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- Celestia Revision History
- -------------------------
- 1.00
- * Initial public release
- 1.01
- * Added more realistic and aesthetically pleasing ring illumination function
- * Made planets project shadows onto their rings (requires multitexturing)
- * Detect and use ARB_multitexture extension
- * Some configuration parameters now read from a file
- * Support for multiple solar system catalog files
- * Split solar system files into solarsys.ssc and extrasolar.ssc
- * Added Help/License menu
- * Added simple camera orbit mode
- * Fixed up parsing and printing of catalog numbers--still kludgy though
- 1.02
- * Made Celestia icon appear in corner of window. Whee.
- * Fixed an extremely subtle numerical precision bug which manifested itself in
- a number of ways: jittering when following small objects, incorrect
- targeting of small objects with goto, occasional flashes when closely
- approaching an object, and probably other things as well.
- * Reversed rotation directions when orbiting--it's much more intuitive now
- * Added an exponential dolly capability to the camera
- * Double-clicking will now center on the selected object
- * Fixed bug in elliptical orbit calculation
- * When orbits are displayed, the Orbit for the selected object is highlighted
- * Incorporated Scott Hudson's asteroid geometry data for Toutatis, Kleopatra,
- and Geographos.
- * Fixed problems with disappearing labels and with misplaced labels for
- extrasolar planets
- * Eliminated 'sticking' when mouse buttons released outside of Celestia window
- * Added Real Time option to Time menu
- * Reversed planet rotation direction so it's correct. Oops.
- * Added about a dozen extrasolar systems from Jean Schneider's catalog
- * Create two new textures for extrasolar planets
- * Moved Selection class outside of Simulation, as it's generally useful
- 1.03
- * Rotating the camera is now more responsive to mouse movement
- * 'Infinite mouse' hack allows rotating and dollying without having to pick up
- the mouse and reposition the cursor in the window
- * Fixed z ordering for planets and satellites so small that they only appear
- as points. Small satellites will no longer get obscured by planets they're
- in front of.
- * Apparent magnitude calculation for planets now takes into account phase
- * At close range, stars are now rendered as textured sphere meshes.
- * Choosing stars by catalog number no longer selects a star even when the specified
- star doesn't exist.
- * Added labels for stars; the list of labelled stars is read from celestia.cfg
- * Cleaned up vecmath.h, added consts and reference parameters where appropriate
- * Cleaned up StarNameDatabase
- 1.04
- * Start out at the moon instead of in deep space
- * Made picking of planets work properly for planets with disc sizes greater than one
- pixel.
- * Added call to glDeleteTextures to Texture class destructor
- * Added bump mapping. Uses DOT3 bump mapping and only works on GeForce cards
- right now.
- * Enabled user control of per-pixel lighting.
- * Menu checked state for label options synced with renderer state.
- * Added a context menu that appears when an object is right clicked.
- * Celestia now uses texture coordinates from 3DS files
- * Added 3DS model of Eros based on NEAR laser rangefinder data
- * Added 3DS models of Deimos, Phobos, and numerous other asteroids and
- small moons based on Phil Stooke's models
- * Replaced TriangleList class with much more flexible VertexList
- * Introduced support for compressed textures; texture compression is specified
- on a per texture basis in .ssc files.
- * Added a reverse time option
- * Added an OpenGL Driver Info item to the help menu
- 1.05
- * Made per-pixel lighting work for planets without bump maps too
- * Allow user control of magnitude of faintest visible stars
- * Added support for PNG textures
- * Improved console: enabled backspace, relocated text entry, code cleanup, ...
- * Corrected star positions by converting them from equatorial to ecliptical
- coordinates.
- * Eliminated case sensitivity when selecting objects by name
- * New ring texture for Saturn with separate reflectance and opacity
- * Ring textures now specified in .ssc files instead of hardcoded
- * Implemented date/time selector dialog box
- * Changed the mouse wheel function from zoom to dolly. Zoom is now controlled by
- shift left-dragging the mouse. For mice without wheels, control left-dragging
- will dolly.
