 0000 ~ 00885254 v 0000 ~ 00892729 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00282378 30 v 02 snuff_out 0 extinguish 0 003 @ 00278886 v 0000 ~ 00282516 v 0000 ~ 00903415 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00
00282516 30 v 01 stamp 0 001 @ 00282378 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | destroy or extinguish as if by stampng with the foot; "Stamp fascism into submission"; "stamp out tyranny"
00282709 30 v 04 stub_out 0 crush_out 0 extinguish 5 press_out 0 001 @ 00213455 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of cigarettes and cigars
00282836 30 v 03 kill 0 obliterate 2 wipe_out 2 001 @ 00107765 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | as of lines of text
00282949 30 v 02 drown 1 kill_by_drowning 0 001 @ 00758542 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | kill by submerging in water
00283058 30 v 03 massacre 0 slaughter 0 mow_down 0 001 @ 00758542 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | kill a large number of people indiscriminately
00283289 30 v 02 mechanize 0 make_mechanical 0 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00283380 30 v 03 automatize 0 automate 0 make_automatic 0 002 @ 00072540 v 0000 ~ 00283500 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00283500 30 v 01 semi-automatize 0 001 @ 00283380 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make semi-automatic
00283600 30 v 02 mechanize 1 make_monotonous 0 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00283691 30 v 02 mechanize 2 motorize 0 001 @ 01330622 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of armies
00283778 30 v 03 lubricate 0 lube 0 oil 0 001 @ 00178525 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of engines
00283868 30 v 03 systematize 0 systemize 0 make_systematic 0 002 @ 00165679 v 0000 ~ 00283991 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00283991 30 v 01 codify 1 001 @ 00283868 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | organize into a code or system, such as a body of law
00284108 30 v 04 finalize 0 make_final 0 settle 4 nail_down 0 002 @ 00213455 v 0000 ^ 00286118 v 0303 01 + 08 00 | put the last touches on; put into final form
00284270 30 v 05 harmonize 1 chord 0 make_harmonious 0 bring_into_consonance 0 bring_into_accord 0 002 @ 00072540 v 0000 ~ 00285019 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00284431 30 v 02 harmonize 2 reconcile 0 001 @ 00178525 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "harmonize one's goals with one's abilities"
00284554 30 v 02 accommodate 1 reconcile 1 001 @ 00284713 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | "The scientists had to accommodate the new results with the existing theories"
00284713 30 v 01 harmonize 3 003 @ 01391507 v 0000 ~ 00284554 v 0000 ~ 00284897 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | bring into consonance or relate harmoniously; "harmonize the different interests"
00284897 30 v 01 proportion 1 001 @ 00284713 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | give pleasant proportions to, as of a building
00285019 30 v 02 key_to 0 harmonize_with 0 001 @ 00284270 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00285098 30 v 03 compartmentalize 0 compartmentalise 0 cut_up 1 001 @ 00897572 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00285198 30 v 02 complete 2 finish 2 004 @ 00213455 v 0000 ~ 00285333 v 0000 ~ 00285484 v 0000 ~ 00285901 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00286600 30 v 02 polarize 2 make_vibrate 0 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | cause to vibrate in a definite pattern; of light waves
00286735 30 v 04 adulterate 0 water_down 1 dilate 2 debase 1 001 @ 00256030 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | add water to a mixture to dilute it
00286878 30 v 02 water_down 0 make_less_strong 0 001 @ 00135691 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00286971 30 v 04 sophisticate 1 doctor 0 doctor_up 0 adulterate 1 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | alter with the intention to deceive
00287110 30 v 02 leach 0 strip 6 001 @ 00104355 v 0000 01 + 11 00
00287179 30 v 04 vent 0 ventilate 0 air_out 0 air 0 001 @ 00098967 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | expose to cool or cold air so as to cool or freshen; "air the old winter clothes"; "air out the smoke-filled rooms"
00287384 30 v 01 air 1 001 @ 00130659 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | expose to warm or heated air, so as to dry; "Air linen"
00287500 30 v 03 linearize 0 make_linear 0 get_into_linear_form 0 001 @ 00178525 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00287804 30 v 02 justify 0 adjust_the_spaces 0 001 @ 00178525 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | adjust the spaces between words; in printing
00287933 30 v 03 quantify 0 express_as_a_quantity 0 measure 0 010 @ 00601152 v 0000 ~ 00288235 v 0000 ~ 00288339 v 0000 ~ 00288431 v 0000 ~ 00288543 v 0000 ~ 00288649 v 0000 ~ 00289016 v 0000 ~ 00289123 v 0000 ~ 00412501 v 0000 ~ 01528587 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "Can you quantify your results?"
00288235 30 v 01 scale 0 001 @ 00287933 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | measure with or as if with scales
00288339 30 v 02 meter 0 measure_with_a_meter 0 001 @ 00287933 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00288431 30 v 02 pace 0 measure_by_pacing 0 002 * 01098922 v 0000 @ 00287933 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of distances
00288543 30 v 01 regress 6 001 @ 00287933 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | in statistics; the link between variables
00288649 30 v 02 clock 0 time 0 003 @ 00287933 v 0000 ~ 00288813 v 0000 ~ 00288902 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | measure the time or duration of an event or action
00288813 30 v 01 mistime 0 001 @ 00288649 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | time incorrectly
00288902 30 v 01 click_off 0 001 @ 00288649 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | in baseball: "The game was clicked off in 1:48"
00289016 30 v 02 fathom 0 sound 0 001 @ 00287933 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | measure depths with a sounding line
00289123 30 v 02 titrate 0 measure_by_titration 0 001 @ 00287933 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of the volume or concentration of solutions
00289254 30 v 02 quantify 1 use_a_quantifier 0 001 @ 00533157 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | in logic
00289355 30 v 03 foul 0 become_foul 0 become_dirty 0 001 @ 00064108 v 0000 01 + 01 00
00289444 30 v 02 foul 1 make_foul 0 001 @ 00882947 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00289637 30 v 04 pollute 0 foul 3 make_impure 0 contaminate 0 002 @ 00882947 v 0000 ~ 00053366 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00289761 30 v 03 decontaminate 0 rid_of_contamination 0 remove_the_contamination_from 0 002 @ 00023287 v 0000 ! 00289903 v 0101 01 + 08 00
00289903 30 v 02 contaminate 1 make_radioactive 0 002 @ 00072540 v 0000 ! 00289761 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | add radioactive material
00290041 30 v 02 debase 0 alloy 0 001 @ 00290146 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | lower in value; of metals
00290146 30 v 03 devalue 0 lower_the_value_of 0 lower_the_quality_of 0 004 @ 00072540 v 0000 ~ 00191157 v 0000 ~ 00290041 v 0000 ~ 00312611 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00290315 30 v 02 devalue 2 devaluate 1 002 @ 00124769 v 0000 ~ 00290431 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove the value from
00290431 30 v 01 demonetize 0 001 @ 00290315 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | deprive of value for payment
00290527 30 v 04 isolate 0 place_apart 0 set_apart 0 insulate 0 006 @ 01422337 v 0000 ~ 00290741 v 0000 ~ 00291252 v 0000 ~ 00291523 v 0000 ~ 00291701 v 0000 ~ 00291820 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00
00290741 30 v 01 ghettoize 0 001 @ 00290527 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | put in a ghetto
00290823 30 v 01 insulate 1 003 @ 00072540 v 0000 ~ 00291001 v 0000 ~ 00291121 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | protect from heat, cold, noise, etc. by surrounding with insulating material
00291001 30 v 01 weatherstrip 0 001 @ 00290823 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | provide with weatherstripping, as of window frames
00291121 30 v 01 soundproof 0 001 @ 00290823 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | insulate against noise: "Proust had his apartment soundproofed"
00291252 30 v 01 cloister 0 001 @ 00290527 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | "She cloistered herself in the office"
00291356 30 v 05 sequester 1 sequestrate 0 keep_apart 0 set_apart 1 isolate 2 001 @ 00897572 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "The dentist sequesters the tooth he is working on"
00291523 30 v 04 seclude 0 sequester 0 sequestrate 1 withdraw 0 001 @ 00290527 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | keep away from others; "He sequestered himself in his study to write a book"
00291701 30 v 02 quarantine 0 place_into_quarantine 0 001 @ 00290527 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | for medical reasons
00291820 30 v 03 maroon 0 isolate_without_resources 0 leave_alone 1 001 @ 00290527 v 0000 01 + 09 00
00291924 30 v 05 leave 1 let 0 let_alone 0 leave_alone 0 leave_undisturbed 0 001 @ 00079704 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00
00292045 30 v 02 isolate 1 obtain_in_pure_form 0 002 @ 01261345 v 0000 ~ 00292174 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | in chemistry or medicine
00292174 30 v 02 preisolate 0 pre-isolate 0 001 @ 00292045 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | isolate beforehand; in chemistry
00292288 30 v 02 boost 0 advance 8 001 @ 00091455 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00292367 30 v 02 boost 1 supercharge 1 001 @ 00304353 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of engines
00292454 30 v 02 ammonify 0 treat_with_ammonia 0 001 @ 00292777 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00292539 30 v 02 thoriate 0 impregnate_with_thorium_oxide 0 001 @ 00292777 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | to increase thermionic emission
00292668 30 v 02 stuff 2 treat_with_grease 0 002 @ 00292777 v 0000 * 00300433 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of skins
00292777 30 v 02 impregnate 0 saturate 4 006 @ 00268884 v 0000 ~ 00051215 v 0000 ~ 00292454 v 0000 ~ 00292539 v 0000 ~ 00292668 v 0000 ~ 00292979 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | infuse or fill completely
00292979 30 v 02 imbrue 0 drench 1 001 @ 00292777 v 0000 01 + 17 00 | "a country imbrued with blood"
00293082 30 v 04 impregnate 1 infuse 1 instill 0 tincture 1 001 @ 00268884 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | fill with a quality; "The heavy traffic tinctures the air with carbon monoxide"
00293283 30 v 02 calcify 1 convert_into_lime 0 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 01 + 11 00
00293366 30 v 02 calcify 0 become_calcified 0 001 @ 00086015 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | turn into lime
00293464 30 v 01 coke 0 001 @ 00086015 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become coke
00293537 30 v 02 calcify 2 become_impregnated_with_calcium_salts 0 002 @ 00264061 v 0000 ! 00293658 v 0101 01 + 01 00
00293658 30 v 03 decalcify 0 remove_calcium_from 0 remove_lime_from 0 002 @ 00104355 v 0000 ! 00293537 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00293790 30 v 03 carnify 0 become_muscular 0 become_fleshy 0 001 @ 00086015 v 0000 01 + 01 00
00293887 30 v 03 chondrify 0 turn_into_cartilage 0 convert_into_cartilage 0 001 @ 00086015 v 0000 01 + 01 00
00293999 30 v 02 citify 0 accustom_to_urban_ways 0 001 @ 00178525 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00
00294195 30 v 02 emulsify 0 form_into_an_emulsion 0 002 @ 00086015 v 0000 ! 00294433 v 0101 01 + 01 00
00294301 30 v 02 emulsify 1 make_into_an_emulsion 0 003 > 00294195 v 0000 @ 00072540 v 0000 ! 00294545 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00294433 30 v 02 demulsify 0 break_down_into_components 0 002 @ 00081466 v 0000 ! 00294195 v 0101 01 + 01 00
00294545 30 v 02 demulsify 1 cause_to_demulsify 0 003 > 00294433 v 0000 @ 00072540 v 0000 ! 00294301 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00294675 30 v 03 denazify 0 free_from_Nazi_ideology 0 cleanse 5 002 @ 00072540 v 0000 ! 00294801 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00
00294801 30 v 02 Nazify 0 make_Nazi_in_character 0 002 @ 00072540 v 0000 ! 00294675 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00
00294914 30 v 02 denitrify 0 remove_nitrogen_from 0 002 @ 00086015 v 0000 ! 00295020 v 0101 01 + 08 00
00295020 30 v 02 nitrify 0 treat_with_nitrates 0 002 @ 00295222 v 0000 ! 00294914 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | of soil
00295132 30 v 01 dung 0 001 @ 00295222 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | fertilize or dress with dung
00295222 30 v 02 fertilize 0 feed 0 004 @ 00103250 v 0000 ~ 00295020 v 0000 ~ 00295132 v 0000 ~ 00295424 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | provide with fertilizers or add nutrients to; in agriculture and gardening
00295424 30 v 02 topdress 0 top-dress 0 001 @ 00295222 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | scatter manure or fertilizer over (land)
00295542 30 v 03 crown 0 cap 1 top 0 001 @ 00763269 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | provide with a top
00295643 30 v 02 stimulate 0 excite 0 004 ! 00233002 v 0101 ~ 00263496 v 0000 ~ 00295913 v 0000 ~ 00296021 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | act as a stimulant
00295815 30 v 03 fertilize 1 make_fertile 0 make_productive 0 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00295913 30 v 02 nitrify 1 cause_to_react_with_nitrogen 0 001 @ 00295643 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | in chemistry
00296021 30 v 02 whet 0 make_more_acute 0 001 @ 00295643 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00296099 30 v 02 nitrify 2 convert_into_nitrates 0 002 * 00143728 v 0000 @ 00228189 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | in chemistry
00296218 30 v 02 clarify 2 clear_by_heating 0 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of fats
00296309 30 v 02 detoxify 0 detoxicate 0 001 @ 00104355 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | remove poison from
00296414 30 v 03 devitrify 1 make_brittle 0 make_opaque 0 001 @ 00086015 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00296508 30 v 02 devitrify 0 become_crystalline 0 001 @ 00264422 v 0000 01 + 01 00
00296594 30 v 02 electrify 0 equip_for_use_with_electricity 0 001 @ 00181048 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00296692 30 v 02 electrify 1 charge_with_electricity 0 001 @ 00268884 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00296791 30 v 02 esterify 0 change_into_an_ester 0 001 @ 00086015 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | in chemistry
00297550 30 v 02 jellify 0 become_jelly 0 001 @ 00081466 v 0000 01 + 01 00
00297628 30 v 02 lapidify 0 petrify 0 001 @ 00297721 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | change into stone
00297721 30 v 02 fossilize 0 convert_to_a_fossil 0 002 @ 00228189 v 0000 ~ 00297628 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 11 00
00297834 30 v 02 dot 0 mark_with_a_dot 0 001 @ 00297919 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00297919 30 v 03 mark 0 make_a_mark_on 0 leave_a_mark_on 0 020 @ 00072540 v 0000 ^ 00141499 v 0101 ^ 00141499 v 0102 ~ 00297834 v 0000 ~ 00298364 v 0000 ~ 00298444 v 0000 ~ 00298525 v 0000 ~ 00298607 v 0000 ~ 00298820 v 0000 ~ 00298960 v 0000 ~ 00299704 v 0000 ~ 00299945 v 0000 ~ 00300039 v 0000 ~ 00300226 v 0000 ~ 00728430 v 0000 ~ 00728519 v 0000 ~ 00728605 v 0000 ~ 00909809 v 0000 ~ 00915354 v 0000 ~ 01420081 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00298364 30 v 01 raddle 0 001 @ 00297919 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | mark with raddle
00298444 30 v 01 striate 0 001 @ 00297919 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | mark with striae
00298525 30 v 01 red-ink 0 001 @ 00297919 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | mark with red ink
00298607 30 v 01 line 2 002 @ 00297919 v 0000 ~ 00298740 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | mark with lines, draw lines on; "The paper was lined"
00298740 30 v 01 reline 0 001 @ 00298607 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | put new lines on
00298820 30 v 01 dimple 0 001 @ 00297919 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | mark with, or as if with, dimples; "drops dimpled the smooth stream"
00298960 30 v 01 spot 0 003 @ 00297919 v 0000 ~ 00299091 v 0000 ~ 00299482 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | mark with a spot or spots
00299091 30 v 01 freckle 0 001 @ 00298960 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | mark with freckles
00299174 30 v 02 spot 1 become_spotted 0 003 @ 00064108 v 0000 ~ 00299287 v 0000 ~ 00299370 v 0000 01 + 01 00
00299287 30 v 01 freckle 1 001 @ 00299174 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | "I freckle easily"
00299370 30 v 01 fox 0 001 @ 00299174 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become discolored with, or as if with, mildew spots
00299482 30 v 02 mottle 0 dapple 0 003 @ 00298960 v 0000 ~ 00299597 v 0000 ~ 00885560 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00299597 30 v 01 harlequin 0 001 @ 00299482 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | "His face was harlequined with patches"
00299704 30 v 02 crisscross 0 criss-cross 0 002 @ 00297919 v 0000 ~ 00299841 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | mark with a pattern of crossing lines
00299841 30 v 01 honeycomb 1 001 @ 00299704 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | mark with a honeycomb pattern
00299945 30 v 02 star 0 asterisk 0 001 @ 00297919 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | mark with an asterisk
00300039 30 v 02 flag 0 provide_with_a_flag 0 001 @ 00297919 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00300121 30 v 02 barb 0 provide_with_barbs 0 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of fences, for example
00300226 30 v 02 tip 0 mark_with_a_tip 0 001 @ 00297919 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00300311 30 v 03 nick 0 divide_the_tail_muscles 0 reset_the_tail_muscles 0 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of horses
00300433 30 v 02 tan 0 convert_into_leather 0 002 @ 00228189 v 0000 ~ 00300674 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | treat skins and hides with tannic acid
00300573 30 v 02 dress 8 convert_into_leather 1 001 @ 00228189 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of tanned skins
00300674 30 v 02 bark 0 tan_with_bark_tannins 0 001 @ 00300433 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00300758 30 v 06 foam 0 froth 1 spume 0 suds 0 produce_foam 0 become_foamy 0 002 @ 00926361 v 0000 ~ 00300916 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | make froth, become bubbly
00300916 30 v 02 lather 0 form_a_lather 0 001 @ 00300758 v 0000 01 + 01 00
00300994 30 v 03 disable 0 disenable 0 incapacitate 0 005 @ 00072540 v 0000 ! 00301367 v 0101 ~ 00301172 v 0000 ~ 00301275 v 0000 ~ 00746711 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00
00301172 30 v 01 nobble 0 001 @ 00300994 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | disable by drugging, as of a race horse
00301275 30 v 02 pinion 0 cut_the_wings_off 0 001 @ 00300994 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of birds
00301367 30 v 03 enable 0 render_capable 0 render_able 0 003 @ 00072540 v 0000 ! 00300994 v 0101 ~ 01400771 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00
00301512 30 v 02 buffer 0 add_a_buffer_to 0 001 @ 00101940 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of solutions
00301606 30 v 03 background 0 play_down 0 move_into_the_background 0 004 @ 00302228 v 0000 ! 00302058 v 0204 ! 00302058 v 0101 ~ 00301967 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00301773 30 v 01 pick_up 1 001 @ 00302228 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | lift out or reflect from a background, as of a color; "The scarf picks up the color of the skirt"; "His eyes picked up his smile"
00301967 30 v 02 wave_off 0 dismiss_as_insignificant 0 001 @ 00301606 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00302058 30 v 04 foreground 0 highlight 0 spotlight 1 play_up 0 003 @ 00302228 v 0000 ! 00301606 v 0402 ! 00301606 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | move into the foreground
00302228 30 v 05 emphasize 0 stress 0 bring_out 0 accentuate 0 accent 0 005 @ 00072540 v 0000 ! 00302460 v 0101 ~ 00301606 v 0000 ~ 00301773 v 0000 ~ 00302058 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "This dress accentuates your nice figure!"
00302460 30 v 02 deemphasize 0 destress 0 002 @ 00072540 v 0000 ! 00302228 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | reduce the emphasis
00302585 30 v 02 tender 0 tenderize 0 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make tender or more tender
00302695 30 v 02 process 0 treat 1 025 @ 00079913 v 0000 ~ 00111754 v 0000 ~ 00111856 v 0000 ~ 00111954 v 0000 ~ 00112087 v 0000 ~ 00112210 v 0000 ~ 00112303 v 0000 ~ 00112420 v 0000 ~ 00112517 v 0000 ~ 00112628 v 0000 ~ 00112739 v 0000 ~ 00112825 v 0000 ~ 00112920 v 0000 ~ 00175331 v 0000 ~ 00303355 v 0000 ~ 00303455 v 0000 ~ 00303604 v 0000 ~ 00303703 v 0000 ~ 00303805 v 0000 ~ 00303899 v 0000 ~ 00303993 v 0000 ~ 00304087 v 0000 ~ 00309874 v 0000 ~ 00681105 v 0000 ~ 01213972 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | subject to a process or treatment, often with the aim of improving or readying for some purpose; "process cheese"; "process hair"; "process water"
00303355 30 v 01 dose 0 001 @ 00302695 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | treat with an agent; add (an agent) to
00303455 30 v 01 winnow 1 001 @ 00302695 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | treat by exposure to a current of air so that waste matter is eliminated, as of grain
00303604 30 v 01 sulphur 0 001 @ 00302695 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "These dried fruits are sulphured"
00303703 30 v 01 vulcanize 1 001 @ 00302695 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | subject to vulcanization, of rubber
00303805 30 v 01 chrome 0 001 @ 00302695 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | treat with a chromium compound
00303899 30 v 01 bituminize 0 001 @ 00302695 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | treat with bitumen
00303993 30 v 01 agenize 0 001 @ 00302695 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | treat flour with thrichloride
00304087 30 v 01 run 7 002 @ 00302695 v 0000 ~ 00304214 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | as in "run a subject" or "run a process"
00304214 30 v 01 rerun 0 001 @ 00304087 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | "We have to rerun the subjects--they misunderstood teh instructions"
00304353 30 v 02 charge 0 cause_to_store_electricity 0 003 @ 01323715 v 0000 ~ 00292367 v 0000 ~ 00304502 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | of batteries
00304502 30 v 01 recharge 0 001 @ 00304353 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | charge anew, as of a battery
00304604 30 v 04 facilitate 0 make_easier 0 ease 0 alleviate 0 002 @ 01442355 v 0000 ~ 00304729 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00304729 30 v 02 smooth_the_way 0 pave_the_way 0 001 @ 00304604 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | facilitate the development
00304850 30 v 02 mystify 0 make_mysterious 0 002 @ 00190199 v 0000 ! 00304957 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00304957 30 v 03 demystify 0 make_less_mysterious 0 remove_the_mystery_from 0 002 @ 00189739 v 0000 ! 00304850 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00305097 30 v 03 bubble 0 form_bubbles 0 produce_bubbles 0 003 @ 00062533 v 0000 ^ 01004920 v 0101 ~ 00305249 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | produce or emit gas
00305249 30 v 05 foam 5 froth 0 fizz 0 effervesce 0 sparkle 0 001 @ 00305097 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | of liquids
00305359 30 v 02 seethe 3 foam 1 000 01 + 01 00 | foam as if boiling
00305430 30 v 04 sweeten 0 make_sweeter 0 make_more_pleasant 0 make_more_agreeable 0 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | e.g., sweeten a deal
00305573 30 v 02 interrupt 3 disturb 0 001 @ 01341700 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | destroy the peace or transquility of; "Don't interrupt me when I'm reading"
00305749 30 v 01 cut_in 0 001 @ 00305889 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | interrupt a dancing couple in order to take one of them as one's own partner
00305889 30 v 02 interrupt 4 disrupt 0 003 @ 00437968 v 0000 ~ 00305749 v 0000 ~ 00306046 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | interfere in someone else's activity
00306046 30 v 01 cut_short 4 001 @ 00305889 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | "The spontaneous applause cut the singer short"
00306168 30 v 02 de-ionate 0 remove_ions_from 0 002 @ 00104355 v 0000 ! 00306539 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | in chemistry
00306284 30 v 02 iodinate 0 cause_to_combine_with_iodine 0 002 @ 00072540 v 0000 ! 00306419 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | "iodinate thyroxine"
00306419 30 v 02 de-iodinate 0 remove_iodine_from 0 002 @ 00104355 v 0000 ! 00306284 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | in chemistry
00306539 30 v 02 ionate 0 add_ions 0 002 @ 00072540 v 0000 ! 00306168 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | in chemistry
00306772 30 v 03 green 0 turn_green 0 become_green 0 001 @ 00168046 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | "The trees are greening"
00306887 30 v 01 blue 0 001 @ 00168046 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | turn blue
00306958 30 v 01 thrombose 0 001 @ 00086015 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become blocked by a thrombus; of blood vessels
00307071 30 v 01 diagonalize 0 001 @ 00229460 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | transform a matrix to a diagonal matrix
00307179 30 v 01 archaize 0 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | give an archaic appearance of character to, as in poetry
00307301 30 v 04 take_effect 0 become_operative 0 go_into_effect 0 become_effective 0 001 @ 00089026 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | "The new law will take effect next month"
00307466 30 v 01 translate 0 001 @ 01055491 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of figures, in mathematics
00307559 30 v 03 inform 0 give_character_to 0 give_essence_to 0 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "The principles that inform modern teaching"
00307705 30 v 04 receive 1 get 3 find 0 obtain 0 002 @ 00064108 v 0000 ~ 00307971 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | receive a specified treatment (abstract); "These aspects of civilization do not find expression or receive an interpretation"; "His movie received a good review"
00307971 30 v 01 take 8 001 @ 00307705 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | ascertain or determine by measuring, computing, etc.: "take a pulse"; take a reading from a dial: "A reading was taken of the earth's tremors"
00308302 30 v 01 marbleize 0 001 @ 00215013 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make something look like marble
00308400 30 v 04 occidentalize 0 Westernize 0 westernize 0 make_western 0 002 @ 00072540 v 0000 ! 00308536 v 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00
00308536 30 v 01 orientalize 0 002 @ 00072540 v 0000 ! 00308400 v 0101 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 | make oriental in character
00308665 30 v 02 acetylate 1 acetylize 1 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | introduce an acetyl group into a chemical compound
00308794 30 v 02 acetylate 0 acetylize 0 001 @ 00064108 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | receive substitution of an acetyl group; of chemical compounds
00308935 30 v 03 achromatize 0 achromatise 0 make_achromatic 0 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | remove color from
00309061 30 v 04 assume 0 acquire 0 take_on 0 take 1 001 @ 00064108 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | take on a certain form, attribute, or aspect; "His voice took on a sad tone"; "The story took a new turn"
00309257 30 v 01 prim 1 001 @ 00064108 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | assume a prim appearance: "They mince and prim"
00309474 30 v 01 ritualize 0 001 @ 01403309 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make or evolve into a ritual
00309585 30 v 02 bromate 1 brominate 1 001 @ 00266194 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | react with bromine
00309680 30 v 01 camp 0 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | give a camp quality to
00309764 30 v 01 capaciate 0 001 @ 00064108 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | of sperm, in the female reproduction system
00309874 30 v 01 carboxylate 0 001 @ 00302695 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | treat a chemical compound with carboxyl or carboxylic acid
00310001 30 v 01 caseate 0 001 @ 00064108 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | of dead tissue: to undergo caseation
00310102 30 v 01 caseate 1 001 @ 00064108 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | turn into cheese, of milk
00310192 30 v 02 hack 1 hack_on 0 001 @ 00997876 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 02 01 | fix a computer program piecemeal until it works
00310319 30 v 01 classicize 0 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make classic or classical
00310412 30 v 01 clinker 0 001 @ 00064108 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | turn to clinker under excessive heat
00310513 30 v 01 clinker 1 001 @ 00267194 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | clear out the clinker: "we clinkered the fire frequently"
00310635 30 v 02 closure 0 cloture 0 001 @ 00213455 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | end by closure, as of a debate
00310740 30 v 01 compost 0 001 @ 00228189 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 08 00 | convert to compost, as of organic debris
00310853 30 v 02 conventionalize 0 conventionalise 0 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make conventional
00310969 30 v 01 cure 0 002 @ 00127132 v 0000 ~ 00311071 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of food, such as meats
00311071 30 v 01 dun 1 001 @ 00310969 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | as of codfish
00311145 30 v 01 corn 0 001 @ 00127132 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | preserve with salt, as of beef
00311237 30 v 02 recover 0 go_back 0 002 @ 00230895 v 0000 ~ 00311415 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 | regain a former condition; "We expect the stocks to recover to $2.90"
00311415 30 v 02 rally 0 rebound 0 001 @ 00311237 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | "The jilted lover soon rallied and found new friends"; "The stock market rallied"
00311577 30 v 03 dawn 0 become_light 0 grow_light 0 001 @ 00064108 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | "It started to dawn, and we had to get up"
00311709 30 v 04 issue 0 emerge 2 come_out 4 come_forth 0 001 ~ 00311912 v 0000 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | come out of; "Water issued from the hole in the wall"; "The words seemed to come out by themselves"
00311912 30 v 01 debouch 0 001 @ 00311709 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | esp. of rivers: "The tributary debouched into the big river"
00312037 30 v 03 decarbonize 0 decarburize 0 decoke 0 001 @ 00104355 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove carbon from an engine
00312157 30 v 02 decimalize 0 decimalise 0 001 @ 00228189 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "The country decimalized the currency in 1975"
00312292 30 v 01 declutch 0 001 @ 00131750 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | disengage the clutch of a car
00312387 30 v 01 delouse 0 001 @ 00104355 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | "They deloused the prisoners after they liberated the camps"
00312512 30 v 02 depopulate 0 desolate 0 001 @ 00144554 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | reduce in population
00312611 30 v 04 lower 1 lour 1 set_lower 0 make_lower 0 002 @ 00290146 v 0000 ~ 00312764 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | lower a rating, lower expectations, etc.
00312764 30 v 01 derate 0 001 @ 00312611 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | lower the rated electrial capability of electrical apparatus
00312888 30 v 02 salinate 0 add_salt_to 0 002 @ 00064108 v 0000 ! 00313006 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | "salinated solution"
00313006 30 v 03 desalinate 0 desalt 0 desalinize 0 002 @ 00064108 v 0000 ! 00312888 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | as of water
00313125 30 v 02 take_away_from 0 detract_from 0 001 @ 00255165 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | "His bad manners detract from his good character"
00313261 30 v 01 dizzy 0 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | make dizzy or giddy
00313343 30 v 02 poison 0 envenom 0 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | add poison to
00313430 30 v 03 exteriorize 0 externalize 0 externalise 0 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make external
00313540 30 v 02 glamorize 0 glamourise 0 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make glamorous; "This new wallpaper really glamorizes the living room!"
00313691 30 v 03 romanticize 1 romanticise 0 glamorize 1 001 @ 00469405 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "Dont' glamorize this uninteresting and hard work!"
00313845 30 v 01 sentimentalize 0 001 @ 00469405 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | look at with sentimentality; "Don't sentimentalize the past events"
00313992 30 v 02 sole 0 resole 0 001 @ 00155240 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | put a new sole on, of shoes
00314090 30 v 02 vamp 0 revamp 1 001 @ 00155240 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | provide with a new vamp, of shoes
00314194 30 v 02 heel 0 reheel 0 001 @ 00155240 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | put a new heel on, of shoes
00314292 30 v 01 honeycomb 0 001 @ 00071241 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | make full of cavities, like a honeycomb
00314399 30 v 01 introvert 0 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | cause to become an introvert
00314494 30 v 01 laicize 0 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | reduce to lay status; of institutions and buildings
00314610 30 v 01 politicize 0 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | give a political character to, as of a question, discussion, etc.
00314751 30 v 01 proof 1 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | activate by mixing with water and sometimes sugar or milk, as of yeast
00314884 30 v 01 romanticize 0 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make romantic in style: "The designer romanticized the little black dress"
00315027 30 v 01 redden 1 007 @ 00170120 v 0000 ~ 00171343 v 0000 ~ 00315215 v 0000 ~ 00315302 v 0000 ~ 00315392 v 0000 ~ 00315478 v 0000 ~ 00315670 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make red
00315215 30 v 01 encrimson 0 001 @ 00315027 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make crimson
00315302 30 v 01 vermilion 0 001 @ 00315027 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | color vermilion
00315392 30 v 01 carmine 0 001 @ 00315027 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | color carmine
00315478 30 v 01 rubify 0 002 @ 00315027 v 0000 ~ 00315581 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make ruby red
00315581 30 v 01 rubric 0 001 @ 00315478 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | adorn with ruby red color
00315670 30 v 01 ruddle 0 001 @ 00315027 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | redden as if with a red ocher color
00315769 30 v 01 rusticate 0 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 10 00 | cause to become rustic
00315866 30 v 01 sauce 0 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | add zest or flavor to, amke more interesting
00315973 30 v 02 shallow 0 shoal 0 001 @ 00064108 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become shallow, as of a lake
00316074 30 v 02 shallow 1 shoal 1 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make shallow; "The silt shallowed the canal"
00316199 30 v 02 tense 0 make_tense 0 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | increase the tension, as on a rope, for example
00316330 30 v 01 slack 0 001 @ 00248968 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | release tension on
00316419 30 v 02 sop 0 become_soaked 0 001 @ 00064108 v 0000 01 + 01 00
00316494 30 v 01 steepen 0 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | make steeper; "The landslides have steepened the mountain sides"
00316623 30 v 01 steepen 1 001 @ 00064108 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become steeper; "The mountain side has steepened"
00316737 30 v 01 superannuate 0 001 @ 01348182 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | retire or become ineligible because of old age or infirmity
00316866 30 v 01 superannuate 1 001 @ 00064108 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become obsolete
00317060 30 v 01 scramble 0 002 @ 00072540 v 0000 ! 00317180 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | make unintelligible, as of a message
00317180 30 v 01 unscramble 0 002 @ 00072540 v 0000 ! 00317060 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | make intelligible, as of a message
00317300 30 v 01 unsex 0 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | remove the qualities typical of one's sex; "She unsexed herself"
00317427 30 v 01 vitrify 0 001 @ 00064108 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | undergo vitrification
00317513 30 v 01 vitrify 1 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | change into glass or a glass-like substance by applying heat
00317646 30 v 01 vulcanize 0 001 @ 00064108 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | undergo vulcanization, of rubber
00317745 30 v 02 pall 1 dull 2 001 @ 00064108 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become less interesting or attractive
00317851 30 v 03 die 5 pall 2 become_flat 1 001 @ 00064108 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | lose sparkle or bouquet, as of wine or beer; "pall" is an obsolete word
00318004 30 v 01 pall 3 002 > 00317851 v 0000 @ 00072540 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | cause to become flat, of beer or wine
00318121 30 v 01 saponify 0 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | convert into soap; of oil or fat
00318227 30 v 03 move 1 go 2 run 2 001 @ 00064108 v 0000 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | progress by being changed: "The speech has to go through several more drafts"
00318385 30 v 01 settle 3 001 @ 00103463 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | establish or develop as a residence: "He settled the farm 200 years ago"; "This land was settled by Germans"
00318557 30 v 02 lead_up 0 initiate 0 001 @ 00932641 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | prepare the way for; "Hitler's attack on Poland led up to World War Two"
00318705 30 v 03 break_through 2 crack 9 pass 2 001 @ 00064108 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | as through a barrier; "Registrations cracked through the 30,000 mark in the county"
00318874 30 v 02 open 0 open_up 0 002 > 00319008 v 0000 @ 01330337 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make available, as of an opportunity
00319008 30 v 02 open 1 open_up 1 001 @ 00204396 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become_available, as of an opportunity
00319118 30 v 03 widen 1 extend 1 broaden 2 002 @ 00072540 v 0000 ~ 00319281 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | extend in scope; "The law was extended to all citizens"
00319281 30 v 01 stretch 5 001 @ 00319118 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | extend the scope or meaning of; often unduly: "Stretch the limits"; "stretch my patience"
00319443 30 v 01 emasculate 0 001 @ 00134905 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | deprive of strength or vigor; "The Senate emasculated the law"
00319581 30 v 01 come 3 001 @ 00064108 v 0000 01 + 28 00 | reach a state, relation, or condition; "The water came to a boil"; "We came to understand the true meaning of life"; "Their anger came to a boil"; " I came to realize the true meaning of life"
00319835 30 v 01 wash_out 0 001 @ 00134905 v 0000 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | deplete of strength or vitality; "The illness washed her out"
00319970 30 v 02 suspend 2 set_aside 0 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make inoperative
00320071 30 v 02 dress 0 dress_out 0 002 * 00758542 v 0000 @ 00127336 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | kill and prepare for market or consumption, as of animals
00320221 30 v 01 turn_into 1 002 * 01485446 v 0000 @ 00072540 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "The depression turned our city into a ghost town"
00320364 30 v 03 catch 0 be_struck_by 0 be_affected_by 0 001 @ 00064108 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "catch fire", "catch an illness", etc.
00320505 30 v 02 bring_home 0 make_clear 1 001 @ 01225799 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | "This brings home my point"
00320613 30 v 02 catch_on 0 become_popular 0 001 @ 00064108 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | "This fashion caught on in paris"
00320737 30 v 02 develop a grow a 002 @ 00064108 v 0000 ~ 00320920 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | grow emotionally or mature; "The child developed beautifully in her new kindergarten"
00320920 30 v 01 outgrow 1 001 @ 00320737 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | grow too large or too mature for
00321025 30 v 01 muddy 0 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | make turbid, as of water
00321112 30 v 01 transform 2 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | subject to a mathematical transformation
00321219 30 v 02 broil 1 bake 2 001 @ 00222990 v 0000 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | heat by a natural force; "The sun broils the valley in the summer"
00321363 30 v 01 poach 0 001 @ 00195536 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cook in a simmering liquid; "poached apricots"
00321472 30 v 03 lift 7 raise 2 elevate 0 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 | raise in rank or condition: "The new law lifted many people from poverty"
00321641 30 v 01 fly 1 001 @ 00064108 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | change quickly from one emotional state to another: "fly into a rage"
00321772 30 v 01 harshen 0 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make harsh or harsher; "Winter harshened the look of the city"
00321907 30 v 02 develop 6 evolve 3 001 @ 00064108 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | gradually acquire new traits or characteristics: "Children must develop a sense of right and wrong"
00322166 30 v 02 white_out 1 white-out 1 001 @ 01488598 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | lack daylight visibility in heavy fog or rain
00322290 30 v 01 dinge 0 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make dingy
00322371 30 v 02 dinge 1 batter 0 001 @ 00082223 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make a dinge in, as of a soft hat
00322476 30 v 02 crescendo 0 grow_louder 0 002 @ 00093597 v 0000 ! 00322613 v 0101 01 + 01 00 | of sound; "The music crescendoes here"
00322613 30 v 02 decrescendo 0 grow_quieter 0 002 @ 00090574 v 0000 ! 00322476 v 0101 01 + 01 00 | of sound; "The music decrescendoes here"
00322755 30 v 01 assibilate 0 001 @ 00064108 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | change into a sibilant; "This consonant sibilates in Japanese"
00322885 30 v 01 smoothen 0 001 @ 00064108 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become smooth
00322964 30 v 01 demonize 0 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | make into a demon; "Power had demonized him"
00323074 30 v 02 devilize 0 diabolize 0 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 01 + 19 00 | turn into a devil or make devilish; "Man devilized by war"
00323210 30 v 01 etherealize 0 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | make ethereal
00323292 30 v 02 immaterialize 0 unsubstantialize 0 002 @ 00072540 v 0000 ~ 00941191 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | render immaterial or incorporeal
00323432 30 v 02 animize 0 animate 1 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | give life-like qualities to; "animated cartoons"
00323563 30 v 03 come_back 0 return 1 be_restored 0 001 @ 00253483 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | "Her old vigor returned"
00323677 30 v 04 erupt 4 come_out 3 break_through 1 push_through 0 002 @ 00251107 v 0000 ~ 00186155 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | as of teeth, for example; "The tooth erupted and had to be extracted"
00323869 30 v 01 turn_on 0 001 @ 00064108 v 0000 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | become hostile; "The dog suddenly turned on the mailman"
00323998 30 v 01 drop 2 001 @ 00064108 v 0000 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | change form one level to another; "She dropped into army jargon"
00324132 30 v 03 mangle 1 mutilate 1 murder 0 001 @ 00277523 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "The tourists murdered the French language"
00324259 30 v 01 shift 1 001 @ 01285323 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "shift the date"
00324338 30 v 01 run 3 001 @ 00089026 v 0000 04 + 06 00 + 07 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | change from one state to another; "run amok"; "run rogue", "run riot"
00324492 30 v 01 clear 3 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make clear or translucent
00324588 30 v 01 break_into 0 001 @ 00064108 v 0000 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | change pace; "The dancers broke into a cha-cha"; "The horse broke into a gallop"
00324744 30 v 02 save 0 make_unnecessary 0 001 @ 01388675 v 0000 02 + 11 00 + 14 00 | make unnecessary an expenditure or effort; "This will save money"; "I'll save you the trouble"; "This will save you a lot of time"
00324963 30 v 01 turn_to 0 000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | direct one's interest or attention towards; go into; "The pedophile turned to boys for satisfaction"; "People turn to mysticism at the turn of a millenium"
00325173 30 v 02 grow_into 0 develop_into 0 001 @ 00089026 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 11 00 | "This project developed into a nightmare"; "The nice girl he had married grew into a shrew"
00325354 30 v 02 raise 3 lift 5 001 @ 00123997 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "lift my spirits", "lift his ego"
00325465 30 v 03 switch 2 shift 2 change 5 001 ~ 00325696 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 | lay aside, abandon, or leave for another; "switch to a different brand of beer"; "She switched psychiatrists"; "The car changed lanes"
00325696 30 v 02 surf 0 channel-surf 0 001 @ 00325465 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | switch channels, on television
00325803 30 v 01 dynamize 0 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make effective, as of a drug
00325897 30 v 01 dynamize 1 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | make more dynamic
00325996 30 v 01 concretize 0 001 @ 00064108 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become concrete, as of an idea in the mind
00326106 30 v 03 rarefy 1 sublimate 2 subtilize 0 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make more subtle or refined
00326221 30 v 01 volatilize 0 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make volatile; cause to pass off in a vapor
00326340 30 v 01 uniformize 0 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | make uniform
00326436 30 v 01 symmetrize 0 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make symmetric
00326526 30 v 01 decay 2 004 @ 00064108 v 0000 ~ 00125935 v 0000 ~ 00126231 v 0000 ~ 00238052 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | undergo decay or decomposition
00326673 30 v 03 immortalize 0 eternize 0 eternalize 0 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 10 00 | make famous for ever
00326794 30 v 02 commute 4 transpose 3 001 @ 00064108 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | transpose and remain equal in value; of variables or operators, in mathematics; "These operators commute with each other"
00327000 30 v 01 syncretize 0 001 @ 00235644 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become fused
00327080 30 v 01 denature 0 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make (alcohol) unfit for drinking without impairing usefulness for other purposes
00327227 30 v 01 denature 1 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | modify (as a native protein) esp. by heat, acid, alkali, or ultraviolet radiation so that all of the original properties are removed or diminished
00327439 30 v 01 denature 2 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | add nonfissionable material to (fissionable material) so as to make unsuitable for use in an atomic bomb
00327609 30 v 01 disrupt 1 000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | throw into disorder; "This event disrupted the orderly process"
00327743 30 v 01 sanitize 0 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make less offensive or more acceptable by removing objectionable features; "sanitize a document before releasing it to the press"; "sanitize history"; "sanitize the language in a book"
00327993 30 v 01 verbify 0 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make into a verb; "`mouse'" has been verbified" by computer users"
00328124 30 v 01 introject 0 001 @ 00064108 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | incorporate (attitudes or ideas) into one's personality unconsciously
00328260 30 v 01 swell 2 001 @ 00093597 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | increase in size, magnitude, number, or intensity; "The music swelled to a crescendo"
00328416 30 v 03 transfer 0 transpose 5 transplant 0 001 @ 00328559 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | transfer from one place or period to another
00328559 30 v 01 shift 3 002 @ 00072540 v 0000 ~ 00328416 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | move from one setting or context to another; "shift the emphasis"; "shift one's attention"
00328730 30 v 01 shift 4 001 @ 00064108 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | change in quality; "His tone shifted"
00328838 30 v 01 brush 0 001 @ 00104355 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove with or as if with a brush; "brush away the crumbs" ; "brush aside the objections"
00328990 30 v 01 sputter 0 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | cause to undergo a process in which atoms are removed: "The solar wind protons must sputter away the surface atoms of the dust"
00329182 30 v 01 mix 2 001 @ 00117258 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | as of electronic signals; "mixing sounds"
00329284 30 v 01 transcribe 0 001 @ 00067042 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | convert the genetic information in (a strand of DNA) into a strand of RNA, esp. messenger RNA; in biochemistry
00329462 30 v 01 draw e 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 03 + 11 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | bring or lead someone to a certain action or condition; "She was drawn to despair"; "The President refused to be drawn into delivering an ultimatum"
00329688 30 v 01 make f 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | change from one form into another; "make water into wine"; "make lead into gold"; "make clay into bricks"
00329855 31 v 07 get_the_picture 0 comprehend 0 savvy 0 dig 0 grasp 0 compass 0 apprehend 0 005 @ 00330150 v 0000 ~ 00330463 v 0000 ~ 00330557 v 0000 ~ 00330868 v 0000 ~ 00330977 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 26 00 + 02 01 | get the meaning of something; "Do you comprehend the meaning fo this letter?"
00330150 31 v 01 understand 0 007 ~ 00329855 v 0000 ~ 00330747 v 0000 ~ 00332807 v 0000 ~ 00348639 v 0000 ~ 00350396 v 0000 ~ 00357043 v 0000 ~ 00411300 v 0000 04 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 26 00 | know and comprehend the nature or meaning of; "She did not understand her husband"; "I understand what she means"
00330557 31 v 07 catch_on 0 get_onto 0 tumble 0 latch_on 0 cotton_on 0 twig 0 get_it 0 001 @ 00329855 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 22 00 + 08 02 | understand, usually after some initial difficulty
00330747 31 v 02 touch 0 touch_on 0 001 @ 00330150 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "He could not touch on the meaning of the poem"
00330868 31 v 01 intuit 0 001 @ 00329855 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | know or grasp by intuition or feeling
00330977 31 v 02 digest 0 arrange_in_the_mind 0 001 @ 00329855 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00331061 31 v 03 understand 1 realize 0 see 1 001 ~ 00331781 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 26 00 | perceive mentally, as of an idea; "Now I see!"; "I just can't see your point"
00331238 31 v 0a click_with 0 came_to 0 click 0 get_through 0 dawn_on 0 come_home_to 0 get_across 0 sink_in 0 penetrate 1 fall_into_place 0 001 > 00330150 v 0000 05 + 01 00 + 10 06 + 10 05 + 10 02 + 10 01 | "It dawned on him that she had betrayed him"
00331492 31 v 03 resonate 0 be_received 0 come_across 0 002 > 00330150 v 0000 ~ 00331625 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 07 00 | be understood
00331625 31 v 02 strike_a_chord 0 create_an_emotional_response 0 001 @ 00331492 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 04 00 | "The music struck a chord with the listeners"
00331781 31 v 03 appreciate 0 realize_fully 0 take_account_of 1 001 @ 00331061 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | be fully aware of
00331908 31 v 03 do_justice 0 show_due_appreciation 0 show_full_appreciation 0 001 @ 01284370 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 12 00 | "The diners did the food and wine justice"
00332083 31 v 03 acknowledge 0 recognize 2 know 6 003 @ 00385232 v 0000 ~ 00332250 v 0000 ~ 00332372 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | discern; "His greed knew no limits"
00332250 31 v 01 attorn 0 001 @ 00332083 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | acknowledge a new land owner as one's landlord, of tenants
00332372 31 v 01 write_off 0 001 @ 00332083 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | concede the loss or worthlessness of something or somebody
00332505 31 v 03 understand 2 gather 0 infer 1 001 @ 00383610 v 0000 01 + 26 00 | believe to be the case; "I understand you have no previous experience?"
00332661 31 v 01 extrapolate 1 001 @ 00358233 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | gain knowledge of (an area not known or experienced) by extrapolating
00332807 31 v 04 understand 3 read 4 interpret 2 translate 0 001 @ 00330150 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 26 00 | make sense of a language; "She understands French"; "Can you read Greek?"
00332995 31 v 03 sympathize 0 empathize 0 understand 4 002 ^ 00652538 v 0105 ^ 01038573 v 0102 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | be understanding of; "You don't need to explain--I understand!"
00333177 31 v 01 know 0 000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | be familiar or acquainted with a person or an object; "She doesn't know this composer"; "Do you know my sister?" "We know this movie"
00333362 31 v 02 know 1 cognize 0 002 ! 00333645 v 0101 ~ 00411077 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 26 00 | be cognizant or aware of a fact or a specific piece of information; "I know that the President lied to the people"; "I want to know who is winning the game!"; "I know it's time"
00333645 31 v 02 ignore 1 be_ignorant_of 0 001 ! 00333362 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | be in the dark about
00333754 31 v 03 know 2 be_convinced_of 0 be_certain_of 0 001 ~ 00406111 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | be aware of the truth of something; have a belief or faith in something; "I don't know whether I can help you"; "Galileo knew that the earth moves around the sun"
00334020 31 v 04 know 3 have_a_familiarity_with 0 have_experience_with 0 have_a_grasp_of 0 002 ^ 00365442 v 0103 ~ 00334310 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 28 00 | know how to do or perform something; understand or comprehend a subject, concept, or situation; "I know Greek"; "She knows how to knit"
00334310 31 v 05 know_the_score 0 be_with_it 0 be_on_the_ball 0 know_what's_going_on 0 know_what's_what 0 001 @ 00334020 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | be well-informed
00334470 31 v 03 know 4 experience 0 live 0 002 @ 01204902 v 0000 ~ 00334694 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | have firsthand knowledge of states, situations, emotions, or sensations; "I know the feeling!" "have you ever known hunger?"
00334694 31 v 02 relive 0 live_over 0 001 @ 00334470 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | experience again, often in the imagination; "He relived the horrors of war"
00334845 31 v 03 master 0 control 0 get_hip_to 0 002 * 00330150 v 0000 ~ 00357659 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | be on top of
00334962 31 v 05 master 1 get_the_hang_of 0 have_a_mastery_of 0 be_proficient_in 0 be_skilled_in 0 002 * 00340233 v 0000 * 00335115 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00335115 31 v 05 learn 0 larn 0 acquire_knowledge 0 gain_knowledge 0 acquire_skills 0 004 ~ 00335377 v 0000 ~ 00335771 v 0000 ~ 00338206 v 0000 ~ 00340874 v 0000 04 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 22 00 + 28 00 | "She learned dancing from her sister"; "I learned Sanskrit"
00335377 31 v 02 relearn 0 learn_anew 0 001 @ 00335115 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | learn something again, as after having forgotten or neglected it
00335519 31 v 01 unlearn 0 001 @ 01266808 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 28 00 | discard something previously learnt, like an old habit
00335646 31 v 02 unlearn 1 try_to_forget 0 001 @ 00342809 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 28 00 | put out of one's memory or knowledge
00335771 31 v 03 catch_up_on 0 catch_up 0 learn_belatedly 0 001 @ 00335115 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 01 | find out about something after it happened
00335919 31 v 0d learn 1 hear 0 get_word 0 get_wind_of 0 pick_up 0 find_out 0 get_a_line_on 0 hear_about 0 hear_of 0 get_to_know 0 discover 1 become_aware_of 0 see 2 004 ~ 00336300 v 0000 ~ 00336540 v 0000 ~ 00406526 v 0000 ~ 00406658 v 0000 06 + 08 00 + 26 0d + 26 0b + 02 03 + 26 02 + 26 01 | "I learned that she has two grown-up children"; "I see that you have been promoted"
00336300 31 v 02 wise_up 0 become_informed 0 001 @ 00335919 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | get wise to; "They wised up to it"
00336425 31 v 01 wise_up 1 001 @ 00467082 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 20 00 | cause someone to become aware of something
00336540 31 v 02 trip_up 0 catch 0 001 @ 00335919 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | detect a blunder or misstep: "The reporter tripped up the senator"
00336679 31 v 04 learn 2 study 0 read 5 take 2 003 ~ 00336868 v 0000 ~ 00338593 v 0000 ~ 00340233 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | be a student of a certain subject; "She is reading for the bar exam"
00336868 31 v 03 audit 0 attend_as_an_auditor 0 sit_in_on 0 001 @ 00336679 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | attend academic courses without getting credit
00337020 31 v 04 absorb 3 engross 0 engage 0 occupy 0 002 @ 01037752 v 0000 ~ 00337136 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00
00337136 31 v 01 consume 0 001 @ 00337020 v 0000 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | "The effort to pass the exam consumed all his energy"
00337262 31 v 06 steep 0 immerse 0 engulf 0 plunge 0 engross 2 absorb 6 001 @ 00407285 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 20 00 | "He immersed himself into his studies"
00337418 31 v 02 plunge 1 immerse 1 001 > 00337262 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | cause to be immersed; "The professor plunged his students into the study of the Italian text"
00337585 31 v 01 welter 0 000 01 + 22 00 | be immersed in, as of work
00337805 31 v 04 espouse 0 embrace 0 sweep_up 0 adapt 0 003 @ 00385232 v 0000 ~ 00337961 v 0000 ~ 00338080 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | as of beliefs, tasks, etc.
00337961 31 v 01 throw_oneself_into 0 001 @ 00337805 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "She threw herself into the new assignment"
00338080 31 v 05 take_up 0 latch_on_to 0 fasten_onto 0 hook_onto 0 seize_onto 0 001 @ 00337805 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of ideas
00338206 31 v 04 absorb 0 assimilate 0 ingest 0 take_in 0 002 @ 00335115 v 0000 ~ 00338343 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of knowledge or beliefs
00338343 31 v 01 imbibe 0 001 @ 00338206 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | receive into the mind and retain; "Imbibe ethical principles"
00338593 31 v 02 train 0 prepare 0 003 @ 00336679 v 0000 ~ 00338468 v 0000 ~ 00339110 v 0000 01 + 27 00 | undergo training or instruction
00338733 31 v 05 train 1 develop 0 prepare 1 make_prepared 0 educate 0 005 > 00338593 v 0000 @ 00465565 v 0000 ~ 00338997 v 0000 ~ 00339223 v 0000 ~ 00339329 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | prepare for a future task or career; "I am training young minds"; "develop leaders"
00338997 31 v 01 drill 3 001 @ 00338733 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | train in the military, e.g., in the use of weapons
00339110 31 v 01 drill 4 001 @ 00338593 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | undergo military training or do military exercises
00339223 31 v 01 housebreak 0 001 @ 00338733 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | train a pet to live cleanly in a house
00339329 31 v 01 toilet-train 0 001 @ 00338733 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | train a small child to use the toilet
00339436 31 v 04 memorize 0 con 0 commit_to_memory 0 learn 3 002 @ 00340874 v 0000 ~ 00339585 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | commit to memory; learn by heart
00339585 31 v 02 understudy 0 alternate 0 001 @ 00339436 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | be an understudy or alternate for a role
00339705 31 v 03 indoctrinate 0 teach_doctrines_to 0 teach_uncritically 0 003 @ 00465565 v 0000 ~ 00339851 v 0000 ~ 00339979 v 0000 01 + 09 00
00340684 31 v 03 drive_home 0 ram_home 0 force_to_believe 0 001 @ 00431926 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00340780 31 v 02 hold_to 0 hold_by 0 001 @ 00387631 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remain committed to
00340874 31 v 03 study 1 learn_by_reading 0 learn_from_books 0 005 * 00351672 v 0000 @ 00335115 v 0000 ~ 00339436 v 0000 ~ 00340093 v 0000 ~ 00341053 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00
00341053 31 v 02 review 3 study_again 0 001 @ 00340874 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | for a test
00341141 31 v 02 study 3 be_a_student 0 001 ~ 00341292 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | follow a course of study; be enrolled at an institute of learning
00341292 31 v 01 major_in 0 001 @ 00341141 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | have as one's principal field of study
00341396 31 v 08 remember 0 retrieve 0 recall 0 call_back 0 recollect 0 remind 1 know 5 think 2 004 ^ 00343621 v 0802 ! 00342052 v 0101 ~ 00342991 v 0000 ~ 00392164 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 26 00 + 33 00 | recall knowledge from memory; have a recollection: "I can't remember saying any such thing"; "I can't think what her last name was"; "can you remember her phone number?" "Do you remember that he once loved you?"
00341811 31 v 01 think 8 000 01 + 02 00 | be capable of conscious thought; "Man is the only creature that thinks"
00341927 31 v 03 slip 1 escape_from_memory 0 slip_one's_mind 0 001 > 00342052 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | pass out of one's memory
00342200 31 v 02 come_to_mind 0 spring_to_mind 0 000 01 + 01 00 | be remembered; "His name comes to mind when you mention the strike"
00342336 31 v 03 mind 0 bear_in_mind 0 be_mindful_of 0 003 @ 00342479 v 0000 ! 00345760 v 0101 ~ 00346779 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 26 00
00342479 31 v 02 remember 1 think_of 0 003 ! 00342809 v 0101 ~ 00342336 v 0000 ~ 00342708 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | keep in mind for attention or consideration; "Remember the Alamo"; "Remember to call your mother every day!"
00342708 31 v 01 retain 0 001 @ 00342479 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "I cannot retain so much information"
00342809 31 v 05 forget 1 put_out_of_mind 0 bury 0 dismiss_from_the_mind 0 stop_remembering 0 003 ! 00342479 v 0101 ~ 00335646 v 0000 ~ 00344737 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 26 00
00342991 31 v 02 recognize 0 perceive_to_be_the_same 0 003 * 00333177 v 0000 @ 00341396 v 0000 ~ 00347715 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00
00343126 31 v 01 remind 0 004 > 00341396 v 0000 ~ 00343294 v 0000 ~ 00343403 v 0000 ~ 00344282 v 0000 04 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 18 00 + 24 00 | "Remind me to call Mother"
00343294 31 v 01 take_back 0 001 @ 00343126 v 0000 02 + 10 00 + 20 00 | cause someone to remember the past
00343403 31 v 01 nag 0 001 @ 00343126 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 24 00 | remind or urge constantly; "she nagged to take a vacation"
00343530 31 v 02 reminisce 0 recall_the_past 0 001 @ 00343621 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00
00343621 31 v 02 remember 2 think_back 0 002 ~ 00343530 v 0000 ~ 00391963 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | recapture the past; indulge in memories; "he remembered how he used to pick flowers"
00343810 31 v 02 commemorate 0 remember 9 000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | call to remembrance; keep alive the memory of someone or something, as in a ceremony; "We remembered the 50th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz"; "Remember the dead of the First World War"
00344078 31 v 01 remember 8 001 @ 00401724 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | exercise, or have the power of, memory; "After the shelling, many people lost the ability to remember"; "some remember better than others"
00344282 31 v 04 commemorate 1 memorialize 0 immortalize 0 record 0 002 @ 00343126 v 0000 ~ 00344521 v 0000 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | be a memorial to a person or an event; "This sculpture commemorates the victims of the concentration camps"
00344521 31 v 01 monumentalize 0 001 @ 00344282 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | record or memorialize lastingly with a monument
00344663 31 v 02 commemorate 2 mark 1 001 @ 01458359 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00344737 31 v 02 suppress 0 repress 0 001 @ 00342809 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 26 00 | put out of one's consciousness; in psychiatry
00344976 31 v 01 jilt 0 001 @ 00345234 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | jilt a lover or a bride, for example
00345074 31 v 02 abandon 1 give_up 0 000 01 + 08 00 | stop maintaining; of ideas, claims, etc.; "He abandoned the thought of asking for her hand in marriage"
00345234 31 v 02 leave 5 leave_behind 5 002 ~ 00344976 v 0000 ~ 00345378 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 | "His good luck finally left him"
00345378 31 v 05 abandon 0 forsake 0 desolate 0 desert 0 lurch 0 004 @ 00345234 v 0000 ~ 00345647 v 0000 ~ 01269768 v 0000 ~ 01269844 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 | leave someone who needs or counts on you; leave in the lurch; "The mother deserted her children"
00345647 31 v 01 walk_out_on 0 001 @ 00345378 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | "She walked out on her husband and children"
00345760 31 v 02 forget 3 fail 0 002 @ 00345847 v 0000 ! 00342336 v 0101 01 + 28 00
00345847 31 v 08 neglect 0 leave_undone 0 omit 0 drop 0 miss 0 leave_out 0 overlook 0 overleap 0 003 ! 00346779 v 0101 ~ 00345760 v 0000 ~ 00346688 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 28 00 | "How could I miss that typo?"; "The workers on the conveyor belt miss one out of ten"
00346119 31 v 02 elide 0 strike_out 0 001 @ 00346220 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | as of vowels, for example
00346220 31 v 06 exclude 1 except 0 leave_out 1 leave_off 0 omit 1 take_out 0 002 @ 00278886 v 0000 ~ 00346119 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 10 00 | "The bad results were excluded from the report"; "Leave off the top piece"
00346436 31 v 02 neglect 5 fail_to_attend_to 0 001 ~ 00346555 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | "he neglects his children"
00346555 31 v 01 slack 0 001 @ 00346436 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | be inattentive to, or neglect, as of duties: "He slacks his attention"
00347715 31 v 03 identify 2 consider_equal 0 consider_same 0 004 @ 00342991 v 0000 ~ 00347607 v 0000 ~ 00347874 v 0000 ~ 01251130 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00
00347874 31 v 02 type 0 typecast 0 001 @ 00347715 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | identify as belonging to a certain type; "Such people can practically be typed"
00348034 31 v 03 identify 0 place 0 recognize_as_being 0 002 @ 00393722 v 0000 ~ 00365740 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | establish the identity of someone or something
00348201 31 v 02 date 0 assign_a_date_to 0 003 @ 00393722 v 0000 ~ 00165533 v 0000 ~ 00348363 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | as of archeological or prehistorical findings
00348363 31 v 01 misdate 0 001 @ 00348201 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | assign the wrong date to
00349485 31 v 01 read_between_the_lines 0 001 @ 00350396 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 26 00 | read what is implied but not expressed on the surface
00349634 31 v 02 puzzle_over 0 try_to_solve 0 001 @ 00354465 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00349716 31 v 16 confuse 3 perplex 0 throw 0 fox 0 befuddle 0 fuddle 0 bedevil 0 puzzle 0 mystify 0 baffle 0 bewilder 0 flummox 0 stupefy 0 stupify 0 nonplus 0 gravel 0 amaze 1 dumbfound 0 trounce 0 confound 2 be_confusing_to 0 make_confused 0 006 ^ 00349634 v 0801 ^ 00357043 v 0804 ~ 00350184 v 0000 ~ 00350312 v 0000 ~ 01231887 v 0000 ~ 01543311 v 0000 03 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | "These questions confuse event the experts"; "This question completely threw me"
00350184 31 v 01 stagger 0 001 @ 00349716 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | "These poor people are staggered by the drain on their savings"
00350312 31 v 01 riddle 1 001 @ 00349716 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 10 00 | set a riddle
00350396 31 v 04 interpret 0 make_something_of 0 construe 0 make_sense_of 0 012 @ 00330150 v 0000 ^ 01505322 v 0302 ~ 00348452 v 0000 ~ 00349261 v 0000 ~ 00349485 v 0000 ~ 00350727 v 0000 ~ 00350849 v 0000 ~ 00350991 v 0000 ~ 00351096 v 0000 ~ 00351189 v 0000 ~ 00351672 v 0000 ~ 00353422 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | assign a meaning to
00350727 31 v 01 literalize 0 002 @ 00350396 v 0000 ! 00350849 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | mkae literal; "literalize metaphors"
00350849 31 v 01 spiritualize 0 002 @ 00350396 v 0000 ! 00350727 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | give a spiritual meaning to; read in a spiritual sense
00350991 31 v 01 reinterpret 0 001 @ 00350396 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | assign a new or different meaning to
00351096 31 v 02 allegorize 0 interpret_as_an_allegory 0 001 @ 00350396 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00351189 31 v 02 take 7 read 9 004 @ 00350396 v 0000 ^ 00387963 v 0107 ^ 00390313 v 0104 ~ 00351461 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | interpret something in a certain way; convey a particular meaning or impression; "I read this address as a satire"; "How should I take this message?"
00351461 31 v 03 misread 0 mis-read 0 misinterpret 1 001 @ 00351189 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "I misread Hamlet all my life!"
00351583 31 v 03 idealize 1 idealise 1 form_ideals 0 001 @ 00935525 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00351672 31 v 01 read 0 011 @ 00350396 v 0000 ~ 00352035 v 0000 ~ 00352170 v 0000 ~ 00352300 v 0000 ~ 00352550 v 0000 ~ 00352638 v 0000 ~ 00352735 v 0000 ~ 00353681 v 0000 ~ 00353945 v 0000 ~ 00354038 v 0000 ~ 00354361 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 26 00 | interpret something that is written or printed; "read the advertisement"; "Have you read Salman Rushdie?"
00352035 31 v 02 anagram 0 anagrammatize 0 001 @ 00351672 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | read letters out of order to discover a hidden meaning
00352170 31 v 04 re-read 0 reread 0 read_anew 0 read-again 0 001 @ 00351672 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "He re-read her letters to him"
00352300 31 v 02 dip_into 0 read_selectively 0 001 @ 00351672 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | read only certain passages from a text
00352423 31 v 03 empanel 0 impanel 0 panel 0 001 @ 00379073 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | select from a list, as of prospective jurors
00352550 31 v 02 spell_out 0 read_with_difficulty 0 001 @ 00351672 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00352638 31 v 02 decipher 0 make_out 0 001 @ 00351672 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | read with difficulty
00352735 31 v 02 decipher 1 decode 0 001 @ 00351672 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00352808 31 v 04 read 1 read_aloud 0 speak_aloud 0 read_out_aloud 0 002 @ 00530290 v 0000 ~ 00353072 v 0000 05 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 14 00 + 15 00 + 27 00 | look at, interpreted, and say out loud something that is written or printed; "The proclamation will be read"
00353072 31 v 01 dictate 0 001 @ 00352808 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | read out loud for the purpose of recording
00353179 31 v 01 read 2 001 @ 00516413 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | interpret the significance of, as of palms, tea leaves, intestines, the sky, etc.; also of human behavior; "She read the sky and predicted rain"; "I can't read his strange behavior"
00353422 31 v 02 read 6 scan 0 002 @ 00350396 v 0000 ~ 00353595 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | obtain data from magnetic tapes; "This dictionary can be read by the computer"
00353595 31 v 01 misread 2 001 @ 00353422 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "He misread the data"
00353681 31 v 02 scan 1 glance_over 0 001 @ 00351672 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | read superficially
00353775 31 v 03 sight-read 0 perform_off_the_sheet 0 perform_unprepared 0 001 @ 00980842 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | play or perform music by reading it off the sheet
00353945 31 v 03 skim 0 skim_over 0 read_superficially 0 001 @ 00351672 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00354038 31 v 02 lipread 0 interpret_by_lipreading 0 001 @ 00351672 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | of deaf people
00354244 31 v 03 proofread 0 proof 0 read_for_errors 0 002 * 00351672 v 0000 @ 00371753 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00
00354361 31 v 02 leaf_through 0 flip_through 0 001 @ 00351672 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | read superficially
00354465 31 v 03 think 0 cogitate 0 cerebrate 0 015 ^ 00342479 v 0102 ^ 00355285 v 0102 ^ 00354929 v 0101 ^ 00935525 v 0101 ~ 00349634 v 0000 ~ 00355031 v 0000 ~ 00355139 v 0000 ~ 00355285 v 0000 ~ 00356251 v 0000 ~ 00396323 v 0000 ~ 00396499 v 0000 ~ 00401724 v 0000 ~ 00407285 v 0000 ~ 00413436 v 0000 ~ 00415100 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | use or exercise the mind in order to make a decision or arrive at a solution; "I've been thinking all day and getting nowhere"
00354929 31 v 01 think_out 0 001 @ 00396871 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "Every detail has been thought out"
00355031 31 v 03 philosophize 0 philosophise 0 reason_philosophically 0 001 @ 00354465 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00355139 31 v 02 brainstorm 0 practice_brainstorming 0 001 @ 00354465 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | try to solve a problem by thinking intensely about it
00355285 31 v 0b chew_over 0 think_over 0 meditate 0 ponder 0 contemplate 1 muse 0 reflect 0 mull 0 mull_over 0 ruminate 0 speculate 0 006 @ 00354465 v 0000 ~ 00355643 v 0000 ~ 00383509 v 0000 ~ 00395388 v 0000 ~ 00396150 v 0000 ~ 00520006 v 0000 03 + 22 00 + 08 02 + 08 01 | think about at length and in depth; "I mulled over the events of the afternoon"
00355643 31 v 01 introspect 0 001 @ 00355285 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | reflect on one's own thoughts and feelings
00355753 31 v 05 think 3 suppose 0 imagine 1 reckon 2 guess 0 003 @ 00405433 v 0000 ~ 00406218 v 0000 ~ 00519900 v 0000 02 + 24 00 + 26 00 | expect or suppose; "I imagine she earned a lot of money with her new novel"; "I thought to find her in a bad state"; "he didn't think to find her in the kitchen"
00356058 31 v 02 assume 0 presume 0 002 @ 00405433 v 0000 ~ 00403490 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 26 00 | take for granted; accept without verification or proof; "I assume his train was late"
00356251 31 v 02 reason 0 think_logically 0 003 @ 00354465 v 0000 ~ 00358556 v 0000 ~ 00521348 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 26 00
00356375 31 v 07 speculate 1 theorize 0 theorise 0 conjecture 0 hypothesize 0 hypothecate 0 suppose 1 003 @ 00405433 v 0000 ~ 00356549 v 0000 ~ 00520626 v 0000 01 + 26 00
00356549 31 v 03 reconstruct 0 construct 0 retrace 0 002 @ 00356375 v 0000 ~ 00356680 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | of past events
00356680 31 v 02 etymologize 0 construct_an_etymology 0 001 @ 00356549 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | of words
00356782 31 v 05 reason 1 reason_out 0 conclude 0 arrive_at 0 come_to_the_conclusion 0 006 ~ 00358124 v 0000 ~ 00358233 v 0000 ~ 00367445 v 0000 ~ 00531990 v 0000 ~ 00532101 v 0000 ~ 00577313 v 0000 02 + 26 00 + 08 04 | decide by reasoning; draw a conclusion
00357043 31 v 06 solve 0 work 0 figure_out 0 puzzle_out 0 lick 0 get 0 007 @ 00330150 v 0000 * 00356251 v 0000 ~ 00357406 v 0000 ~ 00357579 v 0000 ~ 00357736 v 0000 ~ 00357850 v 0000 ~ 00357981 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | find the solution to (a problem or question):"did you solve the problem?"; understand the meaning of; "did you get it?"; "Did you get my meaning?"
00357406 31 v 02 answer 3 resolve 4 001 @ 00357043 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | understand the meaning of; "The question concerning the meaning of life cannot be answered"
00357579 31 v 01 riddle 0 001 @ 00357043 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | explain a riddle
00357659 31 v 02 cinch 0 get_a_grip_on 0 001 @ 00334845 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00357736 31 v 03 strike 0 strike_upon 0 come_upon 0 001 @ 00357043 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of solutions to problems
00357850 31 v 02 guess 2 infer 2 002 @ 00357043 v 0000 ~ 00406311 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | guess correctly; solve by guessing
00357981 31 v 01 answer 0 001 @ 00357043 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | give the correct answer or solution to; "answer a question" "answer the riddle"
00358124 31 v 03 induce 0 reason_by_induction 0 establish_by_induction 0 001 @ 00356782 v 0000 01 + 26 00
00358233 31 v 04 deduce 0 infer 0 deduct 0 derive 0 005 @ 00356782 v 0000 ~ 00332661 v 0000 ~ 00360610 v 0000 ~ 00387509 v 0000 ~ 00411211 v 0000 01 + 26 00 | reason by deduction; establish by deduction
00358438 31 v 04 establish 3 base 0 ground 0 found 0 000 01 + 21 00 | for example, base a claim on some observation
00358556 31 v 06 calculate 0 cipher 0 cypher 0 compute 0 reckon 1 figure 0 021 @ 00356251 v 0000 ^ 00357043 v 0603 ^ 00401407 v 0509 ~ 00359083 v 0000 ~ 00359376 v 0000 ~ 00359549 v 0000 ~ 00359664 v 0000 ~ 00359933 v 0000 ~ 00360209 v 0000 ~ 00360296 v 0000 ~ 00360479 v 0000 ~ 00360750 v 0000 ~ 00360896 v 0000 ~ 00361286 v 0000 ~ 00361406 v 0000 ~ 00361617 v 0000 ~ 00364051 v 0000 ~ 00377820 v 0000 ~ 00408445 v 0000 ~ 00412949 v 0000 ~ 00413942 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | make a mathematical calculation or computation
00359083 31 v 01 process 0 001 @ 00358556 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | perform mathematical and logical operations on (data) according to programmed instructions in order to obtain the required information; "The results of the elections were still being processed when he gave his acceptance speech"
00359376 31 v 04 pro-rate 0 prorate 0 divide_proportionally 0 assess_proportionally 0 001 @ 00358556 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "The rent was prorated for the rest of the month"
00359549 31 v 02 miscalculate 0 make_a_miscalculation 0 001 @ 00358556 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | calculate incorrectly
00359664 31 v 03 recalculate 0 calculate_again 0 calculate_anew 0 001 @ 00358556 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "The costs had to be recalculated"
00359802 31 v 01 get 3 001 * 00358556 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | reach by calculation; "What do you get when you add up these numbers?"
00359933 31 v 02 average 0 average_out 0 001 @ 00358556 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | compute the average of
00360034 31 v 01 square 0 001 @ 00360750 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | raise to the second power
00360123 31 v 01 cube 0 001 @ 00360750 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | raise to the third power
00360209 31 v 03 factor 0 factor_in 0 factor_out 0 001 @ 00358556 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00360296 31 v 02 add 0 add_together 0 003 @ 00358556 v 0000 ! 00360479 v 0101 ^ 01496879 v 0103 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | make an addition by combining numbers; "Add 27 and 49, please!"
00360479 31 v 04 subtract 0 deduct 1 take_off 0 make_a_subtraction 0 002 @ 00358556 v 0000 ! 00360296 v 0101 02 + 02 00 + 08 00
00360610 31 v 01 carry_back 0 001 @ 00358233 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | deduct a loss or an unused credit form taxable income for a prior period
00360750 31 v 02 multiply 0 combine_by_multiplication 0 004 @ 00358556 v 0000 ! 00360896 v 0101 ~ 00360034 v 0000 ~ 00360123 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00360896 31 v 03 divide 0 fraction 0 make_a_division 0 004 @ 00358556 v 0000 ! 00360750 v 0101 ~ 00361069 v 0000 ~ 00361175 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 01 | perform a division
00361286 31 v 02 interpolate 0 extrapolate 0 001 @ 00358556 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | estimate the value of; in mathematics
00361406 31 v 03 differentiate 0 calculate_the_derivative_of 0 take_the_derivative_of 0 002 @ 00358556 v 0000 ! 00361617 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 02 01 | calculate a derivative; take the derivative; in mathematics
00361617 31 v 02 integrate 0 calculate_the_integral_of 0 002 @ 00358556 v 0000 ! 00361406 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 02 01 | calculate by integration; in mathematics
00361778 31 v 04 analyze 3 analyse 2 psychoanalyze 0 psychoanalyse 0 001 @ 00048767 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | subject to psychoanalytic treatment; "I was analyzed in Vienna by a famous psychiatrist"
00361981 31 v 05 analyze 1 analyse 1 break_down 0 dissect 0 take_apart 0 003 ! 00362441 v 0101 ~ 00362310 v 0000 ~ 00363079 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make a mathematical, chemical, or grammatical analysis of; break down into components or essential features; "analyze a specimen"; "analyze a sentence"; "analyze a chemical compound"
00362310 31 v 02 parse 0 analyze_syntactically 0 001 @ 00361981 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | assign a constituent structure to a sentence
00362441 31 v 02 synthesize 0 synthesise 0 002 @ 00117258 v 0000 ! 00361981 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | cause to undergo synthesis
00362566 31 v 04 analyze 0 analyse 0 study 2 examine 0 013 ~ 00363180 v 0000 ~ 00363277 v 0000 ~ 00363460 v 0000 ~ 00363945 v 0000 ~ 00364557 v 0000 ~ 00367227 v 0000 ~ 00371345 v 0000 ~ 00391080 v 0000 ~ 00391859 v 0000 ~ 00392290 v 0000 ~ 00392430 v 0000 ~ 00411419 v 0000 ~ 00442867 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | consider in detail and subject to an analysis in order to discover essential features or meaning; "analyze a sonnet by Shakespeare"; "analyze the evidence in a criminal trial"; "analyze your real motives"
00363079 31 v 02 botanize 0 botanise 0 001 @ 00361981 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | collect and study plants
00363180 31 v 02 go_into 0 delve_into 0 001 @ 00362566 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "go into a problem"
00363277 31 v 02 diagnose 0 name 0 002 @ 00362566 v 0000 ~ 00363863 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | determine or distinguish the nature of a problem or an illness through a diagnostic analysis
00363460 31 v 01 diagnose 1 002 @ 00362566 v 0000 ~ 00363601 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | subject to an analysis; usually used in a medical context
00363601 31 v 02 explore 3 examine_for_diagnostic_purposes 0 002 @ 00363460 v 0000 ~ 00363727 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of organs
00363727 31 v 01 put_out_feelers 0 001 @ 00363601 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | make some preliminary investigations or test the waters
00363863 31 v 02 explore 2 examine_minutely 0 001 @ 00363277 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00363945 31 v 02 survey 0 appraise 0 001 @ 00362566 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | consider in a comprehensive way
00364051 31 v 02 survey 1 plot_a_map_of 0 002 * 00287933 v 0000 @ 00358556 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of land
00364156 31 v 02 measure 0 measure_out 0 003 @ 00392710 v 0000 ~ 00364341 v 0000 ~ 00364434 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | determine the measurements of something or somebody, take measurements
00364341 31 v 01 pace 1 001 @ 00364156 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | measure by pacing, as of a room
00364434 31 v 02 caliper 0 calliper 0 001 @ 00364156 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | measure the diameter of something with calipers
00364557 31 v 03 survey 2 make_a_survey_of 0 run_a_survey_of 0 002 @ 00362566 v 0000 ~ 01389497 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | for statistical purposes
00364700 31 v 01 prospect 0 001 @ 00364796 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | prospect for valuable minerals
00364796 31 v 03 research 0 search 0 explore 0 004 @ 00442867 v 0000 ~ 00364700 v 0000 ~ 00364947 v 0000 ~ 00365066 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | inquire into
00364947 31 v 02 re-explore 0 explore_again 0 001 @ 00364796 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "We need to re-explore Colonialism"
00365442 31 v 04 discriminate 0 recognize_the_difference 0 know_apart 0 perceive_the_difference 0 003 ^ 01422337 v 0000 @ 00365740 v 0000 ~ 00365620 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00
00365620 31 v 01 subtilize 0 001 @ 00365442 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | mark fine distinctions and subtleties, as among words
00365740 31 v 08 distinguish 0 separate 1 differentiate 1 secern 1 secernate 0 severalize 0 tell 1 tell_apart 0 014 * 00367227 v 0000 @ 00348034 v 0000 ~ 00365442 v 0000 ~ 00366198 v 0000 ~ 00366393 v 0000 ~ 00366525 v 0000 ~ 00366618 v 0000 ~ 00371031 v 0000 ~ 00371095 v 0000 ~ 00371161 v 0000 ~ 00401995 v 0000 ~ 00412379 v 0000 ~ 01422337 v 0000 ~ 01422652 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 16 00 | mark as different; "We distinguish several kinds of maple"
00366198 31 v 01 label 0 001 @ 00365740 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | distinguish (an element or atom) by using a radioactive isotope or an isotope of unusual mass for tracing through chemical reactions
00366393 31 v 01 label 1 001 @ 00365740 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | distinguish (as a compound or molecule) by introducing a labeled atom
00366525 31 v 01 sex 0 001 @ 00365740 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | tell the sex (of young chickens)
00366618 31 v 01 individualize 0 001 @ 00365740 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "The sounds were individualized by sharpness and tone"
00366743 31 v 04 distinguish 2 mark 9 be_a_distinctive_feature_of 0 differentiate 2 002 @ 00538726 v 0000 ~ 01524380 v 0000 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | be a distinctive feature, attribute, or trait; sometimes in a very positive sense
00366972 31 v 07 identify 1 discover 3 key 0 key_out 0 distinguish 1 describe 0 name 1 001 * 00367953 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 11 00 | as in in botany or biology, for example
00367152 31 v 02 catalogue 0 catalog 0 001 @ 00367953 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00367227 31 v 02 compare 0 draw_a_comparison_between 0 003 @ 00362566 v 0000 ~ 00367362 v 0000 ~ 00371272 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00
00367362 31 v 02 analogize 0 make_an_analogy 0 001 @ 00367227 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00367445 31 v 02 syllogize 0 reason_by_syllogisms 0 001 @ 00356782 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00367533 31 v 04 compare 1 liken 0 equate 0 consider_equal 1 001 @ 00388394 v 0000 02 + 20 00 + 21 00 | represent as similar
00367800 31 v 02 come_round 0 come_around 0 001 * 00367660 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | change one's position or opinion: "He came around to our point of view"
00367953 31 v 06 classify 0 class 0 sort 0 assort 0 sort_out 0 separate 0 010 @ 00368980 v 0000 * 00367227 v 0000 ~ 00367152 v 0000 ~ 00368233 v 0000 ~ 00368318 v 0000 ~ 00368418 v 0000 ~ 00368529 v 0000 ~ 00369096 v 0000 ~ 00370944 v 0000 ~ 01549077 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00
00368233 31 v 02 size 0 sort_according_to_size 0 001 @ 00367953 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00368318 31 v 02 dichotomize 0 divide_into_two_groups 0 001 @ 00367953 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00368529 31 v 02 group 0 arrange_into_groups 0 004 @ 00367953 v 0000 ~ 00368674 v 0000 ~ 00368776 v 0000 ~ 00368839 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00
00368674 31 v 02 regroup 0 re-group 0 001 @ 00368529 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | reorganize into new groups
00368776 31 v 01 bracket 0 001 @ 00368529 v 0000 01 + 31 00
00368839 31 v 04 collocate 0 lump_together 0 group_together 0 chunk_together 0 002 @ 00368529 v 0000 ^ 01505322 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00
00368980 31 v 02 categorize 0 place_into_a_category 0 002 * 00367227 v 0000 ~ 00367953 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00
00369096 31 v 03 grade 0 determine_the_grade_of 0 assign_a_grade_to 0 001 @ 00367953 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00369202 31 v 02 grade 5 mark 0 001 @ 00383005 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | of scholastic work
00369298 31 v 06 rate 0 rank 0 range 0 order 0 grade 3 place 1 010 @ 00376571 v 0000 ^ 00370944 v 0301 ~ 00369585 v 0000 ~ 00369713 v 0000 ~ 00369796 v 0000 ~ 00370190 v 0000 ~ 00370458 v 0000 ~ 00370546 v 0000 ~ 00370634 v 0000 ~ 00370730 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | assign a rank to
00369585 31 v 02 shortlist 0 short-list 0 001 @ 00369298 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | put someone or something on a short list
00369713 31 v 01 seed 0 001 @ 00369298 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | as of a tennis player
00369796 31 v 02 reorder 0 order_anew 0 002 @ 00369298 v 0000 ~ 00369921 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | assign a new order to
00369921 31 v 01 countermarch 0 001 @ 00369796 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | change the order of soliers during a march
00370033 31 v 01 outclass 0 001 @ 00370190 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | cause to appear in a lower class, as in sports: "The Yankees outclassed Cincinnati"
00370190 31 v 02 subordinate 0 rank_as_less_important 0 002 @ 00369298 v 0000 ~ 00370033 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00370300 31 v 04 place 3 come_in 0 come_out 0 rank 2 001 @ 01472320 v 0000 02 + 06 00 + 07 00 | take a place in a competition; often followed by an ordinal
00370458 31 v 01 prioritize 0 001 @ 00369298 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | assign a priority to
00370546 31 v 02 sequence 0 arrange_in_a_sequence 0 001 @ 00369298 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00370634 31 v 02 downgrade 0 rate_lower 0 002 @ 00369298 v 0000 ! 00370730 v 0101 01 + 08 00
00370730 31 v 02 upgrade 0 rate_higher 0 002 @ 00369298 v 0000 ! 00370634 v 0101 01 + 08 00
00370825 31 v 02 rate 1 value 2 002 @ 00383005 v 0000 ~ 00191472 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | estimate the value of something
00370944 31 v 02 range_with 0 group_with 0 001 @ 00367953 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00
00371031 31 v 01 contrast 0 001 @ 00365740 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00371095 31 v 01 severalize 1 001 @ 00365740 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00371161 31 v 01 contradistinguish 0 001 @ 00365740 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | distinguish by contrasting qualities
00371272 31 v 01 collate 0 001 @ 00367227 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of texts
00371345 31 v 0a check 0 service 0 check_up_on 0 look_into 0 check_out 0 suss_out 0 check_over 0 go_over 1 overhaul 0 check_into 0 002 @ 00362566 v 0000 ~ 01390177 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make a check of
00371547 31 v 05 check 1 check_off 0 mark 8 mark_off 0 tick_off 0 002 @ 00373014 v 0000 ~ 00371667 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00371667 31 v 01 receipt 0 001 @ 00371547 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | mark or stamp as paid
00371753 31 v 0a see 3 check 2 insure 0 see_to_it 0 ensure 0 control 1 ascertain 0 assure 0 make_certain 0 make_sure 0 007 @ 00373014 v 0000 ~ 00354244 v 0000 ~ 00372177 v 0000 ~ 00372292 v 0000 ~ 00372429 v 0000 ~ 00372505 v 0000 ~ 00372685 v 0000 03 + 26 00 + 26 04 + 28 01 | be careful or certain to do something; make certain of something; "He verified that the valves were closed"; "See that the curtains are closed"
00372177 31 v 01 double-check 0 001 @ 00371753 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | check once more to be absolutely sure
00372292 31 v 01 cross-check 0 001 @ 00371753 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | check out conflicting sources; crosscheck facts, for example
00372429 31 v 02 cinch 1 make_sure_of 0 001 @ 00371753 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00372505 31 v 02 card 0 ask_for_identification 0 001 @ 00371753 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | ask someone for identification to determine whether he or she is old enough to consume liquor
00372685 31 v 03 spot-check 0 examine_randomly 0 make_spot-checks 0 001 @ 00371753 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | pick out random samples for examination
00372838 31 v 02 authenticate 0 establish_as_genuine 0 003 * 00373014 v 0000 @ 00461529 v 0000 ~ 00374077 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | establish the authenticity of something
00373014 31 v 02 verify 1 show_the_truth_of 0 003 @ 00374169 v 0000 ~ 00371547 v 0000 ~ 00371753 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 26 00
00373148 31 v 05 prove 0 demonstrate 0 establish 0 show 0 shew 0 007 @ 00374169 v 0000 ! 00374923 v 0101 ~ 00373449 v 0000 ~ 00373853 v 0000 ~ 00373954 v 0000 ~ 00374474 v 0000 ~ 01025512 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 26 00 | establish the validity of something; "This behavior shows his true nature"
00373449 31 v 01 prove_oneself 0 001 @ 00373148 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | show one's ability or courage
00373549 31 v 01 explode 1 001 @ 00374923 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | show to be baseless, or refute and make obsolete, as of a new theory or claim
00373699 31 v 03 lay_down 0 establish 2 make d 002 @ 00926361 v 0000 ~ 00602107 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | institute, enact, or establish; "make laws"
00373853 31 v 01 stultify 0 001 @ 00373148 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | prove someone to be of unsound mind
00373954 31 v 02 prove 2 prove_formally 0 001 @ 00373148 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | demonstrate by a mathematical, formal proof
00374077 31 v 02 prove 1 obtain_probate_of 0 001 @ 00372838 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of a will
00374169 31 v 06 confirm 0 corroborate 0 sustain 0 substantiate 0 support 0 affirm 0 005 ! 00374474 v 0601 ~ 00373014 v 0000 ~ 00373148 v 0000 ~ 00374378 v 0000 ~ 00374776 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 26 00
00374378 31 v 02 document 0 support_with_evidence 0 001 @ 00374169 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00374474 31 v 03 negate 0 contradict 0 prove_negative 0 004 @ 00373148 v 0000 ! 00374169 v 0106 ~ 00374654 v 0000 ~ 00374923 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 26 00 | show to be false
00374654 31 v 02 invalidate 0 nullify 0 002 @ 00374474 v 0000 ! 00374776 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | show to be invalid
00374776 31 v 02 validate 0 prove_valid 0 002 @ 00374169 v 0000 ! 00374654 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | show or confirm the validity of something
00374923 31 v 02 disprove 0 confute 0 005 @ 00374474 v 0000 ! 00373148 v 0101 ~ 00373549 v 0000 ~ 00375113 v 0000 ~ 00375204 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 26 00 | prove to be false or wrong
00375204 31 v 02 falsify 0 prove_false 0 001 @ 00374923 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00375289 31 v 09 endure 0 stomach 0 bear 0 stand 0 tolerate 0 brook 0 abide 0 suffer 0 put_up_with 0 008 @ 00451248 v 0000 ~ 00375606 v 0000 ~ 00375766 v 0000 ~ 00375892 v 0000 ~ 00375995 v 0000 ~ 00376258 v 0000 ~ 00376364 v 0000 ~ 00376488 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | put up with something or somebody unpleasant
00375606 31 v 01 accept 3 001 @ 00375289 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | tolerate or accommodate oneself to; "I shall have to accept these unpleasant working conditions"
00375766 31 v 02 stand_for 0 hold_still_for 0 001 @ 00375289 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "I won't stand for this kind of behavior!"
00375892 31 v 01 bear_up 0 001 @ 00375289 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | "She bore up under the enormous strain
00376258 31 v 01 take_a_joke 0 001 @ 00375289 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | listen to a joke at one's one expense
00376364 31 v 03 take 9 undergo 0 submit_to 0 001 @ 00375289 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | be forced to accept; "We took a pay cut"
00376488 31 v 02 sit_out 0 endure_to_the_end 0 001 @ 00375289 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00376571 31 v 03 judge 0 form_an_opinion_of 0 pass_judgment_on 0 019 * 00411560 v 0000 ~ 00369298 v 0000 ~ 00377028 v 0000 ~ 00378538 v 0000 ~ 00378798 v 0000 ~ 00381935 v 0000 ~ 00382894 v 0000 ~ 00383005 v 0000 ~ 00384834 v 0000 ~ 00385232 v 0000 ~ 00387631 v 0000 ~ 00401008 v 0000 ~ 00405433 v 0000 ~ 00409700 v 0000 ~ 00461970 v 0000 ~ 00479809 v 0000 ~ 01428921 v 0000 ~ 01429056 v 0000 ~ 01433448 v 0000 05 + 05 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 24 00 + 26 00
00377028 31 v 04 stand 1 maintain_a_position 0 take_a_stand 0 have_an_opinion 0 002 @ 00376571 v 0000 ~ 00414426 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | "Where do you stand on the War?"
