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/ Chip 2004 June / CHIP_CD_2004-06.iso / software / foto / faprosetup.exe / FotoAlbum.exe / 0 / RCDATA / TFORMINFO / TFORMINFO.txt
Text File  |  2004-04-06  |  5.6 KB  |  188 lines

  1. object FormInfo: TFormInfo
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  90.     object dxInspector1Row1: TdxInspectorTextRow
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  95.     object siFotoAlbumVersion: TdxInspectorTextRow
  96.       Caption = 'FotoAlbum Version'
  97.       ReadOnly = True
  98.     end
  99.     object dxInspector1Row3: TdxInspectorTextRow
  100.       Caption = 'FotoAlbum Information'
  101.       IsCategory = True
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  104.     object siWindowsVersion: TdxInspectorTextRow
  105.       Caption = 'Windows Version'
  106.       ReadOnly = True
  107.     end
  108.     object siSystemMemory: TdxInspectorTextRow
  109.       Caption = 'System Memory'
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  111.     end
  112.     object siFreeDiskSpace: TdxInspectorTextRow
  113.       Caption = 'Free Disk Space'
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  116.     object siNumberPics: TdxInspectorTextRow
  117.       Caption = 'Number of Pictures'
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  119.     end
  120.     object siPicSize: TdxInspectorTextRow
  121.       Caption = 'Size of All Pictures'
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  124.     object siNumPublic: TdxInspectorTextRow
  125.       Caption = 'Number of Published Public'
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  127.     end
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  129.       Caption = 'Number of Published Private'
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  131.     end
  132.     object siNumAlbums: TdxInspectorTextRow
  133.       Caption = 'Number of Albums'
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  135.     end
  136.     object siPictureFolder: TdxInspectorTextRow
  137.       Caption = 'Picture Folder'
  138.       ReadOnly = True
  139.     end
  140.     object siWebInformation: TdxInspectorTextRow
  141.       Caption = 'Web Information'
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  146.       Caption = 'Email Address'
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  149.     object siDefaultBrowser: TdxInspectorTextRow
  150.       Caption = 'Default Browser'
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  152.     end
  153.     object siFotoAlbumInstall: TdxInspectorTextRow
  154.       Caption = 'FotoAlbum Install Dir'
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  156.     end
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  158.       Caption = 'PolyImage DLL'
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  162.       Caption = 'PolyImage Version'
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  166.       Caption = 'Number of Processors'
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  169.     object siProcessorType: TdxInspectorTextRow
  170.       Caption = 'Processor Type'
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  172.     end
  173.     object dxInspector1Row21: TdxInspectorTextRow
  174.       Caption = 'Multi-Media Information'
  175.       IsCategory = True
  176.     end
  177.     object siMPVersion: TdxInspectorTextRow
  178.       Caption = 'Media Player Version'
  179.     end
  180.     object siDxVersion: TdxInspectorTextRow
  181.       Caption = 'DirectX Version'
  182.     end
  183.     object siThumbnailsInMemory: TdxInspectorTextRow
  184.       Caption = 'Thumbnails in Memory'
  185.     end
  186.   end
  187. end