- * Fixed orbit and dolly functions to work in follow mode
- * Improved rendering of objects at close range: less clipping, extra sphere LOD.
- * Fixed bug that caused irregular objects to be displayed at half their actual size
- * ESC now cancels goto and follow instead of exiting app.
- * Fixed orbital calculations for planets so their positions are now closer to
- reality.
- * Completed extrasolar planets database; it now contains all known planets
- around normal stars
- * Mir!
- * MeanAnomaly field in .ssc files was incorrectly called TrueAnomaly; this
- is fixed, and solar system parser now also accepts MeanLongitude in orbital
- elements section.
- * Epoch can now be specified for orbital elements. Default is J2000.
- 1.06
- * Made Alt+F4 exit the app.
- * Fixed text rendering to be pixel-accurate; labels and console text are now
- crisper and don't have any missing pixels (need to test on more graphics
- chipsets.)
- * Updated parser to handle negative numbers. Big oops.
- * Corrected errors and omissions in extrasolar planets catalog.
- * Added locations menu for saving and recalling favorite places.
- * Added intro message.
- * Removed stars without spectral class info from database.
- * Included support for cloud maps
- * Added extrasolar planets from the ESO's April 4th announcement
- * Axial rotation for stars
- * Alleviated clipping of very distant stars (Deneb was missing from Earth's
- sky due to this bug.)
- * Increased depth buffer precision for planet rendering--this should improve
- the quality of rendering with 16-bit z buffers
- * Added option to render constellation diagrams
- * Use strips instead of lists for rendering spheres
- * Enabled keyboard control of zoom with home and end
- * Implemented basics of linear scripting system
- * Run a script at startup; the script filename can be set in the config file
- Code revisions:
- * Converted Simulation class to use Julian days instead of seconds as internal
- time units.
- * Eliminated brain damaged observer methods in Simulation
- * Cleaned up Console class
- 1.07
- * More corrections to planetary orbital calculations
- * Accept LongOfPericenter as well ArgOfPericenter in solar system catalog files
- * Updated parser to accept C-style string escapes
- * Render the Milky Way and other galaxies
- * Added more constellations
- * Display constellation names
- * Cleaned up render menu
- * Added FPS counter
- * Implemented basic WWW info feature for planets and stars
- * New script commands: renderflags, labels, orbit
- * Implemented a scripted demo mode
- * Placed ISS in Earth orbit
- 1.08
- * Initial UNIX port
- * Created GLUT based front-end
- * Created abstract Timer class with Windows and UNIX implementations
- 1.09
- * UNIX port fixes: eliminated friend templates in Quaternion, added -lm to
- configure.in, added missing return type for methods in Console and Overlay
- 1.0.10
- * Fixed problem with ring shadow texture by setting wrap mode to GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE
- * Corrected scale of ring shadow to match size of planet
- * Switched to octree based visibility determinination algorithm for
- stars. The result is better rendering performance, especially when
- many stars are displayed. The octree algorithm is also lag free, meaning
- that all star "popping" is eliminated.
- * Added setvisibilitylimit command for scripting.
- * Fonts now selectable in celestia.cfg
- * Added more and fewer visible stars options to render menu
- * Fixed BigFix precision bug that appeared only with certain compiler versions.
- * UNIX version: Enabled arrow keys and home/end in UNIX version
- * UNIX version: Implemented frame rate counter
- * UNIX version: Added mouse wheel support
- * UNIX version: Fixed bug that caused picking to happen while dragging mouse
- * UNIX version: Added more compiler optimization flags to Makefile
- * UNIX version: Ctrl-Q now exits program
- * UNIX version: Fixed vertically flipped textures
- * UNIX version: Initial Gtk+ version, with rudimentary GUI
- 1.1.0
- * Added RotationPhase field to solar system bodies; tweaking this makes sure
- that the right part of the planet is dark at a given time.
- * Changed axial tilt of Earth so that the North Pole is illuminated in summer,
- not winter.