00377196 31 v 02 misjudge 0 judge_incorrectly 0 004 @ 00347169 v 0000 ~ 00377342 v 0000 ~ 00377577 v 0000 ~ 00401208 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00
00377342 31 v 02 underestimate 1 underrate 0 002 @ 00377196 v 0000 ! 00377577 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00
00377449 31 v 01 overcapitalize 0 001 @ 00377577 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | overestimate the market value of, as of property
00377577 31 v 02 overestimate 0 overrate 0 003 @ 00377196 v 0000 ! 00377342 v 0101 ~ 00377449 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00
00377700 31 v 02 judge 2 determine_the_result_of 0 002 @ 00393343 v 0000 ~ 00612627 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | a competition
00377820 31 v 05 estimate 0 gauge 0 approximate 0 guess 1 judge 1 009 @ 00358556 v 0000 ^ 00377577 v 0101 ^ 00378438 v 0102 ~ 00378145 v 0000 ~ 00378252 v 0000 ~ 00378334 v 0000 ~ 00378438 v 0000 ~ 00401303 v 0000 ~ 00516899 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 22 00 + 26 00 | form an opinion about; judge tentatively; form an estimate of
00378145 31 v 01 misgauge 0 001 @ 00377820 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | gauge something incorrectly or improperly
00378252 31 v 03 place_at 0 put_at 0 set_at 0 001 @ 00377820 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00378334 31 v 01 give 0 001 @ 00377820 v 0000 01 + 14 00 | "He gave the patient three months to live"
00378438 31 v 02 lowball 0 underestimate 0 001 @ 00377820 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make a low estimate
00378538 31 v 03 approve 0 approve_of 0 judge_commendable 0 003 @ 00376571 v 0000 ! 00378798 v 0101 ~ 00378982 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 | judge to be right; think well of
00378721 31 v 02 frown_on 0 frown_upon 0 001 @ 00378798 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00378798 31 v 04 disapprove 0 disapprove_of 0 consider_wrong 0 consider_bad 0 004 @ 00376571 v 0000 ! 00378538 v 0101 ~ 00378721 v 0000 ~ 00413838 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 09 00
00378982 31 v 02 rubberstamp 0 approve_automatically 0 001 @ 00378538 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00379073 31 v 06 choose 0 take 1 make_a_choice 0 select 0 make_a_selection 0 pick_out 0 020 @ 00392710 v 0000 ~ 00352423 v 0000 ~ 00379631 v 0000 ~ 00379713 v 0000 ~ 00379927 v 0000 ~ 00380058 v 0000 ~ 00380169 v 0000 ~ 00380245 v 0000 ~ 00380344 v 0000 ~ 00380421 v 0000 ~ 00381584 v 0000 ~ 00407675 v 0000 ~ 00533157 v 0000 ~ 01334244 v 0000 ~ 01358825 v 0000 ~ 01358939 v 0000 ~ 01359037 v 0000 ~ 01359557 v 0000 ~ 01393539 v 0000 ~ 01529799 v 0000 05 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 02 05 + 02 03 + 02 01 | pick out, select, or choose; "Take any one of these cards"
00379631 31 v 02 plump_for 0 go_for 1 001 @ 00379073 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00
00379713 31 v 01 pick 0 001 @ 00379073 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 22 00 | select carefully from a group: "She finally picked her successor"; "He picked his way carefully"; "We had to pick through a lot of data"
00379927 31 v 01 elect 0 001 @ 00379073 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 28 00 | "I elected to have my funds deposited automatically"
00380058 31 v 02 excerpt 0 take_out 1 001 @ 00379073 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | take out of a literary work
00380169 31 v 01 cull_out 0 001 @ 00379073 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | of animals
00380245 31 v 02 cream_off 0 skim_off 0 001 @ 00379073 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | pick the best
00380344 31 v 02 sieve_out 0 pick_over 0 001 @ 00379073 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00380421 31 v 03 assign 0 specify 5 set_apart 0 003 @ 00379073 v 0000 ~ 00380601 v 0000 ~ 00380723 v 0000 02 + 20 00 + 21 00 | select something or someone for a specific purpose
00380601 31 v 01 dedicate 0 001 @ 00380421 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | set apart to sacred uses with solemn rites, of a church
00380723 31 v 01 detail 0 001 @ 00380421 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | assign to a specific task: "The ambulances were detailed to the fire station"
00380864 31 v 01 schedule 0 005 @ 00396499 v 0000 ~ 00381093 v 0000 ~ 00381217 v 0000 ~ 00381359 v 0000 ~ 00381454 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | plan for an activity or event; "I've scheduled a concert next week"
00381093 31 v 01 time 0 001 @ 00380864 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | assign a time for an activity or event
00381217 31 v 01 book 0 001 @ 00380864 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | "Her agent had booked her for several concerts in Tokyo"
00381359 31 v 01 calendar 0 001 @ 00380864 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | enter into a calendar
00381454 31 v 03 slot 0 assign_a_time_slot_to 0 assign_to_a_slot 0 001 @ 00380864 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | as of television programs
00383610 31 v 03 believe 0 hold 3 buy 0 008 @ 00385232 v 0000 ! 00384210 v 0101 ~ 00332505 v 0000 ~ 00337657 v 0000 ~ 00383962 v 0000 ~ 00385892 v 0000 ~ 00386671 v 0000 ~ 00414691 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 26 00 | accept as true; take to be true
00383861 31 v 01 credit 0 001 @ 00386671 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | have trust in; accept as true
00383962 31 v 02 believe 1 follow_a_credo 0 002 @ 00383610 v 0000 ~ 00384108 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | have a religious faith; be a believer
00384108 31 v 01 misbelieve 0 001 @ 00383962 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | hold a false or unorthodix believe
00384210 31 v 02 disbelieve 0 discredit 0 004 @ 00384834 v 0000 ! 00383610 v 0101 ~ 00386000 v 0000 ~ 00386352 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | reject as false; refuse to accept
00384385 31 v 01 include 0 004 @ 00388394 v 0000 ! 00384732 v 0101 ~ 00384533 v 0000 ~ 00384649 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | consider as part of something
00384533 31 v 01 count 0 001 @ 00384385 v 0000 02 + 20 00 + 21 00 | "I can count my colleagues in the opposition"
00384649 31 v 02 subsume 1 colligate 0 001 @ 00384385 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00
00384732 31 v 02 exclude 0 refuse_to_consider 0 002 @ 00384834 v 0000 ! 00384385 v 0101 01 + 08 00
00384834 31 v 01 reject 0 008 @ 00376571 v 0000 ! 00385232 v 0101 ~ 00384210 v 0000 ~ 00384732 v 0000 ~ 00385071 v 0000 ~ 00385792 v 0000 ~ 00425703 v 0000 ~ 00450473 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 26 00 | refuse to accept or acknowledge
00385071 31 v 01 recuse 0 001 @ 00384834 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | challenge or except to a judge as being incompetent or interested, in canon and civil law
00385232 31 v 01 accept 0 010 @ 00376571 v 0000 ! 00384834 v 0101 ~ 00332083 v 0000 ~ 00337805 v 0000 ~ 00383610 v 0000 ~ 00385556 v 0000 ~ 00385674 v 0000 ~ 00413586 v 0000 ~ 00505977 v 0000 ~ 01390888 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | consider or hold as true; "I cannot accept the dogma of this church"; "accept an argument"
00385556 31 v 01 receive 0 001 @ 00385232 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | accept as true or valid; "He received Christ"
00385674 31 v 02 approbate 0 accept_as_valid 0 002 @ 00385232 v 0000 ! 00385792 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | as of documents
00385792 31 v 01 reprobate 0 002 @ 00384834 v 0000 ! 00385674 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | as of documents
00385892 31 v 01 believe_in 0 001 @ 00383610 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | be convinced of the existence of
00386352 31 v 03 distrust 0 mistrust 0 suspect 0 003 @ 00384210 v 0000 ! 00386671 v 0101 ~ 00386125 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | regard as untrustworthy; regard with suspicion; have no faith or confidence in
00386561 31 v 02 lean_on 0 lean_upon 0 001 @ 00386671 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | "We can lean on this man"
00386671 31 v 08 trust 0 confide_in 0 have_faith_in 0 swear_by 0 rely_on 0 rely_upon 0 have_confidence_in 0 bank_on 0 006 @ 00383610 v 0000 ! 00386352 v 0102 ! 00386352 v 0101 ~ 00383861 v 0000 ~ 00386561 v 0000 ~ 00401407 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00
00386923 31 v 03 suspect 1 believe_guilty 0 believe_culpable 0 001 @ 00387631 v 0000 01 + 09 00
00387022 31 v 02 rethink 0 change_one's_mind 0 003 @ 00387631 v 0000 ~ 00387149 v 0000 ~ 00387256 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 01
00387149 31 v 01 backpedal 0 001 @ 00387022 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | modify one' opinion, make it less strong
00387256 31 v 01 about-face 0 001 @ 00387022 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | change one's mind asn assume the opposite viewpoint
00387509 31 v 02 surmise 0 infer_from_incomplete_evidence 0 002 @ 00358233 v 0000 ~ 00387375 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00
00387631 31 v 02 think 1 believe 4 008 @ 00376571 v 0000 ~ 00340780 v 0000 ~ 00386923 v 0000 ~ 00387022 v 0000 ~ 00387963 v 0000 ~ 00388103 v 0000 ~ 00388394 v 0000 ~ 01540317 v 0000 02 + 05 00 + 09 00 | consider, judge, or believe; "I think he is very smart"; "I believe her to be very smart"; "I think that he is her boyfriend"
00388103 31 v 01 feel 1 001 @ 00387631 v 0000 04 + 05 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 + 24 00 | have a feeling or perception about oneself in reaction to someone's behavior or attitude; "She felt small and insignificant"; "You make me feel naked"; "I made the students feel different about themselves"
00388394 31 v 06 see 0 consider 0 take_to_be 2 reckon 0 view 0 regard 0 016 @ 00387631 v 0000 ~ 00367533 v 0000 ~ 00367660 v 0000 ~ 00384385 v 0000 ~ 00388897 v 0000 ~ 00389066 v 0000 ~ 00389163 v 0000 ~ 00389326 v 0000 ~ 00389450 v 0000 ~ 00389620 v 0000 ~ 00389860 v 0000 ~ 00390313 v 0000 ~ 00390535 v 0000 ~ 00390760 v 0000 ~ 00412818 v 0000 ~ 01284370 v 0000 04 + 05 00 + 08 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | consider to be; regard; "I see this matter differently"; "She views this quite differently from me"
00388897 31 v 01 like 0 001 @ 00388394 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | feel about or towards; consider, evaluate, or regard; "How did you like the President's speech last night?"
00389066 31 v 01 relativize 0 001 @ 00388394 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | consider ot treat as relative
00389163 31 v 01 identify 4 001 @ 00388394 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 17 00 + 22 00 | consider (oneself) as similar to somebody else; "He identified with the refugees"
00389326 31 v 02 favor 0 favour 0 001 @ 00388394 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | "The local team was favored"
00389450 31 v 03 abstract 0 consider_abstractly 0 consider_theoretically 0 001 @ 00388394 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | consider a concept without thinking of a specific example
00389620 31 v 01 reify 0 002 @ 00388394 v 0000 ~ 00389740 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | consider an abstract concept to be real
00389740 31 v 01 hypostatize 0 001 @ 00389620 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | construe as a real existent, of a conceptual entity
00389860 31 v 02 idealize 0 idealise 0 003 @ 00388394 v 0000 ~ 00389998 v 0000 ~ 00390116 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | consider as ideal
00389998 31 v 02 romanticize 0 romanticise 0 001 @ 00389860 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | interpret in a romantic way
00390116 31 v 01 deify 0 002 @ 00389860 v 0000 ~ 00390234 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | consider as a god or god-like
00390234 31 v 02 apotheosize 0 apotheose 0 001 @ 00390116 v 0000 01 + 09 00
00390313 31 v 04 deem 0 hold 1 view_as 0 take_for 0 001 @ 00388394 v 0000 03 + 05 00 + 14 00 + 26 00 | "take for granted"; "view as important"; "hold these truths to be self-evident"; "I hold him personally responsible"
00390535 31 v 07 respect 0 esteem 1 think_highly_of 0 think_much_of 0 value 1 prize 0 prise 0 005 @ 00388394 v 0000 ! 00390760 v 0202 ! 00390760 v 0101 ~ 01013171 v 0000 ~ 01041768 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | regard highly
00390760 31 v 04 disrespect 0 disesteem 0 hold_in_contempt 0 have_no_respect_for 0 005 @ 00388394 v 0000 ! 00390535 v 0202 ! 00390535 v 0101 ~ 00346936 v 0000 ~ 00390990 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | have little or no respect for
00391080 31 v 02 assay 0 analyze_chemically 0 002 @ 00362566 v 0000 ~ 00391195 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of substances
00391195 31 v 02 bioassay 0 bio-assay 0 001 @ 00391080 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | subject to a bio-assay
00391295 31 v 03 value 3 fix_the_value_of 0 assign_a_value_to 0 004 @ 00393722 v 0000 ~ 00391473 v 0000 ~ 00391617 v 0000 ~ 00391762 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | of jewelry or art work
00391473 31 v 02 overvalue 0 overestimate 2 003 @ 00391295 v 0000 ! 00391617 v 0202 ! 00391617 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | assign too high a value to
00391617 31 v 02 undervalue 0 underestimate 2 003 @ 00391295 v 0000 ! 00391473 v 0202 ! 00391473 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | assign too low a value to
00391762 31 v 02 float 0 allow_to_fluctuate 0 001 @ 00391295 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of currencies
00391859 31 v 02 review 0 reexamine 0 001 @ 00362566 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | look at again; examine again
00391963 31 v 03 review 1 look_back 0 retrospect 0 001 @ 00343621 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00392050 31 v 03 review 2 go_over 0 survey 3 001 @ 01235465 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | hold a review of troops
00392164 31 v 03 review 4 brush_up_on 0 refresh 0 002 @ 00341396 v 0000 ~ 00414182 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | refresh one's memory
00392290 31 v 03 audit 1 scrutinize 0 inspect 0 001 @ 00362566 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of accounts and tax returns; with the intent to verify
00392430 31 v 01 screen 0 002 * 00278886 v 0000 @ 00362566 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | examine methodically; test for suitability
00392562 31 v 03 resolve 0 form_a_resolution_about 0 reach_a_decision_about 0 002 @ 00392710 v 0000 ~ 00393722 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 26 01 + 28 01
00392710 31 v 04 decide 0 make_up_one's_mind 0 decide_upon 0 determine 0 012 * 00395388 v 0000 ^ 00533157 v 0105 ~ 00364156 v 0000 ~ 00379073 v 0000 ~ 00392562 v 0000 ~ 00393117 v 0000 ~ 00393237 v 0000 ~ 00393619 v 0000 ~ 00403071 v 0000 ~ 01231441 v 0000 ~ 01416029 v 0000 ~ 01421912 v 0000 07 + 08 00 + 26 04 + 29 04 + 02 02 + 02 01 + 26 01 + 29 01 | reach, make, or come to a decision about something
00393117 31 v 01 will 1 001 @ 00392710 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | determine by choice; "This action was willed and intended"
00393237 31 v 02 seal 0 decide_irrevocably 0 001 @ 00392710 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | "sealing dooms"
00393343 31 v 03 decide 1 settle 0 resolve 1 002 @ 00213455 v 0000 ~ 00377700 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | bring to an end
00393467 31 v 04 decide 2 cause_to_decide 0 cause_to_reach_a_decision 0 induce_to_make_a_choice 0 002 > 00392710 v 0000 @ 00432532 v 0000 01 + 10 00
00393619 31 v 02 purpose 0 resolve 2 001 @ 00392710 v 0000 01 + 28 00 | be intent on doing something
00393722 31 v 04 determine 1 fix_conclusively 0 set 4 fix_authoritatively 0 008 @ 00392562 v 0000 ~ 00348034 v 0000 ~ 00348201 v 0000 ~ 00391295 v 0000 ~ 00394153 v 0000 ~ 00407889 v 0000 ~ 01313114 v 0000 ~ 01336482 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 26 00 + 27 00
00393984 31 v 02 determine 3 fix_in_scope 0 002 @ 01476365 v 0000 ~ 00402826 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | fix the boundaries of; the tree determines the border of the property
00394153 31 v 01 initialize 0 001 @ 00393722 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | assign an initial value to a compute program
00394265 31 v 04 determine 2 shape 0 influence 0 regulate 0 006 @ 00941367 v 0000 ~ 00394459 v 0000 ~ 00394593 v 0000 ~ 00394703 v 0000 ~ 00394807 v 0000 ~ 00394915 v 0000 02 + 11 00 + 29 00
00394459 31 v 01 reshape 0 001 @ 00394265 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "The new foreign minister reshaped the foreign policy of his country"
00394593 31 v 01 time 1 001 @ 00394265 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | set the speed, duration, or execution of
00394703 31 v 01 index 0 001 @ 00394265 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "The government indexes wages and prices"
00394807 31 v 02 pace 0 set_the_pace_of 0 001 @ 00394265 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | regulate the pace of
00394915 31 v 02 predetermine 0 determine_beforehand 0 003 @ 00394265 v 0000 ~ 00395058 v 0000 ~ 00395265 v 0000 03 + 11 00 + 26 00 + 29 00
00395058 31 v 03 predestine 0 foreordain 0 preordain 0 002 @ 00394915 v 0000 ~ 00395183 v 0000 03 + 11 00 + 26 00 + 29 00
00395183 31 v 02 jinx 0 foredoom_to_failure 0 001 @ 00395058 v 0000 01 + 10 00
00395265 31 v 03 predestine 1 predestinate 0 foreordain 1 001 @ 00394915 v 0000 03 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 26 00 | in theology
00395388 31 v 02 deliberate 0 cogitate 1 005 @ 00355285 v 0000 ~ 00395615 v 0000 ~ 00395913 v 0000 ~ 00396024 v 0000 ~ 00402391 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 29 00 | consider carefully and deeply; reflect upon; turn over in one's mind
00395615 31 v 01 see 8 001 @ 00395388 v 0000 01 + 29 00 | deliberate or decide; "See whether you can come tomorrow"
00395733 31 v 01 contemplate 2 002 @ 00414850 v 0000 ~ 00400707 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 33 00 | consider as a possibility; "I contemplated leaving school and taking a full-time job"
00395913 31 v 01 premeditate 0 001 @ 00395388 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | consider beforehand; "premeditated murder"
00396024 31 v 02 take_counsel 0 consult 0 001 @ 00395388 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | "The student should take counsel with himself"
00396150 31 v 03 brood 0 worry 0 dwell 0 003 @ 00355285 v 0000 ^ 01494159 v 0301 ^ 00408776 v 0202 03 + 22 00 + 02 02 + 02 01 | think moodily or anxiously about something
00396323 31 v 03 study 4 meditate 2 contemplate 0 001 @ 00354465 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | think intently and at length, as for spiritual purposes; "He is meditating in his study"
00396499 31 v 03 plan 0 think_up 0 devise 0 011 @ 00354465 v 0000 ~ 00380864 v 0000 ~ 00396793 v 0000 ~ 00397556 v 0000 ~ 00397798 v 0000 ~ 00398383 v 0000 ~ 00398543 v 0000 ~ 00399410 v 0000 ~ 00399858 v 0000 ~ 00400135 v 0000 ~ 00446918 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 33 00 | make plans for something
00396793 31 v 02 chart 0 plan_in_detail 0 001 @ 00396499 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00396871 31 v 05 plan 1 have_in_mind 0 be_after 0 have_as_a_purpose 0 have_as_a_goal 0 004 @ 00398655 v 0000 ~ 00354929 v 0000 ~ 00397213 v 0000 ~ 00397470 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 28 00 + 33 00 | have the will and intention to carry out some action; "He plans to be in graduate school next year"; "The rebels had planned turmoil and confusion"
00397213 31 v 03 aspire 0 aim 0 shoot_for 0 002 @ 00396871 v 0000 ~ 00397359 v 0000 02 + 28 00 + 08 03 | have an ambitious plan or a lofty goal
00397359 31 v 02 overshoot 0 aim_too_high 0 001 @ 00397213 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "The plan overshoots its aim"
00398655 31 v 03 intend 0 mean 0 think 6 004 @ 00399168 v 0000 ~ 00396871 v 0000 ~ 00399079 v 0000 ~ 00603324 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 28 00 | have in mind as a purpose; "I mean no harm"; "I only meant to help you"; "She didn't think to harm me"; "We thought to return early that night"
00398939 31 v 01 mean 5 001 @ 00399410 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | destine or designate for a certain purpose; "These flowers were meant for you"
00399168 31 v 02 will 0 wish 0 001 ~ 00398655 v 0000 02 + 28 00 + 32 01 | have in mind; "I will take the exam tomorrow"
00399290 31 v 01 want 1 001 @ 00424160 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | wish or demand the presence of; "I wnat you here at noon!"
00399410 31 v 04 intend 1 destine 0 designate 0 specify 0 006 @ 00396499 v 0000 ~ 00398939 v 0000 ~ 00399594 v 0000 ~ 00399751 v 0000 ~ 00401572 v 0000 ~ 00653349 v 0000 01 + 24 00
00399594 31 v 01 design 0 001 @ 00399410 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | design something for a specific role or purpose; "This room is not designed for work"
00399751 31 v 01 slate 0 001 @ 00399410 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 24 00 | choose someone for a job or function
00399858 31 v 05 mastermind 0 engineer 0 direct 0 organize 0 orchestrate 0 001 @ 00396499 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00399969 31 v 03 map 0 map_out 0 chart 1 001 @ 00400135 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00400046 31 v 03 plat 0 map 1 plot 1 001 @ 00400135 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make a plat of
00400135 31 v 01 lay_out 0 005 @ 00396499 v 0000 ~ 00399969 v 0000 ~ 00400046 v 0000 ~ 00400305 v 0000 ~ 00400489 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | provide a detailed plan or design
00400305 31 v 01 block_out 0 001 @ 00400135 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | plan where and when songs should be inserted into a theatrical production, or plan a theatrical production in general
00400489 31 v 01 loft 0 001 @ 00400135 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | lay out a full-scale working drawing of the lines of a vessel's hull
00400619 31 v 02 engineer 1 design_as_an_engineer 0 001 @ 00937922 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00400707 31 v 07 entertain 0 think_of 3 turn_to 0 toy_with 0 flirt_with 0 think_about 3 take_into_consideration 0 001 @ 00395733 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 33 00 | have in view
00400879 31 v 03 dally_with 0 trifle_with 0 play_with 0 001 @ 00414850 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 33 00 | consider not very seriously
00401008 31 v 06 calculate 3 estimate 1 reckon 3 count_on 1 figure 1 forecast 0 004 @ 00376571 v 0000 ^ 00401303 v 0301 ^ 00401407 v 0108 ~ 00408078 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | judge to be probable
00401572 31 v 03 calculate 2 aim 2 direct 1 001 @ 00399410 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | specifically design a product, event, or activity for a certain public
00401724 31 v 05 associate 0 tie_in 0 relate 0 link 0 connect 0 008 @ 00354465 v 0000 ! 00401995 v 0101 ^ 01464301 v 0102 ~ 00344078 v 0000 ~ 00402144 v 0000 ~ 00402276 v 0000 ~ 00412006 v 0000 ~ 01391507 v 0000 02 + 17 00 + 31 00 | make a logical or causal connection
00401995 31 v 01 dissociate 0 002 @ 00365740 v 0000 ! 00401724 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | regard as unconnected; "you must dissociate these thwo events!"
00402144 31 v 01 identify 3 001 @ 00401724 v 0000 02 + 17 00 + 31 00 | "Sex activity is closely identified with the hypothalamus"
00402276 31 v 02 free-associate 0 associate_freely 0 001 @ 00401724 v 0000 02 + 17 00 + 31 00 | in psychotherapy
00402391 31 v 02 debate 0 argue_with_oneself 0 001 @ 00395388 v 0000 01 + 29 00
00402474 31 v 04 conclude 1 find 0 come_to_a_conclusion_about 0 bring_to_a_close 0 002 @ 00211850 v 0000 ~ 00402619 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00402619 31 v 02 find a feel 0 001 @ 00402474 v 0000 01 + 26 00 | come to believe on the basis of emotion, intuitions, or indefinite grounds: "I feel that he doesn't like me"; "I find him to be obnoxious"
00403333 31 v 04 presuppose 0 require_as_an_antecedent 0 require_as_necessary 0 require_as_a_prior_condition 0 001 @ 00523832 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | in logic
00403490 31 v 04 presuppose 1 take_for_granted 0 take_as_given 0 suppose_beforehand 0 003 @ 00356058 v 0000 ~ 00403648 v 0000 ~ 00403799 v 0000 01 + 26 00
00403648 31 v 04 postulate 0 posit 0 assume_as_an_axiom 0 take_as_a_given 0 001 @ 00403490 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 26 00 | assume as a postulate
00403799 31 v 02 premise 0 premiss 0 001 @ 00403490 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | take something as preexisting
00403903 31 v 02 react 0 respond 0 010 @ 01341700 v 0000 ~ 00404196 v 0000 ~ 00404359 v 0000 ~ 00404515 v 0000 ~ 00404617 v 0000 ~ 00404768 v 0000 ~ 00404923 v 0000 ~ 00405092 v 0000 ~ 00405307 v 0000 ~ 00520333 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 12 00 + 22 00 | show a response or a reaction to something
00404196 31 v 01 answer 5 001 @ 00403903 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | react to a stimulus or command; "The steering of my new car answers to the slightest touch"
00404359 31 v 01 accept 8 001 @ 00403903 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | be sexually responsive to, used of a female demosticated mammal; "The cow accepted the bull"
00404515 31 v 01 stool 0 001 @ 00403903 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | as of wild birds to the lure of a stool
00404617 31 v 01 respond 1 001 @ 00403903 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | respond favorably or as hoped; "The cancer reponded to the aggressive therapy"
00404768 31 v 01 greet 0 001 @ 00403903 v 0000 04 + 05 00 + 17 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | react to in a certain way; "The President was greeted with catcalls"
00404923 31 v 01 explode 0 001 @ 00403903 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | show a violent emotional reaction; "The boss exploded when he heard of the resignation of the secretary"
00405092 31 v 01 accept 1 001 @ 00403903 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | react favorably to; consider right and proper; "People did not accept atonal music at that time"; "We accept the idea of universal health care"
00405307 31 v 01 answer 2 001 @ 00403903 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | respond to a signal; "answer the door," "answer the telephone"
00405433 31 v 02 expect 0 anticipate 0 005 @ 00376571 v 0000 ~ 00355753 v 0000 ~ 00356058 v 0000 ~ 00356375 v 0000 ~ 00406425 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 26 00 + 28 00 | regard something as probable or likely
00405636 31 v 06 expect 1 look 0 await 0 wait_for 0 wait 0 look_forward_to 0 003 ~ 00405905 v 0000 ~ 00443608 v 0000 ~ 01027491 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 24 00 + 28 02 | expect or hope for; anticipate; "I look to hear from you soon"; "She is expecting a promotion"
00405905 31 v 02 look_to 1 look_towards 0 001 @ 00405636 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 11 00 | turn one's interests or expectations towards; "look to the future"; "this method looks to significant wavings"
00406218 31 v 02 divine 0 discover_intuitively 0 001 @ 00355753 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00
00406311 31 v 01 tell 0 001 @ 00357850 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 26 00 | "He could tell that she was unhappy"
00406425 31 v 02 believe 3 trust 2 001 @ 00405433 v 0000 01 + 26 00 | be confident about something
00406526 31 v 03 ascertain 1 learn_with_certainty 0 discover_with_certainty 0 002 @ 00335919 v 0000 ~ 00407037 v 0000 01 + 26 00
00406658 31 v 02 discover 0 find 9 004 @ 00335919 v 0000 ^ 00335919 v 0206 ~ 00406902 v 0000 ~ 00407168 v 0000 01 + 26 00 | make a discovery; "She discovered his less appealing characteristics"; "The story is false, so far as I can discover"
00406902 31 v 02 rake_up 0 bring_to_light 0 001 @ 00406658 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | "He raked up the misdeeds of his predecessor"
00407168 31 v 01 ferret_out 0 001 @ 00406658 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | discover through persistent investigation
00407285 31 v 06 concentrate 0 focus 0 center 0 centre 0 pore 0 rivet 0 007 @ 00354465 v 0000 ^ 01229050 v 0501 ^ 01513437 v 0105 ~ 00337262 v 0000 ~ 00407545 v 0000 ~ 00407802 v 0000 ~ 01238826 v 0000 02 + 13 00 + 02 01 | focus one's attention on something
00407545 31 v 01 think 9 001 @ 00407285 v 0000 01 + 07 00 | focus one's attention on a certain state; "Think big"; "think thin"
00407675 31 v 01 think_of 4 001 @ 00379073 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | choose in one's mind; "Think of any integer between 1 and 25"
00407802 31 v 02 be_engrossed_in 0 be_immured_in 0 001 @ 00407285 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00407889 31 v 02 detect 0 determine_the_existence_of 0 001 @ 00393722 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00407980 31 v 02 occur 0 suggest_itself 0 001 @ 01484012 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | come to one's mind
00408078 31 v 04 allow 0 allow_for 0 count_in 0 take_into_account 0 002 @ 00401008 v 0000 ~ 00408317 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 24 00 | allow for a certain possibility; concede the truth or validity of something; "I allow for this possibility"
00408317 31 v 02 budget_for 0 provide_for_in_a_budget 0 001 @ 00408078 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | calculate enough money for
00408445 31 v 02 budget 0 make_a_budget 0 002 @ 00358556 v 0000 ^ 00408317 v 0101 01 + 02 00
00408541 31 v 05 allow 1 appropriate 0 earmark 0 set_aside 0 reserve 0 001 @ 01270072 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 15 00 | give or assign a share of money or time to a particular person or cause; "I will earmark this money for your research"
00408776 31 v 02 mind 2 worry_about 0 002 @ 00415100 v 0000 ~ 01006669 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | be concerned with or about something or somebody
00408926 31 v 06 beware 0 mind 3 beware_of 0 be_cautious_about 0 be_wary_about 0 be_alert_to 0 001 @ 01228197 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 02 01 | be on one's guard
00409084 31 v 03 amaze 0 astonish 0 astound 0 001 @ 00409194 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | cause to be amazed
00409194 31 v 03 surprise 0 take_unawares 0 take_by_surprise 0 004 ~ 00409084 v 0000 ~ 00409378 v 0000 ~ 00409552 v 0000 ~ 01030386 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | cause to be surprised
00409378 31 v 01 catch 1 001 @ 00409194 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | catch somebody doing something or in a certain state: She caught her son eating candy/without his school books
00409552 31 v 04 flabbergast 0 boggle 0 bowl_over 0 overcome_with_amazement 0 001 @ 00409194 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | "This boggles the mind!"
00409700 31 v 04 impute 0 ascribe 0 assign 2 attribute 0 010 @ 00376571 v 0000 ~ 00410010 v 0000 ~ 00410123 v 0000 ~ 00410267 v 0000 ~ 00410386 v 0000 ~ 00410495 v 0000 ~ 00410659 v 0000 ~ 00410754 v 0000 ~ 00411724 v 0000 ~ 00411845 v 0000 02 + 15 00 + 21 00 | "We attributed this quotation to Shakespeare"
00410010 31 v 02 sensualize 0 carnalize 0 001 @ 00409700 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | ascribe to an origin in sensation
00410123 31 v 01 credit 1 001 @ 00409700 v 0000 02 + 15 00 + 17 00 | give someone credit for something; "We credited her for saving our jobs"
00410267 31 v 02 re-attribute 0 reattribute 0 001 @ 00409700 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 15 00 | attribute to another source
00410386 31 v 01 anthropomorphize 0 001 @ 00409700 v 0000 01 + 15 00 | ascribe human features to something
00410495 31 v 02 personify 0 personate 0 001 @ 00409700 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | attribute human qualities to something; "The Greeks personated their gods ridiculous"
00410659 31 v 02 accredit 0 credit_with 0 001 @ 00409700 v 0000 01 + 14 00 | give credit for
00410754 31 v 02 blame 0 attribute_responsibility_to 0 001 @ 00409700 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00410845 31 v 01 register 0 001 @ 00012787 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | enter into someone's consciousness
00410945 31 v 03 impress 0 ingrain 0 instill 0 001 @ 01007544 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | make a deep and indelible impression on someone
00411077 31 v 04 recognize 1 realize 1 agnize 0 agnise 0 001 @ 00333362 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | be fully aware or cognizant of
00411211 31 v 02 elicit 0 derive_by_reason 0 001 @ 00358233 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00
00411300 31 v 03 penetrate 0 fathom 0 bottom 0 001 @ 00330150 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 26 00 | come to understand
00411419 31 v 02 trace 0 follow 0 001 @ 00362566 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | follow, discover, or ascertain the course of development of something
00411560 31 v 02 wonder 0 inquire 0 001 @ 00440765 v 0000 01 + 29 00 | have a wish or desire to know something; "He wondered who had built this beautiful church"
00411724 31 v 02 project 1 externalize 0 001 @ 00409700 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | regard as objective; in psychology
00411845 31 v 04 internalize 0 internalise 0 interiorize 0 interiorise 0 001 @ 00409700 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | incorporate within oneself; in psychology
00412006 31 v 03 think_of 2 have_in_mind 1 mean 1 002 @ 00401724 v 0000 ~ 00578336 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | "I'm thinking of good food when I talk about France"; "Yes, I meant you when I complained about people who gossip!"
00412235 31 v 03 demarcate 0 delimit 0 delimitate 0 001 @ 00142209 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | set, mark, or draw the boundaries of something
00412379 31 v 02 demarcate 1 separate_clearly 0 001 @ 00365740 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | separate, as if byboundaries
00412501 31 v 01 plumb 0 001 @ 00287933 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | measure the depth of something
00412594 31 v 02 draw 0 make 0 001 @ 00934308 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make, formulate, or derive in the mind; "I draw a line here"; "draw a conclusion"; "draw parallels"; "make an estimate"; "What do you make of his remarks?"
00412818 31 v 01 capitalize 0 001 @ 00388394 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | consider funds as capital assets rather than as an expenditures
00412949 31 v 01 capitalize 1 002 @ 00358556 v 0000 ~ 00413087 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | compute the present value of a business or an income
00413087 31 v 01 overcapitalize 1 001 @ 00412949 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | estimate the capital value of (a company) at an unreasonably or unlawfully high level
00413244 31 v 02 find_out 1 catch_out 0 001 @ 01229613 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | "He was caught out"
00413341 31 v 02 concenter 0 focus 1 001 @ 00275430 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of ideas or emotions
00413436 31 v 03 give 2 pay 0 devote 0 001 @ 00354465 v 0000 02 + 15 00 + 21 00 | as in the expressions "give thought to"; "give priority to", etc.
00413586 31 v 03 resign 0 reconcile 0 submit 0 001 @ 00385232 v 0000 02 + 20 00 + 20 03 | "He resigned himself to his fate"
00413712 31 v 03 observe 0 keep 0 maintain 0 000 01 + 08 00 | observe correctly: keep time, keep count, keep track of, etc.
00413838 31 v 01 discountenance 0 001 @ 00378798 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | show disapproval by discouraging
00413942 31 v 02 resolve 3 solve 1 002 @ 00358556 v 0000 ~ 00414063 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | solve an equation, for example
00414063 31 v 02 factorize 0 factorise 0 001 @ 00413942 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | resolve into factors, as of a polynomial
00414182 31 v 02 rehash 0 hash_over 0 001 @ 00392164 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | go over once again
00414284 31 v 01 misgive 0 001 @ 01006059 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | suggest fear or doubt: "Her heart misgave her that she had acted inexcusably"
00414426 31 v 02 align 0 array 0 002 @ 00377028 v 0000 ~ 00414561 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | align onself with a group or a way of thinking
00414561 31 v 01 fall_in_line_with 0 001 @ 00414426 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | agree on a position, or example
00414691 31 v 01 believe_in 1 001 @ 00383610 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 33 00 | have a firm conviction as to the goodness of something; "John believes in oat bran"
00414850 31 v 04 consider 1 take 3 deal_with 0 look_at 0 005 @ 00415100 v 0000 ~ 00395733 v 0000 ~ 00400879 v 0000 ~ 00415339 v 0000 ~ 01027633 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | consider, as of an example; "Take the case of China"; "Consider the following case"
00415100 31 v 01 think_about 5 003 @ 00354465 v 0000 ~ 00408776 v 0000 ~ 00414850 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | have on one's mind, think about actively; "I'm thinking about my friends abroad"; "She always thinks about her children first"
00415339 31 v 01 abstract 1 001 @ 00414850 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | consider apart from a particular case or instance; "Let's abstract away from this particular example"
00415506 31 v 02 plant 0 implant 0 001 @ 00417813 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | implant in the mind; "Plant a thought in the students' minds"
00415640 31 v 01 date 1 003 @ 01323715 v 0000 ~ 00415761 v 0000 ~ 00415921 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | provide with a dateline
00415761 31 v 02 dateline 0 datemark 0 001 @ 00415640 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | mark with a date, and often with a place, to, as of a newspaper article or a letter
00415921 31 v 02 date 2 date_stamp 0 002 @ 00415640 v 0000 @ 00728285 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | stamp with a date, as of a postmark
00416049 31 v 04 arrange 0 set_up 0 put 0 order 1 001 ~ 00416278 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | arrange thoughts, ideas, temporal events, etc.; "arrange my schedule;" "set up one's life"; "I put these memories with those of bygone times"
00416278 31 v 02 synchronize 0 contemporize 0 001 @ 00416049 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | arrange or represent events so that they co-occur; "synchronize bibliocal events"
00416443 31 v 01 awaken 0 000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | make aware; "They were awakened to the sad facts"
00416546 31 v 01 analyze 4 000 01 + 08 00 | break down into components or essential features; "analyze today's financial market"
00416677 31 v 01 hold 4 001 @ 01028828 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | hold the attention of; "The soprano held the audience"
00416793 32 v 04 communicate 0 intercommunicate 0 transmit_thoughts 0 transmit_feelings 0 036 @ 01346535 v 0000 ~ 00022396 v 0000 ~ 00417626 v 0000 ~ 00417732 v 0000 ~ 00418192 v 0000 ~ 00418339 v 0000 ~ 00422854 v 0000 ~ 00427162 v 0000 ~ 00440329 v 0000 ~ 00443742 v 0000 ~ 00467082 v 0000 ~ 00478704 v 0000 ~ 00504385 v 0000 ~ 00504759 v 0000 ~ 00505187 v 0000 ~ 00522332 v 0000 ~ 00530290 v 0000 ~ 00542186 v 0000 ~ 00543116 v 0000 ~ 00559482 v 0000 ~ 00559799 v 0000 ~ 00559904 v 0000 ~ 00568461 v 0000 ~ 00583238 v 0000 ~ 00583734 v 0000 ~ 00587507 v 0000 ~ 00587909 v 0000 ~ 00590244 v 0000 ~ 00600596 v 0000 ~ 00600754 v 0000 ~ 00600945 v 0000 ~ 00601152 v 0000 ~ 00602661 v 0000 ~ 00602924 v 0000 ~ 00603223 v 0000 ~ 00604794 v 0000 04 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 15 00 + 26 00 | "He communicated his anxieties to the psychiatrist"
00417626 32 v 03 aphorize 0 speak_in_aphorisms 0 write_in_aphorisms 0 001 @ 00416793 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00417732 32 v 02 riddle 0 speak_in_riddles 0 001 @ 00416793 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00417813 32 v 05 communicate 1 make_known 2 pass_on 0 pass 1 put_across 0 006 @ 01271735 v 0000 ~ 00415506 v 0000 ~ 00418081 v 0000 ~ 00423379 v 0000 ~ 00601990 v 0000 ~ 01223918 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 15 00 + 26 00 | "Please communicate this message to all employees"
00418081 32 v 01 relay 0 001 @ 00417813 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 15 00 | "Please relay the news to the villagers"
00418192 32 v 03 project 0 communicate_forcefully 0 communicate_vividly 0 001 @ 00416793 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | "He projected his feelings"
00418339 32 v 04 reach 0 get_through 0 get_hold_of 0 contact 0 001 @ 00416793 v 0000 03 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 02 02 | be in communication with, establish communication with; "Our advertisements reach millions"
00418547 32 v 02 reach_out 0 attempt_to_communicate 0 002 @ 01346535 v 0000 ~ 00418663 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00
00418663 32 v 02 draw_out 0 cause_to_speak 0 001 @ 00418547 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | "Can you draw her out--she is always so quiet."
00418793 32 v 01 twang 0 001 @ 00551959 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | pronounce with a nasal twang
00418884 32 v 01 troll 2 001 @ 00530290 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | speak or recite rapidly or in a rolling voice
00419000 32 v 02 socialize 0 be_social 0 001 @ 01346535 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | "The old man hates to socialize"
00419119 32 v 01 order 0 004 @ 00422854 v 0000 ~ 00419267 v 0000 ~ 00508294 v 0000 ~ 01404381 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 16 00 | "Order me some flowers"
00419267 32 v 01 place 1 001 @ 00419119 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "place a phone call"; "place a bet"
00419365 32 v 01 ordain 0 004 @ 00580641 v 0000 ~ 00419489 v 0000 ~ 00419563 v 0000 ~ 00419658 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00
00419489 32 v 01 predestine 0 001 @ 00419365 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00
00419563 32 v 01 will 0 001 @ 00419365 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | "God wills our existence"
00419658 32 v 04 destine 0 fate 0 doom 1 designate 1 001 @ 00419365 v 0000 01 + 24 00 | "She was destined to become a great pianist"
00419793 32 v 04 order 1 tell 2 enjoin 0 say 4 005 @ 00422854 v 0000 ~ 00420978 v 0000 ~ 00421459 v 0000 ~ 00422330 v 0000 ~ 00444911 v 0000 02 + 24 00 + 26 00 | tell somebody to do something; "I said to him to go home"; "She ordered him to do the shopping"
00420053 32 v 03 order 2 prescribe 0 dictate 0 001 @ 00420669 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 27 03
00420144 32 v 02 force 0 thrust 0 003 ^ 01316471 v 0000 @ 01419159 v 0000 ~ 00420526 v 0000 03 + 19 00 + 24 00 + 30 00 | "She forced her diet fads on him"
00420301 32 v 02 intrude 0 obtrude 0 001 @ 00420669 v 0000 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | "The colors don't intrude on the viewer"
00420424 32 v 03 clamp 0 impose_forcefully 0 inflict_forcefully 0 001 @ 00420669 v 0000 01 + 19 00
00420526 32 v 02 stick 0 sting 0 001 @ 00420144 v 0000 01 + 17 00 | "They stuck me with the dinner bill"; "I was stung with a huge tax bill"
00420669 32 v 05 inflict 0 bring_down 0 visit 1 impose 0 cause_to_be_endured 0 004 ~ 00420053 v 0000 ~ 00420301 v 0000 ~ 00420424 v 0000 ~ 00420917 v 0000 01 + 19 00 | impose something unpleasant: "The principal visited his rage on the students"
00420917 32 v 01 foist 0 001 @ 00420669 v 0000 01 + 19 00
00420978 32 v 02 direct 0 command_with_authority 0 001 @ 00419793 v 0000 01 + 24 00 | "He directed the children to do their homework"
00421114 32 v 03 direct 1 give_directions_to 0 point 7 002 @ 00466718 v 0000 ~ 00421313 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 20 00 | point somebody into a certain direction; "I directed them towards the town hall"
00421313 32 v 02 point_the_way 0 show_the_way 0 001 @ 00421114 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | "The sign pointed the way to London"
00421459 32 v 03 instruct 1 give_instructions 0 give_instruction 0 001 @ 00419793 v 0000 01 + 24 00 | "She instructed the students to work on their pronounciation"
00421625 32 v 03 charge 1 saddle 0 burden 0 005 @ 00422330 v 0000 ~ 00421833 v 0000 ~ 00421952 v 0000 ~ 00422107 v 0000 ~ 00424471 v 0000 02 + 17 00 + 24 01 | impose a task upon, assign a responsibility to
00421833 32 v 01 overburden 0 001 @ 00421625 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 17 00 | burden with too much work or responsibility
00421952 32 v 03 bear_down_on 1 bear_down_upon 2 be_hard_on 0 001 @ 00421625 v 0000 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | "This tax bears down on the lower middle class"
00422107 32 v 03 overwhelm 0 deluge 0 flood_out 0 001 @ 00421625 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 17 00 | charge someone with too many tasks
00422237 32 v 02 mandate 0 assign_authority_to 0 001 @ 01353541 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 15 01
00422330 32 v 03 command 0 require 0 compel 0 004 @ 00419793 v 0000 ~ 00421625 v 0000 ~ 00423782 v 0000 ~ 00447425 v 0000 01 + 24 00 | make someone do something
00422493 32 v 01 featherbed 0 001 @ 01363867 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | hire more workers than are necessary
00422605 32 v 02 command 1 be_in_command_of 0 002 @ 01437771 v 0000 ~ 00422750 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | "The general commanded a huge army"
00422750 32 v 01 officer 0 001 @ 00422605 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | direct or command as an officer
00422854 32 v 02 request 0 ask 1 022 @ 00416793 v 0000 ^ 00844742 v 0202 ^ 00423379 v 0205 ^ 01350411 v 0202 ^ 01350411 v 0203 ^ 01407792 v 0201 ~ 00419119 v 0000 ~ 00419793 v 0000 ~ 00429696 v 0000 ~ 00446000 v 0000 ~ 00447243 v 0000 ~ 00493193 v 0000 ~ 00493999 v 0000 ~ 00502814 v 0000 ~ 00574865 v 0000 ~ 00603042 v 0000 ~ 00844742 v 0000 ~ 01292994 v 0000 ~ 01294510 v 0000 ~ 01350411 v 0000 ~ 01375263 v 0000 ~ 01407792 v 0000 04 + 16 00 + 24 00 + 26 00 + 28 02 | make a request or demand; "She asked him for a loan"
00423379 32 v 07 make_a_request 0 request 1 bespeak 0 call_for 4 ask_for 0 quest 1 make_a_request_for 0 008 @ 00417813 v 0000 ~ 00423683 v 0000 ~ 00423996 v 0000 ~ 00424160 v 0000 ~ 00424552 v 0000 ~ 00439174 v 0000 ~ 00454714 v 0000 ~ 01040923 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 02 01 | express the need for
00423683 32 v 01 encore 0 001 @ 00423379 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | request an encore, from a performer
00423782 32 v 02 requisition 0 request_formally 0 001 @ 00422330 v 0000 01 + 24 00 | for official services
00423891 32 v 01 page 0 001 @ 00589088 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | call out somebody's name over a P.A. system
00423996 32 v 03 petition 0 request_in_writing 0 request_formally 1 001 @ 00423379 v 0000 03 + 09 00 + 24 00 + 26 00 | write a petition for something to somebody
00424160 32 v 02 demand 0 postulate 1 005 @ 00423379 v 0000 ~ 00399290 v 0000 ~ 00424355 v 0000 ~ 00424703 v 0000 ~ 00474005 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 24 00 + 26 00 | request urgently and forcefully
00424355 32 v 02 push_for 0 press_for 0 001 @ 00424160 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "The liberal party pushed for reforms"
00424471 32 v 02 adjure 0 command_solemnly 0 001 @ 00421625 v 0000 01 + 24 00
00424552 32 v 02 appeal 0 request_earnestly 0 003 @ 00423379 v 0000 ~ 00426737 v 0000 ~ 00446525 v 0000 01 + 12 00 | appeal to somebody, as for help
00424703 32 v 03 aks 5 require 1 expect 0 001 @ 00424160 v 0000 02 + 16 00 + 24 00 | request and expect; "We require our secretary to be on time"; "Aren't we asking too much of these children?"
00424899 32 v 04 claim 1 take 0 call_for 1 exact 1 001 @ 01486168 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | take as an undesirable consequence of some event or state of affairs; "the accident claimed three lives"; "The hard work took its toll on her"
00425154 32 v 05 claim 0 assert_strongly 0 contend 2 affirm_strongly 0 postulate 0 005 @ 00571171 v 0000 ! 00425551 v 0101 ~ 00425437 v 0000 ~ 00460945 v 0000 ~ 00473360 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | "He claimed that he killed the burglar; he claimed responsibility for killing him"
00425437 32 v 01 purport 0 001 @ 00425154 v 0000 01 + 28 00 | "The letter purports to express people's opinion"
00425551 32 v 02 disclaim 0 make_a_disclaimer_about 0 002 @ 00459335 v 0000 ! 00425154 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "He disclaimed any responsibility"
00425703 32 v 02 renounce 0 repudiate 0 006 @ 00384834 v 0000 ~ 00425906 v 0000 ~ 00449236 v 0000 ~ 00449385 v 0000 ~ 00458306 v 0000 ~ 00459503 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | "She renounced her husband"
00425906 32 v 03 apostatize 0 apostatise 0 tergiversate 0 001 @ 00425703 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | abandon one's beliefs or allegiances
00426038 32 v 01 abnegate 0 001 @ 00459503 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | "They abnegated their gods"
00426139 32 v 02 disclaim 1 renounce_title_to 0 002 @ 01269274 v 0000 ! 00426241 v 0101 01 + 08 00
00426241 32 v 03 claim 3 lay_claim_to 0 make_a_claim_to 1 002 @ 00570811 v 0000 ! 00426139 v 0101 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 11 00 | as of an idea
00426384 32 v 02 crave 0 plead_for 0 001 @ 00426559 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | ask for earnestly
00426476 32 v 02 supplicate 0 ask_humbly_for 0 001 @ 00426559 v 0000 01 + 09 00
00426559 32 v 03 beg 0 implore 0 pray 1 005 @ 00426737 v 0000 ^ 00502814 v 0102 ~ 00426384 v 0000 ~ 00426476 v 0000 ~ 00436672 v 0000 02 + 22 00 + 24 00 | "I beg you to stop!"
00426737 32 v 02 plead 0 appeal_earnestly 0 004 @ 00424552 v 0000 ^ 00426384 v 0102 ~ 00426559 v 0000 ~ 00426901 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | "I pleaded with him to stop"
00426901 32 v 05 bid 2 beseech 0 entreat 0 adjure 1 press 1 001 @ 00426737 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 24 00 | "The prophet bid all people to become good persons"
00427058 32 v 02 pray 0 address_God 0 001 @ 00427162 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 26 00 + 27 00 | say a prayer
00427162 32 v 02 commune_with 0 communicate_intimately_with 0 002 @ 00416793 v 0000 ~ 00427058 v 0000 01 + 09 00
00427278 32 v 04 commune 1 communicate 7 receive_Communion 0 partake_of_Communion 0 001 @ 00583013 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | in church
00427409 32 v 02 plead 1 enter_a_plea 0 001 @ 00461407 v 0000 01 + 07 00 | in courts of law; "She pleaded not guilty"
00427529 32 v 01 profess 3 001 @ 00461407 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | confess one's faith in, or allegiance to; "The terrorists professed allegiance to the Muslim faith"
00427701 32 v 04 intercede 0 mediate 0 liaise 0 arbitrate 0 001 @ 00428057 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | "He interceded in the family dispute"
00427844 32 v 02 mediate 1 arbitrate 1 001 @ 00428728 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | settle a dispute; "He mediated a settlement"
00427965 32 v 01 concert 0 001 @ 00428728 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "concert one's differences"
00428057 32 v 05 negociate 0 negotiate 0 talk_terms 0 confer_on 0 discuss_the_terms_of 0 006 @ 00457891 v 0000 ~ 00427701 v 0000 ~ 00428301 v 0000 ~ 00428403 v 0000 ~ 01286057 v 0000 ~ 01287187 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "They negociated the terms"
00428301 32 v 01 horse-trade 0 001 @ 00428057 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | negociate with much give and take
00428403 32 v 01 parley 0 002 @ 00428057 v 0000 ~ 00428589 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | discuss, as between enemies
00428512 32 v 01 powwow 0 001 @ 00457891 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | hold a powwow
00428589 32 v 01 palaver 0 001 @ 00428403 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | have a lengthy discussion, usually between people of different backgrounds
00428728 32 v 06 settle 0 square_off 0 square_up 0 settle_upon 0 settle_conclusively 0 determine 5 004 @ 00576620 v 0000 ~ 00427844 v 0000 ~ 00427965 v 0000 ~ 00585338 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | as of an argument
00428936 32 v 01 close 5 001 @ 00213455 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | successfully complete a business deal or an agreement; "We closed on the house on Friday"; "They closed the deal on the building"
00429136 32 v 02 settle 1 end_a_legal_dispute 0 001 @ 00452960 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | arrive at a settlement
00429252 32 v 01 agree 1 001 @ 00448521 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 28 00 | consent or assent to a condition, or agree do something: "She agreed to all my cnditions"; "He agreed to leave her alone"
00429444 32 v 05 reconcile 0 patch_up 0 make_up 0 conciliate 0 settle 2 003 @ 00452960 v 0000 ~ 00429603 v 0000 ~ 00617250 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | come to terms
00429603 32 v 02 propitiate 0 appease 0 001 @ 00429444 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | make peace with
00429696 32 v 01 apply 0 001 @ 00422854 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 22 00 + 27 00 | apply for something; "He applied for a leave of absence"
00429831 32 v 03 urge 0 press 0 exhort 0 005 @ 00490938 v 0000 ^ 00424355 v 0202 ^ 00481694 v 0104 ~ 00430017 v 0000 ~ 00465042 v 0000 01 + 24 00 | "I urged him to finish his studies"
00430017 32 v 03 push 1 bear_on 0 bear_upon 0 001 @ 00429831 v 0000 06 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 + 24 00 + 02 01 | "He pushed her to finish her doctorate"
00430180 32 v 01 persuade 0 016 @ 00432532 v 0000 ! 00432374 v 0101 ~ 00430552 v 0000 ~ 00430622 v 0000 ~ 00430830 v 0000 ~ 00431288 v 0000 ~ 00431406 v 0000 ~ 00431531 v 0000 ~ 00431926 v 0000 ~ 00432245 v 0000 ~ 00435835 v 0000 ~ 00436545 v 0000 ~ 00439714 v 0000 ~ 00440206 v 0000 ~ 00585152 v 0000 ~ 00821154 v 0000 03 + 30 00 + 09 01 + 24 01 | twist somebody's arm
00430552 32 v 01 badger 0 001 @ 00430180 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 24 00
00430622 32 v 01 sell 0 001 @ 00430180 v 0000 03 + 11 00 + 14 00 + 15 00 | persuade somebody to accept something; "The French try to sell us their image as great lovers"; "These ads will sell our product!"
00430830 32 v 01 chat_up 1 001 @ 00430180 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | talk to someone with the aim of persuading him
00430941 32 v 01 blaze_away_at 0 001 @ 00557762 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | "He blazed away at his opponents in the Senate"
00431059 32 v 01 keynote 0 001 @ 00557762 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | give the keynote address to (an audience)
00431165 32 v 01 talk_out_of 0 002 @ 00432374 v 0000 ! 00431288 v 0101 01 + 30 00 | persuade someone not to do something
00431288 32 v 01 talk_into 0 002 @ 00430180 v 0000 ! 00431165 v 0101 01 + 30 00 | persuade somebody to do something
00431406 32 v 02 rope_in 0 pull_in 0 001 @ 00430180 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 24 00 | "The agent had roped in several customers"
00431531 32 v 07 wheedle 0 cajole 0 palaver 1 blarney 0 coax 0 sweet-talk 0 inveigle 0 003 @ 00430180 v 0000 ~ 00431825 v 0000 ~ 00585248 v 0000 01 + 30 00 | "He palavered her into going along"
00431727 32 v 01 soft-soap 0 001 @ 00494234 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | use flattering talk on somebody
00431825 32 v 01 soaft-soap 1 001 @ 00431531 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | persuade someone through flattery
00431926 32 v 04 convert 0 win_over 0 convince 0 turn 0 003 @ 00430180 v 0000 ~ 00340684 v 0000 ~ 00432133 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | "He had finally convinced several customers of the advantages of his product"
00432133 32 v 02 proselytize 0 convert_to_another_faith 0 002 * 00465042 v 0000 @ 00431926 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00432245 32 v 02 brainwash 0 persuade_completely 0 001 @ 00430180 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | "The propaganda brainwashed many people"
00432374 32 v 02 dissuade 0 deter 0 003 @ 00489752 v 0000 ! 00430180 v 0101 ~ 00431165 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | "Negative campaigning will only dissuade people"
00432532 32 v 06 induce 0 stimulate 1 cause 0 have 0 get 0 make 0 008 ~ 00393467 v 0000 ~ 00430180 v 0000 ~ 00432958 v 0000 ~ 00433082 v 0000 ~ 00433188 v 0000 ~ 00433283 v 0000 ~ 00433384 v 0000 ~ 01419159 v 0000 05 + 25 00 + 24 05 + 24 03 + 24 02 + 24 01 | cause to do; cause to act in a specified manner: "The ads induced me to buy a VCR"; "My children finally got me to buy a computer"; "My wife made me buy a new sofa"
00432958 32 v 01 encourage 0 001 @ 00432532 v 0000 01 + 24 00 | "His financial success encouraged him to look for a wife"
00433082 32 v 01 let 0 001 @ 00432532 v 0000 01 + 25 00 | "I let it be known that I was not interested"
00433188 32 v 01 drive 0 001 @ 00432532 v 0000 01 + 24 00 | "He drove me to divorce my wife"
00433283 32 v 01 lead 0 001 @ 00432532 v 0000 01 + 24 00 | "Her greed led her to forge the checks"
00433384 32 v 03 prompt 0 inspire 0 instigate 1 001 @ 00432532 v 0000 01 + 24 00 | "She prompted me to call my relatives"
00433508 32 v 02 argue 2 reason 0 004 @ 00433992 v 0000 ~ 00433663 v 0000 ~ 00434146 v 0000 ~ 00503307 v 0000 01 + 26 00 | present reasons and arguments
00433663 32 v 01 re-argue 0 001 @ 00433508 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | argue again: "This politician will be forced into re-arguing an old national campaign"
00433815 32 v 03 argue 1 argue_for 0 indicate 2 001 @ 00433992 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "The evidence argues for your claim"; "The results indicate the need for more work"
00433992 32 v 02 present 0 lay_out 0 003 @ 00569629 v 0000 ~ 00433508 v 0000 ~ 00433815 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 15 00 | "We presented the arguments to him"
00434146 32 v 02 expostulate 0 discuss 2 001 @ 00433508 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 26 00
00434231 32 v 04 argue 0 contend 1 debate 1 fence 0 007 @ 00543974 v 0000 * 00452614 v 0000 ~ 00434477 v 0000 ~ 00434580 v 0000 ~ 00434665 v 0000 ~ 00435122 v 0000 ~ 00435454 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 22 00 | have an argument about something
00434477 32 v 03 stickle 0 dispute_stubbornly 0 argue_stubbornly 0 001 @ 00434231 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00434580 32 v 02 spar 0 fight_verbally 0 001 @ 00434231 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00
00434665 32 v 06 quibble 0 niggle 0 pettifog 0 bicker 0 squabble 0 brabble 0 001 @ 00434231 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | argue over petty things
00435122 32 v 05 quarrel 0 dispute 1 argufy 0 altercate 0 have_a_quarrel 0 005 @ 00434231 v 0000 ~ 00434811 v 0000 ~ 00434909 v 0000 ~ 00435006 v 0000 ~ 00435313 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00
00435313 32 v 02 fall_out 0 have_a_falling-out 0 001 @ 00435122 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | "We had a falling-out over a trivial question"
00435454 32 v 03 oppose 1 express_opposition_to 0 be_against 0 002 @ 00434231 v 0000 ~ 00488194 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | "We oppose the ban on abortion"
00435612 32 v 03 oppose 0 controvert 0 contradict 1 003 @ 00458306 v 0000 ~ 01400386 v 0000 ~ 01427604 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00435736 32 v 02 convince 1 assure 1 002 * 00430180 v 0000 ~ 00575681 v 0000 02 + 18 00 + 24 00
00435835 32 v 03 charm 0 influence 0 tempt 0 002 @ 00430180 v 0000 ~ 00436391 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 30 00 | "She charmed him into giving her all his money"
00435991 32 v 01 gibber 1 001 @ 00554586 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | of monkeys
00436073 32 v 06 hex 0 bewitch 1 glamour 0 witch 0 enchant 1 jinx 2 003 @ 01462788 v 0000 ~ 00436296 v 0000 ~ 00603765 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | cast a spell over someone or something; put a hex on someone or something
00436296 32 v 01 voodoo 0 001 @ 00436073 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | bewitch by or as if by a voodoo
00436391 32 v 04 magnetize 0 mesmerize 0 bewitch 0 spellbind 0 001 @ 00435835 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | "She magnetized the audience with her tricks"
00436545 32 v 02 prevail_upon 0 prevail_on 0 001 @ 00430180 v 0000 01 + 24 00 | "He prevailed upon her to visit his parents"
00436672 32 v 03 importune 0 beg_persistently 0 insist 3 001 @ 00426559 v 0000 01 + 09 00
00436765 32 v 04 interrupt 0 disrupt 0 break_up 0 cut_off 0 011 @ 00218979 v 0000 ~ 00175955 v 0000 ~ 00220148 v 0000 ~ 00437128 v 0000 ~ 00437278 v 0000 ~ 00437968 v 0000 ~ 00438127 v 0000 ~ 00510850 v 0000 ~ 00514811 v 0000 ~ 00598955 v 0000 ~ 01365190 v 0000 05 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | "We interrupt the program for the following messages"
00437128 32 v 02 put_away 0 turn_away_from 0 001 @ 00436765 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | put aside, perhaps temporarily; "She turned away from her painting"
00437278 32 v 05 pause 1 leave_off 0 intermit 0 break 4 take_a_break 0 004 @ 00436765 v 0000 ~ 00437478 v 0000 ~ 00437688 v 0000 ~ 00437829 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | "We pause for station identification"
00437587 32 v 01 rest 1 001 ^ 00437478 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | give a rest to; "He rested his bad leg"
00437688 32 v 02 take_five 0 take_a_five_minute_break 0 001 @ 00437278 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | as of musicians during a rehearsal, for example
00437829 32 v 02 take_ten 0 take_a_ten_minute_break 0 001 @ 00437278 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | as of musicians during a rehearsal, for example
00437968 32 v 06 chime_in 0 cut_in 0 put_in 0 butt_in 0 barge_in 0 break_in 0 002 @ 00436765 v 0000 ~ 00305889 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | break into a conversation
00438127 32 v 02 burst_in_on 0 burst_upon 0 001 @ 00436765 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "He burst upon our conversation"
00438241 32 v 04 digress 0 stray 0 divagate 0 wander 0 001 @ 00536218 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | "She always digresses when telling a story"
00438385 32 v 04 continue 0 go_on 0 carry_on 0 proceed 0 003 @ 00542186 v 0000 ~ 00438710 v 0000 ~ 01516713 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 28 00 + 33 00 | "I know it's hard," he continued, "but there is no choice."
00438591 32 v 02 go_ahead 0 plow_ahead 0 001 @ 01341700 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | "He went ahead with the project"
00438710 32 v 01 segue 0 001 @ 00438385 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 22 00 | proceed without interruption; in music or talk; "He segued into another discourse"
00438871 32 v 04 solicit 1 attempt_to_seduce 0 accost 0 try_to_seduce 0 001 @ 00439025 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | offer one's body for sex in return for money
00439025 32 v 02 offer 0 make_an_offer 0 002 @ 00490938 v 0000 ~ 00438871 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 15 00 + 28 00 | "I offer you my house as collateral"
00439174 32 v 03 solicit 0 beg 1 tap 0 004 @ 00423379 v 0000 ~ 00439368 v 0000 ~ 01391903 v 0000 ~ 01392066 v 0000 01 + 16 00 | make a solicitation or entreaty for something; request urgently
00439368 32 v 01 quest 0 001 @ 00439174 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | seek alms, as for religious purposes
00439467 32 v 03 entice 0 lure 0 tempt 4 006 @ 00446255 v 0000 ~ 00439887 v 0000 ~ 00439984 v 0000 ~ 00440102 v 0000 ~ 01457869 v 0000 ~ 01457950 v 0000 03 + 09 00 + 30 00 + 30 01 | provoke someone to do something through promises or persuasion
00439714 32 v 01 drag 0 001 @ 00430180 v 0000 01 + 20 00 | persuade to to come away from something attractive or interesting; "He dragged me away from the television set"
00439887 32 v 01 stool 0 001 @ 00439467 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | lure with a stool, as of wild fowl
00439984 32 v 01 lead_on 0 001 @ 00439467 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | entice or induce esp. when unwise or mistaken
00440102 32 v 01 tweedle 0 001 @ 00439467 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 30 00 | entice through the use of music
00440206 32 v 02 tempt 3 try_presumptiously 0 001 @ 00430180 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | "St. Anthony was tempted in the desert"
00440329 32 v 03 ask 0 inquire 1 enquire 0 004 @ 00416793 v 0000 ~ 00440687 v 0000 ~ 00441414 v 0000 ~ 00492665 v 0000 05 + 02 00 + 14 00 + 20 00 + 22 00 + 29 00 | inquire about; "I asked about their special today"; "He had to ask directions several times"
00440588 32 v 02 ask 2 pose 0 001 @ 00552862 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | direct or put: "ask a question"
00440687 32 v 02 pry 0 be_nosey 0 001 @ 00440329 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00
00440765 32 v 02 question 0 query 0 007 @ 00504861 v 0000 ~ 00411560 v 0000 ~ 00440978 v 0000 ~ 00441769 v 0000 ~ 00442453 v 0000 ~ 00455282 v 0000 ~ 00466967 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 29 00 | pose a question
00440978 32 v 01 interpellate 0 001 @ 00440765 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | question formally about policy or government business
00441101 32 v 03 spy 0 engage_in_espionage 0 do_espionage 0 001 @ 00441414 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | secretly collect sensitive or classified information
00442453 32 v 02 pump 0 question_persistently 0 001 @ 00440765 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | pump for information
00442559 32 v 02 interrogate 0 question 3 001 @ 00504861 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | question formally and under pressure, as a suspect by the police
00442703 32 v 03 probe 0 examine 1 inquire_into 0 002 @ 00442867 v 0000 ~ 01415808 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 22 00 | question or examine thoroughly and closely
00442867 32 v 02 investigate 0 look_into 0 006 @ 00362566 v 0000 ~ 00364796 v 0000 ~ 00365186 v 0000 ~ 00442703 v 0000 ~ 00492392 v 0000 ~ 01434010 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 29 00 | investigate scientifically: "Let's investigate the syntax of Chinese"
00443123 32 v 05 call 1 telephone 0 call_up 0 phone 0 ring 0 003 * 00443507 v 0000 @ 00443742 v 0000 ~ 00443395 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 09 00 | get or try to get into communication by telephone; "I tried to call you all night"; "Take two aspirin and call me in the morning"
00443395 32 v 01 call_in 0 001 @ 00443123 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 07 00 | call a radio station, or "call in sick"
00443507 32 v 02 dial 0 operate_a_dial 0 001 @ 00698176 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | as of a telephone dial
00443608 32 v 04 hang_on 0 hold_the_line 0 hold_the_phone_line_open 0 hold_on 0 002 * 00443123 v 0000 @ 00405636 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00443742 32 v 01 telecommunicate 0 007 @ 00416793 v 0000 ~ 00443123 v 0000 ~ 00443921 v 0000 ~ 00568315 v 0000 ~ 00568588 v 0000 ~ 00583616 v 0000 ~ 00602387 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00444021 32 v 04 summon 0 summons 0 cite 7 call_for 9 003 @ 00444911 v 0000 ~ 00444412 v 0000 ~ 00444533 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 20 00 | call in an official matter, such as to attend court
00444216 32 v 01 recall 2 001 @ 00444911 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | "He was recalled to his country"
00444312 32 v 02 call_in 2 call_for 5 001 @ 00444911 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | "Experts were called in"
00444412 32 v 01 vouch 0 001 @ 00444021 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | summon (a vouchee) into court to warrant or defend a title
00444533 32 v 01 vouch_in 0 001 @ 00444021 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | summon into court to defend a lawsuit against another and to be made liable to pay any judgment secured for the plaintiff; "the defendant couches in his own insurance liability company to defend a negligence case aginst him"
00444823 32 v 01 buzz 0 001 @ 00589088 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | call with a buzzer
00444911 32 v 02 call 5 send_for 0 015 @ 00419793 v 0000 ^ 00589088 v 0102 ^ 00445485 v 0102 ^ 00445741 v 0107 ^ 00933513 v 0108 ^ 00942161 v 0103 ^ 00619533 v 0101 ~ 00444021 v 0000 ~ 00444216 v 0000 ~ 00444312 v 0000 ~ 00445369 v 0000 ~ 00445630 v 0000 ~ 00506812 v 0000 ~ 00589088 v 0000 ~ 00619533 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 20 00 | order, request, or command to come; "He has been called to active military duty"; "She was called into the director's office"
00445369 32 v 01 lift 1 001 @ 00444911 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | call to stop the hunt or to retire, as of hunting dogs
00445485 32 v 03 convoke 0 call_together 0 convene 0 001 @ 00589088 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 20 00 | "The students were convened in the auditorium"
00445630 32 v 01 muster 0 001 @ 00444911 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | call to duty, military service, jury duty, etc.
00445887 32 v 03 subpoena 0 serve_with_a_subpoena 0 summon_with_a_subpoena 0 001 @ 00827335 v 0000 01 + 09 00
00446000 32 v 02 invite 0 bid 0 003 @ 00422854 v 0000 ~ 00446151 v 0000 ~ 00487552 v 0000 01 + 25 00 | ask someone in a friendly way to do something
00446151 32 v 02 tempt 1 allure 0 002 @ 00446000 v 0000 * 01029533 v 0000 03 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 24 00
00446255 32 v 02 provoke 0 stimulate 0 005 @ 00487552 v 0000 ~ 00439467 v 0000 ~ 00446418 v 0000 ~ 00477746 v 0000 ~ 01461823 v 0000 03 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 24 00
00446418 32 v 01 jog 0 001 @ 00446255 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 10 00 | stimulate to remember: "jog my memory"
00446525 32 v 05 call_on 0 call_upon 0 appeal_to 0 turn_to 0 go_to 0 001 @ 00424552 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 24 00 | make an appeal of request to
00446668 32 v 02 book 0 reserve_in_advance 0 001 @ 00447243 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 14 00 | "We booked tickets to the show"; "book a table at Maxim's"
00446817 32 v 01 book_up 0 001 @ 00447243 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | book all available places or tickets
00446918 32 v 02 schedule 0 make_a_schedule_for 0 003 @ 00396499 v 0000 ~ 00447056 v 0000 ~ 00447160 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 24 00
00447056 32 v 02 program 0 programme 0 001 @ 00446918 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | arrange a program of or for
00447160 32 v 02 reschedule 0 schedule_again 0 001 @ 00446918 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00447243 32 v 03 reserve 0 obtain_in_advance 0 arrange_in_advance 0 003 @ 00422854 v 0000 ~ 00446668 v 0000 ~ 00446817 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 14 00 | "We reserved a table at Maxim's"
00447425 32 v 06 forbid 0 prohibit 0 interdict 0 proscribe 0 veto 0 disallow 0 007 @ 00422330 v 0000 ! 00451248 v 0602 ! 00451248 v 0101 ~ 00447697 v 0000 ~ 00447802 v 0000 ~ 00447948 v 0000 ~ 01404504 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 24 00 | "I forbid you to call me late at night"
00447697 32 v 01 ban 0 001 @ 00447425 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 33 00 | "Smoking is banned in this building"
00447802 32 v 03 bar 0 debar 0 exclude 1 001 @ 00447425 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | "He was barred from membership in the club"
00447948 32 v 02 enjoin 1 issue_an_injunction 0 001 @ 00447425 v 0000 01 + 20 00
00448032 32 v 07 reject 2 spurn 0 freeze_off 0 scorn 0 pooh-pooh 0 disdain 0 turn_down 0 002 @ 00448333 v 0000 ~ 00449110 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | reject with contempt
00448206 32 v 01 puff 0 001 @ 00496150 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | speak in a blustering or scornful manner; "A puffing kind of man"
00448333 32 v 02 refuse 0 decline 0 005 ! 00448521 v 0101 ~ 00448032 v 0000 ~ 00448973 v 0000 ~ 00512999 v 0000 ~ 01440232 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 28 00 | show unwillingness towards
00448521 32 v 04 accept 0 consent_to 0 consent 0 go_for 0 006 @ 00571171 v 0000 ! 00448333 v 0101 ~ 00429252 v 0000 ~ 00448820 v 0000 ~ 00452338 v 0000 ~ 01437909 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | give an affirmative reply to; respond favorably to: "I cannot accept your invitation"; "I go for this resolution"
00448820 32 v 01 contract_in 0 002 @ 00448521 v 0000 ! 00448973 v 0101 01 + 02 00 | consent in writing to pay money to a trade union for political use
00448973 32 v 01 contract_out 0 002 @ 00448333 v 0000 ! 00448820 v 0101 01 + 02 00 | refuse to pay a levy to a union for political use
00449110 32 v 04 rebuff 0 snub 0 brush_off 0 repel 0 001 @ 00448032 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | reject outright and bluntly
00449236 32 v 04 abjure 0 recant 0 forswear 0 retract 0 001 @ 00425703 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "He retracted his earlier statements about his beliefs"
00449385 32 v 03 take_back 0 unsay 0 withdraw 1 001 @ 00425703 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of statements or promises
00449496 32 v 01 misstate 0 001 @ 00569629 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | state something incorectly: "You misstated my position"
00449617 32 v 06 retreat 0 back_out 0 back_away 0 crawfish 0 crawfish_out 0 withdraw 0 000 01 + 02 00 | "We'll have to crawfish out from meeting with him"
00449774 32 v 08 revoke 0 annul 0 lift 0 countermand 0 reverse 0 repeal 0 overturn 0 rescind 0 002 @ 01402497 v 0000 ~ 00449983 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "He revoked the ban on smoking"; "lift an embargo"
00449983 32 v 04 renege 0 renege_on 0 renegue_on 0 go_back_on 0 002 * 00496684 v 0000 @ 00449774 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 02 01 | fail to fulfill a promise or obligation
00450150 32 v 02 cancel 1 invalidate 0 001 @ 00566669 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of cheques or tickets
00450248 32 v 03 bracket 0 bracket_out 0 put_in_brackets 0 001 @ 00120625 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00450343 32 v 05 cross_off 0 cross_out 0 strike_out 0 strike_off 0 mark 1 001 @ 00107765 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove from a list
00450473 32 v 07 dismiss 0 disregard 0 brush_aside 0 brush_off 1 discount 0 push_aside 0 ignore 0 007 @ 00384834 v 0000 ~ 00386215 v 0000 ~ 00450753 v 0000 ~ 00450983 v 0000 ~ 00451071 v 0000 ~ 00451170 v 0000 ~ 00498373 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | "She dismissed his advances"
00450753 32 v 01 pass_off 0 001 @ 00450473 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "She passed off the insult"
00450846 32 v 02 dismiss 2 throw_out 1 001 @ 00773754 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | put out of judicial consideration: "This case is dismissed!"
00450983 32 v 02 scoff 1 flout 1 001 @ 00450473 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "flout the rules"
00451071 32 v 02 turn_a_blind_eye_to 0 refuse_to_acknowledge 0 001 @ 00450473 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00451170 32 v 02 laugh_off 0 laugh_away 0 001 @ 00450473 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00451248 32 v 04 permit 0 allow 0 let 2 countenance 0 009 ! 00447425 v 0206 ! 00447425 v 0101 ~ 00375289 v 0000 ~ 00451648 v 0000 ~ 01386819 v 0000 ~ 01389103 v 0000 ~ 01404760 v 0000 ~ 01404948 v 0000 ~ 01417019 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 24 00 | give permission; "She permitted her son to visit her estranged husband"; "I won't let the police search her basement"; "I cannot allow you to see your exam"
00451648 32 v 05 authorize 0 authorise 0 pass 0 clear 1 permit_officially 0 011 @ 00451248 v 0000 ~ 00451986 v 0000 ~ 00452083 v 0000 ~ 00453743 v 0000 ~ 01383549 v 0000 ~ 01383649 v 0000 ~ 01385257 v 0000 ~ 01400665 v 0000 ~ 01401204 v 0000 ~ 01403135 v 0000 ~ 01403430 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 24 00 | grant authorization or clearance for
00451986 32 v 01 approbate 0 001 @ 00451648 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | approve or sanction officially
00452083 32 v 01 certificate 0 001 @ 00451648 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | authorize by certificate
00452184 32 v 04 assent 0 accede 1 acquiesce 0 comply 0 004 @ 00452960 v 0000 ^ 01538318 v 0201 ! 00452515 v 0101 ~ 01462061 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00
00452338 32 v 05 yield 0 give_in 1 succumb 0 knuckle_under 0 buckle_under 0 003 @ 00448521 v 0000 ^ 00671513 v 0104 ~ 00493049 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 27 00 | consent reluctantly
00452515 32 v 02 dissent 0 withhold_assent 0 002 @ 00452614 v 0000 ! 00452184 v 0101 01 + 02 00
00452614 32 v 03 disagree 0 differ 0 take_issue 0 004 ! 00452960 v 0101 ~ 00452515 v 0000 ~ 00452809 v 0000 ~ 00462359 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 13 01 | be at loggerheads; "I beg to differ!"
00452809 32 v 03 clash 0 disagree_violently 0 disagree_strongly 0 001 @ 00452614 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 13 00 | "We clashed over the new farm policies"
00452960 32 v 02 agree 0 concur 0 009 ! 00452614 v 0101 ~ 00429136 v 0000 ~ 00429444 v 0000 ~ 00452184 v 0000 ~ 00453300 v 0000 ~ 00453422 v 0000 ~ 00453595 v 0000 ~ 00576620 v 0000 ~ 00576775 v 0000 04 + 02 00 + 13 00 + 26 00 + 28 00 | be in accord; be in agreement; "We agreed on the terms of the settlement"; "I can't agree with you!"
00453300 32 v 01 see_eye_to_eye 0 001 @ 00452960 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | "We never saw eye to eye on this question"
00453422 32 v 03 concede 1 yield 1 grant 0 002 @ 00452960 v 0000 ~ 00508517 v 0000 07 + 08 00 + 14 00 + 15 00 + 26 00 + 27 00 + 02 02 + 02 01 | "I grant you this much..."
00453595 32 v 03 subscribe_to 0 stand_for 2 support 0 002 * 00453743 v 0000 @ 00452960 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "I subscribe to your view on abortion"
00453743 32 v 04 approve 0 ok 0 okay 0 sanction 1 005 @ 00451648 v 0000 ! 00454069 v 0101 ~ 00453950 v 0000 ~ 01389297 v 0000 ~ 01401835 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 22 00 | "I approve of his educational policies"
00453950 32 v 01 visa 1 001 @ 00453743 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | approve officially; "The list of speakers must be visaed"
00454069 32 v 03 disapprove 0 refuse_to_approve 0 reject 0 004 ! 00453743 v 0101 ~ 00454271 v 0000 ~ 00480142 v 0000 ~ 00511069 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | "I disapprove of her child rearing methods"
00454271 32 v 03 object 0 express_objections 0 raise_an_objection 0 007 @ 00454069 v 0000 ~ 00454507 v 0000 ~ 00454585 v 0000 ~ 00455026 v 0000 ~ 00476074 v 0000 ~ 00512275 v 0000 ~ 00512383 v 0000 04 + 12 00 + 22 00 + 26 00 + 02 01
00454507 32 v 02 demur 0 except 0 001 @ 00454271 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00
00454585 32 v 02 challenge 2 take_exception_to 0 001 @ 00454271 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | raise a formal objection in a court of law
00454714 32 v 02 challenge 3 ask_for_identification 0 002 * 01061645 v 0000 @ 00423379 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | "The illegal immigrant was challenged by the border guard"
00454882 32 v 01 counterchallenge 0 001 @ 00487552 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | challenge in turn; ""The authentication was counterchallenged"
00455138 32 v 02 interview 0 question 9 001 @ 00543974 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | conduct an interview in television, newspaper, and radio reporting
00455282 32 v 03 check_out 1 sound_out 0 feel_out 0 001 @ 00440765 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | try to learn someone's opinions and intentions; "I have to sound out the new professor"
00455459 32 v 03 interview 1 discuss_formally_with 0 make_an_evaluation_of 0 001 @ 00543974 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | of job candidates
00455591 32 v 03 interview 2 go_for_an_interview 0 submit_to_an_evaluation 0 002 * 00429696 v 0000 @ 00543974 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | of job candidates
00455749 32 v 0b hedge 0 fudge 0 evade 0 put_off 3 circumvent 0 parry 0 elude 0 skirt 0 dodge 0 duck 0 sidestep 0 001 @ 00456449 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | as of duties, questions and issues; "He dodged the issue"
00455958 32 v 02 miss 0 escape 0 001 @ 00456449 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | "Fortunately, I missed the hurricane"
00456074 32 v 04 get_off 0 get_away 0 get_by 0 escape 4 001 @ 00456449 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | escape potentially unpleasant consequences; get away with a forbidden action
00456252 32 v 05 bypass 0 short-circuit 0 go_around 1 get_around 1 keep_off 0 001 @ 00456449 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | avoid something unpleasant or laborious; "You cannot bypass these rules!"
00456449 32 v 01 avoid 0 008 ! 00457029 v 0101 ~ 00455749 v 0000 ~ 00455958 v 0000 ~ 00456074 v 0000 ~ 00456252 v 0000 ~ 00456745 v 0000 ~ 00456821 v 0000 ~ 00456898 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | keep away from; keep out out of the way of someone or something; "Her former friends now avoid her"
00456745 32 v 02 ware 0 shirk 0 001 @ 00456449 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00
00456821 32 v 01 shy_away_from 0 001 @ 00456449 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 33 00
00456898 32 v 02 shun 0 eschew 0 001 @ 00456449 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | avoid and stay away from deliberately; stay clear of
00457029 32 v 04 confront 0 face_up_to 0 face 0 come_to_grips_with 0 003 @ 01380660 v 0000 ! 00456449 v 0101 ~ 01453519 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | face head on
00457192 32 v 02 debate 0 deliberate 0 001 @ 00457891 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | discuss the pros and cons of an issue
00457314 32 v 05 consider 2 debate 2 moot 0 turn_over 0 deliberate 1 002 @ 00457891 v 0000 ~ 00457508 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 11 00 + 26 00 | "They considered the possibility of a strike"
00457508 32 v 01 wrestle 0 001 @ 00457314 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | engage in deep thought, consideration, or debate; "I wrestled with this decision for years"
00457664 32 v 03 bandy 0 discuss_lightly 0 kick_around 0 001 @ 00457891 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of questions
00457771 32 v 03 moderate 0 chair 0 lead 1 001 @ 00457891 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | "John moderated the discussion"
00457891 32 v 02 discuss 0 talk_over 0 011 @ 00531074 v 0000 ~ 00428057 v 0000 ~ 00428512 v 0000 ~ 00457192 v 0000 ~ 00457314 v 0000 ~ 00457664 v 0000 ~ 00457771 v 0000 ~ 00489752 v 0000 ~ 00491947 v 0000 ~ 00544173 v 0000 ~ 00603508 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | talk something over in detail; have a discussion
00458204 32 v 02 discourse 0 talk_formally 0 001 @ 00542186 v 0000 01 + 13 00 | hold forth formally
00458306 32 v 03 refute 0 rebut 0 disprove 0 003 @ 00425703 v 0000 ~ 00435612 v 0000 ~ 00458487 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 11 00 | "The speaker refuted his opponent's arguments"
00458487 32 v 01 answer 6 001 @ 00458306 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | give a defence or refutation of (a charge) or in (an argument); "The defendant answered to all the charges of the prosecution"
00458677 32 v 02 counter 0 speak_in_response 0 001 @ 00458885 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 26 00
00458768 32 v 03 field 0 answer_adequately 0 answer_successfully 0 001 @ 00458885 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of questions
00458885 32 v 03 answer 0 reply 0 respond 0 006 @ 00569629 v 0000 ^ 00487017 v 0102 ~ 00458677 v 0000 ~ 00458768 v 0000 ~ 00459203 v 0000 ~ 00598859 v 0000 04 + 02 00 + 09 00 + 26 00 + 27 00 | reply or respond to; "She didn't want to answer"; "answer the question"; "We answered that we would accept the invitation"
00459335 32 v 02 deny 0 declare_untrue 0 004 @ 00462359 v 0000 ! 00459649 v 0101 ~ 00425551 v 0000 ~ 00461194 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | "He denied the allegations"
00459503 32 v 01 deny 1 002 @ 00425703 v 0000 ~ 00426038 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | refuse to accept or believe; "He denied his fatal illness"
00459649 32 v 02 admit 0 acknowledge 0 007 @ 00461970 v 0000 ! 00459335 v 0101 ~ 00460153 v 0000 ~ 00460267 v 0000 ~ 00460390 v 0000 ~ 00460786 v 0000 ~ 00461059 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | declare or acknowledge to be true; "He admitted his errors"; "She acknowledged that she might have forgotten"
00459951 32 v 01 superannuate 0 001 @ 00461970 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | declare to be obsolete
00460051 32 v 01 bastardize 0 001 @ 00461970 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | declare a child to be illegitimite
00460153 32 v 02 sustain 0 admit_as_valid 0 001 @ 00459649 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "The court sustained the motion"
00460267 32 v 04 concede 0 profess 2 confess 1 allow 4 001 @ 00459649 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | make a clean breast of
00460390 32 v 01 confess 3 001 @ 00459649 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | confess to God in the presence of a priest, as in the Catholic fatith
00460524 32 v 04 insist 0 be_insistent 0 be_firm 0 take_a_firm_stand 0 002 ~ 00460675 v 0000 ~ 00573941 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 13 00 | "I must insist!"
00462569 32 v 03 savage 0 criticize_harshly 0 criticize_violently 0 001 @ 00464213 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00
00462681 32 v 04 admonish 0 reprove 0 take_to_task 0 get_after 0 001 @ 00464213 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | "He admonished the child for his bad behavior"
00462830 32 v 06 chastize 0 chastise 0 castigate 0 objurgate 1 chasten 0 correct 0 002 @ 00463111 v 0000 ~ 00463016 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | "She chastized him for his insensitive remarks"
00463016 32 v 01 flame 0 001 @ 00462830 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | criticize harshly, on the e-mail
00463111 32 v 11 rebuke 0 rag 0 reproof 0 reprimand 1 jaw 1 dress_down 0 scold 0 chide 0 berate 0 bawl_out 0 jaw_at 0 remonstrate_with 0 chew_out 0 chew_up 0 have_words_with 0 lambaste 0 lambast 0 003 @ 00464213 v 0000 ~ 00462830 v 0000 ~ 00463547 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | "The mother scolded the child for entering the stranger's car"; "The deputy ragged the Prime Minister"; "The customer dressed down the waiter for bringing cold soup"
00463547 32 v 02 tell_off 0 brush_down 0 001 @ 00463111 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | "She told the misbehaving student off"
00463664 32 v 02 lip_off 0 shoot_one's_mouth_off 0 001 @ 00530290 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | speak spontaneously and without restraint
00463794 32 v 02 reproach 0 upbraid 0 001 @ 00472959 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | "The president reproached the general for his irresponsible behavior"
00463939 32 v 02 reprehend 0 express_strong_disapproval_of 1 001 @ 00464213 v 0000 01 + 09 00
00464036 32 v 02 deplore 0 express_strong_disapproval_of 2 002 @ 00464213 v 0000 ~ 00485461 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "We deplore the government's treatment of political prisoners"
00464213 32 v 04 criticize 0 criticise 0 pick_apart 0 express_criticism_of 0 015 * 00376571 v 0000 @ 00583931 v 0000 ! 00480440 v 0101 ~ 00462465 v 0000 ~ 00462569 v 0000 ~ 00462681 v 0000 ~ 00463111 v 0000 ~ 00463939 v 0000 ~ 00464036 v 0000 ~ 00464624 v 0000 ~ 00472103 v 0000 ~ 00472862 v 0000 ~ 00474625 v 0000 ~ 00474827 v 0000 ~ 00484303 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | "The paper criticized the new movie"
00464624 32 v 01 come_down_on 0 001 @ 00464213 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | criticize or reprimand harshly; "The critics came down hard on the new play"
00464794 32 v 01 troll 1 001 @ 00480440 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | praise or celebrate in song; "All tongues shall troll you"
00464923 32 v 01 take_notice_of 0 001 @ 00583931 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "The local papers took notice of his promotion"
00465042 32 v 03 preach 0 lecture 0 advocate 1 002 @ 00429831 v 0000 ~ 00465266 v 0000 03 + 24 00 + 26 00 + 27 00
00465159 32 v 02 preach 2 prophesy 1 001 @ 00466513 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 12 00 + 13 00 | deliver a sermon
00465365 32 v 02 pontificate 0 talk_pompously 0 001 @ 00542186 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | talk in a dogmatic and pompous manner
00465488 32 v 01 orate 0 001 @ 00542186 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | talk pompously
00465565 32 v 03 teach 0 learn 0 instruct 0 017 > 00335115 v 0000 @ 00467082 v 0000 ~ 00338733 v 0000 ~ 00339705 v 0000 ~ 00340356 v 0000 ~ 00442127 v 0000 ~ 00442237 v 0000 ~ 00442344 v 0000 ~ 00465981 v 0000 ~ 00466065 v 0000 ~ 00466216 v 0000 ~ 00466378 v 0000 ~ 00466513 v 0000 ~ 00468052 v 0000 ~ 00558903 v 0000 ~ 00559373 v 0000 ~ 01454569 v 0000 07 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 24 00 + 26 00 + 02 01 + 14 01 + 15 01
00465981 32 v 01 tutor 0 001 @ 00465565 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | be a tutor to someone
00466065 32 v 02 unteach 0 cause_to_disbelieve 0 001 @ 00465565 v 0000 01 + 14 00 | teach someone the contrary of what he or she had learned earlier
00466216 32 v 02 unteach 1 cause_to_unlearn 0 002 > 00335519 v 0000 @ 00465565 v 0000 01 + 24 00 | for example, teach somebody to unlearn old habits or methods
00466378 32 v 02 ground 0 give_a_grounding_to 0 001 @ 00465565 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | instruct someone in the fundamentals of a subject
00466513 32 v 02 lecture 1 talk 5 002 @ 00465565 v 0000 ~ 00465159 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 12 00 + 13 00 | deliver a lecture or talk; "She will talk at Rutgers next week"; "Did you ever lecture at Harvard?"
00466718 32 v 03 instruct 2 apprise 1 apprize 0 003 @ 00467082 v 0000 ~ 00421114 v 0000 ~ 00466846 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 24 00
00466846 32 v 02 brief 0 give_a_briefing_to 0 001 @ 00466718 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | give essential information to someone
00466967 32 v 02 debrief 0 cause_to_report 0 001 @ 00440765 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | put someone through a debriefing
00467082 32 v 04 inform 0 round_on 0 give_information 0 let_know 0 033 @ 00416793 v 0000 ^ 00544432 v 0102 ~ 00336425 v 0000 ~ 00465565 v 0000 ~ 00466718 v 0000 ~ 00467777 v 0000 ~ 00467931 v 0000 ~ 00468174 v 0000 ~ 00471946 v 0000 ~ 00472345 v 0000 ~ 00479381 v 0000 ~ 00488485 v 0000 ~ 00490035 v 0000 ~ 00490440 v 0000 ~ 00492814 v 0000 ~ 00494108 v 0000 ~ 00507320 v 0000 ~ 00512896 v 0000 ~ 00519176 v 0000 ~ 00521856 v 0000 ~ 00522006 v 0000 ~ 00527469 v 0000 ~ 00528672 v 0000 ~ 00536218 v 0000 ~ 00536799 v 0000 ~ 00537179 v 0000 ~ 00544297 v 0000 ~ 00545945 v 0000 ~ 00549373 v 0000 ~ 00559001 v 0000 ~ 00572135 v 0000 ~ 00573040 v 0000 ~ 00599388 v 0000 03 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 18 00
00467777 32 v 01 fill_in 0 001 @ 00467082 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | supply with information on a specific topic; "He filled me in on the latest developments"
00467931 32 v 02 update 0 bring_up_to_date 0 001 @ 00467082 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | supply with recent information
00468052 32 v 02 coach 0 train 0 001 @ 00465565 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 24 00 | teach and supervise, as in sports or acting
00468174 32 v 03 misinform 0 inform_wrongly 0 mislead 0 005 @ 00467082 v 0000 ~ 00468387 v 0000 ~ 00468916 v 0000 ~ 00471039 v 0000 ~ 00479186 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | give false or misleading information to
00468387 32 v 02 lie 0 tell_a_lie 0 005 @ 00468174 v 0000 ~ 00468556 v 0000 ~ 00468663 v 0000 ~ 00468807 v 0000 ~ 00503747 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 27 00 | pretend falsely
00468663 32 v 03 perjure_oneself 0 foreswear_oneself 0 commit_perjury 0 002 @ 00468387 v 0000 * 00572016 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | in a legal court
00468807 32 v 02 fib 0 tell_a_fib 0 001 @ 00468387 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | tell a relatively insignificant lie
00468916 32 v 04 equivocate 0 tergiversate 1 prevaricate 0 palter 0 001 @ 00468174 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | be deliberately ambiguous or unclear in order to mislead or withhold information
00469110 32 v 04 falsify 0 distort 0 garble 0 warp 0 001 @ 00469405 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | as of a message or story
00469225 32 v 04 symbolize 0 stand_for 1 express_indirectly 0 represent 2 004 @ 00537777 v 0000 ~ 01524215 v 0000 ~ 01525069 v 0000 ~ 01525166 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | be a symbol of
00469405 32 v 03 misrepresent 0 belie 0 represent_falsely 0 007 @ 00556972 v 0000 ~ 00313691 v 0000 ~ 00313845 v 0000 ~ 00469110 v 0000 ~ 00469663 v 0000 ~ 00470255 v 0000 ~ 00470475 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "This statement misrepresents my intentions"
00469663 32 v 02 color 0 distort 1 001 @ 00469405 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | "My personal feelings color my judgment in this case"
00469789 32 v 02 color 1 gloss 2 001 @ 00503125 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "color a lie"
00469873 32 v 03 pose_as 0 impersonate 0 personate 0 002 @ 00479186 v 0000 ~ 00470043 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | pretend to be someone you are not; with fraudulent intentions
00470043 32 v 01 masquerade_as 0 001 @ 00469873 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 11 00
00470120 32 v 01 bluff 0 001 @ 01013456 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 30 00 | frighten someone by pretending to be stronger than one really is
00470255 32 v 05 feign 0 sham 0 pretend 0 affect 0 dissemble 0 003 @ 00469405 v 0000 ~ 00470623 v 0000 ~ 00588348 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 26 00 + 28 00 | make believe; "He feigned that he was ill"; "He shammed a headache"
00470475 32 v 02 pretend 1 assert_falsely 0 002 @ 00469405 v 0000 ~ 00470920 v 0000 01 + 26 00 | "She pretended she was the Czar's granddaughter"
00470623 32 v 01 take_a_dive 0 001 @ 00470255 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | of a boxer: pretend to be knocked out
00470729 32 v 05 bamboozle 0 snow 0 hoodwink 0 lead_by_the_nose 0 play_false 0 001 @ 00479186 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | "He bamboozled his professors into thinking that he knew the subject well"
00470920 32 v 04 waffle 0 bullshit 0 bull 0 fake 0 001 @ 00470475 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 13 00 | talk through one's hat
00471039 32 v 06 overstate 0 exaggerate 0 overdraw 0 hyperbolize 0 magnify 0 amplify 0 005 @ 00468174 v 0000 ! 00471946 v 0101 ~ 00471525 v 0000 ~ 00496150 v 0000 ~ 00538565 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00471234 32 v 02 play_down 0 soft-pedal 0 001 @ 00569629 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "His advisers soft-pedaled the president's blunder"
00471373 32 v 03 trivialize 0 make_trivial 0 make_insignificant 0 001 @ 00471946 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "Don't trivialize the seriousness of the issue!"
00471773 32 v 02 bear_down_on 0 bear_down_upon 0 001 @ 00572214 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | pay special attention to: "The lectures bore down on the political background"
00471946 32 v 02 understate 0 minimize 1 003 @ 00467082 v 0000 ! 00471039 v 0101 ~ 00471373 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | represent as less significant or important
00472103 32 v 02 denounce 0 speak_out_against 0 003 @ 00464213 v 0000 ~ 00472273 v 0000 ~ 00485057 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | "He denounced the Nazis"
00472273 32 v 02 fulminate 0 rail 4 001 @ 00472103 v 0000 01 + 22 00
00472959 32 v 05 accuse 0 impeach 0 charge 2 incriminate 0 criminate 0 008 ~ 00463794 v 0000 ~ 00472718 v 0000 ~ 00473253 v 0000 ~ 00473508 v 0000 ~ 00473615 v 0000 ~ 00475072 v 0000 ~ 00488344 v 0000 ~ 01427496 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 18 00 | bring an accusation against; level a charge against
00473253 32 v 01 arraign 0 001 @ 00472959 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | accuse of a wrong or an inadequacy
00473360 32 v 01 charge 3 001 @ 00425154 v 0000 01 + 26 00 | make an accusatory claim; "The defense attorney charged that the jurors were biased"
00473508 32 v 01 impeach 2 001 @ 00472959 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | charge with a crime or misdemeanor
00473615 32 v 02 recriminate 0 charge_in_return 0 001 @ 00472959 v 0000 01 + 09 00
00473701 32 v 03 impeach 1 charge_with_an_offense 0 charge_with_a_misdemeanor 0 001 @ 00488344 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | of public officials
00473838 32 v 03 nag 0 peck 0 hen-peck 0 001 @ 00510349 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 09 00 | bother persistently with trivial complaints; "She nags her husband all day long"
00474005 32 v 01 dun 0 001 @ 00424160 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | persistently ask for overdue payment; "The grocer dunned his customers every day by telephone"
00474160 32 v 04 abuse 0 clapperclaw 0 blackguard 0 shout_at 0 004 @ 00484303 v 0000 ~ 00474417 v 0000 ~ 00475658 v 0000 ~ 00485942 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | use foul or abusive language towards; "The actress abused the policeman who gave her a parking ticket"
00474417 32 v 01 slang 0 001 @ 00474160 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | abuse with coarse language
00474506 32 v 01 claw 0 001 @ 00484303 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | "The politician clawed his rival"
00474625 32 v 04 disparage 0 belittle 0 pick_at 0 find_fault_with 1 006 @ 00464213 v 0000 ! 00494234 v 0101 ~ 00474946 v 0000 ~ 00475367 v 0000 ~ 00480064 v 0000 ~ 00485209 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00
00474827 32 v 02 nitpick 0 nit-pick 0 001 @ 00464213 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | be overly critical; criticize minor details
00474946 32 v 03 pan 0 tear_apart 0 trash 0 001 @ 00474625 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | "The critics panned the performance"
00475072 32 v 0a defame 0 slander 0 smirch 0 asperse 0 denigrate 1 calumniate 0 smear 0 sully 0 besmirch 0 charge_falsely 0 004 @ 00472959 v 0000 ~ 00475294 v 0000 ~ 00475512 v 0000 ~ 00475798 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00
00475294 32 v 01 blackwash 0 001 @ 00475072 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00
00475367 32 v 03 discredit 0 disgrace 0 damage_the_reputation_of 0 001 @ 00474625 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 | damage the reputation of
00475512 32 v 02 libel 0 make_a_libelous_statement_against 0 001 @ 00475072 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | "The paper was accused of libeling him"
00475658 32 v 04 vilify 0 revile 0 vituperate 0 rail 1 001 @ 00474160 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | "The Nazi propaganda vilified the Jews"
00475798 32 v 04 badmouth 0 malign 0 traduce 0 drag_through_the_mud 0 001 @ 00475072 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | "She badmouthes her husband everywhere"
00475953 32 v 02 insult 0 affront 0 001 @ 01021077 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | "He insulted her with his rude remarks"
00476074 32 v 03 mind 0 be_offended_by 0 be_bothered_by 0 002 @ 00454271 v 0000 ~ 00476267 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 26 00 + 02 01 | take offense with, be bothered by: "I don't mind your behavior"
00476267 32 v 05 bristle_at 0 bridle_at 0 bridle_up 0 bristle_up 0 show_anger 0 001 @ 00476074 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 02 04 + 02 03 | "She bristled at his insolent remarks"
00476439 32 v 03 mock 0 bemock 0 treat_with_contempt 0 004 @ 01423425 v 0000 ~ 00477358 v 0000 ~ 00478005 v 0000 ~ 00478362 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 | "The new constitution mocks all democratic principles"
00476656 32 v 03 mock 1 imitate_with_mockery 0 imitate_with_derision 0 004 @ 00995557 v 0000 ~ 00476892 v 0000 ~ 00476988 v 0000 ~ 00477103 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | "The children mocked their handicapped classmate"
00476892 32 v 02 caricature 0 ape 0 001 @ 00476656 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00
00476988 32 v 01 impersonate 1 001 @ 00476656 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | represent another person with comic intentions
00477103 32 v 03 spoof 0 burlesque 0 parody 0 001 @ 00476656 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | "The students spoofed the teachers"
00477230 32 v 05 jeer 0 scoff 0 flout 0 barrack 0 gibe 0 001 @ 00477358 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | "The crowd jeered at the speaker"
00477358 32 v 09 tease 0 rag 1 cod 0 tantalize 0 bait 0 taunt 0 twit 0 rally 0 ride 0 003 @ 00476439 v 0000 ~ 00477230 v 0000 ~ 00479666 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | harrass with persistent criticism or carping; "The children teased the new teacher"; "Don't ride me so hard over my failure"
00477642 32 v 02 pull_the_leg_of 0 kid 1 001 @ 00479497 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | "Are you pulling my leg?"
