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- 7 Out of memory
- 380 Invalid property value
- 383 Property is read-only
- 394 Property is write-only
- 1000 P&roperties
- 1001 MSCom
- 2003 General Properties
- 2004 General properties for the MSComm control
- 2005 Buffers Properties
- 2006 Buffers properties for the MSComm control
- 2007 Hardware Properties
- 2008 Hardware properties for the MSComm control
- 2009 P&roperties...
- 2010 P&roperties
- 2011 &About
- 2101 General
- 2102 Buffers
- 2103 Hardware
- 2104 None
- 2105 XON/XOFF
- 2106 RTS/CTS
- 2107 Both
- 7999 An error has occurred while doing this operation
- 8000 Operation not valid while the port is opened
- 8002 Invalid port number
- 8005 Port already open
- 8012 The device is not open
- 8015 Could not set comm state, there may be one or more invalid communications parameters.
- 8018 Operation valid only when the port is open
- 8020 Error reading comm device
- 8021 Internal error retrieving device control block for the port
- 53392 Microsoft Comm Control 6.0
- 53393 MS Comm Control Handshake Constants
- 53394 No handshaking
- 53395 XOn/XOff handshaking
- 53396 Request-to-send/clear-to-send handshaking.
- 53397 Request-to-send, XOn/XOff handshaking.
- 53398 Error constants.
- 53399 Break signal received
- 53400 Clear-to-send timeout
- 53401 Data set ready timeout
- 53402 Framing error
- 53403 Port overrun
- 53404 Carrier detect timeout
- 53405 Receive buffer overflow
- 53406 Parity error
- 53407 Transmit buffer full
- 53408 Unexpected error retrieving Device Control Block (DCB)
- 53409 OnComm constants.
- 53410 Send event.
- 53411 Receive event.
- 53412 Change in clear-to-send line
- 53413 Change is data set ready line.
- 53414 Change in carrier detect line.
- 53415 Ring detect.
- 53416 End of file.
- 53417 Determines whether the carrier is present by querying the state of the Carrier Detect line.
- 53418 Returns/sets the maximum amount of time the control waits for the Carrier Detect signal before timing out.
- 53419 Returns a handle that identifies the communications device.
- 53420 Returns/sets the communications port number.
- 53421 Determines whether you can send data by querying the state of the Clear To Send line.
- 53422 Sets/returns the number of milliseconds to wait for the Clear To Send signal.
- 53423 Determines the state of the Data Set Ready line.
- 53424 Sets/returns the number of milliseconds to wait for the Data Set Ready.
- 53425 Determines whether to enable the Data Terminal Ready line during communications.
- 53426 Sets/returns the hardware handshaking protocol.
- 53427 Sets/returns the size of the receive buffer in bytes.
- 53428 Returns the number of characters waiting in the receive buffer.
- 53429 Sets or clears the break signal state.
- 53430 Sets/returns the number of characters the Input property reads from the receive buffer.
- 53431 Sets the interval, in milliseconds, for polling the hardware port for data under Windows version 3.0.
- 53432 Determines whether null characters are transferred from the port to the receive buffer.
- 53433 Sets/returns the size, in characters, of the transmit buffer.
- 53434 Returns the number of characters waiting in the transmit buffer.
- 53435 Sets/returns the character that replaces an invalid character in the data stream when a parity error occurs.
- 53436 Sets/returns the state of the communications port (open or closed).
- 53437 Sets/returns the number of characters to receive.
- 53438 Determines whether to enable the Request To Send line.
- 53439 Sets/returns the baud rate, parity, data bit, and stop bit parameters.
- 53440 Sets/returns the minimum number of characters allowable in the transmit.
- 53441 Writes a string of characters to the transmit buffer.
- 53442 Returns and removes a string of characters from the receive buffer.
- 53443 Returns the most recent communication event or error.
- 53444 Occurs whenever the value of the CommEvent property changes.
- 53452 Sets/returns the whether to search for the EOF character.
- 53454 InputMode Constants
- 53455 Text
- 53456 Binary
- 53457 Sets/returns the type of data retrieved by the Input property.
- 53458 Error Constants
- 53459 Comm Property Page