- * Added option to render celestial coordinate sphere
- * Added geosynchronous follow mode
- * Added synchronous command to enable geosynchronous follow mode
- * Fixed disappearing stars when modifying field of view
- * Fixed bug reading angle in galaxies file
- * Made it possible to select an object by 'path' e.g. Sol/Earth/Moon
- * Bound { and } keys to control ambient light level
- * Windows version: added solar system browser window
- * Windows version: added star browser window
- * Windows version: separated update from redraw so animation no longer occurs
- when dragging modal dialogs over the view window
- * Windows version: made context menus work when running fullscreen
- Code:
- * Fixed bug in quaternion to matrix conversion; conversion was returning the
- matrix representation of the conjugate.
- * Moved common UI code into CelestiaCore
- 1.1.1
- * Added spectral type field to star browser
- * Fixed bug that was causing garbled fonts in some cases
- * Added missing minus character to default label font
- * Many more options for goto--pick a specific long and lat, set coordinate
- frame, choose up vector
- * Changed camera rotation interpolation--now use quaternion slerp
- * Constrained parallaxes of stars which are components of multistar systems;
- binary stars now actually close to each other and not just when viewed
- from Earth.
- * Fixed another stupid sign problem--north celestial pole is now positive,
- not negative y. This change should be invisible to a user.
- * Replaced welcome message with logo texture
- Code:
- * Moved selection info code from Simulation to CelestiaCore
- * Fixed bug in Texture destructor
- 1.1.2
- * Replaced single catalog number with separate entries for HD and HIP numbers
- * Expanded star name database and rewrote star name code to be less strict
- when matching names.
- * Added track mode
- * Changed displayed units of distance and velocity
- * Fixed picking of stars so it works properly at close distances
- * Fixed bug that caused solar systems not to be displayed when another star
- was nearby (this made it impossible to visit the planets of Gliese 876)
- * Fixed inverted bump maps
- * Now use exponential interpolation during goto movement.
- * New Jupiter texture based on Cassini images
- * Added a tour guide feature
- * Added more constellation diagrams
- * Windows version: save and restore window size settings in registry
- * Windows version: added toggle between GMT and local time
- * Windows version: added keyboard command mnemonics to menus
- * Windows version: InstallShield setup
- * Windows version: added controls help dialog
- * UNIX version: implemented find object and about dialogs (Gnome/Gtk only)
- Code:
- * Moved star browser and solar system browser code into separate modules
- * Fixed DPRINTF macro so it's not broken in g++
- 1.1.3
- * Added city light map for night side of Earth
- * Specular reflections for Earth's oceans
- * Haze effects for planets and moons with atmospheres
- * Optimized star rendering--faster, uses substantially less memory
- when many stars visible
- * Changed minimum limiting magnitude from 8.0 to 12.0
- * Support for nVidia vertex programs
- * Eliminated 'seams' in normalization cube maps used for lighting
- * View frustum culling of planets and nearby stars
- * Fixed clipping that occurred when close to planets
- * Fixed depth buffer precision problems (most apparent with spacecraft)
- * Tidied up display of speed, distance, and star/planet statistics.
- * Changed how modes work--goto won't break follow and sync follow modes
- any more
- * Fixed underlit planets on GL implementations without EXT_rescale_normal
- * Type K, M, R, S, and N stars now cast a red tinted light on their planets
- * New Earth texture
- * Print less debugging spew on startup
- * Integrated Colin Walters endianness fixes
- * Windows version: info about max texture size and number of simultaneous
- textures added to OpenGL Info dialog.
- * New objects: Comet Borrelly, the giant Kuiper Belt object 2001 KX76,
- and the Hubble Space Telescope
- Code:
- * Rewrote texture and model managers
- * Cleaned up simulation.cpp to use frames of reference and eliminated a lot
- of special case code for the different 'modes'
- * Stopped using the Intel JPEG library on Windows; instead, the Independent
- JPEG Group's library is now used on all platforms.
- 1.1.4
- * Fixed text rendering problems that appeared on Matrox cards
- * Windows version: fixed bug that broke web info for stars
- * Windows version: improved web info feature so that it doesn't launch a new
- instance of IE every time.