00477874 32 v 03 nettle 0 needle 0 goad 1 001 @ 01019331 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | "He needled her with his sarcastic remarks"
00478005 32 v 08 ridicule 0 guy 0 blackguard 1 laugh_at 0 jest_at 0 make_fun_of 0 poke_fun_at 0 rib 0 004 @ 00476439 v 0000 ~ 00478205 v 0000 ~ 00478471 v 0000 ~ 00478607 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00
00478205 32 v 03 satirize 0 ridicule_with_a_satire 0 lampoon 0 001 @ 00478005 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | "The writer satirized the politician's proposal"
00478362 32 v 01 deride 0 002 @ 00476439 v 0000 ~ 00601062 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | treat with contempt
00478471 32 v 02 debunk 0 expose 0 002 @ 00478005 v 0000 ~ 00526415 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | esp. of pretentious or false claims and ideas
00478607 32 v 01 stultify 0 001 @ 00478005 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause to appear foolish
00478704 32 v 03 joke 0 tell_a_joke 0 jest 0 005 @ 00416793 v 0000 ^ 00478005 v 0305 ~ 00478904 v 0000 ~ 00478978 v 0000 ~ 00975164 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | "He often jokes even when he appears serious"
00478904 32 v 02 gag 0 quip 0 001 @ 00478704 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 26 00
00478978 32 v 04 horse_around 0 arse_around 0 fool_around 0 fool 0 002 @ 01369076 v 0000 @ 00478704 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00479186 32 v 03 deceive 0 betray 3 lead_astray 0 005 @ 00468174 v 0000 ! 00479381 v 0101 ~ 00469873 v 0000 ~ 00470729 v 0000 ~ 00479497 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | cause someone to believe an untruth
00479381 32 v 01 undeceive 0 002 @ 00467082 v 0000 ! 00479186 v 0101 01 + 09 00 | free form deception or illusion
00479666 32 v 04 kid 0 chaff 0 jolly 0 banter 0 001 @ 00477358 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 09 02 + 09 01 | "After we relaxed, we just kidded around"
00479809 32 v 03 review 0 critique 0 appraise_critically 0 002 @ 00376571 v 0000 ~ 00479943 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | appraise critically
00479943 32 v 02 referee 0 peer_review 0 001 @ 00479809 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | evaluate professionally a colleague's work
00480064 32 v 02 deprecate 0 depreciate 0 001 @ 00474625 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00480142 32 v 01 deprecate 1 001 @ 00454069 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | express strong disapproval of
00480246 32 v 03 condemn 2 declare_unfit 0 judge_unfit 0 004 * 00376571 v 0000 @ 00570287 v 0000 ~ 00483937 v 0000 ~ 00484087 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "The building was condemned by the inspector"
00480440 32 v 01 praise 0 016 @ 00383005 v 0000 ! 00464213 v 0101 ~ 00464794 v 0000 ~ 00480816 v 0000 ~ 00482646 v 0000 ~ 00482918 v 0000 ~ 00494234 v 0000 ~ 00494654 v 0000 ~ 00495073 v 0000 ~ 00495407 v 0000 ~ 00495547 v 0000 ~ 00495928 v 0000 ~ 00550961 v 0000 ~ 00577774 v 0000 ~ 00604237 v 0000 ~ 00975771 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | express praise for
00480816 32 v 01 salute 3 001 @ 00480440 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | "I salute your courage!"
00481020 32 v 02 crow 1 show_pleasure 0 001 @ 00554586 v 0000 02 + 22 00 + 26 00 | "She crowed with joy"
00481127 32 v 02 crow 2 utter_shrill_sounds 0 001 @ 00554586 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | of roosters
00481222 32 v 04 exult 0 rejoice 0 triumph 1 jubilate 0 002 @ 00481880 v 0000 ~ 00481340 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00
00481340 32 v 02 glory 0 rejoice_proudly 0 001 @ 00481222 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00481419 32 v 01 cheerlead 0 001 @ 00481694 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 09 00 | be a cheerleader, in American sports events
00481537 32 v 02 cheer 2 applaud_by_shouting 0 003 @ 00482646 v 0000 ~ 01033230 v 0000 ~ 01033726 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | "everybody cheered the birthday boy"
00481694 32 v 07 cheer 1 cheer_on 0 inspire 1 urge_on 0 barrack 1 exhort 1 pep_up 0 002 @ 01035813 v 0000 ~ 00481419 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | "The crowd cheered the demonstrating strikers"
00481880 32 v 03 cheer 0 cheer_up 0 chirk_up 0 004 @ 01033054 v 0000 ! 00510349 v 0101 ~ 00481222 v 0000 ~ 00482543 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | become cheerful
00482034 32 v 04 cheer 3 cheer_up 1 jolly_along 0 jolly_up 0 002 > 00481880 v 0000 ~ 00482272 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | make cheerful
00482172 32 v 02 humor 0 humour 0 001 @ 00671513 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | put into a good mood
00482272 32 v 01 amuse 0 002 @ 00482034 v 0000 ~ 00482380 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | make somebody laugh
00482380 32 v 01 convulse 0 002 > 00020833 v 0000 @ 00482272 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | make someone convulse with laughter; "The comedian convulsed the crowd"
00482543 32 v 02 lighten 0 buoy_up 0 001 @ 00481880 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | become more cheerful
00482646 32 v 02 applaud 0 express_approval 0 003 @ 00480440 v 0000 ~ 00481537 v 0000 ~ 00483605 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | "I applaud your efforts"
00482798 32 v 01 bravo 0 001 @ 00483713 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 | applud with shouts of "bravo" or "brava"
00482918 32 v 05 laud 0 extol 0 exalt 0 glorify 0 proclaim 1 004 @ 00480440 v 0000 ~ 00483150 v 0000 ~ 00483284 v 0000 ~ 00483375 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | "extol the virtues of one's children"; "glorify one's spouse's cooking"
00483150 32 v 02 ensky 0 exalt_to_the_skies 0 001 @ 00482918 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | lift to the skies or to heaven with praise
00483284 32 v 02 crack_up 0 rhapsodize_about 0 001 @ 00482918 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00
00483375 32 v 01 hymn 0 001 @ 00482918 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | praise by singing a hymn: "They hymned their love of God"
00483494 32 v 01 promulgate 1 001 @ 00544887 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | put a law into effect by formal declaration
00483713 32 v 04 applaud 1 clap 0 spat 1 acclaim 1 004 * 00453743 v 0000 @ 00559482 v 0000 ! 00483937 v 0101 ~ 00482798 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 | clap one's hands or shout after performances to indicate approval
00483937 32 v 03 boo 0 hiss 2 show_displeasure 0 002 @ 00480246 v 0000 ! 00483713 v 0101 03 + 02 00 + 09 00 + 22 00 | after a performance or speech
00484087 32 v 01 explode 0 002 * 00483937 v 0000 @ 00480246 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | drive from the stage by noisy disapproval
00484211 32 v 01 sizzle 0 001 @ 01239839 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | make a sound like frying fat
00484303 32 v 06 attack 0 round_on 1 asssail 0 lash_out_at 0 snipe_at 0 assault 0 007 @ 00464213 v 0000 ~ 00474160 v 0000 ~ 00474506 v 0000 ~ 00484664 v 0000 ~ 00484808 v 0000 ~ 00484944 v 0000 ~ 00601902 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | attack verbally, in speech or writing; "The editors of the left-leaning paper attacked the new House Speaker"
00484664 32 v 02 whang 0 whang_away_at 0 001 @ 00484303 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | attack forcefully; "whang away at the school reform plan"
00484808 32 v 02 barrage 0 attack_with_a_barrage 0 001 @ 00484303 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | "The speaker was barraged by an angry audience"
00485680 32 v 01 gee 0 001 @ 00513163 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | as to a horse
00485754 32 v 06 curse 1 beshrew 0 damn 0 anathemize 0 imprecate 1 maledict 0 001 ! 00486033 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | wish harm upon; put a curse on; "The bad witch cursed the child"
00485942 32 v 02 curse 2 heap_obscenities_on 0 001 @ 00474160 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00
00486033 32 v 02 bless 0 give_a_benediction_to 0 002 ! 00485754 v 0101 ~ 00051846 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | "The dying man blessed his son"
00486177 32 v 04 consecrate 0 bless 1 hallow 0 sanctify 0 003 @ 00570287 v 0000 ! 00486465 v 0101 ~ 00486356 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | render holy by means of religious rites
00486356 32 v 01 reconsecrate 0 001 @ 00486177 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | consecrate anew, as after a desecration
00486465 32 v 02 desecrate 0 deconsecrate 0 002 @ 00080617 v 0000 ! 00486177 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | remove the consecration from a person or an object
00486623 32 v 02 bless 2 sign 3 001 @ 00559482 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | make the sign of the cross over someone in order to call on God for protection; consecrate
00486783 32 v 02 question 1 oppugn 0 002 @ 00487552 v 0000 ~ 00517585 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 26 00 | call into question; challenge the accuracy, probity, or propriety of; "We must question your judgment in this matter"
00487017 32 v 02 account_for 1 answer_for 0 001 @ 00570287 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "I can't account for the missing money"
00487138 32 v 03 impeach 3 challenge_the_honesty_of 0 challenge_the_credibility_of 0 001 @ 00487552 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | of witnesses
00487274 32 v 03 impugn 0 attack_as_false 0 attack_as_wrong 0 001 @ 00487552 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00487372 32 v 02 defy 0 dare 0 002 @ 00487552 v 0000 ~ 00487465 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 24 00
00487465 32 v 01 brazen 0 001 @ 00487372 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | "brazen it out"
00487552 32 v 02 challenge 0 issue_a_challenge_to 0 010 @ 00446000 v 0000 ~ 00446255 v 0000 ~ 00454882 v 0000 ~ 00486783 v 0000 ~ 00487138 v 0000 ~ 00487274 v 0000 ~ 00487372 v 0000 ~ 00534886 v 0000 ~ 01413951 v 0000 ~ 01460065 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | "Fischer challenged Spassky to a match"
00487851 32 v 03 challenge 1 dispute 0 gainsay 0 003 * 00486783 v 0000 @ 00488194 v 0000 ~ 00488009 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | "She challenged his claims"
00488009 32 v 01 call 7 001 @ 00487851 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | challenge (somebody) to make good on a statement; charge with or censure for an offense; "He deserves to be called on that"
00488194 32 v 03 contest 0 contend 0 repugn 0 002 @ 00435454 v 0000 ~ 00487851 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | "They contested the outcome of the race"
00488344 32 v 03 charge 0 lodge 0 file 1 002 @ 00472959 v 0000 ~ 00473701 v 0000 03 + 09 00 + 17 00 + 26 00 | file a formal charge against
00488485 32 v 03 warn 0 notify_of_danger 0 notify_of_a_risk 0 005 @ 00467082 v 0000 ~ 00488855 v 0000 ~ 00488992 v 0000 ~ 00489103 v 0000 ~ 00489644 v 0000 04 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 18 00 + 26 00 | "The director warned him that he might be fired"
00488729 32 v 03 warn 1 discourage 2 admonish 2 001 @ 00489752 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 22 00 | "I warned him not to go too far"
00488992 32 v 02 caution 0 admonish 1 001 @ 00488485 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | warn strongly; put on guard
00489103 32 v 01 threaten 0 001 @ 00488485 v 0000 05 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 + 17 00 + 24 00 | "He threatened me when I tried to call the police"
00489251 32 v 01 threaten 1 002 @ 00489389 v 0000 ~ 01523606 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 11 00 | "The clouds threaten rain"; "Danger threatens"
00489389 32 v 0d bode 0 portend 0 auspicate 0 prognosticate 1 omen 0 presage 0 betoken 0 foreshadow 0 augur 0 foretell 1 prefigure 0 forecast 1 predict 1 003 @ 00517688 v 0000 ~ 00489251 v 0000 ~ 00519793 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | "These signs bode bad news"
00489644 32 v 02 alarm 0 alert 0 001 @ 00488485 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | "The empty house alarmed him"
00489752 32 v 02 advise 0 counsel 0 005 @ 00457891 v 0000 ~ 00432374 v 0000 ~ 00488729 v 0000 ~ 00489920 v 0000 ~ 00491813 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 24 00 | give advise to
00489920 32 v 01 tip_off 1 001 @ 00489752 v 0000 03 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 24 00 | give an important tip or advise to
00490035 32 v 06 advise 1 notify 0 give_notice 0 send_word 0 apprise 0 apprize 1 002 @ 00467082 v 0000 ~ 00490233 v 0000 04 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 18 00 + 26 00 | "I advised him that the rent was due"
00490233 32 v 01 call c 001 @ 00490035 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | demand payment of; esp. by formal notice: "Call a loan"; demand presentation of (a bond issue) for redemption: "The bonds were called last month"
00490440 32 v 03 familiarize 0 familiarise 0 acquaint 1 002 @ 00467082 v 0000 ~ 00490720 v 0000 01 + 17 00 | "We familiarized ourselves with the new surroundings"
00490605 32 v 01 reacquaint 0 001 @ 00507320 v 0000 01 + 17 00 | "We reacquainted ourselves with this technique"
00490720 32 v 02 get_into 0 familiarize_oneself_with 0 001 @ 00490440 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 33 00
00490819 32 v 03 recommend 1 urge 3 advocate 0 001 @ 00490938 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 26 00 | push for something
00490938 32 v 03 propose 0 suggest 0 advise 2 011 @ 00570287 v 0000 ~ 00429831 v 0000 ~ 00439025 v 0000 ~ 00490819 v 0000 ~ 00491247 v 0000 ~ 00491392 v 0000 ~ 00491625 v 0000 ~ 00491735 v 0000 ~ 00492899 v 0000 ~ 00493716 v 0000 ~ 00522196 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make a proposal, declare a plan for something
00491247 32 v 02 advance 0 throw_out 0 001 @ 00490938 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | bring forward for consideration or acceptance; "advance an argument"
00491392 32 v 01 proposition 0 001 @ 00490938 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | suggest sex to; "She was propositioned by a stranger at the party
00491526 32 v 04 misadvise 0 misadvize 0 misguide 0 advize 2 000 01 + 09 00 | give bad advise to
00491625 32 v 01 feed_back 0 002 * 00458885 v 0000 @ 00490938 v 0000 01 + 15 00 | give feedback to somebody
00491735 32 v 02 propound 0 put_forward 2 001 @ 00490938 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00491813 32 v 02 consult 0 advise_professionally 0 001 @ 00489752 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 09 00 | "The professor consults for industry"
00491947 32 v 05 confer 0 confabulate 1 confab 1 consult 5 consult_together 0 004 @ 00457891 v 0000 ^ 00492665 v 0104 ^ 00428057 v 0104 ~ 00492166 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | have a conference in order to talk something over
00492271 32 v 03 consult 1 refer_to 2 look_up 0 001 @ 00492392 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "You should consult the dictionary"
00492392 32 v 02 research 0 attempt_to_find_out 0 002 @ 00442867 v 0000 ~ 00492271 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "The student researched the history of that word"
00492547 32 v 02 consult 3 have_regard_for 0 001 @ 00535241 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | when planning or deciding something
00492665 32 v 04 consult 2 get_advice_from 0 ask_for_advice 0 confer_with 0 001 @ 00440329 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | "Consult your local broker"
00492899 32 v 03 submit 0 state 1 put_forward 0 001 @ 00490938 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 15 00 | put before; "I submit to you that the accused is guilty"
00493049 32 v 05 submit 2 bow 1 defer 0 accede 0 give_in 2 001 @ 00452338 v 0000 01 + 27 00 | "The government bowed to the military pressure"
00493193 32 v 03 submit 1 refer_for_judgment 0 refer_for_consideration 0 003 @ 00422854 v 0000 ~ 00493388 v 0000 ~ 01464200 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 15 00 | "She submitted a proposal to the agency"
00493388 32 v 01 return 2 002 @ 00493193 v 0000 ~ 00493572 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 15 00 | submit (a report, etc.) to someone in authority; "submit a bill to a legislative body"
00493572 32 v 01 report_out 0 001 @ 00493388 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | return a bill after consideration and revision to a legislative body
00493716 32 v 03 move 0 propose_formally 0 make_a_motion 0 001 @ 00490938 v 0000 03 + 13 00 + 26 00 + 28 00 | in a debate or parliamentary meeting
00493865 32 v 03 nominate 0 put_up 0 put_forward 1 001 @ 01359557 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 22 00 | propose as a candidate for some honor
00494108 32 v 02 volunteer 0 tell_voluntarily 0 001 @ 00467082 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | "He volunteered the information"
00494234 32 v 02 flatter 0 blandish 0 007 @ 00480440 v 0000 ! 00474625 v 0101 ~ 00431727 v 0000 ~ 00494453 v 0000 ~ 00494557 v 0000 ~ 00494822 v 0000 ~ 00494946 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | praise somewhat dishonestly
00494453 32 v 01 adulate 0 001 @ 00494234 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | flatter in an obsequious manner
00494557 32 v 03 stroke 0 treat_gingerly 0 treat_carefully 0 001 @ 00494234 v 0000 01 + 09 00
00494654 32 v 04 eulogize 0 eulogise 0 praise_formally 0 praise_eloquently 0 001 @ 00480440 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | "The dead woman was eulogized at the funeral"
00495407 32 v 03 rave 0 gush 0 praise_enthusiastically 0 001 @ 00480440 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | "She raved about that new restaurant"
00495547 32 v 02 commend 0 express_approval_of 0 001 @ 00480440 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 22 00
00495640 32 v 02 commend 1 remember 0 001 @ 00578336 v 0000 01 + 20 00 | mention as by way of greeting or to indicate friendship; "Remember me to your wife"
00495799 32 v 01 remember 7 001 @ 00578336 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | mention favourably, as in prayer; "remember me in your prayers"
00495928 32 v 02 commend 2 recommend 0 001 @ 00480440 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 26 00 | express a good opinion of
00496038 32 v 02 commend 3 give_in_charge 0 001 @ 01335228 v 0000 01 + 15 00 | "I commend my children to you"
00496150 32 v 09 boast 0 tout 0 swash 0 shoot_a_line 0 brag 0 gas 0 bluster 0 vaunt 0 gasconade 0 004 @ 00471039 v 0000 ^ 00547660 v 0201 ~ 00448206 v 0000 ~ 00496372 v 0000 04 + 02 00 + 22 00 + 26 00 + 27 00 | show off
00496372 32 v 03 gloat 0 triumph 0 crow 0 003 @ 00496150 v 0000 ~ 00496530 v 0000 ~ 00496623 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 22 00 + 26 00 | dwell on with satisfaction
00496530 32 v 03 preen_on 0 pride_on 0 congratulate_on 0 001 @ 00496372 v 0000 01 + 20 00
00496623 32 v 01 preen 0 001 @ 00496372 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00496684 32 v 02 promise 0 assure 2 005 @ 00570287 v 0000 ~ 00497152 v 0000 ~ 00497465 v 0000 ~ 00499798 v 0000 ~ 00500310 v 0000 04 + 26 00 + 28 00 + 08 01 + 24 01 | make a promise or commitment
00496882 32 v 01 promise 1 002 @ 00570287 v 0000 ~ 00497033 v 0000 02 + 14 00 + 15 00 | promise to undertake or give; "I promise you my best effort"
00497033 32 v 01 vouchsafe 0 001 @ 00496882 v 0000 01 + 28 00 | promise or agree condescendingly, as a special favor
00497152 32 v 02 pledge 0 plight 0 004 @ 00496684 v 0000 ~ 00498812 v 0000 ~ 00500655 v 0000 ~ 00583013 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | promise solemnly and formally
00497316 32 v 02 make_a_commitment 0 commit_oneself 0 001 @ 01353541 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "We committed ourselves to work for a better environment"
00497465 32 v 02 swear_off 0 promise_to_abstain_from 0 001 @ 00496684 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00497556 32 v 03 pledge 1 bind_by_a_pledge 0 secure_by_a_pledge 0 001 @ 00497769 v 0000 01 + 20 00
00497658 32 v 01 article 0 001 @ 00497769 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | bind by a contract; esp. for a training period
00497769 32 v 04 oblige 0 bind_by_an_obligation 0 cause_to_be_indebted 0 bind 0 005 @ 01391305 v 0000 ~ 00497556 v 0000 ~ 00497658 v 0000 ~ 00497973 v 0000 ~ 00498091 v 0000 03 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 24 00
00497973 32 v 01 indenture 0 001 @ 00497769 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | bind by or as if by indentures, as of an apprentice
00498091 32 v 02 tie_down 0 glue_down 0 001 @ 00497769 v 0000 03 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 24 00 | "He was tied down by his work"
00498215 32 v 02 oblige 1 accommodate 0 002 @ 01439724 v 0000 ! 00498373 v 0101 01 + 09 00 | provide a service or favor for someone; "We had to oblige him"
00498373 32 v 01 disoblige 0 002 @ 00450473 v 0000 ! 00498215 v 0101 01 + 09 00 | ignore someone's wishes
00498576 32 v 02 pledge 2 give_as_a_guarantee 0 002 @ 01334470 v 0000 ~ 00601787 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "I pledge my honor"
00498699 32 v 04 betroth 0 engage 0 affiance 0 plight 1 001 @ 00498812 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 20 00 | in marriage
00498812 32 v 02 vow 0 make_a_vow 0 004 @ 00497152 v 0000 ~ 00498699 v 0000 ~ 00499701 v 0000 ~ 00500519 v 0000 02 + 26 00 + 28 00
00498946 32 v 02 vow 1 consecrate 1 001 @ 00499319 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 15 00 | dedicate to a deity by a vow
00499056 32 v 01 dedicate 1 002 @ 00600945 v 0000 ~ 00499179 v 0000 01 + 15 00 | "She dedicated her book to her parents"
00499179 32 v 01 inscribe 2 001 @ 00499056 v 0000 01 + 15 00 | address, as a work of literature, in a style less formal than a dedication
00499319 32 v 04 give 3 dedicate 0 commit 1 devote 0 003 @ 00658243 v 0000 ~ 00498946 v 0000 ~ 00499542 v 0000 03 + 14 00 + 15 00 + 24 00 | "She committed herself to the work of God"; "give one's talents to a good cause"
00499542 32 v 02 rededicate 0 dedicate_anew 0 001 @ 00499319 v 0000 03 + 14 00 + 15 00 + 24 00 | "They were asked to rededicate themselves to their country"
00499701 32 v 02 profess 1 take_a_vow 0 001 @ 00498812 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of religious orders
00499798 32 v 02 contract 0 undertake 1 006 @ 00496684 v 0000 ~ 00500002 v 0000 ~ 00575301 v 0000 ~ 01392841 v 0000 ~ 01393019 v 0000 ~ 01393400 v 0000 01 + 28 00 | enter into a contractual arrangement
00500002 32 v 01 sign 0 008 @ 00499798 v 0000 ~ 00562074 v 0000 ~ 00562188 v 0000 ~ 00562274 v 0000 ~ 00562385 v 0000 ~ 00562492 v 0000 ~ 00562619 v 0000 ~ 00562717 v 0000 01 + 28 00 | be angaged by a written agreement; "He signed to play the casino on Dec. 18"; "The soprano signed to sing the new opera"
00500310 32 v 02 undertake 0 guarantee 1 002 @ 00496684 v 0000 ~ 00500413 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 28 00
00500413 32 v 01 underwrite 1 001 @ 00500310 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | guarantee financial support of
00500519 32 v 02 swear 2 promise_solemnly 0 002 @ 00498812 v 0000 ^ 00497465 v 0101 04 + 02 00 + 15 00 + 26 00 + 28 00 | take an oath
00500655 32 v 02 guarantee 0 vouch_for 0 003 @ 00497152 v 0000 ~ 00575457 v 0000 ~ 01335491 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 26 00
00500784 32 v 05 guarantee 3 ensure 0 insure 4 assure 3 secure 0 000 01 + 11 00 | make certain of; "This nest egg will ensure a nice retirement for us"; "Preparation will guarantee success!"
00500977 32 v 03 cover 0 insure 0 underwrite 0 003 @ 00501543 v 0000 ~ 00501154 v 0000 ~ 01281500 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | "The insurance won't cover this"
00501154 32 v 01 reinsure 1 001 @ 00500977 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | insure again by assuming all or a part of the liability of an insurance company already covering a risk
00501347 32 v 02 reinsure 0 re-insure 0 001 @ 01281336 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | insure again by transferring to another insurance company all or a part of a liability assumed
00501543 32 v 02 guarantee 2 warrant 1 003 @ 01389297 v 0000 ~ 00500977 v 0000 ~ 01385530 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | stand behind
00501668 32 v 02 thank 0 give_thanks_to 0 002 @ 00522332 v 0000 ~ 00501815 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 20 00 | express gratitude or show appreciation to
00501815 32 v 02 acknowledge 1 recognize 0 002 @ 00501668 v 0000 ~ 01028341 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | express obligation for
00501936 32 v 02 acknowledge 4 receipt 0 001 @ 00570287 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 15 00 | acknowledge the receipt of
00503125 32 v 05 apologize 1 apologise 1 excuse 1 justify 2 rationalize 0 004 @ 00503307 v 0000 ~ 00469789 v 0000 ~ 00502940 v 0000 ~ 00509743 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make excuses for
00503307 32 v 03 defend 0 support 1 fend_for 0 004 @ 00433508 v 0000 ~ 00503125 v 0000 ~ 00503489 v 0000 ~ 00503899 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | argue in defense of
00503489 32 v 01 stand_up 0 001 @ 00503307 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | "He stood up to the committee and defended the contract"
00503611 32 v 03 cover_for 1 provide_an_alibi_for 0 cover_up_for 0 001 @ 00503747 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | "I won't lie and cover for you"
00503747 32 v 01 cover_up 0 002 @ 00468387 v 0000 ~ 00503611 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | conceal the truth; "The White House covered up the burglary"
00503899 32 v 04 uphold 0 fight_for 0 stand_up_for 0 stick_up_for 0 001 @ 00503307 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of causes, principles, or ideals
00504037 32 v 02 justify 0 vindicate 0 002 @ 00504156 v 0000 ~ 00502314 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | show to be right
00504156 32 v 02 uphold 2 maintain 3 002 @ 00571424 v 0000 ~ 00504037 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "The appellate court upheld the verdict"
00504289 32 v 02 justify 1 warrant 0 001 @ 00571424 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | show to be reasonable
00504385 32 v 02 greet 1 send_greetings_to 0 002 @ 00416793 v 0000 ~ 00495184 v 0000 01 + 09 00
00504484 32 v 02 greet 0 recognize 1 010 @ 00558534 v 0000 ~ 00505098 v 0000 ~ 00506125 v 0000 ~ 00506270 v 0000 ~ 00506475 v 0000 ~ 00506601 v 0000 ~ 00506727 v 0000 ~ 00506895 v 0000 ~ 00507179 v 0000 ~ 00599894 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | express greetings upon meeting someone
00504759 32 v 03 address 0 speak_to 0 turn_to 1 002 @ 00416793 v 0000 ~ 00504861 v 0000 01 + 09 00
00504861 32 v 01 ask 4 003 @ 00504759 v 0000 ~ 00440765 v 0000 ~ 00442559 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | address a question to and expect an answer from; "Ask your teacher about trigonometry"; "The children asked me about their dead grandmother"
00505098 32 v 02 shake_hands 0 wring_hands 0 001 @ 00504484 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 21 00
00505187 32 v 02 nod 0 lower_and_raise_the_head 0 001 @ 00416793 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 27 00
00505281 32 v 03 nod 1 express_by_nodding 0 signify_by_nodding 0 001 @ 00559482 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "He nodded his approval"
00505408 32 v 01 cross_oneself 0 001 @ 00559482 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | make the sign of the cross; in the Catholic religion
00505531 32 v 02 bow 0 bow_down 0 002 @ 00559482 v 0000 ~ 00505712 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 22 00 + 27 00 | incline the head; "He bowed before the King"; "She bowed her head in shame"
00505712 32 v 02 congee 0 conge 0 001 @ 00505531 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | perform a ceremonious bow
00505817 32 v 02 take_a_bow 0 acknowledge_applause 0 001 @ 01166128 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 22 00 + 27 00 | incline the head, as of an artist after a performance
00505977 32 v 03 take_a_bow 1 acknowledge_praise 0 accept_credit 0 001 @ 00385232 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | "They finally took a bow for what they did"
00506125 32 v 03 curtsy 0 bob 0 make_a_curtsy 0 002 @ 00504484 v 0000 * 00505531 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | for girls and women; as a sign of respect
00506270 32 v 02 salute 0 greet_in_a_friendly_way 0 002 @ 00504484 v 0000 ~ 00506384 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00
00506384 32 v 01 salaam 0 001 @ 00506270 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 09 00 | greet with a salaam
00506475 32 v 02 salute 1 present 3 002 * 00559482 v 0000 @ 00504484 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | assume a position; in the military
00506601 32 v 01 salute 2 001 @ 00504484 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | honor with a military ceremony, as when honoring dead soldiers
00506727 32 v 02 hail 0 greet_enthusiastically 0 001 @ 00504484 v 0000 01 + 09 00
00506812 32 v 02 hail 1 call_for 2 001 @ 00444911 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | as of cabs
00506895 32 v 04 welcome 0 bid_welcome_to 0 greet_upon_arrival 0 receive 0 002 @ 00504484 v 0000 ! 00507179 v 0101 01 + 09 00
00507024 32 v 02 dismiss 1 usher_out 0 001 @ 00507179 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | end one's encounter with somebody by causing or permitting the person to leave
00507179 32 v 03 say_farewell 0 say_goodbye 0 bid_farewell 0 003 @ 00504484 v 0000 ! 00506895 v 0101 ~ 00507024 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 27 00
00507320 32 v 03 introduce 0 present 1 acquaint 0 004 @ 00467082 v 0000 ~ 00490605 v 0000 ~ 00507480 v 0000 ~ 00604079 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 28 00 | make known
00507480 32 v 01 present 4 001 @ 00507320 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | formally present a debutante, a representative of a country, etc.
00507610 32 v 03 preface 0 premise 1 introduce 1 003 @ 00569629 v 0000 ~ 00507755 v 0000 ~ 00507836 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | furnish with a preface
00507755 32 v 01 preamble 0 001 @ 00507610 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | make a preamble
00507836 32 v 01 prologize 0 001 @ 00507610 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | write or speak a prologue
00507928 32 v 03 absolve 0 justify 3 free 0 003 @ 00508517 v 0000 ! 00472718 v 0101 ~ 00502521 v 0000 01 + 18 00 | let off the hook
00508062 32 v 02 meld 0 announce_for_a_score 0 001 @ 00549373 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of cards in a card game
00508170 32 v 02 wish 0 bid 1 003 @ 00445741 v 0000 ^ 00507179 v 0203 ~ 00495293 v 0000 02 + 14 00 + 15 00 | of greetings
00508294 32 v 02 wish 1 order_politely 0 001 @ 00419119 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | express a wish for
00508391 32 v 03 wish 2 make_a_wish 0 express_a_wish 0 001 @ 00529407 v 0000 01 + 26 00 | "I wish that Christmas were over"
00508517 32 v 03 forgive 0 grant_forgiveness 0 stop_blaming 0 005 @ 00453422 v 0000 ~ 00502162 v 0000 ~ 00507928 v 0000 ~ 00509287 v 0000 ~ 00509593 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 14 00
00508703 32 v 06 acquit 0 assoil 1 clear 0 discharge 0 exonerate 0 exculpate 0 005 * 00376571 v 0000 @ 00547761 v 0000 ! 00509871 v 0101 ~ 00508940 v 0000 ~ 00509207 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 18 00 | pronounce not guilty of criminal charges
00508940 32 v 01 whitewash 0 001 @ 00508703 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | exonerate by means of a perfunctory investigation or through biased presentation of data
00509103 32 v 02 get_off 1 cause_to_be_acquitted 0 000 01 + 09 00 | get off the hook; in a legal case
00509207 32 v 01 purge 0 001 @ 00508703 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | clear of a charge
00509287 32 v 02 pardon 0 grant_pardon 0 003 @ 00508517 v 0000 ~ 00509431 v 0000 ~ 00509493 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 14 00 | "Ford pardoned Nixon"
00509431 32 v 01 assoil 0 001 @ 00509287 v 0000 01 + 09 00
00509493 32 v 01 amnesty 0 001 @ 00509287 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | grant a pardon to a group of people
00509743 32 v 03 extenuate 0 palliate 0 mitigate 0 001 @ 00503125 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | "The circumstances extenuate the crime"
00509871 32 v 03 convict 0 find_guilty 0 declare_guilty 0 004 * 00376571 v 0000 @ 00547761 v 0000 ! 00508703 v 0101 ~ 00510027 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 18 00
00510027 32 v 01 reconvict 0 001 @ 00509871 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | convict anew
00510106 32 v 03 sentence 0 condemn 1 doom 0 004 * 00509871 v 0000 @ 00570287 v 0000 ~ 00510268 v 0000 ~ 01414646 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 24 00 | in a court of law
00510268 32 v 01 foredoom 0 001 @ 00510106 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | doom beforehand
00510349 32 v 09 complain 0 plain 0 sound_off 0 express_complaints 0 express_unhappiness 0 express_displeasure 0 quetch 0 kvetch 0 express_discontent 1 013 ! 00481880 v 0101 ~ 00473838 v 0000 ~ 00510761 v 0000 ~ 00510953 v 0000 ~ 00511736 v 0000 ~ 00511867 v 0000 ~ 00512172 v 0000 ~ 00512482 v 0000 ~ 00512585 v 0000 ~ 00512708 v 0000 ~ 00512797 v 0000 ~ 00544575 v 0000 ~ 00593299 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 26 00
00510761 32 v 02 backbite 0 bitch 0 001 @ 00510349 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | say mean things
00511069 32 v 02 deter 1 discourage 1 001 @ 00454069 v 0000 03 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | try to prevent; show opposition to: "We should discourage this practice among our youth"
00511249 32 v 02 foster 0 nurture 0 003 @ 01035813 v 0000 ~ 00511406 v 0000 ~ 01510127 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | help develop, help grow
00511406 32 v 03 patronize 0 patronage 0 support 2 001 @ 00511249 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | "We patronize this store"
00511528 32 v 02 patronize 1 condescend_to 0 002 @ 01346535 v 0000 ~ 00511650 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | treat condescendingly
00511650 32 v 02 stoop_to 0 make_concessions_to 0 001 @ 00511528 v 0000 01 + 22 00
00512896 32 v 01 regret 2 002 @ 00467082 v 0000 ~ 01014266 v 0000 01 + 28 00 | "I regret to say..."
00512999 32 v 04 regret 0 express_regrets 0 decline_politely 0 decline_formally 0 001 @ 00448333 v 0000 02 + 26 00 + 28 00 | "I regret I can't come to the party"
00513163 32 v 05 exclaim 0 speak_loudly 0 cry_out 0 outcry 0 call_out 1 003 @ 00513328 v 0000 ~ 00485561 v 0000 ~ 00485680 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | utter aloud
00513328 32 v 02 shout 0 speak_loudly 1 007 @ 00530290 v 0000 ! 00515168 v 0101 ^ 00474160 v 0104 ~ 00513163 v 0000 ~ 00514445 v 0000 ~ 00514943 v 0000 ~ 00515068 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 26 00 | talk in a loud voice
00513550 32 v 06 shout 1 shout_out 0 cry 1 call 9 yell 1 scream 1 010 @ 00554586 v 0000 ^ 00550135 v 0401 ^ 00513163 v 0303 ^ 01486821 v 0301 ^ 01486821 v 0302 ~ 00514027 v 0000 ~ 00514196 v 0000 ~ 00514276 v 0000 ~ 00514346 v 0000 ~ 00514575 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 26 00 | utter in a lound distinct voice so as to be heard over a long distance; utter a cry; "She called her children from the window"; "I can hear you well--don't shout"; "She creamed with fear"
00514027 32 v 01 hollo 1 001 @ 00513550 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | cry hollo
00515533 32 v 01 enthuse 0 002 @ 00530290 v 0000 ~ 00515637 v 0000 01 + 26 00 | utter with enthusiasm
00515637 32 v 01 rhapsodize 0 001 @ 00515533 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | say (something) with great enthusiasm
00515750 32 v 03 guess 0 venture 0 hazard 0 003 @ 00521348 v 0000 ~ 00516413 v 0000 ~ 00517484 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | of a guess
00515886 32 v 01 venture 1 001 @ 00529407 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | express in spite of possible refutation
00515998 32 v 02 suppose 0 say 3 001 @ 00521348 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | express a supposition; "Let us say that he did not tell the truth"; "Let's say you had a lot of money--what would you do?"
00516327 32 v 02 secondguess 1 outguess 0 001 @ 00516413 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00
00516413 32 v 06 predict 0 foretell 0 prognosticate 0 forebode 0 anticipate 0 promise 2 007 @ 00515750 v 0000 ~ 00353179 v 0000 ~ 00516327 v 0000 ~ 00516695 v 0000 ~ 00516786 v 0000 ~ 00520963 v 0000 ~ 00521067 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | make a prediction about; tell in advance
00516695 32 v 01 augur 1 001 @ 00516413 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | predict from an omen
00516786 32 v 02 bet 0 wager 0 002 @ 00516413 v 0000 ^ 00646526 v 0101 01 + 26 00 | "I bet she will be there!"
00516899 32 v 01 guesstimate 0 001 @ 00377820 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | estimate based on a calculation
00517007 32 v 04 determine 0 find 0 find_out 0 ascertain 1 003 ~ 00517377 v 0000 ~ 00533825 v 0000 ~ 01305641 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 29 00 | after a calculation or investigation
00517184 32 v 07 determine 1 check a find_out 1 see 0 ascertain 0 watch 9 learn 2 000 01 + 29 00 | "I want to see whether she speaks French"; "See wether it works"; "Watch how he will react"
00517377 32 v 01 refract 0 001 @ 00517007 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | determine the refracting power of (a lens)
00517484 32 v 02 suspect 0 surmise 0 001 @ 00515750 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | imagine to be true
00517585 32 v 03 suspect 1 distrust 0 doubt 0 001 @ 00486783 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | suspect to be false
00517688 32 v 05 bespeak 1 betoken 1 indicate 1 point_to 2 signal 1 003 @ 00536218 v 0000 ~ 00489389 v 0000 ~ 00517906 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | be a signal for or a symptom of; "These symptoms indicate a serious illness"
00517906 32 v 01 mark 2 004 @ 00517688 v 0000 ~ 00518050 v 0000 ~ 00518150 v 0000 ~ 00518389 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | "This sign marks the border"
00518050 32 v 01 signpost 0 001 @ 00517906 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | mark with a signpost, as of a path
00518150 32 v 02 signalize 0 distinguish 0 002 @ 00517906 v 0000 ~ 00518273 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make conspicuous
00518273 32 v 01 singularize 0 001 @ 00518150 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | distinguish as singular
00518389 32 v 01 buoy 0 001 @ 00517906 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | mark with a buoy
00518467 32 v 04 read 2 register 0 show 4 record 3 004 @ 00521856 v 0000 ~ 00518715 v 0000 ~ 00518807 v 0000 ~ 00519103 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | of gauges and instruments; "The thermometer showed thirteen degrees below zero"; "The gauge read `empty'"
00518715 32 v 01 say 9 001 @ 00518467 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | indicate; "The clock says noon"
00518807 32 v 02 show 3 give_evidence_of 0 002 @ 00518467 v 0000 ~ 00518961 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | of records; "The diary shows his distress that evening"
00518961 32 v 01 surcharge 0 001 @ 00518807 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | show an omission in (an account) for which credit ought to have been given
00519103 32 v 01 strike 0 001 @ 00518467 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | of clocks
00519176 32 v 05 indicate 3 point 0 point_out 0 point_to 0 show 1 004 @ 00467082 v 0000 ~ 00519519 v 0000 ~ 00519664 v 0000 ~ 01219690 v 0000 05 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 14 00 + 15 00 + 26 00 | indicate a place or direction; either spatially or figuratively; "I showed the customer the glove section"; "He showed her that there was a lot of space"
00519519 32 v 01 finger 0 001 @ 00519176 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | indicate the fingering for the playing of musical scores for keyboard instruments
00519664 32 v 03 signalize 2 point_out 3 point_to 1 001 @ 00519176 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | point out carefully and clearly
00519793 32 v 02 prophesy 3 foreshow 0 001 @ 00489389 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | foretell by divine inspiration
00519900 32 v 03 suspect 2 hold_in_suspicion 0 believe_to_be_guilty 0 001 @ 00355753 v 0000 01 + 09 00
00520006 32 v 02 wonder 1 question 2 002 @ 00355285 v 0000 ~ 00520251 v 0000 02 + 29 00 + 02 01 | place in doubt or express doubtful speculation; "I wonder whether this was the right thing to do"; "she wondered whether it would snow tonight"
00520251 32 v 01 scruple 0 001 @ 00520006 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | have doubts about
00520333 32 v 05 wonder_at 0 marvel_at 0 marvel_over 0 marvel_about 0 be_amazed_at 0 001 @ 00403903 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "We marvelled at the child's linguistic abilities"
00520506 32 v 01 marvel 0 001 @ 00529407 v 0000 02 + 22 00 + 26 00 | express astonishment or surprise about something
00520626 32 v 03 explicate 1 formulate 3 develop 0 002 @ 00356375 v 0000 ~ 00520819 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | elaborate, as of theories and hypotheses; "Could you develop the ideas in your thesis"
00520819 32 v 02 redevelop 0 reformulate 0 001 @ 00520626 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | formulate or develop again, of an improved theory or hypothesis
00520963 32 v 02 forecast 0 calculate 1 001 @ 00516413 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | predict in advance
00521067 32 v 01 prophesy 0 002 @ 00516413 v 0000 ~ 00521230 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 26 00 | predict or reveal through, or as if through, divine inspiration
00521230 32 v 03 enlighten 1 irradiate 0 give_spiritual_insight_to 0 001 @ 00521067 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | in religion
00521348 32 v 02 speculate 0 indulge_in_speculations 0 003 @ 00356251 v 0000 ~ 00515750 v 0000 ~ 00515998 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 26 00
00521483 32 v 02 hint 0 suggest 4 004 @ 00522332 v 0000 ~ 00521656 v 0000 ~ 00521764 v 0000 ~ 00580227 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 22 00 + 26 00 | drop a hint; intimate by a hint
00521656 32 v 03 intimate 0 adumbrate 1 insinuate 0 001 @ 00521483 v 0000 01 + 26 00 | give to understand
00521764 32 v 01 clue_in 0 001 @ 00521483 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | provide someone with a clue
00521856 32 v 03 indicate 0 suggest_briefly 0 state_briefly 0 003 @ 00467082 v 0000 ~ 00518467 v 0000 ! 00522196 v 0101 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 26 00
00522006 32 v 02 indicate 4 suggest 3 002 @ 00467082 v 0000 ! 00522196 v 0101 01 + 11 00 | suggest the necessity of an intervention; in medicine: "Tetracycline is indicated in such cases"
00522196 32 v 01 contraindicate 0 003 @ 00490938 v 0000 ! 00521856 v 0101 ! 00522006 v 0101 01 + 11 00 | make a treatment inadvisable
00522332 32 v 02 convey 0 impart 1 010 @ 00416793 v 0000 ~ 00501668 v 0000 ~ 00521483 v 0000 ~ 00522618 v 0000 ~ 00522876 v 0000 ~ 00523018 v 0000 ~ 00523147 v 0000 ~ 00523323 v 0000 ~ 00531321 v 0000 ~ 00537777 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 15 00 | make known; pass on, of information
00522618 32 v 01 say 7 001 @ 00522332 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | communicate or give expression to, not necessarily verbally; "What does this painting say?" "Did his face say anyhting about how he felt?" "This book says nothing, so far as I am concerned"
00522876 32 v 01 sign 4 001 @ 00522332 v 0000 01 + 26 00 | communicate by a sign or signs; "She signed that she was prepared to come along"
00523018 32 v 01 look 0 001 @ 00522332 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 15 00 | convey by one's expression; "She looked her devotion to me"
00523147 32 v 01 flash 0 001 @ 00522332 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make known or cause to appear with great speed; "The latest intelligence is flashed to all command posts"
00523402 32 v 02 imply 0 connote 1 001 @ 00531321 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 26 00 | express or state indirectly
00523518 32 v 01 burst_out 0 001 @ 00531321 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 33 00 | give sudden release to an expression; "We burst out laughing"; "I hate you," she burst out.
00523684 32 v 04 suggest 1 evoke 1 call_to_mind 0 paint_a_picture 0 003 @ 00531321 v 0000 ~ 01252265 v 0000 ~ 01491901 v 0000 02 + 11 00 + 02 04
00523832 32 v 02 imply 1 indicate_by_inference 0 004 @ 00531321 v 0000 ~ 00403333 v 0000 ~ 00524027 v 0000 ~ 00524156 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | suggest as a logically necessary consequence; in logic
00524027 32 v 02 suggest 2 intimate 1 001 @ 00523832 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | "The evidence suggests a need for more clarification"
00524156 32 v 02 connote 0 predicate 1 001 @ 00523832 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | involve as a necessary condition of consequence; in logic
00524290 32 v 03 denote 0 refer_to 0 have_as_a_meaning 0 008 @ 00537777 v 0000 ~ 00525040 v 0000 ~ 00525184 v 0000 ~ 00540349 v 0000 ~ 00579867 v 0000 ~ 00580113 v 0000 ~ 00591199 v 0000 ~ 00601383 v 0000 01 + 11 00
00524509 32 v 04 mean 3 intend 2 signify 2 stand_for 0 000 01 + 11 00 | denote or connote; "`maison' means `house' in French"; "An example sentence would show what this word means"
00524692 32 v 03 denote 1 be_a_sign_of 0 be_an_indication_of 0 001 @ 00582586 v 0000 01 + 11 00
00524791 32 v 01 signify 0 001 @ 00537777 v 0000 03 + 11 00 + 15 00 + 21 00 | convey or express a meaning; "These words means nothing to me!"
00524935 32 v 02 spell 1 import 0 001 @ 00537777 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | "I'm afraid this spells trouble!"
00525040 32 v 05 twist 0 twist_around 0 pervert 0 convolute 0 sophisticate 0 001 @ 00524290 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | change the meaning of
00525184 32 v 02 euphemize 0 use_a_euphemism 0 001 @ 00524290 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | refer to something with a euphemism
00525304 32 v 02 speak_in_tongues 0 speak_unintelligibly 0 001 @ 00530290 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | in religious ecstasy
00525421 32 v 02 voice 0 give_voice_to 0 001 @ 00529407 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "He voiced his concern"
00525531 32 v 02 tone_down 0 moderate 1 001 @ 00541843 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | express less strongly
00525638 32 v 0c disclose 0 let_on 0 reveal 0 discover 4 expose 1 declare 2 divulge 0 impart 0 break 0 give_away 0 make_known 1 let_out 0 009 > 00526680 v 0000 @ 00536218 v 0000 ~ 00526106 v 0000 ~ 00526245 v 0000 ~ 00526566 v 0000 ~ 00526928 v 0000 ~ 00527064 v 0000 ~ 00527560 v 0000 ~ 00527673 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 15 00 + 26 00
00525980 32 v 04 out 0 come_out 0 be_disclosed 0 be_revealed 0 000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | be made known; "The truth will out"
00526106 32 v 01 out 1 001 @ 00525638 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | reveal somebody else's homosexuality; "This actor was outed last week"
00526245 32 v 02 come_out_of_the_closet 0 come_out 1 001 @ 00525638 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | to state openly and publicly one's homosexuality; "This actor outed last year"
00526415 32 v 02 unmask 0 uncloak 0 001 @ 00478471 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | "The journal article unmasked the corrupt politician"
00526566 32 v 01 spring 0 001 @ 00525638 v 0000 01 + 19 00 | "He sprang these news in me just as I was leaving"
00526680 32 v 05 break 5 get_out 0 get_around 0 be_released 0 become_known 0 001 ~ 00526802 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | of news
00526802 32 v 03 leak 1 leak_out 0 be_leaked 0 001 @ 00526680 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | "The news leaked out despite his secrecy"
00526928 32 v 03 betray 1 bewray 0 reveal_unintentionally 0 001 @ 00525638 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | "Her smile betrayed her true feelings"
00527064 32 v 03 confide 0 reveal_in_private 0 tell_confidentially 0 003 * 00386671 v 0000 @ 00525638 v 0000 ~ 00527213 v 0000 02 + 15 00 + 22 00
00527213 32 v 02 unbosom 0 relieve 0 001 @ 00527064 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | relieve oneself of troubling information
00527328 32 v 02 tip_off 0 sell_out_to 0 002 * 00525638 v 0000 @ 00472345 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | give inside information to; as to the police
00527469 32 v 01 nark 0 001 @ 00467082 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | inform or spy for, the police
00527560 32 v 02 leak 0 tell_anonymously 0 002 > 00526680 v 0000 @ 00525638 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 14 00 + 15 00
00527673 32 v 08 tattle 1 talk 6 blab 0 peach 0 babble 1 sing 1 babble_out 0 blab_out 0 001 @ 00525638 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 08 + 08 07 | divulge information or secrets; spill the beans; "Be careful--his secretary talks"
00527897 32 v 03 spell 0 recite_the_letters_of 0 give_the_spelling_of 0 003 @ 00532232 v 0000 ^ 00352550 v 0101 ~ 00528072 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "How do you spell this word?"
00528072 32 v 02 misspell 0 spell_incorrectly 0 001 @ 00527897 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00528156 32 v 02 interpret 0 give_an_interpretation_to 0 006 @ 00528672 v 0000 ~ 00528347 v 0000 ~ 00528465 v 0000 ~ 00528576 v 0000 ~ 00541533 v 0000 ~ 00541659 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00528347 32 v 02 reinterpret 0 re-explain 0 001 @ 00528156 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | interpret form a different viewpoint
00528465 32 v 01 commentate 0 001 @ 00528156 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | serve as a commentator, as in sportscasting
00528576 32 v 02 misinterpret 0 interpret_falsely 0 001 @ 00528156 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00528672 32 v 02 explain 0 explicate 0 006 @ 00467082 v 0000 ~ 00528156 v 0000 ~ 00528886 v 0000 ~ 00529023 v 0000 ~ 00529123 v 0000 ~ 00583931 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 11 00 + 26 00 | give an explanation for
00528886 32 v 02 account_for 0 give_reasons_for 0 001 @ 00528672 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "Can you account for all these absences?"
00529023 32 v 01 naturalize 0 001 @ 00528672 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | explain with reference to nature
00529123 32 v 03 clarify 0 clear_up 0 elucidate 0 004 @ 00528672 v 0000 ! 00529286 v 0101 ~ 00538150 v 0000 ~ 00538838 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | shed light on
00529286 32 v 03 obfuscate 0 make_obscure 0 make_unclear 0 002 @ 00072540 v 0000 ! 00529123 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00529407 32 v 03 express 0 utter 1 give_tongue_to 0 011 ~ 00508391 v 0000 ~ 00515886 v 0000 ~ 00520506 v 0000 ~ 00525421 v 0000 ~ 00529742 v 0000 ~ 00529827 v 0000 ~ 00529919 v 0000 ~ 00530173 v 0000 ~ 00556972 v 0000 ~ 00569629 v 0000 ~ 00603419 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | express verbally; "She expressed her anger"; "He uttered a curse"
00529742 32 v 01 breathe 1 001 @ 00529407 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "not breathe a word"
00529827 32 v 01 drop 0 001 @ 00529407 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | utter casually; "drop a hint"
00529919 32 v 01 pour_out 0 001 @ 00529407 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | express without restraint; "The woman poured out her frustrations as the judge listened"
00530073 32 v 02 miaou 0 miaow 0 001 @ 00554586 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | make a cat-like sound
00530173 32 v 01 get_off 4 001 @ 00529407 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "He got off the best line I've heard in a long time"
00530290 32 v 05 talk 0 speak 0 utter 0 mouth 0 verbalize 0 036 @ 00416793 v 0000 ^ 00595498 v 0402 ^ 00515302 v 0201 ^ 00431165 v 0101 ~ 00352808 v 0000 ~ 00418884 v 0000 ~ 00463664 v 0000 ~ 00513328 v 0000 ~ 00515168 v 0000 ~ 00515302 v 0000 ~ 00515400 v 0000 ~ 00515533 v 0000 ~ 00525304 v 0000 ~ 00531074 v 0000 ~ 00531216 v 0000 ~ 00531890 v 0000 ~ 00553448 v 0000 ~ 00553555 v 0000 ~ 00553649 v 0000 ~ 00553904 v 0000 ~ 00577636 v 0000 ~ 00586278 v 0000 ~ 00586477 v 0000 ~ 00586618 v 0000 ~ 00588700 v 0000 ~ 00589771 v 0000 ~ 00590722 v 0000 ~ 00590957 v 0000 ~ 00591118 v 0000 ~ 00592620 v 0000 ~ 00592959 v 0000 ~ 00595498 v 0000 ~ 00597017 v 0000 ~ 00598643 v 0000 ~ 00604495 v 0000 ~ 00989166 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | express in speech; "She talks a lot of nonsense"
00531074 32 v 03 speak_of 0 talk_of 0 talk_about 1 002 @ 00530290 v 0000 ~ 00457891 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "They spoke of many things"
00531216 32 v 02 blubber 0 blubber_out 0 001 @ 00530290 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | utter while crying
00531321 32 v 03 express 1 show 2 evince 0 009 @ 00522332 v 0000 ~ 00523402 v 0000 ~ 00523518 v 0000 ~ 00523684 v 0000 ~ 00523832 v 0000 ~ 00531605 v 0000 ~ 00531738 v 0000 ~ 00552862 v 0000 ~ 00572214 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | give expression to; "She showed her disappointment"
00531605 32 v 01 exude 0 001 @ 00531321 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make apparent by one's mood or behaviour; "She exude great confidence"
00531738 32 v 03 vent 0 ventilate 0 give_vent 0 001 @ 00531321 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 22 03 | give expressin to (feelings, usually anger or frustration)
00531890 32 v 02 drone 0 drone_on 0 001 @ 00530290 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | talk in a monotonous voice
00531990 32 v 02 deduce 0 infer 0 001 @ 00356782 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | conclude by reasoning; in logic
00532101 32 v 02 gather 0 conclude_from_evidence 0 001 @ 00356782 v 0000 01 + 26 00 | "I gather you have not done your homework"
00532232 32 v 01 recite 0 005 @ 00539218 v 0000 ~ 00527897 v 0000 ~ 00532392 v 0000 ~ 00532523 v 0000 ~ 00533636 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | repeat aloud from memory
00532392 32 v 01 say 8 001 @ 00532232 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | recite or repeat a fixed text; "Say grace"; "She said her `Hail Mary'"
00532523 32 v 05 rattle_down 0 rattle_off 0 reel_off 0 spiel_off 0 roll_off 0 001 @ 00532232 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "He could recite the names of all the chemical elements"
00532695 32 v 03 list 0 name_individually 0 give_the_name_of 0 001 @ 00532826 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | give or make a list of
00532826 32 v 03 enumerate 0 itemize 0 specify_individually 0 002 @ 00579867 v 0000 ~ 00532695 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "She enumerated the many obstacles she had encountered"
00533007 32 v 02 number 1 list 1 001 @ 00579867 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | "We must number the names of the great mathematicians"
00533157 32 v 05 specify 2 set 0 determine 3 fix 3 decide_upon 0 005 @ 00379073 v 0000 ~ 00289254 v 0000 ~ 00533347 v 0000 ~ 00533415 v 0000 ~ 00538961 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | as of variables
00533347 32 v 02 name 7 asset 0 001 @ 00533157 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00533415 32 v 02 re-set 0 set_again 0 001 @ 00533157 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "They re-set the date"
00533513 32 v 02 count_down 0 count_backwards 0 001 @ 00533636 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | before detonating a bomb, for example
00533636 32 v 03 count 1 name_the_numbers 0 recite_the_numbers 0 004 @ 00532232 v 0000 ^ 00533513 v 0101 ^ 00621257 v 0101 ~ 00533513 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | "The toddler could count to 100"
00533825 32 v 03 count 0 number 0 enumerate 1 004 @ 00517007 v 0000 ~ 00534044 v 0000 ~ 00534131 v 0000 ~ 00534526 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 11 00 | determine the number of; "Can you count the books on your shelf?"
00534131 32 v 01 census 0 001 @ 00533825 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | conduct a census; "They censused the deer in the forest"
00534259 32 v 02 number 3 give_numbers_to 0 002 @ 00582586 v 0000 ~ 00534410 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | "You should number the pages of the thesis"
00534410 32 v 02 foliate 0 paginate 0 001 @ 00534259 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | number the pages of a book or manuscript
00534526 32 v 0b total 0 tot 0 tot_up 0 sum 0 sum_up 3 summate 0 tote_up 0 add 0 add_together 0 tally 0 add_up 0 001 @ 00533825 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | determine the sum of; "Add all the people in this town to those of the neighboring town"
00534773 32 v 03 tally 1 keep_score 0 chalk_up 0 002 * 00533825 v 0000 @ 00563886 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | in games
00534886 32 v 03 remit 1 remand 0 send_back 0 001 @ 00487552 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 15 00 | of appeal courts
00534994 32 v 03 take_a_dare 0 pick_up_the_gauntlet 0 be_dared 0 001 @ 01432563 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | be dared to do something and attempt it
00535136 32 v 02 take_a_dare 1 be_dared 1 000 01 + 02 00 | be dared to do something and not attempt it
00535241 32 v 03 consider 0 count 3 weigh 0 001 ~ 00492547 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | show consideration for; take into account
00535372 32 v 01 devoice 0 002 @ 00551959 v 0000 ! 00536049 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | utter with tense vocal chords
00535484 32 v 01 lilt 0 001 @ 00551959 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 26 00 | articulate in a very careful and rhythmic way
00535599 32 v 02 palatalize 0 palatalise 0 001 @ 00551959 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | pronounce a consonant with the tongue against the palate
00535736 32 v 02 nasalize 0 nasalise 0 001 @ 00547761 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | pronounce with a lowered velum
00535843 32 v 01 mispronounce 0 001 @ 00551959 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | pronounce a word incorrectly
00535941 32 v 02 aspirate 0 pronounce_with_aspiration 0 001 @ 00551959 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of stop sounds
00536049 32 v 03 voice 1 sound 0 vocalize 2 004 @ 00551959 v 0000 ! 00535372 v 0101 ~ 00593720 v 0000 ~ 00594959 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | utter with vibrating vocal chords
00536218 32 v 02 tell 0 let_it_be_known 0 011 @ 00467082 v 0000 ^ 00463547 v 0101 ~ 00438241 v 0000 ~ 00517688 v 0000 ~ 00525638 v 0000 ~ 00536511 v 0000 ~ 00537452 v 0000 ~ 00539747 v 0000 ~ 00544432 v 0000 ~ 00547223 v 0000 ~ 00549256 v 0000 01 + 26 00 | "Tell them that you will be late"
00536511 32 v 02 talk 2 reveal_information 0 001 @ 00536218 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | let the cat out of the bag; "If you don't oblige me, I'll talk!"
00536658 32 v 02 relate 0 give_an_account_of 0 001 @ 00536799 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 15 00 + 26 00 | "The witness related the events"
00536799 32 v 05 tell 1 narrate 0 recount 0 spin 0 recite 1 004 @ 00467082 v 0000 ~ 00536658 v 0000 ~ 00537013 v 0000 ~ 00537094 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 15 00 + 14 01 | "The father told a story to his child"
00537013 32 v 01 yarn 0 001 @ 00536799 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | tell or spin a yarn
00537094 32 v 01 rhapsodize 1 001 @ 00536799 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | recite a rhapsody
00537179 32 v 02 narrate 1 provide_a_commentary_for 0 001 @ 00467082 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | provide commentary for a film, for example
00537321 32 v 04 tell 3 ascertain 3 demonstrate 1 evidence 2 002 @ 00571424 v 0000 ^ 01251230 v 0106 01 + 11 00 | a telling sign
00537452 32 v 04 publicize 0 publicise 0 air 0 bare 0 005 @ 00536218 v 0000 ~ 00537680 v 0000 ~ 00546081 v 0000 ~ 00546238 v 0000 ~ 00548636 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 26 00 | make public; "She aired her opinions on welfare"
00537680 32 v 01 bulletin 0 001 @ 00537452 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | make bublic by bulletin
00537777 32 v 02 mean 1 intend 0 007 @ 00522332 v 0000 ~ 00469225 v 0000 ~ 00524290 v 0000 ~ 00524791 v 0000 ~ 00524935 v 0000 ~ 00538064 v 0000 ~ 00580359 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | mean or intend to express or convey; "You never understand what I mean!" "what do his words intend?"
00538064 32 v 01 aim 0 001 @ 00537777 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "She wanted to aim a pun"
00538150 32 v 0c elaborate 0 expatiate 0 expatiate_on 0 elaborate_on 0 enlarge_on 0 flesh_out 0 elaborate_upon 0 expand_on 0 expound 0 dilate_upon 0 dilate_on 0 expatiate_upon 0 006 @ 00529123 v 0000 ~ 00538478 v 0000 ~ 00538726 v 0000 ~ 00564765 v 0000 ~ 00576503 v 0000 ~ 00577018 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 02 02 + 02 01
00538478 32 v 02 detail 0 go_into_detail 0 001 @ 00538150 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 02 02
00538565 32 v 08 embroider 0 pad 0 lard 0 embellish 0 aggrandize 0 blow_up 0 dramatize 0 dramatise 0 001 @ 00471039 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 31 00 | add details to
00538726 32 v 02 qualify 1 characterize 0 002 @ 00538150 v 0000 ~ 00366743 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 10 00 + 11 00
00538838 32 v 02 disambiguate 0 state_unambiguously 0 001 @ 00529123 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | remove ambiguities from
00538961 32 v 02 define 0 give_a_definition_for 0 002 @ 00533157 v 0000 ~ 00539106 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | determine the meaning of a word
00539106 32 v 01 redefine 0 001 @ 00538961 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | give a new or different definition of (a word)
00539218 32 v 02 repeat 1 echo 0 006 @ 00554586 v 0000 ~ 00532232 v 0000 ~ 00539393 v 0000 ~ 00539508 v 0000 ~ 00539604 v 0000 ~ 00540089 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 26 00
00539393 32 v 01 cuckoo 0 001 @ 00539218 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | repeat monotonously, like a cuckoo repeats his call
00539508 32 v 02 re-echo 0 echo_back 0 001 @ 00539218 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | repeat back
00539604 32 v 02 parrot 0 repeat_mindlessly 0 001 @ 00539218 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 26 00 | "The students parroted the teacher's words"
00539747 32 v 06 repeat 0 reiterate 0 ingeminate 0 iterate 0 restate 0 retell 0 007 @ 00536218 v 0000 ~ 00539987 v 0000 ~ 00540233 v 0000 ~ 00540640 v 0000 ~ 00541843 v 0000 ~ 00568741 v 0000 ~ 00577882 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 26 00
00539987 32 v 01 ditto 0 001 @ 00539747 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "The next speaker dittoed her argument"
00540089 32 v 02 regurgitate 0 reproduce 0 001 @ 00539218 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "For the exam, you must be able to regurgitate the information"
00540233 32 v 03 harp_on 0 dwell_on 0 come_back_to 0 001 @ 00539747 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "Don't dwell on the past"
00540349 32 v 04 hark_back 0 return 0 come_back 0 recall 0 002 @ 00524290 v 0000 ~ 00540509 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | "This harks back to a previous remark of his"
00540509 32 v 02 recur 0 go_back 0 002 @ 00540349 v 0000 ^ 01464941 v 0103 01 + 22 00 | return in thought or speech to something
00540640 32 v 02 translate 0 interpret 1 005 @ 00539747 v 0000 ~ 00540835 v 0000 ~ 00540919 v 0000 ~ 00541297 v 0000 ~ 00541436 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 | render into another language
00540835 32 v 01 retranslate 0 001 @ 00540640 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | translate again
00540919 32 v 01 mistranslate 0 001 @ 00540640 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | trnaslate incorrectly
00541010 32 v 01 dub 1 002 * 00540640 v 0000 @ 00541146 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | provide with a soundtrack of a foreign language; of films
00541146 32 v 01 synchronize 0 002 @ 00072540 v 0000 ~ 00541010 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make (motion picture sound) exactly simultaneous with the action
00541297 32 v 02 gloss 0 provide_a_gloss_for 0 001 @ 00540640 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | provide an interlinear translation of a word or phrase
00541436 32 v 02 latinize 0 Latinize 0 001 @ 00540640 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | translate into Latin
00541533 32 v 02 gloss 1 comment 1 001 @ 00528156 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | provide interlinear explanations for words or phrases
00541659 32 v 02 commentate_on 0 make_a_commentary_on 0 001 @ 00528156 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00541751 32 v 01 descant_on 0 001 @ 00583931 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make lengthy comments on
00541843 32 v 03 paraphrase 0 rephrase 0 reword 0 002 @ 00539747 v 0000 ~ 00525531 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | express the same message in different words
00542000 32 v 03 lexicalize 0 make_into_a_word 0 coin_into_a_word 0 001 @ 00552862 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "The concept expressed by German "Gemuetlichkeit" is not lexicalized in English"
00542186 32 v 02 talk 1 speak 1 019 @ 00416793 v 0000 ^ 00557762 v 0202 ^ 00504759 v 0202 ^ 01439587 v 0201 ~ 00438385 v 0000 ~ 00458204 v 0000 ~ 00465365 v 0000 ~ 00465488 v 0000 ~ 00542727 v 0000 ~ 00542840 v 0000 ~ 00542950 v 0000 ~ 00543035 v 0000 ~ 00543657 v 0000 ~ 00543763 v 0000 ~ 00543876 v 0000 ~ 00543974 v 0000 ~ 00586854 v 0000 ~ 00589291 v 0000 ~ 00589689 v 0000 05 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 + 27 00 | exchange thoughts; talk with; "We often talk business"; also used metaphorically: "Actions talk louder than words"
00542727 32 v 01 talk_down 1 001 @ 00542186 v 0000 01 + 12 00 | speak in a condescing manner, as if to a child
00542840 32 v 01 spiel 0 001 @ 00542186 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | speak at great length (about something)
00542950 32 v 01 dogmatize 1 001 @ 00542186 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | speak dogmatically
00543035 32 v 01 cheek 0 001 @ 00542186 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | spek impudently to
00543116 32 v 02 speak 2 talk 3 004 @ 00416793 v 0000 ~ 00543346 v 0000 ~ 00543435 v 0000 ~ 00543566 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | use language: "the baby talks already"; "the prisoner won't speak"; "they speak a strange dialect"
00543346 32 v 01 run_on 0 001 @ 00543116 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | talk or narrate at length
00543435 32 v 01 smatter 0 001 @ 00543116 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | speak with spotty or superficial knowledge: "She smatters Russian"
00543566 32 v 01 slang 2 001 @ 00543116 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | use slang or vulgar language
00543657 32 v 02 level_with 0 talk_frankly_with 0 001 @ 00542186 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | lay it on the line
00543763 32 v 01 talk_turkey 0 001 @ 00542186 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | discuss frankly, often in a business context
00543876 32 v 02 monologuize 0 soliloquize 0 001 @ 00542186 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | talk to oneself
00543974 32 v 02 converse 0 discourse 1 006 @ 00542186 v 0000 ~ 00434231 v 0000 ~ 00455138 v 0000 ~ 00455459 v 0000 ~ 00455591 v 0000 ~ 00587229 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | carry on a conversation
00544173 32 v 02 broach 0 initiate 0 002 @ 00457891 v 0000 ~ 00584229 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | bring up a topic for discussion
00544432 32 v 03 report 1 inform_on 0 turn_in 0 001 @ 00536218 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 15 00 | "One student reported the other to the principal"
00544575 32 v 02 report 2 complain_about 0 001 @ 00510349 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 15 00 | make a charge against
00544685 32 v 02 report 3 present_oneself 0 004 @ 00549373 v 0000 ~ 00545031 v 0000 ~ 00545353 v 0000 ~ 00545481 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | announce one's presence; "I report to work avery day at 9 o'clock"
00544887 32 v 03 announce 2 announce_officially 0 declare 5 002 @ 00569629 v 0000 ~ 00483494 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "The President declared war"
00545031 32 v 02 check_in 0 sign_in 0 002 @ 00544685 v 0000 ! 00545353 v 0101 03 + 02 00 + 09 00 + 22 00 | announce one's arrival, e.g. at hotels or airports
00545191 32 v 03 clock_in 0 punch_in 0 clock_on 0 003 @ 00563886 v 0000 ! 00545481 v 0202 ! 00545481 v 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | register one's arrival at work
00545353 32 v 01 check_out 0 002 @ 00544685 v 0000 ! 00545031 v 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | announce one's depture from a hotel
00545481 32 v 03 clock_out 0 punch_out 0 clock_off 0 003 @ 00544685 v 0000 ! 00545191 v 0202 ! 00545191 v 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | register one's departure from work
00545650 32 v 01 report 4 001 @ 00549373 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | announce as the result of an investigation, or announce something to the proper authorities; "Dozens of incidents of wife beatings are reported daily in this city"; "The team reported significant advances in their research"
00545945 32 v 02 report_on 1 cover 2 001 @ 00467082 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | in journalism; "Snow reported on China in the 1950's"
00546081 32 v 05 publish 0 bring_out 0 put_out 0 issue 0 release 0 001 @ 00537452 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | publish a magazine or newspaper, for example
00546238 32 v 0b circulate 0 circularize 0 circularise 0 distribute 0 disseminate 0 propagate 0 broadcast 0 spread 0 diffuse 0 disperse 0 pass_around 0 005 > 00546861 v 0000 @ 00537452 v 0000 ~ 00546517 v 0000 ~ 00546963 v 0000 ~ 00547054 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | as of information
00546517 32 v 02 sow 0 sough 0 001 @ 00546238 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | sow suspicion or beliefs
00546610 32 v 04 televize 0 telecast 0 televise 0 broadcast_via_television 0 002 @ 00548636 v 0000 ~ 00546776 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "The Royal wedding was televized"
00546776 32 v 01 colorcast 0 001 @ 00546610 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | broadcast in color
00546861 32 v 03 go_around 0 spread 2 circulate 1 001 @ 01046072 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | of information
00546963 32 v 01 bandy_about 0 001 @ 00546238 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of rumors, for example
00547054 32 v 02 popularize 0 vulgarize 0 001 @ 00546238 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00547132 32 v 02 propagandize 0 spread_by_propaganda 0 001 @ 00550961 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00547223 32 v 02 propagandize 1 subject_to_propaganda 0 001 @ 00536218 v 0000 01 + 09 00
00547315 32 v 01 call 0 003 @ 00582394 v 0000 ~ 00547553 v 0000 ~ 00583137 v 0000 02 + 05 00 + 14 00 | ascribe a quality to or give a name that reflects a quality; "He called me a bastard"; "She called her children lazy and ungrateful"
00547660 32 v 01 tout_as 0 001 @ 00547761 v 0000 01 + 05 00 | advertize in strongly positive terms
00547761 32 v 03 pronounce 0 label 1 judge 0 009 @ 00461970 v 0000 ~ 00508703 v 0000 ~ 00509871 v 0000 ~ 00535736 v 0000 ~ 00547660 v 0000 ~ 00548056 v 0000 ~ 00548152 v 0000 ~ 00548298 v 0000 ~ 00594514 v 0000 02 + 05 00 + 14 00 | pronounce judgment on; "They labeled him unfit to work here"
00548152 32 v 02 qualify 2 pronounce_fit 0 002 @ 00547761 v 0000 ! 00548298 v 0101 02 + 09 00 + 24 00 | "She wsa qualified to run the marathon"
00548298 32 v 02 disqualify 0 pronounce_unfit 0 004 @ 00547761 v 0000 ! 00548152 v 0101 ~ 00548524 v 0000 ~ 01404289 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 24 00 | "She was disqualified for the Olympics because she was a professional athlete"
00548524 32 v 01 recuse 0 001 @ 00548298 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | disqualify oneself as judge in a particular case
00548636 32 v 05 air 1 send 3 broadcast 1 beam 0 transmit 0 004 > 00548893 v 0000 @ 00537452 v 0000 ~ 00546610 v 0000 ~ 00549016 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 21 00 | broadcast over the airwaves, as in radio or television; "We cannot air this X-rated song"
00548893 32 v 01 air 2 001 ~ 00252054 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | be broadcast; "This show will air Saturdays at 2 P.M."
00549016 32 v 03 rerun 0 rebroadcast 0 re-run 0 001 @ 00548636 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | broadcast again, as of a film
00549131 32 v 03 sign_off 0 get_off_the_air 0 cease_braodcasting 0 001 @ 00211850 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | as of radio stations
00549373 32 v 02 announce 0 make_known 0 012 @ 00467082 v 0000 ~ 00472611 v 0000 ~ 00508062 v 0000 ~ 00544685 v 0000 ~ 00545650 v 0000 ~ 00549710 v 0000 ~ 00549822 v 0000 ~ 00549903 v 0000 ~ 00550135 v 0000 ~ 00550435 v 0000 ~ 00559105 v 0000 ~ 01244333 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 + 26 00 | make an announcement; break the news
00549710 32 v 03 cry 2 blazon_out 0 proclaim_publicly 0 001 @ 00549373 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | announce in public
00549822 32 v 02 trump 0 trump_out 0 001 @ 00549373 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00
00549903 32 v 02 blare_out 0 blat_out 0 001 @ 00549373 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | anounce loudly
00549995 32 v 02 announce 7 give_the_names_of 0 001 @ 00579867 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | "He announced the winners of the spelling bee"
00550135 32 v 01 call_out 0 002 @ 00549373 v 0000 ~ 00550266 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | call out loudly, as of names or numbers
00550266 32 v 01 count_off 0 001 @ 00550135 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | call in turn from right to left or from back to front numbers that determine some position or function
00550435 32 v 04 advertise 1 publicize 1 advertize 1 call_attention_to 0 003 @ 00549373 v 0000 ~ 00550656 v 0000 ~ 00550779 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 26 02 + 26 01 | "Please don't advertise the fact that he has AIDS"
00550656 32 v 01 headline 0 001 @ 00550435 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | publicize widely or highly, as if with a headline
00550779 32 v 01 ballyhoo 0 001 @ 00550435 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | advertize noisily or blatantly
00550883 32 v 02 plug 0 make_a_plug_for 0 001 @ 00550961 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00550961 32 v 03 advertize 0 promote 0 push 0 007 @ 00480440 v 0000 ^ 01464822 v 0304 ^ 00424355 v 0301 ~ 00547132 v 0000 ~ 00550883 v 0000 ~ 00551192 v 0000 ~ 01464822 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make publicity for; try to sell
00551192 32 v 01 bill 0 001 @ 00550961 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | "He was billed as the greatest tenor since Caruso"
00551312 32 v 03 proclaim 0 exclaim 1 promulgate 0 003 @ 00570287 v 0000 ~ 00551443 v 0000 ~ 00551609 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00
00551443 32 v 01 trumpet 0 001 @ 00551312 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | proclaim on, or as if on, a trumpet; "Liberals like to trumpet their opposition to the death penalty"
00551609 32 v 01 clarion 0 001 @ 00551312 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | proclaim on, or as if on, a clarion
00551709 32 v 02 proclaim 2 declare_formally 0 001 @ 00582080 v 0000 02 + 05 00 + 14 00 | declare someone to be something; of titles
00551844 32 v 03 articulate 1 enunciate 0 vocalize 1 001 @ 00569629 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | express or state clearly
00551959 32 v 05 pronounce 1 articulate 0 enounce 0 enunciate 1 say 2 020 * 00530290 v 0000 ~ 00418793 v 0000 ~ 00535372 v 0000 ~ 00535484 v 0000 ~ 00535599 v 0000 ~ 00535843 v 0000 ~ 00535941 v 0000 ~ 00536049 v 0000 ~ 00552525 v 0000 ~ 00552654 v 0000 ~ 00552760 v 0000 ~ 00553805 v 0000 ~ 00554381 v 0000 ~ 00554489 v 0000 ~ 00597707 v 0000 ~ 00597809 v 0000 ~ 00597916 v 0000 ~ 00598016 v 0000 ~ 00598120 v 0000 ~ 00598317 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | speak, pronounce, or utter in a certain way; "She pronounces French words in a funny way"; "I cannot say `zip wire'"
00552525 32 v 01 syllabize 0 001 @ 00551959 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | utter with distinct articulation of each syllable, as of verse
00552654 32 v 01 drawl 0 001 @ 00551959 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | in particular, draw out the vowels
00552760 32 v 02 round 0 labialize 0 001 @ 00551959 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | pronounce with rounded lips
00552862 32 v 04 formulate 0 word 0 phrase 0 articulate 2 006 @ 00531321 v 0000 ~ 00440588 v 0000 ~ 00542000 v 0000 ~ 00553101 v 0000 ~ 00553192 v 0000 ~ 00553294 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "He formulated his concerns to the board of trustees"
00553101 32 v 01 dogmatize 0 001 @ 00552862 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | state as a dogma
00553192 32 v 02 formularize 0 formulaize 0 001 @ 00552862 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | express as a formula
00553294 32 v 05 frame 0 redact 0 cast 0 put 0 couch 0 002 @ 00552862 v 0000 ^ 00378252 v 0402 01 + 21 00 | formulate in a particular style or language
00553448 32 v 03 stutter 0 stammer 0 falter 0 001 @ 00530290 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | speak haltingly
00553555 32 v 01 rasp 0 001 @ 00530290 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 26 00 | utter in a grating voice
00553649 32 v 05 blurt_out 0 blurt 0 blunder_out 0 ejaculate 0 utter_impulsively 0 001 @ 00530290 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | "He blurted out the secret"
00553805 32 v 03 lisp 0 speak_with_a_lisp 0 talk_with_a_lisp 0 001 @ 00551959 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00553904 32 v 02 inflect 0 modulate 0 001 @ 00530290 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of one's speech, varying the pitch
00554014 32 v 01 inflect 1 003 @ 00101940 v 0000 ~ 00554207 v 0000 ~ 00554306 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | change the form of a word in accordance as required by the grammatical rules of the language
00554207 32 v 01 decline 1 001 @ 00554014 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of nouns, pronouns, and adjectives
00554306 32 v 01 conjugate 0 001 @ 00554014 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of verbs
00554381 32 v 02 stress 1 accent 0 001 @ 00551959 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | put stress on; utter with an accent
00554489 32 v 02 vocalize 0 vowelize 0 001 @ 00551959 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | pronounce as a vowel
00554586 32 v 04 utter 2 emit 0 let_loose 0 express_audibly 0 052 ~ 00435991 v 0000 ~ 00481020 v 0000 ~ 00481127 v 0000 ~ 00511947 v 0000 ~ 00513550 v 0000 ~ 00530073 v 0000 ~ 00539218 v 0000 ~ 00555647 v 0000 ~ 00555734 v 0000 ~ 00555821 v 0000 ~ 00555966 v 0000 ~ 00556065 v 0000 ~ 00556166 v 0000 ~ 00556272 v 0000 ~ 00556441 v 0000 ~ 00556531 v 0000 ~ 00556644 v 0000 ~ 00589875 v 0000 ~ 00590142 v 0000 ~ 00590499 v 0000 ~ 00591318 v 0000 ~ 00591406 v 0000 ~ 00591507 v 0000 ~ 00591612 v 0000 ~ 00591700 v 0000 ~ 00592292 v 0000 ~ 00592513 v 0000 ~ 00592718 v 0000 ~ 00593171 v 0000 ~ 00593490 v 0000 ~ 00595614 v 0000 ~ 00595729 v 0000 ~ 00595838 v 0000 ~ 00595927 v 0000 ~ 00596172 v 0000 ~ 00596281 v 0000 ~ 00596599 v 0000 ~ 00597152 v 0000 ~ 00597270 v 0000 ~ 00597375 v 0000 ~ 00597468 v 0000 ~ 00597615 v 0000 ~ 00598511 v 0000 ~ 00599274 v 0000 ~ 00600158 v 0000 ~ 00600273 v 0000 ~ 00600393 v 0000 ~ 00600495 v 0000 ~ 00601510 v 0000 ~ 00601583 v 0000 ~ 00603660 v 0000 ~ 01449755 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | utter sounds; not necessarily words
00555647 32 v 01 bite_out 0 001 @ 00554586 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "She bit out a curse"
00555734 32 v 01 sigh 1 001 @ 00554586 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | utter with a sigh
00555821 32 v 01 troat 0 001 @ 00554586 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | emit a cry intended to attract other animals; used esp. of animals at rutting time
00555966 32 v 01 lift 2 001 @ 00554586 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make audible; "He lifted a war whoop"
00556065 32 v 01 pant 0 001 @ 00554586 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | utter while panting, as if out of beath
00556166 32 v 01 volley 0 001 @ 00554586 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | utter rapidly; "volley a string of curses"
00556272 32 v 01 break_into 0 001 @ 00554586 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | express or utter spontaneously: "break into a yodel"; "break into a song"; "break into tears"
00556441 32 v 02 heave 0 utter_a_sound 0 001 @ 00554586 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | as of sighs
00556531 32 v 02 chorus 0 utter_in_unison 0 001 @ 00554586 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | " `yes,' the children chorused"
00556644 32 v 03 sputter 0 splutter 0 utter_with_spitting_sounds 0 001 @ 00554586 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | as if in a rage
00556764 32 v 03 describe 0 depict 1 draw 0 003 @ 00556972 v 0000 ~ 00557662 v 0000 ~ 00567977 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | give a description of; "He drew an elaborate plan of the campaign"
00556972 32 v 01 represent 0 006 @ 00529407 v 0000 ~ 00469405 v 0000 ~ 00556764 v 0000 ~ 00557193 v 0000 ~ 00557521 v 0000 ~ 01556076 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | serve as a means of expressing something
00557193 32 v 01 dramatize 1 002 @ 00556972 v 0000 ~ 00557406 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | represent something in a dramatic manner; "These events dramatize the lack of social responsibility among today's youth"
00557406 32 v 01 overdramatize 0 001 @ 00557193 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | present in an overly dramatic manner
00557521 32 v 02 portray 0 portray_in_words 0 001 @ 00556972 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | "The book portrays the actor as a selfish person"
00557662 32 v 02 delineate 0 describe_in_vivid_detail 0 001 @ 00556764 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00557762 32 v 04 address 2 speak_to 1 give_a_speech_to 0 speak 3 005 * 00543116 v 0000 ~ 00430941 v 0000 ~ 00431059 v 0000 ~ 00558103 v 0000 ~ 00558217 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 02 04 | "The chairman addressed the board of trustees"
00557991 32 v 01 take_the_floor 0 001 * 00557762 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | rise in order to make a speech or motion
00558103 32 v 03 deliver 0 present 2 speechify 0 001 @ 00557762 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 02 + 08 01 | of speeches
00558217 32 v 02 harangue 0 address_forcefully 0 001 @ 00557762 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | deliver a harangue to
00558325 32 v 01 approach 0 001 @ 00558534 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | make advances to someone, usually with a proposal or suggestion; "I was approached by the President to serve as his adviser in foreign matters"
00558534 32 v 03 address 1 accost 1 come_up_to 0 003 @ 01054590 v 0000 ~ 00504484 v 0000 ~ 00558325 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | speak to someone
00558673 32 v 02 address 3 direct 2 002 @ 00582394 v 0000 ~ 00558782 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | put an address on
00558782 32 v 01 re-address 0 001 @ 00558673 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | put a new address on (an envelope), as for forwarding
00558903 32 v 02 enlighten 0 edify 0 001 @ 00465565 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | make understand
00559001 32 v 01 disabuse 0 001 @ 00467082 v 0000 01 + 18 00 | free somebody from an erroneous belief
00559105 32 v 01 post 3 002 @ 00549373 v 0000 ~ 00559268 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | publicize with, or as it with, a poster; "I'll post the news on the bulletin board"
00559268 32 v 02 placard 0 bill 1 001 @ 00559105 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | publicize or announce by placards
00559373 32 v 03 catechize 2 catechise 2 give_religious_instruction_to 0 001 @ 00465565 v 0000 01 + 09 00
00559482 32 v 03 gesticulate 0 gesture 0 motion 0 012 @ 00416793 v 0000 ~ 00005811 v 0000 ~ 00018174 v 0000 ~ 00022112 v 0000 ~ 00022283 v 0000 ~ 00483713 v 0000 ~ 00486623 v 0000 ~ 00505281 v 0000 ~ 00505408 v 0000 ~ 00505531 v 0000 ~ 00588795 v 0000 ~ 01166283 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 27 00 | communicate nonverbally
00559799 32 v 01 telepathize 0 001 @ 00416793 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | communicate nonverbally by telepathy
00559904 32 v 03 write 0 communicate_by_writing 0 express_by_writing 0 012 @ 00416793 v 0000 ~ 00560282 v 0000 ~ 00560369 v 0000 ~ 00561401 v 0000 ~ 00561821 v 0000 ~ 00562918 v 0000 ~ 00566917 v 0000 ~ 00567101 v 0000 ~ 00567720 v 0000 ~ 00567849 v 0000 ~ 00576052 v 0000 ~ 00603968 v 0000 06 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 15 00 + 26 00 + 02 01 + 14 01 | "Please write to me every week"
00560282 32 v 01 apostrophize 0 001 @ 00559904 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | use an apostrophe
00560369 32 v 08 encode 0 code 0 encipher 0 cipher 0 cypher 0 encrypt 0 inscribe 4 write_in_code 0 002 @ 00559904 v 0000 ! 00560559 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | convert ordinary language into code
00560559 32 v 01 decode 0 002 @ 00561401 v 0000 ! 00560369 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | convert code into ordinary language
00560676 32 v 02 transliterate 0 transcribe 0 003 @ 00561401 v 0000 ~ 00561189 v 0000 ~ 00561315 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | rewrite in a different script;"The Sanskrit text had to be transliterated"
00560870 32 v 01 transcribe 2 001 @ 00561401 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make a phonetic transcription of; "The anthropologist transcribed the sentences of the native informant"
00561042 32 v 01 transcribe 1 001 @ 00576052 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | write out from speech, notes, etc.; "Transcribe the oral history of this tribe"
00561189 32 v 04 Romanize 0 Latinize 1 Latinise 0 latinise 0 001 @ 00560676 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | write in the latin alphabet
00561315 32 v 01 braille 0 001 @ 00560676 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | transcribe in Braille
00561401 32 v 03 rewrite 0 write_differently 0 alter_by_writing 0 005 @ 00559904 v 0000 ~ 00560559 v 0000 ~ 00560676 v 0000 ~ 00560870 v 0000 ~ 00561609 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "The student rewrote his thesis"
00561609 32 v 02 revise 0 make_revisions_in 0 002 @ 00561401 v 0000 ~ 00561739 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | revise a thesis, for example
00561739 32 v 02 amend 0 make_amendments_to 0 001 @ 00561609 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00561821 32 v 02 sign 2 subscribe 2 004 @ 00559904 v 0000 ^ 00545031 v 0102 ^ 01332701 v 0101 ^ 01332701 v 0102 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 22 00 | mark with one's signature; write one's name (on); "She signed the letter and sent it off"; "Please sign here"
00562074 32 v 01 undersign 0 001 @ 00500002 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | sign at the bottom of (a document, for example)
00562188 32 v 01 ink 0 001 @ 00500002 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "They inked the contract"
00562274 32 v 02 autograph 0 inscribe 0 001 @ 00500002 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "The author autographed his book"
00562385 32 v 01 initial 0 002 * 00453743 v 0000 @ 00500002 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | mark with one's initials
00562492 32 v 01 countersign 0 001 @ 00500002 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | "You must contersign on this line of the contract"
00562619 32 v 01 execute 0 001 @ 00500002 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | sign in the presence of witnesses
00562717 32 v 01 endorse 0 002 @ 00500002 v 0000 ~ 00562823 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of documents or cheques
00562823 32 v 01 visa 0 001 @ 00562717 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | provide (a passsport) with a visa
00563010 32 v 02 record 1 tape 0 005 @ 00563886 v 0000 ! 00563648 v 0101 ~ 00563200 v 0000 ~ 00563304 v 0000 ~ 00563780 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | register electronically
00563200 32 v 01 tape_record 0 001 @ 00563010 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | record with a tape recorder
00563304 32 v 01 prerecord 0 001 @ 00563010 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | record before presentation, as of a brodacast
00563424 32 v 01 accession 0 001 @ 00563886 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make a record of additions to a collection, such as a library
00563552 32 v 01 post 0 001 @ 00563886 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | for example, of records, in sports
00563648 32 v 02 erase 0 delete 0 002 @ 00107765 v 0000 ! 00563010 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | wipe out magnetically recorded information
00563780 32 v 02 digitalize 0 record_digitally 0 001 @ 00563010 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | as of compact disks
00563886 32 v 04 record 0 enter 4 put_down 5 make_a_record_of 0 023 @ 01268422 v 0000 ~ 00534773 v 0000 ~ 00545191 v 0000 ~ 00563010 v 0000 ~ 00563424 v 0000 ~ 00563552 v 0000 ~ 00564442 v 0000 ~ 00564553 v 0000 ~ 00564642 v 0000 ~ 00565062 v 0000 ~ 00565386 v 0000 ~ 00565535 v 0000 ~ 00565652 v 0000 ~ 00565774 v 0000 ~ 00565973 v 0000 ~ 00566082 v 0000 ~ 00566669 v 0000 ~ 00566788 v 0000 ~ 00576437 v 0000 ~ 00604635 v 0000 ~ 00980414 v 0000 ~ 01399397 v 0000 ~ 01414195 v 0000 05 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 + 26 00 | set down in permanent form
00564442 32 v 01 inscribe 3 001 @ 00563886 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | write, engrave, or print as a lasting record
00564553 32 v 02 keep_a_record 0 maintain_a_record 0 001 @ 00563886 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00564642 32 v 02 chronicle 0 record_in_chronological_order 0 001 @ 00563886 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make a historical record
00564765 32 v 02 set_forth 0 exposit 0 002 @ 00538150 v 0000 ~ 00564883 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | e.g., set forth reasons
00564883 32 v 01 premise 0 001 @ 00564765 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | set forth beforehand, often as an explanation: "He premised these remarks so that his readers might understand..."
