// $ - defines a major category (ie a page on the tax deduction finder place) (max of 10)
// ~ - defines a category of expense (max of 10)
// = - defines the rules for eligibility (1,2)(3) indicates that ?'s #1 & 2 must be checked OR ? #3
// % - questions for eligibility (max of 10)
// @ - IRS form for this tax ded
// ! - limits of this tax ded
// # - IRS reference for this tax ded
// ? - additional help
// ^ End of Table - ends the table
^ Start of Table
$Employee Business Expense
~Business Entertainment
%I spent money entertaining clients or customers.
%The expense was both ordinary and necessary to my trade or business as an employee.
%The entertainment was directly related to the active conduct of my business.
%The entertainment directly preceded or followed a substantial business discussion
%The expense was not lavish or extravagant under the circumstances.
%I kept adequate records of my expenses
@Deduct as Meals and Entertainment Expenses on Form 2106.
!Only 50% of the unreimbursed expense is deductible. Employee business expenses are grouped with other miscellaneous itemized deductions on Schedule A, and the total is reduced by 2% of adjusted gross income (AGI). Your total itemized deductions are limited if AGI exceeds $124,500 ($62,250 if married filing separately).
#See IRS Publication 463 p. 9-11.
?If you paid for meals or entertained people in the past year for business-related reasons, check this box.
~Business Gifts
%I gave gifts to business customers and clients in the course of my business as an employee.
%The expense was both ordinary and necessary to my trade or business as an employee.
@Deduct as Other Business Expenses on Form 2106 or as Unreimbursed Employee Expenses on Schedule A.
!Business gifts are limited to $25 per recipient. (The limit doesn't include things like advertising or promotional items.) * Employee business expenses are grouped with other miscellaneous itemized deductions on Schedule A, and the total is reduced by 2% of adjusted gross income (AGI). Your total itemized deductions are limited if AGI exceeds $124,500 ($62,250 if married filing separately).
#See IRS Publication 463 p. 12
?Check this box if you made any direct or indirect gifts to individuals in the past year for business-related reasons.
~Business Meals
%I paid money for meals and wasn't reimbursed.
%The expense was both ordinary and necessary to my trade or business as an employee.
%Meals were eaten while I was traveling away from home overnight.
%Meals were directly related to the active conduct of my business as an employee, or directly preceded or followed a substantial business discussion.
%The meals were not lavish or extravagant under the circumstances.
%I kept adequate records of my expenses.
@Deduct as Meals and Entertainment Expenses on Form 2106.
!Only 50% of the unreimbursed expense is deductible. Employee business expenses are grouped with other miscellaneous itemized deductions on Schedule A, and the total is reduced by 2% of adjusted gross income (AGI). Your total itemized deductions are limited if AGI exceeds $124,500 ($62,250 if married filing separately).
#See IRS Publication 463, p. 11, Publication 17, p. 179 (records p. 186)
?Tax laws allow you to deduct half of your meals and entertainment expenses if theyÆre business-related. If you paid for any business-related meals and have the receipts, check this box.
$Employee Other Deductions
%I spent money on tuition, books and other expenses for education related to my job.
%This education is required by my employer or the law to keep my present job, or maintain or improve skills needed in my present job.
%The education is not necessary to meet the minimum educational requirements of my job.
%The education is not part of a program to qualify me for a new trade or business
@Deduct expenses on Schedule A as Unreimbursed Employee Expenses. You should also complete Form 2106 or 2106-EZ.
!Your total miscellaneous itemized deductions are reduced by 2% of adjusted gross income (AGI). Your total itemized deductions are limited if AGI exceeds $124,500 ($62,250 if married filing separately).
#See IRS Publication 508 - Educational Expenses
?The cost of education required by your employer or the law to keep your current job may be tax deductible.