- * Added eight new extrasolar planets announced 15 Oct
- * Fixed goto command so that it doesn't ever place you inside a planet
- * Allow navigation with number pad
- * Much greater resolution in planet meshes
- * Implemented atmospheric effects
- * Modified center so it does not change the frame of reference--will prevent
- suddenly leaving the ground when used on the surface of a planet.
- * Changed rendering order so star and constellation labels are obscured by
- planets.
- * Corrected satellite obliquities--they should have been relative to their
- planets equatorial plane.
- * Eliminated premature clipping of irregular bodies at close range
- * Fixed problem with lighting on S3 Savage4
- * Fixed clipping bug with fields of view greater than 45 degrees
- * Introduced support for custom orbital calculations
- * Much more accurate orbital calculations for Earth and Moon; eclipses now
- occur at the correct time. Also, introduced accurate calculations for
- other solar system planets except Pluto.
- * Require solar system catalog files have orbital elements in an
- EllipticalOrbit group.
- * Added four more asteroids with models by Scott Hudson: KY26, Castalia,
- Bacchus, and Golevka
- * Added keyboard commands to toggle night side lights (Ctrl+L) and
- atmospheres (Ctrl+A)
- * Added a 'Goto Object' dialog box, which lets you specify an object name
- and distance, longitude, and latitude.
- * Implemented a screen capture feature
- * Windows version: added a star browser option to display just those stars
- with planetary systems.
- * Windows version: fixed bug in Set Time dialog that wouldn't allow setting
- both the date and the time of day.
- * Windows version: added basic joystick support.
- * Windows version: fixed 'jumping' that occurred when using Goto or Follow
- from popup menu.
- * Windows version: added 'Set to Current Time' button in Set Time dialog
- * Windows version: fixed selection of planetary satellites via context menu
- * Windows version: made tab, return, and escape work properly in modeless
- dialogs
- * Unix version: created installer (Deon Ramsey)
- Code:
- * Rewrote texture font code; texfont.cpp is gone, everything now in
- texturefont.cpp
- 1.2.0
- * Fixed problem with image capture function that saved skewed images for some
- windows widths.
- * Changed field of view display to use minutes and seconds
- * Fixed display of time scale when time is reversed
- * Fixed jittering labels for stars distant from the sun
- * Fixed depth ordering problem that caused satellites to appear in front of
- the horizon when viewed from the surface of Earth
- * Made the correct hemisphere of the Moon face Earth
- * Fixed Earth's rotation so that sunrise and sunset times are correct
- * Fixed picking so that clicking on a distant planet will never select one of
- its satellites.
- * Improved orbit calculation code to properly compute eccentric anomaly
- * Render orbit outlines behind planets instead of in front of them
- * Made it possible for clouds to move relative to the ground
- * Eliminated star haloes that were visible in daylight
- * Added Uranus's ring system
- * Added Shrox's Mars Global Surveyor and Mars Odyssey models
- * Windows: save rendering and label settings
- * Windows: added movie capture feature
- * Windows: fixed disappearing mouse cursor bug
- * Windows: added slider for controlling number of stars displayed by
- star browser.
- * Windows: vastly improved full screen support
- * Windows: fixed non-functioning Fewer Stars menu option
- * Unix: fixed problems with '--enable-debug' under automake (dramsey)
- * Unix: Enhanced autoconfigure to enable automated distribution build, as well
- as building the buildstardb program used to create stars.dat (dramsey)
- * Unix: Fixed Problem with --enable-debug=no acting as if --enable-debug=yes
- had been given. (dramsey)
- * Unix: Changed --enable-gtk into --with-gtk, and made it automatic if Gtk+ and
- GtkGLArea is present. (dramsey)
- * Unix: Inserted testing code for GtkGLArea into configure.in (dramsey)
- * Unix: Integrated a current gnome macros package. (dramsey)
- * Removed many errors and compiler warnings (dramsey)
- * Label Galaxies option. (dramsey)
- * Unix Gtk : Added several menu options already present in the windows version.