00565062 32 v 02 file 0 file_away 0 001 @ 00563886 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | place in a file
00565151 32 v 06 file 2 file_for 0 put_on_record 0 place_on_public_record 0 register 3 register_officially 0 001 @ 01399397 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | register in a public office or in a court of law; "file for divorce"; "file a complaint"
00565386 32 v 02 document 0 record_in_detail 0 001 @ 00563886 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "The parents documented every step of their child's development"
00565535 32 v 02 log 0 enter_into_a_log 0 002 @ 00563886 v 0000 ^ 00565652 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | on ships and planes
00565652 32 v 02 log_up 0 clock_up 1 001 @ 00563886 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | record a distance travelled; on planes and cars
00565774 32 v 04 film 0 record_on_film 0 shoot 1 take 2 002 @ 00563886 v 0000 ~ 00566400 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 02 01 | make a film or photograph of something; "take a scene"; "shoot a movie"
00565973 32 v 02 videotape 0 tape 3 001 @ 00563886 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 | record on videotape
00566082 32 v 07 photograph 0 snap 1 take_pictures 0 shoot 0 take_a_photograph 0 make_a_photo 0 take_a_picture 0 003 @ 00563886 v 0000 ~ 00566312 v 0000 ~ 00566546 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 | record on photographic film
00566312 32 v 01 retake 0 001 @ 00566082 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | photograph again
00566400 32 v 02 reshoot 0 retake 1 001 @ 00565774 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | shoot again: "We had to reshoot that scene 24 times", as of film
00566546 32 v 02 x-ray 0 take_x-rays 0 001 @ 00566082 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | take an x-ray of something or somebody
00566669 32 v 02 score 0 mark 0 002 @ 00563886 v 0000 ~ 00450150 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make underscoring marks
00566788 32 v 02 notch 0 record_with_a_notch 0 001 @ 00563886 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | notch a surface to record something
00566917 32 v 02 type 0 typewrite 0 005 @ 00559904 v 0000 ~ 00567195 v 0000 ~ 00567284 v 0000 ~ 00567390 v 0000 ~ 00567500 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | write by means of a typewriter
00567101 32 v 03 handwrite 0 hand-write 0 write_by_hand 0 001 @ 00559904 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00567195 32 v 02 backspace 0 hit_the_backspace_key 0 001 @ 00566917 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00567284 32 v 01 double-space 0 001 @ 00566917 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | type with a full space between lines
00567390 32 v 01 triple-space 0 001 @ 00566917 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | type with two empty spaces between lines
00567500 32 v 01 touch-type 0 001 @ 00566917 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | type without looking at the keyboard
00567604 32 v 02 spell_out 0 make_explicit 0 001 @ 00577018 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 26 00 | specify in detail
00567720 32 v 02 jot_down 0 jot 0 001 @ 00559904 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | write briefly or hurriedly; write a short note of
00567849 32 v 02 scribble 0 scrabble 0 001 @ 00559904 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | write down quickly without much attention to detail
00567977 32 v 03 sketch 0 outline 0 adumbrate 0 001 @ 00556764 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | describe roughly or briefly
00568090 32 v 03 correspond 0 exchange_messages 0 send_messages 0 002 * 00559904 v 0000 ~ 00568218 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00
00568218 32 v 02 write 8 drop_a_line 0 001 @ 00568090 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 27 00 | send mail to
00568461 32 v 02 radio 0 communicate_by_radio 0 001 @ 00416793 v 0000 02 + 14 00 + 15 00 | transmit messages via radio waves
00568588 32 v 03 fax 0 telefax 0 facsimile 0 001 @ 00443742 v 0000 05 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 14 00 + 15 00 | send something via a facsimile machine
00568741 32 v 03 sum_up 0 summarize 0 resume 0 005 @ 00539747 v 0000 ~ 00568920 v 0000 ~ 00569013 v 0000 ~ 00569101 v 0000 ~ 00569400 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | give a summary
00568920 32 v 01 abstract 0 001 @ 00568741 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | give an abstract of
00569013 32 v 01 precis 0 001 @ 00568741 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make a precis of
00569101 32 v 01 docket 0 001 @ 00568741 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | in law: make a summary or abstract of a legal document and inscribe it in a list
00569245 32 v 01 docket 1 001 @ 00859635 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | in law: plcae on the docket for legal action; "Only 5 of the 120 cases docketed were tried"
00569400 32 v 03 recapitulate 0 recap 0 summarize_briefly 0 002 @ 00568741 v 0000 ~ 00569522 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00
00569522 32 v 03 retrograde 0 go_back_over 0 rehash 0 001 @ 00569400 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | as of arguments
00569629 32 v 03 state 0 say 0 tell 4 015 @ 00529407 v 0000 ~ 00433992 v 0000 ~ 00449496 v 0000 ~ 00458885 v 0000 ~ 00471234 v 0000 ~ 00507610 v 0000 ~ 00544887 v 0000 ~ 00551844 v 0000 ~ 00570180 v 0000 ~ 00570287 v 0000 ~ 00570680 v 0000 ~ 00575843 v 0000 ~ 00580469 v 0000 ~ 00604403 v 0000 ~ 01272746 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 26 00 | express an idea, etc. orally, in writing, or with gestures; "He said that he wanted to marry her"; "Her face told me that she was sorry"; "We asked what happened, but she wouldn't say"; "I'm tired," she said
00570180 32 v 01 get_out 1 001 @ 00569629 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | "I managed to get out a few words"
00570287 32 v 02 declare 0 state_clearly 0 016 @ 00569629 v 0000 ~ 00480246 v 0000 ~ 00486177 v 0000 ~ 00487017 v 0000 ~ 00490938 v 0000 ~ 00496684 v 0000 ~ 00496882 v 0000 ~ 00501936 v 0000 ~ 00510106 v 0000 ~ 00551312 v 0000 ~ 00570811 v 0000 ~ 00572016 v 0000 ~ 00572798 v 0000 ~ 00580641 v 0000 ~ 00580758 v 0000 ~ 00621257 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | "He declared that he was innocent"
00570680 32 v 03 declare 3 make_a_declaration_of 0 declare_to_the_customs 0 001 @ 00569629 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of dutiable goods
00570811 32 v 06 affirm 0 assert 0 avow 0 aver 0 swan 0 swear 3 007 @ 00570287 v 0000 ^ 00386671 v 0604 ~ 00426241 v 0000 ~ 00461299 v 0000 ~ 00461407 v 0000 ~ 00571027 v 0000 ~ 00575552 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00
00571027 32 v 03 protest 1 affirm_formally 0 avow_solemnly 0 001 @ 00570811 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | "The suspect protested his innocence"
00571171 32 v 01 affirm 1 005 ~ 00425154 v 0000 ~ 00448521 v 0000 ~ 00571333 v 0000 ~ 00571424 v 0000 ~ 00574319 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 26 00 | say yes to
00571333 32 v 02 reaffirm 0 affirm_once_more 0 001 @ 00571171 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00
00571424 32 v 02 confirm 0 reassert 0 006 @ 00571171 v 0000 ~ 00504156 v 0000 ~ 00504289 v 0000 ~ 00537321 v 0000 ~ 00571644 v 0000 ~ 00571880 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | "The witnesses confirmed the victim's account"
00571644 32 v 02 validate 0 corroborate 0 002 @ 00571424 v 0000 ~ 00571767 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | give evidence for
00571767 32 v 01 circumstantiate 0 001 @ 00571644 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | give circumstantial evidence for
00571880 32 v 02 reconfirm 0 confirm_again 0 001 @ 00571424 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | "You must reconfirm your flight reservations"
00572016 32 v 03 swear 0 depose 0 depone 0 001 @ 00570287 v 0000 01 + 26 00 | make a deposition; declare under oath
00572135 32 v 02 remonstrate 1 point_out 2 001 @ 00467082 v 0000 01 + 22 00
00572214 32 v 05 stress 0 emphasize 0 punctuate 0 accent 1 accentuate 0 006 @ 00531321 v 0000 ~ 00471664 v 0000 ~ 00471773 v 0000 ~ 00572428 v 0000 ~ 00572598 v 0000 ~ 00572704 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 26 00
00572428 32 v 01 point_up 0 001 @ 00572214 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 26 00 | emphasize, esp. by identification; "This novel points up the racial problems in England"
00572598 32 v 02 drive_home 0 press_home 0 001 @ 00572214 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of a point or an argument
00572798 32 v 04 testify 1 attest 2 take_the_stand 0 bear_witness 0 002 @ 00570287 v 0000 ~ 00572954 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | give testimony in a court of law
00572954 32 v 01 vouch 1 001 @ 00572798 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | "Will he vouch for me?"
00573040 32 v 05 testify_to 0 bear_witness_to 0 prove 0 evidence 1 show 0 003 @ 00467082 v 0000 ~ 00461529 v 0000 ~ 00573272 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 26 00 | provide evidence for; "The blood test showed that he was the father"
00573272 32 v 03 adduce 0 abduce 0 cite 6 001 @ 00573040 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | advance evidence for
00573372 32 v 03 allege 0 aver 1 say 1 002 @ 00573941 v 0000 ~ 00573710 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 26 00 | to state (an opinion, fact, etc.) positively; "He alleged that he was the victim of a crime"; "He said it was too late to intervene in the war"; "The registrar says that I owe the school money"; "The say we'll get snow tonight"
00573710 32 v 01 plead 3 001 @ 00573372 v 0000 01 + 26 00 | make an allegation in an action or other legal proceeding, esp. answer the previous pleading of the other party by denying facts therein stated or by alleging new facts
00573941 32 v 03 assert 1 asseverate 0 maintain 0 003 @ 00460524 v 0000 ~ 00573372 v 0000 ~ 00574092 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | state categorically
00574092 32 v 02 predicate 0 proclaim 3 001 @ 00573941 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00
00574176 32 v 02 swear_in 0 administer_an_oath_to 0 001 @ 01355752 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | "The speaker of the House swore in the new President"
00574319 32 v 02 maintain 1 defend 1 001 @ 00571171 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | "He maintained his innocence"
00574431 32 v 02 demand 2 exact 0 003 @ 00574865 v 0000 ~ 00574594 v 0000 ~ 00574690 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 16 00 + 26 00 | make a demand on somebody for something
00574594 32 v 01 call_in 1 001 @ 00574431 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | demand payment of, as of a loan
00574690 32 v 01 command 2 001 @ 00574431 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | demand as one's due: "This speaker commands a high fee"; "The author commands a fair hearing from his readers"
00574865 32 v 03 claim 2 ask_for_legally 0 make_a_claim_to 0 003 @ 00422854 v 0000 ~ 00574431 v 0000 ~ 00575075 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 22 00 | of claims and debts; "They claimed on the maximum allowable amount"
00575075 32 v 01 counterclaim 0 001 @ 00574865 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | set up a claim in opposition to a previous claim, as in law
00575204 32 v 02 remit 0 release_from 0 001 @ 01402497 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of claims and debts
00575301 32 v 05 stipulate 0 qualify 0 condition 0 specify 3 demand 4 002 @ 00499798 v 0000 ~ 00602783 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | specify as a condition
00575457 32 v 02 stipulate 1 give_a_guarantee_of 0 001 @ 00500655 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00
00575552 32 v 02 assure 0 tell 8 001 @ 00570811 v 0000 02 + 18 00 + 26 00 | state positively and with certainty and confidence
00575681 32 v 03 reassure 0 give_confidence_in 0 restore_confidence_in 0 001 @ 00435736 v 0000 03 + 09 00 + 18 00 + 26 00 | "I reassured him that we were safe"
00575843 32 v 05 note 0 observe 0 mention 0 remark 0 make_a_remark 0 003 @ 00569629 v 0000 ^ 00599498 v 0404 ~ 00599498 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | "She observed that his presentation took up too much time"
00576052 32 v 04 write_down 1 set_down 0 get_down 0 put_down 0 003 @ 00559904 v 0000 ~ 00561042 v 0000 ~ 00576347 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | of text, musical compositions, etc.
00576232 32 v 02 complete 0 fill_out 0 001 * 00576052 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "fill out this questionnaire, please!"
00576347 32 v 02 note 1 take_down 0 001 @ 00576052 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | of notes
00576437 32 v 01 take_notes 0 001 @ 00563886 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00576503 32 v 03 exemplify 0 illustrate 0 instance 0 001 @ 00538150 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | give an example of
00576620 32 v 02 conclude 1 resolve 0 002 @ 00452960 v 0000 ~ 00428728 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | reach a conclusion after a discussion or deliberation
00576775 32 v 03 arrange 4 fix_up 0 make_arrangements_for 0 003 @ 00452960 v 0000 ~ 00576915 v 0000 ~ 01283253 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 01
00576915 32 v 02 firm_up 0 arrange_firmly 0 001 @ 00576775 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "firm up one's plans"
00577018 32 v 03 specify 0 particularize 0 specialize 0 003 @ 00538150 v 0000 ! 00577636 v 0101 ~ 00567604 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 26 00 | be specific about
00577181 32 v 02 overgeneralize 0 overgeneralise 0 001 @ 00577313 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | "It is dangerous to overgeneralize"
00577313 32 v 04 generalize 1 generalise 1 extrapolate 0 infer 1 003 @ 00356782 v 0000 ~ 00577181 v 0000 ~ 00577507 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | draw from specific cases for more general cases
00577507 32 v 01 universalize 0 001 @ 00577313 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | make universal; "This author's stories unversalize"
00577636 32 v 03 generalize 0 generalise 0 speak_generally 0 002 @ 00530290 v 0000 ! 00577018 v 0101 01 + 02 00 | speak in generalities
00577882 32 v 02 quote 0 cite 2 003 @ 00539747 v 0000 ~ 00578065 v 0000 ~ 00578212 v 0000 05 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 14 00 + 15 00 | "He quoted the Bible to her"; "quote a price"
00578065 32 v 02 misquote 0 quote_incorrectly 0 001 @ 00577882 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | "He had misquoted the politician"; "misquote a price"
00578212 32 v 01 underquote 0 001 @ 00577882 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | quote a price lower than that quoted by (another seller)
00578336 32 v 06 mention 2 advert_to 0 bring_up 0 cite 0 refer_to 1 name 4 009 @ 00412006 v 0000 ~ 00495640 v 0000 ~ 00495799 v 0000 ~ 00578693 v 0000 ~ 00578794 v 0000 ~ 00578940 v 0000 ~ 00579100 v 0000 ~ 00579572 v 0000 ~ 00579707 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | make reference to: "His name was mentioned in connection with the invention"
00578693 32 v 01 touch_on 1 001 @ 00578336 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | refer to or discuss briefly
00578794 32 v 02 invoke 1 appeal_to 1 001 @ 00578336 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cite as an authority: "He invoked the law that would save him"
00578940 32 v 02 namedrop 0 drop_names 0 001 @ 00578336 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | refer to people that one assumes one's interlocutors admire so as to impress them
00579100 32 v 02 raise 0 bring_up 6 002 @ 00578336 v 0000 ~ 00579259 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | put forward for consideration or discussion
00579259 32 v 02 call_up 3 bring_forward 0 001 @ 00579100 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | bring forward for consideration: "The case was called up in court"
00579406 32 v 04 slip_in 0 stick_in 0 sneak_in 0 insert 0 002 @ 00580469 v 0000 ~ 00937795 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | "She slipped in a reference to her own work"
00579572 32 v 03 drag_up 0 dredge_up 0 raise 5 001 @ 00578336 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | mention something unpleasant from the past
00579707 32 v 01 cross-refer 0 001 @ 00578336 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 12 00 | refer from one entry to another, as in catalogues, books, and lists
00579867 32 v 04 name 2 identify 0 give_the_name_of 1 refer_to_by_name 0 004 @ 00524290 v 0000 ~ 00532826 v 0000 ~ 00533007 v 0000 ~ 00549995 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | "Many senators were named in connection with the scandal"
00580113 32 v 01 apply 1 001 @ 00524290 v 0000 02 + 15 00 + 21 00 | refer (a word or name) to a person or thing
00580227 32 v 05 allude_to 0 touch 0 touch_on 0 advert_to 1 hint_at 0 002 * 00524290 v 0000 @ 00521483 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00580359 32 v 03 drive_at 0 get_at 0 aim_at 0 001 @ 00537777 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "What are you driving at?"
00580469 32 v 03 add 1 append 0 supply 0 002 @ 00569629 v 0000 ~ 00579406 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 26 00 | state or say further; " `It doesn't matter,' " he supplied"
00580641 32 v 03 decree 0 issue_a_decree 0 command_by_decree 0 002 @ 00570287 v 0000 ~ 00419365 v 0000 01 + 26 00
00580758 32 v 05 opine 0 speak_up 0 animadvert 0 sound_off 1 state_as_an_opinion 0 002 @ 00570287 v 0000 ~ 00580895 v 0000 01 + 26 00
00580895 32 v 01 editorialize 0 001 @ 00580758 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | insert personal opinions into an objective statement
00581017 32 v 03 baptize 0 baptise 0 christen 0 001 @ 00581359 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 14 00 | "The parents had the child baptized"
00581155 32 v 01 style 0 001 @ 00581359 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "They styled their nation `The Confederate States'"
00581269 32 v 02 dub 0 nickname 0 001 @ 00581359 v 0000 01 + 14 00 | give a nickname to
00581359 32 v 02 name 3 call 2 009 @ 00582394 v 0000 ~ 00581017 v 0000 ~ 00581155 v 0000 ~ 00581269 v 0000 ~ 00581726 v 0000 ~ 00581882 v 0000 ~ 00582080 v 0000 ~ 00582187 v 0000 ~ 00582287 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 14 00 | assign a specified name to; "They named their son David"; "The new school was named after the famous Civil Rights leader"; "Call me Boris"
00581726 32 v 01 rename 0 001 @ 00581359 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | assign a new name to; "Many streets in the former East Germany were renamed in 1990"
00581882 32 v 01 address_as 0 001 @ 00581359 v 0000 01 + 14 00 | "He always addresses me with "Sir"
00581984 32 v 03 go_by 0 go_under 0 go_under_the_name_of 0 000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | be called
00582080 32 v 03 give_a_title_to 0 entitle 0 title 0 002 @ 00581359 v 0000 ~ 00551709 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00582187 32 v 03 term 0 name_formally 0 designate_with_a_term 0 001 @ 00581359 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00582287 32 v 03 tag 0 provide_with_a_name 0 provide_with_a_nickname 0 001 @ 00581359 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00582394 32 v 01 label 0 005 @ 00582586 v 0000 ~ 00547315 v 0000 ~ 00558673 v 0000 ~ 00581359 v 0000 ~ 01419981 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 | assign a label to; designate with a label
00582586 32 v 02 designate 0 denominate 0 003 ~ 00524692 v 0000 ~ 00534259 v 0000 ~ 00582394 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 11 00 | assign a designation to
00582741 32 v 02 excommunicate 0 curse 3 002 @ 01386490 v 0000 ! 00582894 v 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | exclude from a church or a religious communities
00582894 32 v 02 communicate 8 administer_communion 0 002 @ 00583013 v 0000 ! 00582741 v 0101 01 + 02 00 | in church
00583013 32 v 02 covenant 0 enter_into_a_covenant 0 003 @ 00497152 v 0000 ~ 00427278 v 0000 ~ 00582894 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00583137 32 v 02 post 1 brand 0 001 @ 00547315 v 0000 01 + 14 00 | "She was branded a loose woman"
00583238 32 v 04 mail 0 write 1 post 2 send 0 004 @ 00416793 v 0000 ~ 00583406 v 0000 ~ 00583527 v 0000 ~ 00583824 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 15 00 | communicate by writing
00583931 32 v 01 comment_on 0 006 @ 00528672 v 0000 ~ 00464213 v 0000 ~ 00464923 v 0000 ~ 00516199 v 0000 ~ 00541751 v 0000 ~ 00584127 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | explain or interpret something
00584127 32 v 02 diskjockey 0 DJ 0 001 @ 00583931 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | comment on music to be played
00584229 32 v 08 cover 1 treat 0 handle 0 work 0 plow 0 deal_with 0 deal_in 0 address 4 003 @ 00544173 v 0000 ~ 00584488 v 0000 ~ 00584975 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 11 00 | deal with verbally or in the arts; "The author did not cover with this hot topic"
00584488 32 v 03 discourse 2 talk_about 0 discuss 1 003 @ 00584229 v 0000 ~ 00584702 v 0000 ~ 00584821 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | "The article covered all the different aspects of this question"
00584702 32 v 01 descant 1 001 @ 00584488 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | talk at great length about something of one's interest
00584821 32 v 01 talk_shop 0 001 @ 00584488 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | discuss work-related matters; "As soon as they met, the linguists started to talk shop"
00584975 32 v 01 spiel 1 001 @ 00584229 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | discuss extravagantly and at great length
00585079 32 v 01 stonewall 0 001 @ 01447000 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00
00585152 32 v 02 reason_with 0 influence_by_use_of_reason 0 001 @ 00430180 v 0000 01 + 09 00
00585338 32 v 02 compromise 0 make_a_compromise 0 002 * 00452960 v 0000 @ 00428728 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 13 00
00585450 32 v 01 agree 4 001 ~ 00585633 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | achieve harmony of opinion, feeling, or purpose; "No two of my colleagues would agree on whom to elect chairman"
00585633 32 v 02 compromise 1 make_a_concession 0 002 @ 00585450 v 0000 ~ 00585760 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 13 00 | come to terms
00585760 32 v 01 give_and_take 0 001 @ 00585633 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | make mutual concessions; "In life you have to give and take"
00585891 32 v 06 compromise 2 queer 0 expose 2 scupper 0 endanger 0 peril 0 002 @ 00079913 v 0000 ~ 00586105 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | put in a dangerous, disadvantageous, or difficult position
00586105 32 v 03 subject_to 0 make_vulnerable_to 0 make_liable_to 0 002 @ 00585891 v 0000 ~ 01541513 v 0000 01 + 14 00 | "People in Chernobyl were subjected to radiation"
00587051 32 v 01 wanton 0 001 @ 00586854 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | engage in amorous play
00587137 32 v 01 vamp 0 001 @ 00586854 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | act seductively with (someone)
00587229 32 v 0b chat 0 confabulate 0 confab 0 chitchat 0 chatter 1 chaffer 0 natter 0 gossip 1 jaw 0 claver 0 visit 0 002 @ 00543974 v 0000 ~ 00587434 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | chew the fat; shoot the breeze
00587434 32 v 02 shmooze 0 jawbone 0 001 @ 00587229 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00587507 32 v 03 sign 1 signal 0 signalize 1 006 @ 00416793 v 0000 ~ 00587825 v 0000 ~ 00588011 v 0000 ~ 00588115 v 0000 ~ 00588216 v 0000 ~ 00590379 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 09 00 | converse silently and non-verbally; converse in sign language; "I don't know how to sign, so I could not communicate with my deaf cousin"
00587825 32 v 01 wigwag 0 001 @ 00587507 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | signal by wigwagging
00587909 32 v 01 semaphore 0 001 @ 00416793 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | convey by semaphore, of information
00588011 32 v 01 semaphore 1 001 @ 00587507 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | send signals by or as if by semaphore
00588115 32 v 01 heliograph 0 001 @ 00587507 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | signal with a heliograph
00588216 32 v 03 flag 0 communicate_with_a_flag 0 signal_with_flags 0 002 @ 00587507 v 0000 ^ 01061531 v 0101 02 + 02 00 + 08 00
00588348 32 v 02 mouth 1 articulate_silently 0 001 @ 00470255 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | from words with the lips only
00588463 32 v 08 close_up 0 clam_up 0 dummy_up 0 shut_up 0 belt_up 0 button_up 0 be_quiet 0 keep_mum 0 001 ! 00588700 v 0101 01 + 02 00 | refuse to talk or stop talking; fall silent; "The children shut up when their father approached"
00588700 32 v 02 open_up 0 talk_freely 0 002 @ 00530290 v 0000 ! 00588463 v 0101 01 + 02 00
00588795 32 v 02 beckon 0 wave 0 001 @ 00559482 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 27 00 | signal with the hands or nod; "She waved to her friends"; "He waved his hand hospitably"
00588970 32 v 01 beckon 1 001 @ 00589088 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | summon with a wave, nod, or some other gesture
00589088 32 v 02 summon 5 call_for 0 006 @ 00444911 v 0000 ~ 00423891 v 0000 ~ 00444823 v 0000 ~ 00445485 v 0000 ~ 00445741 v 0000 ~ 00588970 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | ask to come; "summon a lawyer"
00589291 32 v 02 gossip 0 wag_one's_tongue 0 003 @ 00542186 v 0000 ~ 00589416 v 0000 ~ 00589561 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00
00589416 32 v 03 rumor 0 rumour 0 bruit 0 001 @ 00589291 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 26 00 | "It was rumored that the next president would be a woman"
00589561 32 v 02 rumor_about 0 bruit_about 0 001 @ 00589291 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | "His new wife was much rumored about"
00589689 32 v 02 rap 0 talk_volubly 0 001 @ 00542186 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00
00589771 32 v 02 snivel 0 whine 1 001 @ 00530290 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 26 00 | talk in a tearful manner
00589875 32 v 02 hoot 0 whoop 1 003 @ 00554586 v 0000 ~ 00589987 v 0000 ~ 00590064 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00
00589987 32 v 01 pant-hoot 0 001 @ 00589875 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | of animals
00590064 32 v 01 grunt-hoot 0 001 @ 00589875 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | of animals
00591794 32 v 02 roar 1 howl 1 003 @ 01239839 v 0000 ~ 00591929 v 0000 ~ 00592018 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | as of wind, water, or vehicles
00591929 32 v 02 yawp 1 bawl 1 001 @ 00591794 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | make a raucous noise
00592018 32 v 01 thunder 1 001 @ 00591794 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | "The river thundered below"; "Horses thundered across the sqaure"; "His achievements thunder forth form the media"
00592197 32 v 02 purl 0 make_a_murmuring_sound 0 001 @ 01239839 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | of water
00592292 32 v 03 howl 2 ululate 0 wail 0 002 @ 00554586 v 0000 ~ 00592395 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00
00592395 32 v 03 squall 1 waul 0 wawl 0 001 @ 00592292 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | make high-pitched, whiney noises
00592513 32 v 04 howl 3 wrawl 0 yammer 1 yowl 1 001 @ 00554586 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | as of animals
00592620 32 v 02 bark 1 speak_in_an_unfriendly_tone 0 001 @ 00530290 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 26 00
00592718 32 v 02 bark 0 make_barking_sounds 0 003 @ 00554586 v 0000 ~ 00592855 v 0000 ~ 00593057 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | of dogs or people
00592855 32 v 02 bay 0 quest 2 001 @ 00592718 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | bark with prolonged noises, of dogs
00592959 32 v 01 bay 1 001 @ 00530290 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 22 00 | utter in deep prolonged tones
00593057 32 v 04 yelp 0 yip 0 yap 0 bark_in_a_high-pitched_tone 0 001 @ 00592718 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | as of dogs
00593171 32 v 05 bleat 0 blate 0 blat 0 baa 0 cry_plaintively 0 001 @ 00554586 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | of sheep, goats, or calves
00593299 32 v 02 bleat 1 talk_whiningly 0 001 @ 00510349 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00593377 32 v 02 bawl 0 bellow 0 001 @ 00514445 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | shout loudly and without restraint
00593490 32 v 02 bellow 1 roar 5 001 @ 00554586 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | make a loud noise, as of a bull
00600158 32 v 04 neigh 0 nicker 0 whicker 0 whinny 0 001 @ 00554586 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | characteristic of horses
00600273 32 v 03 gargle 0 utter_with_gargling_sounds 0 utter_with_burbling_sounds 0 001 @ 00554586 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00600393 32 v 01 caw 0 001 @ 00554586 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | characteristic of crows, rooks, or ravens
00600495 32 v 02 mew 0 make_a_high-pitched_cry 0 001 @ 00554586 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | as of seagulls
00600596 32 v 02 give 0 throw 0 001 @ 00416793 v 0000 01 + 14 00 | of a smile, a look, or another physical gesture that conveys a message; "Throw a glance"
00600754 32 v 02 give 1 pay 0 002 @ 00416793 v 0000 ~ 01307439 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 14 00 + 15 00 | as of a compliment, regards, attention, etc.: "Don't pay him any mind"; "give the orders"
00600945 32 v 02 give 2 render 0 002 @ 00416793 v 0000 ~ 00499056 v 0000 01 + 15 00 | as of honors, hommages, etc.
00601062 32 v 01 catcall 0 001 @ 00478362 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | utter catcalls at
00601152 32 v 03 carry 2 convey 1 express 2 002 @ 00416793 v 0000 ~ 00287933 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | serve as a means for expressing something: "The painting of Mary carries motherly love"; "His voice carried a lot af anger"
00601383 32 v 02 express 3 state 2 001 @ 00524290 v 0000 02 + 11 00 + 21 00 | "Can you express this distance in kilometers?"
00601510 32 v 01 haw 0 001 @ 00554586 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | utter "haw"
00601583 32 v 01 hem 0 001 @ 00554586 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | utter "hem" or "ahem"
00601665 32 v 01 hem_and_haw 0 001 @ 01494652 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | "He hemmed and hawed when asked to address the crowd"
00601787 32 v 01 hypothecate 0 001 @ 00498576 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | pledge without delivery or title of possession
00601990 32 v 03 render 1 deliver 1 return 3 001 @ 00417813 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | as of a verdict, by a jury
00602107 32 v 02 set 1 mark 3 001 @ 00373699 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | establish as the highest level or best performance: "set a record"
00602249 32 v 03 send 2 get_off 5 send_off 0 001 @ 01271735 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "The spy sent the classified information off to Russia"
00602387 32 v 01 call 4 001 @ 00443742 v 0000 05 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 11 00 | send a message or attempt to reach someone by radio, phone, etc.; make a signal to in order to transmit a message; "Hawaii is calling!"; "A transmitter in Hawaii was heard calling"
00602661 32 v 01 issue 1 001 @ 00416793 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | bring out an an official document,such as a warrant
00602783 32 v 01 provide 0 001 @ 00575301 v 0000 02 + 26 00 + 34 00 | "The will provides that each child should receive half of the money"
00602924 32 v 02 come_across 0 come_over 0 001 @ 00416793 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | "He came across very clearly"
00603042 32 v 02 invite 1 call_for 3 001 @ 00422854 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | request the participation or presence of; "The organizers invite submissions of papers for the conference"
00603223 32 v 01 share 0 001 @ 00416793 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "I'd like to share this idea with you"
00603324 32 v 01 mean_business 0 001 @ 00398655 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | be serious about
00603419 32 v 01 pooh-pooh 1 001 @ 00529407 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | express contempt about
00603508 32 v 02 thrash_out 0 hammer_out 0 001 @ 00457891 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | discuss vehemently in order to reach a solution or an agreement
00603660 32 v 02 croak 1 cronk 0 001 @ 00554586 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | utter a hoarse sound, like a raven
00603765 32 v 01 spell 2 002 @ 00436073 v 0000 ! 00603865 v 0101 01 + 09 00 | place under a spell
00603865 32 v 01 unspell 0 002 @ 01370323 v 0000 ! 00603765 v 0101 01 + 09 00 | release from a spell
00603968 32 v 04 write_out 0 issue 2 make_out 0 cut 0 001 @ 00559904 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "write out a check"
00604079 32 v 02 introduce 2 bring_out 1 001 @ 00507320 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | bring before the public for the first time, as of an actor, song, etc.
00604237 32 v 02 puff 1 puff_up 0 001 @ 00480440 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | praise extravagantly; "The critics puffed up this Brodaway production"
00604403 32 v 01 explain 1 001 @ 00569629 v 0000 01 + 26 00 | state by way of explanation
00604495 32 v 01 babble 2 001 @ 00530290 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | utter meaningless sounds, like a baby, or utter in an incoherent way
00604635 32 v 02 keep 0 maintain 4 001 @ 00563886 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | maintain by writing regular records; "keep a diary"; "maintain a record"; "keep notes"
00604794 32 v 01 get 3 001 @ 00416793 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | communicate with a place or person; establish communication with, as if by telephone: "Bill called this number and he got Mary"; "The operator couldn't get Kobe because of the earthquake"
00605050 33 v 03 compete 0 vie 0 contend 0 009 ^ 00627425 v 0102 ~ 00605357 v 0000 ~ 00605601 v 0000 ~ 00605716 v 0000 ~ 00605818 v 0000 ~ 00610879 v 0000 ~ 00612955 v 0000 ~ 00634817 v 0000 ~ 01511128 v 0000 02 + 22 00 + 02 01 | compete for something; engage in a contest; measure oneself against others
00605357 33 v 01 apply 0 002 @ 00605050 v 0000 ~ 00605466 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | apply for a job, for example
00605466 33 v 02 put_in 0 submit 2 001 @ 00605357 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | put on an application, apply for a job, in a competition, etc.
00605601 33 v 02 run 0 be_in_the_running 0 001 @ 00605050 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | "Who's running this year?"
00605716 33 v 02 try_for 0 go_for 0 001 @ 00605050 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "She tried for the Olympics"
00605818 33 v 01 play 0 035 @ 00605050 v 0000 ^ 00610963 v 0101 ~ 00606571 v 0000 ~ 00606726 v 0000 ~ 00606890 v 0000 ~ 00607010 v 0000 ~ 00607112 v 0000 ~ 00607219 v 0000 ~ 00607315 v 0000 ~ 00607416 v 0000 ~ 00607683 v 0000 ~ 00607799 v 0000 ~ 00607876 v 0000 ~ 00607976 v 0000 ~ 00608091 v 0000 ~ 00608215 v 0000 ~ 00609780 v 0000 ~ 00610963 v 0000 ~ 00611046 v 0000 ~ 00611426 v 0000 ~ 00612200 v 0000 ~ 00612304 v 0000 ~ 00612528 v 0000 ~ 00631837 v 0000 ~ 00636647 v 0000 ~ 00646056 v 0000 ~ 00647583 v 0000 ~ 00651165 v 0000 ~ 00651334 v 0000 ~ 00651604 v 0000 ~ 00651890 v 0000 ~ 00655762 v 0000 ~ 00808614 v 0000 ~ 01136634 v 0000 ~ 01308684 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | play games, play sports; "We played hockey all afternoon"; "play cards"
00606571 33 v 01 develop 2 001 @ 00605818 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | move into a strategically more advantageous position, of a chess piece; "develop the rook"
00606726 33 v 01 develop 3 001 @ 00605818 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | move one's chess pieces into strategically more advantageous positions; "Spassky developed quickly"
00606890 33 v 01 die 0 001 @ 00605818 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | to be on base at the end of an inning, of a baseball player
00607010 33 v 01 misplay 0 001 @ 00605818 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | play wrong or in an unskillful manner
00607112 33 v 01 start 0 001 @ 00605818 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | play in the starting line-up, in team sports
00607219 33 v 01 fumble 0 001 @ 00605818 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "fumble a grounder", in baseball
00607315 33 v 01 volley 0 001 @ 00605818 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | make a volley, as in a gmae of tennis
00607416 33 v 01 unblock 0 001 @ 00605818 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | in card games: play the cards of (a suit) so that the last trick on which a hand can follow suit will be taken by a higher card in the hand of a partner who has the remaining cards of a combined holding
00607683 33 v 01 replay 0 001 @ 00605818 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | play again: "We replayed the game"; "replay a point"
00607799 33 v 01 cricket 0 001 @ 00605818 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | play cricket
00607876 33 v 02 backstop 0 act_as_a_backstop 0 001 @ 00605818 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | as in baseball
00607976 33 v 03 fullback 0 play_the_fullback 0 be_the_fullback 0 001 @ 00605818 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | in football
00608091 33 v 03 quarterback 0 play_the_quarterback 0 be_the_quarterback 0 001 @ 00605818 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | in football
00608215 33 v 02 cradle 0 run_with_the_stick 0 001 @ 00605818 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | in Lacrosse
00608311 33 v 02 move 0 go 0 010 * 00605818 v 0000 ~ 00608595 v 0000 ~ 00608805 v 0000 ~ 00608904 v 0000 ~ 00608988 v 0000 ~ 00609207 v 0000 ~ 00609301 v 0000 ~ 00609407 v 0000 ~ 00627313 v 0000 ~ 00646998 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | have a turn; make one's move in a game; "Can I go now?"
00608595 33 v 02 bluff 0 bluff_out 0 001 @ 00608311 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 09 00 | deceive an opponent in a card game by a bold bet on an inferior hand with the result that the opponent withdraws a winning hand
00608805 33 v 01 stalemate 0 001 @ 00608311 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | subject to a stalemate, in chess
00608904 33 v 01 castle 0 001 @ 00608311 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of the king in chess
00608988 33 v 01 serve 1 002 @ 00608311 v 0000 ~ 00609113 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | put the play into play; in games like tennis
00609113 33 v 02 ace 1 serve_and_ace_against 0 001 @ 00608988 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | in tennis
00609207 33 v 02 open 0 make_the_opening_move 0 001 @ 00608311 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | in chess
00609301 33 v 01 draw 1 001 @ 00608311 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | choose at random; "draw a card"; "draw lots"
00609407 33 v 02 trump 1 ruff 0 003 @ 00608311 v 0000 ~ 00609540 v 0000 ~ 00609683 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | play a trump, in card games
00609540 33 v 01 overtrump 0 001 @ 00609407 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | play a trump higher than (one previously played) to the trick; in card games
00609683 33 v 01 crossruff 0 001 @ 00609407 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | trump alternately in two hands
00609780 33 v 02 exit 0 lose_the_lead 0 001 @ 00605818 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | in card games
00609871 33 v 02 confront 0 face 0 006 @ 00610422 v 0000 ^ 00612200 v 0201 ~ 00610187 v 0000 ~ 00610281 v 0000 ~ 00610795 v 0000 ~ 00653162 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | as of an opponent
00610075 33 v 02 confront 1 face 1 000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | be confronted by, as of a problem
00610187 33 v 02 front 0 breast 0 001 @ 00609871 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00
00610281 33 v 01 take_the_bull_by_the_horns 0 001 @ 00609871 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | face a difficulty and grapple with it without avoiding it
00610422 33 v 04 meet 0 encounter 0 play 2 take_on 1 003 * 00605050 v 0000 ~ 00609871 v 0000 ~ 00610662 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | contend against an opponent in a sport or game; "Princeton plays Yale this weekend"; "Charlie likes to play Mary"
00610662 33 v 01 replay 1 001 @ 00610422 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | repeat a game against the same opponent: "Princeton replayed Harvard"
00610795 33 v 03 pit 0 oppose 0 match 0 001 @ 00609871 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00
00610879 33 v 02 run_off 0 decide_by_a_runoff 0 001 @ 00605050 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00610963 33 v 02 play_out 0 play_to_a_finish 0 001 @ 00605818 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00611046 33 v 02 field 0 play_as_a_fielder 0 002 * 00611297 v 0000 @ 00605818 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | in baseball or cricket
00611169 33 v 02 bear_down 0 exert_full_strength 0 001 @ 00615347 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | as in baseball: "The pitcher bore down"
00611297 33 v 03 field 1 catch_in_play 0 pick_up_in_play 0 001 @ 00688611 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of balls; in baseball or cricket
00611426 33 v 02 catch 0 be_the_catcher 0 001 @ 00605818 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | in baseball
00611517 33 v 02 enter 0 participate 0 001 ! 00611702 v 0101 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 22 00 | become a participant; "enter a race"; "enter an agreement"; "enter a drug treatment program"
00611702 33 v 08 drop_out 0 give_up 0 throw_in 0 throw_in_the_towel 0 quit 5 leave 0 admit_defeat 0 chuck_up_the_sponge 0 001 ! 00611517 v 0101 05 + 02 00 + 22 00 + 08 06 + 08 05 + 08 02 | give up in the face of defeat of lacking hope
00611939 33 v 02 demolish 0 destroy 0 002 @ 00621705 v 0000 ~ 00612088 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | defeat soundly: "The home team demolished the visitors"
00612088 33 v 01 cut_to_ribbons 0 001 @ 00611939 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | "We must cut the other team to ribbons!"
00612200 33 v 02 face_off 0 bully_off 0 001 @ 00605818 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | start a game by a face-off
00612304 33 v 01 tee_off 0 001 @ 00605818 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | strike a golf ball from a tee at the start of a game
00612421 33 v 01 par 0 001 @ 00628410 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make a score (on a hole) equal to par; in golf
00612528 33 v 02 ace 2 play_in_one_stroke 0 001 @ 00605818 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of holes, in golf
00612627 33 v 02 referee 0 umpire 0 001 @ 00377700 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | be a referee or umpire
00612836 33 v 02 bias 0 give_a_bias_to 0 002 @ 00382028 v 0000 ~ 00612731 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00
00612955 33 v 02 race 0 run 1 006 @ 00605050 v 0000 ^ 00610879 v 0201 ~ 00613155 v 0000 ~ 00613292 v 0000 ~ 00617601 v 0000 ~ 01104007 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | compete in a race, as in athletics
00613155 33 v 03 boat-race 0 participate_in_a_boat-race 0 compete_in_a_boat-race 0 002 * 01107560 v 0000 @ 00612955 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00613292 33 v 02 horse-race 0 compete_in_a_horse-race 0 002 @ 00612955 v 0000 ~ 00613402 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00613402 33 v 01 jockey 3 001 @ 00613292 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | ride a race-horse as a professional jockey
00613508 33 v 04 arm 0 build_up 0 fortify 0 gird 0 003 ! 00613906 v 0101 ~ 00613677 v 0000 ~ 00613819 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | prepare for a military confrontation
00613677 33 v 02 rearm 0 re-arm 0 001 @ 00613508 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | "After the war, the defeated country was not allowed to rearm"
00613819 33 v 01 forearm 0 001 @ 00613508 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 09 00 | arm in advance
00613906 33 v 03 disarm 0 demilitarize 2 demilitarise 2 001 ! 00613508 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | remove offensive capability from
00614040 33 v 04 disarm 1 unarm 0 render_harmless 0 take_away_weapons 0 002 @ 01316712 v 0000 ~ 00620091 v 0000 01 + 09 00
00614166 33 v 02 demobilize 0 demob 0 002 @ 00619401 v 0000 ! 00614281 v 0101 01 + 09 00 | from military service
00614281 33 v 02 mobilize 0 ready_for_war 0 002 @ 00619750 v 0000 ! 00614166 v 0101 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 09 00
00614395 33 v 02 man 0 provide_with_men 0 002 @ 00614491 v 0000 ~ 00614940 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00614491 33 v 02 staff 0 provide_with_staff 0 002 @ 00671827 v 0000 ~ 00614395 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00614591 33 v 05 station 0 post 0 base 0 send 0 place 0 003 @ 01055491 v 0000 ~ 00614740 v 0000 ~ 00656268 v 0000 01 + 20 00 | assign to a station
00614740 33 v 01 garrison 0 001 @ 00614591 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | station in a fort or garrison, as of troops
00614857 33 v 02 team 0 team_up 0 001 @ 00615120 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | form a team
00614940 33 v 02 crew 0 serve_as_a_crewmember_on 0 001 @ 00614395 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00615027 33 v 02 gang 0 gang_up 0 001 @ 00615120 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 22 00 | act as a gang
00615120 33 v 04 group 0 aggroup 0 form_a_form 0 group_together 0 004 @ 01374778 v 0000 ~ 00614857 v 0000 ~ 00615027 v 0000 ~ 00615276 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00615276 33 v 01 brigade 0 001 @ 00615120 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 09 00
00615347 33 v 03 fight 0 struggle 0 have_a_fight 0 026 * 00605050 v 0000 ^ 00616148 v 0203 ^ 01464822 v 0102 ^ 00503899 v 0102 ^ 00641004 v 0103 ~ 00611169 v 0000 ~ 00615933 v 0000 ~ 00616089 v 0000 ~ 00616324 v 0000 ~ 00616441 v 0000 ~ 00616524 v 0000 ~ 00616864 v 0000 ~ 00633037 v 0000 ~ 00634742 v 0000 ~ 00635052 v 0000 ~ 00635289 v 0000 ~ 00635361 v 0000 ~ 00635430 v 0000 ~ 00635515 v 0000 ~ 00636044 v 0000 ~ 00645978 v 0000 ~ 00651406 v 0000 ~ 00817174 v 0000 ~ 00817398 v 0000 ~ 00865613 v 0000 ~ 01345837 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | be engaged in a fight; carry on a fight
00615933 33 v 02 join_battle 0 join_the_battle 0 001 @ 00615347 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | engage in a conflict; "The battle over health care reform was joined"
00616089 33 v 01 tug 0 001 @ 00615347 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00616148 33 v 06 fight 1 oppose 1 struggle_against 0 fight_back 0 fight_down 0 defend 5 003 ~ 00630484 v 0000 ~ 00631049 v 0000 ~ 00641004 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 09 00
00616324 33 v 03 settle_with 0 fight_with 0 get_back_at 0 001 @ 00615347 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | deal with by fighting
00616441 33 v 02 fight_back 1 defend_oneself 0 001 @ 00615347 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00616524 33 v 03 battle 0 battle_against 0 combat 0 002 @ 00615347 v 0000 ~ 00616691 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | contend against in a battle; be engaged in a battle against
00616691 33 v 01 wrestle 1 001 @ 00616524 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | combat to overcome an opposing tendency or force; "He wrestled all his life with his feeling of inferiority"
00616864 33 v 03 war 0 make_war 0 wage_war 0 004 @ 00615347 v 0000 ! 00617250 v 0101 ~ 00617007 v 0000 ~ 00617128 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00
00617007 33 v 02 blitzkrieg 0 fight_a_blitzkrieg 0 001 @ 00616864 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | fight a quick and surprising war
00617250 33 v 02 make_peace 0 end_hostilities 0 002 @ 00429444 v 0000 ! 00616864 v 0101 01 + 02 00
00617352 33 v 04 campaign 0 go_on_a_campaign 0 take_the_field 1 go_off_to_war 0 002 * 00616864 v 0000 ~ 00617494 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00
00617494 33 v 02 crusade 0 go_on_a_crusade 0 001 @ 00617352 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | fight a holy war
00617601 33 v 02 campaign 1 run 6 005 @ 00612955 v 0000 ^ 01464822 v 0103 ~ 00617776 v 0000 ~ 00617898 v 0000 ~ 01399601 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | run or stand for office
00617776 33 v 01 rerun 0 001 @ 00617601 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | run again for office: "Bush wants to rerun in 1996"
00617898 33 v 02 barnstorm 0 whistlestop 0 001 @ 00617601 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | tour the country to solicit votes
00618020 33 v 02 serve 0 serve_as 0 006 @ 01364691 v 0000 ~ 00618376 v 0000 ~ 00618520 v 0000 ~ 00618633 v 0000 ~ 00618760 v 0000 ~ 01439153 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | do duty or hold offices; serve in a specific function: "He served as head of the department for three years"; "She served in Congress for two terms"; "They served as medics in Vietnam"
00618376 33 v 01 act 0 001 @ 00618020 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | discharge one's duties; "She acts as the chair"; "In what capacity are you acting?"
00618520 33 v 01 rotate 0 001 @ 00618020 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | perform a job or duty on a rotating basis
00618633 33 v 02 officiate 0 function 0 001 @ 00618020 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | act as an official in a specific function
00618760 33 v 02 caddie 0 caddy 0 001 @ 00618020 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | act as a caddie
00618847 33 v 03 soldier 0 serve_as_a_soldier 0 be_in_the_service 0 001 @ 01531792 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | in the military
00618976 33 v 01 enlist 0 001 @ 00619057 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | join the military
00619057 33 v 01 sign_up 0 002 @ 01378094 v 0000 ~ 00618976 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | join a club, an activity, etc. with the intention to join or participate, "Sign up for yoga classes"
00619248 33 v 03 enlist 1 draft 0 muster_in 0 003 @ 01399163 v 0000 ! 00619401 v 0101 ~ 00619660 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | engage somebody to enter the army
00619401 33 v 02 discharge 0 muster_out 0 004 @ 00847053 v 0000 ! 00619248 v 0101 ~ 00614166 v 0000 ~ 00643215 v 0000 01 + 09 00
00619533 33 v 03 call_up 0 mobilize 1 rally 0 001 @ 00444911 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | call to arms; of military personnel
00619660 33 v 04 conscript 0 recruit 0 levy 0 raise 0 001 @ 00619248 v 0000 01 + 09 00
00619750 33 v 02 militarize 0 make_military 0 004 @ 00072540 v 0000 ! 00620091 v 0101 ~ 00614281 v 0000 ~ 00619972 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | lend a military character to (a country), as by building up a military force
00619972 33 v 01 remilitarize 0 001 @ 00619750 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | militarize anew; "Should Japan be remilitarized?"
00620091 33 v 02 demilitarize 0 demilitarise 0 003 @ 00614040 v 0000 ! 00619750 v 0101 ~ 00632103 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00620218 33 v 02 lose 0 fail_to_win 0 004 * 00605050 v 0000 ! 00620486 v 0101 ~ 00620362 v 0000 ~ 00637053 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 27 00
00620362 33 v 01 drop 0 001 @ 00620218 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of games, in sports: "The Giants dropped 11 of their first 13"
00620486 33 v 01 win 0 007 * 00605050 v 0000 ! 00620218 v 0101 ~ 00620792 v 0000 ~ 00620914 v 0000 ~ 00621352 v 0000 ~ 00621616 v 0000 ~ 00626076 v 0000 04 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 22 00 + 08 01 | be the winner in a contest or competition; be victorious; "He won the Gold Medal in skating"; "Our home team won"
00620792 33 v 01 take 8 001 @ 00620486 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | obtain by winning: "Winner takes all"; "He took first prize"
00620914 33 v 01 sweep 0 001 @ 00620486 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | win an overwhelming victory in or on: "Her new show dog swept all championships"
00621065 33 v 02 outpoint 0 outscore 0 001 @ 00621705 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | score more points than one's opponents
00621180 33 v 01 homer 0 001 @ 00628410 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | hit a home run
00621257 33 v 01 count_out 0 001 @ 00570287 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | declare the loser, in boxing
00621352 33 v 01 carry 1 001 @ 00620486 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | win in an election; "The senator carried his home state"
00621471 33 v 01 carry 2 001 @ 01274713 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | secure the passage or adoption (of bills and motions); "The motion carried easily"
00621616 33 v 02 prevail 0 triumph 0 001 @ 00620486 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | prove superior
00621705 33 v 07 beat 0 beat_out 0 defeat 0 crush 0 trounce 0 vanquish 0 overcome 0 027 * 00620486 v 0000 ~ 00611939 v 0000 ~ 00621065 v 0000 ~ 00622343 v 0000 ~ 00622526 v 0000 ~ 00622732 v 0000 ~ 00622811 v 0000 ~ 00622901 v 0000 ~ 00623015 v 0000 ~ 00623330 v 0000 ~ 00623550 v 0000 ~ 00623661 v 0000 ~ 00623758 v 0000 ~ 00623983 v 0000 ~ 00624716 v 0000 ~ 00626455 v 0000 ~ 00626539 v 0000 ~ 00626827 v 0000 ~ 00626921 v 0000 ~ 00627004 v 0000 ~ 00627136 v 0000 ~ 00627643 v 0000 ~ 00629603 v 0000 ~ 00629697 v 0000 ~ 00634420 v 0000 ~ 00655940 v 0000 ~ 01481751 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 | in a competition, such as a race
00622343 33 v 05 worst 0 pip 0 mop_up 0 whip 0 rack-up 0 001 @ 00621705 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | colloquial usage; defeat thoroughyl: "He mopped up the floor with his opponents"
00622526 33 v 03 overcome 4 beat 7 conquer 1 001 @ 00621705 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | as of handicaps, illnesses, etc.; "He overcame his shyness"; "She conquered here fear of mice"; "He overcame his infirmity"
00622732 33 v 01 down 0 001 @ 00621705 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | in sports
00622901 33 v 02 lurch 0 skunk 0 001 @ 00621705 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | defeat by a lurch, as in certain card games
00623015 33 v 02 outfight 1 get_the_better_of 1 001 @ 00621705 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | "The French forces outfought the Germans"
00623166 33 v 02 break_down 0 crush 1 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make ineffective; "Martin Luther King tried to break down racial discrimination"
00623330 33 v 03 get_the_best_of 0 have_the_best_of 0 overcome 2 001 @ 00621705 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | overcome, usually through no fault or weakness of the person that is overcome; "Heart disease can get the best of us"
00623661 33 v 01 outfight 0 001 @ 00621705 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | "He ooutfought his challengers"
00623758 33 v 02 get_the_jump_on 0 be_there_first 0 001 @ 00621705 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | "They had gotten the jump on their competitors"
00623896 33 v 02 cut_down 0 out_out 0 001 @ 00641129 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | in baseball
00623983 33 v 06 cheat 0 chouse 0 shaft 0 screw 0 chicane 0 jockey 1 001 @ 00621705 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 11 00 | defeat someone in an expectation through trickery or deceit
00624157 33 v 05 outwit 0 overreach 0 outsmart 0 outfox 1 circumvent 0 001 @ 00624716 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | beat through cleverness and wit
00624305 33 v 01 outgrow 0 001 @ 00624716 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 11 00 | grow faster than
00624394 33 v 02 outshout 0 outcry 0 001 @ 00624716 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | shout louder than
00624486 33 v 01 outroar 0 001 @ 00624716 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 11 00 | roar louder than
00624575 33 v 01 outsail 0 001 @ 00624716 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 11 00 | sail faster or better than; "They outsailed the Roman fleet"
00624716 33 v 07 surpass 0 outstrip 0 outmatch 0 outgo 0 exceed 0 outdo 0 surmount 1 017 @ 00621705 v 0000 ~ 00624157 v 0000 ~ 00624305 v 0000 ~ 00624394 v 0000 ~ 00624486 v 0000 ~ 00624575 v 0000 ~ 00625201 v 0000 ~ 00625470 v 0000 ~ 00625609 v 0000 ~ 00625712 v 0000 ~ 00625793 v 0000 ~ 00625873 v 0000 ~ 00625987 v 0000 ~ 00626235 v 0000 ~ 00626342 v 0000 ~ 00627912 v 0000 ~ 01529048 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | be or do something to a greater degree than others
00625201 33 v 01 better 0 001 @ 00624716 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | surpass in excellence; "She bettered her own record"
00625317 33 v 01 upstage 0 001 @ 00625470 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | steal the show, draw attention to oneself away from someone else
00625470 33 v 01 outshine 0 002 @ 00624716 v 0000 ~ 00625317 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 11 00 | "This film outshone all the others in quality"
00625609 33 v 01 outrange 0 001 @ 00624716 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | have a greater range than, as of guns
00625712 33 v 01 outweigh 0 001 @ 00624716 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | be heavier than
00625793 33 v 01 outbrave 0 001 @ 00624716 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | be braver than
00625873 33 v 02 out-herod 0 out-Herod 0 001 @ 00624716 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | surpass someone in cruelty or eviln
00625987 33 v 01 outfox 0 001 @ 00624716 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | outdo someone in trickery
00626076 33 v 02 take_the_cake 0 rank_first 0 001 @ 00620486 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | used often in a negative context: "He takes the cake for chutzpah!"
00626235 33 v 03 break_the_record 0 break_a_record 0 beat_the_record 0 001 @ 00624716 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00626342 33 v 02 shame 0 surpass_totally 0 001 @ 00624716 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | surpass or beat by a wide margin
00626455 33 v 02 overcome 3 get_the_better_of 0 001 @ 00621705 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00626539 33 v 06 swim 0 overcome 1 get_over 0 subdue 0 surmount 0 master 0 002 @ 00621705 v 0000 ~ 00626691 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 02 01 | get on top of
00626691 33 v 01 bulldog 1 001 @ 00626539 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | throw a steer by seizing the horns and twisting the neck, as in a rodeo
00626827 33 v 03 rout 0 rout_out 0 expel 0 001 @ 00621705 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | cause to flee
00626921 33 v 02 upset 0 defeat_unexpectedly 0 001 @ 00621705 v 0000 01 + 09 00
00627004 33 v 05 outdo 1 outflank 0 trump 0 best 0 scoop 0 002 @ 00621705 v 0000 ~ 00627533 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | get the better of
00627136 33 v 01 nose 0 001 @ 00621705 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | defeat by a narrow margin
00627247 33 v 01 outgeneral 0 001 @ 00627533 v 0000 01 + 09 00
00627313 33 v 03 maneuver 0 manoeuvre 0 operate 0 002 @ 00608311 v 0000 ~ 00627425 v 0000 02 + 21 00 + 22 00
00627425 33 v 02 jockey_for 0 compete_for 0 001 @ 00627313 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | an advantage or a position
00627533 33 v 03 outmaneuver 0 outmaneuvre 0 outsmart 1 002 @ 00627004 v 0000 ~ 00627247 v 0000 01 + 09 00
00627643 33 v 03 overpower 0 overmaster 0 overwhelm 0 002 @ 00621705 v 0000 ~ 00627759 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00
00627759 33 v 01 steamroller 0 001 @ 00627643 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | overwhelm by using great force; "steamroller the opposition"
00627912 33 v 01 outmarch 0 001 @ 00624716 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | "This guy can outmarch anyone!"
00628009 33 v 06 gain 0 advance 0 win 1 make_headway 0 get_ahead 0 gain_ground 0 003 ! 00629264 v 0101 ~ 00628247 v 0000 ~ 00628410 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | obtain advantages, such as points, etc.; "The home team was gaining ground"
00628247 33 v 01 steal 0 001 @ 00628009 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | steal a base, in baseball
00628335 33 v 02 win_back 0 get_back 1 001 @ 01261345 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00628410 33 v 04 score 0 hit 2 tally 0 rack_up 1 010 * 00605050 v 0000 @ 00628009 v 0000 ~ 00612421 v 0000 ~ 00621180 v 0000 ~ 00628670 v 0000 ~ 00628779 v 0000 ~ 00628872 v 0000 ~ 00628979 v 0000 ~ 00630264 v 0000 ~ 01339827 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | gain points
00628670 33 v 01 eagle 0 001 @ 00628410 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | shoot in two strokes under par, of a golf hole
00628779 33 v 01 hole_up 0 001 @ 00628410 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | score a hole in one, in golf
00628872 33 v 02 ace 0 score_an_ace_against 0 001 @ 00628410 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | "He aced his opponents"
00628979 33 v 01 walk 0 001 @ 00628410 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 09 00 | obtain a base on balls, in baseball
00629084 33 v 01 drive_in 0 001 > 00628410 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | cause a run or runner to be scored, in baseball: "His line double drove in Jim Lemon with the winning run"
00629264 33 v 05 fall_back 0 lose 1 drop_off 0 fall_behind 0 recede 0 002 @ 00149022 v 0000 ! 00628009 v 0101 01 + 02 00
00629388 33 v 03 keep_up 0 maintain_the_pace 0 maintain_the_level 0 002 * 00605050 v 0000 ~ 00629510 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00629510 33 v 02 keep_up_with 0 keep_step_with 0 001 @ 00629388 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00
00629603 33 v 02 conquer 0 overcome_by_conquest 0 001 @ 00621705 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00
00629697 33 v 02 checkmate 0 beat_in_a_chess_game 0 001 @ 00621705 v 0000 01 + 09 00
00629785 33 v 02 check 0 place_into_check 0 002 * 00608311 v 0000 @ 00632480 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | of chess kings
00629907 33 v 03 bait 0 attack_with_dogs 0 set_dogs_upon 0 001 @ 00633619 v 0000 01 + 09 00
00630002 33 v 02 sic 0 set 0 001 @ 00633619 v 0000 01 + 19 00 | urge a dog to attack someone
00630097 33 v 02 tie 0 draw 0 002 @ 00247637 v 0000 * 00605818 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | finish a game with an equal number of points, goals, etc.; "The teams drew a tie"
00630264 33 v 02 equalize 0 get_even 0 001 @ 00628410 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00630339 33 v 02 surrender 0 give_up 1 004 @ 00630909 v 0000 ! 00631049 v 0101 ~ 00631938 v 0000 ~ 00632001 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 15 00
00630484 33 v 01 resist 1 001 @ 00616148 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | withstand the physical force of something; "The trees resisted her"
00630623 33 v 02 surrender 1 relinquish 2 002 @ 00630909 v 0000 ~ 00630788 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | relinquish to the power of another; yield to the control of another
00630788 33 v 01 abnegate 0 001 @ 00630623 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 15 00 | "The King abnegated his power to the ministers"
00630909 33 v 03 yield 0 cease_opposition 0 stop_fighting 0 003 ~ 00630339 v 0000 ~ 00630623 v 0000 ~ 01311125 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 27 00
00631049 33 v 05 resist 0 hold_out 0 offer_resistance 0 withstand 0 stand_firm 0 008 @ 00616148 v 0000 ! 00630339 v 0101 ~ 00631343 v 0000 ~ 00631450 v 0000 ~ 00631583 v 0000 ~ 00631673 v 0000 ~ 01526711 v 0000 ~ 01530527 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 04 + 09 04 | stand up to somebody or something
00631343 33 v 01 stand_out 1 001 @ 00631049 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | be stubborn in resolution or resistance
00631450 33 v 01 stand_up 0 001 @ 00631049 v 0000 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | refuse to back down; remain solid under criticism or attack
00631583 33 v 01 outbrave 1 001 @ 00631049 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | "He outbraved the enemy"
00631673 33 v 02 hold_off 0 fight_to_a_standoff 0 001 @ 00631049 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | as in sports: "Dallas had enough of a lead to hold the Broncos back"
00631837 33 v 02 complete 0 nail 0 001 @ 00605818 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | complete a pass, in football
00631938 33 v 01 concede 0 001 @ 00630339 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00632001 33 v 02 capitulate 0 surrender_under_agreed_conditions 0 001 @ 00630339 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00632103 33 v 02 neutralize 0 make_incapable_of_military_action 0 001 @ 00620091 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00632205 33 v 01 submit 0 002 * 00630339 v 0000 ~ 00632326 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | yield to the control of another
00632326 33 v 02 subject 0 make_accountable 0 001 @ 00632205 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | "He did not want to subject himself to the judgments of his superiors"
00632480 33 v 02 attack 1 aggress 0 005 @ 01341700 v 0000 ~ 00629785 v 0000 ~ 00632787 v 0000 ~ 00634521 v 0000 ~ 00653061 v 0000 06 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 08 01 + 09 01 | take the initiative and go on the offensive, as in a game; "The visting team started to attack"; "She attacked the Queen"
00632787 33 v 01 fork 0 001 @ 00632480 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | place under attack with one's own pieces, of two enemy chess pieces
00632916 33 v 01 bulldog 0 001 @ 00633619 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | attack viciously and ferociously
00633037 33 v 02 attack 0 assail 1 015 @ 00615347 v 0000 ! 00638696 v 0101 ~ 00634298 v 0000 ~ 00636131 v 0000 ~ 00636946 v 0000 ~ 00637211 v 0000 ~ 00637714 v 0000 ~ 00637828 v 0000 ~ 00637927 v 0000 ~ 00638556 v 0000 ~ 00641301 v 0000 ~ 00642267 v 0000 ~ 00644458 v 0000 ~ 00645623 v 0000 ~ 01412404 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 02 01 | launch an attack or assult on; begin hostilities with, as in warfare; "Hitler attacked Poland on September 1, 1939 and started World War II"
00633619 33 v 04 assail 0 assault 0 set_on 0 attack 2 010 ~ 00629907 v 0000 ~ 00630002 v 0000 ~ 00632916 v 0000 ~ 00633518 v 0000 ~ 00634052 v 0000 ~ 00634190 v 0000 ~ 00634610 v 0000 ~ 00638061 v 0000 ~ 01452365 v 0000 ~ 01452622 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 | attack someone physically or verbally, or emotionally; "The mugger assulted the woman"; "Nightmares assailed him regularly"; "The politician assailed his opponent"
00634742 33 v 02 duel 0 fight_a_duel 0 001 @ 00615347 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00634817 33 v 02 rival 0 be_the_rival_of 0 002 @ 00605050 v 0000 ~ 00634946 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 11 00 | be in competition with
00634946 33 v 02 outrival 0 outvie 0 001 @ 00634817 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 11 00 | be more of a rival than
00635052 33 v 02 joust 0 fight_on_horseback 0 002 @ 00615347 v 0000 ~ 00635200 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | joust against somebody in a tournament
00635200 33 v 02 tilt 0 charge_with_a_tilt 0 001 @ 00635052 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00
00635289 33 v 02 tussle 0 scuffle 0 001 @ 00615347 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00635361 33 v 01 chicken_fight 0 001 @ 00615347 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00635430 33 v 02 tourney 0 engage_in_a_tourney 0 001 @ 00615347 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00635515 33 v 02 feud 0 carry_out_a_feud 0 001 @ 00615347 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00
00635602 33 v 01 carry 3 001 @ 01046072 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | travel beyond, as of a ball in golf; "The drive carried to the green"
00635734 33 v 01 carry 5 001 @ 01046072 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | of a ball, projectile, etc.; to travel through the air or reach a specified point: "Her drive carried to the green"
00635912 33 v 01 carry 4 001 @ 01487374 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | have a certain range, as of guns; "This rifle carries for 3,000 feet"
00636044 33 v 02 skirmish 0 engage_in_a_skirmish 0 001 @ 00615347 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00636131 33 v 02 strike 0 hit 0 006 @ 00633037 v 0000 ^ 00644810 v 0102 ~ 00636365 v 0000 ~ 00636459 v 0000 ~ 00636533 v 0000 ~ 00655007 v 0000 05 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | make a strike against an enemy or a target
00636365 33 v 01 slice 0 001 @ 00636131 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | hit a ball with a slice
00636459 33 v 02 chop 0 hit_sharply 0 001 @ 00636131 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00636533 33 v 02 stroke 0 strike_smoothly 0 001 @ 00636131 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | strike a ball with a smooth blow
00636647 33 v 03 stroke 1 be_the_stroke 0 act_as_the_stroke 0 001 @ 00605818 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00636745 33 v 03 feather 0 square 0 turn_the_oar 0 001 @ 01108876 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | in rowing
00636843 33 v 03 feather 2 square 1 turn_the_paddle 0 001 @ 01109256 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | in canoeing
00636946 33 v 02 counterattack 0 counterstrike 0 001 @ 00633037 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | make a counterattack
00637053 33 v 03 take_the_count 0 be_counted_out 0 remain_down 0 001 @ 00620218 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | of a boxer: remain down while the referee counts to ten
00637211 33 v 03 gas 0 attack_with_gas 0 subject_to_gas_fumes 0 002 @ 00633037 v 0000 ~ 00637337 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00
00637457 33 v 02 mine 0 place_mines_in 0 002 @ 00133275 v 0000 ~ 00637563 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | lay mines
00637563 33 v 01 countermine 0 001 @ 00637457 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | destroy enemy mines with one's own mines: "We countermined the banks of the river"
00637714 33 v 02 storm 0 surprise 0 001 @ 00633037 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | attack by storm; attack suddenly
00637828 33 v 02 blitz 0 attack_suddenly_and_without_warning 0 001 @ 00633037 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00637927 33 v 02 invade 0 occupy 0 002 @ 00633037 v 0000 ~ 01154363 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | march aggressively into another's territory
00638061 33 v 02 beset 0 set_upon 0 001 @ 00633619 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00
00638141 33 v 02 blockade 0 seal_off 0 001 @ 00638556 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | impose a blockade on
00638238 33 v 02 blockade 1 block_off 0 001 @ 00848479 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | obstruct access to
00638334 33 v 03 barricade 0 barricado 0 make_barricades 0 001 @ 00848479 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | block off with barricades
00638456 33 v 02 barricade 1 prevent_access_to_by_barricading 0 001 @ 00848479 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00638556 33 v 05 besiege 0 beleaguer 0 surround 0 hem_in 0 circumvent 1 002 @ 00633037 v 0000 ~ 00638141 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | lay siege to
00638696 33 v 01 defend 0 007 * 00615347 v 0000 @ 01387332 v 0000 ! 00633037 v 0101 ~ 00638918 v 0000 ~ 00639004 v 0000 ~ 00639957 v 0000 ~ 00641129 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | be on the defensive; act against an attack
00638918 33 v 01 bulwark 0 001 @ 00638696 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | defend with a bulwark
00639004 33 v 01 protect 0 015 @ 00638696 v 0000 ~ 00639395 v 0000 ~ 00639495 v 0000 ~ 00639623 v 0000 ~ 00639739 v 0000 ~ 00640181 v 0000 ~ 00640302 v 0000 ~ 00640397 v 0000 ~ 00640540 v 0000 ~ 00645739 v 0000 ~ 00652417 v 0000 ~ 00655839 v 0000 ~ 01158959 v 0000 ~ 01281336 v 0000 ~ 01550418 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | shield from danger, injury, destruction, or damage
00639395 33 v 01 cover 1 001 @ 00639004 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | hold within range of an aimed firearm
00639495 33 v 02 guard 0 ward 0 003 @ 00639004 v 0000 ^ 00639957 v 0101 ~ 01443710 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00
00639623 33 v 01 keep_from 0 001 @ 00639004 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | "He keeps me from danger"
00639739 33 v 02 take_cover 0 take_shelter 0 001 @ 00639004 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | "The robbers took cover in the woods"
00639859 33 v 02 protect_against 0 take_precautions_against 0 001 @ 00639957 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00639957 33 v 02 guard_against 0 ward_off 0 002 @ 00638696 v 0000 ~ 00639859 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00
00640063 33 v 02 protect 1 protect_with_tariffs 0 001 @ 01366691 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | in international trade
00640181 33 v 02 defend 2 protect_against_a_challenge 0 001 @ 00639004 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of titles and championships
00640397 33 v 03 charm 0 protect_through_supernatural_powers 0 protect_by_spells 0 001 @ 00639004 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | a superstition
00640540 33 v 05 wall 0 palisade 0 fence 0 fence_in 0 surround 1 005 @ 00639004 v 0000 ^ 00800016 v 0101 ^ 00800016 v 0102 ~ 00640755 v 0000 ~ 00640865 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | surround with a wall in order to fortify
00640755 33 v 01 stockade 0 001 @ 00640540 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | surround with a stockade in order to fortify
00640865 33 v 01 circumvallate 0 001 @ 00640540 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | surround with or as if with a rampart or other fortification
00641129 33 v 05 check 6 turn_back 0 stop 0 contain 0 hold_back 0 002 @ 00638696 v 0000 ~ 00623896 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | as of a danger or an enemy
00641301 33 v 02 bomb 0 drop_bombs_on 0 011 @ 00633037 v 0000 ~ 00641584 v 0000 ~ 00641710 v 0000 ~ 00641794 v 0000 ~ 00641878 v 0000 ~ 00641978 v 0000 ~ 00642076 v 0000 ~ 00642172 v 0000 ~ 00642388 v 0000 ~ 00642498 v 0000 ~ 00642589 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | attack with bombs
00641584 33 v 01 bomb_out 0 001 @ 00641301 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | make somebody homeless by destroying their houses with bombs
00641710 33 v 02 dive-bomb 0 bomb_with_a_dive 0 001 @ 00641301 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00641794 33 v 02 glide-bomb 0 bomb_by_gliding 0 001 @ 00641301 v 0000 01 + 09 00
00641878 33 v 01 skip-bomb 0 001 @ 00641301 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | attack_with_delayed_release_bombs
00641978 33 v 02 atom-bomb 0 nuke 1 001 @ 00641301 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | bomb with atomic weapons
00642076 33 v 02 hydrogen-bomb 0 bomb_with_hydrogen_bombs 0 001 @ 00641301 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00642172 33 v 02 pattern-bomb 0 bomb_in_certain_patterns 0 001 @ 00641301 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00642267 33 v 03 bombard 0 bomb 1 throw_bombs_at 0 002 @ 00633037 v 0000 ~ 00644213 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 09 00
00642388 33 v 03 nuke 0 atomize 0 zap 0 001 @ 00641301 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | bomb with an atomic bomb
00642498 33 v 02 letter-bomb 0 send_a_letter-bomb_to 0 001 @ 00641301 v 0000 01 + 09 00
00642589 33 v 02 firebomb 0 attack-with_firebombs 0 001 @ 00641301 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00
00642685 33 v 02 fire 0 discharge 1 005 > 00642948 v 0000 ~ 00642860 v 0000 ~ 00643140 v 0000 ~ 00643402 v 0000 ~ 00645300 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "fire a gun"; "fire a bullet"
00642860 33 v 01 pop 0 001 @ 00642685 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | "The soliedrs were popping"
00642948 33 v 03 fire 2 discharge 2 go_off 0 001 ~ 00643046 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | "The gun fired"
00643046 33 v 01 explode 0 001 @ 00642948 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | "I could hear rifles explode"
00643140 33 v 02 loose_off 0 let_fly 0 001 @ 00642685 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00643215 33 v 01 cannon 0 001 @ 00619401 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | fire a cannon
00643292 33 v 03 misfire 0 fail_to_fire 0 fail_to_detonate 0 001 @ 00258338 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | of firearms
00643402 33 v 02 shoot 0 fire_a_shot 0 007 @ 00642685 v 0000 ~ 00643593 v 0000 ~ 00643689 v 0000 ~ 00643938 v 0000 ~ 00644133 v 0000 ~ 00644584 v 0000 ~ 00656169 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00
00643593 33 v 01 blaze_away 0 001 @ 00643402 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | shoot rapidly and repeatedly
00643689 33 v 01 overshoot 0 004 * 00653585 v 0000 @ 00654415 v 0000 @ 00643402 v 0000 ! 00654570 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | shoot beyond or over (a target)
00643841 33 v 02 trigger 0 pull_the_trigger_on 0 001 * 00642685 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of weapons
00643938 33 v 02 sharpshoot 0 snipe 0 001 @ 00643402 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | shoot from a concealed position
00644045 33 v 03 snipe 1 hunt_snipe 0 shoot_snipe 0 001 @ 00649590 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00644133 33 v 02 open_fire 0 fire 1 001 @ 00643402 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00
00644213 33 v 03 blast 0 strafe 0 shell 0 002 @ 00642267 v 0000 ~ 00644370 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | use explosives on; "The enemy has been shelling us all day"
00644370 33 v 01 crump 0 001 @ 00644213 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | bombard with heavy shells
00644584 33 v 02 gun 0 shoot_with_a_gun 0 003 @ 00643402 v 0000 ^ 00644810 v 0101 ~ 00644698 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00644698 33 v 02 machine_gun 0 shoot_with_a_machine_gun 0 002 * 00644990 v 0000 @ 00644584 v 0000 01 + 09 00
00644810 33 v 03 gun_down 0 strike_down 0 shoot_down 0 002 @ 00644990 v 0000 ~ 00644919 v 0000 01 + 09 00
00644919 33 v 01 grass 0 001 @ 00644810 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of birds
00644990 33 v 03 shoot 1 hit 1 pip 1 004 @ 00043545 v 0000 ^ 00644810 v 0103 ~ 00644810 v 0000 ~ 00645159 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | hit with a missile from a weapon
00645159 33 v 02 kneecap 0 knee-cap 0 001 @ 00644990 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | shoot in the kneecap, often done by terrorist groups as a warning
00645300 33 v 02 fusillade 0 attack_with_a_fusillade 0 001 @ 00642685 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00
00645399 33 v 02 defuse 0 remove_the_trigger_from 0 002 @ 00104355 v 0000 ! 00645505 v 0101 01 + 08 00
00645505 33 v 01 fuse 0 002 @ 01330622 v 0000 ! 00645399 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | equip with a fuse; provide with a fuse
00645739 33 v 02 safeguard 0 make_safe 0 001 @ 00639004 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00
00645824 33 v 07 ambush 0 scupper 0 bushwhack 0 lie_for 0 waylay 0 lurk 0 ambuscade 0 001 @ 01492762 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | lie in ambush, lie in wait for
00645978 33 v 02 bandy 0 exchange_blows 0 001 @ 00615347 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00646056 33 v 02 gamble 0 play_for_money 0 005 @ 00605818 v 0000 ~ 00646207 v 0000 ~ 00646279 v 0000 ~ 00646369 v 0000 ~ 00656468 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00646207 33 v 02 dice 0 play_dice 0 001 @ 00646056 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00646279 33 v 02 shoot_craps 0 play_a_game_of_craps 0 001 @ 00646056 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00646369 33 v 01 play 1 002 @ 00646056 v 0000 ~ 00646757 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | bet or wager (money); "He played $20 on the new horse"; "She plays the races"
00646526 33 v 05 bet_on 0 gage 0 stake 0 game 0 punt 0 003 @ 00656468 v 0000 ~ 00646661 v 0000 ~ 00646865 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 13 00
00646661 33 v 01 ante 0 001 @ 00646526 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | place one's stake, in a poker game
00646757 33 v 01 underplay 0 001 @ 00646369 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | play a card lower than (a held high card)
00646865 33 v 02 parlay 0 double_up 0 001 @ 00646526 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 13 00 | stake winnings from one bet on a subsequent wager
00646998 33 v 02 check 2 decline_to_initiate_betting 0 001 @ 00608311 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | in poker
00647192 33 v 02 crab 0 fish_for_crab 0 001 @ 00647681 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00
00647276 33 v 01 seine 0 001 @ 00647681 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | fish with a seine; catch fish with a seine
00647389 33 v 02 scallp 0 scollop 0 001 @ 00647681 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | fish for scallops
00647480 33 v 02 harpoon 0 spear_with_harpoon 0 001 @ 00827689 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | usually of whales
00647583 33 v 01 walk 1 001 @ 00605818 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | give a base on balls to; in baseball
00647681 33 v 03 fish 0 catch_fish 0 catch_shellfish 0 012 @ 00827689 v 0000 ~ 00647192 v 0000 ~ 00647276 v 0000 ~ 00647389 v 0000 ~ 00647986 v 0000 ~ 00648175 v 0000 ~ 00648517 v 0000 ~ 00649250 v 0000 ~ 00649419 v 0000 ~ 00649500 v 0000 ~ 00650418 v 0000 ~ 00795576 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 22 00
00647986 33 v 01 brail 0 001 @ 00647681 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | haul fish aboard with brails
00648077 33 v 02 flyfish 0 fish_with_flies_as_lures 0 001 @ 00648175 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00
00648175 33 v 02 angle 0 fish_with_a_hook 0 003 @ 00647681 v 0000 ~ 00648077 v 0000 ~ 00648291 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00648291 33 v 01 troll 0 001 @ 00648175 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | angle with a hook and line drawn through the water
00648412 33 v 03 whale 0 hunt_whales 0 go_whaling 0 001 @ 00649590 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | hunt for whales
00648517 33 v 03 shrimp 0 catch_shrimp 0 go_shrimping 0 001 @ 00647681 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | fish for shrimp
00648626 33 v 02 still-hunt 0 ambush 1 001 @ 00649590 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00
00649500 33 v 02 trawl 0 fish_with_trawlers 0 001 @ 00647681 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00
00649590 33 v 04 hunt 0 run 2 hunt_down 0 track_down 0 018 @ 00850263 v 0000 ^ 00684685 v 0104 ^ 00755254 v 0106 ~ 00644045 v 0000 ~ 00648412 v 0000 ~ 00648626 v 0000 ~ 00648709 v 0000 ~ 00648793 v 0000 ~ 00649172 v 0000 ~ 00649339 v 0000 ~ 00650022 v 0000 ~ 00650096 v 0000 ~ 00650202 v 0000 ~ 00650305 v 0000 ~ 00650492 v 0000 ~ 00650570 v 0000 ~ 00650652 v 0000 ~ 01292536 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 | hunt wild animals
00650022 33 v 02 fox-hunt 0 foxhunt 0 001 @ 00649590 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00650096 33 v 01 tree 0 001 @ 00649590 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | chase a bear up a tree with dogs and kill it
00650202 33 v 02 jacklight 0 jack 0 001 @ 00649590 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | hunt with a jacklight
00650305 33 v 02 forage 0 secure_food 0 001 @ 00649590 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | hunt for food or provisions
00650418 33 v 01 still-fish 0 001 @ 00647681 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00
00650492 33 v 02 hawk 0 hunt_with_hawks 0 001 @ 00649590 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00650570 33 v 02 falcon 0 hunt_with_falcons 0 001 @ 00649590 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00650652 33 v 02 fowl 1 hunt_fowl 0 001 @ 00649590 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00650724 33 v 03 strive 0 reach 0 strain 0 004 @ 01362237 v 0000 ~ 00650865 v 0000 ~ 00650951 v 0000 ~ 00651078 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00
00650865 33 v 01 overstrain 0 001 @ 00650724 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | overstrain oneself
00650951 33 v 03 extend_oneself 0 strain_to_the_utmost 0 exert_oneself 0 002 @ 00650724 v 0000 ~ 01419468 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00651078 33 v 02 kill_oneself 0 overexert_onself 0 001 @ 00650724 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00651165 33 v 02 bowl 0 go_bowling 0 002 @ 00605818 v 0000 ~ 00651256 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00651256 33 v 01 skittle 0 001 @ 00651165 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | play skittles
00651334 33 v 02 golf 0 play_golf 0 001 @ 00605818 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00651406 33 v 02 fence 1 fight_with_fencing_swords 0 002 @ 00615347 v 0000 ~ 00651513 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00651513 33 v 03 parry 0 block 0 deflect 0 001 @ 00651406 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of attacks
00651604 33 v 01 bandy 1 002 @ 00605818 v 0000 ~ 00651749 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | toss or strike a ball back and forth, as in tennis, hockey, etc.
00651749 33 v 01 shuttlecock 0 001 @ 00651604 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00651816 33 v 02 rule_out 0 rule_in 0 001 @ 00403071 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00651890 33 v 04 foul 0 commit_a_foul 0 make_a_foul 0 break_the_rules 0 003 @ 00605818 v 0000 ~ 00652234 v 0000 ~ 00652324 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00652034 33 v 02 foul 1 hit_a_foul_ball 0 002 @ 00809580 v 0000 ~ 00809343 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | in baseball
00652143 33 v 01 cannon 1 001 @ 00809580 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | make a cannon, in billiards
00652234 33 v 02 hack 0 kick_on_the_shins 0 001 @ 00651890 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | in rugby
00652324 33 v 02 hack 1 kick_on_the_arm 0 001 @ 00651890 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | in basketball
00652417 33 v 02 cover 0 give_cover_to 0 001 @ 00639004 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | protect a teammate or a position in a game
00652679 33 v 02 champion 0 defend 4 001 @ 01389297 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00
00652760 33 v 02 deploy 0 spread_strategically 0 002 @ 01133355 v 0000 ~ 00652908 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | place troops or weapons in battle formation
00652908 33 v 01 play 3 001 @ 00652760 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | put (a card or piece) into play during a game: "He is playing his cards close to his chest"
00653061 33 v 02 tackle 1 challenge_with_a_tackle 0 001 @ 00632480 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | in football
00653162 33 v 02 tackle 0 take_on 0 002 @ 00609871 v 0000 ~ 00656361 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00
00653260 33 v 03 weightlift 0 press 0 lift_weights 0 001 @ 00059503 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00653349 33 v 05 target 0 aim_at 0 place 3 direct 1 point_at 0 003 @ 00399410 v 0000 ~ 00653492 v 0000 ~ 00654906 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00
00653492 33 v 01 address 0 001 @ 00653349 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | direct a question at someone
00653585 33 v 05 aim 0 take 9 train 0 take_aim 0 direct 0 005 @ 01133355 v 0000 ^ 00653349 v 0102 ~ 00653988 v 0000 ~ 00654144 v 0000 ~ 00654805 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 21 00 + 22 00 | aim or direct at; as of blows, weapons, or photographic equipment; "Please don't aim at your little brother!" "He trained his gun on the burglar"; "Don't train your camera on the women"; "Take a swipe at one's opponent"
00653988 33 v 01 swing 0 001 @ 00653585 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | hit or aim at with a sweeping arm movement; "The soccer player began to swing at the referee"
00654144 33 v 03 charge 1 level 1 point 0 002 @ 00653585 v 0000 ^ 00653349 v 0305 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | of weapons; "point a gun"
00654275 33 v 01 hit 3 003 * 00653585 v 0000 @ 01429171 v 0000 ! 00654415 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | hit the target or goal, as intended
00654415 33 v 01 miss 0 004 @ 01431735 v 0000 ! 00654275 v 0101 ~ 00643689 v 0000 ~ 00654570 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | fail to hit the intended target
00654570 33 v 01 undershoot 0 003 * 00643402 v 0000 @ 00654415 v 0000 ! 00643689 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | shoot short of or below (a target)
00654708 33 v 01 point 2 001 @ 01472320 v 0000 02 + 04 00 + 06 00 | "The gun points with ease"
00654805 33 v 01 level 2 001 @ 00653585 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | level criticism or charges at somebody
00655007 33 v 02 retaliate 0 strike_back 0 001 @ 00636131 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00
00655094 33 v 03 revenge 0 avenge 0 retaliate 1 002 @ 01414994 v 0000 ~ 00655255 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | avenge for a wrong; take vengeance or revenge for a wrong
00655255 33 v 02 get_even 1 get_back 0 002 @ 00655094 v 0000 ~ 00655356 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00
00655356 33 v 04 pay_back 0 pay_off 0 get 0 fix 0 001 @ 00655255 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 20 00 | take vengeance on or get even; "We'll get them!" "That'll fix him good!"
00655524 33 v 02 retire 0 put_out 0 001 > 01054159 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | in baseball: "The pitcher retired three batters"
00655646 33 v 02 take_the_field 0 go_on_the_playing_field 0 001 @ 01152122 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | of a football team
00655762 33 v 01 croquet 0 001 @ 00605818 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | play croquet
00655839 33 v 01 mothproof 0 001 @ 00639004 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | protect form moths, as of woollens
00655940 33 v 01 outplay 0 001 @ 00621705 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 11 00 | "The Knicks outplayed the Mets"
00656044 33 v 02 overtake 0 catch_up_with 0 001 * 00605050 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 11 00 | catch up with and possibly overtake
00656169 33 v 01 pump 0 001 @ 00643402 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | "pump bullets into the dummy"
00656268 33 v 01 fort 0 001 @ 00614591 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | station in a fort, as of troops
00656361 33 v 01 rise 0 001 @ 00653162 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | "rise to a challenge"; "rise to the occasion"
00656468 33 v 02 bet 0 wager 0 003 @ 00646056 v 0000 ~ 00646526 v 0000 ~ 00656611 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | stake money on the outcome of an issue
00656611 33 v 01 see 0 001 @ 00656468 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | in poker: match the bet of another player"
00656714 34 v 04 consume 0 ingest 0 take 0 have 0 016 ^ 00663538 v 0302 ^ 00681586 v 0304 ! 00680236 v 0101 ~ 00660281 v 0000 ~ 00662381 v 0000 ~ 00663538 v 0000 ~ 00664573 v 0000 ~ 00665239 v 0000 ~ 00665933 v 0000 ~ 00670058 v 0000 ~ 00678755 v 0000 ~ 00679927 v 0000 ~ 00681586 v 0000 ~ 00681678 v 0000 ~ 00682917 v 0000 ~ 00683722 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | serve onself to, or consume regularly; "Have another bowl of chicken soup!" "I don't take sugar in my coffee"
00657181 34 v 04 live_on 0 exist_by 0 live_by 0 live_off 0 001 @ 01479650 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | support oneself by doing a certain type of work
00657325 34 v 08 consume 1 use_up 0 eat_into 0 deplete 0 run_out_of 0 exhaust 0 run_through 0 wipe_out 0 005 @ 01290992 v 0000 ~ 00657546 v 0000 ~ 00657667 v 0000 ~ 00677350 v 0000 ~ 00685601 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00657546 34 v 02 drain 0 sap 0 002 @ 00657325 v 0000 ~ 01297358 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | drain of resources
00657772 34 v 04 consume 2 squander 0 waste 0 ware 0 003 @ 01290992 v 0000 ~ 00680087 v 0000 ~ 00685507 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 02 03 | spend extravagantly; "waste not, want not"
00657949 34 v 03 spare 0 use_frugally 0 use_carefully 0 001 @ 00658041 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00658041 34 v 02 use 0 expend 0 008 * 00657325 v 0000 ^ 00657325 v 0102 ^ 01291232 v 0102 ~ 00122486 v 0000 ~ 00657949 v 0000 ~ 01291232 v 0000 ~ 01291639 v 0000 ~ 01291910 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00658243 34 v 07 use 1 utilize 0 utilise 0 make_use_of 0 put_to_use 0 apply 0 employ 0 020 > 01513610 v 0000 ~ 00499319 v 0000 ~ 00658893 v 0000 ~ 00659078 v 0000 ~ 00659155 v 0000 ~ 00659325 v 0000 ~ 00659492 v 0000 ~ 00659593 v 0000 ~ 00659706 v 0000 ~ 00660118 v 0000 ~ 00660402 v 0000 ~ 00660616 v 0000 ~ 00661466 v 0000 ~ 00661955 v 0000 ~ 00662183 v 0000 ~ 00677932 v 0000 ~ 01050751 v 0000 ~ 01306037 v 0000 ~ 01362875 v 0000 ~ 01464941 v 0000 06 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 11 00 + 15 00 + 21 00 + 24 00 | put into service; "use your head!" "I can't make use of this tool"; "Apply a magnetic field here"; "This thinking was applied to many projects"
00658893 34 v 02 put 0 assign 0 001 @ 00658243 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | put something on or into; "She put much emphasis on her the last statement"; "He put all his efforts into this job"
00659078 34 v 01 ply 1 001 @ 00658243 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "ply your wits!"
00659155 34 v 01 address 0 001 @ 00658243 v 0000 02 + 15 00 + 20 00 | address or apply oneself to something, direct one's efforts towards something, such as a question
00659325 34 v 01 waste 5 001 @ 00658243 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | use inefficiently or inappropriately; "waste heat"; "waste a joke on an unappreciative audience"
00659492 34 v 02 misapply 0 misuse 0 001 @ 00658243 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | apply badly or incorrectly
00659593 34 v 01 avail 0 001 @ 00658243 v 0000 01 + 20 00 | avail oneself of something; use to one's advantage
00659706 34 v 03 overuse 0 overdrive 0 use_excessively 0 001 @ 00658243 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make use of to often or too extensively
00659840 34 v 02 take_in_vain 0 use_profanely 0 001 @ 00122486 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | use a name, such as God, without proper respect
00659973 34 v 03 work_through 0 run_through 1 go_through 1 002 @ 01366212 v 0000 ~ 01344891 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "We worked through an example"
00660118 34 v 03 cannibalize 1 cannibalise 1 use_parts_of 0 002 * 00948622 v 0000 @ 00658243 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | use parts of something to repair something else
00660281 34 v 03 cannibalize 0 cannibalise 0 practice_cannibalism 0 001 @ 00656714 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | eat human flesh
00660402 34 v 02 recycle 0 reuse 0 003 @ 00658243 v 0000 ~ 00660509 v 0000 ~ 01268880 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00660509 34 v 01 rehash 0 001 @ 00660402 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | present or use over, with no or few changes
00660616 34 v 03 exploit 0 use_to_one's_advantage 0 take_advantage_of 0 006 @ 00658243 v 0000 ~ 00660822 v 0000 ~ 00660933 v 0000 ~ 00661052 v 0000 ~ 00678665 v 0000 ~ 00684795 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00
00660822 34 v 01 play_on 0 001 @ 00660616 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of emotions or characteristics of other people
00660933 34 v 02 harness 0 exploit_the_power_of 0 001 @ 00660616 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of natural forces and resources
00661052 34 v 02 optimize 0 exploit_fully 0 001 @ 00660616 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00661132 34 v 02 mine 0 get_from_the_earth 0 003 * 00751308 v 0000 @ 00661466 v 0000 ~ 00661377 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of ores and metals
00661269 34 v 01 quarry 0 002 * 00751308 v 0000 @ 00661466 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | quarry marble, for example
00661377 34 v 02 strip_mine 0 surface_mine 0 001 @ 00661132 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00
00661466 34 v 05 exploit 1 draw_from 0 draw_on 0 tap 0 make_good_use_of 0 005 @ 00658243 v 0000 ~ 00255057 v 0000 ~ 00661132 v 0000 ~ 00661269 v 0000 ~ 00661662 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of resources
00661662 34 v 02 milk 0 exploit_as_much_as_possible 0 001 @ 00661466 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00
00661760 34 v 03 use 2 use_regularly 0 be_a_user_of 0 002 ~ 00665713 v 0000 ~ 00668319 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00661868 34 v 02 addict 0 hook 0 002 @ 00163002 v 0000 * 00661760 v 0000 01 + 20 00
00661955 34 v 02 strain 0 extend 0 003 @ 00658243 v 0000 ~ 00662089 v 0000 ~ 00662297 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | use to the utmost
00662183 34 v 02 exert 0 exercise 0 001 @ 00658243 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "exert one's power or influence"
00662297 34 v 02 tax 0 task 0 001 @ 00661955 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | use to the limit
00662381 34 v 01 eat 1 018 @ 00656714 v 0000 ^ 00662960 v 0101 ^ 00663064 v 0101 ^ 00680744 v 0101 ~ 00662771 v 0000 ~ 00662960 v 0000 ~ 00663064 v 0000 ~ 00663302 v 0000 ~ 00663431 v 0000 ~ 00665816 v 0000 ~ 00666866 v 0000 ~ 00667998 v 0000 ~ 00673539 v 0000 ~ 00673741 v 0000 ~ 00673816 v 0000 ~ 00674003 v 0000 ~ 00678371 v 0000 ~ 00680744 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | eat a meal; take a meal
00662771 34 v 01 victual 0 001 @ 00662381 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00662834 34 v 02 wash_down 0 eat_while_drinking 0 001 @ 00663538 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | eat food accompanied by lots of liquid
00662960 34 v 03 eat_in 0 eat_at_home 0 dine_in 0 002 @ 00662381 v 0000 ! 00663064 v 0101 01 + 02 00
00663064 34 v 02 eat_out 0 dine_out 0 002 @ 00662381 v 0000 ! 00662960 v 0101 01 + 02 00 | eat at a restaurant or at somebody else's home
00663204 34 v 04 dine 2 sup 1 give_dinner 0 host_for_dinner 0 001 @ 00669245 v 0000 01 + 09 00
00663302 34 v 04 dine 1 sup 0 eat_dinner 1 have_dinner 0 003 @ 00662381 v 0000 ^ 00662960 v 0103 ^ 00663064 v 0102 01 + 02 00
00663538 34 v 02 eat 0 take_in 0 023 @ 00656714 v 0000 * 00683297 v 0000 * 00683722 v 0000 ^ 00831685 v 0103 ^ 00657325 v 0103 ~ 00662834 v 0000 ~ 00664023 v 0000 ~ 00664130 v 0000 ~ 00664202 v 0000 ~ 00666163 v 0000 ~ 00666234 v 0000 ~ 00666426 v 0000 ~ 00666547 v 0000 ~ 00666660 v 0000 ~ 00666740 v 0000 ~ 00666955 v 0000 ~ 00667064 v 0000 ~ 00667246 v 0000 ~ 00677844 v 0000 ~ 00680638 v 0000 ~ 00680854 v 0000 ~ 00681012 v 0000 ~ 00906562 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | take in solid food
00664023 34 v 02 gluttonize 0 fress 0 001 @ 00663538 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | eat a lot and without restraint
00664130 34 v 02 wolf 0 wolf_down 0 001 @ 00663538 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00664202 34 v 02 slurp 0 eat_noisily 1 001 @ 00663538 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00
00664285 34 v 02 swill 0 swill_down 0 001 @ 00664573 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00664359 34 v 02 drench 0 force_to_drink 0 002 > 00664573 v 0000 @ 00671827 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of animals
00664468 34 v 01 suck 4 002 @ 00664573 v 0000 ^ 00681586 v 0103 01 + 08 00 | take in liquid by sucking
00664573 34 v 03 drink 0 imbibe 0 take_in_liquids 0 012 @ 00656714 v 0000 ^ 00667918 v 0102 ^ 00683936 v 0106 ~ 00664285 v 0000 ~ 00664468 v 0000 ~ 00664859 v 0000 ~ 00664980 v 0000 ~ 00665055 v 0000 ~ 00665134 v 0000 ~ 00667918 v 0000 ~ 00683843 v 0000 ~ 00683936 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00664859 34 v 02 guggle 0 gurgle 0 001 @ 00664573 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | drink from a flask with a gurgling sound
00664980 34 v 02 sip 0 drink_in_sips 0 001 @ 00664573 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00665055 34 v 02 guzzle 0 drink_greedily 0 001 @ 00664573 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00665134 34 v 02 lap 0 lap_up 0 001 @ 00664573 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | take up with the tongue; of felines
00665239 34 v 04 drink 1 booze 0 fuddle 0 consume_alcohol 0 007 @ 00656714 v 0000 ^ 00667781 v 0102 ~ 00665476 v 0000 ~ 00665613 v 0000 ~ 00676543 v 0000 ~ 00676939 v 0000 ~ 00685737 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | "We were up drinking all night"
00665476 34 v 02 pub-crawl 0 bar_hop 0 001 @ 00665239 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | go from one pub to the next and get progressively more drunk
00665613 34 v 02 tipple 0 bib 0 001 @ 00665239 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | drink moderately but regularly
00665713 34 v 03 drink 2 tope 0 drink_regularly 0 001 @ 00661760 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | be an alcoholic
00665816 34 v 03 break_bread 0 refresh_the_inner_man 0 entertain_the_inner_man 0 001 @ 00662381 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00665933 34 v 02 partake_of 0 touch 0 003 * 01305767 v 0000 @ 00656714 v 0000 ~ 00666043 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00666043 34 v 01 receive 0 001 @ 00665933 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | partake of the Eucharist, in a Christian church
00666163 34 v 02 fare 0 eat_well 0 001 @ 00663538 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00666234 34 v 03 pitch_in 0 dig_in 0 eat_heartily 0 001 @ 00663538 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00666322 34 v 03 tuck_in 0 tuck_away 0 put_away 0 002 @ 00680744 v 0000 * 00662381 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00666426 34 v 03 nosh 0 snack 0 eat_lightly 0 002 @ 00663538 v 0000 ~ 00667339 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | eat a snack
00666547 34 v 03 pick_at 0 peck_at 0 peck 1 001 @ 00663538 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 02 + 08 01 | eat like a bird
00666660 34 v 02 peck 0 pick_up 0 001 @ 00663538 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | of birds
00666740 34 v 03 gobble 0 bolt 0 eat_hastily 0 002 @ 00663538 v 0000 ^ 00666866 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | "Don't bolt your food!"
