<klink type="cncpt">Tell me about investment accounts</klink>
<p>To take advantage of Money's investing reports features, you need to set up accounts for your investments. With investment accounts, you can:</p>
<li>Track all of the <glossary tNum="287088">stocks</glossary>, <glossary tNum="286954">bonds</glossary>, <glossary tNum="287041">mutual funds</glossary>, and other investments in your portfolio.</li>
<li>Update investment prices manually or by downloading them from the Internet.</li>
<li>Get up-to-date information about your investments.</li>
<li>Track a margin loan that you take against your investments.</li>
<li>Track the cash portion of your portfolio with an associated cash account.</li>
<li>Track stock splits.</li>
<li>Get detailed analysis information related to your investments.</li>