<klink type="cncpt">Tell me about navigating in Money</klink>
<p>There are various ways you can navigate within Money:</p>
<li><emph>Main menus.</emph> By clicking the <emph>Accounts & Bills</emph>, <emph>Investing</emph>, <emph>Planner</emph>, <emph>Taxes</emph>, <emph>Reports</emph>, and <emph>Shopping</emph>menus, you can select and navigate to Money's main features.</li>
<li><emph>Links on pages.</emph> Many pages in Money have links you can click to navigate to specific areas and complete tasks. When your pointer changes to a hand, the link goes to another area within Money. When your pointer changes to a hand with a globe or butterfly, the link goes to a Web site.</li>
<li><emph>Home page.</emph> When you click <emph>Home</emph> near the top of the screen, you go to the Home page, from which you can easily navigate to other areas in Money.</li>
<li><emph>Forward and Back buttons.</emph> When you click <emph>Forward</emph> or <emph>Back</emph> near the top of the screen, you can return to pages you've seen before.</li>