<topic sku="core" tNum="288258" author="" xmlns="x-schema:hhTopicSchema.xml"><index><title>Check the status of an Epay</title><category fLocale="cdn">bills</category><klink type="prcdr">How do I check the status of an Epay?</klink></index>
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<p>The status of an <glossary tNum="288840">electronic payment (Epay)</glossary> tells you if an Epay you sent has cleared your bank. Most financial institutions consider an Epay cleared as soon as funds have been withdrawn from your account. It does not necessarily mean that the payee has been paid.</p>
<li>On the <emph>Accounts & Bills </emph>menu, click <emph>Account List</emph>.</li>
<li>Under <emph>Financial Institutions and Online Service Providers</emph>, click the financial institution where you want to check your Epay.</li>
<li>Under <emph>Use online services</emph>, click <emph>Check the status of electronic payments you've sent</emph>.</li>
<p>The status of each transaction is displayed in the <emph>Status</emph> column under <emph>Electronic payments and transfers sent in the last 60 days</emph>.</p>
<tease>Why isn't my payment in this list?</tease>
<p>This list only includes Epays that have been paid directly through Money in the last 60 days. Although you cannot track the status of a <glossary>Web payment</glossary> in Money, you can tell when a Web payment has cleared your financial institution by downloading and reading the <glossary>online statement</glossary> associated with the account from which you made the payment.</p>