<klink type="prcdr">How do I print an invoice?</klink>
<li>On the <emph>Business</emph>menu, click <emph>Invoice List</emph>.</li>
<li>Click the invoice you want to print.</li>
<li>In the left pane, click <emph>Print invoice</emph>.</li>
<li>Click <emph>Setup</emph>, click the invoice template you want to use, and then click <emph>OK</emph> twice.</li>
<p variant="note">If the invoice you want to print is not on the list, click <emph>View invoice by</emph> in the left pane, and then click <emph>List of invoices</emph>.</p>
<tease>How can I add my company logo to invoices?</tease>
<li>In the <emph>Print Invoice</emph> dialog box, click <emph>Setup</emph>.</li>
<li>Choose an invoice template with <emph>Logo</emph> in its name.</li>
<li>Select the <emph>Use my company logo</emph> check box, and then click <emph>Pick Logo</emph>.</li>
<li>Find your logo file, and then click <emph>OK</emph>.</li>
<p>Money will now add your logo to every invoice you print, as long as the template you choose can display it.</p>
<li>Click <emph>OK</emph> twice to print the invoice.</li>
<tease>What if the printed logo isn't the same size as my original?</tease>
<p>Money may resize your logo proportionately to fit within the design of the invoice template.</p>
<tease>How do I preview the invoice before I print it?</tease>
<li>Click the invoice.</li>
<li>In the left pane, click <emph>Preview invoice printing</emph>.</li>