00666866 34 v 03 gobble_up 0 shovel_in 0 bolt_down 0 001 @ 00662381 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00666955 34 v 02 nibble 0 munch 1 002 @ 00663538 v 0000 ! 00678371 v 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | eat lightly
00667064 34 v 06 nibble 1 nibble_at 0 pick 0 pick_at 1 piece 0 eat_intermittently 0 001 @ 00663538 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | take small bites of; "He pieced at the sandwich all morning"
00667246 34 v 02 ruminate 0 chew_the_cud 0 001 @ 00663538 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | of ruminants
00667339 34 v 02 browse 0 graze 2 001 @ 00666426 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | eat lightly, try different dishes
00667452 34 v 02 chomp 0 champ 0 001 @ 00683297 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00
00667529 34 v 02 champ 1 chafe_at_the_bit 0 001 @ 00683297 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | of horses
00667620 34 v 02 mumble 0 gum 0 001 @ 00683297 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | grind with the gums; chew without teeth and with great difficulty; of babies and old people
00667781 34 v 05 toast 0 drink_to 0 pledge 0 propose_a_toast_to 0 salute 0 002 * 00665239 v 0000 @ 01441460 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00
00667918 34 v 02 drain_the_cup 0 drink_up 0 001 @ 00664573 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00667998 34 v 02 mess 0 mess_together 0 001 @ 00662381 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | in the military
00668091 34 v 02 regale 0 treat 0 002 @ 00671827 v 0000 ~ 00671437 v 0000 03 + 09 00 + 17 00 + 20 00
00668195 34 v 02 board 0 provide_food_and_lodging 0 003 @ 00671827 v 0000 * 00669245 v 0000 ~ 00668421 v 0000 01 + 09 00
00668319 34 v 02 board 1 lodge_and_take_meals 0 002 * 00656714 v 0000 @ 00661760 v 0000 01 + 22 00
00668421 34 v 02 live_in 0 sleep_in 0 002 @ 00668195 v 0000 ! 00668531 v 0101 01 + 02 00 | of domestic help
00668531 34 v 02 live_out 0 sleep_out 0 002 @ 01179634 v 0000 ! 00668421 v 0101 01 + 02 00 | of domestic help
00668643 34 v 02 forage 0 wander_and_feed 0 002 @ 00670058 v 0000 ~ 00684685 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | of animals
00668845 34 v 03 scavenge 0 feed_on_carrion 0 feed_on_refuse 0 001 @ 00669245 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | of some animals
00668961 34 v 02 fodder 0 give_fodder_to 0 001 @ 00669245 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of domesticated animals
00669065 34 v 02 slop 0 swill 1 001 @ 00669245 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | feed pigs
00669144 34 v 02 regurgitate 0 feed_through_the_beak 0 001 @ 00669245 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | of birds
00669245 34 v 04 feed 1 grub 1 give 0 give_food_to 0 019 > 00663538 v 0000 @ 00671827 v 0000 ! 00674980 v 0101 ~ 00663204 v 0000 ~ 00668845 v 0000 ~ 00668961 v 0000 ~ 00669065 v 0000 ~ 00669144 v 0000 ~ 00669658 v 0000 ~ 00669748 v 0000 ~ 00669838 v 0000 ~ 00669923 v 0000 ~ 00673660 v 0000 ~ 00673914 v 0000 ~ 00674221 v 0000 ~ 00674615 v 0000 ~ 00679828 v 0000 ~ 00685146 v 0000 ~ 00685229 v 0000 01 + 09 00
00669658 34 v 01 corn 0 001 @ 00669245 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | feed with corn, as of cattle
00670462 34 v 06 serve 0 serve_up 0 dish_out 0 dish_up 0 dish 0 put_on_the_table 0 002 @ 00671827 v 0000 ~ 00670648 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | provide food; "We serve meals for the homeless"
00670648 34 v 01 plank 0 001 @ 00670462 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cook and serve on a plank: "Planked vegetable"; "Planked shad"
00670773 34 v 02 cater 1 supply_food 0 001 @ 00671827 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | for parties and banquets
00670874 34 v 02 pander 0 pimp 0 002 @ 00671827 v 0000 ^ 00671513 v 0102 01 + 02 00 | act as a go-between for prostitutes
00670998 34 v 02 feed 3 feed_into 0 001 @ 01323715 v 0000 01 + 11 00
00671070 34 v 04 serve 1 help 0 help_to_some_food 0 provide_with_food_or_drink 0 001 @ 00671827 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | "I served him three times, and then he served himself"
00671243 34 v 02 power 0 provide_power_for 0 001 @ 00671827 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | of engines
00671437 34 v 02 feed 5 feast 2 001 @ 00668091 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 21 00
00671513 34 v 04 gratify 0 pander_to 0 indulge 0 yield_to 0 005 @ 00671827 v 0000 ^ 00677350 v 0301 ~ 00482172 v 0000 ~ 00671727 v 0000 ~ 00677711 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | give satisfaction to
00671727 34 v 01 spree 0 001 @ 00671513 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | go on a spree, e.g., a shopping spree
00671827 34 v 04 provide 0 supply 0 ply 0 cater 0 021 @ 01254390 v 0000 ~ 00614491 v 0000 ~ 00664359 v 0000 ~ 00668091 v 0000 ~ 00668195 v 0000 ~ 00669245 v 0000 ~ 00670333 v 0000 ~ 00670462 v 0000 ~ 00670773 v 0000 ~ 00670874 v 0000 ~ 00671070 v 0000 ~ 00671243 v 0000 ~ 00671336 v 0000 ~ 00671513 v 0000 ~ 00672348 v 0000 ~ 00672707 v 0000 ~ 00672955 v 0000 ~ 00673048 v 0000 ~ 00684182 v 0000 ~ 00684612 v 0000 ~ 00685409 v 0000 06 + 08 00 + 21 00 + 27 04 + 17 03 + 17 02 + 17 01 | provide what is desired or needed
00672348 34 v 05 meet 0 satisfy 1 fill 2 fulfill 0 fulfil 0 005 @ 00671827 v 0000 ~ 00672545 v 0000 ~ 00679074 v 0000 ~ 00684494 v 0000 ~ 00685032 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | fill or meet a want or need
00672545 34 v 01 answer 0 001 @ 00672348 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | be satisfactory for; meet the requirements of or serve the purpose of; "This may answer her needs"
00672707 34 v 03 horse 0 provide_with_a_horse 0 provide_with_horses 0 002 @ 00671827 v 0000 ~ 00672839 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00
00672839 34 v 01 remount 0 001 @ 00672707 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | provide with remounts: "remount a regiment"
00672955 34 v 02 shower_with 0 provide_abundantly_with 0 001 @ 00671827 v 0000 01 + 09 00
00673048 34 v 01 accommodate 0 001 @ 00671827 v 0000 01 + 17 00 | provide with soemthing desired or needed
00673157 34 v 03 sustain 0 keep 0 maintain 0 003 @ 01256853 v 0000 ~ 00673298 v 0000 ~ 00673405 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00
00673298 34 v 01 patronage 0 001 @ 00673157 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | be the patron of
00673405 34 v 01 reseed 0 001 @ 00673157 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | maintain by self-seeding: "Some plants reseed themselves indefinitely"
00673539 34 v 04 lunch 0 take_lunch 0 have_lunch 0 eat_lunch 0 001 @ 00662381 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | take the midday meal
00673660 34 v 02 lunch 1 provide_lunch_for 0 001 @ 00669245 v 0000 01 + 09 00
00673741 34 v 02 brunch 0 eat_brunch 0 001 @ 00662381 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00673816 34 v 03 breakfast 0 eat_breakfast 0 have_breakfast 0 001 @ 00662381 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00673914 34 v 02 breakfast 1 provide_breakfast_for 0 001 @ 00669245 v 0000 01 + 09 00
00674003 34 v 03 feast 0 banquet 0 junket 0 002 @ 00662381 v 0000 ~ 00679535 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00
00674109 34 v 03 feast 1 banquet 1 junket 1 001 @ 00679322 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | provide a feast or banquet for
00674221 34 v 07 breastfeed 0 suckle 0 suck 2 nurse 0 wet-nurse 0 lactate 0 give_suck 0 002 @ 00669245 v 0000 ! 00674615 v 0101 02 + 02 00 + 09 00 | of infants
00674384 34 v 01 dry-nurse 0 001 @ 01443838 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | take care of an infant without breastfeeding it
00674498 34 v 02 wean 0 deprive_of_mother's_milk 0 002 * 00674221 v 0000 @ 01315888 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | of infants
00674615 34 v 02 bottlefeed 0 feed_with_a_bottle 0 002 @ 00669245 v 0000 ! 00674221 v 0101 01 + 09 00 | of infants
00674732 34 v 02 suckle 1 suck_milk_from_the_breast 0 002 * 00664573 v 0000 @ 00670058 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | of infants and baby mammals
00674869 34 v 02 starve 2 die_of_hunger 0 001 @ 00216283 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | die of food deprivation
00674980 34 v 02 starve 3 deprive_of_food 0 004 > 00675114 v 0000 @ 01315888 v 0000 ! 00669245 v 0101 ^ 01316471 v 0101 01 + 09 00
00675114 34 v 02 starve 0 hunger 0 002 @ 00048288 v 0000 ! 00675239 v 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | be hungry; go without food
00675239 34 v 02 be_full 0 be_sated 0 001 ! 00675114 v 0101 01 + 02 00 | had enough to eat; "I'm full--don't give me any more beans, please"
00675382 34 v 05 crave 0 hunger 1 thirst 0 starve 1 lust 0 001 @ 01040073 v 0000 02 + 22 00 + 08 01 | have a graving, appetite, or great desire for
00675532 34 v 03 want 0 need 0 require 0 001 @ 01472320 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | have need of: "This piano wants the attention of a competent tuner"
00675686 34 v 01 need 1 000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | have or feel a need for: "always wanting for friends and money"
00675801 34 v 02 want 1 lack 0 000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | suffer from the lack of; be in want of; "The flood victims wanting food and shelter"
00675944 34 v 02 diet 0 eat_sparingly 0 001 @ 00676020 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00676020 34 v 02 fast 0 abstain_from_food 0 002 @ 00680236 v 0000 ~ 00675944 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00676118 34 v 02 fast 1 abstain_from_certain_foods 0 002 @ 00680236 v 0000 ~ 00676448 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | for religious or medical reasons
00676259 34 v 02 keep_off 0 avoid 0 001 @ 00680236 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | refrain from certain foods of beverages; "I keep off drugs"; "During Ramadan, Muslims avoid tobacco during the day"
00676448 34 v 03 diet 1 follow_a_regimen 0 follow_a_diet 0 001 @ 00676118 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00676543 34 v 06 souse 0 soak 0 inebriate 0 become_drunk 0 hit_it_up 0 drink_excessively 0 001 @ 00665239 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | become drunk; drink excessively
00676703 34 v 04 intoxicate 0 soak 1 make_drunk 1 inebriate 1 002 @ 00012787 v 0000 ~ 00676840 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | of alcoholic drinks
00676840 34 v 02 befuddle 0 fuddle 1 001 @ 00676703 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | make stupid with alcohol
00676939 34 v 02 wine 0 drink_wine 0 001 @ 00665239 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00677012 34 v 04 delight_in 0 take_delight_in 0 enjoy 0 revel_in 0 003 * 00658041 v 0000 ~ 00677151 v 0000 ~ 00677216 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00677151 34 v 01 wallow_in 0 001 @ 00677012 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00677216 34 v 02 live_it_up 0 enjoy_oneself 0 001 @ 00677012 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 22 00 | "it's your birthday, so let's live it up!"
00677350 34 v 03 indulge_in 0 enjoy_to_excess 0 luxuriate_in 0 003 @ 00657325 v 0000 ~ 00677485 v 0000 ~ 00677590 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00677485 34 v 01 surfeit 0 001 @ 00677350 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | indulge to satiety, as of one's appetite
00677590 34 v 01 wallow_in 1 001 @ 00677350 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | indulge in to an immoderate degree; "Wallow in luxury"
00677711 34 v 02 sow_one's_oats 0 sow_one's_wild_oats 0 001 @ 00671513 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | live promiscuously and self-indulgently
00677844 34 v 02 dunk 0 dip 0 001 @ 00663538 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | of bread in a liquid
00677932 34 v 03 enjoy 1 have_benefit_from 0 have_available 0 001 @ 00658243 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | have benefit from
00678049 34 v 02 afford 0 spare 1 001 @ 01290992 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00678119 34 v 04 run_low 0 run_short 0 go 0 become_exhausted 0 001 @ 00211850 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | to be spent or finished; "The money had gone after a few days"
00678282 34 v 01 go 9 000 01 + 04 00 | be spent; "All my money went for food and rent"
00678371 34 v 11 gorge 0 ingurgitate 0 overindulge 0 glut 0 englut 0 stuff 0 engorge 0 overgorge 0 overeat 0 gormandize 0 gormandise 0 gourmandize 0 binge 0 pig_out 0 pok_out 0 satiate 1 scarf_out 0 003 @ 00662381 v 0000 ! 00666955 v 0101 ~ 00684907 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | make a pig of oneself
00678665 34 v 02 avail_oneself_of 0 help_oneself_to 0 001 @ 00660616 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00678755 34 v 04 satiate 0 sate 0 replete 0 fill 0 002 @ 00656714 v 0000 ~ 00678876 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 09 00 + 10 00
00678876 34 v 02 cloy 0 pall 0 001 @ 00678755 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | cause surfeit through excess, of something that was initially pleasing: "Too much spicy food cloyed his appetite"
00679160 34 v 03 content 0 make_satisfied 0 limit_in_requirements 0 001 @ 01420578 v 0000 01 + 20 00 | "He limited himself to three glasses of beer last night"
00679322 34 v 01 host 0 004 @ 01410973 v 0000 ~ 00674109 v 0000 ~ 00679436 v 0000 ~ 01466563 v 0000 01 + 09 00
00679436 34 v 02 wine_and_dine 1 provide_with_food_and_drink 0 001 @ 00679322 v 0000 01 + 09 00
00679535 34 v 02 wine_and_dine 0 eat_sumptiously 0 003 * 00662381 v 0000 * 00665239 v 0000 @ 00674003 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00
00679927 34 v 04 sample 0 try 0 try_out 0 taste 0 001 @ 00656714 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | take a sample of; "Try these new crackers"; "Sample the regional dishes"
00680744 34 v 03 eat_up 0 finish 0 polish_off 0 002 @ 00662381 v 0000 ~ 00666322 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 02 01
00680854 34 v 04 devour 1 down 1 consume 3 go_through 0 001 @ 00663538 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | "Some people can down a pound of meat in the course of one meal"
00681678 34 v 02 smoke 0 ingest_by_smoking 0 005 * 00004022 v 0000 * 00003593 v 0000 @ 00656714 v 0000 ~ 00681839 v 0000 ~ 00681915 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00
00681839 34 v 01 puff 1 001 @ 00681678 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "puff a cigar"
00681915 34 v 02 inhale 0 draw_in_by_breathing 0 001 @ 00681678 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00
00682008 34 v 03 puff 0 drag 0 draw 1 002 * 00681678 v 0000 @ 00004022 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | suck in or take, as of air; "draw a deep breath"; draw on a cigarette"
00682180 34 v 02 inject 1 take_by_injection 0 003 @ 00682917 v 0000 ~ 00682298 v 0000 ~ 00682393 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00682298 34 v 02 mainline 0 inject_into_the_vein 0 001 @ 00682180 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00
00682393 34 v 02 pop 0 skin_pop 0 001 @ 00682180 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00682463 34 v 02 snort 0 ingest_through_the_nose 0 001 @ 00004022 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00682550 34 v 02 take_a_hit_of 0 snort 1 001 @ 00682917 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00682627 34 v 03 light_up 0 fire_up 0 light 0 002 * 00681678 v 0000 @ 01559454 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 03 | begin to smoke
00682751 34 v 02 free-base 0 base 0 001 @ 00682917 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00
00682831 34 v 02 huff 0 snort 2 002 @ 00004022 v 0000 * 00682917 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00682917 34 v 04 drug 0 do_drugs 0 ingest_drugs 0 take_drugs 0 006 > 00683178 v 0000 @ 00656714 v 0000 ~ 00682180 v 0000 ~ 00682550 v 0000 ~ 00682751 v 0000 ~ 00683106 v 0000 01 + 09 00
00683106 34 v 02 dope 0 take_dope 0 001 @ 00682917 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00684907 34 v 05 fill_up 0 fill 1 stuff 1 jam 0 cram 0 001 @ 00678371 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 22 01 | "He filled up on turkey"
00685032 34 v 04 quench 0 slake 0 allay 0 assuage 0 002 * 00656714 v 0000 @ 00672348 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00685146 34 v 03 nutrify 0 aliment 0 nourish 1 001 @ 00669245 v 0000 01 + 11 00
00685229 34 v 02 graze 0 range 0 002 @ 00669245 v 0000 ~ 00685331 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | graze animals
00685331 34 v 01 grass 0 001 @ 00685229 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | feed with grass
00685409 34 v 01 gutter 0 001 @ 00671827 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | provide with gutters, of buildings
00685507 34 v 02 luxuriate 0 wanton 0 001 @ 00657772 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | become extravagant
00685601 34 v 03 burn_off 0 burn 0 burn_up 0 001 @ 00657325 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "burn off calories through vigorous exercise"
00685737 34 v 02 carry 0 hold 0 001 @ 00665239 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | drink alcohol without showing ill effects; "He can hold his liquor"
00685874 35 v 03 touch 1 adjoin 3 meet 0 008 ~ 00687390 v 0000 ~ 00695252 v 0000 ~ 00713838 v 0000 ~ 00739573 v 0000 ~ 00804418 v 0000 ~ 00843513 v 0000 ~ 00843648 v 0000 ~ 00914408 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 11 00 | be in contact with
00686113 35 v 01 touch 0 019 ^ 01128685 v 0101 ~ 00131613 v 0000 ~ 00686680 v 0000 ~ 00686821 v 0000 ~ 00687813 v 0000 ~ 00688124 v 0000 ~ 00688254 v 0000 ~ 00688407 v 0000 ~ 00688611 v 0000 ~ 00698846 v 0000 ~ 00704074 v 0000 ~ 00707153 v 0000 ~ 00712126 v 0000 ~ 00805938 v 0000 ~ 00806352 v 0000 ~ 00811630 v 0000 ~ 00823132 v 0000 ~ 00832033 v 0000 ~ 00920163 v 0000 05 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 11 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | make physical contact with, come in contact with; "Touch the stone for good luck"; "She never touched her husband"; "The two buildings almost touch"
00686680 35 v 01 touch 4 001 @ 00686113 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cause to be in brief contact with; "He touched his toes to the horse's flanks"
00686821 35 v 01 toe 0 001 @ 00686113 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | touch with the toe
00686908 35 v 02 touch 2 take_hold_of 0 002 @ 00691086 v 0000 ~ 00687010 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00
00687010 35 v 01 pick_up 1 001 @ 00686908 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "He picked up the book and started to read"
00687118 35 v 02 touch 3 disturb 0 003 @ 00072540 v 0000 ~ 00306644 v 0000 ~ 00687261 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | temper with; "Don't touch my CDs!"
00687261 35 v 03 violate 0 disturb_rudely 0 break_in_on 0 001 @ 00687118 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "Don't violate my garden"
00687390 35 v 02 cover 1 spread_over 0 008 @ 00685874 v 0000 ~ 00129855 v 0000 ~ 00136966 v 0000 ~ 00218361 v 0000 ~ 00687610 v 0000 ~ 00721053 v 0000 ~ 00767739 v 0000 ~ 00923567 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | form a cover over
00687610 35 v 02 grass 2 grass_over 0 001 @ 00687390 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | cover with grass
00687702 35 v 02 hit 5 strike 2 002 @ 00079913 v 0000 ~ 00704763 v 0000 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | affect suddenly
00687813 35 v 02 strike 3 hit 2 001 @ 00686113 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | as of a piano key or notes; "strike middle C"; also used metaphorically: "strike a sour note
00687975 35 v 02 feel 0 finger 5 001 * 00686113 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | examine by touch; "Feel this soft cloth!"; "The customer fingered the sweater"
00688124 35 v 02 finger 0 thumb 0 002 @ 00686113 v 0000 ^ 01228856 v 0203 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | "finger the binding of the book"
00688254 35 v 01 feel b 001 @ 00686113 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | pass one's hands over the sexual organs of (slang); "He felt the girl in the movie theater"
00688407 35 v 02 palpate 0 feel 1 001 @ 00686113 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | examine by palpation for medical purposes; as of body parts; "The nurse palpated the patient's stomach"; "The runner felt her pulse"
00688611 35 v 02 handle 0 palm 0 005 @ 00686113 v 0000 ~ 00611297 v 0000 ~ 00688752 v 0000 ~ 00689085 v 0000 ~ 00812700 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00688752 35 v 01 fumble 1 001 @ 00688611 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | handle clumsily
00688831 35 v 02 paw 0 touch_clumsily 0 002 * 00686113 v 0000 @ 00698846 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00
00688933 35 v 02 paw 1 scrape_with_the_paws 0 001 @ 00750619 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00689015 35 v 01 dandle 0 001 @ 00698846 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00
00689085 35 v 01 manipulate 0 012 @ 00688611 v 0000 ~ 00689392 v 0000 ~ 00689483 v 0000 ~ 00689601 v 0000 ~ 00697797 v 0000 ~ 00697925 v 0000 ~ 00698176 v 0000 ~ 00702096 v 0000 ~ 00703885 v 0000 ~ 00816328 v 0000 ~ 00912249 v 0000 ~ 00912356 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | hold something in one's hands and move it
00689392 35 v 01 lay_hands_on 0 001 @ 00689085 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | manage with the hands
00689483 35 v 02 mouse 0 manipulate_a_mouse 0 001 @ 00689085 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | manipulate the mouse of a computer
00689601 35 v 03 guide 0 run 1 pass 0 005 @ 00689085 v 0000 ^ 00801916 v 0302 ^ 00546238 v 030b ~ 00713259 v 0000 ~ 00875273 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | for example, pass one's hand over an object
00689792 35 v 03 seize 0 prehend 0 clutch 0 016 @ 00691086 v 0000 ^ 00338080 v 0105 ~ 00690222 v 0000 ~ 00690333 v 0000 ~ 00690408 v 0000 ~ 00690564 v 0000 ~ 00691956 v 0000 ~ 00692128 v 0000 ~ 00692441 v 0000 ~ 00696040 v 0000 ~ 00697618 v 0000 ~ 00775816 v 0000 ~ 00827689 v 0000 ~ 00828020 v 0000 ~ 00905462 v 0000 ~ 00906016 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 | take hold of; also metaphorically: "Fear seized the prisoners"
00690222 35 v 01 snatch 2 001 @ 00689792 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | grasp, or attempt to grasp, abruptly or hastily
00690333 35 v 01 nab 1 001 @ 00689792 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | seize suddenly
00690408 35 v 01 rack 1 001 @ 00689792 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | seize together, as of parallel ropes of a tackle in order to prevent running through the block
00690564 35 v 01 claw 1 001 @ 00689792 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | clutch as if in panic: "She clawed the doorknob"
00690674 35 v 03 seize 1 take_forcibly 0 take_by_force 0 005 @ 00691086 v 0000 ~ 00690884 v 0000 ~ 00690974 v 0000 ~ 00845618 v 0000 ~ 00845810 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 16 00 | "The enemy seized the city"
00690884 35 v 01 raven 0 001 @ 00690674 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | obtain or seize by violence
00691086 35 v 02 take 0 get_hold_of 0 012 ^ 01411199 v 0101 ^ 01453519 v 0104 ^ 00914872 v 0102 ^ 00753110 v 0103 ^ 00776245 v 0102 ^ 00824875 v 0101 ^ 00691635 v 0101 ^ 00905282 v 0102 ^ 00897572 v 0106 ~ 00686908 v 0000 ~ 00689792 v 0000 ~ 00690674 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | get into one's hands, take physically; "Take a cookie!" "Can you take this bag, please"
00691471 35 v 02 bring_out 1 get_out 0 003 @ 00853606 v 0000 ~ 00776245 v 0000 ~ 00776422 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "Get out your best dress--we are going to a party!"
00691635 35 v 02 take_in 0 gather_in 0 003 @ 00259230 v 0000 ~ 00887284 v 0000 ~ 00919688 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of sails
00691756 35 v 01 brail 0 001 @ 00259230 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | take in a sail with a brail
00691846 35 v 02 calve 0 break_up 4 001 @ 00898017 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | release ice; of icebergs or glaciers
00691956 35 v 07 collar 0 nail 1 apprehend 0 arrest 0 pick_up 0 nab 0 cop 0 001 @ 00689792 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | take nto custody, as of suspected criminals, by the police
00692128 35 v 03 get 9 catch 1 capture 1 002 @ 00689792 v 0000 ~ 00827904 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | succeed in catching someone, such as a criminal; "We finally got the suspect"; "Did you catch the thief?"
00692338 35 v 02 collar 1 put_a_collar_on 0 001 @ 01330622 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | furnish with a collar
00692441 35 v 01 collar 2 001 @ 00689792 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | seize by the neck or collar
00692540 35 v 03 grasp 0 grip 1 hold_on 0 002 @ 00692795 v 0000 ~ 00692665 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 11 00 | hold firmly
00692665 35 v 01 clasp 0 003 @ 00692540 v 0000 ! 00696150 v 0101 ~ 00819405 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | hold firmly and tightly
00692795 35 v 02 hold 0 take_hold 0 007 ! 00847053 v 0101 ^ 00695009 v 0102 ~ 00692540 v 0000 ~ 00695009 v 0000 ~ 00695917 v 0000 ~ 00924352 v 0000 ~ 00924511 v 0000 07 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 + 02 02 + 04 02 + 22 02 | have or hold, e.g. in one's hands; "Hold this bowl for a moment, please"; "A crazy idea took hold of him"
00693130 35 v 04 hold 1 support 0 sustain 0 hold_up 0 010 * 00692795 v 0000 ~ 00693510 v 0000 ~ 00693688 v 0000 ~ 00693794 v 0000 ~ 00693916 v 0000 ~ 00694038 v 0000 ~ 00694153 v 0000 ~ 00694239 v 0000 ~ 00694489 v 0000 ~ 00694690 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | be the support of; "The beam holds up the roof"; also metaphorically: "Her efforts support us morally"
00693510 35 v 01 carry 9 001 @ 00693130 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | bear or be able to bear the weight, pressure,or responsibility of; "His efforts carried the entire project"
00693688 35 v 01 chock 0 001 @ 00693130 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | support on chocks, as of boats, for example
00693794 35 v 02 buoy 0 buoy_up 0 001 @ 00693130 v 0000 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | keep afloat: "The life vest buoyed him up"
00693916 35 v 02 pole 1 support_on_poles 0 001 @ 00693130 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | of climbing plants, such as beans
00694038 35 v 02 bracket 0 support_with_brackets 0 001 @ 00693130 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | as of shelves, for example
00694153 35 v 01 underpin 0 001 @ 00693130 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | support from beneath
00694239 35 v 02 prop_up 0 shore_up 0 002 @ 00693130 v 0000 ~ 00694392 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | support by placing against something solid or rigid
00694392 35 v 01 bolster 0 001 @ 00694239 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | prop up with a pillow or bolster
00694489 35 v 02 truss 0 support_structurally 0 001 @ 00693130 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | of roofs or bridges
00694602 35 v 02 jack 0 jack_up 0 001 @ 01124703 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | lift with a jack
00694690 35 v 01 brace 0 002 @ 00693130 v 0000 ~ 00694797 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | support by bracing
00694797 35 v 01 tread 1 001 @ 00694690 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | brace (an archer's bow) by pressing the foot against the center
00695917 35 v 02 cradle 0 hold_carefully 0 001 @ 00692795 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | "He cradles the child in his arms"
00696040 35 v 02 clasp 1 grasp_firmly 0 002 @ 00689792 v 0000 ! 00696150 v 0101 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 11 00
00696150 35 v 01 unclasp 0 003 @ 00847053 v 0000 ! 00692665 v 0101 ! 00696040 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | "She clasped and unclasped her hands"
00696288 35 v 02 twist 0 turn_in_the_opposite_direction 0 004 @ 01086483 v 0000 ~ 00696487 v 0000 ~ 00697371 v 0000 ~ 01065183 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "Don't twist your knee when you do this exercise"
00696487 35 v 01 quirk 0 001 @ 00696288 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "She quirked her head in a peculiar way"
00696590 35 v 04 flip 3 flip_over 0 turn_over 1 turn_upside_down 0 002 @ 01086483 v 0000 ^ 00354361 v 0102 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "flip a coin"
00696750 35 v 02 twist 1 distort 1 010 @ 00082223 v 0000 ! 00697042 v 0101 ~ 00697288 v 0000 ~ 00775473 v 0000 ~ 00775702 v 0000 ~ 00776117 v 0000 ~ 00841693 v 0000 ~ 00872396 v 0000 ~ 00873137 v 0000 ~ 00873240 v 0000 05 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 11 00 + 21 00 | "The cord is all twisted"
00697042 35 v 01 untwist 0 002 @ 00787280 v 0000 ! 00696750 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | cause to become untwisted
00697150 35 v 02 process 4 conk 2 001 @ 00787280 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | straighten curly hair; "She processes her hair every week"
00697288 35 v 01 kink 1 001 @ 00696750 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | put a kink in
00697371 35 v 03 curl 0 wave 1 form_into_curls 0 002 @ 00696288 v 0000 ~ 00697490 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00
00697490 35 v 07 crimp 0 crape 0 frizzle 0 frizz 0 kink_up 0 kink 0 curl_tightly 0 001 @ 00697371 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of hair
00697618 35 v 03 grip 0 hold_fast 1 hold_firmly 0 003 @ 00689792 v 0000 ~ 00831338 v 0000 ~ 00838518 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | "He gripped the steering wheel"
00697797 35 v 02 twiddle 0 fiddle_with 0 001 @ 00689085 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | manipulate, as in a nervous or unconscious manner
00697925 35 v 03 wield 0 handle 1 use 0 004 @ 00689085 v 0000 ~ 00698085 v 0000 ~ 00698589 v 0000 ~ 00916666 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "The burglar wielded an axe"
00698085 35 v 01 ply 0 001 @ 00697925 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | wield vigorously; "ply an axe"
00698176 35 v 02 operate 0 control 0 008 @ 00689085 v 0000 ~ 00443507 v 0000 ~ 00698400 v 0000 ~ 00698499 v 0000 ~ 00921642 v 0000 ~ 00988435 v 0000 ~ 01100152 v 0000 ~ 01105315 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | as of machinery
00698400 35 v 01 treadle 0 001 @ 00698176 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | operate by a treadle, of machinery
00698499 35 v 01 relay 0 001 @ 00698176 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | control or operate by relay
00698589 35 v 02 pump 0 operate_like_a_pump 0 001 @ 00697925 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | move up and down, like a handle or a pedal
00698715 35 v 02 stroke 0 fondle 0 002 @ 00698846 v 0000 ~ 00822925 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | touch lightly and with affection
00698846 35 v 03 caress 0 canoodle 0 touch_affectionately 0 008 @ 00686113 v 0000 ~ 00688831 v 0000 ~ 00689015 v 0000 ~ 00698715 v 0000 ~ 00709169 v 0000 ~ 00819317 v 0000 ~ 00819772 v 0000 ~ 00822814 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00
00699076 35 v 04 probe 0 dig_into 0 poke_into 0 examine_physically 0 002 @ 00699493 v 0000 ~ 00751625 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00699207 35 v 02 interpenetrate 0 permeate 2 001 @ 00699493 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | penetrate mutually or be interlocked; "The territories of two married people interpenetrate a lot"
00699388 35 v 01 percolate 1 001 @ 00699493 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | "Sunlight percolated the entire house"
00699493 35 v 03 penetrate 0 get_into 0 go_into 0 018 @ 01152122 v 0000 ~ 00699076 v 0000 ~ 00699207 v 0000 ~ 00699388 v 0000 ~ 00699901 v 0000 ~ 00700001 v 0000 ~ 00700114 v 0000 ~ 00700296 v 0000 ~ 00700563 v 0000 ~ 00828892 v 0000 ~ 00829125 v 0000 ~ 00829647 v 0000 ~ 00830293 v 0000 ~ 00839088 v 0000 ~ 00880896 v 0000 ~ 00907030 v 0000 ~ 00912623 v 0000 ~ 00923682 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 22 00
00699901 35 v 01 foray 0 001 @ 00699493 v 0000 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | briefly enter enemy territory
00700001 35 v 01 poke_into 1 001 @ 00699493 v 0000 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | enter briefly; "We poked into the bar"
00700114 35 v 02 sneak_in 0 creep_in 0 001 @ 00699493 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | "He sneaked in under cover of darkness"; "In this essay, the author's personal feelings creep in"
00700296 35 v 04 permeate 1 pervade 0 diffuse 0 imbue 0 002 @ 00699493 v 0000 ~ 00700469 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | "An atmosphere of distrust has permeated this administration"
00700469 35 v 01 spiritize 0 001 @ 00700296 v 0000 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | imbue with a spirit
00700563 35 v 01 honeycomb 0 001 @ 00699493 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | penetrate thoroughly and into every part
00700678 35 v 05 jab 0 prod 1 stab 1 poke 1 dig 3 002 @ 01082019 v 0000 ^ 01437354 v 0401 02 + 20 00 + 21 00
00700790 35 v 02 poke 0 make_a_hole_by_poking 0 001 @ 00828892 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00700882 35 v 02 stab 0 jab 2 002 @ 01082019 v 0000 ~ 00707337 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00
00701074 35 v 03 prod 0 incite 0 egg_on 0 003 ~ 00701219 v 0000 ~ 00706359 v 0000 ~ 00707413 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | urge on; cause to act
00701219 35 v 01 halloo 0 001 @ 00701074 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | urge on with shouts, of dogs in a hunt
00701321 35 v 03 nudge 0 poke_at 0 prod 2 002 @ 01067117 v 0000 ~ 00701433 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00
00701433 35 v 01 jog 0 001 @ 00701321 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | give a slight push to
00701539 35 v 02 knife 0 stab 2 003 @ 00043545 v 0000 ~ 00701677 v 0000 ~ 00701761 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | "The victim was knifed to death"
00701677 35 v 01 poniard 0 001 @ 00701539 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | stab with a poniard
00701761 35 v 01 bayonet 0 001 @ 00701539 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | stab or kill someone with a bayonet
00701861 35 v 02 maul 0 mangle 2 003 * 00054364 v 0000 * 00043545 v 0000 @ 00892729 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | injure badly by beating
00701999 35 v 01 maul 1 001 @ 00897454 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | split (wood) with a maul and wedges
00702096 35 v 03 massage 0 rub_down 1 knead 1 002 @ 00689085 v 0000 * 00713259 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | usually for medicinal or relaxation purposes
00702250 35 v 02 dab 0 pat 0 001 @ 00811630 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | hit lightly
00702336 35 v 04 dab 1 swab 1 swob 1 apply_with_a_dab 0 001 @ 00783910 v 0000 01 + 31 00 | often for medication
00702450 35 v 02 daub 0 smear 3 002 @ 00763269 v 0000 ~ 00702564 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | as of paint onto a surface
00702564 35 v 02 blood 0 smear_with_blood 0 001 @ 00702450 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | as in a hunting initiation rite, where the face of a person is smeared with the blood of the kill
00702743 35 v 02 thatch 0 cover_with_thatch 0 001 @ 00702835 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of roofs
00702835 35 v 01 roof 0 004 @ 00763269 v 0000 ~ 00702743 v 0000 ~ 00703011 v 0000 ~ 00767106 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | provide a building with a roof; cover a building with a roof
00703011 35 v 02 shingle 0 cover_with_shingles 0 001 @ 00702835 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00703096 35 v 02 mulch 0 cover_with_mulch 0 001 @ 00763269 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | as of garden beds
00703195 35 v 01 turf 0 001 @ 00763269 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cover with turf
00703272 35 v 03 bury 0 cover_with_soil 0 place_in_the_earth 0 002 * 00763269 v 0000 @ 00906428 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "They buried the stolen goods"
00703421 35 v 02 bank 1 cover_with_ashes 0 001 @ 00763269 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of fires, to control the rate of burning
00703542 35 v 02 carpet 0 cover_with_a_carpet 0 001 @ 00763269 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | as of rooms
00703639 35 v 02 carpet 1 cover_completely 0 001 @ 00763269 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | cover as if with a carpet; as of flowers in meadows
00703773 35 v 02 board_up 0 cover_with_boards 0 001 @ 00763269 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | as of windows, for example
00703885 35 v 03 knead 0 work 0 make_uniform 0 001 @ 00689085 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | as of dough or clay
00703989 35 v 02 butt 0 bunt 0 002 @ 00811630 v 0000 ^ 00706849 v 0104 01 + 08 00
00704074 35 v 06 hit 1 hit_against 0 strike 1 impinge_on 0 run_into 1 collide_with 0 011 @ 00686113 v 0000 ! 00705234 v 0101 ~ 00704458 v 0000 ~ 00704601 v 0000 ~ 00705093 v 0000 ~ 00705340 v 0000 ~ 00705483 v 0000 ~ 00705619 v 0000 ~ 00705725 v 0000 ~ 00706849 v 0000 ~ 00899732 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | come into sudden contact with; "The arrow hit the target"
00704458 35 v 01 rear-end 0 001 @ 00704074 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | collide with the rear end of; "The car rear-ended me"
00704601 35 v 02 broad-side 0 broadside 0 001 @ 00704074 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | collide with the broad side of; "her car broad-sided mine"
00704763 35 v 02 clap 0 strike_together 0 001 @ 00687702 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | strike together so as to produce a sharp percussive noise, as of two flat, hard surfaces
00704931 35 v 01 clap 1 001 @ 00806352 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | strike with the flat of the hand; usually in a friendly way, as in encouragement or greeting
00705093 35 v 01 connect 1 001 @ 00704074 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | land on or hit solidly: "The brick connected on her head, knocking her out"
00705234 35 v 01 miss 0 001 ! 00704074 v 0101 01 + 11 00 | fail to reach; "The arrow missed the target"
00705340 35 v 01 spat 0 001 @ 00704074 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | strike with a sound like that of falling rain; "Bullets were spatting the leaves"
00705483 35 v 01 thud 0 001 @ 00704074 v 0000 02 + 04 00 + 11 00 | strike with a dull sound; "Bullets were thudding against the wall"
00705619 35 v 01 bottom 0 001 @ 00704074 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | strike the ground, as with a ship's bottom
00705725 35 v 02 bottom_out 0 hit_the_ground 0 001 @ 00704074 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | of cars
00705817 35 v 02 knock 4 strike_hard 0 005 @ 00811630 v 0000 ^ 01088299 v 0105 ^ 00812888 v 0104 ^ 00813572 v 0102 ^ 00813572 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00
00705972 35 v 02 shoulder 0 push_with_the_shoulders 0 001 @ 01082019 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00706062 35 v 02 shoulder 1 carry_a_burden 0 001 @ 00834152 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00706143 35 v 02 port 0 carry_diagonally_across_the_body 0 001 @ 00834152 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of canoes or rifles
00706259 35 v 02 shoulder 2 lift_onto_one's_shoulders 0 001 @ 01124703 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00
00706359 35 v 02 elbow 0 nudge 1 001 @ 00701074 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | shove one's elbow into another person's ribs
00706474 35 v 03 bump 0 knock 0 hit 4 005 @ 00811630 v 0000 ^ 00706849 v 0205 ^ 00815593 v 0203 ^ 00815593 v 0202 ^ 00706849 v 0102 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 22 00 | "My car bumped into the tree"
00706667 35 v 05 down 0 knock_down 1 cut_down 0 push_down 0 pull_down 0 001 @ 00811630 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | "The policeman downed the heavily armed suspect"
00706849 35 v 05 run_into 0 bump_into 0 jar_against 0 butt_against 1 knock_against 0 001 @ 00704074 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 11 00 | "I ran into the telephone pole"
00707926 35 v 02 flick 1 strike 4 001 @ 00707153 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00
00708004 35 v 03 snap 2 click 0 flick 2 001 @ 01043075 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of fingers
00708092 35 v 02 slam 0 bang 0 001 @ 00806352 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | strike violently
00708185 35 v 06 lam_into 0 tear_into 0 lace_into 0 pitch_into 0 lay_into 0 hit_violently 1 001 @ 00806352 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | in an attack
00708335 35 v 03 slam 2 flap_down 0 throw_violently 0 001 @ 00867132 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | "He slammed the book on the table"
00708461 35 v 02 slam 1 bang 1 001 @ 00772512 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | close violently; "He slammed the door shut"
00708589 35 v 02 shutter 0 close_with_shutters 0 001 @ 00772512 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | as of windows
00708689 35 v 01 draw 2 001 @ 00772512 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | move or pull so as to cover or uncover something; "draw the shades"; "draw the curtains"
00708839 35 v 02 pull_back 1 draw 9 001 @ 00833898 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | pull back the sling of (a bow); "The archers were drawing their bows"
00708982 35 v 03 peck 1 pick 0 beak 0 004 @ 00811630 v 0000 ^ 00472862 v 0203 ^ 00474625 v 0203 ^ 00666547 v 0201 04 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | hit lightly with a picking motion
00709169 35 v 02 chuck 1 pat 1 001 @ 00698846 v 0000 01 + 21 00
00709236 35 v 01 brush 1 001 @ 00713259 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | rub with a brush, or as if with a brush: "Johnson brushed the hairs from his jacket"
00709391 35 v 02 brush 2 clean_with_a_brush 0 001 @ 00881979 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 11 00 | "She brushed the suit before hanging it back into the closet"
00709552 35 v 05 mop 0 swab 0 swob 0 wash_with_a_swab 0 wash_with_a_mop 0 002 @ 00881979 v 0000 ~ 00709704 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of floors, for example
00709704 35 v 01 sop 1 001 @ 00709552 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | mop so as to leave a semi-dry surface, of floors
00709813 35 v 02 dust 0 remove_the_dust_from 0 002 * 00104355 v 0000 @ 00881979 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 02 01 | as of furniture
00709939 35 v 02 dredge 0 remove_with_a_dredge 0 001 @ 00104355 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | usually from a bottom of a body of water
00710074 35 v 02 dredge 1 drag 2 001 @ 00754445 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | usually the bottom of a body of water
00710182 35 v 03 vacuum 0 vacuum-clean 0 hoover 0 001 @ 00881979 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | clean with a vacuum cleaner
00710305 35 v 02 sanitize 0 hygienize 0 001 @ 00881979 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make sanitary by cleaning or sterilizing
00710423 35 v 01 bream 0 001 @ 00881979 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | clean a ship bottom with heat
00710515 35 v 02 steam 0 steam_clean 0 001 @ 00881979 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | clean by means of steaming
00710626 35 v 02 Simonize 0 polish_with_wax 0 001 @ 00710708 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00710708 35 v 04 polish 0 smooth 1 smoothen 1 shine 0 005 * 00713259 v 0000 @ 00176535 v 0000 ~ 00710626 v 0000 ~ 00710891 v 0000 ~ 00710982 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | of surfaces
00710891 35 v 02 slick 0 sleek 0 001 @ 00710708 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make slick or smooth
00710982 35 v 04 buff 0 burnish 0 furbish 0 flush 0 001 @ 00710708 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | as of wooden floors, for example
00711112 35 v 02 dull 1 make_dull_in_appearance 0 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "Age had dulled the surface"
00711236 35 v 04 dull 2 blunt 0 make_dull 0 make_blunt 0 002 @ 00072540 v 0000 ! 00711392 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | as of sharp edges or knives' blades
00711392 35 v 03 sharpen 0 make_sharp 0 make_sharper 0 005 @ 00072540 v 0000 ! 00711236 v 0101 ~ 00711590 v 0000 ~ 00711683 v 0000 ~ 00711791 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | as of knives, for example
00711590 35 v 02 strop 0 sharpen_on_a_strop 0 001 @ 00711392 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of razors
00711683 35 v 02 whet 0 sharpen_by_rubbing 0 001 @ 00711392 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | as on a whetstone
00711791 35 v 02 hone 0 sharpen_with_a_hone 0 002 @ 00711392 v 0000 ~ 00711899 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00711899 35 v 01 set 4 001 @ 00711791 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | give a fine, sharp edge to a knife or razor
00712003 35 v 02 cock 0 set_for_firing 0 001 @ 00859635 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | set the trigger of a firearm back for firing
00712126 35 v 02 skim_over 0 skim 0 001 @ 00686113 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00712206 35 v 02 squeak_by 0 squeak_through 0 001 @ 01171964 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00
00712296 35 v 02 tap 0 strike_lightly 0 001 @ 00811630 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | "He tapped me on the shoulder"
00712420 35 v 02 shave 0 touch_lightly 2 002 @ 00707019 v 0000 ~ 00712772 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 11 00 | "His back shaved the counter in passing"
00712573 35 v 03 shave 1 trim 1 cut_closely 0 002 @ 00894185 v 0000 ~ 00899388 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 10 00 + 11 00
00712689 35 v 02 scissor 0 cut_with_scissors 0 001 @ 00894185 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00712772 35 v 02 skive 0 remove_the_surface_of 0 001 @ 00712420 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of leather
00712869 35 v 03 shave 3 make_shavings_of 0 reduce_to_shavings 0 002 @ 00716830 v 0000 ~ 00894011 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00712996 35 v 02 fillet 0 filet 0 001 @ 00716830 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cut into filets, as of fish or meat
00713103 35 v 03 plane 0 cut_slices_from 0 shave 2 001 @ 00894185 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "The machine shaved off fine layers from the piece of wood"
00713259 35 v 01 rub 0 015 * 00686113 v 0000 @ 00689601 v 0000 ^ 00715975 v 0104 ^ 00715975 v 0105 ^ 00702096 v 0102 ^ 00891977 v 0102 ~ 00709236 v 0000 ~ 00713629 v 0000 ~ 00713725 v 0000 ~ 00713961 v 0000 ~ 00714058 v 0000 ~ 00714304 v 0000 ~ 00714635 v 0000 ~ 00750619 v 0000 ~ 00801916 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | move over something with pressure
00713629 35 v 01 rosin 0 001 @ 00713259 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | rub rosin onto, as of violin bows
00713725 35 v 02 sponge_down 0 sponge_off 0 001 @ 00713259 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | clean with a sponge, by rubbing
00714755 35 v 01 dust 2 001 @ 00714635 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | rub the dust over a surface so as to blur the outlines of a shape; "The artist dusted the charcoal drawing down to a faint image"
00714946 35 v 02 smear 2 make_smeared 0 003 @ 00882947 v 0000 ~ 00130437 v 0000 ~ 00715066 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00715066 35 v 02 smirch 1 besmirch 0 001 @ 00714946 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | smear so as to make dirty or stained
00715177 35 v 02 slime 0 make_slimy 0 001 @ 00882947 v 0000 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | "The snake slimed his victim"
00715290 35 v 02 muddy 0 muddy_up 0 001 @ 00882947 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | dirty with mud
00715386 35 v 04 smooth 0 smoothen 0 make_smooth 0 make_smoother 0 009 * 00713259 v 0000 @ 00215013 v 0000 ! 00715759 v 0101 ^ 01424601 v 0103 ~ 00117893 v 0000 ~ 00749857 v 0000 ~ 00798199 v 0000 ~ 00798384 v 0000 ~ 00798573 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00715641 35 v 02 coarsen 0 make_coarse 0 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | of smooth surfaces, for example
00715759 35 v 03 roughen 0 make_rough 0 make_rougher 0 003 @ 00215013 v 0000 * 00715975 v 0000 ! 00715386 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00715894 35 v 02 chafe 0 make_sore 0 001 @ 00715975 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00715975 35 v 05 abrade 0 corrade 0 abrase 0 rub_down 0 rub_off 0 003 @ 00716124 v 0000 ~ 00715894 v 0000 ~ 00798474 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | wear away
00716124 35 v 02 wear_away 0 wear_off 0 002 @ 00104355 v 0000 ~ 00715975 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | "Erosion wore away the surface"
00716251 35 v 03 slice 0 slice_up 0 cut_into_slices 0 001 @ 00894185 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "Slice the salami, please"
00716377 35 v 02 amputate 0 cut_off 1 002 * 00894185 v 0000 @ 00104355 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove surgically; of limbs
00716498 35 v 02 abscise 0 separate_by_abscission 0 001 @ 00745050 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00716586 35 v 02 pink 0 cut_in_a_zigzag_pattern 0 001 @ 00894185 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | with pinking shears, in sewing
00716704 35 v 02 jag 0 cut_unevenly 0 001 @ 00894185 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cut teeth into; make a jagged cutting edge
00716830 35 v 03 carve 0 cut_up 0 cut_to_pieces 1 006 @ 00894185 v 0000 ^ 01396914 v 0106 ~ 00712869 v 0000 ~ 00712996 v 0000 ~ 00719022 v 0000 ~ 00757464 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "Father carved the ham"
00717039 35 v 02 carve 1 form_by_carving 0 005 @ 00894185 v 0000 @ 00949570 v 0000 ~ 00719888 v 0000 ~ 00893851 v 0000 ~ 01000921 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "Carve a flower from the ice"
00717221 35 v 02 swage 0 upset 0 001 @ 00949570 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | form metals with a swage
00717316 35 v 02 carve 2 chip_at 0 002 @ 00894185 v 0000 ^ 00719114 v 0201 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00717413 35 v 02 cube 0 dice 0 001 @ 00894185 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cut into cubes
00717504 35 v 02 chop 0 hack 2 005 @ 00894185 v 0000 ^ 00717753 v 0101 ^ 00718194 v 0102 ^ 00745050 v 0102 ~ 00718092 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cut with a tool
00717668 35 v 01 hash 0 001 @ 00718194 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | chop up, as of potatoes
00717753 35 v 01 chop_down 0 001 @ 00718350 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of trees
00717828 35 v 01 undercut 3 002 * 00718350 v 0000 @ 00894185 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cut obliquely into (a tree) below the main cut and on the side toward which the tree will fall
00718092 35 v 02 axe 0 ax 0 001 @ 00717504 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | chop or split with an ax, as of wood
00718194 35 v 03 chop 1 chop_up 0 cut_into_pieces 0 003 @ 00894185 v 0000 ~ 00717668 v 0000 ~ 00899484 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | Chop wood, for example
00718350 35 v 04 fell 0 drop 3 strike_down 0 cut_down 2 005 > 01122509 v 0000 @ 00894185 v 0000 ~ 00717753 v 0000 ~ 00718553 v 0000 ~ 00718667 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 11 00 | as of trees or people
00718553 35 v 02 poleax 0 poleaxe 0 001 @ 00718350 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | fell with or as if with a poleax
00718667 35 v 03 log 0 lumber 0 cut_lumber 0 001 @ 00718350 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | of woods and forests
00718770 35 v 02 nick 0 chip 3 001 @ 00894185 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | cut a nick into
00718870 35 v 02 nick 1 snick 0 001 @ 00894185 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | cut slightly, with a razor; "The barber's knife nicked his cheeck"
00719022 35 v 02 chisel 0 carve_with_a_chisel 0 001 @ 00716830 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00719114 35 v 04 chip 0 knap 1 cut_off 2 break_off 0 002 @ 00894185 v 0000 ^ 00717316 v 0102 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00719229 35 v 05 chip 1 chip_off 0 come_off 1 break_away 0 break_off 1 003 @ 00898017 v 0000 ~ 00719405 v 0000 ~ 00719522 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | of a piece from a whole
00719405 35 v 04 peel_off 1 peel 1 flake_off 0 flake 0 001 @ 00719229 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | as of paint, for example
00719522 35 v 01 exfoliate 3 001 @ 00719229 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | come off in a very thin piece
00719618 35 v 02 chip 2 form_by_chipping 0 001 @ 00949570 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00719697 35 v 02 hew 0 strike_with_an_axe 0 003 @ 00811630 v 0000 ^ 00719888 v 0102 ~ 00719813 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00719813 35 v 01 snag 1 001 @ 00719697 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | hew jaggedly
00719888 35 v 02 hew 2 hew_out 0 002 @ 00717039 v 0000 ~ 00719975 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00719975 35 v 02 rough-hew 0 roughcast 0 001 @ 00719888 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | hew roughly, without finishing the surface, as of stone or timber
00720119 35 v 05 skim 1 skim_off 0 cream_off 0 cream 1 remove_from_the_surface 0 003 @ 00104355 v 0000 ^ 00380245 v 0401 ^ 00380245 v 0102 01 + 08 00 | usually of cream from the surface of milk
00720315 35 v 02 skim 3 coat_with_a_layer 0 001 @ 00722448 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | of liquids
00720407 35 v 01 stucco 0 001 @ 00722448 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | coat with stucco, as of a ceiling
00720504 35 v 02 egg 0 coat_with_egg 0 001 @ 00722448 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of food, such as meat, before frying
00721053 35 v 03 coat 1 cake 1 form_a_coat_over 0 001 @ 00687390 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | "Dirt had coated her face"
00721167 35 v 01 soot 0 001 @ 00722448 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | coat with soot
00721243 35 v 02 pare 0 trim 3 001 @ 00894185 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | remove the edges from: "trim the picture"
00721361 35 v 03 skin 0 peel 0 pare 2 003 @ 00721752 v 0000 ~ 00721502 v 0000 ~ 00729528 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | of fruit, for example
00721502 35 v 02 peel_off 0 take_off_by_peeling 0 002 @ 00721361 v 0000 ~ 00721645 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | peel off the outer layer of something
00721645 35 v 01 exfoliate 1 001 @ 00721502 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove the surface, in scales or laminae
00721752 35 v 02 strip 0 remove_the_surface_from 0 005 @ 00104355 v 0000 ~ 00721361 v 0000 ~ 00722047 v 0000 ~ 00722227 v 0000 ~ 00796754 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | strip wood, for example
00721944 35 v 02 strip 1 strip_the_cured_leaves_from 0 001 @ 00104355 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of tobacco
00722047 35 v 02 bark 0 skin 1 001 @ 00721752 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | remove the bark of a tree
00722149 35 v 02 bark 1 cover_with_bark 0 001 @ 00763269 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00722227 35 v 02 decorticate 0 remove_the_outer_layer_from 0 001 @ 00721752 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00722332 35 v 03 scale 0 descale 0 remove_the_scales_from 0 001 @ 00104355 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | as of fish
00722448 35 v 02 coat 0 surface 0 032 @ 00763269 v 0000 ~ 00079240 v 0000 ~ 00079361 v 0000 ~ 00720315 v 0000 ~ 00720407 v 0000 ~ 00720504 v 0000 ~ 00720617 v 0000 ~ 00720729 v 0000 ~ 00720946 v 0000 ~ 00721167 v 0000 ~ 00723145 v 0000 ~ 00723258 v 0000 ~ 00723361 v 0000 ~ 00723452 v 0000 ~ 00723555 v 0000 ~ 00723646 v 0000 ~ 00723968 v 0000 ~ 00724076 v 0000 ~ 00724178 v 0000 ~ 00724314 v 0000 ~ 00724423 v 0000 ~ 00725642 v 0000 ~ 00725971 v 0000 ~ 00727864 v 0000 ~ 00764726 v 0000 ~ 00782347 v 0000 ~ 00783105 v 0000 ~ 00786077 v 0000 ~ 00803488 v 0000 ~ 00803576 v 0000 ~ 00921964 v 0000 ~ 00922043 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | put a coat on; cover the surface of; furnish with a surface
00723145 35 v 01 brush_on 0 001 @ 00722448 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | apply with a brush; "Brush butter on the roast"
00723258 35 v 02 patinate 0 patinize 0 001 @ 00722448 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | coat with a patina
00723361 35 v 01 resurface 0 001 @ 00722448 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cover with a new surface
00723452 35 v 01 crumb 0 001 @ 00722448 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | coat with bread crumbs: "crumb a cutlet"
00723555 35 v 01 copper 0 001 @ 00722448 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | coat with a layer of copper
00723646 35 v 01 finish 0 003 @ 00722448 v 0000 ~ 00723797 v 0000 ~ 00723886 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | provide with a finish, as of furniture, for example
00723797 35 v 01 dress 2 001 @ 00723646 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "dress the surface smooth"
00723886 35 v 01 broom 1 001 @ 00723646 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | finish with a broom
00723968 35 v 01 bonderize 0 001 @ 00722448 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | coat steel with corrosion-prevention coat
00724076 35 v 01 blacktop 0 001 @ 00722448 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | coat with blacktop, as of a driveway
00724178 35 v 03 foliate 0 coat_with_metal_foil 0 back_with_metal_foil 0 001 @ 00722448 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of surfaces such as glass
00724314 35 v 02 galvanize 0 cover_with_zinc 0 001 @ 00722448 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | as of steel, for example
00724423 35 v 01 pave 0 005 @ 00722448 v 0000 ~ 00724565 v 0000 ~ 00724651 v 0000 ~ 00724728 v 0000 ~ 00724834 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of roads
00724565 35 v 01 cobble 0 001 @ 00724423 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | pave with cobblestones
00724651 35 v 01 hard_surface 0 001 @ 00724423 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | o roads
00724728 35 v 01 causeway 0 001 @ 00724423 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | pave a road with cobblestones or pebbles
00724834 35 v 02 tar 2 asphalt 0 001 @ 00724423 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of roads
00724913 35 v 02 butter 0 spread_butter_on 0 001 @ 00763269 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | as of bread
00725007 35 v 02 soap 0 lather 0 001 @ 00763269 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | cover with soap
00725101 35 v 02 wallpaper 0 paper 1 001 @ 00763269 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cover with wallpaper
00725196 35 v 02 paper 0 cover_with_paper 0 001 @ 00763269 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00725276 35 v 03 oil 0 cover_with_oil 0 rub_with_oil 0 001 @ 00763269 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | as of wooden surfaces, for example
00725403 35 v 02 wax 0 cover_with_wax 0 002 @ 00763269 v 0000 ~ 00725522 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | as of cars, for example
00725522 35 v 01 beeswax 0 001 @ 00725403 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cover with beeswax; "Chris beeswaxed the kitchen table"
00725642 35 v 02 varnish 0 seal 4 003 @ 00722448 v 0000 ~ 00726098 v 0000 ~ 00726731 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cover with varnish
00725768 35 v 02 veneer 0 cover_with_veneer 0 001 @ 00763269 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | as of furniture
00725867 35 v 02 grease 0 coat_with_grease 0 001 @ 00763269 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | lubricate with grease
00725971 35 v 02 glaze 0 coat_with_a_glaze 0 002 @ 00722448 v 0000 ^ 01230746 v 0102 01 + 08 00 | as of pottery, for example
00726098 35 v 02 lacquer 0 coat_with_lacquer 0 001 @ 00725642 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | as of wooden objects
00726203 35 v 02 whitewash 0 cover_with_whitewash 0 002 @ 00763269 v 0000 ~ 00726322 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | as of walls
00726322 35 v 01 calcimine 0 001 @ 00726203 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cover with calcimine, of walls
00726419 35 v 02 water-wash 0 wash_with_water 0 001 @ 00883685 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00726503 35 v 03 wash 2 rinse 2 clean_chemically 0 002 @ 00883685 v 0000 ~ 00726622 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | in chemistry
00726622 35 v 02 elute 0 wash_out_with_a_solvent 0 001 @ 00726503 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | as in chromatography
00726731 35 v 02 shellac 0 cover_with_shellac 0 001 @ 00725642 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | as of wooden objects
00726837 35 v 02 line 0 cover_the_interior_of 0 005 @ 00763269 v 0000 ~ 00727036 v 0000 ~ 00727421 v 0000 ~ 00727662 v 0000 ~ 00727775 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 21 00 | as of gloves, for example
00727036 35 v 01 reline 0 001 @ 00726837 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | provide with a new lining
00727125 35 v 01 face 1 002 @ 00763269 v 0000 ~ 00727282 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cover the front or surface of: "The building was faced with beautiful stones"
00727282 35 v 01 reface 1 001 @ 00727125 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | provide with a new facing: "The building was refaced with beautiful stones"
00727421 35 v 01 face 0 002 @ 00726837 v 0000 ~ 00727562 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | line near the edge with a different material, as of a garment
00727562 35 v 01 reface 0 001 @ 00727421 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | put a new facing on, as of a garment
00727662 35 v 01 crib 0 001 @ 00726837 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | line with beams or planks, as of construction holes
00727775 35 v 01 babbitt 0 001 @ 00726837 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | line with a Babitt metal
00727864 35 v 02 tar 0 coat_with_tar 0 001 @ 00722448 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | as of roads, for example
00727965 35 v 02 tar-and-feather 0 smear_with_tar_and_feathers 0 002 * 00763269 v 0000 @ 01414994 v 0000 01 + 09 00
00728197 35 v 02 feather 1 join_tongue_and_groove 0 001 @ 00740051 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00728285 35 v 02 stamp 1 impress_with_a_mark 0 004 @ 00881425 v 0000 ~ 00415921 v 0000 ~ 00728708 v 0000 ~ 00729083 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00728430 35 v 01 stripe 0 001 @ 00297919 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | mark with stripes
00728519 35 v 01 speck 0 001 @ 00297919 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | produce specks in or on
00728605 35 v 01 bespot 0 001 @ 00297919 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | mark with, or as if with, spots
00728708 35 v 03 rubberstamp 0 handstamp 0 stamp_with_a_rubberstamp 0 001 @ 00728285 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | usually an indication of official approval on a document
00728872 35 v 02 stamp 2 affix_a_stamp_to 0 002 @ 00779564 v 0000 ~ 00728993 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | as of letters
00728993 35 v 02 meter 0 stamp_with_a_meter 0 001 @ 00728872 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00729083 35 v 03 postmark 0 frank 0 stamp_with_a_postmark 0 001 @ 00728285 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | indicate date and time of mailing
00729214 35 v 02 sideswipe 0 strike_from_the_side 0 001 @ 00811630 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00729302 35 v 02 circumcise 0 remove_the_foreskin 0 002 * 00894185 v 0000 @ 00104355 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | cut the foreskin off
00729430 35 v 01 circumcise 1 001 @ 00894185 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | cut the skin over the clitoris
00729528 35 v 02 flay 0 strip_the_skin_off 0 001 @ 00721361 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00
00729617 35 v 02 scarify 0 puncture_the_skin 0 001 @ 00729772 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | as, for example, in some African cultures; for ritual purposes
00729772 35 v 02 puncture 0 make_a_hole_into 0 002 @ 00828892 v 0000 ~ 00729617 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | puncture a tire, for example
00729911 35 v 02 riddle 0 pierce_many_times 0 001 @ 00828892 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "The bullets riddled his body"
00730033 35 v 02 scarify 1 break_up 0 001 @ 00730116 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of soil
00730116 35 v 02 loosen 0 make_looser 0 003 @ 00072540 v 0000 ~ 00730033 v 0000 ~ 00801603 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make less dense
00730253 35 v 02 scarify 2 scratch_the_surface_of 0 001 @ 00730351 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of seeds
00730351 35 v 03 score 0 nock 0 mark 1 004 @ 00730861 v 0000 ~ 00730253 v 0000 ~ 00730488 v 0000 ~ 00730621 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00730488 35 v 01 scribe 0 001 @ 00730351 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | score a line on with a pointed instrument, as in metalworking
00730621 35 v 02 line 2 mark_with_lines 0 002 @ 00730351 v 0000 ~ 00730747 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | "sorrow had lined his face"
00730747 35 v 02 crisscross 0 criss-cross 0 001 @ 00730621 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | "wrinkles crisscrossed her face"
00730861 35 v 03 notch 0 cut_a_notch 0 make_a_notch 0 003 @ 00897017 v 0000 ~ 00730351 v 0000 ~ 00730995 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00730995 35 v 02 indent 2 notch_the_edge_of 0 002 @ 00730861 v 0000 ~ 00731095 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00731095 35 v 02 recess 0 make_a_recess_in 0 001 @ 00730995 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00731176 35 v 03 furrow 0 rut 0 groove 0 001 @ 00751308 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | hollow out in the form of a furrow or groove, as of soil
00731319 35 v 03 furrow 2 chamfer 0 chase 2 001 @ 00894185 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cut a furrow into a columns
00731525 35 v 03 fold 0 fold_up 0 turn_up 0 009 @ 00215013 v 0000 ! 00908083 v 0101 ~ 00731436 v 0000 ~ 00731804 v 0000 ~ 00798672 v 0000 ~ 00798756 v 0000 ~ 00800384 v 0000 ~ 00838641 v 0000 ~ 01090632 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | bend or lay so that one part covers the other
00731804 35 v 07 wrinkle 0 ruckle 0 crease 0 crinkle 0 scrunch 0 scrunch_up 0 crisp 0 003 @ 00731525 v 0000 ~ 00732004 v 0000 ~ 00732213 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "The dress got wrinkled"
00732004 35 v 06 pucker 0 draw a rumple 1 cockle 0 crumple 0 knit 0 001 @ 00731804 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 01 01 | wrinkle and pucker up, as of fabric; "This material drew after having been washed in hot water"
00732213 35 v 03 pucker 2 ruck 0 ruck_up 0 001 @ 00731804 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become puckered
00732410 35 v 02 purse 0 wrinkle 1 001 @ 00732489 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 08 00
00732489 35 v 02 contract 0 make_smaller 0 002 @ 00144554 v 0000 ~ 00732410 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 08 00
00732594 35 v 02 indent 0 dent 0 002 @ 00732809 v 0000 * 00806352 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make a dent into
00732707 35 v 02 indent 1 cut_into_sections 0 001 @ 00894185 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | for authentication
00732809 35 v 03 bend 0 deform 1 twist 2 006 @ 00082223 v 0000 ! 00733184 v 0101 ~ 00732594 v 0000 ~ 00732992 v 0000 ~ 00733091 v 0000 ~ 00733296 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00
00732992 35 v 01 gnarl 0 001 @ 00732809 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | "The wind has gnarled this old tree"
00733091 35 v 01 crank 1 001 @ 00732809 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | bend into the shape of a crank
00733184 35 v 01 unbend 0 002 @ 00787280 v 0000 ! 00732809 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | free from flexure, as of a bow
00733296 35 v 02 convolve 0 convolute 0 001 @ 00732809 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | curl, wind, or twist together
00733419 35 v 01 gouge_out 0 001 @ 00733520 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make gouges into a surface
00733520 35 v 01 cut_out 0 003 @ 00894185 v 0000 ~ 00733419 v 0000 ~ 00896484 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cut out material such as wood, etc., so as to make as certain shape
00733688 35 v 01 rabbet 0 001 @ 00896302 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cut a rabbet in something
00733777 35 v 03 gouge 0 force_out 0 force_with_the_thumb 0 002 @ 00054364 v 0000 ^ 00733419 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | of eyes
00733900 35 v 03 rout 0 gouge 1 groove 1 001 @ 00734522 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make a groove in
00734003 35 v 02 scallop 0 scollop 0 001 @ 00734522 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | form scallops in
00734094 35 v 01 hole 0 001 @ 00734522 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make holes in
00734177 35 v 02 suck_in 1 draw_in 1 001 @ 00734522 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of cheeks and stomachs, for example
00734287 35 v 02 scoop_out 0 hollow_with_a_scoop 0 001 @ 00734522 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | scoop out a melon, for example
00734414 35 v 03 rout 1 root 0 rootle 0 001 @ 00751308 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | dig with the snout; of animals
00734522 35 v 04 hollow 0 hollow_out 0 core_out 0 make_hollow 0 010 @ 00267845 v 0000 ~ 00733900 v 0000 ~ 00734003 v 0000 ~ 00734094 v 0000 ~ 00734177 v 0000 ~ 00734287 v 0000 ~ 00734792 v 0000 ~ 00734867 v 0000 ~ 00752258 v 0000 ~ 00914781 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00734792 35 v 02 cavern 0 cavern_out 0 001 @ 00734522 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00734867 35 v 02 cave 0 undermine 0 002 @ 00734522 v 0000 ~ 00752010 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "The river was caving the banks"
00734999 35 v 02 wrap 0 wrap_up 0 008 @ 00763269 v 0000 ! 00735733 v 0101 ~ 00735211 v 0000 ~ 00735316 v 0000 ~ 00735398 v 0000 ~ 00735506 v 0000 ~ 00735642 v 0000 ~ 00745870 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 20 00 + 21 00
00735211 35 v 01 do_up 0 001 @ 00734999 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "The gift was done up in pretty red paper"
00735316 35 v 01 parcel 0 001 @ 00734999 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make into a parcel
00735398 35 v 01 cere 0 001 @ 00734999 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | wrap us in a cerecloth, as of a corpse
00735506 35 v 01 shrinkwrap 0 001 @ 00734999 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | wrap something tightly with heated plastic that shrinks upon cooling
00735642 35 v 01 gift-wrap 0 001 @ 00734999 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | wrap a gift attractively
00735733 35 v 02 unwrap 0 take_the_wrapping_off 0 002 @ 00767892 v 0000 ! 00734999 v 0101 01 + 08 00
00735837 35 v 03 untie 0 unbrace 0 undo_the_ties_of 0 004 @ 00874033 v 0000 ! 00736248 v 0101 ~ 00736033 v 0000 ~ 00747941 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | "They untied the prisoner"
00736033 35 v 01 unloose 0 001 @ 00735837 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | loosen the ties of
00736248 35 v 02 tie 0 bind 1 016 @ 00768642 v 0000 ! 00735837 v 0101 ^ 00737343 v 0101 ^ 00737343 v 0102 ~ 00736124 v 0000 ~ 00736655 v 0000 ~ 00736861 v 0000 ~ 00737146 v 0000 ~ 00737493 v 0000 ~ 00737687 v 0000 ~ 00738748 v 0000 ~ 00738881 v 0000 ~ 00745655 v 0000 ~ 00747829 v 0000 ~ 00748273 v 0000 ~ 00875127 v 0000 05 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 15 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | "They tied their victim to the chair"
00736655 35 v 02 tie_up 1 bind_off 0 001 @ 00736248 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | in knitting: finish the last row
00736762 35 v 01 rig 0 001 @ 00768642 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | "They rigged the bomb to the ignition"
00736861 35 v 01 loop 1 001 @ 00736248 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | fasten with a loop
00736941 35 v 01 chain_up 0 001 @ 00737343 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | tie up with chains, as of prisoners
00737050 35 v 02 bitt 0 secure_with_a_bitt 0 001 @ 00768642 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of ship lines
00737146 35 v 03 cord 1 bind_with_a_cord 0 tie_with_a_cord 0 001 @ 00736248 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00737243 35 v 01 latch 0 002 @ 00768642 v 0000 ^ 00338080 v 0102 01 + 08 00 | fasten with a latch
00737343 35 v 04 tie_down 0 tie_up 0 bind 7 truss 2 004 * 00768642 v 0000 @ 00746711 v 0000 ~ 00736941 v 0000 ~ 00737797 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00
00737493 35 v 01 lash_together 0 001 @ 00736248 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | "Lash together these barrels!"
00737602 35 v 02 garter 0 fasten_with_a_garter 0 001 @ 00768642 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00737687 35 v 01 truss 1 001 @ 00736248 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | tie the wings and legs of a bird before cooking
00737797 35 v 02 hogtie 0 hog-tie 0 001 @ 00737343 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | tie together somebody's feet
00737899 35 v 02 fetter 0 shackle 0 002 @ 00746711 v 0000 ~ 00738012 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | restrain with fetters
00738012 35 v 03 manacle 0 cuff 1 handcuff 0 001 @ 00737899 v 0000 01 + 09 00
00738093 35 v 03 enchain 0 restrain_with_chains 0 bind_with_chains 0 001 @ 00746711 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00738198 35 v 01 unchain 1 001 @ 01370323 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | make free
00738280 35 v 02 chain 0 fasten_with_a_chain 0 002 @ 00768642 v 0000 ! 00738397 v 0101 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 21 00
00738397 35 v 02 unchain 0 remove_the_chains_from 0 002 @ 00771923 v 0000 ! 00738280 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00
00738511 35 v 02 cable 0 fasten_with_a_cable 0 001 @ 00768642 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | cable trees, for example
00738628 35 v 02 picket 0 fasten_with_a_picket 0 001 @ 00768642 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | of animals such as horses
00738748 35 v 03 rope 0 leash 0 fasten_with_a_rope 0 003 @ 00736248 v 0000 ^ 00431406 v 0101 ~ 00922692 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00
00738881 35 v 02 strap 0 tie_with_a_strap 0 003 @ 00736248 v 0000 ! 00739205 v 0101 ~ 00739005 v 0000 02 + 20 00 + 21 00
00739005 35 v 01 hopple 0 001 @ 00738881 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | strap the foreleg and hind leg together on each side (of a horse) in order to keep the like-sided legs moving in unison; of race horses
00739205 35 v 02 unstrap 0 remove_the_strap_from 0 002 @ 00874033 v 0000 ! 00738881 v 0101 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 20 00 + 21 00
00739334 35 v 02 tether 0 tie_with_a_tether 0 001 @ 00743265 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | as of horses, for example
00739451 35 v 01 fasten 3 001 @ 00743265 v 0000 01 + 15 00 | attach to; "They fastened various nicknames to each other"
00739573 35 v 02 attach 2 be_attached 0 004 @ 00685874 v 0000 ^ 01529280 v 0102 ~ 00695776 v 0000 ~ 00779935 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | be in contact with
00739723 35 v 02 attach 0 become_attached 0 007 @ 00740051 v 0000 ! 00745358 v 0101 ^ 01537138 v 0101 ~ 00695666 v 0000 ~ 00771700 v 0000 ~ 00779802 v 0000 ~ 00885777 v 0000 03 + 04 00 + 12 00 + 22 00
00739927 35 v 01 blow_off 0 001 @ 00745358 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | come off due to an explosion or other strong force
00740051 35 v 04 join 0 make_contact 0 come_together 0 conjoin 0 016 @ 00778333 v 0000 ! 00741635 v 0101 ~ 00057021 v 0000 ~ 00728197 v 0000 ~ 00739723 v 0000 ~ 00740538 v 0000 ~ 00821271 v 0000 ~ 00858183 v 0000 ~ 00880773 v 0000 ~ 00899307 v 0000 ~ 00914512 v 0000 ~ 00917490 v 0000 ~ 00917787 v 0000 ~ 00954131 v 0000 ~ 00957038 v 0000 ~ 01155844 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00
00740446 35 v 01 miter 1 001 @ 00742471 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | fit together in a miter joint
00740538 35 v 01 anastomose 0 001 @ 00740051 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | join by anastomosis, as of blood vessels
00740646 35 v 02 ground 2 connect_to_a_ground 0 002 @ 00778333 v 0000 ~ 00740795 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of electrical connections, for safety reasons
00740795 35 v 01 earth 0 001 @ 00740646 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | connect to the earth, as of a circuit
00740895 35 v 05 match 8 mate 2 couple 2 pair 1 twin 0 003 @ 00742471 v 0000 ~ 00741117 v 0000 ~ 00741497 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | bring two objects, ideas, or people together; "This fact is coupled to the other one"
00741117 35 v 01 mismate 0 001 @ 00740895 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | provide with an unsuitable mate
00741213 35 v 02 mortice 0 mortise 0 001 @ 00742471 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | join by a tenon and mortise
00741315 35 v 02 mortise 1 mortice 1 001 @ 00894185 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cut a mortise in
00741406 35 v 01 cog 0 001 @ 00742471 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | join pieces of woood with cogs
00741497 35 v 01 mismatch 0 001 @ 00740895 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | match badly; match two objects or people that do not go together
00741769 35 v 03 disjoin 1 make_disjoint 0 disjoint 1 003 > 00741635 v 0000 @ 00897572 v 0000 ! 00742471 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 16 00
00741903 35 v 02 disjoint 2 disarticulate 0 001 @ 00897572 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | separate at the joints, as of a chicken
00742024 35 v 01 fair 0 001 @ 00742471 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | join so that the external surfaces blend smoothly
00742135 35 v 01 scarf 1 001 @ 00742471 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | unite by a scarf joint
00742220 35 v 01 piece 0 001 @ 00899208 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | join during spinning, as of broken pieces of thread, slivers, or rovings
00742355 35 v 02 rebate 1 join_with_a_rebate 0 001 @ 00742471 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | as of pieces of timber or stone
00742471 35 v 03 join 1 bring_together 1 cause_to_be_joined 0 016 > 00740051 v 0000 @ 00778333 v 0000 ! 00741769 v 0101 ~ 00057211 v 0000 ~ 00740446 v 0000 ~ 00740895 v 0000 ~ 00741213 v 0000 ~ 00741406 v 0000 ~ 00742024 v 0000 ~ 00742135 v 0000 ~ 00742355 v 0000 ~ 00742863 v 0000 ~ 00742951 v 0000 ~ 00743151 v 0000 ~ 00947992 v 0000 ~ 01377630 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00
00742863 35 v 01 rabbet 1 001 @ 00742471 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | join with a rabbet joint
00742951 35 v 02 seam 0 join_with_a_seam 0 002 @ 00742471 v 0000 ~ 00743056 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00743056 35 v 02 suture 0 join_with_a_suture 0 001 @ 00742951 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | in surgery
00743151 35 v 02 bridge 0 make_a_bridge_across 0 001 @ 00742471 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | bridge a river, for example
00743265 35 v 02 attach 1 cause_to_be_attached 0 032 > 00739723 v 0000 @ 00778333 v 0000 ! 00744926 v 0101 ~ 00286305 v 0000 ~ 00739334 v 0000 ~ 00739451 v 0000 ~ 00743924 v 0000 ~ 00744027 v 0000 ~ 00744121 v 0000 ~ 00744216 v 0000 ~ 00744630 v 0000 ~ 00747545 v 0000 ~ 00760366 v 0000 ~ 00760715 v 0000 ~ 00760832 v 0000 ~ 00762880 v 0000 ~ 00762986 v 0000 ~ 00768381 v 0000 ~ 00768501 v 0000 ~ 00768642 v 0000 ~ 00771173 v 0000 ~ 00779564 v 0000 ~ 00780272 v 0000 ~ 00785780 v 0000 ~ 00786516 v 0000 ~ 00818159 v 0000 ~ 00857220 v 0000 ~ 00857822 v 0000 ~ 00858116 v 0000 ~ 00858291 v 0000 ~ 00914018 v 0000 ~ 00922151 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 21 00
00743924 35 v 03 hinge 0 attach_with_a_hinge 0 attach_by_a_hinge 0 001 @ 00743265 v 0000 01 + 21 00
00744027 35 v 02 bell 0 attach_a_bell_to 0 001 @ 00743265 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | e.g., of cows
00744121 35 v 02 ring 0 attach_a_ring_to 0 001 @ 00743265 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | e.g., of birds
00744216 35 v 04 couple 1 couple_on 0 couple_up 0 couple_together 0 002 @ 00743265 v 0000 ! 00744338 v 0101 01 + 08 00
00744338 35 v 01 uncouple 0 002 @ 00779145 v 0000 ! 00744216 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00744428 35 v 01 prefix 0 002 @ 00744630 v 0000 ! 00744529 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | as of words
00744529 35 v 01 suffix 0 002 @ 00744630 v 0000 ! 00744428 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | as of words
00744630 35 v 01 affix 2 004 @ 00743265 v 0000 ~ 00744428 v 0000 ~ 00744529 v 0000 ~ 00744821 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | attach or become attached to a stem word; of grammatical morphemes
00744821 35 v 01 infix 0 001 @ 00744630 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | attach a morpheme into a stem word
00744926 35 v 01 detach 1 004 @ 00779145 v 0000 ! 00743265 v 0101 ~ 00748164 v 0000 ~ 00785674 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00
00745050 35 v 03 cut_off 0 chop_off 0 lop_off 0 003 @ 00745358 v 0000 ~ 00716498 v 0000 ~ 00745269 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00
00745178 35 v 01 unsolder 0 001 @ 00745358 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove the soldering from
00745269 35 v 02 abstrict 0 cut_off_by_abstriction 0 001 @ 00745050 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00745358 35 v 03 detach 0 come_off 0 come_away 0 006 @ 00898017 v 0000 ! 00739723 v 0101 ~ 00739927 v 0000 ~ 00745050 v 0000 ~ 00745178 v 0000 ~ 00745562 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | come to be detached
00745562 35 v 01 fall_off 0 001 @ 00745358 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | "Ths button had fallen off"
00745655 35 v 02 knot 0 fasten_in_a_knot 0 001 @ 00736248 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | tie into a knot
00745751 35 v 02 swaddle 0 swathe 0 001 @ 00747545 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | wrap in swaddling clothes; of infants
00745870 35 v 02 shroud 0 wrap_in_a_shroud 0 001 @ 00734999 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | of corpses
00745971 35 v 02 pinion 0 shackle 1 001 @ 00746711 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | bind the arms of
00746061 35 v 02 bridle 0 put_a_bridle_on 0 002 @ 00746370 v 0000 ~ 00746170 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of horses
00746170 35 v 01 snaffle 0 001 @ 00746061 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | fit or restrain with a snaffle, as of horses
00746279 35 v 02 curb 0 keep_to_the_curb 0 001 @ 00746370 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | as of dogs
00746370 35 v 04 restrain 1 encumber 0 cumber 0 constrain 0 004 @ 00140526 v 0000 ~ 00746061 v 0000 ~ 00746279 v 0000 ~ 00746531 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | hold back
00746531 35 v 01 clog 1 001 @ 00746370 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | impede the motion of, as with a chain or a burden; "horses were clogged until they were tamed"
00746711 35 v 04 restrain 0 confine 1 straiten 0 hold 3 008 @ 00300994 v 0000 ~ 00737343 v 0000 ~ 00737899 v 0000 ~ 00738093 v 0000 ~ 00745971 v 0000 ~ 00747176 v 0000 ~ 00772824 v 0000 ~ 00864249 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00
00746953 35 v 01 cabin 0 001 @ 00773993 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | confine to a small space, such as a cabin
00747057 35 v 01 closet 0 001 @ 00773993 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | confine to a small space, as for intensive work
00747176 35 v 01 bate 0 001 @ 00746711 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of breath
00747247 35 v 02 gird 0 encircle 0 002 @ 00747545 v 0000 ~ 00747454 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00747336 35 v 04 cinch 0 girth 0 put_a_cinch_on 0 tie_a_cinch_around 0 001 @ 00768642 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of horses
00747454 35 v 02 hoop 0 bind_with_a_hoop 0 001 @ 00747247 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | as of vats
00747545 35 v 02 bind 0 make_fast 0 005 @ 00743265 v 0000 ! 00748164 v 0101 ~ 00745751 v 0000 ~ 00747247 v 0000 ~ 00748043 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 21 00
00747705 35 v 02 bind 8 bandage 3 001 @ 00768642 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | wrap around with something so as to cover or enclose
00747829 35 v 01 lash 2 002 @ 00736248 v 0000 ! 00747941 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | bind with a rope, chain, or cord
00747941 35 v 01 unlash 0 002 @ 00735837 v 0000 ! 00747829 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | untie the lashing of
00748043 35 v 01 cement 1 001 @ 00747545 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make fast as if with cement; "We cemented our friendship"
00748164 35 v 02 unbind 0 remove_a_band_from 0 002 @ 00744926 v 0000 ! 00747545 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00
00748273 35 v 02 band 0 bind_together 0 001 @ 00736248 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | tie with a band
00748374 35 v 02 cramp 0 secure_with_a_cramp 0 001 @ 00768642 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00748457 35 v 01 cleat 0 001 @ 00768642 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | secure on a cleat, of a line
00748548 35 v 03 anchor 0 cast_anchor 0 drop_anchor 0 001 @ 00768642 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 22 00 + 08 01 | secure a vessel with an anchor
00748786 35 v 01 moor 0 001 @ 00768642 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | secure a boat with cables or ropes
00748882 35 v 02 moor 1 berth 0 001 @ 00768642 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of ships
00748960 35 v 01 dock 0 002 @ 01100714 v 0000 ! 00749066 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | haul into a dock; of ships
00749066 35 v 01 undock 0 002 @ 00104355 v 0000 ! 00748960 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | take out of a dog, of a ship
00749176 35 v 02 spike 1 secure_with_spikes 0 001 @ 00768642 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00749258 35 v 02 batten 0 strengthen_with_battens 0 001 @ 00132257 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00749346 35 v 03 batten 1 batten_down 0 secure 3 001 @ 00132257 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | furnish with battens; of ships
00749463 35 v 01 clapperclaw 0 001 @ 00749551 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | claw with the nails
00749551 35 v 01 claw 0 002 @ 00751004 v 0000 ~ 00749463 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 22 00 | scratch, scrape, pull, or dig with claws or nails
00749696 35 v 02 rake 0 gather_with_a_rake 0 004 * 00750619 v 0000 @ 00794237 v 0000 ^ 01299691 v 0101 ^ 01302816 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | rake leaves, for example
00749857 35 v 03 rake 1 level_with_a_rake 0 smooth_with_a_rake 0 001 @ 00715386 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | rake gravel, for example
00749984 35 v 05 level 1 make_level 0 make_straight 0 even_out 0 even 0 003 @ 00215013 v 0000 ~ 00750167 v 0000 ~ 00750512 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | level the ground, for example
00750167 35 v 01 grade 0 002 @ 00749984 v 0000 ~ 00750275 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | level to the right gradient
00750275 35 v 01 aggrade 0 002 @ 00750167 v 0000 ! 00750400 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | build up to a level by depositing sediment
00750400 35 v 01 degrade 0 001 ! 00750275 v 0101 02 + 01 00 + 08 00 | reduce the level of land, as by erosion
00750512 35 v 02 strickle 0 smooth_with_a_strickle 0 002 * 00715386 v 0000 @ 00749984 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00750751 35 v 02 replace 0 put_back 0 002 @ 00859635 v 0000 ~ 00750888 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | put something back where it belongs
00750888 35 v 01 hang_up 0 001 @ 00750751 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | put a telephone receiver back in its cradle
00751004 35 v 03 scratch 0 scrape 2 scratch_up 0 004 @ 00897017 v 0000 ^ 00892636 v 0101 ~ 00749551 v 0000 ~ 00788471 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | cut the surface of; wear away the surface of
00751213 35 v 02 skin 2 scrape 1 002 * 00751004 v 0000 @ 00043545 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00751308 35 v 04 dig 0 delve 0 cut_into 1 turn_over 0 010 @ 00104355 v 0000 ^ 00753453 v 0103 ^ 00666234 v 0102 ^ 00753000 v 0101 ~ 00731176 v 0000 ~ 00734414 v 0000 ~ 00751749 v 0000 ~ 00753200 v 0000 ~ 00753334 v 0000 ~ 01167301 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 22 00 | turn up, loosen, or remove earth; "Dig we must"
00751625 35 v 01 gutter 0 001 @ 00699076 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | wear or cut gutters into: "The heavy rain guttered the soil"
00751749 35 v 01 spade 0 002 @ 00751308 v 0000 ~ 00751899 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | dig (up) with a spade; "I spade compost into the flower beds"
00751899 35 v 01 ridge 0 001 @ 00751749 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | spade into alternate ridges and troughs, of soil
00752010 35 v 01 sap 0 001 @ 00734867 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | excavate the earth beneath
00752097 35 v 03 excavate 1 dig 2 hollow 5 003 @ 00104355 v 0000 ~ 00752645 v 0000 ~ 00752742 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | remove the inner part or the core of
00752258 35 v 02 dig 1 dig_out 0 005 @ 00734522 v 0000 * 00104355 v 0000 ~ 00752453 v 0000 ~ 00752569 v 0000 ~ 00752867 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | create by digging, of cavities: "dig a hole"
00752453 35 v 01 lift 2 001 @ 00752258 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | take out of the ground, of root crops; "lift potatoes"
00752569 35 v 01 trench 1 001 @ 00752258 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | dig a trench
00752645 35 v 02 trench 2 dig_a_trench_in 0 001 @ 00752097 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "trench a hill"
00752742 35 v 02 trench 3 ditch 1 001 @ 00752097 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cut a drainage tench in; "ditch the land to drain it"
00752867 35 v 01 dibble 1 001 @ 00752258 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make a hole with a dibble or as if with a dibble: "dibble the ground"
00753000 35 v 01 dig_out 3 001 @ 00848136 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 09 00 | dig out from underneath earth or snow
00753200 35 v 02 shovel 0 dig_with_a_shovel 0 003 @ 00751308 v 0000 ^ 00666866 v 0102 ^ 01302816 v 0102 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 21 00
00753334 35 v 02 trowel 0 use_a_trowel_on 0 001 @ 00751308 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | for light garden work or plaster work
00753453 35 v 03 excavate 0 undig 0 dig_up 0 004 @ 01274713 v 0000 ~ 00753627 v 0000 ~ 00753740 v 0000 ~ 01390801 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | of things buried in the earth
00753627 35 v 02 grub_up 0 grub_out 0 001 @ 00753453 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of roots and tree stumps, for example
00753740 35 v 02 nuzzle 1 dig_out_with_the_snout 0 001 @ 00753453 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | of animals
00753839 35 v 02 grope_for 0 scrabble_about_for 0 001 @ 01214199 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | feel searchingly; "She groped for his keys in the dark"
00753982 35 v 01 finger 1 001 @ 00754445 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | search for on the computer
00754072 35 v 03 grope 1 fumble 0 grope_around 0 002 @ 00754445 v 0000 ^ 00753839 v 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00
00754183 35 v 03 divine 0 search_by_divining 0 search_with_a_divining_rod 0 001 @ 00754445 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | of underground water or metals
00754335 35 v 02 browse 0 search_randomly 0 001 @ 00754445 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | look around casually
00754445 35 v 03 search 0 seek 0 look_for 0 014 ~ 00710074 v 0000 ~ 00753982 v 0000 ~ 00754072 v 0000 ~ 00754183 v 0000 ~ 00754335 v 0000 ~ 00754857 v 0000 ~ 00755033 v 0000 ~ 00755145 v 0000 ~ 00755254 v 0000 ~ 00755976 v 0000 ~ 00756066 v 0000 ~ 00756182 v 0000 ~ 01214199 v 0000 ~ 01323094 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | try to locate or try to establish the existence of; "The police are searching for clues"
00754857 35 v 01 want 0 001 @ 00754445 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | hunt or look for; want for a particular reason: "Your former neighbor is wanted by the FBI"; "Uncle Sam wants you"
00755033 35 v 01 scour 3 001 @ 00754445 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "The police scoured the country for the fugitive"
00755145 35 v 01 seek_out 0 001 @ 00754445 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | look for a specific person or thing
00755390 35 v 02 search 1 subject_to_a_search 0 004 @ 01226339 v 0000 ~ 00755571 v 0000 ~ 00755713 v 0000 ~ 00755840 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | "The police searched the suspect"
00755571 35 v 02 rifle_through 0 go_through 0 001 @ 00755390 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | search through someone's belongings in an unauthorized way
00755713 35 v 02 rummage 0 search_haphazardly 0 001 @ 00755390 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | "We rummaged through the drawers"
00755840 35 v 03 comb 0 ransack 2 search_thoroughly 0 001 @ 00755390 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "They combed the area for the missing child"
00755976 35 v 01 maraud 0 001 @ 00754445 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | search for plunder
00756066 35 v 03 fish 0 angle 0 search_indirectly 0 001 @ 00754445 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | as in fish for compliments
00756182 35 v 05 ferret 0 grub 3 ferret_around 0 search_around 0 search_busily 0 002 @ 00754445 v 0000 ^ 00407168 v 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00
00756325 35 v 02 mow 0 cut_down 1 002 @ 00894185 v 0000 ~ 00756421 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00756421 35 v 02 scythe 0 cut_with_a_scythe 0 001 @ 00756325 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | as of grass or grain
00756525 35 v 03 reap 0 harvest 0 glean 0 001 @ 00794237 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of as crops
00756616 35 v 01 shear 0 001 @ 00756901 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | as of hedges
00756699 35 v 02 poll 0 pollard 0 001 @ 00756901 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | convert into a pollard, as of trees
00756806 35 v 02 shear 1 cut_through_with_shears 0 001 @ 00894185 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00756901 35 v 08 snip 0 clip 4 crop 0 trim 2 lop 0 dress 3 prune 0 cut_back 0 005 @ 00255802 v 0000 ~ 00756616 v 0000 ~ 00756699 v 0000 ~ 00757116 v 0000 ~ 00757240 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | of bushes and trees
00757116 35 v 03 top 0 pinch 2 cut_the_top_off 0 002 @ 00756901 v 0000 ~ 00757365 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of trees and bushes
00757240 35 v 01 disbud 0 001 @ 00756901 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | thin out buds to improve the quality of the remaining flowers
00757365 35 v 01 tail 1 001 @ 00757116 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove the stalk of fruits or berries
00757464 35 v 03 engrave 0 grave 0 inscribe 0 002 @ 00716830 v 0000 ~ 00757612 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | write upon; engrave a pen, for example
00757612 35 v 01 character 0 001 @ 00757464 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | engrave or inscribe characters on
00757712 35 v 02 slash 0 gash 0 001 @ 00894185 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cut open; "she slashed her wrists"
00757824 35 v 03 slash 1 cut_with_a_sweeping_stroke 0 cut_down 3 001 @ 00894185 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | as with an ax or machete
00757951 35 v 02 butcher 0 slaughter 0 003 * 00894185 v 0000 @ 00758542 v 0000 ~ 00758111 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | as of animals, but used for people, too
00758111 35 v 01 chine 0 001 @ 00757951 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cut through the backbone of an animal
00758211 35 v 03 poison 0 kill_with_poison 0 kill_by_poisoning 0 001 @ 00758542 v 0000 01 + 09 00
00758312 35 v 03 stone 0 lapidate 0 kill_by_stoning 0 001 @ 00758542 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | "Adulters should be stoned according to the Koran"
00758454 35 v 02 poison 1 kill_through_its_poison 0 001 @ 00758542 v 0000 01 + 10 00
00758542 35 v 01 kill 0 031 > 00216283 v 0000 ^ 00760238 v 0103 ~ 00278623 v 0000 ~ 00282949 v 0000 ~ 00283058 v 0000 ~ 00283193 v 0000 ~ 00757951 v 0000 ~ 00758211 v 0000 ~ 00758312 v 0000 ~ 00758454 v 0000 ~ 00759172 v 0000 ~ 00759367 v 0000 ~ 00759468 v 0000 ~ 00759554 v 0000 ~ 00759699 v 0000 ~ 00759787 v 0000 ~ 00759917 v 0000 ~ 00760013 v 0000 ~ 00760108 v 0000 ~ 00760238 v 0000 ~ 00903524 v 0000 ~ 00904371 v 0000 ~ 00904527 v 0000 ~ 00904826 v 0000 ~ 00905004 v 0000 ~ 00923238 v 0000 ~ 01405259 v 0000 ~ 01405602 v 0000 ~ 01405700 v 0000 ~ 01406326 v 0000 ~ 01406449 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 | cause to die
00759172 35 v 01 sacrifice 0 001 @ 00758542 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | "The animals were sacrificed after the experiment"; "The general had to sacrifice several soldiers to save the regiment"
00759367 35 v 01 take_off 0 001 @ 00758542 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | prove fatal; "The disease took off"
00759468 35 v 01 tomahawk 1 001 @ 00758542 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | kill with a tomahawk
00759554 35 v 01 destroy 1 001 @ 00758542 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | as of animals: "The customs agents destroyed the dog that was found to be rabid"
00759699 35 v 02 saber 0 sabre 0 001 @ 00758542 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | kill wiht a saber
00759787 35 v 02 overlie 0 overlay 1 001 @ 00758542 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 11 00 | kill by lying on; "The sow overlay her piglets"
00759917 35 v 01 brain 1 001 @ 00758542 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | kill by smashing someone's skull
00760013 35 v 02 put_away 0 put_to_sleep 1 001 @ 00758542 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of pet animals
00760108 35 v 04 liquidate 0 waste 0 knock_off 0 do_in 0 001 @ 00758542 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | "The mafia liquidated the informer"
00760238 35 v 03 exterminate 1 kill_en_masse 0 kill_off 0 001 @ 00758542 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | kill on a large scale; kill many
00760366 35 v 02 hitch 0 catch 6 003 @ 00743265 v 0000 ! 00760590 v 0101 ~ 00760505 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | "One foot caught in the stirrup"
00760505 35 v 01 snag 0 001 @ 00760366 v 0000 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | catch on a snag
00760590 35 v 01 unhitch 0 004 @ 00874033 v 0000 ! 00760366 v 0101 ~ 00857526 v 0000 ~ 00857975 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00
00760715 35 v 04 append 0 tag_on 0 tack_on 0 hang_on 0 002 @ 00743265 v 0000 ~ 00760950 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 15 00
00760832 35 v 04 append 1 add_on 0 supplement 0 affix 1 002 @ 00743265 v 0000 ~ 00761013 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 15 00
00760950 35 v 01 subjoin 0 001 @ 00760715 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00761013 35 v 01 annex 0 001 @ 00760832 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | attach to
00761093 35 v 04 sew 0 run_up 1 sew_together 0 stitch 0 014 * 00740051 v 0000 @ 00768642 v 0000 ^ 00954131 v 0402 ~ 00761566 v 0000 ~ 00761698 v 0000 ~ 00761962 v 0000 ~ 00762146 v 0000 ~ 00762265 v 0000 ~ 00762449 v 0000 ~ 00762539 v 0000 ~ 00762632 v 0000 ~ 00762715 v 0000 ~ 00762811 v 0000 ~ 00956779 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | fasten by sewing; do needlework
00761460 35 v 01 unpick 1 001 @ 00874033 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | undo (the stitches) of (a piece of sewing)
00761566 35 v 01 overcast 0 001 @ 00761093 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | sew with an overcast stitch from one section ot the next; of books
00761698 35 v 01 overcast 1 002 @ 00761093 v 0000 ~ 00761837 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | sew over the edge of; with long slanting wide stistches
00761837 35 v 01 oversew 0 001 @ 00761698 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | sew (two edges) with close stitches that pass over them both
00761962 35 v 01 backstitch 0 001 @ 00761093 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | do backstitches
00762053 35 v 01 darn 0 002 * 00761093 v 0000 @ 00155240 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | esp. of socks
00762146 35 v 03 gather 3 pucker 1 tuck 3 001 @ 00761093 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | draw fabric together and sew it tightly
00762265 35 v 02 seam 1 sew_a_seam 0 001 @ 00761093 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00762338 35 v 02 needle 0 prick_with_a_needle 0 001 @ 00828780 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | in sewing or embroidering
00762449 35 v 01 finedraw 0 001 @ 00761093 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | sew together very finely
00762539 35 v 01 fell 2 001 @ 00761093 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | sew a seam by folding the edges
00762632 35 v 02 baste 0 sew_loosely 0 001 @ 00761093 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00
00762715 35 v 02 hemstitch 0 sew_with_hemstitches 0 001 @ 00761093 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00
00762811 35 v 02 tick 0 retick 0 001 @ 00761093 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00762986 35 v 02 glue 0 paste 1 002 @ 00743265 v 0000 ~ 00763106 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | join or attach with glue
00763106 35 v 02 epoxy 0 glue_with_epoxy 0 001 @ 00762986 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00763185 35 v 02 paste 2 cover_the_surface_of 0 001 @ 00763269 v 0000 01 + 21 00
00763269 35 v 01 cover 0 072 ! 00767892 v 0101 ~ 00295542 v 0000 ~ 00702450 v 0000 ~ 00702835 v 0000 ~ 00703096 v 0000 ~ 00703195 v 0000 ~ 00703421 v 0000 ~ 00703542 v 0000 ~ 00703639 v 0000 ~ 00703773 v 0000 ~ 00714399 v 0000 ~ 00722149 v 0000 ~ 00722448 v 0000 ~ 00724913 v 0000 ~ 00725007 v 0000 ~ 00725101 v 0000 ~ 00725196 v 0000 ~ 00725276 v 0000 ~ 00725403 v 0000 ~ 00725768 v 0000 ~ 00725867 v 0000 ~ 00726203 v 0000 ~ 00726837 v 0000 ~ 00727125 v 0000 ~ 00728084 v 0000 ~ 00734999 v 0000 ~ 00763185 v 0000 ~ 00764641 v 0000 ~ 00764830 v 0000 ~ 00764945 v 0000 ~ 00765076 v 0000 ~ 00765163 v 0000 ~ 00765238 v 0000 ~ 00765466 v 0000 ~ 00765612 v 0000 ~ 00765705 v 0000 ~ 00765806 v 0000 ~ 00765912 v 0000 ~ 00766252 v 0000 ~ 00766347 v 0000 ~ 00766434 v 0000 ~ 00766530 v 0000 ~ 00766621 v 0000 ~ 00766725 v 0000 ~ 00766813 v 0000 ~ 00766932 v 0000 ~ 00767018 v 0000 ~ 00767186 v 0000 ~ 00767296 v 0000 ~ 00767545 v 0000 ~ 00780646 v 0000 ~ 00780908 v 0000 ~ 00781024 v 0000 ~ 00781135 v 0000 ~ 00782856 v 0000 ~ 00782992 v 0000 ~ 00783640 v 0000 ~ 00783910 v 0000 ~ 00784916 v 0000 ~ 00804344 v 0000 ~ 00872189 v 0000 ~ 00903313 v 0000 ~ 00908601 v 0000 ~ 00909235 v 0000 ~ 00919593 v 0000 ~ 00919997 v 0000 ~ 00921543 v 0000 ~ 00921767 v 0000 ~ 00921869 v 0000 ~ 00922260 v 0000 ~ 00925161 v 0000 ~ 00925546 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | provide with a covering
00764641 35 v 01 foil 0 001 @ 00763269 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cover with foil
00764726 35 v 01 enrobe 0 001 @ 00722448 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | provide with a coating, as of chocolates
00764830 35 v 02 whiteout 0 white_out 0 001 @ 00763269 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cover up with white-out, as of a typo
00764945 35 v 01 flash 0 001 @ 00763269 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | protect by covering with a thin sheet of metal, as of parts of roofs
00765076 35 v 01 pall 0 001 @ 00763269 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cover with a pall
00765163 35 v 01 sod 0 001 @ 00763269 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cover with sod
00765238 35 v 01 bind 2 002 @ 00763269 v 0000 ~ 00765353 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | provide with a binding, as of books
00765353 35 v 02 rebind 0 re-bind 0 001 @ 00765238 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | provide with a new binding, as of books
00765466 35 v 02 plank 0 plank_over 0 001 @ 00763269 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cover with planks, as of a wall or a floor; "The streets were planked"
00765612 35 v 01 parcel 1 001 @ 00763269 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cover with canvas, as of rope
00765705 35 v 01 flake 1 001 @ 00763269 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cover with flakes or as if with flakes
00765806 35 v 02 recover 0 cover-anew 0 001 @ 00763269 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | recover a chair, for example
00765912 35 v 01 overlay 0 002 @ 00763269 v 0000 ~ 00766041 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | put something on top of something else
00766041 35 v 01 splash 6 001 @ 00765912 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | mark or overlay with patches of contrasting color or texture; cause to appear splashed or spattered; "The mountain was splashed with snow"
00766252 35 v 01 hood 0 001 @ 00763269 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 10 00 | "The bandits were hooded"
00766347 35 v 01 cowl 0 001 @ 00763269 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 10 00 | cover with a cowl
00766434 35 v 01 clapboard 0 001 @ 00763269 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cover with clapboards
00766530 35 v 01 canopy 0 001 @ 00763269 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cover with a canopy
00766621 35 v 01 bread 0 001 @ 00763269 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cover with bread crumbs, as of pork chops
00766725 35 v 01 blinker 0 001 @ 00763269 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | put blinders on a horse
00766813 35 v 01 blindfold 0 001 @ 00763269 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | cover the eyes of someone to prevent him from seeing
00766932 35 v 01 aluminize 0 001 @ 00763269 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cover with aluminum
00767018 35 v 02 crown 0 put_a_crown_on 0 001 @ 00763269 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of teeth
00767106 35 v 02 slate 0 cover_with_slate 0 001 @ 00702835 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00767296 35 v 02 tile 0 cover_with_tiles 0 002 @ 00763269 v 0000 ~ 00767445 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of surfaces in a dwelling, such as walls or floors
00767445 35 v 01 tesselate 0 001 @ 00767296 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | tile with tesserae, as of a floor
00767545 35 v 02 lag 0 cover_with_lagging 0 001 @ 00763269 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of pipes; to prevent heat loss
00767657 35 v 02 barb 0 provide_with_a_barb 0 001 @ 00072540 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00767739 35 v 03 submerge 0 drown 0 overwhelm 0 002 @ 00687390 v 0000 ^ 01239595 v 0201 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cover completely; "I was drowned in work"
00767892 35 v 03 uncover 0 remove_the_covering_from 0 expose 0 007 ! 00763269 v 0101 ~ 00735733 v 0000 ~ 00768107 v 0000 ~ 00768198 v 0000 ~ 00768302 v 0000 ~ 00780784 v 0000 ~ 00852456 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00768107 35 v 01 undrape 0 001 @ 00767892 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | strip something of drapery
00768198 35 v 01 unclothe 0 001 @ 00767892 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "She unclothed her innermost feelings"
00768302 35 v 02 bare 0 lay_bare 0 001 @ 00767892 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00
00768381 35 v 03 pin 0 pin_down 0 pin_up 0 001 @ 00743265 v 0000 02 + 20 00 + 21 00 | attach with or as if with a pin
00768501 35 v 04 peg 0 fasten_with_a_peg 0 secure_with_a_peg 0 peg_down 0 002 @ 00743265 v 0000 ^ 00402826 v 0102 01 + 08 00 | as of tents
00768642 35 v 05 fasten 1 fix 0 fix_firmly 2 make_fast 1 secure 1 063 > 00771700 v 0000 @ 00743265 v 0000 ! 00771923 v 0101 ^ 00338080 v 0103 ~ 00050699 v 0000 ~ 00736248 v 0000 ~ 00736762 v 0000 ~ 00737050 v 0000 ~ 00737243 v 0000 ~ 00737602 v 0000 ~ 00738280 v 0000 ~ 00738511 v 0000 ~ 00738628 v 0000 ~ 00747336 v 0000 ~ 00747705 v 0000 ~ 00748374 v 0000 ~ 00748457 v 0000 ~ 00748548 v 0000 ~ 00748694 v 0000 ~ 00748786 v 0000 ~ 00748882 v 0000 ~ 00749176 v 0000 ~ 00761093 v 0000 ~ 00769876 v 0000 ~ 00770167 v 0000 ~ 00770328 v 0000 ~ 00770409 v 0000 ~ 00770488 v 0000 ~ 00770570 v 0000 ~ 00770671 v 0000 ~ 00770808 v 0000 ~ 00771537 v 0000 ~ 00771617 v 0000 ~ 00772220 v 0000 ~ 00772308 v 0000 ~ 00772420 v 0000 ~ 00774734 v 0000 ~ 00774929 v 0000 ~ 00775012 v 0000 ~ 00776640 v 0000 ~ 00777671 v 0000 ~ 00780166 v 0000 ~ 00781921 v 0000 ~ 00785168 v 0000 ~ 00785476 v 0000 ~ 00785898 v 0000 ~ 00785998 v 0000 ~ 00786178 v 0000 ~ 00786312 v 0000 ~ 00786718 v 0000 ~ 00787044 v 0000 ~ 00850894 v 0000 ~ 00851107 v 0000 ~ 00879256 v 0000 ~ 00881003 v 0000 ~ 00891716 v 0000 ~ 00891907 v 0000 ~ 00915676 v 0000 ~ 00919072 v 0000 ~ 00919776 v 0000 ~ 00922929 v 0000 ~ 00923021 v 0000 ~ 00925276 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 21 00
00769876 35 v 01 crank 2 001 @ 00768642 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | fasten with a crank
00769958 35 v 01 reeve 0 001 @ 01173944 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | fasten by passing through a hole or around something
00770073 35 v 01 padlock 0 001 @ 00774734 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | fasten with a padlock
00770167 35 v 01 noose 0 001 @ 00768642 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | secure with a noose
00770249 35 v 01 unzip 0 002 @ 00771923 v 0000 ! 00777671 v 0101 01 + 08 00
00770328 35 v 01 chock 1 001 @ 00768642 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | secure with chocks
00770409 35 v 01 brad 0 001 @ 00768642 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | fasten with brads
00770488 35 v 01 bight 0 001 @ 00768642 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | fasten with a bight
00770570 35 v 01 belay 0 001 @ 00768642 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | fasten a boat to a bitt, pin, or cleat
00770671 35 v 01 belay 1 001 @ 00768642 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | turn a rope round an object or person in order to secure it or him
00770808 35 v 01 bar 1 003 @ 00768642 v 0000 ! 00771035 v 0101 ~ 00770959 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | secure with, or as if with, bars; "He barred the door"
00770959 35 v 01 slat 0 001 @ 00770808 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | bar with slats
00771035 35 v 01 unbar 0 003 * 00874033 v 0000 @ 00772933 v 0000 ! 00770808 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | remove a bar from (a door, for example)
00771173 35 v 02 mount 0 attach_to_a_support 0 002 @ 00743265 v 0000 ~ 00771325 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | "They mounted the aerator on a floating"
00771325 35 v 01 remount 0 001 @ 00771173 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | mount again, as after dissembling something
00771537 35 v 02 clamp 0 fix_with_a_clamp 0 001 @ 00768642 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00771617 35 v 02 velcro 0 fasten_with_velcro 0 001 @ 00768642 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00771700 35 v 03 fasten 0 become_fast 0 become_fixed 0 002 @ 00739723 v 0000 ! 00771809 v 0101 01 + 04 00
00771809 35 v 03 unfasten 0 become_undone 0 become_untied 0 002 @ 00773597 v 0000 ! 00771700 v 0101 01 + 01 00
00771923 35 v 02 unfasten 1 cause_to_become_unfastened 0 006 > 00771809 v 0000 @ 00874033 v 0000 ! 00768642 v 0101 ~ 00738397 v 0000 ~ 00770249 v 0000 ~ 00772114 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00772114 35 v 01 unbend 1 001 @ 00771923 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | unfasten, as a sail, from a spar or a stay
00772220 35 v 02 stay 0 fasten_with_stays 0 001 @ 00768642 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00
00772308 35 v 02 clinch 0 flatten_the_end_of 0 001 @ 00768642 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | of nails and rivets
00772420 35 v 02 clinch 1 secure_by_clinching 0 001 @ 00768642 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00772512 35 v 02 close 0 shut 0 013 > 00773754 v 0000 ^ 00774295 v 0205 ^ 00912963 v 0203 ! 00772933 v 0101 ~ 00214811 v 0000 ~ 00695162 v 0000 ~ 00708461 v 0000 ~ 00708589 v 0000 ~ 00708689 v 0000 ~ 00777547 v 0000 ~ 00777895 v 0000 ~ 00818496 v 0000 ~ 00919869 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make close or shut
00772824 35 v 02 pen_up 0 fold 4 001 @ 00746711 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | confione in a fold, like sheep
00772933 35 v 03 open 0 open_up 0 cause_to_open 0 013 > 00773597 v 0000 ! 00772512 v 0101 ~ 00771035 v 0000 ~ 00773271 v 0000 ~ 00773376 v 0000 ~ 00773493 v 0000 ~ 00775112 v 0000 ~ 00775348 v 0000 ~ 00777787 v 0000 ~ 00818852 v 0000 ~ 00916462 v 0000 ~ 00916571 v 0000 ~ 00922368 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "Mary opened the car door"
00773271 35 v 01 break_open 1 001 @ 00772933 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "He broke open the the picnic basket"
00773376 35 v 01 click_open 0 001 @ 00772933 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "These keys have clicked open many doors"
00773493 35 v 02 reopen 0 open_again 0 001 @ 00772933 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "They reopened the theater"
00773597 35 v 03 open 6 become_open 0 open_up 6 004 @ 00086015 v 0000 ! 00773754 v 0101 ~ 00771809 v 0000 ~ 00773874 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | "The door opened"
00773754 35 v 03 close 6 shut 6 become_closed 0 003 @ 00086015 v 0000 ! 00773597 v 0101 ~ 00450846 v 0000 01 + 01 00
00773874 35 v 02 fly_open 0 come_open_suddenly 0 001 @ 00773597 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | of doors or windows, for example
00773993 35 v 01 confine 3 006 @ 01371234 v 0000 ~ 00746953 v 0000 ~ 00747057 v 0000 ~ 00774214 v 0000 ~ 00774295 v 0000 ~ 00774612 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | prevent from leaving or from being removed
00774214 35 v 02 coop_up 0 coop_in 0 001 @ 00773993 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 20 00
00774295 35 v 07 lock_in 0 lock_away 0 lock 2 put_away 1 shut_up 0 shut_away 0 lock_up 0 001 @ 00773993 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | place in a place where something cannot be removed or someone cannot escape; "The parents locked her daughter up for the weekend"; "She locked her jewels in the safe"
00774612 35 v 02 lock_in 1 seal_in 0 001 @ 00773993 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "This vacuum pack locks in the flavor!"
