EMSN Bill Pay is the preferred online payment provider for Microsoft Money users. With MSN Bill Pay, you can:<ul><li><b> Pay bills anytime, anywhere.</b> Pay your bills from within Money, or sign in to MSN Bill Pay on the Web to pay your bills from any computer with Internet access.</li><li><b>Receive and view bills electronically (e-bills).</b> Receive your bills online instead of through the mail. Your e-bills include the same statement details that your printed statements do, but you receive them online instead of in your mailbox.</li><li><b> Transfer money between your accounts.</b> Transfer money between your checking, savings, and brokerage accounts so it's always where you need it.</ul><b><br><br><a cursor="msnweb" href="money://MCLink/BillpayEnroll">Sign up today!</a></b>