- (dramsey)
- * Unix Gtk : Fixed problem where giving keyboard commands wasn't updating
- the toggle menu gadgets. (dramsey)
- * Unix : Handle timezones correctly. (dramsey)
- * Fixed constellation typo: Cyngi -> Cygni
- * Much better Data analysis and Correction for the buildstardb program
- leading to better data in stars.dat . Verbosity of the buildstardb program
- may now be controlled by commandline argument. (dramsey)
- * Improved solar system catalog file format so it's easier to install add-ons
- * Scan extras directory for solar system catalog files
- * Fixed pixel shader rendering path so it uses star light color
- * Added support for textures in 3DS models
- * Fixed locations menu
- * Improved locations menu so that position and frame of reference are saved
- and restored.
- * Fixed broken script commands: setposition, setorientation, and move
- * Display the names of tracked and followed objects
- * Windows: replaced proliferating render and label options in menu with
- a single modeless dialog.
- * Fixed period and rotation of Phoebe
- 1.2.1
- * Unix: configure.in changes to better find OpenGL libraries by Bruckner.
- * Added accurate orbital calculations for Galilean satellites.
- * Added tolerance parameter for picking to make picking objects in a narrow
- narrow field of view work better.
- * New texture for Miranda courtesy of Bruckner.
- * Windows: Fixed bug that caused a crash when canceling the view options dialog
- * Windows: Fixed crash that occurred when recalling a location with
- no selection
- 1.2.2
- * Improved find algorithm for starnames, and combined names from hdnames.dat
- into starnames.dat. Also added several additional names and variant spellings
- from my Star Atlas into starnames.dat (whose format has been completely
- revamped). (dramsey)
- * Unix GTK: Got Ctrl-Q to exit the Program properly. (dramsey)
- * Unix GTK: Capture Filenames now starts up with a proper filename, remembers
- the last directory, and complains about bad filenames. (dramsey)
- * Added 'verbose' option, and supressed most non-error type messages unless
- verbose is set. (dramsey)
- * Made picking exact for oblate planets
- * Optimized rendering of planet meshes
- * Switched to high levels of details when camera is near surface of a planet
- * Improved the appearance of the corona around stars
- * Fixed specular lighting for 3DS meshes, but correcting the mapping of 3DS
- shininess to OpenGL specular exponents.
- * Multi Resolution Texturing. (dramsey)
- * Unix: Much improved recognition of missing packages in configure. (dramsey)
- * Added rendering of eclipse shadows
- * Implemented longitude of axis for planet rotation elements
- * Corrected inclinations of Saturn (now rings appear at proper tilt when viewed
- from Earth), Uranus, and Neptune.
- * Added accurate orbital calculations for the eight largest moons of Saturn
- * Textures for Ariel, Umbriel, Titania, and Umbriel from Bruckner.
- * Improved planet labeling: less clutter, plus labels are displayed for distant
- objects at high zoom levels.
- * Fixed rendering of ring systems so that planets with both rings and
- a cloud layer are rendered correctly.
- * Added accurate orbital calculations for the five largest moons of Uranus
- * Added option to render stars as points (for a less fuzzy appearance)
- * Corrected sizing of planets' shadows on their ring systems
- * Enabled used of extremely high resolution textures through splitting into
- subtextures.
- * Corrected orbital elements for Ceres, Pallas, Juno, and Vesta.
- * Added Ikeya-Zhang to solar system
- * Fixed position calculation for orbits with 0.98 < e < 1
- * Enabled rendering of 3DS meshes with transparent parts
- * Unix Gtk: New Renderer Options
- * Fixed colors on the Hubble model
- * Fixed some clipping problems with 3DS meshes caused by bad center calculation
- * Enhanced Locations menu to support full manipulation and categorization of
- saved locations.
- 1.2.3
- * Fixed bug in texturefont.cpp that produce an error with some STL
- implementations (VS.NET, HPUX)
- * Added elapsed time counter to movie recording UI
- * Added support for orbits interpolated from sampled positions
- * Fixed 'crosshair' appearance of eclipse shadows on some cards
- * Enforced power of two texture size requirement--eliminates texture loading
- crashes on some systems
- * UNIX: Modified GL extension handling code to make it possible to compile
- against Mesa 4 headers.