00774734 35 v 02 lock 0 fasten_with_a_lock 0 006 @ 00768642 v 0000 ! 00775112 v 0101 ^ 00774295 v 0107 ^ 00774929 v 0101 ~ 00770073 v 0000 ~ 00775222 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 20 00 + 21 00
00774929 35 v 02 lock_up 1 secure_by_locking 0 001 @ 00768642 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00775012 35 v 03 hasp 0 secure_with_a_hasp 0 lock_with_a_hasp 0 001 @ 00768642 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00775112 35 v 02 unlock 0 open_a_lock 0 002 @ 00772933 v 0000 ! 00774734 v 0101 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 21 00
00775222 35 v 03 bolt 0 secure_with_a_bolt 0 lock_with_a_bolt 0 002 @ 00774734 v 0000 ! 00775348 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00775348 35 v 02 unbolt 0 undo_the_bolt_of 0 003 * 00874033 v 0000 @ 00772933 v 0000 ! 00775222 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00775917 35 v 03 force 5 do_forcibly 0 exert_force_on 0 007 @ 01341700 v 0000 ^ 00775816 v 0104 ^ 00733777 v 0102 ^ 00791279 v 0102 ^ 00843976 v 0102 ^ 00866108 v 0103 ^ 00897572 v 0103 01 + 08 00
00776117 35 v 04 contort 0 deform 2 distort 0 wring 1 001 @ 00696750 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | twist and press out of shape
00776245 35 v 05 extract 0 take_out 0 pull_out 0 press_out 0 express 0 004 @ 00691471 v 0000 ~ 00117496 v 0000 ~ 00775597 v 0000 ~ 00776541 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 21 00
00776422 35 v 02 winkle 0 winkle_out 0 001 @ 00691471 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | remove or displace from a position
00776541 35 v 01 pulp 1 001 @ 00776245 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove the pulp from, as from a fruit
00776640 35 v 02 screw 0 fasten_with_a_screw 0 003 * 01169102 v 0000 @ 00768642 v 0000 ! 00776797 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | fasten something with screws
00776797 35 v 02 unscrew 0 loosen_the_screws_of 0 003 @ 00248968 v 0000 * 01169618 v 0000 ! 00776640 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | loosen something by unscrewing it
00776962 35 v 01 unscrew 1 002 @ 00248968 v 0000 ! 00777088 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | loosen by turning; "unscrew the bottle cap"
00777088 35 v 01 screw 1 002 @ 00249759 v 0000 ! 00776962 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | tighten or fasten by means of screwing motions; "Screw the bottle cap on"
00777242 35 v 03 screw 2 drive_in 0 draw_out 0 001 @ 01169102 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | of screws or bolts
00777354 35 v 01 screw 3 002 @ 01169102 v 0000 ~ 00777460 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | turn like a screw
00777460 35 v 02 screw_up 0 screw_higher 0 001 @ 00777354 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00777547 35 v 02 seal 0 close_with_a_seal 0 003 * 00768642 v 0000 @ 00772512 v 0000 ! 00777787 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00777671 35 v 03 zip_up 0 zipper 0 zip 0 002 @ 00768642 v 0000 ! 00770249 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | close with a zipper
00777787 35 v 02 unseal 0 break_the_seal_of 0 002 @ 00772933 v 0000 ! 00777547 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00777895 35 v 03 seal 3 seal_off 0 make_tight 0 005 @ 00772512 v 0000 ~ 00778083 v 0000 ~ 00778158 v 0000 ~ 00778242 v 0000 ~ 00853155 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | secure against leakage
00778083 35 v 02 reseal 0 seal_again 0 001 @ 00777895 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00778158 35 v 02 waterproof 0 make_watertight 0 001 @ 00777895 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00778242 35 v 03 caulk 0 calk 0 secure_with_caulking 0 001 @ 00777895 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00778333 35 v 05 connect 0 link 0 tie 1 connect_together 0 put_together 0 010 ! 00779145 v 0101 ~ 00740051 v 0000 ~ 00740646 v 0000 ~ 00742471 v 0000 ~ 00743265 v 0000 ~ 00778629 v 0000 ~ 00778811 v 0000 ~ 00778944 v 0000 ~ 00779036 v 0000 ~ 00924652 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 20 00 + 21 00
00778629 35 v 01 tie 2 001 @ 00778333 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | unite musical notes by a tie
00778718 35 v 01 communicate 0 001 @ 01483610 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | "The rooms communicated"
00778811 35 v 02 interconnect 1 interlink 1 001 @ 00778333 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | cause to be interconnecting
00778944 35 v 01 tee 1 001 @ 00778333 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | connect with a tee, as of pipes
00779036 35 v 01 put_through 0 001 @ 00778333 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | connect by telephone; put a call through
00779145 35 v 02 disconnect 0 make_disconnected 0 004 @ 00897572 v 0000 ! 00778333 v 0101 ~ 00744338 v 0000 ~ 00744926 v 0000 06 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 + 20 00 + 21 00
00779325 35 v 02 tease 0 card 0 001 @ 00839659 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | separate the fibers of
00779425 35 v 01 winnow 0 001 @ 00839659 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | separate wheat from chaff; "She stood there winnowing all day in the field"
00779564 35 v 02 affix 0 stick_on 0 005 > 00779802 v 0000 @ 00743265 v 0000 ~ 00728872 v 0000 ~ 00779724 v 0000 ~ 00915441 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 21 00
00779724 35 v 02 seal 1 affix_a_seal_to 0 001 @ 00779564 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00779802 35 v 06 adhere 0 hold_fast 0 bond 0 bind 6 stick 0 stick_to 3 002 @ 00739723 v 0000 ^ 00804418 v 0102 02 + 01 00 + 04 00
00779935 35 v 03 leech_onto 0 admire_boundlessly 0 follow_around 0 001 @ 00739573 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | of groupies, for examples
00780065 35 v 01 gum_up 0 001 @ 00849341 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 11 00 | stick together as if with gum
00780166 35 v 02 tack 0 fasten_with_tacks 0 002 @ 00768642 v 0000 ^ 00760715 v 0103 02 + 08 00 + 21 00
00780272 35 v 02 nail 0 attach_with_nails 0 002 @ 00743265 v 0000 ^ 00402826 v 0103 01 + 21 00 | attach something somewhere by means of nails
00782040 35 v 03 string 5 stretch_out_like_a_string 0 extend_like_a_string 0 002 @ 00842219 v 0000 ^ 00782179 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 21 00
00782179 35 v 02 string_out 0 spread_out 0 001 @ 00842219 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | set out or stretch in a line, succession, or series, as of houses in a long row
00782347 35 v 02 plaster 0 daub 1 005 @ 00722448 v 0000 ~ 00782508 v 0000 ~ 00782599 v 0000 ~ 00782699 v 0000 ~ 00782776 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | coat with plaster
00782508 35 v 01 parget 0 001 @ 00782347 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | apply ornamental plaster to
00782599 35 v 01 roughcast 1 001 @ 00782347 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | apply roughcast to (as of a wall)
00782699 35 v 01 mud 1 001 @ 00782347 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | plaster with mud
00782776 35 v 02 mortar 0 fix_with_mortar 0 001 @ 00782347 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00782856 35 v 04 plaster 1 plaster_over 0 cover_heavily 0 stick_on 1 001 @ 00763269 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | apply a heavy coat to
00782992 35 v 02 plaster 2 apply_a_plaster_cast_to 0 001 @ 00763269 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of limbs, for example,
00783105 35 v 03 paint 0 apply_paint_to 0 coat_with_paint 0 005 @ 00722448 v 0000 ~ 00783304 v 0000 ~ 00783419 v 0000 ~ 00783495 v 0000 ~ 00785045 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "We painted the rooms yellow"
00783304 35 v 01 grain 1 001 @ 00783105 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | paint (a surface) to make it look like stone or wood
00783419 35 v 01 repaint 0 001 @ 00783105 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | paint again
00783495 35 v 02 airbrush 0 paint_with_an_airbrush 0 001 @ 00783105 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "The old car looks like new now that we airbrushed it"
00783640 35 v 02 paint 1 apply_a_liquid_to 0 002 @ 00763269 v 0000 ~ 00783789 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | e.g., paint the gutters with linseed oil
00783789 35 v 01 repaint 1 001 @ 00783640 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | "We had to repaint the gutters with linseed oil"
00783910 35 v 02 put_on 0 apply 0 008 @ 00763269 v 0000 ~ 00702336 v 0000 ~ 00784162 v 0000 ~ 00784363 v 0000 ~ 00784464 v 0000 ~ 00784558 v 0000 ~ 00784690 v 0000 ~ 00784814 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 13 02 | apply to a surface, as of paint, make-up, etc.
00784162 35 v 01 dress 0 001 @ 00783910 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | put a dressing on, as of salads
00784256 35 v 01 sauce 0 001 @ 01250589 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | dress with a relish, for example, as of food
00784363 35 v 01 cream 2 001 @ 00783910 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | put on cream, as on one's face or body
00784464 35 v 01 coldcream 0 001 @ 00783910 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | put coldcream on one's face
00784558 35 v 01 putty 0 001 @ 00783910 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | apply putty in order to fix or fill, as of a window sash, for example
00784690 35 v 02 sponge_on 0 apply_with_a_sponge 0 001 @ 00783910 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "The painter sponged on his washes"
00787714 35 v 05 break 0 wear 0 wear_out 0 bust 0 fall_apart 0 009 @ 00125525 v 0000 ^ 00716124 v 0201 ^ 00716124 v 0202 ^ 00894082 v 0203 ^ 00719229 v 0104 ^ 00719229 v 0105 ^ 00900074 v 0102 ^ 00900074 v 0103 ~ 00787628 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | go to pieces
00787971 35 v 03 break 1 bust 1 cause_to_break 0 011 > 00787714 v 0000 @ 00900879 v 0000 ^ 00901933 v 0201 ! 00155240 v 0101 ^ 00948622 v 0104 ^ 00948622 v 0105 ^ 00719114 v 0104 ^ 00730033 v 0102 ^ 00899652 v 0102 ^ 00361981 v 0103 ~ 00788244 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00788244 35 v 01 break_down 1 002 > 01167130 v 0000 @ 00787971 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause to fall or collapse
00788363 35 v 03 scuff 0 poke_at_with_the_foot 0 poke_at_with_the_toe 0 001 @ 00788650 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00788471 35 v 02 scuff 1 mar_by_scuffing 0 001 @ 00751004 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00788558 35 v 03 scuff 2 get_scuffed 0 become_scuffed 0 001 @ 00277980 v 0000 01 + 01 00
00788650 35 v 03 kick 0 hit_with_the_foot 0 strike_with_the_foot 0 007 @ 00806352 v 0000 ^ 01359779 v 0105 ^ 00788983 v 0101 ^ 00912773 v 0101 ^ 00912773 v 0102 ~ 00788363 v 0000 ~ 00789608 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00
00788869 35 v 02 kick_back 0 recoil 0 001 @ 01078111 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | "The gun kicked back into my shoulder"
00788983 35 v 02 kick_up 0 cause_to_rise_by_kicking 0 001 @ 01124703 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | kick up dust, for example
00789100 35 v 03 kick 1 drive_with_the_foot 0 propel_with_the_foot 0 004 * 01055491 v 0000 @ 00869132 v 0000 ~ 00789275 v 0000 ~ 00789521 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 10 00 + 11 00
00789275 35 v 01 volley 2 001 @ 00789100 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | kick before a rebound, as of a soccer ball
00789381 35 v 03 punt 0 pole 0 propel_with_a_pole 0 002 * 01067117 v 0000 @ 00869132 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of barges on rivers, for example
00789521 35 v 02 punt 1 kick_the_ball 0 001 @ 00789100 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | in sports
00789608 35 v 02 boot 0 give_a_boot_to 0 002 @ 00788650 v 0000 ^ 01359779 v 0104 02 + 08 00 + 09 00
00789711 35 v 02 spray 0 scatter_as_a_spray 0 003 @ 00791631 v 0000 ~ 00789871 v 0000 ~ 00790003 v 0000 03 + 04 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "spray water on someone"
00789871 35 v 01 shower 0 001 @ 00789711 v 0000 02 + 19 00 + 21 00 | spray or sprinkle with; "The couple were showered with rice"
00790003 35 v 01 atomize 0 001 @ 00789711 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | as of perfume
00790931 35 v 03 sprinkle 0 splash 1 splosh 1 002 @ 00791631 v 0000 ~ 00791550 v 0000 05 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 + 31 00 | cause (a liquid) to spatter about, esp. with force; "She splashed the water around her"
00791152 35 v 01 splash 2 000 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | strike and dash about in a liquid; "The boys splashed around in the pool"
00791279 35 v 04 squirt 0 force_out 1 squeeze_out 1 eject 0 002 @ 00791867 v 0000 ~ 00791413 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | of liquids
00791413 35 v 01 extravasate 0 001 @ 00791279 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | force out or cause to escape from a proper vessel or channel
00791550 35 v 02 drizzle 0 moisten 0 001 @ 00790931 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00
00791631 35 v 06 scatter 0 sprinkle 1 intersperse 0 dot 0 dust 1 disperse 0 007 @ 00791867 v 0000 ~ 00789711 v 0000 ~ 00790300 v 0000 ~ 00790455 v 0000 ~ 00790931 v 0000 ~ 00792257 v 0000 ~ 00792483 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 21 00
00791867 35 v 01 discharge 0 005 @ 00792958 v 0000 ~ 00791279 v 0000 ~ 00791631 v 0000 ~ 00792052 v 0000 ~ 00792384 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | pour forth or release; esp. of liquids
00792052 35 v 01 play 7 001 @ 00791867 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 08 00 | discharge or direct or be discharged or directed as if in a continuous stream: "play water from a hose"; "The fountains played all day"
00792257 35 v 01 bespangle 1 001 @ 00791631 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | dot or sprinkle with sparkling or glittering objects
00792384 35 v 01 volley 0 001 @ 00791867 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | discharge in, or as if in, a volley
00792483 35 v 02 aerosolize 0 disperse_as_an_aerosol 0 001 @ 00791631 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00792574 35 v 02 strew 0 straw 0 003 @ 00792958 v 0000 ~ 00792729 v 0000 ~ 00792819 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | spread by scattering; "straw" is archaic
00792729 35 v 01 bestrew 0 001 @ 00792574 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cover by strewing
00792819 35 v 02 litter 0 strew_around_litter 0 001 @ 00792574 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | make a place messy by strewing garbage around
00792958 35 v 04 spread 0 distribute 1 extend 1 cause_to_spread 7 017 ! 00794237 v 0101 ^ 01178576 v 0103 ^ 01188386 v 0102 ^ 01160360 v 0105 ^ 00782179 v 0102 ^ 00804344 v 0101 ~ 00061989 v 0000 ~ 00062137 v 0000 ~ 00791867 v 0000 ~ 00792574 v 0000 ~ 00793364 v 0000 ~ 00793499 v 0000 ~ 00793650 v 0000 ~ 00793789 v 0000 ~ 00794001 v 0000 ~ 01162050 v 0000 ~ 01178576 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 21 00
00793364 35 v 01 propagate 1 001 @ 00792958 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "This great civilization was propagated throughout the land"
00793499 35 v 01 slather 0 001 @ 00792958 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | spread thickly: "I can't eat bagles without slathering them with cream cheese"
00793650 35 v 01 deploy 0 001 @ 00792958 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00
00793789 35 v 02 redistribute 0 distribute_again 0 001 @ 00792958 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00793876 35 v 02 spread 7 become_distributed 0 001 @ 01043075 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | as of emotions or illnesses, for example
00794001 35 v 02 suffuse 0 envelop 3 001 @ 00792958 v 0000 02 + 11 00 + 31 00
00794082 35 v 01 benight 0 001 @ 00908601 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | envelop with social, intellectual, or moral darkness; "The benighted peoples of this area"
00794237 35 v 03 gather 0 garner 0 collect 0 019 ! 00792958 v 0101 ^ 01125923 v 0103 ~ 00161063 v 0000 ~ 00749696 v 0000 ~ 00756525 v 0000 ~ 00794672 v 0000 ~ 00794829 v 0000 ~ 00795100 v 0000 ~ 00795189 v 0000 ~ 00795654 v 0000 ~ 00795734 v 0000 ~ 00795979 v 0000 ~ 00796115 v 0000 ~ 00796197 v 0000 ~ 00796296 v 0000 ~ 00796396 v 0000 ~ 00796507 v 0000 ~ 00798085 v 0000 ~ 00865227 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 11 00 | get together
00794672 35 v 02 salvage 0 scavenge 1 001 @ 00794237 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | collect discarded or refused material; "She scavenged athe garbage cans for food"
00794829 35 v 05 muster 2 rally 1 summon 2 come_up_with 1 muster_up 0 001 @ 00794237 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "muster the courage to do something"; "she rallied her intellect"
00795002 35 v 01 corral 2 001 @ 01311458 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "corralling votes for an election"
00795100 35 v 02 round_up 0 bring_together 0 001 @ 00794237 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00
00795189 35 v 03 pick 1 pluck 1 cull 0 010 @ 00794237 v 0000 ^ 00380169 v 0301 ^ 01203483 v 0101 ^ 01202814 v 0104 ^ 01115018 v 0101 ^ 00915958 v 0106 ^ 00380344 v 0102 ^ 00335919 v 0105 ~ 00795434 v 0000 ~ 00796626 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00795434 35 v 03 mushroom 0 pick_mushrooms 0 gather_mushrooms 0 001 @ 00795189 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | "We went musrooming in the Fall"
00795576 35 v 01 prawn 0 001 @ 00647681 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | fish for prawns
00796296 35 v 01 sponge 3 001 @ 00794237 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | gather sponges, in the ocean
00796396 35 v 01 pearl 0 001 @ 00794237 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | gather pearls, from oysters in the ocean
00796507 35 v 01 clam 0 001 @ 00794237 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | gather clams, by digging in the sand by the ocean
00796626 35 v 02 berry 0 pick_berries 0 002 @ 00795189 v 0000 ~ 00795870 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | "We went berrying in the summer"
00796754 35 v 08 pluck 3 pull 5 tear 6 deplume 0 deplumate 0 displume 0 strip_of_feathers 0 strip_of_hair 0 001 @ 00721752 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | as of chickens
00796914 35 v 05 accumulate 0 get_together 0 bring_together 4 collect 1 pull_in 1 006 ~ 00797153 v 0000 ~ 00797249 v 0000 ~ 00797600 v 0000 ~ 00797800 v 0000 ~ 00797904 v 0000 ~ 00797982 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "accumulate evidence"
00797153 35 v 02 archive 0 file_away 0 001 @ 00796914 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | put into an archive
00797249 35 v 03 scrape 3 scrape_up 0 come_up_with 0 001 @ 00796914 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | as of money; "She had scraped together enough money for college"
00797404 35 v 02 aggregate 0 combine 3 002 @ 00841249 v 0000 ~ 00797497 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00797497 35 v 01 unitize 0 001 @ 00797404 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make into a unit; "unitize a car body"
00797600 35 v 03 beat_up 0 drum_up 0 rally 0 001 @ 00796914 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | of support
00797701 35 v 02 collate 0 collect 2 002 * 00794237 v 0000 @ 00165679 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00797800 35 v 02 lump 0 chunk 0 003 @ 00796914 v 0000 ^ 00368839 v 0204 ^ 00368839 v 0102 01 + 21 00
00797904 35 v 02 batch 0 batch_together 0 001 @ 00796914 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00797982 35 v 02 bale 0 make_into_a_bale 0 001 @ 00796914 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | as of hay, for example
00798085 35 v 03 shock 0 collect_into_shocks 0 gather_into_shocks 0 001 @ 00794237 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of grain
00798199 35 v 03 sandpaper 0 sand 0 rub_with_sandpaper 0 002 @ 00715386 v 0000 ~ 00798310 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00798310 35 v 01 rough-sand 0 001 @ 00798199 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00798384 35 v 02 sandblast 0 grind_with_a_sandblast 0 001 @ 00715386 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00798474 35 v 02 rasp 0 scrape_with_a_rasp 0 002 * 00713259 v 0000 @ 00715975 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00798573 35 v 02 file 0 smooth_with_a_file 0 002 * 00713259 v 0000 @ 00715386 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00798672 35 v 02 corrugate 0 fold_into_ridges 0 001 @ 00731525 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00798756 35 v 02 ruffle 0 pleat 0 001 @ 00731525 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00798935 35 v 02 plait 0 weave_into_pleats 0 001 @ 00873240 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00799016 35 v 08 compress 0 constrict 0 squeeze 1 squeeze_together 0 compact 0 contract 4 press_together 1 press 2 010 @ 00249599 v 0000 ~ 00047813 v 0000 ~ 00085649 v 0000 ~ 00799329 v 0000 ~ 00799471 v 0000 ~ 00799547 v 0000 ~ 00799645 v 0000 ~ 00803363 v 0000 ~ 00904183 v 0000 ~ 00904283 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00799329 35 v 01 strangulate 1 001 @ 00799016 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | constrict a hollow organ or vessel so as to stop the flow of blood or air
00799471 35 v 01 convulse 0 001 @ 00799016 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | of muscles
00799547 35 v 01 convulse 1 001 @ 00799016 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | cause to contract, as of muscles
00799645 35 v 02 bear_down 1 overbear 0 001 @ 00799016 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | contract the abdominal muscles during childbirth to ease delivery
00799788 35 v 03 compress 1 compact 3 pack_together 0 003 * 00832033 v 0000 @ 00878769 v 0000 ~ 00906102 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 21 00
00799930 35 v 02 tuck 0 insert 1 001 @ 00912963 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | fit snugly into
00800016 35 v 02 wall_in 0 wall_up 0 002 @ 00912963 v 0000 ~ 00800152 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | enclose with a wall
00800152 35 v 03 brick_in 0 brick_up 0 brick_over 0 001 @ 00800016 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | wall up with brick
00800285 35 v 02 embower 0 bower 0 001 @ 00912963 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | enclose in a bower
00800384 35 v 02 tuck 1 make_a_tuck_in 0 001 @ 00731525 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00800469 35 v 03 tuck 2 pull_up_into_a_fold 0 draw_into_a_fold 0 001 @ 00842219 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of sheets
00800581 35 v 02 mangle 1 press_with_a_mangle 0 001 @ 00800854 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00800673 35 v 01 press 1 003 @ 00274817 v 0000 ~ 00800854 v 0000 ~ 00800969 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | place between two surfaces and apply weight or pressure; "pressed flowers"
00800854 35 v 02 iron 0 iron_out 0 003 @ 00800673 v 0000 * 00222990 v 0000 ~ 00800581 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00800969 35 v 01 calender 0 001 @ 00800673 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | press between rollers or plates so as to smooth, glaze, or thin into sheets; as of paper or cloth
00801140 35 v 04 roll_out 1 roll 5 flatten_with_a_roller 0 spread_with_a_roller 0 003 @ 00275114 v 0000 ~ 00801294 v 0000 ~ 00801496 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00801294 35 v 01 cog 1 001 @ 00801140 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | roll steel ingots
00801372 35 v 03 laminate 1 press_into_thin_sheets 0 beat_into_thin_sheets 0 001 @ 00275114 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of metals
00801496 35 v 01 mill 2 001 @ 00801140 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | roll out metal with a rolling machine
00801603 35 v 02 ruffle 1 fluff 0 002 @ 00730116 v 0000 ^ 00801691 v 0201 01 + 08 00
00801691 35 v 03 fluff_up 0 plump_up 0 shake_up 0 001 @ 01076689 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of pillows
00801789 35 v 03 preen 0 plume 0 clean_with_the_bill 0 002 @ 00842219 v 0000 @ 00881979 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 08 00 | of birds
00801916 35 v 02 wipe 0 pass_over 0 011 @ 00713259 v 0000 ^ 00689601 v 0203 ^ 00802413 v 0101 ^ 00802413 v 0102 ^ 00891977 v 0105 ^ 00657325 v 0108 ~ 00802202 v 0000 ~ 00802311 v 0000 ~ 00802708 v 0000 ~ 00803053 v 0000 ~ 00825356 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | rub with a wiping motion
00802202 35 v 01 sponge 0 001 @ 00801916 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | wipe with a sponge, so as to clean or moisten
00802311 35 v 01 squeegee 0 001 @ 00801916 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | wipe with a squeegee, as of a window
00802413 35 v 02 wipe_off 0 wipe_away 0 001 @ 00104355 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | remove by wiping
00802515 35 v 03 wipe_up 0 mop_up 0 mop 1 002 @ 00885995 v 0000 ~ 00802623 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of liquids
00802623 35 v 01 sponge 2 001 @ 00802515 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | soak up with a sponge
00802708 35 v 02 sweep 0 broom 0 001 @ 00801916 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | sweep with a broom or as if with a broom
00802827 35 v 02 sweep 1 clean_by_sweeping 0 001 @ 00881979 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00802916 35 v 03 swipe 0 take_a_swipe_at 0 strike_with_a_sweeping_motion 0 002 @ 00806352 v 0000 ^ 00729214 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00
00803053 35 v 02 towel 0 wipe_with_a_towel 0 001 @ 00801916 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00
00803142 35 v 02 grate 0 grind 0 004 * 00713259 v 0000 @ 00203548 v 0000 ~ 00048573 v 0000 ~ 00683297 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00803273 35 v 01 grit 0 001 @ 00803363 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | clench together; as of teeth
00803363 35 v 01 clench 2 002 @ 00799016 v 0000 ~ 00803273 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | squeeze together tightly, as of one's fists
00803488 35 v 02 grit 1 cover_with_grit 0 001 @ 00722448 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of roads
00803576 35 v 01 plate 0 007 @ 00722448 v 0000 ~ 00803773 v 0000 ~ 00803884 v 0000 ~ 00803965 v 0000 ~ 00804066 v 0000 ~ 00804174 v 0000 ~ 00804257 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | coat with a layer of metal
00803773 35 v 01 silver 0 001 @ 00803576 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | coat with a layer of silver or a silver amalgam
00803884 35 v 01 nickel 0 001 @ 00803576 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | plate with nickel
00803965 35 v 01 electroplate 0 001 @ 00803576 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | coat with metal by electrolysis
00804066 35 v 02 chrome 0 chromium-plate 0 001 @ 00803576 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | as of fixtures, for example
00804174 35 v 02 goldplate 0 plate_with_gold 0 001 @ 00803576 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00804257 35 v 02 silverplate 0 plate_with_silver 0 001 @ 00803576 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00804344 35 v 02 spread_on 0 lay_on 0 001 @ 00763269 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00804624 35 v 02 hook 2 hit_with_a_hook 0 001 @ 00806352 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | in boxing
00804713 35 v 02 swat 0 swatter 0 001 @ 00806352 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | hit swiftly
00804804 35 v 06 sock 0 bop 0 whop 1 whap 0 bonk 0 bash 0 001 @ 00806352 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | hit hard
00804908 35 v 02 beat 1 beat_up 1 012 * 00806352 v 0000 ~ 00805217 v 0000 ~ 00805283 v 0000 ~ 00805359 v 0000 ~ 00805595 v 0000 ~ 00805684 v 0000 ~ 00812219 v 0000 ~ 00812782 v 0000 ~ 00813572 v 0000 ~ 00814625 v 0000 ~ 00815423 v 0000 ~ 00817767 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | give a beating to; subject to a beating
00805217 35 v 01 strong_arm 0 001 @ 00804908 v 0000 01 + 09 00
00805283 35 v 01 soak 0 001 @ 00804908 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | beat severely
00805359 35 v 01 pistol-whip 0 001 @ 00804908 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | beat with a pistol
00805446 35 v 02 whip 2 lash 0 001 @ 00811630 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | strike as if by whipping; "The curtain whipped her face"
00805595 35 v 03 belabour 0 belabor 0 beat_soundly 0 001 @ 00804908 v 0000 01 + 09 00
00805684 35 v 02 rough_up 0 treat_violently 0 001 @ 00804908 v 0000 01 + 09 00
00805766 35 v 02 flagellate 0 scourge 0 001 @ 00812219 v 0000 01 + 09 00
00805842 35 v 01 horsewhip 0 001 @ 00812219 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | whip with a horsewhip
00805938 35 v 02 beat 0 hit_repeatedly 0 008 @ 00686113 v 0000 ~ 00806165 v 0000 ~ 00806247 v 0000 ~ 00812888 v 0000 ~ 00812987 v 0000 ~ 00813081 v 0000 ~ 00814725 v 0000 ~ 00814843 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00
00806165 35 v 01 beetle 0 001 @ 00805938 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | beat with a beetle
00806247 35 v 01 bastinado 0 001 @ 00805938 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | beat somebody on the soles of the feet
00806352 35 v 01 hit 0 030 @ 00686113 v 0000 ~ 00704931 v 0000 ~ 00708092 v 0000 ~ 00708185 v 0000 ~ 00788650 v 0000 ~ 00802916 v 0000 ~ 00804525 v 0000 ~ 00804624 v 0000 ~ 00804713 v 0000 ~ 00804804 v 0000 ~ 00807012 v 0000 ~ 00807141 v 0000 ~ 00807233 v 0000 ~ 00807339 v 0000 ~ 00807417 v 0000 ~ 00807547 v 0000 ~ 00811493 v 0000 ~ 00813372 v 0000 ~ 00813474 v 0000 ~ 00813896 v 0000 ~ 00813990 v 0000 ~ 00814068 v 0000 ~ 00814167 v 0000 ~ 00814351 v 0000 ~ 00814425 v 0000 ~ 00814525 v 0000 ~ 00815503 v 0000 ~ 00817680 v 0000 ~ 00819050 v 0000 ~ 00819155 v 0000 05 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 + 17 00 | deal a blow to; "He hit her hard in the face"
00807012 35 v 01 get a 001 @ 00806352 v 0000 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | hit, as in a particular spot; "The blow got him in the back"
00807233 35 v 01 cosh 0 001 @ 00806352 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | hit with a cosh, usually on the head
00807339 35 v 01 brain 0 001 @ 00806352 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | hit on the head
00807417 35 v 05 smash 0 nail 2 boom 0 hit_hard 0 blast 0 001 @ 00806352 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | "He smashed a 3-run homer"
00807547 35 v 02 crack 0 hit_forcefully 0 001 @ 00806352 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 17 00 | deal a hard blow, making a cracking noise: "The teacher cracked him across the face with a ruler"
00807748 35 v 01 ground_out 0 001 @ 00809580 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | make an out by hitting the ball on the ground, in baseball
00807874 35 v 01 fly 1 001 @ 00809580 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | hit a fly, in baseball
00807957 35 v 01 snap 3 001 @ 00809580 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | put in play with a snap, of a football
00808057 35 v 01 whang 0 001 @ 00809580 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | propel or hit with force, as of a ball
00808158 35 v 01 undercut 0 001 @ 00809580 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | strike (the ball) in golf, tennis, or hockey obliquely downward so as to give a backspin or elevation to the shot
00808337 35 v 01 tap 2 001 @ 00894185 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cut a female screw thread with a tap
00808434 35 v 01 hob 0 001 @ 00894185 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cut with a hob
00808509 35 v 01 putt 0 001 @ 00809580 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | strike in playing a putt, as of a golf ball
00808614 35 v 01 putt 1 001 @ 00605818 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | play a putt, in golf
00808696 35 v 01 heel 0 001 @ 00809580 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | strike with the heel of the club, of golfballs
00808804 35 v 01 toe 1 001 @ 00809580 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | hit the ball with the toe of the club, in golf
00808911 35 v 01 bunker 0 001 @ 00809580 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | hit a golf ball into a bunker
00809004 35 v 01 bounce 3 002 @ 00809580 v 0000 ~ 00809132 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | hit something so that it bounces, as of a ball
00809132 35 v 01 bounce_out 0 001 @ 00809004 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | bounce a ball so that it becomes an out, in baseball
00809252 35 v 01 backhand 0 001 @ 00809580 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | hit a tennisball backhand
00809343 35 v 01 foul_out 0 001 @ 00652034 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | in baseball: hit a ball such that it is caught fro an out in foul territory
00809484 35 v 02 pop 0 hit_a_pop_fly 0 001 @ 00809580 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | in baseball
00809580 35 v 02 hit 3 cause_to_move_by_striking 0 029 @ 00869132 v 0000 ~ 00652034 v 0000 ~ 00652143 v 0000 ~ 00807748 v 0000 ~ 00807874 v 0000 ~ 00807957 v 0000 ~ 00808057 v 0000 ~ 00808158 v 0000 ~ 00808509 v 0000 ~ 00808696 v 0000 ~ 00808804 v 0000 ~ 00808911 v 0000 ~ 00809004 v 0000 ~ 00809252 v 0000 ~ 00809484 v 0000 ~ 00810191 v 0000 ~ 00810307 v 0000 ~ 00810444 v 0000 ~ 00810563 v 0000 ~ 00810655 v 0000 ~ 00810771 v 0000 ~ 00810914 v 0000 ~ 00811047 v 0000 ~ 00811157 v 0000 ~ 00811267 v 0000 ~ 00918379 v 0000 ~ 00918676 v 0000 ~ 00920396 v 0000 ~ 00922475 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 02 01 | hit a ball
00810191 35 v 02 hole 1 hole_out 0 001 @ 00809580 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 02 | in golf: hit the ball into the hole
00810307 35 v 02 bunt 1 drag_a_bunt 0 001 @ 00809580 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | hit a ball in such a way so as to make it go a short distance
00810444 35 v 01 snick 2 001 @ 00809580 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | hit a glancing blow with the edge of the bat, in cricket
00810563 35 v 01 racket 0 001 @ 00809580 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | hit with a racket, of a ball
00810655 35 v 02 dribble 0 carry 8 001 @ 00809580 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | move a ball, as in hockey or socker
00810771 35 v 01 slice 2 001 @ 00809580 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | in golf: hit a ball and put a spin on it so that it travels to the right
00810914 35 v 01 hook 3 001 @ 00809580 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | in golf: hit a ball and put a spin on it so that it travels to the left
00811047 35 v 02 single 0 hit_a_single 0 001 @ 00809580 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | hit a one-base hit, in baseball
00811157 35 v 02 double 0 hit_a_double 0 001 @ 00809580 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | hit a two-base hit, in baseball
00811267 35 v 02 triple 0 hit_a_triple 0 001 @ 00809580 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | hit a three-base hit, in baseball
00811379 35 v 02 fan 1 strike_out 0 001 @ 00867132 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | strike out a batter, in baseball
00811493 35 v 03 sandbag 0 hit_hard 4 stun 0 001 @ 00806352 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | hit something or somebody as if with a sandbag
00811630 35 v 01 strike 0 020 @ 00686113 v 0000 ^ 00718350 v 0103 ~ 00700982 v 0000 ~ 00702250 v 0000 ~ 00703989 v 0000 ~ 00705817 v 0000 ~ 00706474 v 0000 ~ 00706667 v 0000 ~ 00707723 v 0000 ~ 00708982 v 0000 ~ 00712296 v 0000 ~ 00719697 v 0000 ~ 00729214 v 0000 ~ 00805446 v 0000 ~ 00812098 v 0000 ~ 00813171 v 0000 ~ 00813694 v 0000 ~ 00814263 v 0000 ~ 00815060 v 0000 ~ 00815593 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | deliver a blow to, deliver a stroke to
00812098 35 v 01 sclaff 1 001 @ 00811630 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | strike in making a sclaff; of the ground, in playing golf
00812219 35 v 08 flog 0 welt 0 whip 0 lather 1 lash 1 slash 2 strap 1 trounce 0 006 @ 00804908 v 0000 ~ 00805766 v 0000 ~ 00805842 v 0000 ~ 00812433 v 0000 ~ 00812517 v 0000 ~ 00812607 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00
00812433 35 v 01 cowhide 0 001 @ 00812219 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | flog with a cowhide
00812517 35 v 01 cat 0 001 @ 00812219 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | beat with a cat-o'-nine-tails
00812607 35 v 01 birch 0 001 @ 00812219 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | whip with a birch twig
00812700 35 v 02 manhandle 0 handle_roughly 0 001 @ 00688611 v 0000 01 + 09 00
00812782 35 v 04 cane 0 flog 1 lambaste 0 lambast 0 001 @ 00804908 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | beat with a cane
00814525 35 v 03 pummel 0 pommel 0 biff 0 001 @ 00806352 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | strike with the fist
00814625 35 v 03 thrash 0 thresh 0 flail 0 001 @ 00804908 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | give a thrashing to
00814725 35 v 02 thrash 1 thresh 1 001 @ 00805938 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | beat the seeds out of a grain; in agriculture
00814843 35 v 01 hammer 0 002 @ 00805938 v 0000 ~ 00814957 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | beat with or as if with a hammer
00814957 35 v 02 sledgehammer 0 sledge 0 001 @ 00814843 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | beat with a sledgehammer
00815060 35 v 01 slap 0 004 @ 00811630 v 0000 ~ 00815239 v 0000 ~ 00815334 v 0000 ~ 00818968 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | hit with something flat, like a paddle or the open hand
00815239 35 v 02 cuff 0 whomp 0 001 @ 00815060 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | hit with the hand
00815334 35 v 01 sclaff 0 001 @ 00815060 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | strike with a flat object
00815423 35 v 03 clobber 1 baste 1 batter 0 001 @ 00804908 v 0000 01 + 09 00
00815503 35 v 02 buffet 1 hit_with_the_fist 2 001 @ 00806352 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00
00819665 35 v 03 smooch 0 snog 0 spoon 1 001 @ 00819956 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | cuddle and kiss, for example
00819772 35 v 01 pet 0 003 @ 00698846 v 0000 ~ 00819875 v 0000 ~ 00819956 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 09 00
00819875 35 v 01 gentle 0 001 @ 00819772 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | stroke soothingly
00819956 35 v 01 neck 0 003 @ 00819772 v 0000 ~ 00819665 v 0000 ~ 00822612 v 0000 01 + 09 00
00820052 35 v 16 love 0 make_love 0 sleep_with 0 get_laid 0 have_sex 0 know 0 do_it 0 be_intimate 0 have_intercourse 0 have_it_away 0 have_it_off 0 screw 4 fuck 0 jazz 0 eff 0 have 0 hump 0 lie_with 0 bed 0 have_a_go_at_it 0 get_it_on 0 bonk 1 002 @ 00821271 v 0000 ~ 00820545 v 0000 06 + 02 00 + 09 12 + 09 11 + 09 10 + 09 0d + 09 0c | have sexual intercourse with; "This student sleeps with everyone in her dorm"; "Adam knew Eve" (know is archaic); "Were you ever intimate with this man?"
00820545 35 v 01 fornicate 0 003 @ 00820052 v 0000 ~ 00820678 v 0000 ~ 00820771 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | have sex without being married
00820678 35 v 01 whore 0 001 @ 00820545 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | have unlawful sex with a whore
00820771 35 v 01 wench 0 001 @ 00820545 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | frequent prostitutes
00820854 35 v 02 tread 2 mate_with 0 001 @ 00821271 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | of male birds
00820942 35 v 02 serve 1 service 0 001 @ 00821271 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | male animals serve the females for breeding purposes
00821067 35 v 02 deflower 0 deprive_of_virginity 0 001 @ 00821271 v 0000 01 + 09 00
00821154 35 v 02 seduce 0 score 1 002 * 00820052 v 0000 @ 00430180 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 02 02 | succeed in seducing
00821271 35 v 04 copulate 0 mate 0 pair 0 couple 0 009 @ 00740051 v 0000 ~ 00034763 v 0000 ~ 00820052 v 0000 ~ 00820854 v 0000 ~ 00820942 v 0000 ~ 00821067 v 0000 ~ 00821502 v 0000 ~ 00822268 v 0000 ~ 01452779 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00821502 35 v 02 ride 3 mount 7 001 @ 00821271 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | copulate with, as of animals; "The bull was riding the cow"
00821631 35 v 01 breed 1 004 @ 00929175 v 0000 ~ 00821795 v 0000 ~ 00821887 v 0000 ~ 00822105 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | of plants or animals; "She breeds dogs"
00821795 35 v 01 mongrelize 0 001 @ 00821631 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cause to become mongrels
00821887 35 v 01 mate 1 002 @ 00821631 v 0000 ~ 00821977 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of animals
00821977 35 v 01 backcross 0 001 @ 00821887 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | mate a hybrid of the first generation with one of its parents
00822105 35 v 03 crossbreed 0 hybridize 0 interbreed 0 001 @ 00821631 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | breed animals or plants using parents of different races and varieties
00822268 35 v 02 breed 0 cover 2 001 @ 00821271 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | of animals
00822349 35 v 05 masturbate 0 wank 0 she-bop 0 jack_off 0 jerk_off 0 003 * 00698846 v 0000 @ 01208116 v 0000 ~ 00822513 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 09 00 | beat the meat
00822513 35 v 02 scarf 0 masturbate_while_strangling_oneself 0 001 @ 00822349 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00822612 35 v 03 kiss 0 buss 0 osculate 0 002 @ 00819956 v 0000 ~ 00822724 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 09 00
00822724 35 v 02 smack 1 peck 0 001 @ 00822612 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | kiss lightly
00822925 35 v 02 lick 0 lap 0 002 @ 00698715 v 0000 ~ 00823039 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | pass the tongue over
00823039 35 v 02 tongue 0 lick_with_the_tongue 0 001 @ 00822925 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00
00823132 35 v 02 mouth 0 touch_with_the_mouth 0 001 @ 00686113 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00
00823224 35 v 01 bear 0 005 @ 00834152 v 0000 * 01055491 v 0000 * 01043075 v 0000 ~ 00834787 v 0000 ~ 00920964 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | "Bear gifts"; "bear a heavy load"; also with communication nouns: "bear news"; "bearing orders"
00823477 35 v 01 spirit_away 0 001 @ 00824875 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | carry away rapidly and secretly, as if mysteriously
00823605 35 v 01 bucket 0 001 @ 00834152 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | carry in a bucket
00823686 35 v 01 return 1 001 @ 00834152 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make a return, as of a punt or a kickback, in football
00823804 35 v 04 bring 0 get 3 convey 0 fetch 0 010 @ 00825476 v 0000 * 01054590 v 0000 ! 00824200 v 0101 ^ 00824649 v 0101 ^ 00824649 v 0102 ^ 00824649 v 0103 ~ 00824560 v 0000 ~ 00824649 v 0000 ! 00824875 v 0101 ~ 00827046 v 0000 05 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 + 21 00 | bring or fetch; "Get me those books over there, please"; "Could you bring over the wine?"; "The dog fetched the hat"
00824200 35 v 02 take b bring a 003 @ 00825476 v 0000 ! 00823804 v 0101 ~ 00824457 v 0000 05 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 + 21 00 | take something to a certain destination; "Take these letters to the boss"; "Bring this present to the the birthday boy"
00825476 35 v 06 transmit 0 transfer 0 conduct 1 transport 1 channel 0 channelize 0 008 @ 01055491 v 0000 ~ 00823804 v 0000 ~ 00824200 v 0000 ~ 00825738 v 0000 ~ 00825868 v 0000 ~ 00825996 v 0000 ~ 00826209 v 0000 ~ 00826451 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 21 00
00825738 35 v 01 project 1 001 @ 00825476 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | transfer from one domain into another, as of ideas and principles
00825868 35 v 01 propagate 0 001 @ 00825476 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | in physics: propagate sound or light through air, for example
00825996 35 v 01 translate 0 001 @ 00825476 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | bring to a certain spiritual state
00826097 35 v 02 pipe_in 0 bring_in_through_pipes 0 001 @ 00834152 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of liquids such as oil
00826209 35 v 02 turn 8 release 1 002 @ 00825476 v 0000 ~ 00826333 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | release something from a container
00826333 35 v 01 throw 8 001 @ 00826209 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | throw out onto a flat surface, as of die; "Throw a six"
00826451 35 v 02 send 0 send_out 0 005 @ 00825476 v 0000 ^ 00534886 v 0103 ~ 00826610 v 0000 ~ 00826706 v 0000 ~ 00826851 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 15 00 + 21 00
00826610 35 v 01 send_in 0 001 @ 00826451 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | "Send in your comments"
00826706 35 v 01 mail_out 0 001 @ 00826451 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 15 00 | "The company mailed out the catalog to all potential customers"
00826851 35 v 03 mail 0 get_off 0 send_by_mail 0 002 @ 00826451 v 0000 ~ 00826970 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 14 00 + 15 00
00826970 35 v 01 pouch 1 001 @ 00826851 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | send by pouch
00827046 35 v 02 deliver 0 bring_to_a_destination 0 005 @ 00823804 v 0000 ~ 00827239 v 0000 ~ 00827335 v 0000 ~ 00856432 v 0000 ~ 01334879 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 15 00 | make a delivery
00827239 35 v 01 misdeliver 0 001 @ 00827046 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | deliver to the wrong address
00827335 35 v 03 serve 0 process 0 swear_out 0 002 @ 00827046 v 0000 ~ 00445887 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 17 00 | serve somebody with a warrant or summons; "He was processed by the sheriff"
00827521 35 v 02 bring 4 bring_into_a_certain_state 0 004 @ 00072540 v 0000 ^ 00795100 v 0102 ^ 00742471 v 0102 ^ 00546081 v 0102 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00
00827689 35 v 03 catch 0 grab 0 take_hold_of 1 007 @ 00689792 v 0000 ^ 01140967 v 0101 ~ 00647480 v 0000 ~ 00647681 v 0000 ~ 00785311 v 0000 ~ 00785391 v 0000 ~ 00828484 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00
00827904 35 v 02 recapture 0 retake 0 001 @ 00692128 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | capture again, as of an escaped prisoner
00828020 35 v 04 snatch 0 snatch_up 0 snap 0 seize_quickly 0 003 @ 00689792 v 0000 ^ 01311210 v 0301 ~ 00828161 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00
00828161 35 v 02 swoop 0 swoop_up 0 001 @ 00828020 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | seize or cathc with a swooping motion
00828272 35 v 03 reach 0 reach_out 0 extend 0 002 @ 01043075 v 0000 ^ 00418547 v 0101 01 + 22 00 | move forward or upward in order to touch; also in a metaphorical sense: "Government reaches out to the people"
00828484 35 v 02 intercept 0 stop 0 002 @ 00827689 v 0000 ~ 00828643 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | seize on its way, such as a letter; "intercept a messenger"
00828643 35 v 02 cut_off 3 cut_out 3 001 @ 00828484 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | "The bicyclist was cut out by the van"
00828780 35 v 02 prick 0 make_a_small_hole_into 0 002 @ 00828892 v 0000 ~ 00762338 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00828892 35 v 02 pierce 0 make_a_hole_into 1 009 @ 00699493 v 0000 * 00894185 v 0000 ~ 00700790 v 0000 ~ 00729772 v 0000 ~ 00729911 v 0000 ~ 00828780 v 0000 ~ 00829878 v 0000 ~ 00831054 v 0000 ~ 00912051 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00829125 35 v 02 pierce 1 thrust 1 007 @ 00699493 v 0000 ~ 00829339 v 0000 ~ 00829439 v 0000 ~ 00829530 v 0000 ~ 00830502 v 0000 ~ 00830914 v 0000 ~ 00922578 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | penetrate with a sharp instrument
00829339 35 v 01 stick 3 001 @ 00829125 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | pierce with something pointed
00829439 35 v 01 stick 4 001 @ 00829125 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | pierce with a thrust
00831782 35 v 03 brandish 0 flourish 0 wave 0 003 * 00692795 v 0000 @ 01055491 v 0000 ~ 00831900 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00831900 35 v 01 wigwag 0 001 @ 00831782 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | send a signal by waving a flag or a light according to a certain code
00832033 35 v 03 press 0 apply_force_to 0 apply_pressure_to 0 008 @ 00686113 v 0000 ^ 00776245 v 0104 ~ 00832302 v 0000 ~ 00916763 v 0000 ~ 00917243 v 0000 ~ 00918224 v 0000 ~ 00923472 v 0000 ~ 01067648 v 0000 04 + 04 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 22 00 | exert pressure upon
00832302 35 v 02 squeeze 0 press_firmly 0 004 @ 00832033 v 0000 ^ 00959332 v 0102 ^ 00775597 v 0102 ^ 00791279 v 0103 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00
00832458 35 v 03 pull 0 draw 3 force 1 028 @ 01055491 v 0000 ! 01067117 v 0101 ^ 01058948 v 0102 ^ 00951084 v 0107 ^ 00915958 v 0104 ^ 00902235 v 0105 ^ 00775816 v 0103 ^ 00776245 v 0103 ^ 00833898 v 0102 ^ 00836405 v 0104 ^ 00431406 v 0102 ^ 00865744 v 0103 ^ 00833545 v 0101 ~ 00833100 v 0000 ~ 00833382 v 0000 ~ 00833545 v 0000 ~ 00833658 v 0000 ~ 00833781 v 0000 ~ 00833898 v 0000 ~ 00835686 v 0000 ~ 00836135 v 0000 ~ 00836405 v 0000 ~ 00837306 v 0000 ~ 00865744 v 0000 ~ 00915782 v 0000 ~ 00915857 v 0000 ~ 00915958 v 0000 ~ 00916348 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | cause to move by pulling; "draw a wagon"; "pull a sled"
00833100 35 v 02 jerk 2 twitch 2 002 @ 00832458 v 0000 ~ 00833246 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | move or pull with a sudden motion
00833246 35 v 01 skitter 0 001 @ 00833100 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | twitch the hook of a fishing line through or along the surface of water
00833382 35 v 04 entrain 0 trail 0 draw_along 0 draw_after 0 001 @ 00832458 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | drag along, either literally or metaphorically, as in one's wake
00833545 35 v 01 pull_back 0 001 @ 00832458 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | "Pull back your arms!"
00833658 35 v 01 adduct 0 002 @ 00832458 v 0000 ! 00833781 v 0101 01 + 01 00 | of a muscle: draw a limb towards the body
00833781 35 v 01 abduct 0 002 @ 00832458 v 0000 ! 00833658 v 0101 01 + 01 00 | of a muscle: pull away for the body
00833898 35 v 02 stretch 0 pull_apart 0 002 @ 00832458 v 0000 ~ 00708839 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | pull in opposite directions
00834029 35 v 03 give 0 yield 0 be_flexible 0 002 @ 00144398 v 0000 ^ 00452338 v 0102 01 + 01 00 | of material or tissue
00834152 35 v 02 transport 0 carry 2 014 @ 01055491 v 0000 ~ 00706062 v 0000 ~ 00706143 v 0000 ~ 00823224 v 0000 ~ 00823605 v 0000 ~ 00823686 v 0000 ~ 00826097 v 0000 ~ 00834648 v 0000 ~ 00834938 v 0000 ~ 00835180 v 0000 ~ 00835540 v 0000 ~ 00836767 v 0000 ~ 01110112 v 0000 ~ 01188762 v 0000 06 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | move while supporting, either in a vehicle or in one's hands or on one's body; "You must carry your camping gear"; "carry the suitcases to the car"
00834648 35 v 01 pack 8 001 @ 00834152 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | carry, as on one's back; "Pack your tents to the top of the mountain"
00834787 35 v 01 frogmarch 0 001 @ 00823224 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | carry someone against his will upside down such that each limb is held by one person
00834938 35 v 02 cart 1 haul 2 001 @ 00834152 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | transport something in a cart
00835036 35 v 04 cart_off 0 cart_away 0 haul_off 0 haul_away 0 001 @ 00107765 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "They carted off the old furniture"
00835180 35 v 02 fly 0 transport_by_aeroplane 0 002 @ 00834152 v 0000 ~ 00835360 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | "We fly flowers from the Carribean to North America"
00835360 35 v 02 airlift 0 lift 4 001 @ 00835180 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | fly people or goods to or from places not accessible by other means: "Food is airlifted into Bosnia"
00835540 35 v 01 haul 0 003 @ 00834152 v 0000 ~ 00921083 v 0000 ~ 00921178 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | transport, as in a truck
00835686 35 v 02 pluck 2 plunk 0 002 @ 00832458 v 0000 ~ 00835860 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 10 00 + 22 00 | pull lightly but sharply with a plucking motion, as of guitar strings
00835860 35 v 01 twang 0 001 @ 00835686 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | pluck, as a string of an instrument; "He twanged his bow"
00835980 35 v 01 tug 0 001 @ 00865744 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | pull hard; "The prisoner tugged at the chains"; "This movie tugs at the heart strings"
00836135 35 v 01 tug 1 001 @ 00832458 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | pull or strain hard at; "Each oar was tugged by several men"
00836264 35 v 01 tug 2 001 @ 01055491 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | move by pulling hard: "The horse finally tugged the cart out of the mud"
00836405 35 v 04 drag 0 draw 0 shlep 0 pull_along 0 004 @ 00832458 v 0000 ^ 01513839 v 0106 ~ 00836649 v 0000 ~ 00836923 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | pull along, as against a resistance; "The sleigh was drawn by four reindeer"
00836649 35 v 01 trail 3 001 @ 00836405 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | drag loosely along a surface; allow to sweep the ground
00836767 35 v 05 lug 0 tote 0 tug 3 tote_along 0 lug_along 0 001 @ 00834152 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | carry with difficulty; "You'll have to lug this suitcase"
00836923 35 v 02 tow 0 drag_behind 0 003 @ 00836405 v 0000 ~ 00837093 v 0000 ~ 00837195 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | "Horses used to tow barges along the canal"
00837093 35 v 01 trail 2 001 @ 00836923 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | drag heavily or wearily, as of the body
00837195 35 v 01 tug 4 001 @ 00836923 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | "The tugboat tugged the freighter into the harbor"
00837306 35 v 03 haul 1 cart 0 drag 1 002 @ 00832458 v 0000 ~ 00837458 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | draw slowly or heavily; "haul stones"; "haul nets"
00837458 35 v 02 bowse 0 bouse 0 001 @ 00837306 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | haul with a tackle
00839254 35 v 01 percolate 2 002 > 00839088 v 0000 ~ 00839440 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cause to pass through a permeable substance in order to extract a soluble constituent, as of solvents
00839440 35 v 01 percolate 3 001 @ 00839254 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | prepare in a percolatot, of coffee
00839659 35 v 02 separate 2 divide_into_components 0 013 @ 00081466 v 0000 ~ 00125806 v 0000 ~ 00199822 v 0000 ~ 00200162 v 0000 ~ 00280328 v 0000 ~ 00779325 v 0000 ~ 00779425 v 0000 ~ 00839541 v 0000 ~ 00840009 v 0000 ~ 00840123 v 0000 ~ 00840424 v 0000 ~ 00884361 v 0000 ~ 01161958 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "Separate the wheat from the chaff"
00840009 35 v 02 fractionate 0 obtain_by_a_fractional_process 0 001 @ 00839659 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | in chemistry
00840123 35 v 03 fractionate 1 separate_into_constituents 0 separate_into_fractions 0 001 @ 00839659 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | separate into constituents or fractions containing concentrated constitutents; in chemistry
00840338 35 v 02 concoct 0 make_a_concoction_of 0 001 @ 00841249 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00840424 35 v 03 sift 0 sieve 0 strain 1 005 @ 00839659 v 0000 ^ 00380344 v 0201 ~ 00840642 v 0000 ~ 00840715 v 0000 ~ 00840831 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | separate by sifting, as of flour; also used for information
00840642 35 v 01 resift 0 001 @ 00840424 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | sift anew
00840715 35 v 02 riddle 1 screen 1 001 @ 00840424 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | separate with a riddle, as grain from chaff
00840831 35 v 02 winnow 5 fan 0 001 @ 00840424 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | separate from chaff; of grain
00840930 35 v 01 coalesce 0 002 @ 00221242 v 0000 ~ 00221447 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00841020 35 v 02 compound 0 combine 1 004 @ 00841249 v 0000 ~ 00276466 v 0000 ~ 00841148 v 0000 ~ 00919301 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00841148 35 v 02 sulfurette 0 sulphurette 0 001 @ 00841020 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | combine with sulfur
00841249 35 v 05 mix 0 mingle 0 commix 0 unify 0 amalgamate 0 005 @ 00072540 v 0000 ~ 00797404 v 0000 ~ 00840338 v 0000 ~ 00841020 v 0000 ~ 00841435 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00
00841961 35 v 03 disentangle 0 unsnarl 0 straighten_out 1 005 @ 00165679 v 0000 ! 00841693 v 0204 ! 00841693 v 0101 ~ 00842135 v 0000 ~ 00875044 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00842135 35 v 03 tease 1 tease_apart 0 loosen 3 001 @ 00841961 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00842219 35 v 02 arrange 0 set_up 0 030 @ 00859635 v 0000 ! 00843338 v 0101 ~ 00164318 v 0000 ~ 00165125 v 0000 ~ 00165679 v 0000 ~ 00165985 v 0000 ~ 00166216 v 0000 ~ 00166602 v 0000 ~ 00166694 v 0000 ~ 00240475 v 0000 ~ 00297335 v 0000 ~ 00781472 v 0000 ~ 00781687 v 0000 ~ 00782040 v 0000 ~ 00782179 v 0000 ~ 00800469 v 0000 ~ 00801789 v 0000 ~ 00842813 v 0000 ~ 00842902 v 0000 ~ 00843017 v 0000 ~ 00843122 v 0000 ~ 00843254 v 0000 ~ 00846818 v 0000 ~ 00852688 v 0000 ~ 00864583 v 0000 ~ 00865127 v 0000 ~ 00887947 v 0000 ~ 00888148 v 0000 ~ 00924833 v 0000 ~ 01528308 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00842813 35 v 01 settle 1 001 @ 00842219 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "She settled the teacart"
00842902 35 v 01 pyramid 0 001 @ 00842219 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | arrange or build up as if on the base of a pyramid
00843017 35 v 01 corral 1 001 @ 00842219 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | arrange wagons so that they form a corral
00843122 35 v 02 catenate 0 catenulate 0 001 @ 00842219 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | arrange in a series of rings or chains, as for spores
00843254 35 v 02 dress 4 decorate 0 001 @ 00842219 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of windows
00843338 35 v 02 disarrange 0 destroy_the_arrangement_of 0 005 @ 01055491 v 0000 ! 00842219 v 0101 ~ 00798834 v 0000 ~ 00846651 v 0000 ~ 00846728 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00843648 35 v 03 surround 0 skirt 0 border 1 005 @ 00685874 v 0000 ~ 00843801 v 0000 ~ 00843899 v 0000 ~ 00912963 v 0000 ~ 00925058 v 0000 01 + 11 00
00843801 35 v 01 fringe 0 001 @ 00843648 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | "fur fringed the hem of the dress"
00843899 35 v 02 girdle 0 gird 1 001 @ 00843648 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00843976 35 v 02 evict 0 force_out 2 001 @ 00844103 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 20 00 | expel from one's property; force to move out
00844103 35 v 09 expel 0 eject 1 chuck_out 0 exclude 0 throw_out 0 kick_out 0 turf_out 0 boot_out 0 turn_out 0 005 @ 01055491 v 0000 ~ 00843976 v 0000 ~ 00844368 v 0000 ~ 00878884 v 0000 ~ 00879096 v 0000 05 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 11 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | from a place
00844368 35 v 02 bounce 0 eject_from_the_premises 0 001 @ 00844103 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | in public places
00844474 35 v 02 superimpose 0 lay_over 0 002 @ 00859635 v 0000 ~ 00844595 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 08 01 | place on top of
00844595 35 v 01 develop 4 001 @ 00844474 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | superimpose a three-dimensional surface on a plane withour stretching, in geometry
00844742 35 v 03 invite 0 ask_in 0 make_enter 0 002 @ 00422854 v 0000 ~ 00844844 v 0000 01 + 09 00
00844844 35 v 01 call_in 0 001 @ 00844742 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | "The nurse called in the next patient"
00844947 35 v 01 welcome 0 001 @ 00845056 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | receive someone, as into one's house
00845056 35 v 03 receive 0 take_in 1 invite c 003 ~ 00844947 v 0000 ~ 00845283 v 0000 ~ 00845451 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | express willingness to have in one's home or environs; "The community warmly received the refugees"
00845283 35 v 01 see 9 001 @ 00845056 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | receive as a specified guest; "the doctor will see you now"; "The minister doesn't see anybody before noon"
00845451 35 v 01 assume 0 001 @ 00845056 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | in Christianity: take up someone's soul into heaven; "This is the day when May was assumed into heaven"
00845618 35 v 04 kidnap 0 nobble 0 abduct 2 snatch 1 002 @ 00690674 v 0000 ~ 00845736 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | of people
00845736 35 v 02 shanghai 0 impress 1 001 @ 00845618 v 0000 01 + 09 00
00845810 35 v 05 commandeer 0 hijack 0 highjack 0 pirate 0 expropriate 0 002 @ 00690674 v 0000 ~ 00845945 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00
00845945 35 v 01 carjack 0 001 @ 00845810 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | take someone's car from him by force
00846054 35 v 02 scramble 0 jumble 0 001 @ 00164883 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | bring into random order
00846160 35 v 04 putter 0 potter 0 potter_around 0 putter_around 0 001 @ 01043075 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | move around aimlessly
00846294 35 v 07 putter 1 mess_around 0 potter 1 tinker 0 monkey 0 monkey_around 0 muck_around 0 002 @ 01366212 v 0000 ~ 00846494 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | do random, unplanned work or activities
00846494 35 v 01 puddle 0 001 @ 00846294 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | mess around, as in a liquid or paste; "The children are ahving fun puddling in paint"
00846651 35 v 02 muss 0 tussle 0 001 @ 00843338 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00846818 35 v 04 range 0 array 0 lay_out 0 set_out 0 002 @ 00842219 v 0000 ~ 00846952 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | lay out in a line
00846952 35 v 01 compart 0 001 @ 00846818 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | lay out in parts according to a plan
00847053 35 v 03 let_go_of 0 let_go 0 release 0 011 ! 00692795 v 0101 ~ 00619401 v 0000 ~ 00696150 v 0000 ~ 00847371 v 0000 ~ 00847489 v 0000 ~ 00847573 v 0000 ~ 00847694 v 0000 ~ 00847805 v 0000 ~ 00848030 v 0000 ~ 00868913 v 0000 ~ 00869049 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 02 02 | "Let go of the door handle, please!"
00847371 35 v 01 toggle 1 001 @ 00847053 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | release by a toggle switch, of a bomb from an airplane
00847489 35 v 01 unhand 0 001 @ 00847053 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove the hand from
00847573 35 v 02 bring_out 0 let_out 0 001 @ 00847053 v 0000 02 + 20 00 + 21 00 | bring out of some state, for example
00847694 35 v 01 unleash 0 002 @ 00847053 v 0000 ~ 00847952 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | as of emotions and reactions
00847952 35 v 01 uncork 1 001 @ 00847694 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | as of emotions
00848030 35 v 02 unleash 1 release_from_a_leash 0 001 @ 00847053 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | as of dogs
00848136 35 v 03 free 1 make_free 0 disengage 1 005 ! 00848479 v 0101 ~ 00753000 v 0000 ~ 00849635 v 0000 ~ 00849960 v 0000 ~ 00912129 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | remove obstruction from
00848325 35 v 01 suffocate 1 001 @ 00848479 v 0000 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | obstruct the air passage of; "The foul air was slowly suffocating the children"
00848479 35 v 05 obstruct 0 impede 0 block 1 occlude 0 jam 2 011 ! 00848136 v 0101 ~ 00638238 v 0000 ~ 00638334 v 0000 ~ 00638456 v 0000 ~ 00848325 v 0000 ~ 00848764 v 0000 ~ 00848877 v 0000 ~ 00848996 v 0000 ~ 00849106 v 0000 ~ 00849220 v 0000 ~ 00849341 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00848764 35 v 02 dam 0 dam_up 0 001 @ 00848479 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | obstruct with, or as if with, a dam
00848877 35 v 03 shut_off 0 block_off 1 close_off 0 001 @ 00848479 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | block off the passage through
00848996 35 v 02 screen 0 block_out 1 001 @ 00848479 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | prevent from entering, as of light
00849106 35 v 02 land_up 0 earth_up 0 001 @ 00848479 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | block with earth, as after a landslide
00849220 35 v 06 barricade 0 block 0 blockade 0 block_off 0 block_up 0 bar 0 001 @ 00848479 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00849341 35 v 07 clog 0 choke_off 0 clog_up 0 back_up 0 congest 0 choke 1 foul 0 006 @ 00848479 v 0000 ! 00849635 v 0101 ~ 00780065 v 0000 ~ 00849564 v 0000 ~ 00849731 v 0000 ~ 00849843 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00
00849564 35 v 01 crap_up 0 001 @ 00849341 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00849635 35 v 01 unclog 0 002 @ 00848136 v 0000 ! 00849341 v 0101 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00
00849731 35 v 04 stuff 1 lug 2 choke_up 0 block 2 002 @ 00849341 v 0000 ! 00849960 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00849843 35 v 02 silt_up 0 silt 0 001 @ 00849341 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become chocked with silt, of rivers and lakes
00849960 35 v 02 unstuff 0 loosen_up 0 002 @ 00848136 v 0000 ! 00849731 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00850061 35 v 02 bag 1 catch 2 002 @ 00850263 v 0000 ~ 00850158 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | in hunting
00850158 35 v 01 batfowl 0 001 @ 00850061 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | catch birds by temporarily blinding them
00850263 35 v 02 capture 0 catch 3 006 @ 01261345 v 0000 ~ 00649590 v 0000 ~ 00850061 v 0000 ~ 00850424 v 0000 ~ 00850511 v 0000 ~ 00850598 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00850511 35 v 01 rat 0 001 @ 00850263 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | catch rats, esp. with dogs
00850598 35 v 05 trap 0 entrap 0 snare 0 ensnare 0 trammel 0 002 @ 00850263 v 0000 ~ 00850713 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00850713 35 v 02 gin 0 trap_with_a_gin 0 001 @ 00850598 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of game
00850799 35 v 02 suspend 0 hang_freely 0 002 @ 00850894 v 0000 ~ 00851784 v 0000 01 + 21 00
00850894 35 v 03 hang 0 cause_to_hang 0 hang_up 1 003 > 00851493 v 0000 @ 00768642 v 0000 ~ 00850799 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | cause to be hanging or suspended; "Hang that picture on the wall"
00851107 35 v 01 hang 4 001 @ 00768642 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | place in position as by a hinge so as to allow free movement in one direction; "hang a door"
00851261 35 v 01 hang 5 000 01 + 04 00 | be placed in position as by a hinge; "This cabinet door doesn't hang right!"
00851381 35 v 02 hang 6 hang_over 0 000 01 + 04 00 | be suspended or poised; "Heavy fog hung over the valley"
00851493 35 v 01 hang 3 003 ~ 00851667 v 0000 ~ 01523978 v 0000 ~ 01537836 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | be suspended or hanging; "The flag hung on the wall"
00851667 35 v 01 dangle 1 001 @ 00851493 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | "His feet dangled in the air"
00851784 35 v 03 dangle 0 cause_to_dangle 0 suspend_freely 0 001 @ 00850799 v 0000 01 + 21 00
00851881 35 v 02 pack 0 arrange_in_a_container 0 006 @ 00854184 v 0000 ! 00853606 v 0101 ~ 00853528 v 0000 ~ 00853886 v 0000 ~ 00854555 v 0000 ~ 00858920 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 21 00 + 31 00
00852072 35 v 03 enshrine 0 shrine 0 enclose_in_a_shrine 0 001 @ 00912963 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | as of an object for religious purposes
00852215 35 v 02 pack 1 load_down 0 001 @ 00855410 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | load with a pack
00852313 35 v 03 veil 0 cover_with_a_veil 0 hide_with_a_veil 0 003 * 00763269 v 0000 @ 01224184 v 0000 ! 00852456 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00852456 35 v 03 unveil 0 take_the_veil_off 0 remove_the_veil_from 0 002 @ 00767892 v 0000 ! 00852313 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00852587 35 v 02 unveil 1 remove_the_cover_from 0 001 @ 00104355 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of ceremonies
00852688 35 v 04 pack 2 bundle 1 wad 1 compact 2 003 @ 00842219 v 0000 ^ 01113356 v 0201 ~ 00852817 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00
00852817 35 v 01 puddle 2 001 @ 00852688 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | wrok a wet mixture, such as concrete or mud
00853324 35 v 02 box 2 package 0 002 @ 00854184 v 0000 ! 00853427 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | put into a box
00853427 35 v 02 unbox 0 remove_from_the_box 0 002 @ 00853606 v 0000 ! 00853324 v 0101 01 + 08 00
00853528 35 v 02 case 0 put_into_a_case 0 001 @ 00851881 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00853606 35 v 02 unpack 0 take_out 1 006 @ 00104355 v 0000 ! 00851881 v 0101 ~ 00691471 v 0000 ~ 00853427 v 0000 ~ 00853777 v 0000 ~ 00854450 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00
00853777 35 v 01 break_out 0 001 @ 00853606 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | take from stowage in preparation for usage
00853886 35 v 01 bag 0 002 @ 00851881 v 0000 ~ 00853979 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | put into a bag
00853979 35 v 01 pouch 0 001 @ 00853886 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | put into a pouch
00854058 35 v 02 sack 0 put_in_a_sack 0 002 @ 00854184 v 0000 ^ 01303698 v 0103 01 + 08 00 | "The grocer sacked the onions"
00854184 35 v 02 encase 0 case 1 005 @ 00912963 v 0000 ~ 00851881 v 0000 ~ 00853324 v 0000 ~ 00854058 v 0000 ~ 00854352 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | enclose in a case
00854352 35 v 02 crate 0 put_into_a_crate 0 002 @ 00854184 v 0000 ! 00854450 v 0101 01 + 08 00
00854450 35 v 02 uncrate 0 remove_from_the_crate 0 002 @ 00853606 v 0000 ! 00854352 v 0101 01 + 08 00
00854555 35 v 03 bundle 0 bundle_up 0 roll_up 0 001 @ 00851881 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make into a bundle
00854659 35 v 02 roll_out 2 straighten 3 001 @ 00876455 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00854736 35 v 05 burden 0 burthen 0 burden_with 0 weight 0 weight_down 0 005 @ 00856008 v 0000 ! 00855107 v 0101 ~ 00854933 v 0000 ~ 00855027 v 0000 ~ 00857145 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 31 00
00854933 35 v 01 overburden 0 001 @ 00854736 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | load with excessive weight
00855027 35 v 02 plumb 0 weight_with_lead 0 001 @ 00854736 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00855264 35 v 05 unload 0 lade 0 take_the_load_off 0 remove_the_load_from 0 empty 0 002 @ 00104355 v 0000 ! 00855410 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 21 00
00855410 35 v 02 load 0 place_a_load_on 0 005 @ 00856008 v 0000 ! 00855264 v 0101 ~ 00852215 v 0000 ~ 00855576 v 0000 ~ 00855668 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 21 00 + 31 00
00855576 35 v 01 bomb_up 0 001 @ 00855410 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | load an aircraft with bombs
00855668 35 v 03 overload 0 surcharge 2 overcharge 0 001 @ 00855410 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | place too much a load on
00855783 35 v 01 surcharge 0 001 @ 00268884 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | fill to an excessive degree; "The air was surcharged with tension"
00855916 35 v 02 overload 1 become_overloaded 0 000 01 + 01 00 | "The aerator overloaded"
00856008 35 v 03 charge 0 place_a_charge_on 0 load_with_a_charge 0 006 @ 00072540 v 0000 ! 00856316 v 0101 ^ 01004724 v 0104 ~ 00854736 v 0000 ~ 00855410 v 0000 ~ 00856217 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 17 00 + 21 00
00856217 35 v 01 freight 0 001 @ 00856008 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | load with goods for transportation
00856316 35 v 02 discharge 1 remove_the_charge_from 0 002 @ 00104355 v 0000 ! 00856008 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 21 00
00856432 35 v 04 drop 0 set_down 0 put_down 1 unload 2 002 @ 00827046 v 0000 ~ 00856589 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | of passengers or cargo
00856589 35 v 02 air-drop 0 drop_from_the_air 0 001 @ 00856432 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | unload from a plane or helicopter
00856708 35 v 03 load 1 lade 1 load_up 0 003 @ 00268884 v 0000 ~ 00857062 v 0000 ~ 00864996 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 21 00 + 31 00
00856837 35 v 02 load 2 charge 2 002 @ 00268884 v 0000 ~ 00856936 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | as of guns
00856936 35 v 03 recharge 0 reloade 0 load_again 1 001 @ 00856837 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | load anew with ammunition, as of guns
00857062 35 v 02 reload 0 load_again 0 001 @ 00856708 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 31 00
00857145 35 v 01 saddle_with 0 001 @ 00854736 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00
00857220 35 v 03 yoke 0 put_a_yoke_on 0 join_with_a_yoke 0 003 @ 00743265 v 0000 ! 00857526 v 0101 ~ 00857377 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | of draft animals
00857377 35 v 01 inspan 0 003 @ 00857220 v 0000 @ 00857822 v 0000 ! 00857668 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | attach a yoke or harness to, as of a draft animal
00857526 35 v 01 unyoke 0 003 @ 00760590 v 0000 ! 00857220 v 0101 ~ 00857668 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove yoke the from, as of a draft animal
00857668 35 v 01 outspan 0 003 @ 00857526 v 0000 @ 00857975 v 0000 ! 00857377 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | remove the yoke or harness from, as of a draft animal
00857822 35 v 02 harness 0 put_a_harness_on 0 003 @ 00743265 v 0000 ! 00857975 v 0101 ~ 00857377 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | of animals such as horses
00857975 35 v 01 unharness 0 003 @ 00760590 v 0000 ! 00857822 v 0101 ~ 00857668 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove the harness from, as of a horse
00858116 35 v 02 yoke 1 link 2 001 @ 00743265 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00858183 35 v 02 yoke 2 become_joined 0 001 @ 00740051 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | become linked together
00858291 35 v 02 saddle 1 put_a_saddle_on 0 002 @ 00743265 v 0000 ! 00858401 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | of animals
00858401 35 v 02 unsaddle 0 take_the_saddle_off 0 002 @ 00104355 v 0000 ! 00858291 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | remove the saddle from; of animals
00858541 35 v 02 bruise 0 contuse 0 002 @ 00043545 v 0000 ~ 00858639 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00
00858639 35 v 02 jam 3 crush 1 001 @ 00858541 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of body parts
00858721 35 v 03 stow 0 store 0 garner 1 002 @ 00859635 v 0000 ~ 00858846 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | put away for storage
00858846 35 v 01 bin 0 001 @ 00858721 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | store in bins
00858920 35 v 02 stow 1 load 3 001 @ 00851881 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00
00858995 35 v 02 park 0 place_temporarily 0 001 @ 00859635 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 02 01 | "park the car in the yard"; "park the children with the in-laws"; "park your bag in this locker"
00859181 35 v 03 ensconce 0 fix_firmly 0 settle 0 001 @ 00859635 v 0000 01 + 20 00
00859267 35 v 01 put 5 014 @ 00072540 v 0000 ^ 01019905 v 0105 ^ 01025113 v 0104 ^ 01036663 v 0102 ^ 00903415 v 0102 ^ 00013781 v 0103 ^ 00013781 v 0105 ^ 00013781 v 0104 ^ 00760013 v 0101 ^ 00779036 v 0101 ^ 00760013 v 0102 ^ 00127796 v 0103 ^ 00285901 v 0104 ^ 01560425 v 0103 02 + 20 00 + 21 00 | cause to be in a certain state; cause to be in a certain relation
00859635 35 v 06 put 0 set 0 place 0 pose 2 position 0 lay 1 072 @ 01055491 v 0000 ^ 00804344 v 0602 ^ 00846818 v 0603 ^ 00290527 v 0302 ^ 00856432 v 0202 ^ 01527104 v 0201 ^ 01455419 v 0202 ^ 01458045 v 0204 ^ 01128356 v 0203 ^ 00947992 v 0204 ^ 00950695 v 0204 ^ 00842219 v 0202 ^ 00846818 v 0204 ^ 00290527 v 0203 ^ 01495560 v 0103 ^ 00750751 v 0102 ^ 01527104 v 0103 ^ 01495560 v 0109 ^ 01129828 v 0102 ^ 01412236 v 0109 ^ 00931572 v 0103 ^ 00783910 v 0101 ^ 00904114 v 0102 ^ 00914512 v 0103 ^ 00889296 v 0102 ^ 00417813 v 0105 ~ 00569245 v 0000 ~ 00712003 v 0000 ~ 00750751 v 0000 ~ 00842219 v 0000 ~ 00844474 v 0000 ~ 00858721 v 0000 ~ 00858995 v 0000 ~ 00859181 v 0000 ~ 00861139 v 0000 ~ 00861282 v 0000 ~ 00861363 v 0000 ~ 00861461 v 0000 ~ 00861602 v 0000 ~ 00861697 v 0000 ~ 00861941 v 0000 ~ 00862069 v 0000 ~ 00862172 v 0000 ~ 00862266 v 0000 ~ 00862357 v 0000 ~ 00862472 v 0000 ~ 00862576 v 0000 ~ 00862913 v 0000 ~ 00863336 v 0000 ~ 00863493 v 0000 ~ 00863620 v 0000 ~ 00863723 v 0000 ~ 00863849 v 0000 ~ 00863964 v 0000 ~ 00864045 v 0000 ~ 00864123 v 0000 ~ 00864392 v 0000 ~ 00864495 v 0000 ~ 00888862 v 0000 ~ 00889296 v 0000 ~ 00890657 v 0000 ~ 00902351 v 0000 ~ 00903638 v 0000 ~ 00906428 v 0000 ~ 00921405 v 0000 ~ 00924252 v 0000 ~ 00924932 v 0000 ~ 01133355 v 0000 ~ 01133868 v 0000 ~ 01134112 v 0000 ~ 01134202 v 0000 ~ 01134315 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | put into a certain place: "Put your things here"; also with abstract objects and locations: "Place emphasis on a certain point"
00861139 35 v 01 sign 2 001 @ 00859635 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | place signs, as along a road; "sign an intersection"; "This road has been signed"
00861282 35 v 01 middle 0 001 @ 00859635 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | put in the middle
00861363 35 v 01 parallelize 0 001 @ 00859635 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | place parallel to one another
00861461 35 v 01 butt 1 001 @ 00859635 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | place end to end without overlapping; "The frames must be butted at the joints"
00861602 35 v 01 recess 1 001 @ 00859635 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | put into a recess, as of lights
00861697 35 v 01 reposition 1 002 @ 00859635 v 0000 ~ 00861810 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | place into another position
00861810 35 v 01 reduce 1 001 @ 00861697 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | reposition back to its normal site, as of a broken bone, in surgery
00861941 35 v 01 throw 2 001 @ 00859635 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | place with great energy; "She threw the blanket around the child"
00862069 35 v 02 tee 0 tee_up 0 001 @ 00859635 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | place on a tee, as of a golf ball
00862172 35 v 01 rack_up 0 001 @ 00859635 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | place in a rck, of pool balls
00862266 35 v 01 coffin 0 001 @ 00859635 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | place into a coffin
00862357 35 v 02 put_to_bed 0 bed 1 001 @ 00859635 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | "The children were bedded at ten o'clock"
00862472 35 v 01 appose 0 001 @ 00859635 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | place side by side or in close proximity
00862576 35 v 03 set_down 2 put_down 2 place_down 0 002 @ 00859635 v 0000 ~ 00862690 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00862690 35 v 08 plank 1 flump 0 plonk 0 plop 0 plunk 2 plump_down 0 plunk_down 0 plump 0 001 @ 00862576 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | "He planked the money on the table"; "He planked himself into the sofa"
00862913 35 v 03 sow 0 sough 0 seed 1 003 @ 00859635 v 0000 ~ 00863068 v 0000 ~ 00863254 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | place seeds in the ground for future growth
00863068 35 v 02 inseminate 0 sow_in 0 001 @ 00862913 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | place seeds in (the ground)
00863172 35 v 01 reseed 0 001 @ 00887697 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | seed again or anew
00863254 35 v 01 scatter 1 001 @ 00862913 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | sow by scattering
00863336 35 v 03 misplace 0 place_wrongly 0 position_wrongly 0 001 @ 00859635 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | put in the wrong position: "misplaced modifiers"
00863493 35 v 02 juxtapose 0 place_side_by_side 0 001 @ 00859635 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "The fauvists juxtaposed strong colors"
00863620 35 v 01 pitch 2 001 @ 00859635 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "They pitched the roof at a steep slant"
00863723 35 v 01 set_down 1 001 @ 00859635 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | "The hotel was set down at the bottom of the valley"
00863849 35 v 02 bottle 0 put_into_bottles 0 001 @ 00859635 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of liquids, such a milk or water
00863964 35 v 01 bucket 1 001 @ 00859635 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | put into a bucket
00864045 35 v 01 barrel 0 001 @ 00859635 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | put in barrels
00864583 35 v 03 stack 0 pile 0 heap 0 006 @ 00842219 v 0000 ^ 00865227 v 0302 ^ 00865227 v 0201 ^ 00865227 v 0103 ~ 00864824 v 0000 ~ 00864910 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | "heap firewood around the fireplace"; "stack your books up on the shelves"
00864824 35 v 01 rick 0 001 @ 00864583 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | pile in ricks, as of hay
00864910 35 v 02 cord 0 stack_in_cords 0 001 @ 00864583 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of wood
00864996 35 v 02 stack 1 fill_with_piles 0 002 @ 00856708 v 0000 ^ 01297479 v 0106 02 + 08 00 + 31 00 | stack a truck with boxes
00866270 35 v 02 draw_in 3 retract 0 002 @ 00865744 v 0000 ~ 00866391 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | as of a plane's landing gear
00866391 35 v 02 invaginate 0 introvert 0 001 @ 00866270 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | of certain animals' organs
00866497 35 v 03 hurl 0 hurtle 0 cast 0 005 @ 00867132 v 0000 ^ 00871071 v 0305 ^ 00748548 v 0302 ~ 00866671 v 0000 ~ 00870314 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | throw forcefully
00866671 35 v 01 precipitate 0 001 @ 00866497 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | hurl or throw violently
00866763 35 v 01 heave 1 001 @ 00867132 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | throw with great effort
00866849 35 v 03 pelt 0 bombard 0 throw_at 0 003 @ 00867132 v 0000 ~ 00866966 v 0000 ~ 00867050 v 0000 01 + 17 00
00866966 35 v 01 snowball 0 001 @ 00866849 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | throw snowballs at
00867050 35 v 01 egg 1 001 @ 00866849 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | throw eggs at
00867132 35 v 02 throw 0 project_through_the_air 0 018 @ 00869132 v 0000 ~ 00708335 v 0000 ~ 00811379 v 0000 ~ 00866497 v 0000 ~ 00866763 v 0000 ~ 00866849 v 0000 ~ 00867560 v 0000 ~ 00867680 v 0000 ~ 00867822 v 0000 ~ 00867954 v 0000 ~ 00868060 v 0000 ~ 00869387 v 0000 ~ 00869711 v 0000 ~ 00870419 v 0000 ~ 00871199 v 0000 ~ 00923103 v 0000 ~ 01078819 v 0000 ~ 01271641 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 14 00 + 21 00 | "throw a frisbee"
00867560 35 v 03 deep_six 0 deep-six 0 throw_overboard 1 001 @ 00867132 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | throw from a boat
00867680 35 v 01 volley 4 001 @ 00867132 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | propel while in the air and before touching the ground, as of a ball in a game
00867822 35 v 01 ridge 1 001 @ 00867132 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | through soil toward (a crop row) rom both sides: "He ridged his corn"
00867954 35 v 02 jettison 0 throw_overboard 0 001 @ 00867132 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | throw from an airplane
00868060 35 v 02 pass 1 throw_a_football 0 001 @ 00867132 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | in football
00868152 35 v 03 throw 1 flip 1 switch 0 003 @ 00868524 v 0000 ~ 00868288 v 0000 ~ 00868381 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of switches or levers
00868288 35 v 02 switch_on 0 turn_on 0 002 @ 00868152 v 0000 ! 00868381 v 0101 01 + 08 00
00868381 35 v 04 switch_off 0 cut 8 turn_off 0 turn_out 1 002 @ 00868152 v 0000 ! 00868288 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | "Turn off the lights, please"
00868524 35 v 04 engage 0 mesh 1 lock 1 operate 2 004 @ 01055491 v 0000 ! 00868913 v 0101 ~ 00868152 v 0000 ~ 00868688 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 04 00 + 08 00 + 11 00
00868688 35 v 01 ride 0 001 @ 00868524 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | keep partially engaged by slightly depressing a pedal with the foot; "Don't ride the clutch!"
