<topic sku="core" tNum="289461" author="" xmlns="x-schema:hhTopicSchema.xml"><index><title>Troubleshoot setting up and editing scheduled transactions</title><category>bills</category><klink type="trbls">Troubleshoot setting up and editing scheduled transactions</klink></index>
<p>What are you having trouble with?</p>
<tease>I'm trying to create an electronic payment or transfer, and some of my accounts don't appear in the <emph>Pay from</emph> list.</tease>
<p>Only accounts that are set up for online bill pay services will appear in the <emph>Pay from</emph> list. If you'd like to make electronic payments and transfers from an account that isn't listed, set it up for online services. <alink type="prcdr" href="Setuponlinebillpayment.xml"/></p>