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; NotesHolder Language File. English. ; ==================================================== ; lXXX - label or caption ; cXXX - check box ; bXXX - button ; tXXX - tab ; gXXX - group box ; mXXX - message text ; iXXX - list box or combo box item ; eXXX - menu item ; =================================================================== ; = LANGUAGE FILE INFORMATION ; =================================================================== [LANG_INFO] ; This language file have been tested ; on the NotesHolder Build number: ForBuild =57 ; Language name and native language ; name (if not the same): ; Example: ; Italian (Italiano) ; Russian (╨≤±±ΩΦΘ) ; etc... Name =English Translator =A!K Research Labs TranslatorEmail =support@aklabs.com ; Optional date format. Do not specify in ; order to use the default Windows ; settings. ; ; The following format specifiers are supported: ; d - day as a number without a leading zero (1-31). ; dd - day as a number with a leading zero (01-31). ; ddd - day as an abbreviation (Sun-Sat) ; dddd - day as a full name (Sunday-Saturday) ; m - month as a number without a leading zero (1-12). ; mm - month as a number with a leading zero (01-12). ; mmm - month as an abbreviation (Jan-Dec) ; mmmm - month as a full name (January-December) ; yy - year as a two-digit number (00-99). ; yyyy - year as a four-digit number (0000-9999). ; / - default date separator character ; 'xx'/"xx" - Characters enclosed in single or ; double quotes are displayed as-is, and ; do not affect formatting. DateFormat ="dddd, mmmm d, yyyy" ; =================================================================== ; = GLOBAL VARIABLES ; =================================================================== [GLOBAL] mQuestion = "Question" mAttention = "Attention!" bOk = "Ok" bCancel = "Cancel" bYes = "Yes" bNo = "No" bClose = "Close" bBrowse = "Browse..." bDefault = "Default" lConfirmation = "Confirmation" lWarning = "Warning" lInformation = "Information" cDoNotShow = "Do not show again" mNoHelp = "Help file is not installed!" mNoHelpCap = "Unable to show the help file" eHelp = "Help" lXMLFiles = "XML files" lTextFiles = "Text files" lAllFiles = "All files" lProgramFiles = "Programs" lWaveFiles = "Wave files" ; Standard editing command (for future use): eCut = "Cut" eCopy = "Copy" ePaste = "Paste" eSelectAll = "Select All" ; =================================================================== ; = LICENSE DIALOG ; =================================================================== [FLICENSE] bExit = "Exit" bRegister = "Register" bOk = "Ok" lExpired = "T R I A L P E R I O D H A S E X P I R E D" lPurposes = "This program is provided to you for evaluation purposes" lLicText = "If you find NotesHolder useful and wish to continue using it, please find the time to register it. If you do not want to use the program any further, please remove its copy from your computer within the period stated in the Licence Agreement" ; =================================================================== ; = ENTER REGCODE DIALOG ; =================================================================== [FENTERPAS] lCaption = "Enter registration code" lEnterReg = "Please enter your registration code here :" bPasteCB = "Paste From Clipboard" bHowToReg = "How to register ?" mPleaseRestart = "To let us check the registration code entered, restart the NotesHolder.\nThank you for support!" mWrongReg = "We are sorry! Your registration code is invalid!" mWrongRegAdd = "Correct registration code must be 173 characters long!" ; =================================================================== ; = CD-REGISTRATION DIALOG ; =================================================================== [FCDPAS] lCaption = "NotesHolder Registration" lCDEnterName = "Please enter your name here:" lCDUniKey = "Your unique registration code (stored on CD):" wCDNoKey = "Unable to find your unique registration code." mWrongReg = "We are sorry! Your registration code is invalid! Please try to reinstall the software using the original NotesHolder CD." mWrongRegAdd = "Correct registration code must be 173 characters long!" ; =================================================================== ; = ABOUT DIALOG ; =================================================================== [FABOUT] lCaption = "About" lBy = "By:" lLocalization = "Localization:" lWebLocation = "Web location:" lForum = "Online forum:" lRegistration = "Registration:" lSupport = "Support:" lOther = "Other mail:" bRegister = "Register" ; =================================================================== ; = SETTINGS DIALOG ; =================================================================== [FSETTINGS] lCaption = "NotesHolder Settings" ; TABS: tGeneral = "General" tNotesWindow = "Main Window" tDatabase = "Database" lFontSize = "Font size" iTiny = "Tiny" iSmall = "Small" iMedium = "Medium" iLarge = "Large" iExtraLarge = "Extra Large" iHuge = "Huge" cRunStartup = "Run on system startup" cShowTray = "Always show NotesHolder icon in the system tray" cUseHotKeys = "Use system-wide hot keys" bChangeHotKeys = "Change hot keys..." gDockingLine = "Docking Line" cUseDockLine = "Use the docking line" cHideOnLeave = "Hide on leave focus" cUseAdvPrint = "Display the Print Options dialog" cShowDelay = "Delay before displaying the main window:" lMSec = "msec" lDatabaseFile = "Notes database file:" lDockLine = "The docking line color:" lColorScheme = "Current color scheme:" bEnableAllMsg = "Show all messages..." lEnableAllMsg = "Press the button to enable all messages that you have previously disabled:" mEnableAllMsg = "Do you want to enable all messages that you have previously disabled?" ; =================================================================== ; = MAIN WINDOW AND TRAY ICON ; =================================================================== [FMAIN] lTryNotesHolder = "Try %s!" bMinimize = "Minimize to tray" bOnTop = "Stay on top" mStartupHint = "Left-click the icon in order to show the NotesHolder main window." eFind = "Find..." eFindAgain = "Find again" eNextReminder = "Find next reminder" eExport = "Export..." eNewReminder = "New reminder..." eExit = "Exit" eSettings = "Settings..." eHelp = "Help" eRegister = "Register..." eAbout = "About..." eEditNote = "Edit" eCopyNote = "Copy" eMoveNoteTop = "Move to top" eDeleteNotes = "Delete..." ePrintNote = "Print" eReminderNote = "Reminder..." eShowNewList = "Show 'New' tab" eNewList = "New category..." eDeleteList = "Delete..." eRenameList = "Rename..." lClickNewNote = "<Double click to add a new note>" lEditNote = "Edit Note Here:" lReminderActive = "The reminder is active.\nNext reminder: %s" lNoReminder = "No reminder.\nClick to create one." lEmptyNote = "empty note" lCompleted = "Marked" lClickCompl = "Click to mark this note" lSaveNote = "Save the note [ESC]" tNewList = "<New>" mDeleteNote = "Are you sure you want to delete the note?" mDeleteNotes = "Are you sure you want to delete %d selected notes?" mDeleteListMsg = "Are you sure you want to delete notes category '%s'?" mDeleteListUnb = "Unable to delete the notes category. At least one category should exist." mNewListMsg = "Please enter the new category name:" lNewListCap = "New category" mRenameListMsg = "Rename category '%s' to:" lRenameListCap = "Rename category" mSearchFailed = "Search string '%s' not found." mNoActReminder = "No active reminder." lExportCap = "Export notes to file" ; 3-7 symbols only! lListN = "List %d" ; =================================================================== ; = FIND DIALOG ; =================================================================== [FFIND] lCaption = "Find" lSearchStr = "Please enter search string:" cSearchAll = "Search in all categories" ; =================================================================== ; = REMINDER SETTINGS DIALOG ; =================================================================== [FREMIND] lCaption = "Reminder Settings" cActive = "Active Reminder" gReminder = "Reminder" lRemStart = "Start at:" bNow = "Now" lRemind = "Remind me:" lRepOnce = "Once" lRepOnceIn = "Once in" lRepEvery = "Every" lRepDaily = "Daily" lRepMinutes = "Minute(s)" lRepHours = "Hour(s)" lRepDays = "Day(s)" lRepWeeks = "Week(s)" lRepMonthes = "Month(es)" lRepYears = "Year(s)" lNoteText = "Note Text:" lNextReminder = "Next reminder:" gAdditional =Reminder Tasks cRunApp = "Run application:" cPlaySound = "Play sound:" mNoReminder = "no reminder" bAction = "Action" eSaveAsDefault = "Save as default reminder settings" eLoadDefault = "Load default reminder settings" ; =================================================================== ; = REMINDER DIALOG ; =================================================================== [FREMINDER] lCaption = "Reminder" bRemind5min = "Remind in 5 Min." bReminderSet = "Change Reminder..." ; =================================================================== ; = CHANGE HOTKEYS DIALOG ; =================================================================== [FHOTKEYS] lCaption = "NotesHolder Hot Keys" gHotKeys = "System-Wide Hot Keys" lGeneralKey = "General NotesHolder key:" lHideKey = "Hide NotesHolder window:" lReminderKey = "Add new reminder:" ; =================================================================== ; = PRINT DIALOG ; =================================================================== [FADVPRINT] lCaption = "Print" gMargins = Margins (1/100") lFontSize = "Font size:" lLeft = "Left:" lRight = "Right:" lTop = "Top:" lBottom = "Bottom:" bSetup = "Setup..." bPrint = "Print"