00868843 35 v 01 unlock 1 001 @ 00868913 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00868913 35 v 02 disengage 0 withdraw 0 003 @ 00847053 v 0000 ! 00868524 v 0101 ~ 00868843 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 04 00 + 08 00 + 11 00
00869049 35 v 02 trigger 0 release_a_trigger 0 001 @ 00847053 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00869132 35 v 03 propel 0 impel 0 move_forward 0 010 @ 01055491 v 0000 ~ 00707830 v 0000 ~ 00789100 v 0000 ~ 00789381 v 0000 ~ 00809580 v 0000 ~ 00867132 v 0000 ~ 00870513 v 0000 ~ 00870961 v 0000 ~ 00871071 v 0000 ~ 00922785 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00869387 35 v 01 fling 0 002 @ 00867132 v 0000 ~ 00869508 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | throw with force or recklessness
00869508 35 v 04 flip 0 toss 4 sky 0 pitch 0 002 @ 00869387 v 0000 ~ 00869615 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00
00869615 35 v 02 throw_back 0 toss_back 0 001 @ 00869508 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | as of one's head
00869711 35 v 02 lob 0 throw_in_a_high_arc 0 001 @ 00867132 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of balls
00869802 35 v 08 shed 1 cast 1 cast_off 0 shake_off 0 throw 7 throw_off 0 throw_away 0 drop 1 004 @ 00104355 v 0000 ~ 00006249 v 0000 ~ 00870013 v 0000 ~ 00870129 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "shed this image"
00870013 35 v 01 exfoliate 0 001 @ 00869802 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cast off in scales, laminae, or splinters
00870129 35 v 01 autotomize 0 001 @ 00869802 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cause a body part to undergo autotomy
00870234 35 v 02 pitch 1 set_up 1 001 @ 01131111 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of tents
00870314 35 v 02 sling 0 catapult 1 001 @ 00866497 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | hurl as if with a sling
00871199 35 v 04 skim 2 skip 0 skitter 1 throw_over_a_surface 0 001 @ 00867132 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | cause to skip over a surface: "Skip a stone across the pond"
00871369 35 v 03 boost 0 push_upward 0 shove_upward 0 001 @ 01082019 v 0000 01 + 21 00
00871459 35 v 02 jet 0 gush 0 001 @ 01182440 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | issue in a jet; come out in a jet; stream or spring forth; of liquids
00871596 35 v 04 force 2 run 3 drive 0 ram 0 005 @ 01082019 v 0000 ^ 00340475 v 0403 ^ 00777242 v 0302 ^ 00340684 v 0301 ~ 00871815 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | physical or metaphorical, as in "She rammed her mind into focus"
00871815 35 v 01 toe 2 001 @ 00871596 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | drive obliquely, as of a nail
00871905 35 v 02 wreathe 0 wind 2 001 @ 00872396 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | form into a wreath
00871995 35 v 01 fold 3 001 @ 00872396 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of hands, arms, or legs
00872080 35 v 03 wreathe 1 decorate_with_wreathes 0 deck_with_wreathes 0 001 @ 00959417 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00872189 35 v 02 frost 0 ice 0 001 @ 00763269 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | decorate a cake with frosting
00872287 35 v 02 encrust 1 beset 0 001 @ 00959417 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | decorate or cover lavishly with gems
00872396 35 v 08 intertwine 0 twine 0 entwine 0 enlace 0 twine_together 0 twist_together 0 interlace 0 lace 1 009 @ 00696750 v 0000 ! 00872686 v 0201 ~ 00871905 v 0000 ~ 00871995 v 0000 ~ 00872803 v 0000 ~ 00872891 v 0000 ~ 00873033 v 0000 ~ 00874915 v 0000 ~ 00899208 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00872686 35 v 01 untwine 0 002 @ 00787280 v 0000 ! 00872396 v 0102 01 + 08 00 | undo what has been twined together
00872803 35 v 01 wattle 0 001 @ 00872396 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | interlace to form wattle
00872891 35 v 01 raddle 0 001 @ 00872396 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00872953 35 v 02 inweave 0 weave_together 0 001 @ 00873240 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00873033 35 v 02 pleach 0 plash 1 001 @ 00872396 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | interlace the shoots, of a hedge
00873137 35 v 01 spin 0 001 @ 00696750 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | work natural fibers into a thread
00873240 35 v 02 weave 0 interweave 0 006 @ 00696750 v 0000 ! 00873437 v 0101 ~ 00798935 v 0000 ~ 00872953 v 0000 ~ 00873562 v 0000 ~ 00873667 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | interlace as if weaving
00873437 35 v 01 unweave 0 002 @ 00787280 v 0000 ! 00873240 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | undo strands that have been woven together
00873562 35 v 01 tinsel 0 001 @ 00873240 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | interweave with tinsel; "tinseled velvet"
00873667 35 v 05 braid 0 pleach 1 form_into_a_braid 0 make_a_braid_of 0 weave_a_braid_of 0 002 @ 00873240 v 0000 ! 00873932 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | as of hair
00873824 35 v 03 braid 1 decorate_with_braids 0 decorate_with_ribbons 0 001 @ 00959417 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00873932 35 v 02 unbraid 0 undo_the_braid_of 0 002 @ 00874033 v 0000 ! 00873667 v 0101 01 + 08 00
00874033 35 v 02 undo 0 cause_to_become_undone 0 017 @ 00080617 v 0000 ~ 00735837 v 0000 ~ 00739205 v 0000 ~ 00760590 v 0000 ~ 00761460 v 0000 ~ 00771923 v 0000 ~ 00785575 v 0000 ~ 00786403 v 0000 ~ 00786615 v 0000 ~ 00786820 v 0000 ~ 00787159 v 0000 ~ 00818032 v 0000 ~ 00873932 v 0000 ~ 00874718 v 0000 ~ 00876455 v 0000 ~ 00891804 v 0000 ~ 00908083 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cancel or reverse an action or its effect
00874457 35 v 03 vandalize 0 vandalise 0 destroy_wantonly 0 002 @ 00900879 v 0000 ~ 00874606 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | destroy through acts of vandalism
00874606 35 v 01 key 0 001 @ 00874457 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | vandalize a car by scratching the sides with a key"
00874718 35 v 05 unravel 0 unknot 0 unscramble 0 untangle 0 unpick 0 004 * 00897572 v 0000 @ 00874033 v 0000 ! 00874915 v 0203 ! 00874915 v 0101 02 + 01 00 + 08 00 | as of a garment, for example
00874915 35 v 03 ravel 0 tangle 3 knot 2 003 @ 00872396 v 0000 ! 00874718 v 0302 ! 00874718 v 0101 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 21 00
00875044 35 v 03 ravel 1 unravel 1 ravel_out 0 001 @ 00841961 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00875127 35 v 03 lace 0 lace_up 0 draw_through_eyes 0 002 * 00768642 v 0000 @ 00736248 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | draw through holes; as of shoelaces
00875273 35 v 02 thread 0 pass_a_thread_through 0 001 @ 00689601 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00875359 35 v 02 wind 0 wind_up 0 002 * 01086483 v 0000 @ 00249759 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of springs
00875459 35 v 05 wind 6 wrap 2 encircle 2 enlace 1 roll 0 009 @ 01055491 v 0000 ^ 00259084 v 0501 ^ 00259084 v 0202 ! 00876347 v 0101 ~ 00875723 v 0000 ~ 00875925 v 0000 ~ 00876036 v 0000 ~ 00876164 v 0000 ~ 00876575 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | wrap around, move around
00875723 35 v 01 spool 0 002 @ 00875459 v 0000 ~ 00875831 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | wind onto a spool or a reel
00875831 35 v 01 cheese 0 001 @ 00875723 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | wind onto a cheese, as of yarn
00875925 35 v 01 reel 0 002 @ 00875459 v 0000 ~ 00876265 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 01 | wind onto or off a reel
00876036 35 v 01 ball 0 001 @ 00875459 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | form into a ball by winding, rolling, etc.; ball wool, for example
00876164 35 v 02 clue 0 clew 0 001 @ 00875459 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | roll into a ball
00876265 35 v 02 reel_off 0 unreeel 0 001 @ 00875925 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00
00876347 35 v 03 unwind 6 wind_off 0 unroll 0 002 @ 01055491 v 0000 ! 00875459 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 21 00
00876455 35 v 02 unwind 0 disentangle 1 003 @ 00874033 v 0000 ~ 00854659 v 0000 ~ 00876675 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 08 00
00876575 35 v 03 coil 0 loop 0 curl 1 002 @ 00875459 v 0000 ! 00876675 v 0101 02 + 04 00 + 21 00
00876675 35 v 02 uncoil 0 make_uncoiled 0 002 @ 00876455 v 0000 ! 00876575 v 0101 01 + 08 00
00876893 35 v 04 deluge 0 flood 0 inundate 0 swamp 0 002 @ 00268884 v 0000 ^ 01145967 v 0201 02 + 08 00 + 31 00 | "The images flooded his mind"
00877039 35 v 02 stuff 0 fill_completely 0 004 @ 00268884 v 0000 ~ 00876771 v 0000 ~ 00877188 v 0000 ~ 00878555 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 21 00 + 31 00
00877188 35 v 01 overstuff 0 001 @ 00877039 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | stuff too much; "The pillow was overstuffed"
00877299 35 v 02 jam 1 get_stuck 0 001 @ 00877378 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00
00877378 35 v 02 malfunction 0 misfunction 0 003 @ 00258338 v 0000 ! 00877616 v 0101 ~ 00877299 v 0000 01 + 01 00
00877495 35 v 02 double 1 do_double-duty 0 001 @ 00877616 v 0000 01 + 03 00 | serve two purposes or have two functions
00877616 35 v 05 function 0 work 2 operate 3 go 0 run 0 006 ^ 01430390 v 0202 ! 00877378 v 0101 ~ 00877495 v 0000 ~ 00877872 v 0000 ~ 00878023 v 0000 ~ 01438930 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | function properly; "The washing machine won't go unless it's plugged in"
00877872 35 v 01 roll 1 001 @ 00877616 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | begin operating or running; "The cameras were rolling"; "The presses are already rolling"
00878023 35 v 02 run 4 be_running 0 002 @ 00877616 v 0000 ! 00878140 v 0101 01 + 01 00 | as of engines or machines
00878140 35 v 03 idle 0 run_idle 0 run_disconnected 0 001 ! 00878023 v 0101 01 + 01 00 | of engines
00878242 35 v 06 go_on 0 start_running 0 start_functioning 0 start_operating 0 come_up 0 come_on 0 002 @ 01063101 v 0000 ! 00878428 v 0101 01 + 01 00 | of lights or power, for example
00878428 35 v 03 go_off 0 stop_running 0 stop_functioning 0 002 @ 01061645 v 0000 ! 00878242 v 0101 01 + 01 00 | as of power
00878555 35 v 02 pad 0 fill_out 0 002 @ 00877039 v 0000 ~ 00878651 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 31 00
00878651 35 v 01 rat 1 001 @ 00878555 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | give (hair) the appearance of being fuller by using a rat
00878769 35 v 03 wedge 0 squeeze 3 force 0 003 @ 01055491 v 0000 ~ 00771433 v 0000 ~ 00799788 v 0000 01 + 21 00
00878884 35 v 03 dislodge 1 displace 0 bump 1 002 @ 00844103 v 0000 ~ 00878992 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00
00878992 35 v 01 throw 6 001 @ 00878884 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | "The horse threw its unexperienced rider"
00879096 35 v 04 exorcise 0 exorcize 0 expel_by_adjuration 0 expel_through_prayers 0 001 @ 00844103 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of evil spirits; in certain religions
00879256 35 v 04 lodge 0 wedge 1 stick 2 deposit 0 004 @ 00768642 v 0000 ^ 01519892 v 0302 ^ 01535686 v 0301 ! 00879526 v 0101 01 + 21 00
00879397 35 v 01 lounge 0 001 @ 00888240 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | sit or recline comfortably; "He was lounging on the sofa"
00879526 35 v 02 dislodge 0 free 2 002 @ 00104355 v 0000 ! 00879256 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 21 00
00879623 35 v 05 implant 0 engraft 0 embed 0 imbed 0 plant 1 004 @ 00818159 v 0000 ~ 00879975 v 0000 ~ 00880217 v 0000 ~ 00880459 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00
00879782 35 v 01 puddle 4 001 @ 00902351 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | dip into mud before planting, of young plants
00879891 35 v 01 checkrow 0 001 @ 00902351 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | plant in checkrows
00879975 35 v 02 pot 0 plant_in_a_pot 0 002 @ 00879623 v 0000 ~ 00880091 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "He potted the palm"
00880091 35 v 01 repot 0 001 @ 00879975 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | put in a new, usually larger, pot, as of a plant that has grown
00880217 35 v 03 nest 0 fit_together 0 fit_inside 0 001 @ 00879623 v 0000 01 + 21 00
00880305 35 v 03 sandwich 0 insert_tightly 0 squeeze_tightly 0 001 @ 00818159 v 0000 02 + 20 00 + 21 00 | squeeze tightly between two people or objects
00880459 35 v 03 bury 1 sink 0 embed_deeply 0 002 @ 00879623 v 0000 ~ 00880559 v 0000 01 + 21 00
00880559 35 v 02 set 5 countersink 0 001 @ 00880459 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of a nail below the surface
00880661 35 v 02 transplant 0 graft 1 002 * 01043075 v 0000 @ 00818159 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | in surgery
00880773 35 v 04 graft 0 engraft 1 ingraft 1 cause_to_grow_together 0 001 @ 00740051 v 0000 01 + 15 00 | in horticulture
00880896 35 v 02 ingrain 0 grain 0 001 @ 00699493 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | "His hands were grained with dirt"
00881003 35 v 03 entrench 0 intrench 0 fix_firmly 1 001 @ 00768642 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00881091 35 v 04 emboss 0 boss 0 stamp 3 raise_in_a_relief 0 002 @ 00881425 v 0000 ~ 00881206 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00881206 35 v 01 block 3 001 @ 00881091 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | stamp a title or design on a book with a block
00881315 35 v 02 tease 2 raise_the_nap_of 0 002 * 00709236 v 0000 @ 00215013 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of fabrics
00881425 35 v 02 impress 0 imprint 0 004 * 00832033 v 0000 @ 00215013 v 0000 ~ 00728285 v 0000 ~ 00881091 v 0000 01 + 21 00
00881552 35 v 05 spot 0 stain 0 fleck 0 blob 0 blot 1 008 @ 00215013 v 0000 ~ 00881776 v 0000 ~ 00885147 v 0000 ~ 00885464 v 0000 ~ 00885702 v 0000 ~ 00962957 v 0000 ~ 00963083 v 0000 ~ 00971803 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00881776 35 v 01 splotch 0 001 @ 00881552 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | blotch or spot
00881863 35 v 01 clean 2 001 @ 00104355 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | remove in making clean; "Clean the spots off the rug"
00881979 35 v 02 clean 0 make_clean 0 016 @ 00072540 v 0000 ! 00882947 v 0101 ~ 00053587 v 0000 ~ 00709391 v 0000 ~ 00709552 v 0000 ~ 00709813 v 0000 ~ 00710182 v 0000 ~ 00710305 v 0000 ~ 00710423 v 0000 ~ 00710515 v 0000 ~ 00801789 v 0000 ~ 00802827 v 0000 ~ 00882448 v 0000 ~ 00882842 v 0000 ~ 00883601 v 0000 ~ 00883685 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make clean by removing dirt, filth, or unwanted substances from; "Clean the stove!"; "The dentist cleaned my teeth"
00882448 35 v 01 pipe-clay 0 001 @ 00881979 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | whiten or clean with pipe-clay, as of leather
00882560 35 v 04 houseclean 0 house-clean 0 clean_house 0 clean 1 002 @ 00164443 v 0000 ~ 00882710 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | "She housecleans every week"
00882710 35 v 01 spring-clean 0 001 @ 00882560 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | thoroughly clean the entire house, often done only once a year
00882842 35 v 02 scavenge 0 clean_refuse_from 0 001 @ 00881979 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "Scavenge a street"
00882947 35 v 09 dirty 0 soil 0 begrime 0 grime 0 colly 0 bemire 0 make_soiled 0 make_filthy 0 make_dirty 0 011 @ 00072540 v 0000 ! 00881979 v 0101 ~ 00289444 v 0000 ~ 00289637 v 0000 ~ 00714946 v 0000 ~ 00715177 v 0000 ~ 00715290 v 0000 ~ 00883279 v 0000 ~ 00883379 v 0000 ~ 00883516 v 0000 ~ 00885386 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00883279 35 v 01 splash 4 001 @ 00882947 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | soil or stain with a splashed liquid
00883379 35 v 04 mire 0 muck 0 mud 0 muck_up 0 001 @ 00882947 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | soil with mud, muck, or mire
00883516 35 v 01 crock 0 001 @ 00882947 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | soil with soot
00883601 35 v 02 dry_clean 0 clean_chemically 1 001 @ 00881979 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00883685 35 v 02 wash 0 launder 0 012 @ 00881979 v 0000 ~ 00726419 v 0000 ~ 00726503 v 0000 ~ 00883953 v 0000 ~ 00884067 v 0000 ~ 00884179 v 0000 ~ 00884254 v 0000 ~ 00884642 v 0000 ~ 00884732 v 0000 ~ 00884831 v 0000 ~ 00884946 v 0000 ~ 00885050 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00883953 35 v 01 wash_out 1 001 @ 00883685 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | wash free from unwanted substances, such as dirt
00884067 35 v 02 pressure-wash 0 powerwash 0 001 @ 00883685 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of buildings, before painting
00884179 35 v 02 suds 0 wash_in_suds 0 001 @ 00883685 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00884254 35 v 02 rinse 0 rinse_off 0 002 @ 00883685 v 0000 ~ 00271019 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 09 00
00884361 35 v 02 wash 1 separate_gravel_from 0 003 * 00884254 v 0000 @ 00839659 v 0000 ~ 00884505 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | as of precious minerals
00884505 35 v 03 pan 0 pan_out 0 pan_off 0 001 @ 00884361 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | wash dirt in a pan to separate out the precious minerals
00884642 35 v 02 cradle 1 wash_in_a_cradle 0 001 @ 00883685 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of gold
00884732 35 v 02 stonewash 0 wash_with_stones 0 001 @ 00883685 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of blue_jeans
00884831 35 v 03 handwash 0 wash_by_hand 0 launder_by_hand 0 002 @ 00883685 v 0000 ! 00884946 v 0101 01 + 08 00
00884946 35 v 02 machine_wash 0 wash_by_machine 0 002 @ 00883685 v 0000 ! 00884831 v 0101 01 + 08 00
00885050 35 v 02 acid-wash 0 wash_with_acid 0 001 @ 00883685 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of blue jeans
00885254 35 v 04 defile 1 sully 1 corrupt 0 taint 0 001 @ 00282220 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | as of someone's reputation
00885386 35 v 02 blemish 0 spot 1 001 @ 00882947 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00885464 35 v 03 speckle 0 bespeckle 0 mark_with_speckles 0 001 @ 00881552 v 0000 01 + 11 00
00885560 35 v 02 stipple 0 speckle 1 001 @ 00299482 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | produce a mottled effect; "The sunlight stippled the trees"
00885702 35 v 02 spatter 1 bespatter 0 001 @ 00881552 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00885777 35 v 01 spat 1 001 @ 00739723 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | become permanently attached, as of mollusks or oysters
00885901 35 v 02 blot 0 dry_with_blotting_paper 0 001 @ 00885995 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00885995 35 v 09 absorb 0 suck 0 imbibe 1 soak_up 0 sop_up 0 suck_up 0 draw 4 take_in 4 take_up 3 009 ^ 01020146 v 0703 ^ 00865744 v 0704 ^ 00734177 v 0702 ^ 00887051 v 0702 ^ 00887051 v 0203 ^ 00734177 v 0201 ~ 00802515 v 0000 ~ 00885901 v 0000 ~ 00886341 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | be able to take in, as of liquids; "The sponge absorbs water well"
00886341 35 v 01 sponge_up 0 001 @ 00885995 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 10 00 | absorb as if with a sponge, of liquids
00886454 35 v 02 absorb 1 become_imbued_with 0 002 @ 00886848 v 0000 ~ 00886598 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | of liquids, light, or gases, in chemistry
00886598 35 v 02 assimilate 0 imbibe 0 001 @ 00886454 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | take into solution, as of gas, light, or heat
00886720 35 v 02 adsorb 0 accumulate_on_the_surface_of 0 001 @ 00886848 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | of liquids or gases, in chemistry
00886848 35 v 02 sorb 0 take_up 4 004 @ 00086015 v 0000 ~ 00886454 v 0000 ~ 00886720 v 0000 ~ 00919491 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | take up a liquid or a gas either by adsorption or by absorption; in chemistry
00887051 35 v 03 aspirate 0 draw_in 2 suck_in 0 001 @ 00104355 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove body fluids such as blood
00887169 35 v 02 take_in 2 take_up 1 002 @ 01260836 v 0000 ~ 01273765 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00
00887284 35 v 02 incorporate 0 merge_with 0 001 @ 00691635 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00887372 35 v 03 spill 0 shed 0 disgorge 0 002 @ 01055491 v 0000 ~ 00887697 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | "spill the beans all over the table"
00887515 35 v 03 spill 1 shed 2 pour_forth 0 001 @ 01184040 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | pour in drops; "shed tears"; "spill blood"; also metaphorically, as in "God shed His grace on Thee"
00887697 35 v 03 seed 0 go_to_seed 0 shed_seeds 0 002 @ 00887372 v 0000 ~ 00863172 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | "The dandelions went to seed"
00887832 35 v 04 spill 4 slop 0 splatter 0 cause_to_flow 0 001 @ 01055491 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | of liquids
00887947 35 v 01 drape 0 002 * 00731525 v 0000 @ 00842219 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | "drape a cloth"
00888043 35 v 02 hang 2 fall 0 000 01 + 06 00 | fall or flow in a certain way; "This dress hangs well"
00888148 35 v 02 drape 1 pose 0 001 @ 00842219 v 0000 02 + 20 00 + 21 00 | place casually
00888240 35 v 01 sit 0 009 * 01132215 v 0000 ! 00890125 v 0101 ! 00890801 v 0101 ^ 00376488 v 0101 ^ 01132215 v 0101 ~ 00879397 v 0000 ~ 00888478 v 0000 ~ 00888747 v 0000 ~ 00889664 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | be seated
00888478 35 v 01 sprawl 0 004 @ 00888240 v 0000 @ 00890801 v 0000 @ 00890125 v 0000 ~ 00888642 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | sit or lie with one's limbs spread out
00888642 35 v 01 spread-eagle 0 001 @ 00888478 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | stand with arms and legs spread out
00888862 35 v 04 seat 0 sit 1 sit_down 0 put_in_a_seating_position 0 003 > 00888240 v 0000 @ 00859635 v 0000 ~ 00889200 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 20 00 | show to a seat; assign a seat for: "The host seated me next to Mrs. Smith"
00889087 35 v 01 unseat 0 001 @ 01055491 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 20 00 | dislodge from one's seat, as from a horse
00889200 35 v 01 reseat 0 001 @ 00888862 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 20 00 | show to a different seat
00889296 35 v 03 lay 0 put_down 0 repose 1 010 > 00890801 v 0000 @ 00859635 v 0000 ^ 01506812 v 0303 ^ 01506434 v 0301 ^ 00859635 v 0201 ^ 00844474 v 0102 ^ 01311833 v 0104 ^ 01289989 v 0102 ~ 00889575 v 0000 ~ 01390676 v 0000 02 + 20 00 + 21 00 | put in a horizontal position
00889575 35 v 02 lay 2 lay_eggs 0 001 @ 00889296 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | of female animals
00889664 35 v 05 squat 0 crouch 0 scrunch 2 scrunch_up 1 hunker_down 0 001 @ 00888240 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 22 00 | sit on one's heels
00889807 35 v 02 kneel 0 be_on_one's_knees 0 001 @ 00889896 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00
00889896 35 v 02 rest 0 be_in_a_resting_position 0 007 @ 01472320 v 0000 ^ 00914408 v 0102 ^ 01506434 v 0102 ^ 01506812 v 0101 ~ 00889807 v 0000 ~ 00890125 v 0000 ~ 00891011 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | not move
00890125 35 v 04 stand 0 stand_up 0 be_standing 0 be_upright 0 009 * 01131455 v 0000 @ 00889896 v 0000 ! 00888240 v 0101 ! 00890801 v 0101 ^ 01131455 v 0104 ~ 00888478 v 0000 ~ 00890439 v 0000 ~ 00890559 v 0000 ~ 01164544 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | "We had to stand for the entire performance!"
00890439 35 v 01 ramp 0 001 @ 00890125 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | stand with arms or forelegs raised, as if menacing
00890559 35 v 01 stand_back 0 001 @ 00890125 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | "He stood back to look at her"
00890657 35 v 03 stand 1 stand_up 3 place_upright 0 002 > 00890125 v 0000 @ 00859635 v 0000 02 + 20 00 + 21 00 | put into an upright position
00890801 35 v 01 lie 0 006 * 01132324 v 0000 ! 00890125 v 0101 ! 00888240 v 0101 ~ 00888478 v 0000 ~ 00891311 v 0000 ~ 00891527 v 0000 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | be lying, be prostrate; be in a horizontal position
00891011 35 v 01 lie 1 005 @ 00889896 v 0000 ~ 00061800 v 0000 ~ 00891199 v 0000 ~ 00891432 v 0000 ~ 00891605 v 0000 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | assume a resting position, as on a flat surface
00891199 35 v 02 repose 2 recline 0 001 @ 00891011 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | "He was reposing on the couch"
00891311 35 v 03 overlie 1 lie_upon 0 lie_on 0 001 @ 00890801 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | the granite overlies the older rocks
00891432 35 v 01 lie_awake 0 001 @ 00891011 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | lie without sleeping
00891527 35 v 02 repose 0 lie_when_dead 0 001 @ 00890801 v 0000 01 + 22 00
00891605 35 v 02 bask 0 be_exposed 0 002 @ 00891011 v 0000 ^ 01037231 v 0102 01 + 22 00 | usually in the sun
00891716 35 v 02 buckle 0 clasp 2 002 @ 00768642 v 0000 ! 00891804 v 0101 01 + 08 00
00891804 35 v 02 unbuckle 0 undo_the_buckle_of 0 002 @ 00874033 v 0000 ! 00891716 v 0101 01 + 08 00
00891907 35 v 02 brooch 0 clasp 3 001 @ 00768642 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00891977 35 v 05 erase 0 rub_out 0 score_out 0 efface 0 wipe_off 1 004 * 00713259 v 0000 @ 00892314 v 0000 ~ 00892202 v 0000 ~ 00892636 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "Please erase the formula on the blackboard--it is wrong!"
00892202 35 v 01 sponge 1 001 @ 00891977 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | erase with a sponge; as of words on a blackboard
00892314 35 v 02 delete 0 cancel 0 003 @ 00104355 v 0000 ~ 00891977 v 0000 ~ 00892486 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | "Please delete my name from your list"
00892486 35 v 03 strike 8 expunge 0 excise 0 001 @ 00892314 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | "Please strike this remark from the record"
00894185 35 v 02 cut 0 separate_with_an_instrument 0 068 @ 00897572 v 0000 ^ 00895709 v 0101 ^ 00896302 v 0101 ^ 00716830 v 0102 ^ 00751308 v 0103 ^ 00719114 v 0103 ^ 00733520 v 0101 ^ 00892636 v 0102 ^ 00829647 v 0102 ^ 00898623 v 0103 ^ 00892857 v 0102 ^ 00892857 v 0103 ^ 00897017 v 0103 ^ 00893217 v 0102 ^ 00893217 v 0103 ~ 00027450 v 0000 ~ 00712573 v 0000 ~ 00712689 v 0000 ~ 00713103 v 0000 ~ 00716251 v 0000 ~ 00716586 v 0000 ~ 00716704 v 0000 ~ 00716830 v 0000 ~ 00717039 v 0000 ~ 00717316 v 0000 ~ 00717413 v 0000 ~ 00717504 v 0000 ~ 00717828 v 0000 ~ 00718006 v 0000 ~ 00718194 v 0000 ~ 00718350 v 0000 ~ 00718770 v 0000 ~ 00718870 v 0000 ~ 00719114 v 0000 ~ 00721243 v 0000 ~ 00729430 v 0000 ~ 00731319 v 0000 ~ 00732707 v 0000 ~ 00733520 v 0000 ~ 00741315 v 0000 ~ 00756325 v 0000 ~ 00756806 v 0000 ~ 00757712 v 0000 ~ 00757824 v 0000 ~ 00808337 v 0000 ~ 00808434 v 0000 ~ 00829977 v 0000 ~ 00838400 v 0000 ~ 00892857 v 0000 ~ 00893217 v 0000 ~ 00893314 v 0000 ~ 00893941 v 0000 ~ 00895488 v 0000 ~ 00895609 v 0000 ~ 00895709 v 0000 ~ 00896130 v 0000 ~ 00896215 v 0000 ~ 00896607 v 0000 ~ 00896924 v 0000 ~ 00897017 v 0000 ~ 00897357 v 0000 ~ 00898623 v 0000 ~ 00899031 v 0000 ~ 00899577 v 0000 ~ 00910723 v 0000 ~ 00910820 v 0000 ~ 00920521 v 0000 ~ 00920598 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00895488 35 v 02 crop 2 cut_short 0 001 @ 00894185 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | as of hair; "She wanted her hair cropped short"
00895609 35 v 01 chatter 0 001 @ 00894185 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cut unevenly with a chattering tool
00895709 35 v 01 cut_away 0 003 @ 00894185 v 0000 ~ 00895848 v 0000 ~ 00895965 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | remove by cutting off or away
00895848 35 v 01 undercut 1 001 @ 00895709 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cut away the underpart of; "undercut a vein of ore"
00895965 35 v 01 undercut 2 001 @ 00895709 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cut away material from the underside of (an object) so as to leave an overhanging portion in relief
00896130 35 v 01 tomahawk 0 001 @ 00894185 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cut with a tomahawk
00896215 35 v 02 sabre 1 saber 1 001 @ 00894185 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cut with a saber
00896302 35 v 02 cut_out 2 form_by_cutting_out 0 003 * 00894185 v 0000 @ 00911559 v 0000 ~ 00733688 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "Picasso cut out a piece of paper in the shape of a guitar"
00896484 35 v 02 die 0 die_out 0 001 @ 00733520 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | cut or shape with a die; "Die out leather for belts"
00896607 35 v 02 rebate 0 cut_a_rebate_in 0 002 @ 00894185 v 0000 ~ 00896728 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | as of timber or stone
00896728 35 v 01 rusticate 0 001 @ 00896607 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | as of stone, to give it a rustic look
00896832 35 v 01 cut 9 001 @ 00897572 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | divide at random; of card packs
00896924 35 v 01 cradle 2 001 @ 00894185 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cut grain with a cradle sythe
00897017 35 v 03 incise 0 carve_into 0 cut_into 0 008 @ 00894185 v 0000 ~ 00730861 v 0000 ~ 00751004 v 0000 ~ 00838852 v 0000 ~ 00897260 v 0000 ~ 00898537 v 0000 ~ 00898915 v 0000 ~ 00925376 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make an incision into
00897260 35 v 01 trench 0 001 @ 00897017 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "letters trenched into the stone"
00897357 35 v 02 dock 1 tail 0 001 @ 00894185 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove the tail of an animal
00897454 35 v 04 cleave 0 split 0 tear 1 rive 1 002 @ 00897572 v 0000 ~ 00701999 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00
00897572 35 v 07 separate 1 disunite 0 force_apart 0 divide 1 part 1 take_apart 2 pull_apart 1 013 > 00898017 v 0000 @ 01055491 v 0000 ~ 00285098 v 0000 ~ 00286495 v 0000 ~ 00291356 v 0000 ~ 00741769 v 0000 ~ 00741903 v 0000 ~ 00779145 v 0000 ~ 00894185 v 0000 ~ 00896832 v 0000 ~ 00897454 v 0000 ~ 00899652 v 0000 ~ 00905676 v 0000 05 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 + 16 00 | "He separated the fighting children"; "Moses parted the Red Sea"
00898017 35 v 04 separate 0 divide 0 come_apart 0 part 0 011 @ 00064108 v 0000 ~ 00286412 v 0000 ~ 00691846 v 0000 ~ 00719229 v 0000 ~ 00741635 v 0000 ~ 00745358 v 0000 ~ 00898336 v 0000 ~ 00900433 v 0000 ~ 00900790 v 0000 ~ 00905282 v 0000 ~ 01396781 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | "The two pieces that we had glued separated"
00898336 35 v 02 reduce 0 undergo_meiosis 0 001 @ 00898017 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | of cells
00898426 35 v 02 cleave 1 make_by_cutting_into 0 002 * 00894185 v 0000 @ 00926361 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00898537 35 v 02 slit 0 cut_a_slit_into 0 001 @ 00897017 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00900168 35 v 02 crash 2 cause_to_crash 0 002 @ 00900277 v 0000 ~ 00900359 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | as of a car
00900277 35 v 02 collide 1 cause_to_collide 0 001 ~ 00900168 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00900359 35 v 01 ditch 0 001 @ 00900168 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | as of a car
00900433 35 v 02 segment 0 section 0 003 @ 00898017 v 0000 ~ 00900572 v 0000 ~ 00900697 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | divide into segments
00900572 35 v 04 syllabify 0 syllabicate 0 syllabize 0 divide_into_syllables 0 001 @ 00900433 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of words
00900697 35 v 01 quarter 1 001 @ 00900433 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | divide into quarters
00900790 35 v 02 partition 0 partition_off 0 001 @ 00898017 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00900879 35 v 02 destroy 0 ruin 0 012 ~ 00226851 v 0000 ~ 00231606 v 0000 ~ 00231740 v 0000 ~ 00787971 v 0000 ~ 00874457 v 0000 ~ 00901283 v 0000 ~ 00901395 v 0000 ~ 00901566 v 0000 ~ 00901693 v 0000 ~ 00901822 v 0000 ~ 00901933 v 0000 ~ 00923905 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | destroy completely; damage irreparably; "You have ruined my car by pouring sugar in the tank!"; "The tears ruined her make-up"
00901283 35 v 01 devour 0 001 @ 00900879 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | destroy completely; "Fire had devoured our home"
00901395 35 v 04 rape 1 despoil 0 violate 1 plunder 1 001 @ 00900879 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | destroy and strip of its possession; "The soldiers raped the beautiful country"
00901566 35 v 01 explode 0 001 @ 00900879 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | destroy by exploding: "The enemy destroyed the bridge"
00901693 35 v 01 consume 0 001 @ 00900879 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | destroy completely, as by fire; "The fire consumed the building"
00901822 35 v 01 shipwreck 0 001 @ 00900879 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | destroy a ship: "The vessel was shipwrecked"
00902351 35 v 04 plant 0 set 9 put_into_the_soil 0 set_to_grow 0 006 @ 00859635 v 0000 ~ 00879782 v 0000 ~ 00879891 v 0000 ~ 00902582 v 0000 ~ 00902665 v 0000 ~ 00903074 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | put seeds or seedlings into the ground
00902582 35 v 01 dibble 0 001 @ 00902351 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | plant with a dibble
00902665 35 v 02 afforest 0 forest 0 003 @ 00902351 v 0000 ~ 00902824 v 0000 ~ 00902948 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | establish a forest on previously unforested land
00902824 35 v 01 re-afforest 0 001 @ 00902665 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | re-establish a forest after clear-cutting or fire, etc.
00902948 35 v 02 reforest 0 forest_anew 0 001 @ 00902665 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | "After the fire, they reforested the mountain"
00903074 35 v 02 replant 0 plant_again 0 001 @ 00902351 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "They replanted the land"; "He replanted the seedlings"
00903415 35 v 02 smother 3 put_out 0 002 * 00763269 v 0000 @ 00282378 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | of fires
00903524 35 v 03 smother 0 asphyxiate 0 suffocate 0 002 * 00763269 v 0000 @ 00758542 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00
00903638 35 v 03 install 0 instal 0 set_up 2 003 @ 00859635 v 0000 ~ 00903952 v 0000 ~ 00904114 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | set up for use; "install the washer and dryer"
00903827 35 v 04 install 1 instal 1 set_up 4 establish 0 000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | "Her manager had set her up at the Ritz"
00903952 35 v 02 reinstall 0 re-install 0 001 @ 00903638 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 20 00 | install again; "She reinstalled the the washer after it had been repaired"
00904114 35 v 02 post 0 put_up 0 001 @ 00903638 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00904183 35 v 03 choke 0 gag 0 fret 3 001 @ 00799016 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | as of a neckband
00904283 35 v 02 choke 2 scrag 1 001 @ 00799016 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | wring the neck of
00904371 35 v 03 strangle 0 strangulate 0 throttle 0 003 * 00799016 v 0000 @ 00758542 v 0000 ~ 00904736 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | squeeze the throat of
00904527 35 v 02 decapitate 0 behead 0 002 @ 00758542 v 0000 ~ 00904645 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | cut the head of
00904645 35 v 02 guillotine 0 kill_with_a_guillotine 0 001 @ 00904527 v 0000 01 + 09 00
00904826 35 v 02 impale 1 stake 2 002 @ 00758542 v 0000 * 00828892 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 20 00
00904922 35 v 02 quarter 0 draw_and_quarter 0 001 @ 00905004 v 0000 01 + 09 00
00905004 35 v 03 dismember 0 cut_to_pieces 2 tear_to_pieces 0 002 @ 00758542 v 0000 ~ 00904922 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | separate the limbs from the body
00905162 35 v 02 tease 3 tear_into_pieces 0 001 @ 00905884 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of tissue for microscopic examinations
00905282 35 v 02 dismember 1 take_apart 0 001 @ 00898017 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00906298 35 v 01 bulldoze 0 002 @ 00951084 v 0000 * 00878769 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | flatten with or as if with a bulldozer
00906428 35 v 05 situate 0 fix 1 pose 1 posit 0 deposit 1 002 @ 00859635 v 0000 ~ 00703272 v 0000 02 + 20 00 + 21 00 | place firmly
00906562 35 v 05 crop 1 browse 1 graze 1 range 2 pasture 0 001 @ 00663538 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | of animals
00906669 35 v 03 cushion 0 buffer 0 soften 0 001 @ 00101940 v 0000 01 + 11 00
00906750 35 v 05 dunk 0 dip 0 souse 0 plunge 0 douse 0 004 @ 00907030 v 0000 ~ 00906926 v 0000 ~ 01126032 v 0000 ~ 01126159 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | immerse into a liquid
00906926 35 v 01 sop 0 001 @ 00906750 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | dip into liquid; "sop bread into the sauce"
00907030 35 v 02 immerse 0 plunge 1 004 @ 00699493 v 0000 ~ 00906750 v 0000 ~ 00907217 v 0000 ~ 00907324 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 + 22 00 | "Immerse yourself in the hot water"
00907217 35 v 01 soak 1 001 @ 00907030 v 0000 02 + 20 00 + 22 00 | "I soaked in the hot tub for an hour"
00907324 35 v 01 sheathe 2 001 @ 00907030 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | plunge or bury in flesh, as of a knife, sword, or tusk
00907443 35 v 04 ladle 0 lade 2 scoop 0 lift_out 0 003 @ 00104355 v 0000 ^ 00734287 v 0301 ~ 00907864 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | of liquids
00907586 35 v 02 lift 0 take_and_move 0 003 @ 01055491 v 0000 ~ 00838018 v 0000 ~ 00907758 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | take hold of something and move it to a different location
00907758 35 v 02 pitchfork 0 fork 0 001 @ 00907586 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | lift with a pitchfork, as of hay
00907864 35 v 02 slop 1 ladle_clumsily 0 001 @ 00907443 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00
00907949 35 v 03 spoon 0 scoop_up_with_a_spoon 0 take_up_with_a_spoon 0 002 * 00907030 v 0000 @ 00104355 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00
00908083 35 v 04 unfold 0 spread 3 spread_out 3 open 8 007 @ 00874033 v 0000 ! 00731525 v 0101 ~ 00908290 v 0000 ~ 00908384 v 0000 ~ 00908482 v 0000 ~ 01090768 v 0000 ~ 01169483 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00
00908290 35 v 01 divaricate 0 001 @ 00908083 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "divaricate one's fingers"
00908384 35 v 01 exfoliate 2 001 @ 00908083 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | spread by opening the leaves of
00908482 35 v 01 grass 1 001 @ 00908083 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | spread out clothes on the grass to let it dry and bleach
00908601 35 v 05 envelop 0 enfold 0 enwrap 0 wrap 1 enclose 1 007 @ 00763269 v 0000 ~ 00794082 v 0000 ~ 00908831 v 0000 ~ 00908976 v 0000 ~ 00909369 v 0000 ~ 00909469 v 0000 ~ 00909565 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00
00908831 35 v 01 engulf 0 001 @ 00908601 v 0000 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | flow over or cover completely; "The bright light engulfed him completely"
00908976 35 v 01 sheathe 0 002 @ 00908601 v 0000 ! 00909104 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | enclose with a sheath, as of a knife or sword
00909104 35 v 01 unsheathe 0 002 @ 01138659 v 0000 ! 00908976 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | draw from a sheathe or scabbard, as of a sword
00909235 35 v 01 sheathe 1 001 @ 00763269 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cover with a protective sheathing, as of a ship's bottom, for example
00909369 35 v 01 cocoon 0 001 @ 00908601 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | wrap in or as if in a cocoon
00909469 35 v 01 bathe 0 001 @ 00908601 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | "The room was bathed in sunlight"
00909809 35 v 06 trace 0 draw 1 line 1 outline 0 describe 0 delineate 0 006 @ 00297919 v 0000 ~ 00910143 v 0000 ~ 00910295 v 0000 ~ 00910426 v 0000 ~ 00910553 v 0000 ~ 00969255 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 21 00 | make a mark or lines on a surface; "draw a line"; "draw the outlines of a figure in the sand"; "trace an animal shape"
00910143 35 v 01 construct 0 001 @ 00909809 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | draw with suitable instruments and under specified conditions, of geometrical figures
00910295 35 v 01 inscribe 1 001 @ 00909809 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | draw within a figure so as to touch in as many places as possible
00910426 35 v 02 circumscribe 0 draw_a_line_around 0 001 @ 00909809 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "He drew a circle around the points"
00910553 35 v 01 circumscribe 1 001 @ 00909809 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | to draw a geometric figure around another figure so that the two are in contact but do not intersect
00910820 35 v 02 bevel 0 chamfer 1 003 @ 00894185 v 0000 ~ 00910982 v 0000 ~ 00911086 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cut a bevel on; shape to a bevel; of surfaces
00910982 35 v 01 miter 0 001 @ 00910820 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | bevel the edges of, to make a miter joint
00911086 35 v 01 cone 0 001 @ 00910820 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cone a tire
00911159 35 v 02 turn 6 shape_by_rotating 0 001 @ 00911559 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | shape on a lathe
00911362 35 v 02 deform 0 make_formless 0 002 @ 00072540 v 0000 ! 00911559 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00911466 35 v 01 brecciate 0 001 @ 00911559 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | form into breccia; of rock
00911559 35 v 02 form 0 give_shape_to 0 009 @ 00072540 v 0000 ! 00911362 v 0101 ~ 00852924 v 0000 ~ 00896302 v 0000 ~ 00911159 v 0000 ~ 00911466 v 0000 ~ 00911787 v 0000 ~ 00911885 v 0000 ~ 00911964 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00911787 35 v 01 reticulate 0 001 @ 00911559 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | divide so as to form a network
00911885 35 v 01 flake 2 001 @ 00911559 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | form into flakes
00911964 35 v 02 strickle 1 form_with_a_strickle 0 001 @ 00911559 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00912051 35 v 02 inject 0 shoot 0 001 @ 00828892 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 17 00
00912249 35 v 02 tamper_with 0 monkey_with 0 001 @ 00689085 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | fool or play around with
00912356 35 v 04 toy 0 fiddle 0 diddle 0 play 0 002 @ 00689085 v 0000 ^ 00400707 v 0104 01 + 21 00 | manipulate manually with no purpose or aim; often without being conscious of doing so; "She played nervously with her wedding ring"; "Don't fiddle with the screws"
00912623 35 v 04 storm 0 force 3 break_open 0 break_through 0 002 @ 00699493 v 0000 ~ 00912773 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "take by force; "Storm the fort"
00912773 35 v 02 kick_in 0 kick_down 0 001 @ 00912623 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | open violently, of doors
00912963 35 v 03 enclose 0 inclose 0 shut_in 0 017 @ 00843648 v 0000 ~ 00799930 v 0000 ~ 00800016 v 0000 ~ 00800285 v 0000 ~ 00852072 v 0000 ~ 00854184 v 0000 ~ 00909668 v 0000 ~ 00912874 v 0000 ~ 00913342 v 0000 ~ 00913445 v 0000 ~ 00913540 v 0000 ~ 00913664 v 0000 ~ 00913778 v 0000 ~ 00913880 v 0000 ~ 00919400 v 0000 ~ 00920082 v 0000 ~ 00924154 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00913342 35 v 02 glass 0 glass_in 0 001 @ 00912963 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | glass in a porch, for example
00913445 35 v 02 bank 0 enclose_with_a_bank 0 001 @ 00912963 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | as of roads
00913540 35 v 03 dike 0 dyke 0 enclose_with_a_dike 0 001 @ 00912963 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of land, to protect it from water
00913664 35 v 01 encapsulate 0 001 @ 00912963 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | enclose in a capsule or other small container
00913778 35 v 02 fence 0 fence_in 0 001 @ 00912963 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | enclose with a fence
00913880 35 v 03 rope_in 0 rope_off 0 cordon_off 0 001 @ 00912963 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 + 31 00 | divide by means of a rope
00914018 35 v 03 tag 0 label 0 mark 9 005 @ 00743265 v 0000 ^ 01319595 v 0301 ^ 01319359 v 0301 ~ 00914195 v 0000 ~ 00914323 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 31 00 | "label these bottles"
00914195 35 v 01 code 0 001 @ 00914018 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "Code the pieces with numbers so that you can identify them later"
00914323 35 v 01 badge 0 001 @ 00914018 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | put a badge on
00916763 35 v 05 squash 0 crush 0 squelch 0 mash 0 squeeze 5 004 @ 00832033 v 0000 ~ 00916938 v 0000 ~ 00917031 v 0000 ~ 00917134 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00
00916938 35 v 01 steamroller 0 001 @ 00916763 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | crush with a steamroller
00917031 35 v 01 tread 0 001 @ 00916763 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | crush as if by treading on, as of grapes
00917134 35 v 02 telescope 0 crush_together 0 001 @ 00916763 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | as of cars in a collision
00917243 35 v 04 crunch 0 cranch 0 craunch 0 grind 2 002 @ 00832033 v 0000 ^ 01463350 v 0402 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | press or grind with a crunching noise
00917397 35 v 02 crank 0 crank_up 0 001 @ 01169618 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | rotate with a crank
00917490 35 v 03 solder 0 join_with_solder 0 fuse_with_solder 0 003 @ 00740051 v 0000 ~ 00917626 v 0000 ~ 00917718 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00917626 35 v 01 soft-solder 0 001 @ 00917490 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | repair with soft-solder
00917718 35 v 01 braze 0 001 @ 00917490 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00
00917787 35 v 01 weld 0 003 * 00235644 v 0000 @ 00740051 v 0000 ~ 00917923 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | join together by heating, as of metals
00917923 35 v 01 spotweld 0 001 @ 00917787 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make circular welds
00918008 35 v 02 comb 1 use_a_comb_on 0 002 @ 00787280 v 0000 ~ 00918126 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | straighten with a comb
00918126 35 v 03 heckle 0 hackle 0 hatchel 0 001 @ 00918008 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of hemp or flax
00918224 35 v 05 drag_down 0 bear_down 0 bear_down_on 0 press_down_on 0 weigh_down 0 001 @ 00832033 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | "The snow bore down on the roof"
00918379 35 v 01 shoot 1 006 @ 00809580 v 0000 ~ 00918589 v 0000 ~ 00918775 v 0000 ~ 00918864 v 0000 ~ 00918969 v 0000 ~ 00923350 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | play a shot; hit a ball, as in golf, hockey, etc.
00918589 35 v 01 chip 4 001 @ 00918379 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | play a chip shot, in golf
00918676 35 v 01 volley 1 001 @ 00809580 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | hit on the volley, of a tennis ball
00918775 35 v 01 carom 0 001 @ 00918379 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | make a carom, in billiards
00918864 35 v 01 birdie 0 001 @ 00918379 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | to shoot in one stroke under par; in golf
00918969 35 v 01 bogey 0 001 @ 00918379 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | to shoot in one stroke over par; in golf
00919072 35 v 02 wire 0 fasten_with_wire 0 001 @ 00768642 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | "The columns were wired to the beams for support"
00919210 35 v 01 wire 1 001 @ 00781472 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | string on a wire, as of beads
00919301 35 v 01 carburet 0 001 @ 00841020 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | combine with carbon, in chemistry
00919400 35 v 01 casket 0 001 @ 00912963 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | enclose in a casket
00919491 35 v 01 chemisorb 0 001 @ 00886848 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | Take up a subtance by chemisorption
00919593 35 v 02 crape 2 crepe 0 001 @ 00763269 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cover with crape
00919688 35 v 01 coal 0 001 @ 00691635 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | take in coal, as of a ship
00919776 35 v 01 coapt 0 001 @ 00768642 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | fit tightly and fasten
00919869 35 v 02 coapt 1 conglutinate 1 001 @ 00772512 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause to adhere: "The wounds were coapted"
00919997 35 v 01 concrete 0 001 @ 00763269 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cover with concrete
00920082 35 v 01 corral 0 001 @ 00912963 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | corral the horses
00920163 35 v 01 tag 1 002 @ 00686113 v 0000 ~ 00920301 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | as in baseball: touch a player while he is holding the ball
00920301 35 v 01 nab 2 001 @ 00920163 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | tag the base runner to get him out
00920396 35 v 01 croquet 0 001 @ 00809580 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | drive away by hitting with one's ball, of an opponent's ball
00920521 35 v 02 crosscut 0 cut_across 0 001 @ 00894185 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00920598 35 v 01 rip 1 001 @ 00894185 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cut (wood) along the grain
00920685 35 v 03 hold 2 carry 1 bear 1 002 ~ 00920837 v 0000 ~ 00921304 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "She carried her head high"; "He carried himself upright"
00920837 35 v 01 piggyback 0 001 @ 00920685 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | "He piggybacked her child so she could see the show"
00920964 35 v 01 piggyback 1 001 @ 00823224 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | "She piggybacked a sick classmate to school"
00921083 35 v 01 piggyback 2 001 @ 00835540 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | haul by railroad car
00921178 35 v 01 piggyback 3 001 @ 00835540 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | haul trucktrailers loaded with commodities on railroad cars
00921304 35 v 02 poise 1 balance 0 001 @ 00920685 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | hold or carry in equilibrium
00921405 35 v 01 poise 2 002 > 00921304 v 0000 @ 00859635 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | cause to be balanced or suspended
00921543 35 v 02 black-lead 0 blacklead 0 001 @ 00763269 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cover with graphite
00921642 35 v 01 gate 0 001 @ 00698176 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | control with a valve or other device that functions like a gate
00921767 35 v 01 grass 0 001 @ 00763269 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cover with grass, as of a piece of land
00921869 35 v 01 gravel 0 001 @ 00763269 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cover with gravel, as of a road
00921964 35 v 01 metal 0 001 @ 00722448 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cover with metal
00922043 35 v 02 macadamize 0 tarmac 0 001 @ 00722448 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | surface with macadam, of a road
00922151 35 v 02 limber 0 limber_up 0 001 @ 00743265 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | attach the limber, as to a cannon
00922260 35 v 01 lime 0 001 @ 00763269 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cover with lime, as of lawns, to induce growth
00922368 35 v 01 lance 0 001 @ 00772933 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | open by piercing with a lancet, as of a boil
00922475 35 v 01 loft 1 001 @ 00809580 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | kick or strike high in the air, of a ball
00922578 35 v 01 lance 1 001 @ 00829125 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | pierce with a lance, as in a knights' fight
00922692 35 v 01 lasso 0 001 @ 00738748 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | catch with a lasso, as of cows
00922785 35 v 01 loft 0 001 @ 00869132 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | propel through the air: "The rocket lofted the space shuttle into the air"
00922929 35 v 01 joggle 0 001 @ 00768642 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | fasten or join with a joggle
00923021 35 v 01 joint 0 001 @ 00768642 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | fasten with a joint
00923103 35 v 01 juggle 0 001 @ 00867132 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | throw, catch, and keep in the air several things simultaneously
00923238 35 v 01 martyr 0 001 @ 00758542 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | kill as a martyr; "Saint Sebastian was martyred"
00923350 35 v 01 knuckle 1 001 @ 00918379 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | shoot a marble while keeping one's knuckles on the ground
00923472 35 v 01 knuckle 0 001 @ 00832033 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | press or rub with the knuckles
00923567 35 v 01 mantle 0 001 @ 00687390 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cover like a mantle: "The ivy mantles the building"
00923682 35 v 01 ooze_through 0 002 @ 00699493 v 0000 ~ 00923823 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | of liquids; "Blood oozed through the bandage"
00923823 35 v 02 sop 2 soak_through 0 001 @ 00923682 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00
00923905 35 v 01 wash_out 0 001 @ 00900879 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | make useless by the force of water; "The hail storms had washed out the bridges"
00924051 35 v 02 interlock 0 lock 3 001 @ 00819405 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | "They were locked in embrace"
00924154 35 v 02 fortify 0 fort 0 001 @ 00912963 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | enclose by a fortification
00924252 35 v 01 lean 0 001 @ 00859635 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | "He leaned his rifle against the wall"
00924352 35 v 03 lock 4 interlock 1 interlace 1 001 @ 00692795 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | hold in a locking position: "He locked his hands around her neck"
00924511 35 v 01 trap 1 001 @ 00692795 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | hold or catch as if in a trap; "The gaps between the teeth trap food particles"
00924652 35 v 03 bond 1 bring_together 2 draw_together 0 001 @ 00778333 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | bring together emotionally; "The death of their child had drawn them together"
00924833 35 v 01 set 2 001 @ 00842219 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | fix in a border, as of precious stones
00924932 35 v 01 clap 3 001 @ 00859635 v 0000 02 + 20 00 + 21 00 | put quickly or forcibly; "The judge clapped him in jail"
00925058 35 v 01 hem_in 0 001 @ 00843648 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | "The building was hemmed in by flowers"
00925161 35 v 01 mound_over 0 001 @ 00763269 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "The huts can be mounded over to form shelters"
00925276 35 v 01 toggle 0 001 @ 00768642 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | fasten with, or as if with, a toggle
00925376 35 v 02 girdle 1 deaden 3 001 @ 00897017 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cut a girdle around (a plant) usu. to kill by interrupting the circulation of water and nutrients
00925546 35 v 01 straw 1 001 @ 00763269 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cover or provide with or as if with straw; "cows were strawed to weather the snowstorm"
00925696 35 v 01 graze 2 001 @ 00043545 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | break the skin (of a body part) by scraping; "She was grazed by the stray bullet"
00925840 35 v 02 clean 4 strip 4 001 @ 00104355 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 18 00 + 22 00 | remove all contents or possession from, or empty completely; "The boys cleaned the sandwich platters"; "The trees were cleaned of apples by the storm"; deprive wholly of money in a gambling game, robbery, etc.; "The other players cleaned him completely"
00926188 36 v 01 create 0 002 ! 00928634 v 0101 ~ 00929175 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause something to be or to become; cause to come into existence; "God created Man"
00926361 36 v 02 make 0 create 0 052 ^ 00928523 v 0104 ^ 00935665 v 0104 ~ 00034857 v 0000 ~ 00035058 v 0000 ~ 00100580 v 0000 ~ 00137902 v 0000 ~ 00150387 v 0000 ~ 00300758 v 0000 ~ 00373699 v 0000 ~ 00898426 v 0000 ~ 00927450 v 0000 ~ 00927529 v 0000 ~ 00927774 v 0000 ~ 00928226 v 0000 ! 00928634 v 0201 ~ 00932317 v 0000 ~ 00932641 v 0000 ~ 00932980 v 0000 ~ 00933230 v 0000 ~ 00933513 v 0000 ~ 00933700 v 0000 ~ 00934308 v 0000 ~ 00938193 v 0000 ~ 00940943 v 0000 ~ 00941367 v 0000 ~ 00942637 v 0000 ~ 00943926 v 0000 ~ 00945060 v 0000 ~ 00945714 v 0000 ~ 00946831 v 0000 ~ 00947117 v 0000 ~ 00947992 v 0000 ~ 00953742 v 0000 ~ 00958900 v 0000 ~ 00970576 v 0000 ~ 00972495 v 0000 ~ 00976825 v 0000 ~ 00978099 v 0000 ~ 00979254 v 0000 ~ 00980414 v 0000 ~ 00980536 v 0000 ~ 00999686 v 0000 ~ 01001269 v 0000 ~ 01001414 v 0000 ~ 01001790 v 0000 ~ 01002081 v 0000 ~ 01002211 v 0000 ~ 01002579 v 0000 ~ 01003070 v 0000 ~ 01385611 v 0000 ~ 01385711 v 0000 ~ 01491180 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause to be or to become; "He made a mess"; "make friends and enemies"; "create a commotion"
00927450 36 v 01 track 0 001 @ 00926361 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make tracks upon
00927529 36 v 02 institute 0 bring 1 002 @ 00926361 v 0000 ~ 00927659 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | bring charges, institute proceedings,
00927659 36 v 01 introduce 1 002 @ 00927529 v 0000 ~ 01189528 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "introduce a new rule"
00927774 36 v 02 short-circuit 0 short 0 001 @ 00926361 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | create a short-circuit in
00927886 36 v 02 do 0 make 5 002 @ 00938193 v 0000 ! 00928103 v 0201 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | create or design, often in a certain way; "Do my room in blue"; "I did this piece in wood to express my love for the forest"
00928103 36 v 02 unmake 0 undo 0 002 ! 00927886 v 0102 ~ 00928634 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | deprive of certain characteristics
00928226 36 v 03 re-create 0 recreate 0 create_again 0 012 @ 00926361 v 0000 ~ 00934118 v 0000 ~ 00935953 v 0000 ~ 00962105 v 0000 ~ 00966090 v 0000 ~ 00975602 v 0000 ~ 00980218 v 0000 ~ 00980842 v 0000 ~ 00981680 v 0000 ~ 00983496 v 0000 ~ 00985775 v 0000 ~ 00986444 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00928523 36 v 04 remake 0 refashion 1 redo 0 make_over 0 002 @ 00929175 v 0000 ~ 00949113 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00928634 36 v 01 destroy 0 011 @ 00928103 v 0000 ! 00926361 v 0102 ~ 00278886 v 0000 ! 00926188 v 0101 ~ 00928899 v 0000 ~ 00929038 v 0000 ~ 00947899 v 0000 ~ 00948622 v 0000 ~ 00951084 v 0000 ~ 00951251 v 0000 ~ 00951347 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | do away with
00928899 36 v 02 wipe_out 0 sweep_away 0 001 @ 00928634 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | "The old values have been wiped out"
00929038 36 v 01 interdict 0 001 @ 00928634 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | destroy by firepower, such as an enemy's line of communication
00929175 36 v 02 produce 0 make 1 024 @ 00926188 v 0000 ~ 00821631 v 0000 ~ 00928523 v 0000 ~ 00929804 v 0000 ~ 00929928 v 0000 ~ 00930045 v 0000 ~ 00930172 v 0000 ~ 00930298 v 0000 ~ 00930752 v 0000 ~ 00930914 v 0000 ~ 00931014 v 0000 ~ 00931098 v 0000 ~ 00931232 v 0000 ~ 00931482 v 0000 ~ 00932555 v 0000 ~ 00932787 v 0000 ~ 00959332 v 0000 ~ 00963424 v 0000 ~ 00992955 v 0000 ~ 00993690 v 0000 ~ 00993905 v 0000 ~ 00996988 v 0000 ~ 01000121 v 0000 ~ 01001126 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | create or manufacture a man-made product: "We produce more cars than we can sell"; "The company has been making toys for two centuries"
00929804 36 v 03 clap_up 0 clap_together 0 slap_together 0 001 @ 00929175 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make hastily and carelessly
00929928 36 v 03 custom-make 0 customize 0 taylor-make 0 001 @ 00929175 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make to specifications
00930045 36 v 02 dummy 0 dummy_up 0 001 @ 00929175 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make a dummy of; as of books or pages to be published
00930172 36 v 01 turn_out 1 001 @ 00929175 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | produce quickly or regularly, usually with machinery
00930298 36 v 01 machine 0 001 @ 00929175 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make by machinery
00930380 36 v 01 machine 1 001 @ 00949570 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | turn, shape, mold, or otherwise finish by machinery
00930496 36 v 01 puddle 0 001 @ 00949570 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | subject to puddling, as of iron; form by puddling, as of metal
00930622 36 v 02 beat 0 shape_by_beating 0 002 @ 00949570 v 0000 ~ 00959001 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "beat swords into ploughshares"
00930752 36 v 01 churn_out 0 001 @ 00929175 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | produce something at a fast rate: "He churns out papers, but they are all about the same topic"
00930914 36 v 01 overproduce 1 001 @ 00929175 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "The country overproduces cars"
00931014 36 v 02 elaborate 0 produce_by_labor 0 001 @ 00929175 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00931098 36 v 01 put_out 0 001 @ 00929175 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | put out considerable effort: "He put out the same for seven managers"
00931232 36 v 02 laminate 0 make_out_of_layers 0 001 @ 00929175 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | create laminate by putting together several thin sheets of a material
00931388 36 v 01 mass-produce 0 001 @ 00946161 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | produce on a large scale
00931482 36 v 01 bootleg 0 001 @ 00929175 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | produce alcohol illegally
00931572 36 v 03 compose 9 compile 0 put_together 0 004 @ 00946387 v 0000 ~ 00931894 v 0000 ~ 00931999 v 0000 ~ 00932088 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | out of existing material
00931748 36 v 03 confect 0 confection 0 comfit 0 001 @ 00947992 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | prepare from ingredients: "This medicine is home-confected"
00931894 36 v 02 cobble_together 0 cobble_up 0 001 @ 00931572 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | put together hastily
00931999 36 v 01 anthologize 0 001 @ 00931572 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | compile an anthology
00932088 36 v 02 catalogue 0 catalog 0 001 @ 00931572 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make a catalogue, compile a catalogue of something
00932215 36 v 02 compile 1 use_a_compiler 0 001 @ 00946387 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of computer programs
00932317 36 v 03 generate 0 bring_forth 1 bring_into_being 0 003 @ 00926361 v 0000 ~ 00933123 v 0000 ~ 00940551 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "The new manager generated a lot of problems"; "The computer bug generated chaos in the office"
00932555 36 v 02 generate 1 produce_electricity 0 001 @ 00929175 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00932641 36 v 03 originate 0 initiate 1 start 0 004 @ 00926361 v 0000 ^ 01485964 v 0101 ~ 00318557 v 0000 ~ 01544012 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00932787 36 v 05 render 0 yield 0 return 0 give 0 generate 2 001 @ 00929175 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "The cow brings in 5 liters of milk"; "This year's crop yielded 1,000 bushels of corn"
00932980 36 v 03 give 3 bring_about 2 yield 1 001 @ 00926361 v 0000 03 + 11 00 + 14 00 + 15 00 | "His two singles gave the team the victory"
00933123 36 v 02 raise 0 bring_in 0 001 @ 00932317 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | come up with, as of funds
00933230 36 v 04 bring 0 work 1 wreak 0 make_for 0 008 @ 00926361 v 0000 ^ 00942765 v 0102 ^ 00939810 v 0105 ^ 00940551 v 0102 ^ 01491180 v 0101 ^ 00933123 v 0102 ^ 01428471 v 0102 ^ 00933513 v 0106 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause to happen or to occur; "wreak havoc"; "bring comments"
00933513 36 v 08 raise 1 conjure_up 0 invoke 0 call_down 0 arouse 0 bring_up 0 put_forward 0 call_forth 0 001 @ 00926361 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "raise the specter of unemployment"
00933700 36 v 05 educe 0 evoke 1 elicit 0 extract 0 draw_out 0 001 @ 00926361 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | get or cause to become in a difficult or laborious manner
00933858 36 v 02 extort 0 wring_from 0 002 @ 01274713 v 0000 ~ 00934010 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | get or cause to become in a difficult or laborious manner
00934010 36 v 02 pry 0 prise 0 001 @ 00933858 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "They pried the information out of him"
00934118 36 v 02 regenerate 0 renew 0 001 @ 00928226 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | re-establish on a new, usually improved, basis; "We renewed our friendship after a hiatus of twenty years"
00934308 36 v 02 create_by_mental_act 0 create_mentally 0 011 @ 00926361 v 0000 ~ 00412594 v 0000 ~ 00934582 v 0000 ~ 00934687 v 0000 ~ 00935195 v 0000 ~ 00935525 v 0000 ~ 00936356 v 0000 ~ 00937201 v 0000 ~ 00937922 v 0000 ~ 00993310 v 0000 ~ 00997876 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00934582 36 v 02 schematize 0 form_into_a_scheme 0 002 * 00240475 v 0000 @ 00934308 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00934687 36 v 06 invent 0 contrive 0 devise 0 excogitate 0 formulate 0 forge 8 001 @ 00934308 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | come up with
00934816 36 v 06 project 3 cast 2 contrive 2 put_forth 0 send_forth 0 throw 2 002 @ 01110956 v 0000 ~ 01201198 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "She threw the flashlight beam into the corner"; "The setting sun threw long shadows"; "cast a spell"; "cast a warm light"
00935080 36 v 02 formulate 1 prepare_according_to_a_formula 0 001 @ 00945714 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | as of chemicals
00935195 36 v 05 conceive 0 conceive_of 0 conceptualize 0 conceptualise 0 ideate 0 003 @ 00934308 v 0000 ~ 00935412 v 0000 ~ 00937054 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "He conceived of a robot that would help paralyzed patients"
00935412 36 v 01 preconceive 0 001 @ 00935195 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | conceive beforehand: "a preconceived notion"
00935525 36 v 05 think_up 0 think_of 0 dream_up 0 hatch 0 concoct 0 003 @ 00934308 v 0000 ~ 00351583 v 0000 ~ 00935665 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00935665 36 v 05 fabricate 0 manufacture 1 cook_up 0 make_up 1 invent 1 004 @ 00935525 v 0000 ~ 00935867 v 0000 ~ 00937697 v 0000 ~ 00993786 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make up something articifial or untrue
00935867 36 v 02 trump_up 0 concoct 2 001 @ 00935665 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of charges
00935953 36 v 02 fictionalize 0 retell 7 001 @ 00928226 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make into fiction
00936049 36 v 08 visualize 0 envision 0 project 0 fancy 0 see 0 figure 0 picture 1 image 0 001 @ 00936356 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | imagine; see in one's mind; "I can't see him on horseback!" "I can see what will happen"
00936274 36 v 02 envision 1 foresee 0 001 @ 00936356 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00
00936356 36 v 04 imagine 0 conceive_of 1 ideate 1 envisage 0 006 @ 00934308 v 0000 ~ 00936049 v 0000 ~ 00936274 v 0000 ~ 00936675 v 0000 ~ 00936787 v 0000 ~ 00936885 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | form a mental image of something that is not present or that is not the case; "Can you conceive of him as the president?"
00936675 36 v 01 think 0 001 @ 00936356 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | imagine: "Just think--you could be rich one day!"
00936885 36 v 04 dream 0 daydream 0 woolgather 0 stargaze 0 002 @ 00936356 v 0000 ^ 00935525 v 0103 03 + 02 00 + 22 00 + 26 00 | have a daydream; indulge in a fantasy
00937054 36 v 02 discover 0 find 0 001 @ 00935195 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | make a discovery, make a new finding; "Roentgen discovered X-rays"
00937201 36 v 04 plan 0 project 1 contrive 1 design 2 002 @ 00934308 v 0000 ~ 00937385 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 28 00 | make or work out a plan for; "They contrived to murder their boss"
00937385 36 v 01 concert 0 001 @ 00937201 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | contrive by mutual agreement, as of a plan
00937492 36 v 03 mint 0 coin 0 strike 2 001 @ 00945714 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of coins
00937578 36 v 03 spin 0 form_a_web 0 make_a_thread 0 002 * 00959332 v 0000 @ 00945714 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | of spiders
00937697 36 v 01 spin 1 001 @ 00935665 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make up a story, as in "spin a yarn"
00937795 36 v 01 spatchcock 0 001 @ 00579406 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | interpolate or insert into a sentence or story, as of words
00937922 36 v 03 design 0 plan 1 make_a_design_of 0 004 @ 00934308 v 0000 ~ 00400619 v 0000 ~ 00938093 v 0000 ~ 00964552 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "design a better mousetrap"
00938093 36 v 01 redesign 0 001 @ 00937922 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | design anew, make a new design for
00938193 36 v 03 create d make 9 create_by_artistic_means 0 003 @ 00926361 v 0000 ~ 00927886 v 0000 ~ 00938463 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | create artistic objects, such as paintings, music, poetry, dance, etc.; "Schoenberg created twelve-tone music"; "Picasso created Cubism"
00938463 36 v 01 design 1 002 @ 00938193 v 0000 ~ 00953635 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | create the design for; "design a dress"; "design a house"
00938602 36 v 07 complete 0 carry_through 0 accomplish 0 execute 0 carry_out 0 fulfill 0 fulfil 0 005 @ 00939810 v 0000 ~ 00938808 v 0000 ~ 00938882 v 0000 ~ 00938993 v 0000 ~ 01449587 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00938808 36 v 01 run 0 001 @ 00938602 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | run an errand
00938882 36 v 02 perfect 0 consummate 0 001 @ 00938602 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make perfect; bring to perfection
00938993 36 v 01 consummate 1 002 * 00820052 v 0000 @ 00938602 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of marriages
00939091 36 v 04 take_the_lead 0 initiate 0 take_the_initiative 0 pioneer 1 010 @ 00941367 v 0000 ~ 00939373 v 0000 ~ 00939471 v 0000 ~ 00940378 v 0000 ~ 00942370 v 0000 ~ 00942765 v 0000 ~ 00943390 v 0000 ~ 00944300 v 0000 ~ 00944596 v 0000 ~ 00944729 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 02 01
00939373 36 v 01 strike_up 0 001 @ 00939091 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of conversations or friendships
00939471 36 v 02 introduce 0 innovate 0 004 @ 00939091 v 0000 ~ 00939601 v 0000 ~ 00941277 v 0000 ~ 00982724 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00939601 36 v 02 phase_in 0 introduce_gradually 0 002 @ 00939471 v 0000 ! 00939705 v 0101 01 + 08 00
00939705 36 v 02 phase_out 0 terminate_gradually 0 002 @ 00213455 v 0000 ! 00939601 v 0101 01 + 08 00
00939810 36 v 06 effect 0 effectuate 0 cause_to_happen 0 cause_to_occur 0 bring_about 0 set_up 3 007 > 00204516 v 0000 @ 00941367 v 0000 ~ 00938602 v 0000 ~ 00940096 v 0000 ~ 00940648 v 0000 ~ 00940795 v 0000 ~ 01509990 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "The scientists set up a shockwave"
00940096 36 v 02 draw 1 get 0 001 @ 00939810 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | in baseball: earn or achieve a base by being walked by the pitcher; "He drew a base on balls"
00940257 36 v 01 draw 2 001 @ 00965620 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | engage in drawing; "He spent the day drawing in the garden"
00940551 36 v 02 induce 0 bring_on 0 001 @ 00932317 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause to arise
00940648 36 v 01 precipitate 0 001 @ 00939810 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | bring about abruptly: "The crisis precipitated by Russia's revolution"
00940795 36 v 04 induce 1 stimulate 0 rush 0 hasten 0 001 @ 00939810 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | of bodily processes such as fever, illness, etc.
00940943 36 v 02 realize 0 actualize 0 002 @ 00926361 v 0000 ~ 00941077 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make real or concrete; give reality to
00941077 36 v 01 incarnate 0 002 @ 00940943 v 0000 ! 00941191 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make concret and real
00941191 36 v 01 disincarnate 0 002 @ 00323292 v 0000 ! 00941077 v 0101 01 + 11 00
00941277 36 v 02 pioneer 0 open_up 0 001 @ 00939471 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | be a pioneer in
00941367 36 v 04 cause 0 do 2 make 8 give_rise_to 0 010 @ 00926361 v 0000 ~ 00394265 v 0000 ~ 00939091 v 0000 ~ 00939810 v 0000 ~ 00941687 v 0000 ~ 00941922 v 0000 ~ 00942161 v 0000 ~ 00943290 v 0000 ~ 00944051 v 0000 ~ 00944231 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "make a big stink"; "make revolution"; "do harm"; "do wrong"
00941687 36 v 02 drive_to 0 make 6 001 @ 00941367 v 0000 02 + 10 00 + 30 00 | compel or make somebody do something against his will; "People cannot be made to integrate just by passing a law!"; "She finally drove him to change jobs"
00941922 36 v 02 occasion 0 give_occasion_to 0 002 @ 00941367 v 0000 ~ 00942023 v 0000 01 + 11 00
00942023 36 v 01 inspire 0 001 @ 00941922 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | "The article about the artist inspired the exhibition of his recent work"
00942161 36 v 04 provoke 0 evoke 0 call_forth 1 kick_up 0 002 @ 00941367 v 0000 ~ 00942281 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00942281 36 v 01 pick 0 001 @ 00942161 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "pick a fight or a quarrel"
00942370 36 v 06 establish 0 found 0 plant 0 constitute 0 institute 1 lay_the_groundwork_for 0 003 @ 00939091 v 0000 ~ 00942545 v 0000 ~ 01356031 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | set up
00942545 36 v 01 fix 1 001 @ 00942370 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | set or place definitely
00942637 36 v 02 establish 1 give 1 001 @ 00926361 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "The trompe l'oeil-illusion establishes depth"
00942765 36 v 03 stage 1 bring_about 1 arrange 3 002 @ 00939091 v 0000 ~ 00943178 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00942868 36 v 01 arrange 4 002 @ 01376843 v 0000 ~ 00942972 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make arrangements for
00942972 36 v 01 tee_up 0 001 @ 00942868 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make detailed arrangements or preparations
00943078 36 v 02 pre-arrange 0 prearrange 0 001 @ 00977109 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | arrange beforehand
00943178 36 v 01 phase 0 001 @ 00942765 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | arrange in phases or stages: "phase a withdrawal"
00943390 36 v 02 mount 0 launch 0 001 @ 00939091 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | put up
00943476 36 v 02 mount 1 put_on 0 002 @ 00944729 v 0000 ~ 00943707 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | prepare and supply with the necessary equipment for execution or performance; "mount a theater production"; "mount an attack'; "mount a play"
00943707 36 v 01 rerun 0 001 @ 00943476 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | rerun a performance of a play, for example
00943812 36 v 01 misplay 0 001 @ 00986444 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | play incorrectly, e.g., play a wrong note
00943926 36 v 02 put_on 1 turn_in 0 001 @ 00926361 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of performances: "They turned in a splendid effort"
00944051 36 v 04 motivate 0 move 0 prompt 0 incite 0 001 @ 00941367 v 0000 05 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 + 24 00 | give an incentive; "This moved me to sacrifice my career"
00944231 36 v 02 impel 0 force 0 001 @ 00941367 v 0000 01 + 24 00
00944300 36 v 06 start 1 start_up 0 begin 0 get_off_the_ground 0 embark_on 0 commence 0 003 @ 00939091 v 0000 ~ 01355752 v 0000 ~ 01372925 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | as of an enterprise
00944489 36 v 03 sound_off 0 strike_up 1 start_playing 0 001 @ 00986807 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | of musicians
00944596 36 v 03 undertake 0 set_about 0 attempt 0 001 @ 00939091 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 33 00 | enter upon an activity or enterprise
00944729 36 v 04 organize 0 prepare 0 devise 1 get_up 0 005 @ 00939091 v 0000 ~ 00943476 v 0000 ~ 00944893 v 0000 ~ 00950807 v 0000 ~ 00952772 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00944893 36 v 01 lay 0 001 @ 00944729 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | prepare or position for action or operation; "lay a fire"; "lay the foundation for a new health care plan"
00945060 36 v 02 bear 0 turn_out 0 007 @ 00926361 v 0000 ^ 01506304 v 0103 ~ 00207444 v 0000 ~ 00945278 v 0000 ~ 00945350 v 0000 ~ 00945456 v 0000 ~ 00945535 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | bring forth, as of fruits and flowers
00945278 36 v 01 seed 0 001 @ 00945060 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | bear seeds
00945350 36 v 01 crop 0 001 @ 00945060 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | yield crops, of land: "This land crops well"
00945456 36 v 01 overbear 0 001 @ 00945060 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | bear too much
00945535 36 v 01 fruit 0 001 @ 00945060 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | bear fruit, as of trees and plants
00945632 36 v 01 fruit 1 001 > 00945535 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cause to bear fruit
00945714 36 v 02 create_from_raw_material 0 create_from_raw_stuff 0 019 @ 00926361 v 0000 ~ 00158383 v 0000 ~ 00935080 v 0000 ~ 00937492 v 0000 ~ 00937578 v 0000 ~ 00946387 v 0000 ~ 00949570 v 0000 ~ 00950425 v 0000 ~ 00952142 v 0000 ~ 00952255 v 0000 ~ 00952386 v 0000 ~ 00953004 v 0000 ~ 00956532 v 0000 ~ 00957287 v 0000 ~ 00958000 v 0000 ~ 00958116 v 0000 ~ 00958543 v 0000 ~ 00965034 v 0000 ~ 01002959 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make from scratch
00946161 36 v 03 manufacture 0 fabricate 1 construct 1 003 @ 00946387 v 0000 ~ 00931388 v 0000 ~ 00946652 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | put together out of components or parts; "Ford makes cars"; "They manufacture small toys"
00946387 36 v 01 make b 006 @ 00945714 v 0000 ~ 00931572 v 0000 ~ 00932215 v 0000 ~ 00946161 v 0000 ~ 00948757 v 0000 ~ 00949484 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make by shaping or bringing together constituents; "make a dress"; "make a cake"; "make a wall of stones"
00946652 36 v 01 raft 0 001 @ 00946161 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make into a raft; "raft these logs"
00946749 36 v 03 forge 1 fake 0 counterfeit 0 001 @ 00970576 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00946831 36 v 03 construct 0 build 0 make d 009 @ 00926361 v 0000 ~ 00231075 v 0000 ~ 00947251 v 0000 ~ 00947338 v 0000 ~ 00947459 v 0000 ~ 00947634 v 0000 ~ 00947741 v 0000 ~ 00950695 v 0000 ~ 01000184 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 02 02 | build: "this little pig made his house out of straw"
00947117 36 v 02 build 9 establish a 001 @ 00926361 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | biuld or establish something abstract; "build a reputation"
00947251 36 v 01 wattle 0 001 @ 00946831 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | build of or with wattle
00947338 36 v 02 frames 0 frame_up 0 001 @ 00946831 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | construct by fitting or uniting parts together
00947459 36 v 05 rebuild 0 re-build 0 build_anew 0 build_again 0 reconstruct 0 001 @ 00946831 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | "The house was rebuild after it was hit by a bomb"
00947634 36 v 01 groin 0 001 @ 00946831 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | build with groins: "The ceiling was groined"
00947741 36 v 02 cantilever 0 build_as_a_cantilever 0 001 @ 00946831 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | construct such that only one end is fixed; as of girders and beams
00947899 36 v 02 demolish 0 destroy_completely 0 001 @ 00928634 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00947992 36 v 04 assemble 0 put_together 1 piece_together 0 set_up 0 008 @ 00742471 v 0000 @ 00926361 v 0000 ! 00948622 v 0101 ~ 00931748 v 0000 ~ 00948253 v 0000 ~ 00948384 v 0000 ~ 00948518 v 0000 ~ 00950990 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "She pieced a quilt"
00948253 36 v 02 re-assemble 0 reassemble 0 001 @ 00947992 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | assemble once again, after taking something apart
00948384 36 v 01 configure 0 001 @ 00947992 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | set up for a particular purpose, as of a plane for a combat mission
00948518 36 v 02 compound 0 create_by_mixing 0 001 @ 00947992 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | create by combining
00948622 36 v 05 disassemble 0 dismantle 0 take_apart 0 break_up 0 break_apart 0 002 @ 00928634 v 0000 ! 00947992 v 0101 01 + 08 00
00948757 36 v 02 fashion 0 forge 2 004 @ 00946387 v 0000 ~ 00948989 v 0000 ~ 00949269 v 0000 ~ 00953364 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make out of components; often in an improvising manner; "She made a tent out of a sheet and a few sticks"
00948989 36 v 01 tie 0 001 @ 00948757 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make by tying pieces together: "The fishermen tied their flies"
00949113 36 v 03 recast 2 reforge 0 remodel 0 001 @ 00928523 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "She had to recast her image to please the electorate in her home state"
00949269 36 v 01 craft 0 002 @ 00948757 v 0000 ~ 00949382 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make by hand and with much skill
00949382 36 v 02 handcraft 0 hand-craft 0 001 @ 00949269 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make something by hand
00949484 36 v 01 cooper 0 001 @ 00946387 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make barrels and casks
00949570 36 v 05 shape 0 form 0 mold 1 mould 1 forge 3 017 @ 00945714 v 0000 ~ 00717039 v 0000 ~ 00717221 v 0000 ~ 00719618 v 0000 ~ 00930380 v 0000 ~ 00930496 v 0000 ~ 00930622 v 0000 ~ 00949957 v 0000 ~ 00950161 v 0000 ~ 00950239 v 0000 ~ 00950319 v 0000 ~ 00950538 v 0000 ~ 00951514 v 0000 ~ 00951918 v 0000 ~ 00952036 v 0000 ~ 00965034 v 0000 ~ 00972206 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00
00949957 36 v 01 mound 0 002 @ 00949570 v 0000 ~ 00950068 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | form into a mound, as of earth
00950068 36 v 01 mound_over 0 001 @ 00949957 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | form a mound over
00950161 36 v 01 hill 0 001 @ 00949570 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | form into a hill
00950239 36 v 01 roughcast 0 001 @ 00949570 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | shape roughly
00950319 36 v 02 reshape 0 remold 1 001 @ 00949570 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | shape again or shape differently
00950425 36 v 01 dip 0 001 @ 00945714 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of candles; by dipping the wick into hot, liquid wax
00950538 36 v 01 sinter 0 001 @ 00949570 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | used of powdery metals or ores; to cause to become a coherent mass by heating without melting
00950695 36 v 05 raise 2 erect 0 rear 0 set_up 1 put_up 0 002 @ 00946831 v 0000 ! 00951084 v 0101 01 + 08 00
00950807 36 v 01 set_up 2 001 @ 00944729 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | begin, or enable someone else to begin, a venture by providing the means, logistics, etc.; "set up an election"
00950990 36 v 01 rig_up 0 001 @ 00947992 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "Can he rig up a P.A. system?"
00951084 36 v 07 level 0 raze 0 rase 0 dismantle 2 tear_down 0 take_down 0 pull_down 0 003 @ 00928634 v 0000 ! 00950695 v 0101 ~ 00906298 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00951347 36 v 01 dilapidate 0 001 @ 00928634 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00951421 36 v 02 press 0 press_out 0 001 @ 00951514 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | of records
00951514 36 v 03 cast 0 mold 0 mould 0 004 @ 00949570 v 0000 ~ 00951421 v 0000 ~ 00951680 v 0000 ~ 00951814 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make by pouring into a cast or mold
00951680 36 v 03 recast 1 remold 0 remould 0 001 @ 00951514 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cast again: "The bell cracked and had to be recast"
00951814 36 v 01 sand_cast 0 001 @ 00951514 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | pour molten metal into a mold of sand
00951918 36 v 02 throw 0 throw_on_a_wheel 0 001 @ 00949570 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make on a potter's wheel; of pottery
00952036 36 v 02 handbuild 0 coil 0 001 @ 00949570 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make without a wheel; of pottery
00952255 36 v 02 brew 0 prepare_by_brewing 0 002 * 00272596 v 0000 @ 00945714 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 08 00 | of alcoholic beverages
00952386 36 v 05 cook 0 fix 0 ready 0 make 0 prepare 1 007 @ 00945714 v 0000 ~ 00952683 v 0000 ~ 00952892 v 0000 ~ 00953108 v 0000 ~ 00953189 v 0000 ~ 00953291 v 0000 ~ 00961623 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "Cook me dinner, please"; "can you make me an omelette?" "make breakfast for the guests, please"
00952683 36 v 01 put_on 2 001 @ 00952386 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "put on the tea, please!"
