<topic sku="core" tNum="289563" author="carmip" xmlns="x-schema:hhTopicSchema.xml"><index><title>Learn about using Money with Windows XP</title><category>general</category><klink type="cncpt">Tell me about using Money with Windows XP</klink></index>
<p>Money has been designed to work effectively with Windows XP. Whether you buy a new computer with Windows XP and install Money or upgrade your existing operating system, Money will continue to work as it did before.</p>
<p variant="impt">Before you install Money on a new computer or upgrade your existing computer, back up your Money files both to your hard disk and to a floppy disk or compact disc (CD).</p>
<p>With Windows XP, each person in your household can create logon names and save their own preferences. However, this feature will not affect your use of Money. For example, you may log on to Windows and begin to work in Money. If your spouse or partner needs to check e-mail quickly, you can log off Windows and leave Money running. Then, your spouse or partner can do a task (including a task in Money). When you log on to Windows again, Money will still be running.</p>
<p>If you set up a home network system using Windows XP, you'll be able to access your Money file from multiple computers in most cases. On rare occasions, a change that you make to your Money file may not occur if another person in your household is doing a similar task in the same file. For example, if you want to edit a transaction that another person in your household simultaneously deletes, your edit will not take place. It's best to have only one copy of a Money file open at a time.</p>