<topic sku="core" tNum="289658" author="leighanw" xmlns="x-schema:hhTopicSchema.xml"><index><title>Learn about the payment date for an electronic transaction</title><category>bills</category><klink type="cncpt">Tell me about the payment date for an electronic transaction</klink></index>
<p>Depending on your financial institution, the payment date may be the date your payment is delivered or the date the financial institution processes your payment. If it is the date that the payment is delivered, your payee should receive your payment on or by that date. If it is the date that your payment is processed, you will need to determine how far in advance of the due date you want the payment to be processed for it to arrive on time. Check with your financial institution to find out what date it uses and how you should determine the payment dates you use in Money.</p>