00952772 36 v 01 spatchcock 1 001 @ 00944729 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | prepare for eating if or as if a spatchcock, of foul
00952892 36 v 01 devil 0 001 @ 00952386 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | coat or stuff with a spicy paste: "devilled eggs"
00953004 36 v 02 cook 1 prepare_a_meal 0 001 @ 00945714 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | "My husband doesn't cook"
00953108 36 v 02 precook 0 cook_beforehand 0 001 @ 00952386 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00953189 36 v 02 whip_up 0 whomp_up 0 001 @ 00952386 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | prepare quickly or hastily
00953291 36 v 02 concoct 1 cook_up 1 001 @ 00952386 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00953364 36 v 03 sew 0 tailor 0 tailor-make 0 003 @ 00948757 v 0000 ~ 00953522 v 0000 ~ 00954001 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | create with cloth; of textiles
00953522 36 v 01 run_up 0 001 @ 00953364 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | make by sewing together quickly; "run up a skirt"
00953635 36 v 03 cut 0 style 1 tailor 1 002 @ 00938463 v 0000 ~ 00898713 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of garments
00953742 36 v 02 style 0 make_stylish 0 002 @ 00926361 v 0000 ~ 00025440 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | in fashion or hairdressing
00953864 36 v 02 alter 0 make_an_alteration_to 0 002 * 00953364 v 0000 @ 00072540 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "This dress needs to be altered"
00954001 36 v 02 quilt 0 create_by_quilting 0 002 * 00194706 v 0000 @ 00953364 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | create by stitching together
00954131 36 v 03 quilt 1 stitch_together 0 sew_together 0 002 @ 00740051 v 0000 * 00761093 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of textiles
00954256 36 v 03 embroider 0 broider 0 decorate_with_needlework 0 004 * 00761093 v 0000 @ 00959417 v 0000 ~ 00954412 v 0000 ~ 00954510 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00954412 36 v 01 purl 0 001 @ 00954256 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | embroider with gold or silver thread
00954510 36 v 01 purl 1 001 @ 00954256 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | edge or border with gold or silver embroidery
00954617 36 v 01 illustrate 1 001 @ 00959417 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | e.g., illustrate a book with drawings
00954722 36 v 03 work 0 work_on 0 process 0 006 @ 00229041 v 0000 ~ 00954968 v 0000 ~ 00955065 v 0000 ~ 00955172 v 0000 ~ 00955296 v 0000 ~ 00994417 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | shape, form, or improve something: "work stone into tools"; "process iron"
00954968 36 v 01 overwork 0 001 @ 00954722 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "This play has been overworked"
00955065 36 v 03 rework 0 make_over 2 retread 0 001 @ 00954722 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "retread an old plot"
00955172 36 v 01 rack 0 002 * 00833898 v 0000 @ 00954722 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | work on a rack, of materials such as leather
00955296 36 v 02 tool 0 work_with_a_tool 0 001 @ 00954722 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00955375 36 v 02 bejewel 0 decorate_with_jewels 0 001 @ 00959417 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00
00955469 36 v 03 garland 0 decorate_with_garlands 0 adorn_with_garlands 0 001 @ 00959417 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "They garlanded the statue"
00955608 36 v 02 fledge 0 flight 0 001 @ 00959417 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | decorate with feathers, as of an arrow or dart
00955727 36 v 02 spangle 0 bespangle 0 001 @ 00959417 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | decorate with spangles
00955826 36 v 02 foliate 1 decorate_with_leaves 0 001 @ 00959417 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00955912 36 v 02 flag 0 decorate_with_flags 0 001 @ 00959417 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of buildings
00956008 36 v 03 caparison 0 bard 0 dress_up 0 001 @ 00959417 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | put a caparison on; of horses
00956122 36 v 02 bead 0 sew_beads_onto 0 001 @ 00959417 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | decorate with beads
00956220 36 v 02 pipe 1 trim_with_piping 0 002 * 00953364 v 0000 @ 00959417 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of garments
00956330 36 v 02 applique 0 sew_on_as_a_decoration 0 002 * 00953364 v 0000 @ 00959417 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00956437 36 v 02 macrame 0 make_knotted_patterns 0 001 @ 00958000 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00
00956532 36 v 02 knit 0 make_by_knitting 0 004 * 00761093 v 0000 @ 00945714 v 0000 ~ 00956686 v 0000 ~ 00956855 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | of textiles
00956686 36 v 01 purl 2 001 @ 00956532 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | knit with a purl stitch
00956779 36 v 01 cast_on 0 001 @ 00761093 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | in knitting
00956855 36 v 01 rib 0 001 @ 00956532 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | form vertical ribs by knitting
00956946 36 v 01 purl_stitch 0 001 @ 00957038 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make with purl_stitches
00957038 36 v 02 knit 1 entwine 0 003 @ 00740051 v 0000 ~ 00956946 v 0000 ~ 00957769 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00
00957152 36 v 02 web 0 net 0 001 @ 00958116 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00957217 36 v 02 crochet 0 hook 0 001 @ 00957769 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00957287 36 v 02 crochet 1 make_by_crocheting 0 004 @ 00945714 v 0000 ~ 00957452 v 0000 ~ 00957545 v 0000 ~ 00957657 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | create by looping
00957452 36 v 01 shell_stitch 0 001 @ 00957287 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make by shell_stitching
00957545 36 v 02 double_crochet 0 double_stitch 0 001 @ 00957287 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make by double_stitching
00957657 36 v 02 single_crochet 0 single_stitch 0 001 @ 00957287 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make by single_stitching
00957769 36 v 02 loop 0 intertwine 0 003 @ 00957038 v 0000 ~ 00957217 v 0000 ~ 00957916 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make a loop in, as of rope or string
00957916 36 v 01 noose 0 001 @ 00957769 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make a noose in or of
00958000 36 v 03 knot 0 make_into_knots 0 make_knots_out_of 0 002 @ 00945714 v 0000 ~ 00956437 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00958116 36 v 02 weave 0 tissue 0 006 @ 00945714 v 0000 ~ 00957152 v 0000 ~ 00958371 v 0000 ~ 00958469 v 0000 ~ 00958679 v 0000 ~ 00958773 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of textiles; create a piece of cloth by interlacing strands of fabric, such as wool or cotton
00958371 36 v 02 brocade 0 weave_a_design_into 0 001 @ 00958116 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of textiles
00958469 36 v 02 lace 0 do_lacework 0 001 @ 00958116 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00958543 36 v 02 tat 0 intertwine 1 002 * 00958000 v 0000 @ 00945714 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | make lacework by knotting or looping
00958679 36 v 03 braid 0 lace 1 plait 0 001 @ 00958116 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make by braiding
00958773 36 v 02 twill 0 make_with_a_twill_weave 0 001 @ 00958116 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | weave diagonal lines into; of textiles
00958900 36 v 02 strike 0 produce_by_ignition 0 001 @ 00926361 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | of fire
00959001 36 v 02 forge 0 hammer 0 003 @ 00930622 v 0000 ~ 00959118 v 0000 ~ 00959230 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of metals
00959118 36 v 03 foliate 0 hammer_into_thin_foils 0 hammer_flat 0 001 @ 00959001 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of metal
00959230 36 v 02 dropforge 0 forge_with_a_drop_forge 0 001 @ 00959001 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of metals
00959332 36 v 02 extrude 0 squeeze_out 0 001 @ 00929175 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00959417 36 v 06 decorate 0 adorn 0 grace 0 ornament 0 embellish 0 beautify 0 044 @ 00072540 v 0000 ~ 00872080 v 0000 ~ 00872287 v 0000 ~ 00873824 v 0000 ~ 00954256 v 0000 ~ 00954617 v 0000 ~ 00955375 v 0000 ~ 00955469 v 0000 ~ 00955608 v 0000 ~ 00955727 v 0000 ~ 00955826 v 0000 ~ 00955912 v 0000 ~ 00956008 v 0000 ~ 00956122 v 0000 ~ 00956220 v 0000 ~ 00956330 v 0000 ~ 00960313 v 0000 ~ 00960437 v 0000 ~ 00960530 v 0000 ~ 00960645 v 0000 ~ 00960757 v 0000 ~ 00960846 v 0000 ~ 00960958 v 0000 ~ 00961066 v 0000 ~ 00961146 v 0000 ~ 00961239 v 0000 ~ 00961349 v 0000 ~ 00961434 v 0000 ~ 00961528 v 0000 ~ 00961725 v 0000 ~ 00961808 v 0000 ~ 00962017 v 0000 ~ 00963283 v 0000 ~ 00963535 v 0000 ~ 00963785 v 0000 ~ 00963931 v 0000 ~ 00964024 v 0000 ~ 00964203 v 0000 ~ 00964656 v 0000 ~ 00964931 v 0000 ~ 00971980 v 0000 ~ 01000290 v 0000 ~ 01000737 v 0000 ~ 01000833 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00960313 36 v 01 hang 0 001 @ 00959417 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | decorate or furnish with something suspended; "Hang wallpaper"
00960437 36 v 01 prank 0 001 @ 00959417 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "Roses were pranking the lawn"
00960530 36 v 01 tinsel 0 001 @ 00959417 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | adorn with tinsel; "snow flakes tinseled the trees"
00960645 36 v 01 tart_up 0 001 @ 00959417 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | decorate in a cheap and flashy way, as of a bar
00960757 36 v 01 stucco 0 001 @ 00959417 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | decorate with stucco work
00960846 36 v 01 redecorate 0 001 @ 00959417 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | redo the decoration of an apartment or house
00960958 36 v 01 panel 0 001 @ 00959417 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | decorate with panels, as of walls or ceilings
00961066 36 v 01 jewel 0 001 @ 00959417 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | adorn with jewels
00961146 36 v 02 fillet 0 filet 0 001 @ 00959417 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | decorate with a filet
00961239 36 v 01 scallop 0 001 @ 00959417 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | decorate an edge with scallops, as of a dress
00961349 36 v 01 bedizen 0 001 @ 00959417 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | decorate tastelessly
00961434 36 v 01 dress_ship 0 001 @ 00959417 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | decorate a ship with flags
00961528 36 v 03 trim 0 garnish 0 dress 0 001 @ 00959417 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | of food
00961623 36 v 02 lard 0 prepare-with_lard 0 001 @ 00952386 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of meats, in cooking
00961725 36 v 01 trim 1 001 @ 00959417 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | as of christmas trees
00961808 36 v 03 deck 0 bedight 0 bedeck 0 002 @ 00959417 v 0000 ~ 00961921 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 17 00 + 21 00
00961921 36 v 01 plume 0 001 @ 00961808 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | deck with a plume, as of a helmet
00962017 36 v 02 festoon 0 decorate_with_festoons 0 001 @ 00959417 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00962105 36 v 02 represent 0 create_an_image_of 0 005 @ 00928226 v 0000 ~ 00962285 v 0000 ~ 00962400 v 0000 ~ 00962517 v 0000 ~ 00972282 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | create a likeness of
00964464 36 v 02 distemper 0 paint_with_distemper 0 001 @ 00965279 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00964552 36 v 03 blueprint 0 draft 5 draught 0 001 @ 00937922 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make a blueprint of
00964656 36 v 02 illuminate 0 decorate_with_paint 0 003 * 00965134 v 0000 @ 00959417 v 0000 ~ 00964805 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of medieval manuscripts
00964805 36 v 02 miniate 1 rubricate 0 001 @ 00964656 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | decorate with letters painted red, of manuscripts
00964931 36 v 03 emblazon 0 blazon 0 decorate_with_heraldic_arms 0 001 @ 00959417 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00965034 36 v 02 sculpt 0 sculpture 0 002 @ 00949570 v 0000 @ 00945714 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00
00965134 36 v 01 paint 0 002 @ 00966090 v 0000 ~ 00965799 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | make a painting of: "He painted his mistress many times"
00965279 36 v 01 paint 1 011 @ 00965620 v 0000 ~ 00962743 v 0000 ~ 00962860 v 0000 ~ 00963194 v 0000 ~ 00964358 v 0000 ~ 00964464 v 0000 ~ 00965943 v 0000 ~ 00971216 v 0000 ~ 00971323 v 0000 ~ 00971580 v 0000 ~ 00971889 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | make a painting; "he painted all day in the garden"; "He painted a painting of the garden"
00965620 36 v 02 create 1 be_creative 0 003 @ 01341700 v 0000 ~ 00940257 v 0000 ~ 00965279 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | pursue a creative activity, such as painting, writing, or dancing
00965799 36 v 01 repaint 0 001 @ 00965134 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | paint again; "He repainted the same scenery many times during his life"
00965943 36 v 02 charge 0 paint_with_a_charge 0 001 @ 00965279 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | place a heraldic bearing on; of weapons, shields, and banners
00966090 36 v 02 represent 1 interpret 1 012 @ 00928226 v 0000 ~ 00962626 v 0000 ~ 00965134 v 0000 ~ 00966393 v 0000 ~ 00966723 v 0000 ~ 00966980 v 0000 ~ 00967102 v 0000 ~ 00967176 v 0000 ~ 00967459 v 0000 ~ 00968570 v 0000 ~ 01002709 v 0000 ~ 01555255 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | create an image of
00966393 36 v 01 capture 0 002 @ 00966090 v 0000 ~ 00966594 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | succeed in representing or expressing something intangible; "capture the essence of Spring"; "capture an idea"
00966594 36 v 01 recapture 0 001 @ 00966393 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | capture anew; "The author recaptures an old idea here"
00966723 36 v 03 picture 0 depict 0 show 0 002 @ 00966090 v 0000 ~ 00966885 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | show in, or as in, a picture; "This scene depicts country life"
00966885 36 v 01 illustrate 0 001 @ 00966723 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | depict with an illustration
00966980 36 v 02 stylize 0 conventionalize 0 001 @ 00966090 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | present stylistically or conventionally
00967102 36 v 01 map 0 001 @ 00966090 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make_a_map_of
00967176 36 v 03 portray 0 depict 1 limn 0 001 @ 00966090 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | make a portrait of
00967283 36 v 03 pencil 0 write_with_a_pencil 0 draw_with_a_pencil 0 002 * 00909809 v 0000 @ 00968570 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | trace with a pencil; "he penciled a figure"
00967459 36 v 02 portray 2 present 8 002 @ 00966090 v 0000 ~ 00967626 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | "The father is portrayed as a coward in this play"
00967626 36 v 01 commend 0 001 @ 00967459 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | present as worthy of regard, kindness, or confidence; "His paintings commend him to the artistic world"
00967818 36 v 04 delineate 0 limn 1 outline 1 trace_the_shape_of 0 003 @ 00968570 v 0000 ~ 00967957 v 0000 ~ 00968102 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00967957 36 v 01 lipstick 0 001 @ 00967818 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | form by tracing with lipstick: "The clown had lipsticked circles on his cheeks"
00968102 36 v 02 contour 0 form_the_contours_of 0 002 @ 00967818 v 0000 ~ 00968214 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
00968214 36 v 03 streamline 0 contour_economically 0 contour_efficiently 0 001 @ 00968102 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00968325 36 v 02 rule 0 mark_with_a_ruler 0 001 @ 00968570 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | draw with a ruler; of margins
00968436 36 v 03 chalk 0 write_with_chalk 0 draw_with_chalk 0 002 * 00909809 v 0000 @ 00968570 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | trace with chalk
00968570 36 v 01 draw 0 015 @ 00966090 v 0000 ~ 00967283 v 0000 ~ 00967818 v 0000 ~ 00968325 v 0000 ~ 00968436 v 0000 ~ 00969170 v 0000 ~ 00969771 v 0000 ~ 00969921 v 0000 ~ 00970063 v 0000 ~ 00970221 v 0000 ~ 00970345 v 0000 ~ 00970494 v 0000 ~ 00971216 v 0000 ~ 00971580 v 0000 ~ 00972393 v 0000 04 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 02 01 | make a drawing of; represent by drawing, with a pencil, chalk, etc. on a surface; "She drew an elephant"
00969012 36 v 01 draw 7 002 @ 00972859 v 0000 ^ 00397798 v 0104 01 + 08 00 | write a legal document or paper; "The will was drawn when he was 89 years old"
00969170 36 v 01 project 8 001 @ 00968570 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | draw a projection of
00969255 36 v 03 write 1 mark_on_a_surface 0 trace_on_a_surface 0 007 @ 00909809 v 0000 ~ 00969473 v 0000 ~ 00969565 v 0000 ~ 00997374 v 0000 ~ 00997588 v 0000 ~ 00997687 v 0000 ~ 00998009 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00
00969473 36 v 01 capitalize 0 001 @ 00969255 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | write in capital letters
00969565 36 v 03 letter 0 mark_letters_on 0 mark_with_letters 0 001 @ 00969255 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00969665 36 v 02 letter 1 set_down_with_letters 0 001 @ 00998009 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | print with letters
00969771 36 v 03 crayon 0 write_with_a_crayon 0 draw_with_a_crayon 0 001 @ 00968570 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 02 03 + 02 02 | trace with a crayon
00969921 36 v 05 check 0 checker 0 chequer 0 mark_into_squares 0 draw_squares_on 0 001 @ 00968570 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | draw crossed lines on
00970063 36 v 03 charcoal 0 draw_with_charcoal 0 trace_with_charcoal 0 002 * 00909809 v 0000 @ 00968570 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | represent with charcoal
00970221 36 v 03 doodle 0 make_a_doodle 0 draw_idly 0 002 * 00909809 v 0000 @ 00968570 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | draw aimlessly
00970345 36 v 02 diagram 0 plot 0 002 @ 00968570 v 0000 ~ 01002801 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make a schematic or technical drawing of; make a diagram of
00970494 36 v 02 cartoon 0 draw_cartoons_of 0 001 @ 00968570 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00970576 36 v 02 copy 1 recreate 1 007 @ 00926361 v 0000 ~ 00148165 v 0000 ~ 00946749 v 0000 ~ 00970771 v 0000 ~ 00970859 v 0000 ~ 00971019 v 0000 ~ 00971126 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make a copy of
00970771 36 v 01 hectograph 0 001 @ 00970576 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | copy on a hectograph
00970859 36 v 01 clone 0 001 @ 00970576 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | make a clone of
00970945 36 v 01 recopy 0 001 @ 00997687 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | copy again
00971019 36 v 02 mimeograph 0 mimeo 0 001 @ 00970576 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "She mimeographed the syllabus"
00971126 36 v 01 roneo 0 001 @ 00970576 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | make copies on a roneograph
00971216 36 v 02 shade 0 fill_in 0 003 @ 00968570 v 0000 @ 00965279 v 0000 ~ 00971489 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00971323 36 v 01 stipple 1 001 @ 00965279 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make by small short touches that together produce an even or softly graded shadow, as in paint or ink
00971489 36 v 01 crosshatch 0 001 @ 00971216 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | shade with crosshatches
00971580 36 v 04 color 0 colour 0 color_in 0 colour_in 0 003 @ 00968570 v 0000 @ 00965279 v 0000 ~ 00971723 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | add color to
00971723 36 v 03 mottle 0 streak 0 blotch 0 001 @ 00971580 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00971803 36 v 02 vein 0 make_a_veinlike_pattern 0 001 @ 00881552 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00971889 36 v 02 watercolor 0 paint_with_watercolors 0 001 @ 00965279 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00971980 36 v 03 color 1 colour 1 emblazon 1 002 @ 00959417 v 0000 ~ 00972109 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | decorate with colors
00972109 36 v 01 miniate 0 001 @ 00971980 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | paint with red lead or vermilion
00972206 36 v 03 model 0 mold 2 mould 2 001 @ 00949570 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00972282 36 v 03 model 1 make_a_model_of 0 mock_up 0 001 @ 00962105 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | construct a model of
00972393 36 v 03 sketch 0 outline 0 chalk_out 0 001 @ 00968570 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make a sketch of
00972495 36 v 02 create_verbally 0 create_with_words 0 005 @ 00926361 v 0000 ~ 00972677 v 0000 ~ 00972859 v 0000 ~ 00974854 v 0000 ~ 00996508 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | create from words
00972677 36 v 01 coin 1 002 @ 00972495 v 0000 ~ 00972776 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of phrases or words
00972776 36 v 01 sloganeer 0 001 @ 00972677 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | coin new slogans
00972859 36 v 04 write 0 compose 1 pen 0 indite 0 019 @ 00972495 v 0000 ^ 01002436 v 0101 ~ 00969012 v 0000 ~ 00973269 v 0000 ~ 00973470 v 0000 ~ 00973593 v 0000 ~ 00973749 v 0000 ~ 00973855 v 0000 ~ 00974240 v 0000 ~ 00974355 v 0000 ~ 00974485 v 0000 ~ 00974556 v 0000 ~ 00974657 v 0000 ~ 00974775 v 0000 ~ 00975262 v 0000 ~ 00976326 v 0000 ~ 00976641 v 0000 ~ 00976735 v 0000 ~ 01002436 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00973269 36 v 01 lyric 0 002 @ 00972859 v 0000 ~ 00973375 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | write lyrics for (a song)
00973375 36 v 01 relyric 0 001 @ 00973269 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | write new lyrics for (a song)
00973470 36 v 03 write_on 0 write_of 0 write_about 0 001 @ 00972859 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | "Snow wrote about China"
00973593 36 v 01 profile 1 001 @ 00972859 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | write about: "The author of this article profiles a famous painter"
00973749 36 v 01 paragraph 0 001 @ 00972859 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | write paragraphs; work as a paragrapher
00973855 36 v 01 paragraph 1 001 @ 00972859 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | write about in a paragraph; "All her friends were paragraphed n last Monday's paper"
00974014 36 v 02 spell 0 write 3 002 * 00972859 v 0000 ~ 00974145 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "He spelled the word wrong in this letter"
00974145 36 v 02 hyphenate 0 hyphen 0 001 @ 00974014 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | write with a hyphen
00974240 36 v 01 write_off 0 001 @ 00972859 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | write something fluently, and without hesitation
00974355 36 v 05 dash_off 0 knock_off 0 toss_off 0 fling_off 0 write_quickly 0 001 @ 00972859 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | as of letters
00974485 36 v 02 adapt 1 rewrite 0 001 @ 00972859 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00974556 36 v 02 write_copy 0 write_for_commercial_publication 0 001 @ 00972859 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00974657 36 v 03 dramatize 0 dramatise 0 adopt 0 001 @ 00972859 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "adopt a book for a screenplay"
00974775 36 v 03 draft 0 rough 0 outline 3 001 @ 00972859 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00974854 36 v 02 rhyme 0 rime 0 003 @ 00972495 v 0000 ~ 00974974 v 0000 ~ 00975079 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | compose rhymes
00974974 36 v 02 tag 0 supply_with_rhymes 0 001 @ 00974854 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of blank verse or prose
00975079 36 v 02 alliterate 0 use_alliteration 0 001 @ 00974854 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00975164 36 v 03 pun 0 play_on_words 0 make_a_play_on_words 0 001 @ 00478704 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00975262 36 v 03 versify 0 poetize 0 verse 0 004 @ 00972859 v 0000 ~ 00975429 v 0000 ~ 00975520 v 0000 ~ 00975673 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | compose verses; put into verse
00975429 36 v 01 spondaize 0 001 @ 00975262 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make spondaic, of verses
00975520 36 v 02 elegize 0 compose_an_elegy 0 001 @ 00975262 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00975602 36 v 02 recite 0 retell 0 001 @ 00928226 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00975673 36 v 03 sonnet 0 write_a_sonnet 0 compose_a_sonnet 0 001 @ 00975262 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00975771 36 v 02 sonnet 1 write_a_sonnet_for 0 001 @ 00480440 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | praise in a sonnet
00975882 36 v 02 serenade 0 play_for_somebody 0 001 @ 00980842 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 09 00 | sing and play for somebody
00976002 36 v 04 belt_out 0 belt 0 sing_loudly 0 sing_forcefully 0 001 @ 00989166 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00976105 36 v 01 descant_on 0 001 @ 00989166 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | sing a descant on a main tune or melody
00976212 36 v 02 vocalize 0 sing_without_words 0 001 @ 00989166 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | sing with one vowel
00976326 36 v 02 author 0 be_the_author_of 0 003 @ 00972859 v 0000 ~ 00976443 v 0000 ~ 00976528 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00976443 36 v 02 co-author 0 be_a_co-author_on 0 001 @ 00976326 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00976641 36 v 02 annotate 0 footnote 0 001 @ 00972859 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | supply with notes
00976735 36 v 02 reference 0 cite 0 001 @ 00972859 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | refer to
00976825 36 v 03 compose 3 write 4 write_music 0 007 @ 00926361 v 0000 ~ 00977026 v 0000 ~ 00977109 v 0000 ~ 00977276 v 0000 ~ 00977463 v 0000 ~ 00977660 v 0000 ~ 00977844 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00
00977026 36 v 02 put_to_music 0 set_to_music 0 001 @ 00976825 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00977109 36 v 02 arrange 0 set 0 005 @ 00976825 v 0000 ~ 00943078 v 0000 ~ 00977375 v 0000 ~ 00977926 v 0000 ~ 00996873 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "set this poem to music"
00977276 36 v 02 score 0 write_a_score_for 0 002 @ 00976825 v 0000 ~ 00977747 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00977375 36 v 02 transpose 0 put_into_another_key 0 001 @ 00977109 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00977463 36 v 02 melodize 0 write_a_melody_for 0 001 @ 00976825 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | supply a melody for
00977569 36 v 02 harmonize 0 sing_in_harmony 0 001 @ 00989166 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00
00977660 36 v 02 harmonize 1 write_a_harmony_for 0 001 @ 00976825 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00977747 36 v 01 orchestrate 0 001 @ 00977276 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | write an orchestra score for
00977844 36 v 02 instrument 0 instrumentate 0 001 @ 00976825 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00977926 36 v 02 adapt 0 transcribe 0 001 @ 00977109 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | rewrite a piece of music for an instrument or medium other than that originally intended; arrange
00978099 36 v 02 choreograph 0 create_choreography 0 001 @ 00926361 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | compose a sequence of dance steps to music
00978240 36 v 03 jive 0 dance_to_jive_music 0 dance_the_jive 0 001 @ 00978339 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00978339 36 v 03 dance 0 do_a_dance 0 perform_a_dance 0 029 @ 01043075 v 0000 ~ 00978240 v 0000 ~ 00978996 v 0000 ~ 00979076 v 0000 ~ 00979163 v 0000 ~ 01000641 v 0000 ~ 01002881 v 0000 ~ 01079915 v 0000 ~ 01079982 v 0000 ~ 01080123 v 0000 ~ 01080199 v 0000 ~ 01080291 v 0000 ~ 01080361 v 0000 ~ 01080438 v 0000 ~ 01080512 v 0000 ~ 01080595 v 0000 ~ 01080723 v 0000 ~ 01080798 v 0000 ~ 01080885 v 0000 ~ 01080964 v 0000 ~ 01081043 v 0000 ~ 01081128 v 0000 ~ 01081210 v 0000 ~ 01081283 v 0000 ~ 01081632 v 0000 ~ 01081721 v 0000 ~ 01081932 v 0000 ~ 01171297 v 0000 ~ 01171373 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 22 00 | move in a pattern; usually to musical accompaniment
00978996 36 v 01 clog 0 001 @ 00978339 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | dance a clog dance
00979076 36 v 02 tap_dance 0 perform_a_tap_dance 0 001 @ 00978339 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00979163 36 v 02 belly_dance 0 perform_a_belly_dance 0 001 @ 00978339 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00979254 36 v 02 direct 0 guide_the_actors_in 0 002 @ 00926361 v 0000 ~ 00980103 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | of plays and films
00979384 36 v 03 cast 1 assign_a_role_to 0 select_to_play_a_part 0 007 * 00980414 v 0000 * 00980218 v 0000 * 00980842 v 0000 @ 01353541 v 0000 ~ 00979757 v 0000 ~ 00979877 v 0000 ~ 00979996 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | select to play,sing, or dance a part in a play, movie, musical, opera, or ballet
00979677 36 v 01 descant 0 001 @ 00989166 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | sing in descant
00979757 36 v 01 recast 0 001 @ 00979384 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | cast again, in a different role: "He was recast as Iago"
00979877 36 v 01 miscast 0 001 @ 00979384 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | cast an actor, singer, or dancer in an unsuitable role
00979996 36 v 01 typecast 0 001 @ 00979384 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | cast respeatedly in the same kind of role
00980103 36 v 02 stage_direct 0 direct_for_the_theater 0 001 @ 00979254 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | direct for the stage
00980218 36 v 02 stage 0 present 0 002 @ 00928226 v 0000 ~ 00980307 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00980307 36 v 03 set 1 localize 0 place 0 001 @ 00980218 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | "The film is set in Africa"
00980414 36 v 01 film 0 004 @ 00563886 v 0000 @ 00926361 v 0000 ~ 00980641 v 0000 ~ 00980756 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 02 01
00980536 36 v 02 filmmake 0 film-make 0 001 @ 00926361 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | make films; be a film maker
00980641 36 v 01 cinematize 0 001 @ 00980414 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make a film of; adopt so as to make into a film
00980756 36 v 01 microfilm 0 001 @ 00980414 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | record on microfilm
00980842 36 v 03 perform 0 execute 1 do 1 017 @ 00928226 v 0000 ~ 00353775 v 0000 ~ 00594151 v 0000 ~ 00594635 v 0000 ~ 00595169 v 0000 ~ 00975882 v 0000 ~ 00981208 v 0000 ~ 00981493 v 0000 ~ 00981586 v 0000 ~ 00982874 v 0000 ~ 00983377 v 0000 ~ 00984376 v 0000 ~ 00984492 v 0000 ~ 00985868 v 0000 ~ 00988855 v 0000 ~ 00990768 v 0000 ~ 00991176 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00981208 36 v 01 blaze_away 0 001 @ 00980842 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | perform brilliantly and rapidly, as of the actor: "Mr. Jones blazed away in one passage after another"
00981378 36 v 01 interlude 0 001 @ 00981680 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | perform an interlude, as on a musical instrument
00981493 36 v 01 scamp 0 001 @ 00980842 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | perform hastily and carelessly
00981586 36 v 01 churn_out 1 001 @ 00980842 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | perform in a mechanical way
00981680 36 v 02 perform 1 give_a_performance 0 008 @ 00928226 v 0000 ~ 00981378 v 0000 ~ 00981898 v 0000 ~ 00982036 v 0000 ~ 00982578 v 0000 ~ 00983107 v 0000 ~ 00983780 v 0000 ~ 00986807 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00
00981898 36 v 01 concertize 0 001 @ 00981680 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | give concerts; perform in concerts; "My is off concertizing in Europe"
00982036 36 v 01 play 3 001 @ 00981680 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | perform on a certain location: "He played the casinos in Las Vegas"
00982165 36 v 01 play 4 001 ~ 00982429 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | be performed; "What's playing in the local movie theater?"
00982293 36 v 02 play 5 run 1 001 > 00982165 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause to be played: "They ran the tapes over and over again"
00982429 36 v 01 debut 0 001 @ 00982165 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | "The new ballet that debuts next months at Covent Garden, is already sold out"
00982578 36 v 01 debut 1 001 @ 00981680 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | make one's debut; "This young soprano debuts next months at the Metropolitan Opera"
00982724 36 v 01 debut 2 001 @ 00939471 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | present for the first time to the public; "The and debuts a new song or two each month"
00982874 36 v 02 premier 0 premiere 0 001 @ 00980842 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | perform a work for the first time
00982983 36 v 02 premier 1 premiere 1 000 01 + 01 00 | be performed for the first time; of a play, ballet, or composition
00983107 36 v 02 audition 0 try_out 0 001 @ 00981680 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | "She auditioned for a role on Broadway"
00983222 36 v 01 computerize 0 001 @ 01362875 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cause a function to be carried out by a computer; "They computerized the car industry"
00983377 36 v 01 turn_in 2 001 @ 00980842 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "They turned in top jobs for the second straight game"
00983496 36 v 03 act 0 play 2 represent 2 009 @ 00928226 v 0000 ~ 00984284 v 0000 ~ 00984806 v 0000 ~ 00985387 v 0000 ~ 00985466 v 0000 ~ 00985611 v 0000 ~ 00986072 v 0000 ~ 00986149 v 0000 ~ 01009721 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 | play a role or part; "Gielgud played Hamlet"
00983780 36 v 04 act 3 play a roleplay 0 playact 0 005 @ 00981680 v 0000 ~ 00984059 v 0000 ~ 00986357 v 0000 ~ 01000373 v 0000 ~ 01000504 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | perform on a stage or theater; "She acts in this play"; "He acted in "Julius Caesar"; "I played in "A Christmas Carol"
00984059 36 v 01 stooge 0 001 @ 00983780 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | act as the stooge: "His role was to stooge for the popular comedian"
00984191 36 v 02 enter 0 come_on_stage 0 001 * 00983496 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | in the theater
00984284 36 v 02 support 0 play_a_subordinate_role_to 0 001 @ 00983496 v 0000 01 + 09 00
00984376 36 v 01 star 0 002 @ 00980842 v 0000 ~ 00984702 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | be the star in a performance
00984492 36 v 01 appear 0 001 @ 00980842 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | appear as a character on stage or appear in a play, etc.; "Gielgud appears briefly in this movie"; "She appeared in `Hamlet' on the London stage"
00984702 36 v 01 co-star 0 001 @ 00984376 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | be the co-star in a performance
00984806 36 v 06 simulate 0 dissemble 0 pretend 0 assume 0 sham 0 feign 0 003 @ 00983496 v 0000 ~ 00985108 v 0000 ~ 00985312 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | pretend a certain condition or state; "You can sense that she is just acting"; "She assumed indifference, even though she was seething with anger"
00985108 36 v 01 play 6 001 @ 00984806 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 26 00 | pretend to be somebody in the framework of a game or playful activity; "Let's play like I am mommy"; "Play cowboy and Indians"
00985312 36 v 01 feint 0 001 @ 00984806 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | make a feint
00985387 36 v 02 masquerade_as 0 pose_as 0 001 @ 00983496 v 0000 01 + 09 00
00985466 36 v 04 enact 0 reenact 0 re-enact 0 act_out 0 001 @ 00983496 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "She re-enacted what had happened earlier that day"
00985611 36 v 01 act_out 1 001 @ 00983496 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | represent an incident, state, or emotion by action, esp. on stage; "She could act neurotic anxiety"
00985775 36 v 04 model 4 reenact 1 re-enact 1 simulate 2 001 @ 00928226 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00985868 36 v 03 rehearse 0 practise 0 practice 0 002 @ 00980842 v 0000 ~ 00985980 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00
00985980 36 v 02 scrimmage 0 practice_play 0 001 @ 00985868 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | in sports
00986072 36 v 02 impersonate 0 portray 1 001 @ 00983496 v 0000 01 + 09 00
00986149 36 v 02 spoof 0 parody 0 002 @ 00983496 v 0000 ~ 00986275 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | make a spoof of; make fun of
00986275 36 v 01 travesty 0 001 @ 00986149 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make a parody of
00986357 36 v 02 mime 0 pantomime 0 001 @ 00983780 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | play charades
00986444 36 v 03 play 0 spiel 0 render 1 012 @ 00928226 v 0000 ~ 00943812 v 0000 ~ 00987012 v 0000 ~ 00987102 v 0000 ~ 00987203 v 0000 ~ 00987300 v 0000 ~ 00987399 v 0000 ~ 00988092 v 0000 ~ 00988324 v 0000 ~ 00988559 v 0000 ~ 00988994 v 0000 ~ 00991902 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | as of melodies; "Play it again, Sam"; "She played the third movement very beautifully"
00986807 36 v 01 play c 005 @ 00981680 v 0000 ~ 00944489 v 0000 ~ 00987774 v 0000 ~ 00988637 v 0000 ~ 00989078 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | play (music) on an instrument; "The band played all night long"
00987012 36 v 01 replay 0 001 @ 00986444 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | play again, as of a melody
00987102 36 v 01 prelude 0 001 @ 00986444 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | play as a prelude, of musical pieces
00987203 36 v 01 jazz 0 001 @ 00986444 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | play something in the style of jazz
00987300 36 v 01 rag 0 001 @ 00986444 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | play in ragtime, as of a musical piece
00987399 36 v 01 bugle 0 001 @ 00986444 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | play on a bugle
00987477 36 v 02 play 1 play_on 0 008 @ 01243774 v 0000 ~ 00987884 v 0000 ~ 00987989 v 0000 ~ 00988229 v 0000 ~ 00991005 v 0000 ~ 00991082 v 0000 ~ 00991491 v 0000 ~ 00991588 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | perform music on (a musical instrument); "He plays the flute"; "Can you play on this old recorder?"
00987774 36 v 01 symphonize 0 001 @ 00986807 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | play or sound together, in harmony
00987884 36 v 01 tweedle 0 001 @ 00987477 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | play negligently on a musical instrument
00987989 36 v 01 chord 0 001 @ 00987477 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | play chords on, as of string instruments
00988092 36 v 03 reprise 0 repeat 1 recapitulate 0 001 @ 00986444 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | repeat an earlier theme of a musical composition
00988229 36 v 02 pipe 0 play_on_a_pipe 0 002 @ 00987477 v 0000 ^ 00594635 v 0101 01 + 08 00
00988324 36 v 03 slur 0 play_smoothly 0 play_legato 0 001 @ 00986444 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of musical passages
00988435 36 v 01 pedal 0 002 * 00986444 v 0000 @ 00698176 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | operate the pedals on a keyboard instrument
00988559 36 v 02 bang_out 0 play_loudly 0 001 @ 00986444 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00988637 36 v 03 accompany 0 follow 1 provide_accompaniment_for 0 001 @ 00986807 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | perform an accompaniment to; "The orchestra could barely follow the frequent pitch changes of the soprano"
00988855 36 v 04 improvise 0 ad-lib 0 extemporize 0 extemporise 0 001 @ 00980842 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | perform without preparation
00988994 36 v 02 modulate 0 change_the_key_of 0 001 @ 00986444 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00989078 36 v 01 bow 0 001 @ 00986807 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | play on a string instrument
00989166 36 v 01 sing 0 019 @ 00530290 v 0000 ~ 00593856 v 0000 ~ 00593971 v 0000 ~ 00594068 v 0000 ~ 00594282 v 0000 ~ 00594721 v 0000 ~ 00594846 v 0000 ~ 00595094 v 0000 ~ 00598226 v 0000 ~ 00976002 v 0000 ~ 00976105 v 0000 ~ 00976212 v 0000 ~ 00977569 v 0000 ~ 00979677 v 0000 ~ 00989675 v 0000 ~ 00989788 v 0000 ~ 00989877 v 0000 ~ 00989976 v 0000 ~ 00990908 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 22 00 + 27 00 | produce musical tones with the voice; "She was singing while she was cooking"; "My brother sings very well"
00989675 36 v 01 minstrel 0 001 @ 00989166 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | celebrate by singing, in the style of minstrels
00989788 36 v 01 solmizate 0 001 @ 00989166 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | sing using solmization
00989877 36 v 02 tweedle 1 chirp 0 001 @ 00989166 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | sing in modulation
00989976 36 v 02 choir 0 chorus 0 001 @ 00989166 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | sing in a choir
00990063 36 v 02 sing 1 deliver_by_singing 0 006 @ 00990768 v 0000 ~ 00990259 v 0000 ~ 00990362 v 0000 ~ 00990466 v 0000 ~ 00990539 v 0000 ~ 00990663 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "Sing Christmas carols"
00990259 36 v 01 solmizate 1 001 @ 00990063 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | sing by the syllables of solmization
00990362 36 v 01 troll 0 001 @ 00990063 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | sing the parts of (a round) in succession
00990466 36 v 01 hymn 0 001 @ 00990063 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | sing a hymn
00990539 36 v 03 carol 0 wassail 0 sing_carols 0 001 @ 00990063 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "They went caroling on Christmas Day"
00990663 36 v 01 madrigal 0 001 @ 00990063 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "The group was madrigaling beautifully"
00990768 36 v 02 interpret 0 render 3 002 @ 00980842 v 0000 ~ 00990063 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | give an interpretation or rendition of
00990908 36 v 02 intone 0 chant 0 001 @ 00989166 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | sing in a monotonous tone
00991005 36 v 02 drum 0 play_the_drums 0 001 @ 00987477 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00991082 36 v 02 harp 0 play_the_harp 0 002 * 00915958 v 0000 @ 00987477 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00991176 36 v 04 conduct 0 lead 0 officiate 0 direct 2 001 @ 00980842 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | for example, of orchestras
00991295 36 v 05 hold 0 throw 8 have 0 make 4 give 2 001 @ 01380816 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | organize or be responsible for; "hold a reception," "have, throw, or make a party", "give a course", etc.
00991491 36 v 02 fiddle 0 play_the_fiddle 0 001 @ 00987477 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | play the violin
00991588 36 v 03 trumpet 0 play_the_trumpet 0 blow_the_trumpet 0 002 * 00005260 v 0000 @ 00987477 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00991771 36 v 02 double_tongue 0 triple-tongue 0 001 @ 00991902 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | play fast notes on a wind instrument
00991902 36 v 02 tongue 0 articulate_by_tonguing 0 002 @ 00986444 v 0000 ~ 00991771 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | on wind instruments
00992036 36 v 05 duplicate 0 reduplicate 0 double 0 repeat 0 replicate 0 002 @ 00992955 v 0000 ~ 00992163 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00992163 36 v 01 reduplicate 1 001 @ 00992036 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | form by reduplication, as of sounds or morphemes of a word
00992290 36 v 01 triplicate 0 001 @ 00992955 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | reproduce threefold
00992377 36 v 01 quadruplicate 0 001 @ 00992955 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | reproduce fourfold
00992466 36 v 03 reprint 0 print_again 0 reissue 0 001 @ 00992955 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00992553 36 v 03 photocopy 0 run_off 0 xerox 0 003 @ 00992955 v 0000 ~ 00992680 v 0000 ~ 00992826 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00
00992680 36 v 01 microcopy 0 001 @ 00992553 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | photocopy printed or other graphic matter so that it is reduced in size
00992826 36 v 02 photostat 0 Photostat 0 001 @ 00992553 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | make a copy by means of a Photostat device
00992955 36 v 02 reproduce 0 make_a_copy_of 0 010 @ 00929175 v 0000 ~ 00992036 v 0000 ~ 00992290 v 0000 ~ 00992377 v 0000 ~ 00992466 v 0000 ~ 00992553 v 0000 ~ 00993199 v 0000 ~ 00995557 v 0000 ~ 00998723 v 0000 ~ 00999005 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00993199 36 v 02 play_back 0 replay 1 001 @ 00992955 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | reproduce a recording on a recorder
00993310 36 v 02 evolve 0 develop 0 001 @ 00934308 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | work out; as of a theory or an idea; "We have developed a new theory of evolution"
00993466 36 v 01 develop 1 001 @ 01001949 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make something new and usually improved, such as a product;"Her company developed a new kind of building material that withstands all kinds of weather"
00993690 36 v 02 prefabricate 0 preassemble 0 001 @ 00929175 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of buildings
00993786 36 v 02 vamp 0 vamp_up 0 001 @ 00935665 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | vamp up an excuse for not attending the meeting
00993905 36 v 02 fudge_together 0 throw_together 0 001 @ 00929175 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00993992 36 v 04 grow 0 raise 3 farm 0 produce 5 002 @ 00995469 v 0000 ~ 00994294 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cultivate by growing; often involves improvements by means of agricultural techniques; "The Bordeaux region produces great red wines"; "They produce good ham in Parma"; "We grow wheat here"
00994294 36 v 02 overproduce 0 produce_in_excess 0 001 @ 00993992 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | produce more than needed or wanted
00994417 36 v 02 till 0 work_the_soil 0 004 * 00994745 v 0000 @ 00954722 v 0000 ~ 00994996 v 0000 ~ 00995367 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00
00994555 36 v 02 garden 0 work_in_the_garden 0 002 @ 01443469 v 0000 ~ 00994656 v 0000 01 + 02 00
00994656 36 v 01 landscape 0 001 @ 00994555 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | do landscape gardening
00994745 36 v 03 cultivate 1 crop 1 work 9 002 @ 00241323 v 0000 ~ 00994870 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | prepare for crops, of soil
00994870 36 v 02 overcrop 0 overcultivate 0 001 @ 00994745 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | to exhaust by excessive cultivation, of land
00994996 36 v 02 plow 0 plough 0 004 * 00751308 v 0000 @ 00994417 v 0000 ~ 00995156 v 0000 ~ 00995290 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | till with a plough, of soil
00995156 36 v 01 ridge 0 001 @ 00994996 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | plough alternate strips by throwing the furrow onto an unploughed strip
00995290 36 v 02 harrow 0 disk 0 001 @ 00994996 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00
00995367 36 v 02 hoe 0 dig_with_a_hoe 0 002 * 00751308 v 0000 @ 00994417 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00
00995469 36 v 02 cultivate 0 foster_the_growth_of 0 001 ~ 00993992 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00995557 36 v 03 imitate 0 copy 0 simulate 4 007 @ 00992955 v 0000 ~ 00089777 v 0000 ~ 00476656 v 0000 ~ 00995746 v 0000 ~ 00995876 v 0000 ~ 00995978 v 0000 ~ 00996405 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00995746 36 v 01 take_off 0 001 @ 00995557 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | "This song takes off from a famous aria"
00995876 36 v 02 mimic 0 mock 0 002 @ 00995557 v 0000 ^ 00972282 v 0203 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 11 00
00995978 36 v 02 model 2 pattern 0 003 @ 00995557 v 0000 ~ 00996085 v 0000 ~ 00996233 v 0000 01 + 21 00
00996085 36 v 01 scale 0 001 @ 00995978 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | pattern, make, regulate, set, measure, or estimate according to some rate or standard
00996233 36 v 01 sovietize 0 001 @ 00995978 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | model a country's social, political, and economic structure on the Soviet Union; "Castro sovietized Cuba"
00996508 36 v 02 publish 0 write 2 001 @ 00972495 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00
00996587 36 v 02 typeset 0 set_in_type 0 001 @ 00998009 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00996664 36 v 02 prove 0 take_a_trial_impression_of 0 001 @ 00998009 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00996754 36 v 02 format 0 arrange 2 001 @ 00064108 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | set into a specific format; of printed matter
00996873 36 v 03 tabularize 0 tabularise 0 tabulate 0 001 @ 00977109 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | arrange in tabular form
00996988 36 v 02 print 2 publish 1 003 @ 00929175 v 0000 ~ 00997111 v 0000 ~ 00997281 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | put into print
00997111 36 v 02 carry 0 run 2 001 @ 00996988 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | include as the content; "We ran the ad three times"; "This paper carries a restaurant review"
00997281 36 v 01 gazette 0 001 @ 00996988 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | publish in a gazette
00997374 36 v 02 print 3 write_as_if_with_print 0 002 @ 00969255 v 0000 ~ 00997505 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | not write cursive
00997505 36 v 01 misprint 0 001 @ 00997374 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | print incorrectly
00997687 36 v 02 copy 5 copy_down 0 003 @ 00969255 v 0000 ~ 00970945 v 0000 ~ 00997795 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00997795 36 v 02 copy_out 0 copy_carefully 0 001 @ 00997687 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00997876 36 v 03 program 0 programme 0 write_a_program 0 002 @ 00934308 v 0000 ~ 00310192 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | of computer programs
00998009 36 v 03 print 0 reproduce_by_printing 0 impress 0 009 @ 00969255 v 0000 ~ 00969665 v 0000 ~ 00996587 v 0000 ~ 00996664 v 0000 ~ 00998248 v 0000 ~ 00998345 v 0000 ~ 00998632 v 0000 ~ 00998837 v 0000 ~ 00998921 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00998248 36 v 01 multigraph 0 001 @ 00998009 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | print on a Multigraph machine
00998345 36 v 02 overprint 0 print_over 0 002 @ 00998009 v 0000 ~ 00998516 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | print (additional text or colors) onto an already imprinted paper
00998516 36 v 01 surcharge 0 001 @ 00998345 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | print a new denomination on a stamp or a banknote
00998632 36 v 01 cyclostyle 0 001 @ 00998009 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | print with a cyclostyle
00998723 36 v 01 fingerprint 0 001 @ 00992955 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | take an impression of a person's fingerprints
00998837 36 v 02 boldface 0 print_in_boldface 0 001 @ 00998009 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00998921 36 v 02 italicize 0 print_in_italics 0 001 @ 00998009 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00999005 36 v 02 print 1 make_into_a_print 0 006 @ 00992955 v 0000 ~ 00999176 v 0000 ~ 00999264 v 0000 ~ 00999352 v 0000 ~ 00999460 v 0000 ~ 00999914 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00999176 36 v 02 lithograph 0 make_by_lithography 0 001 @ 00999005 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00999264 36 v 02 silkscreen 0 print_by_silkscreen 0 001 @ 00999005 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00999352 36 v 03 stencil 0 mark_with_a_stencil 0 print_with_a_stencil 0 001 @ 00999005 v 0000 01 + 08 00
00999460 36 v 01 engrave 0 003 @ 00999005 v 0000 ~ 00999592 v 0000 ~ 00999814 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make an engraving of (an image)
00999592 36 v 01 benday 0 001 @ 00999460 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | reproduce by the Benday method
00999686 36 v 01 scrape 0 001 @ 00926361 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make by scraping; "They scraped a letter into the stone"
00999814 36 v 01 stipple 0 001 @ 00999460 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | engrave by means of dots and flicks
00999914 36 v 02 etch 0 make_an_etching_of 0 003 * 00163514 v 0000 @ 00999005 v 0000 ~ 01000031 v 0000 01 + 08 00
01000031 36 v 01 aquatint 0 001 @ 00999914 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | etch in aquatint
01000121 36 v 01 confect 1 001 @ 00929175 v 0000 01 + 08 00
01000184 36 v 01 corduroy 0 001 @ 00946831 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | build a road form logs laid side by side
01000290 36 v 01 fringe 0 001 @ 00959417 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | adorn with a fringe
01000373 36 v 03 overact 0 ham 0 overplay 0 002 @ 00983780 v 0000 ! 01000504 v 0101 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | exaggerate one's acting
01000504 36 v 02 underact 0 underplay 0 002 @ 00983780 v 0000 ! 01000373 v 0101 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | act (a role) with great restraint
01000641 36 v 01 heel 0 001 @ 00978339 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | perform with the heels, of a dance
01000737 36 v 01 fret 0 001 @ 00959417 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | decorate with an interlaced design
01000833 36 v 01 landscape 1 001 @ 00959417 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | embellish with plants
01000921 36 v 01 fret 1 002 @ 00717039 v 0000 ~ 01001021 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | carve a pattern into
01001021 36 v 01 honeycomb 0 001 @ 01000921 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | carve a honeycomb pattern into
01001126 36 v 01 proof 0 001 @ 00929175 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make or take a proof of, such as a photographic negative, an etching, or typeset
01001269 36 v 02 produce 2 bring_forth 0 002 @ 00926361 v 0000 ~ 01001662 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | bring forth or yield: produce offspring"
01001414 36 v 03 produce 3 bring_about 3 give_rise_to 1 001 @ 00926361 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | cause to occur or exist: "This procedure produces a curious effect"; "The new law gave rise to many complaints"; "These chemicals produce a noxious vapor"
01001662 36 v 02 grind_out 0 crank_out 0 001 @ 01001269 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | produce in a routine or monotonous manner
01001790 36 v 03 make_up 3 devise 2 design 3 001 @ 00926361 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "This designer makes up our Spring collections"; "He designed women's shoes"
01001949 36 v 01 create 2 001 ~ 00993466 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | bring into existence; "The company was created 25 years ago"
01002081 36 v 01 press 1 001 @ 00926361 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | create by pressing: "Press little holes into the soft clay"
01002211 36 v 01 prepare 2 002 @ 00926361 v 0000 ~ 01002312 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "prepare a report"
01002312 36 v 03 rough_in 0 rough 1 rough_out 0 001 @ 01002211 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | prepare in preliminary or sketchy form
01002436 36 v 03 write_out 0 write_up 0 put_into_writing 0 001 @ 00972859 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | write in complete form; "write out a contract"
01002579 36 v 02 cut 1 cut_out 0 001 @ 00926361 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | create by cutting; "She cut a hole into the fabric"
01002709 36 v 01 graph 0 001 @ 00966090 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | represent by means of a graph
01002801 36 v 01 graph 1 001 @ 00970345 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | plot upon a graph
01002881 36 v 01 shimmy 0 001 @ 00978339 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | dance a shimmy
01002959 36 v 01 make a 001 @ 00945714 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | gather and light the materials for: "make a fire"
01003070 37 v 07 arouse 0 elicit 0 enkindle 0 kindle 0 evoke 0 fire 0 provoke 0 014 @ 00926361 v 0000 ~ 01003470 v 0000 ~ 01003581 v 0000 ~ 01003813 v 0000 ~ 01003938 v 0000 ~ 01004050 v 0000 ~ 01004175 v 0000 ~ 01009839 v 0000 ~ 01017536 v 0000 ~ 01019562 v 0000 ~ 01020553 v 0000 ~ 01021077 v 0000 ~ 01030582 v 0000 ~ 01037752 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | call forth; of emotions, feelings, and responses
01003470 37 v 02 invite 1 ask_for 0 001 @ 01003070 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "ask for trouble"; "invite criticism"
01003581 37 v 01 draw 1 001 @ 01003070 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | draw responses, such as objections, criticism, applause, etc.; "The President's comments drew sharp criticism from the Republicans"; "The comedian drew a lot of laughter"
01003813 37 v 01 rekindle 0 001 @ 01003070 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | arouse again: "rekindle hopes"; "rekindle her love"
01003938 37 v 02 infatuate 0 make_passionate 0 001 @ 01003070 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | of foolish passions
01004050 37 v 04 inflame 0 stir_up 0 heat 0 fire_up 0 001 @ 01003070 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | of feelings and passions
01004175 37 v 05 stimulate 0 shake 0 shake_up 0 excite 0 stir 1 010 @ 01003070 v 0000 ^ 01461823 v 0503 ~ 01004524 v 0000 ~ 01004584 v 0000 ~ 01013456 v 0000 ~ 01022629 v 0000 ~ 01029347 v 0000 ~ 01031857 v 0000 ~ 01032310 v 0000 ~ 01034398 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | as of senses or emotions; "These stories shook the community"
01004524 37 v 01 fuel 0 001 @ 01004175 v 0000 01 + 10 00
01004584 37 v 05 arouse 1 sex 0 excite 1 turn_on 0 wind_up 0 002 @ 01004175 v 0000 ~ 01029456 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | arouse sexually
01004724 37 v 04 agitate 0 commove 0 excite 3 charge_up 0 005 @ 01008411 v 0000 ! 01005713 v 0101 ^ 01464822 v 0105 ~ 01005066 v 0000 ~ 01037027 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | cause to be agitated
01004920 37 v 03 bubble_over 0 overflow 0 spill_over 0 001 @ 01007188 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | overflow with a certain feeling, such as anger or joy
01005066 37 v 02 hype_up 0 psych_up 0 001 @ 01004724 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00
01005148 37 v 01 lull 1 001 @ 01005713 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | calm by deception
01006059 37 v 03 worry 1 make_anxious 0 give_cause_to_worry 0 006 > 01006890 v 0000 @ 01005393 v 0000 ! 01006376 v 0101 ~ 00414284 v 0000 ~ 01006285 v 0000 ~ 01006558 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | disturb the peace of mind of
01006376 37 v 04 reassure 0 assure 0 give_confidence_to 0 relieve_of_anxiety 0 002 @ 01005713 v 0000 ! 01006059 v 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | cause to feel sure; give reassurance to
01006558 37 v 02 nag 0 worry_persistently 0 001 @ 01006059 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | "nagging concerns and doubts"
01006669 37 v 02 worry_about 0 care_about 0 001 @ 00408776 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | be concerned with
01006776 37 v 02 retire 0 withdraw 0 002 @ 00046996 v 0000 ~ 01348929 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | lose interest
01006890 37 v 01 worry 0 004 ^ 01006669 v 0101 ~ 01007074 v 0000 ~ 01014380 v 0000 ~ 01021237 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 22 00 + 26 00 | be worried, concerned, anxious, troubled, or uneasy
01007074 37 v 02 fret 0 be_irritated 0 002 @ 01006890 v 0000 ~ 01037117 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | be agitated
01007188 37 v 01 seethe 0 002 @ 01472320 v 0000 ~ 01004920 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | be in an agitated emotional state
01007311 37 v 02 seethe 1 boil 0 002 @ 01008772 v 0000 ~ 01007451 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | have violent emotions, such as anger or frustration
01007451 37 v 01 sizzle 0 001 @ 01007311 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | "She was sizzling with anger"
01007544 37 v 05 affect 0 impress 1 make_an_impression_on 0 move 0 strike 0 008 > 01008772 v 0000 ~ 00410945 v 0000 ~ 01007851 v 0000 ~ 01008301 v 0000 ~ 01008411 v 0000 ~ 01008559 v 0000 ~ 01008653 v 0000 ~ 01032535 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | have an emotional or cognitive impact upon; "This struck me as odd"
01007851 37 v 02 impress 0 impress_positively 0 003 @ 01007544 v 0000 ~ 01008028 v 0000 ~ 01008184 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | "The young chess player impressed her audience"
01008028 37 v 01 prepossess 1 001 @ 01007851 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | make a positive impression (on someone) beforehand: "A prepossessing appearance"
01008184 37 v 02 wow 0 impress_greatly 0 001 @ 01007851 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | The speaker wowed the audience
01010336 37 v 02 grudge 0 accept_unwillingly 0 001 * 01010086 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | admit unwillingly
01010438 37 v 04 eat_into 0 fret 2 rankle 0 grate 0 001 @ 01018552 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | gnaw into
01010537 37 v 02 stew 0 grudge 1 001 @ 01010086 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00
01010614 37 v 03 hate 0 detest 0 dislike_intensely 0 004 @ 01011964 v 0000 ! 01011032 v 0101 ~ 01010801 v 0000 ~ 01010918 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | feel antipathy or aversion towards
01011032 37 v 02 love 0 feel_deep_affection_for 0 005 ! 01010614 v 0101 ~ 01011226 v 0000 ~ 01011602 v 0000 ~ 01012553 v 0000 ~ 01012890 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | have a great affection for
01011226 37 v 03 love 1 be_enamored_of 0 love_passionately 0 002 @ 01011032 v 0000 ~ 01011358 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | be in love with
01011602 37 v 04 care_for 8 cherish 0 hold_dear 0 treasure 0 002 @ 01011032 v 0000 ~ 01012694 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | be fond of; be attached to
01011753 37 v 03 enshrine 0 saint 0 hold_sacred 0 001 @ 01013171 v 0000 01 + 08 00
01011839 37 v 04 fancy 0 have_a_fancy_for 0 go_for 0 take_to 0 002 * 01012304 v 0000 @ 01040073 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00
01011964 37 v 02 dislike 0 feel_distaste_for 0 004 * 00378798 v 0000 ! 01012304 v 0101 ~ 01010086 v 0000 ~ 01010614 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 32 00 | have a dislike for
01012137 37 v 01 like 4 000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | be fond of; "I like my nephews"
01012220 37 v 02 cotton_to 0 take_a_liking_to 0 001 @ 01012304 v 0000 01 + 08 00
01012304 37 v 01 like 5 006 * 00378538 v 0000 ! 01011964 v 0101 ~ 01012220 v 0000 ~ 01041008 v 0000 ~ 01042097 v 0000 ~ 01042169 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 28 00 + 33 00 | find enjoyable or agreeable; "I like jogging"; "She likes to read Russian novels"
01012553 37 v 04 dote_on 0 dote_upon 0 shower_with_love 0 love_foolishly 0 001 @ 01011032 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | show excessive affection for
01012694 37 v 01 yearn_over 0 001 @ 01011602 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | have affection for
01012780 37 v 01 cool_off 1 001 @ 01008772 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | feel less enamoured of something or somebody
01012890 37 v 01 adore 0 002 @ 01011032 v 0000 ~ 01013009 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 28 00 + 32 00 | love intensely
01013009 37 v 04 idolize 0 worship 0 hero-worship 0 revere 1 002 @ 01012890 v 0000 ~ 01041679 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | love unquestioningly and uncritically
01013171 37 v 04 reverence 0 fear 1 revere 0 venerate 0 003 @ 00390535 v 0000 ~ 01011753 v 0000 ~ 01013321 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | be in awe of
01013321 37 v 01 worship 1 001 @ 01013171 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | show religious devotion to, as of a deity; "Many Hindus worship Shiva"
01013456 37 v 04 frighten 0 fright 0 scare 0 affright 0 010 > 01014140 v 0000 @ 01004175 v 0000 ^ 01017381 v 0104 ^ 01017381 v 0106 ~ 00470120 v 0000 ~ 01013733 v 0000 ~ 01014557 v 0000 ~ 01014694 v 0000 ~ 01015061 v 0000 ~ 01015572 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | cause fear in
01013733 37 v 03 awe 0 inspire_awe_in 0 inspire_with_dread 0 002 @ 01013456 v 0000 ~ 01013848 v 0000 01 + 09 00
01013848 37 v 02 overawe 0 cow 0 002 @ 01013733 v 0000 ~ 01013943 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00
01013943 37 v 01 buffalo 0 001 @ 01013848 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00
01014014 37 v 02 frighten 1 drive_away_by_frightening 0 001 @ 01142997 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | drive out by frightening
01014140 37 v 02 fear 0 dread 0 001 ~ 01015329 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 28 00 | be afraid or scared of; be frightened of
01014266 37 v 02 fear 2 be_sorry 0 001 @ 00512896 v 0000 01 + 26 00 | used to introduce an unpleasant statement
01014380 37 v 01 fear 3 001 @ 01006890 v 0000 02 + 22 00 + 26 00 | be afraid of a possible situation or event; feel anxious or apprehensive; "I fear she might get aggressive"
01014557 37 v 02 terrify 0 terrorize 0 002 @ 01013456 v 0000 ~ 01015172 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | fill with terror; frighten greatly
01014694 37 v 02 intimidate 0 make_timid 0 002 @ 01013456 v 0000 ~ 01014805 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | make fearful
01014805 37 v 08 strong-arm 0 bully 0 browbeat 0 bullyrag 0 ballyrag 0 boss_around 0 hector 0 push_around 0 002 @ 01014694 v 0000 ~ 01014985 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | be bossy towards
01014985 37 v 02 tyrannize 0 domineer 0 001 @ 01014805 v 0000 01 + 09 00
01015061 37 v 01 horrify 0 002 @ 01013456 v 0000 ~ 01015668 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | cause to feel horror
01015172 37 v 03 panic 1 affect_with_panic 0 cause_to_panic 0 002 > 01015329 v 0000 @ 01014557 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | cause panic in; fill with panic
01015329 37 v 02 panic 0 feel_panic 0 002 @ 01014140 v 0000 ~ 01016433 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00
01015429 37 v 03 apprehend 0 anticipate_with_anxiety 0 quail_at 0 002 * 01014140 v 0000 @ 01027491 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | anticipate with dread
01016551 37 v 03 break_down 0 be_overcome 0 lose_it 0 003 @ 00007021 v 0000 ~ 01016709 v 0000 ~ 01042547 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | lose control of one's emotions
01016709 37 v 01 die 0 001 @ 01016551 v 0000 02 + 22 00 + 33 00 | be brought to or as if to the point of death by an intense emotion such as embarrassment, amusement, or shame; "I was dying with embarrassment when my little lie was discovered"; "We almost died laughing during the show"
01016998 37 v 01 die 1 001 @ 01028208 v 0000 02 + 22 00 + 28 00 | languish as with love or desire; "She dying for a cigarette"; "I was dying to leave"
01017151 37 v 03 break 0 burst 0 erupt 0 001 @ 01026241 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | "break into tears"
01017248 37 v 05 crack_up 0 crack 0 crock_up 0 break_up 4 collapse 0 001 @ 00041363 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | suffer a nervous breakdown
01017381 37 v 07 daunt 0 scare_off 0 pall 0 frighten_off 0 scare_away 0 frighten_away 0 scare 4 001 @ 01036794 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | cause to lose courage
01017536 37 v 02 anger 0 make_angry 0 009 > 01017968 v 0000 @ 01003070 v 0000 ~ 01017762 v 0000 ~ 01017836 v 0000 ~ 01018065 v 0000 ~ 01019038 v 0000 ~ 01019134 v 0000 ~ 01022399 v 0000 ~ 01037550 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00
01017762 37 v 02 gall 0 irk 0 001 @ 01017536 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00
01017836 37 v 05 outrage 0 enfuriate 0 infuriate 0 exasperate 1 incense 1 001 @ 01017536 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | make furious
01017968 37 v 03 anger 1 get_angry 0 see_red 0 001 @ 01008772 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | become angry
01018065 37 v 02 madden 0 make_mad 0 001 @ 01017536 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00
01018146 37 v 04 madden 1 drive_mad 0 drive_crazy 0 drive_nuts 0 001 @ 01026519 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | drive up the wall; go on someone's nerves
01018298 37 v 04 madden 2 craze 0 drive_insane 0 drive_mad 1 001 > 01018440 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | cause to go crazy; cause to lose one's mind
01018440 37 v 03 go_mad 0 go_crazy 0 lose_one's_mind 0 001 @ 00064108 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | go off the deep end
01018552 37 v 0d annoy 0 rag 1 get_to 0 bother 0 get_at 0 irritate 0 rile 0 nark 0 nettle 0 gravel 0 vex 0 devil 0 mortify 0 006 @ 01035073 v 0000 ~ 01010438 v 0000 ~ 01018831 v 0000 ~ 01018932 v 0000 ~ 01026519 v 0000 ~ 01029219 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | cause annoyance in
01018932 37 v 01 fret 1 002 > 01007074 v 0000 @ 01018552 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | cause annoyance in
01019038 37 v 02 pique 0 offend 1 002 > 01010086 v 0000 @ 01017536 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00
01019134 37 v 02 annoy 1 bother 1 003 @ 01017536 v 0000 ~ 01019248 v 0000 ~ 01019331 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00
01019248 37 v 01 peeve 0 001 @ 01019134 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | make peevish
01019331 37 v 0b harass 0 hassle 0 harry 0 chivy 0 chivvy 0 chevy 0 chevvy 0 beset 0 plague 0 molest 0 provoke 1 002 @ 01019134 v 0000 ~ 00477874 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | "He is known to harry his staff when he is overworked"
01019562 37 v 05 upset 1 discompose 0 untune 0 disconcert 1 discomfit 0 006 @ 01003070 v 0000 ~ 01016169 v 0000 ~ 01019905 v 0000 ~ 01020392 v 0000 ~ 01020896 v 0000 ~ 01023619 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | cause to lose one's composure
01019799 37 v 02 fluster 0 make_flustered 0 002 > 01020286 v 0000 @ 01019905 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00
01019905 37 v 09 confuse 0 flurry 0 consternate 0 disconcert 2 put_off 2 bewilder 0 bemuse 0 discombobulate 0 throw 0 003 @ 01019562 v 0000 ~ 01019799 v 0000 ~ 01020146 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | cause to be confused; confuse emotionally
01020146 37 v 03 distract 0 deflect 6 draw_away 0 001 @ 01019905 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | draw someone's attention away from something
01020286 37 v 01 fluster 1 001 @ 01425745 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | be flustered; behave in a confused manner
01020392 37 v 03 embarrass 0 abash 0 cause_embarrassment_to 0 001 @ 01019562 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | cause to be embarrassed; cause to feel self-conscious
01020553 37 v 01 shame 0 003 > 01020810 v 0000 @ 01003070 v 0000 ~ 01020679 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | cause to be ashamed
01020679 37 v 01 discountenance 0 001 @ 01020553 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | "The republic soon discountenanced its few friends"
01020810 37 v 01 feel_shame 0 001 @ 01022700 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | be ashamed
01020896 37 v 03 pain 0 anguish 0 hurt 1 005 > 01021781 v 0000 @ 01019562 v 0000 ~ 01021655 v 0000 ~ 01024114 v 0000 ~ 01026385 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | cause anguish;, make miserable
01021077 37 v 05 hurt 0 wound 0 injure 0 offend 0 spite 0 003 @ 01003070 v 0000 ~ 00475953 v 0000 ~ 01024949 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | hurt the feelings of
01021237 37 v 03 fuss 0 niggle 0 fret 3 004 @ 01006890 v 0000 ^ 01444008 v 0102 ~ 01021411 v 0000 ~ 01036915 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | worry unnecessarily of excessively
01021411 37 v 01 scruple 0 001 @ 01021237 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 22 00 | raise scruples; "He lied and did not even scruple about it"
01021655 37 v 03 agonize 1 agonise 1 cause_agony_in 0 002 > 01021543 v 0000 @ 01020896 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | cause to agonize
01021781 37 v 03 suffer 0 suffer_emotionally 0 endure_distress 0 004 @ 01008772 v 0000 ~ 01021543 v 0000 ~ 01021976 v 0000 ~ 01023304 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 22 00 + 08 01 | endure emotional pain
01021976 37 v 01 lose 0 001 @ 01021781 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | suffer the loss of a person through death or removal; "She lost her husband in the war"
01022133 37 v 01 fume 0 001 @ 01008772 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | be mad, angry, or furious
01022228 37 v 02 blow_up 0 throw_a_fit 0 001 @ 01022526 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | blow one's stack; fly off the handle, flip one's wig; lose one's temper; blow a fuse
01022399 37 v 01 enrage 0 002 > 01022526 v 0000 @ 01017536 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | put into a rage; make violently angry
01022629 37 v 02 thrill 2 tickle 1 001 @ 01004175 v 0000 01 + 10 00
01022700 37 v 03 repent 0 regret 0 rue 0 002 @ 01008772 v 0000 ~ 01020810 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 26 02 + 33 02 | feel remorse for; feel sorry for; be contrite about
01022864 37 v 03 repent 1 atone 0 do_penitence 0 001 ^ 01427223 v 0204 01 + 02 00 | turn away from sin
01022969 37 v 01 regret 1 001 @ 01028018 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | feel sad about the loss or absence of
01023078 37 v 02 mourn 0 feel_sadness 0 001 @ 01023304 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00
01023162 37 v 02 mourn 1 be_in_mourning 0 001 @ 01458359 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | observe the customs of mourning after the death of a loved one
01023304 37 v 03 grieve 0 sorrow 0 feel_grief 0 003 @ 01021781 v 0000 ~ 01023078 v 0000 ~ 01038137 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | eat one's heart out
01023453 37 v 04 grieve 1 aggrieve 0 give_grief_to 0 sadden_greatly 0 002 > 01023304 v 0000 @ 01023619 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | break the heart of; cause to feel sorrow
01023619 37 v 02 afflict 0 distress_greatly 0 003 @ 01019562 v 0000 ~ 01023453 v 0000 ~ 01023881 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | cause great unhappiness for
01023766 37 v 02 distress 0 strain_emotionally 0 001 @ 01008411 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | cause mental pain to
01023881 37 v 03 try 0 strain 0 stress 0 002 @ 01023619 v 0000 ~ 01024035 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | test the limits of; "You are trying my patience!"
01024035 37 v 01 rack 0 001 @ 01023881 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | rack one's brains
01024114 37 v 02 try 1 give_pain_to 0 001 @ 01020896 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | give trouble to; "I've been sorely tried by these students"
01024257 37 v 02 disappoint 0 let_down 0 004 @ 01024707 v 0000 ~ 01024439 v 0000 ~ 01024559 v 0000 ~ 01035427 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | fail to meet the hopes or expectations of
01024439 37 v 02 fail 0 betray 0 001 @ 01024257 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | "His sense of smell failed him this time"
01024559 37 v 03 fall_short_of 0 come_short_of 0 fail_to_meet 0 001 @ 01024257 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | fail to meet expectations or standards
01024707 37 v 03 frustrate 1 spoil 0 thwart 0 002 @ 01036441 v 0000 ~ 01024257 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00
01024815 37 v 01 hamstring 0 001 @ 01026519 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | "The teachers were hamstrung by the overly rigid schedules"
01024949 37 v 05 humiliate 0 mortify 1 chagrin 1 humble 0 abase 0 002 @ 01021077 v 0000 ~ 01025113 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | lower in esteem; hurt the pride of
01025113 37 v 04 degrade 0 disgrace 0 demean 0 put_down 0 003 @ 01024949 v 0000 ~ 01025367 v 0000 ~ 01025639 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00
01025251 37 v 02 efface 0 make_inconspicious 0 001 @ 01025863 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | used reflexively: efface onself
01025367 37 v 01 reduce 0 001 @ 01025113 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | "She reduced her niece to a servant"; force somebody into an unpleasant situation
01025639 37 v 02 dehumanize 0 deprive_of_human_qualitites 0 002 @ 01025113 v 0000 ! 01025753 v 0101 01 + 10 00
01025753 37 v 02 humanize 0 humanise 0 002 @ 00072540 v 0000 ! 01025639 v 0101 01 + 10 00 | make more human
01025863 37 v 03 humble 1 make_humble 0 make_modest 0 002 @ 00072540 v 0000 ~ 01025251 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | cause to be unpretentious
01026006 37 v 04 mortify 2 subdue 0 contain 1 control 0 002 * 00680236 v 0000 @ 01445460 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | of appetites
01026138 37 v 03 lament 0 keen 0 express_grief 0 002 * 01023304 v 0000 @ 01026241 v 0000 01 + 08 00
01026241 37 v 02 express_emotion 0 express_feelings 0 004 ~ 00020446 v 0000 ~ 00041693 v 0000 ~ 01017151 v 0000 ~ 01026138 v 0000 01 + 02 00
01026385 37 v 04 torment 0 torture 0 excruciate 0 rack 1 001 @ 01020896 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | torment emotionally or mentally
01026519 37 v 07 torment 1 rag 0 tantalize 0 bedevil 0 crucify 0 dun 0 frustrate 0 005 @ 01018552 v 0000 ~ 01018146 v 0000 ~ 01024815 v 0000 ~ 01026736 v 0000 ~ 01462192 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | annoy constantly
01026736 37 v 06 tease 0 badger 0 harass 1 pester 0 bug 0 beleaguer 0 001 @ 01026519 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | annoy persistently; "The children teased the boy because of his stammer"
01026916 37 v 02 tease 1 offer_and_withdraw 0 003 * 01004584 v 0000 * 01024257 v 0000 @ 01027034 v 0000 01 + 09 00
01027034 37 v 02 manipulate 0 control 6 003 @ 01346535 v 0000 ~ 01026916 v 0000 ~ 01027182 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | control to one's advantage
01027182 37 v 03 ingratiate 0 make_popular 0 bring_into_favor 0 002 @ 01027034 v 0000 ~ 01027356 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 20 00 | gain favor with somebody by deliberate efforts
01027491 37 v 04 anticipate 0 look_for 0 look_to 0 be_anxious_about 0 002 @ 00405636 v 0000 ~ 01015429 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | be excited about
01027633 37 v 02 warm_to 0 become_excited_about 0 001 @ 00414850 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "He warmed to the idea of a trip to Antarctica"
01027768 37 v 04 mope 0 moon_around 0 moon_about 0 be_gloomy 0 001 @ 01472320 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | be apathetic or dazed
01027890 37 v 04 sulk 0 grizzle 0 brood 0 stew 1 001 @ 01472320 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | be in a huff; be silent or sullen
01028018 37 v 02 miss 0 feel_the_lack_of 0 004 * 01022700 v 0000 @ 01040073 v 0000 ~ 01022969 v 0000 ~ 01028208 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | suffer from the lack of: "He misses his mother"
01028208 37 v 06 long 1 ache 6 yearn 1 yen 0 pine 0 languish 0 002 @ 01028018 v 0000 ~ 01016998 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | have a yen for
01028341 37 v 02 appreciate 0 be_thankful_for 0 001 @ 00501815 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | recognize with gratitude; be grateful for
01028468 37 v 02 brace 0 poise 0 002 @ 00241323 v 0000 ~ 01028612 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | prepare (oneself) for something unpleasant or difficult
01028612 37 v 02 steel 0 nerve 0 001 @ 01028468 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | get ready for something difficult or unpleasant
01028730 37 v 02 take_heart 0 buck_up 0 001 @ 01035556 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | gain courage
01029028 37 v 01 beckon 0 001 @ 01029533 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | "The window decoratins beckoned"
01029124 37 v 03 endear 0 make_attractive 0 make_lovable 0 001 @ 01034165 v 0000 01 + 20 00
01029219 37 v 03 antagonize 0 antagonise 0 make_hostile 0 001 @ 01018552 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | provoke the hostility of
01029347 37 v 02 tempt 0 invite 0 001 @ 01004175 v 0000 03 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 24 00 | give rise to a desire
01029456 37 v 02 tempt 1 try_to_seduce 0 001 @ 01004584 v 0000 01 + 09 00
01029533 37 v 03 attract 0 appeal_to 0 click_with 0 004 * 01034165 v 0000 ! 01030199 v 0101 ~ 01028828 v 0000 ~ 01029028 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | be attractive to
01029701 37 v 06 attract 1 fetch 0 pull 0 pull_in 0 draw 3 draw_in 0 001 > 00251107 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | attract or elicit; "The school attracts students with artistic talents"; "His playing drew a crowd"
01029931 37 v 05 disgust 0 revolt 0 nauseate 0 sicken 0 churn_up 0 002 @ 01030199 v 0000 ~ 01031463 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | cause aversion in; offend the moral sense of
01030199 37 v 02 repel 0 repulse 0 005 @ 01035073 v 0000 ! 01029533 v 0101 ~ 01029931 v 0000 ~ 01030106 v 0000 ~ 01038998 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | be repellent to; cause aversion in
01030386 37 v 06 shock 1 stun 0 floor 0 ball_over 0 blow_out_of_the_water 0 take_aback 0 002 @ 00409194 v 0000 ~ 01037952 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | surprise greatly; knock someone's socks off
01030582 37 v 06 overwhelm 0 overpower 0 sweep_over 0 whelm 0 overcome 0 overtake 0 006 @ 01003070 v 0000 ~ 00154962 v 0000 ~ 01030932 v 0000 ~ 01031028 v 0000 ~ 01031174 v 0000 ~ 01031368 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | as with emotions or perceptual stimuli
01030832 37 v 01 shout_down 0 001 @ 00273884 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | silence or overwhelm by shouting
01030932 37 v 01 benight 0 001 @ 01030582 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | overtake with darkness or night
01031028 37 v 01 knock_out 0 001 @ 01030582 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | overwhelm with admiration; "All the guys were knocked out by her charm"
01031174 37 v 01 stagger 0 001 @ 01030582 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | astound or overwhelm, as with shock: "She was staggered with bills after she tried to rebuild her house following the earthquake"
01031368 37 v 01 lock 0 001 @ 01030582 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | "He was locked in a laughing fit"
01031581 37 v 03 despair 0 abandon_hope 0 lose_hope 0 001 ! 01031705 v 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | give up hope; lose heart
01031705 37 v 03 hope 0 have_hopes 0 be_hopeful 0 002 @ 01040073 v 0000 ! 01031581 v 0101 03 + 02 00 + 22 00 + 26 00 | be optimistic; be full of hope
01031857 37 v 06 elate 0 fill_with_elation 0 lift_up 0 uplift 0 pick_up 0 intoxicate 0 005 > 01033054 v 0000 @ 01004175 v 0000 ! 01033497 v 0101 ~ 01032104 v 0000 ~ 01032206 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | fill with high spirits; fill with optimism
01032104 37 v 01 puff 0 001 @ 01031857 v 0000 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | "The sudden fame puffed her ego"
01032310 37 v 05 inspire 0 animate 0 invigorate 0 enliven 0 exalt 0 002 @ 01004175 v 0000 ~ 01035813 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00
01032440 37 v 02 gladden 0 become_glad 0 002 @ 01033054 v 0000 ! 01032684 v 0101 01 + 02 00
01032535 37 v 02 sadden 1 make_sad 0 004 > 01032535 v 0000 @ 01007544 v 0000 ! 01032820 v 0101 ~ 01033367 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | make unhappy
01032684 37 v 03 sadden 0 become_unhappy 0 become_sad 0 002 @ 01008772 v 0000 ! 01032440 v 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | come to feel sad
01032820 37 v 03 gladden 1 joy 1 make_glad 0 002 > 01032440 v 0000 ! 01032535 v 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00
01032927 37 v 04 exult 0 walk_on_air 0 be_on_cloud_nine 0 jump_for_joy 0 002 @ 01033054 v 0000 ~ 01038899 v 0000 01 + 02 00
01033054 37 v 03 rejoice 0 joy 0 feel_joy 0 005 @ 01008772 v 0000 ^ 01038899 v 0103 ~ 00481880 v 0000 ~ 01032440 v 0000 ~ 01032927 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | feel happiness
01033230 37 v 02 lighten 1 buoy_up 1 003 > 00482543 v 0000 @ 00481537 v 0000 ! 01033367 v 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | make more cheerful
01033367 37 v 02 weigh_down 0 weigh_on 0 002 @ 01032535 v 0000 ! 01033230 v 0101 01 + 10 00 | be oppressive or disheartening to
01033497 37 v 08 depress 0 deject 0 cast_down 0 get_down 0 make_gloomy 0 dismay 1 dispirit 0 demoralize 0 003 @ 01036441 v 0000 ! 01031857 v 0101 ~ 01036307 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | lower someone's spirits; make downhearted
01033726 37 v 04 comfort 1 console 0 solace 0 soothe 0 002 @ 00481537 v 0000 ~ 01033880 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | give moral or emotional strength to
01033880 37 v 04 still 1 allay 0 relieve 0 ease 0 002 @ 01033726 v 0000 ~ 01034016 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | of anxieties and fears
01034016 37 v 02 abreact 0 alleviate_tensions 0 001 @ 01033880 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | discharge bad feelings through verbalization, in psychoanalysis
01034165 37 v 03 please 0 delight 0 give_joy 0 007 > 01012304 v 0000 > 01012137 v 0000 @ 01034518 v 0000 ^ 00677012 v 0201 ! 01035073 v 0101 ~ 01029124 v 0000 ~ 01035257 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | give pleasure to; be pleasing to
01034398 37 v 02 tickle 0 titillate 0 002 * 01034165 v 0000 @ 01004175 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | excite pleasurably
01034518 37 v 02 satisfy 0 gratify 0 003 ! 01034660 v 0101 ~ 01034165 v 0000 ~ 01034820 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | make happy or satisfied
01034660 37 v 02 dissatisfy 0 make_unhappy 0 004 * 01024257 v 0000 @ 01035073 v 0000 ! 01034518 v 0101 ~ 01034942 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | fail to satisfy
01034820 37 v 02 content 0 make_content 0 002 @ 01034518 v 0000 ! 01034942 v 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | "I am contented"
01034942 37 v 02 discontent 0 make_discontented 0 002 @ 01034660 v 0000 ! 01034820 v 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | make dissatisfied
01035073 37 v 02 displease 0 be_offensive_to 0 005 > 01011964 v 0000 ! 01034165 v 0101 ~ 01018552 v 0000 ~ 01030199 v 0000 ~ 01034660 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | give displeasure to
01035257 37 v 07 enchant 0 enrapture 0 transport 0 enthrall 0 ravish 0 enthral 0 delight 2 002 @ 01034165 v 0000 ! 01035427 v 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | hold spellbound
01035427 37 v 02 disenchant 0 disillusion 0 002 @ 01024257 v 0000 ! 01035257 v 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | free from enchantment
01035556 37 v 03 cheer 2 hearten 0 embolden 0 003 @ 01035813 v 0000 ! 01036663 v 0201 ~ 01028730 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00
01035682 37 v 02 rise 0 be_lifted 0 000 01 + 01 00 | become heartened or elated; "Her spirits rose when she heard the good news"
01035813 37 v 03 encourage 0 be_encouraging_to 0 give_courage_to 0 009 > 01031705 v 0000 @ 01032310 v 0000 ! 01036441 v 0101 ~ 00481694 v 0000 ~ 00511249 v 0000 ~ 00514099 v 0000 ~ 01035556 v 0000 ~ 01036107 v 0000 ~ 01036216 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | inspire with confidence; give hope to
01036107 37 v 01 bring_out 0 001 @ 01035813 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | as of a shy person
01036307 37 v 01 chill 0 001 @ 01033497 v 0000 03 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | "The news of the city's surrender chilled the soldiers"
01036441 37 v 01 discourage 0 005 ! 01035813 v 0101 ~ 01024707 v 0000 ~ 01033497 v 0000 ~ 01036663 v 0000 ~ 01036794 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | deprive of courage or hope; take away hope from; cause to feel discouraged
01036663 37 v 02 dishearten 0 put_off 0 002 @ 01036441 v 0000 ! 01035556 v 0102 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | take away the enthusiasm of
01036794 37 v 02 intimidate 1 restrain 0 003 @ 01036441 v 0000 * 00488485 v 0000 ~ 01017381 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00
01036915 37 v 03 dither 0 flap 0 pother 0 001 @ 01021237 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | make a fuss; be agitated
01037027 37 v 02 pother 1 put_into_a_pother 0 001 @ 01004724 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00
01037117 37 v 02 dither 1 act_nervously 0 001 @ 01007074 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | be undecided; be uncertain
01037231 37 v 05 enjoy 0 bask_in 0 relish 0 savor 0 savour 0 002 * 01012304 v 0000 ~ 01037433 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 33 00 | derive or receive pleasure from; get enjoyment from; take pleasure in
01037433 37 v 01 devour 0 001 @ 01037231 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | enjoy avidly, as of a book; "She devoured his novels"
01038043 37 v 02 bore 0 tire 1 001 ! 01037752 v 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | cause to be bored
01038137 37 v 05 feel_for 0 pity 0 compassionate 0 condole_with 0 sympathize_with 0 003 @ 01023304 v 0000 ~ 01038317 v 0000 ~ 01038738 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | share the suffering of
01038317 37 v 02 commiserate 0 sympathize 0 002 @ 01038137 v 0000 ~ 01038423 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00
01038423 37 v 01 condole 0 001 @ 01038317 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | express one's sympathetic grieve, as on the death of someone to his survivors
01038573 37 v 03 sympathize 1 sympathize_with 1 be_sympathetic_to 0 001 @ 01008772 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 02 01 | share the feelings of; understand the sentiments of
01038738 37 v 03 care 2 feel_concern 0 feel_interest 0 004 @ 01038137 v 0000 ^ 01443838 v 0101 ^ 01006669 v 0102 ^ 01011602 v 0101 01 + 22 00 | "I don't care"
01038998 37 v 04 estrange 0 alienate 0 alien 0 disaffect 0 002 @ 01030199 v 0000 ~ 01039216 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | arouse enmity or indifference in where there had formerly been love, affection, or friendliness
01039216 37 v 01 wean 0 001 @ 01038998 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | detach the affections of
01039302 37 v 01 wish 0 002 @ 01040073 v 0000 ~ 01041216 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 28 00 | hope for; have a wish; "I wish I could go home now"
01039441 37 v 02 wish 1 wish_well 0 002 @ 01040073 v 0000 ! 01039962 v 0101 02 + 14 00 + 09 02
01039648 37 v 03 wish 2 care 0 like 1 002 @ 01040073 v 0000 ~ 01039851 v 0000 01 + 28 00 | prefer or wish to do something; "Do you care to try this dish?" "Would you like to come along to the movies?"
01039851 37 v 01 please 1 001 @ 01039648 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | "he could do many things if he pleased"
01040073 37 v 02 desire 0 want 0 016 ~ 00675382 v 0000 ~ 01011839 v 0000 ~ 01028018 v 0000 ~ 01031705 v 0000 ~ 01039302 v 0000 ~ 01039441 v 0000 ~ 01039539 v 0000 ~ 01039648 v 0000 ~ 01040524 v 0000 ~ 01040622 v 0000 ~ 01040710 v 0000 ~ 01041344 v 0000 ~ 01041890 v 0000 ~ 01042002 v 0000 ~ 01042292 v 0000 ~ 01275972 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 26 00 + 28 00 + 24 02 | feel or have a desire for; want strongly; "I want to go home now; "I want my own room"
01040524 37 v 01 like 6 001 @ 01040073 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | want to have; "I'd like a beer now!"
01040622 37 v 01 ambition 0 001 @ 01040073 v 0000 01 + 28 00 | have as one's ambition
01040710 37 v 02 feel_like 0 feel_an_urge_for 0 001 @ 01040073 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 33 00 | have an inclination for something or some activity; "I feel like staying in bed all day"; "I feel like a cold beer now"
01040923 37 v 02 desire 1 express_a_desire_for 0 001 @ 00423379 v 0000 01 + 08 00
01041008 37 v 02 prefer 0 like_better 0 001 @ 01012304 v 0000 05 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 15 00 + 27 00 + 33 00 | value more highly; "Some people prefer camping to staying in hotels"; "We prefer sleeping outside"
01041216 37 v 04 hope 1 expect 0 trust 0 desire 2 001 @ 01039302 v 0000 01 + 26 00 | expect with desire; desire realistically
01041344 37 v 02 envy 0 begrudge 1 002 @ 01040073 v 0000 ~ 01041476 v 0000 02 + 14 00 + 09 01 | be envious of; set one's heart on
01041476 37 v 01 covet 0 001 @ 01041344 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | "She covets her sister's house"
01041570 37 v 02 envy 1 admire_enviously 0 001 @ 01041768 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 14 01 | feel envious towards
01041679 37 v 02 drool_over 0 slobber_over 0 001 @ 01013009 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00
01041768 37 v 02 admire 0 look_up_to 0 002 @ 00390535 v 0000 ~ 01041570 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | feel admiration for
01041890 37 v 02 lust_after 0 lech_after 0 001 @ 01040073 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | have a strong sexual desire for
01042002 37 v 03 hanker 0 long 2 yearn 0 002 @ 01040073 v 0000 ^ 01012694 v 0301 01 + 22 00
01042097 37 v 01 care_for 1 001 @ 01012304 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 33 00
01042169 37 v 03 love 2 enjoy 1 be_into 0 002 @ 01012304 v 0000 ~ 01253934 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 28 00 | get pleasure from
01042292 37 v 01 need 0 001 @ 01040073 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | be in want of
01042391 37 v 03 take_pride_in 0 pride_oneself_on 0 feel_proud_of 0 001 @ 01008772 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 33 00 | "She took great pride in her sons"
01042547 37 v 02 fall_apart 0 go_to_pieces 0 001 @ 01016551 v 0000 01 + 02 00
01042628 37 v 01 burn 0 001 @ 01008772 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | feel strong emotion, esp. anger or passion; "She was burning with anger"; "He was burning to try out his new skies"
01042805 37 v 03 flare 0 flare_up 0 erupt 1 000 01 + 02 00 | become suddenly excited or angry; "She flares up easily"
01042925 37 v 01 die 3 001 @ 01008772 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | feel indifferent towards; "She died to worldly things and eventually entered a monastery"
01043075 38 v 02 move 0 change_position 0 085 ! 01045270 v 0101 ^ 01054159 v 0101 ~ 00006640 v 0000 ~ 00034062 v 0000 ~ 00708004 v 0000 ~ 00793876 v 0000 ~ 00828272 v 0000 ~ 00846160 v 0000 ~ 00978339 v 0000 ~ 01044935 v 0000 ~ 01045939 v 0000 ~ 01050370 v 0000 ~ 01054159 v 0000 ~ 01061423 v 0000 ~ 01063415 v 0000 ~ 01063515 v 0000 ~ 01063749 v 0000 ~ 01063844 v 0000 ~ 01064210 v 0000 ~ 01065051 v 0000 ~ 01065400 v 0000 ~ 01065497 v 0000 ~ 01065694 v 0000 ~ 01066002 v 0000 ~ 01066762 v 0000 ~ 01066848 v 0000 ~ 01069945 v 0000 ~ 01070565 v 0000 ~ 01071509 v 0000 ~ 01072000 v 0000 ~ 01073527 v 0000 ~ 01073610 v 0000 ~ 01073884 v 0000 ~ 01074167 v 0000 ~ 01076098 v 0000 ~ 01076689 v 0000 ~ 01077536 v 0000 ~ 01077904 v 0000 ~ 01078887 v 0000 ~ 01078972 v 0000 ~ 01079048 v 0000 ~ 01079457 v 0000 ~ 01082526 v 0000 ~ 01083155 v 0000 ~ 01083482 v 0000 ~ 01083602 v 0000 ~ 01086483 v 0000 ~ 01088464 v 0000 ~ 01092584 v 0000 ~ 01095269 v 0000 ~ 01095692 v 0000 ~ 01103064 v 0000 ~ 01118288 v 0000 ~ 01119710 v 0000 ~ 01124272 v 0000 ~ 01130748 v 0000 ~ 01136545 v 0000 ~ 01150037 v 0000 ~ 01151353 v 0000 ~ 01156687 v 0000 ~ 01160918 v 0000 ~ 01162168 v 0000 ~ 01170769 v 0000 ~ 01177446 v 0000 ~ 01177620 v 0000 ~ 01177700 v 0000 ~ 01179252 v 0000 ~ 01179916 v 0000 ~ 01181264 v 0000 ~ 01182026 v 0000 ~ 01182440 v 0000 ~ 01193255 v 0000 ~ 01195719 v 0000 ~ 01196464 v 0000 ~ 01196634 v 0000 ~ 01196781 v 0000 ~ 01196920 v 0000 ~ 01198716 v 0000 ~ 01199532 v 0000 ~ 01199951 v 0000 ~ 01201277 v 0000 ~ 01201422 v 0000 ~ 01201746 v 0000 ~ 01201871 v 0000 ~ 01202336 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 11 00
01044689 38 v 02 fall_down 0 drop_down 1 002 @ 01122509 v 0000 ~ 01044836 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | "He fell down to his knees
01044836 38 v 01 prolapse 0 001 @ 01044689 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | of body parts: "prolapsed rectum"
01044935 38 v 02 cut 1 cut_away 0 001 @ 01043075 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | move quickly to another scene or focus, as in film
01045065 38 v 03 ease 0 move_gently 0 move_carefully 0 002 @ 01046072 v 0000 ^ 01054159 v 0104 02 + 20 00 + 21 00
01045182 38 v 01 whish 0 001 @ 01046072 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | move with a whish
01045270 38 v 04 stand_still 0 hold_still 0 be_immobile 0 be_fixed 0 003 ! 01043075 v 0101 ~ 01045436 v 0000 ~ 01045562 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | remain in place
01045436 38 v 03 freeze 0 stop_dead 0 become_immobilized 0 002 @ 01045270 v 0000 ~ 00286118 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | stop moving
01045562 38 v 03 get_stuck 0 bog_down 0 mire 0 002 @ 01045270 v 0000 ~ 01045847 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | "The car bogged down in the sand"
01045706 38 v 02 mire 1 bog_down 1 001 > 01045562 v 0000 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | cause to get stuck as if in a mire; "The mud mired our cart"
01045847 38 v 02 get_stranded 0 run_aground 0 001 @ 01045562 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | of boats
01045939 38 v 02 gravitate 0 be_pulled_by_gravitation 0 001 @ 01043075 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | move under the influence of gravitation
01046072 38 v 04 travel 0 go 0 move 3 locomote 0 124 ^ 01136714 v 0304 ^ 01084517 v 0302 ^ 01059500 v 0301 ^ 01138055 v 0306 ^ 01136714 v 0206 ^ 01094615 v 0204 ^ 01185996 v 0207 ^ 01186518 v 0206 ^ 01508541 v 0201 ^ 01172741 v 0204 ^ 01121367 v 0205 ^ 01051372 v 0203 ^ 01134878 v 0203 ^ 01122331 v 0202 ^ 01122509 v 0203 ^ 01165903 v 0202 ^ 01134878 v 0204 ^ 00438385 v 0202 ^ 00546861 v 0201 ! 01054049 v 0101 ^ 01052471 v 0102 ^ 01190815 v 0102 ^ 01089072 v 0102 ^ 01054314 v 0104 ~ 00546861 v 0000 ~ 00635602 v 0000 ~ 00635734 v 0000 ~ 01045065 v 0000 ~ 01045182 v 0000 ~ 01048594 v 0000 ~ 01048713 v 0000 ~ 01048865 v 0000 ~ 01048982 v 0000 ~ 01049135 v 0000 ~ 01049232 v 0000 ~ 01049627 v 0000 ~ 01049807 v 0000 ~ 01050015 v 0000 ~ 01050157 v 0000 ~ 01050674 v 0000 ~ 01050948 v 0000 ~ 01051372 v 0000 ~ 01052218 v 0000 ~ 01053519 v 0000 ~ 01060853 v 0000 ~ 01064845 v 0000 ~ 01068761 v 0000 ~ 01069432 v 0000 ~ 01072128 v 0000 ~ 01072419 v 0000 ~ 01072711 v 0000 ~ 01073302 v 0000 ~ 01074492 v 0000 ~ 01074796 v 0000 ~ 01074875 v 0000 ~ 01075262 v 0000 ~ 01075641 v 0000 ~ 01078308 v 0000 ~ 01079362 v 0000 ~ 01083907 v 0000 ~ 01084039 v 0000 ~ 01084706 v 0000 ~ 01084973 v 0000 ~ 01088175 v 0000 ~ 01089072 v 0000 ~ 01091277 v 0000 ~ 01097057 v 0000 ~ 01098922 v 0000 ~ 01099937 v 0000 ~ 01100053 v 0000 ~ 01104109 v 0000 ~ 01104809 v 0000 ~ 01107871 v 0000 ~ 01109569 v 0000 ~ 01109837 v 0000 ~ 01115339 v 0000 ~ 01116739 v 0000 ~ 01121367 v 0000 ~ 01122509 v 0000 ~ 01136109 v 0000 ~ 01136279 v 0000 ~ 01136714 v 0000 ~ 01138055 v 0000 ~ 01138410 v 0000 ~ 01138816 v 0000 ~ 01139857 v 0000 ~ 01140613 v 0000 ~ 01140717 v 0000 ~ 01141459 v 0000 ~ 01143893 v 0000 ~ 01148603 v 0000 ~ 01157915 v 0000 ~ 01158020 v 0000 ~ 01166981 v 0000 ~ 01167380 v 0000 ~ 01168523 v 0000 ~ 01168984 v 0000 ~ 01171964 v 0000 ~ 01172741 v 0000 ~ 01175685 v 0000 ~ 01175857 v 0000 ~ 01176001 v 0000 ~ 01176922 v 0000 ~ 01177978 v 0000 ~ 01178474 v 0000 ~ 01179821 v 0000 ~ 01183705 v 0000 ~ 01190083 v 0000 ~ 01191643 v 0000 ~ 01191955 v 0000 ~ 01193873 v 0000 ~ 01194143 v 0000 ~ 01194270 v 0000 ~ 01196106 v 0000 ~ 01196253 v 0000 ~ 01197035 v 0000 ~ 01198082 v 0000 ~ 01198269 v 0000 ~ 01198590 v 0000 ~ 01198938 v 0000 ~ 01199271 v 0000 ~ 01201080 v 0000 ~ 01202008 v 0000 ~ 01202473 v 0000 06 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 22 00 | change location; move, travel, or proceed; "How fast does your new car go?" "We travelled from Rome to Naples by bus"; "The policemen went from door to door looking f