"Body": "{Thresher} is the main character you control in {RoX}. Use the {Arrow} keys to move {Thresher}. Use the {Escape} key to blow {Thresher} up and restart the level. Use the {Space} key in combination with any {Arrow} key to eat that tile without moving. Use the left {Control} key in combination with any {Arrow} key to shoot a {Missile} in that direction. Use the left {Shift} key in combination with any {Arrow} key to place an {Explosive}. If {Thresher} touches an enemy, walks into an explosion, gets hit on the head by anything, {Thresher} will die and be regenerated to the beginning of the level. His goal is to collect all the {Unids} and make it to a {Portal}.",
"Index": 1
"Icons": "2,3,4,24",
"Header": "Blue Araneae, Red Araneae, Gold Araneae, Egg",
"Body": "These {Araneae} could be found crawling on walls. Any contact with these arachnids will destroy {Thresher}. {Blue Araneae} try to crawl left while {Red Araneae} try to crawl right. If both these arachnids meet in a certain way the couple will lay an {Egg}. Although {Gold Araneae} cannot lay {Eggs} they make up for it by being smarter. {Eggs} hatch in about 30 seconds.",
"Index": 7
"Icons": "5,6,7,8",
"Header": "Blue Gnat, Red Gnat, Gold Gnat, Gold Unid Gnat",
"Body": "{Gnats} are not restricted to walls as {Araneae} are they fly around. {Blue Gnats} try to fly left while {Red Gnats} try to fly right and {Gold Gnats} fly in search of {Thresher}. {Gold Unid Gnats} are similar to the {Gold Gnat} but contain swallen {Unids}. You must kill these flies to collect their {Unids}.",
"Index": 8
"Icons": "20,96,21,22,9",
"Header": "Rock, Foating Rock, Unid, Armored Unid, Portal",
"Body": "{Rocks} are just dead weight that fall and roll. Do not let one fall on {Thresher} or he will die. {Rocks} will also destroy enemies if dropped on them. {Floating Rocks} are similar to {Rocks} but they have no weight and do not fall down. All {Unids} must be collected by {Thresher} before {Portals} will open and the level can be completed. {Armored Unids} must be cracked by dropping an object on top before {Thresher} can collect the {Unid}.",
"Body": "A {Bomb} is similar to a rock, except it explodes on impact. To detonate a {Bomb} drop it or drop something on it. {Explosives} can be set by {Thresher} using the left {Shift} key in combination with any {Arrow} key. {Explosives} stick to objects but fall if there is nothing to stick to. {Explosives} explode on impact or from an internal timer.",
"Index": 6
"Icons": "45,10,11,12,13,14,16,17,15",
"Header": "Matter, Nodes, Round Nodes",
"Body": "Only {Thresher} can move through {Matter}. {Matter} floats without being affected by gravity. Nothing can move through {Nodes}. {Indestructible Nodes} are armored and cannot be destroyed. {Round Nodes} have smooth edges causing {Rocks}, {Unids}, and {Bombs} to roll off. Some levels may require {Thresher} to blow up {Nodes} in order to gain access to certain areas.",
"Index": 2
"Icons": "39,34",
"Header": "Generatrix, Discharger",
"Body": "{Generatrix} generates rocks that fall from it as well as collect {Rocks}, {Unids} and {Eggs} if they fall into it. A {Discharger} will fire in the direction it is facing every few seconds.",
"Body": "{Invincibility} wears off in a few seconds indicated by the icon which appears at the top of the screen. {Freeze} will freeze all enemies for a number of seconds. {Missiles} are collectable by {Thresher}. Use the left {Control} key in combination with any {Arrow} key to fire a missile in that direction. {Explosives} are collectable by {Thresher}. Use the left {Shift} key in combination with any {Arrow} key to set an {Explosive}. Eating a {Save} will ensure that {Thresher} will regenerate and continue from that spot in the level if he dies.",
"Body": "{Conduits} when walked into by {Thresher} propell him in the direction the {Conduit} is facing. Only {Thresher} can move through {Tubes} in the direction of the arrows. {Gates} are locked. To unlock a {Gate} {Thresher} must push a similar colored {Key} into that {Gate}. A {Switch} will toggle {Doors} locked or unlocked.",
"Index": 4
"Header": "RoX Gameplay",
"Body": "The point of each level is to collect all {Unids} and make it to the {Portal} to exit and advance to the next level. Gravity pulls down most objects except {Thresher}, the main character you control. Round objects roll off each other if not blocked by anything to the sides. If anything falls on {Thresher} he dies. If {Thresher} comes in contact with any enemy he dies. If even one {Unid} gets destroyed then the level cannot be completed. Some enemies carry {Unids}, they are usually gold in color. Destroy them to retrieve the {Unids}. Some levels have time limits. If the time runs out the level cannot be completed. {Unids} in some levels extend time.",