<topic sku="core" tNum="289681" author="" xmlns="x-schema:hhTopicSchema.xml"><index><title>Update online accounts when you open Money</title><category>online</category><klink type="prcdr">How can I update my online accounts when I open Money?</klink></index>
<p>Automatically updating your online accounts each time you open Money ensures that the accounts will be current when you review them. These updates do not require a Microsoft Passport (or any password), but they can cause delays in opening your Money file if you have a slow Internet connection or if you have many transactions to download.</p>
<p>If you want to receive regular updates even when you're not running Money, use Background Banking instead. <alink type="cncpt" href="backgroundbankingrequirements.xml"></alink> To use Background Banking, you must use a Microsoft Passport with your Money file.</p>
<li>Make sure you've set up your accounts for online services. <alink type="prcdr" href="Setuponlineservices.xml"></alink></li>
<li>On the <emph>Tools</emph> menu, click <emph>Options</emph>.</li>
<li>On the <emph>Online Services</emph> tab, select <emph>Automatically update accounts online when I start Money</emph>.</li>
<p variant="note">Choosing to automatically update your account when you open Money will override your Background Banking settings and any other customized settings for your Internet updates.</p>
<tease>One of my banks charges for updates, so I don't want to update those accounts every time I open Money.</tease>
<p>To remove a financial institution from the automatic update list, delete your sign-in credentials for that bank or brokerage from the Money Passport Manager.</p>
<li>On the <emph>File</emph> menu, click <emph>Password Manager</emph>.</li>
<li>Click the <emph>Financial Institution Settings</emph>tab.</li>
<li>Clear the check box for each financial institution that you want to remove from the updates.</li>
<p>If you delete your sign-in credentials for a bank or brokerage, you'll need to enter your password for that financial institution each time you connect to it through Money.</p>