home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 101 ▄ò╝e Intel(R) Application Accelerator...
- 103 Intel(R) Application Accelerator
- 104 *guP,n0R Intel(R) Application Accelerator Driver \n\ndk╔a(uz_\P}_g0\n\n╦è║xìèEÜ╒Rz_≥]ck║xë[▌ê0
- 105 rè╔a(uz_uP,n0R├Sxe≥]èï⌠f FO/fèï⌠f\*g½ê║xìè0\n\n¿`üë■s(W║xìèrèèï⌠f╬U
- 186 !q╟îÖe
- 187 0
- 188 ÉSÉ╟î
- è
- 189 ;NüëÉSÉ
- 190 !küëÉSÉ
- 191 ºc6RhV╟î
- è
- 192
- 193 ݈nnj
- è
- 194 ;Nüë;N▌ên
- 195 ;NüëoR▌ên
- 196 !küë;N▌ên
- 197 !küëoR▌ên
- 198 ▌ên*g#ÉÑc
- 199 ▌ênXï%R╟îÖe
- 200 ATAPI
- 201 - √y╒R_
- 202 - ·VÜ[_
- 203 - ⌠vÑc-X[╓S
- 204 - #Éî~-X[╓S
- 205 - δ[eQ-N!k
- 206 - CDROM
- 207 - IQx[è╢a╘Ü
- 208 - NfbÆl g▌ên^ÿïW
- 209 ATA
- 210 Intel Ultra ATA Controller
- 211 Intel(R) 82801BA Ultra ATA Controller, ICH2
- 212 Intel(R) 82801AA Ultra ATA Controller, ICH
- 213 Intel(R) 82801AB Ultra ATA Controller, ICH0
- 214 Intel(R) 82372FB PCI Bus Master IDE Controller, PIIX6
- 215 Intel(R) 82371AB/EB PCI Bus Master IDE Controller, PIIX4/PIIX4E
- 216 Intel(R) 82371SB PCI Bus Master IDE Controller, PIIX3
- 217 Intel(R) 82371FB PCI Bus Master IDE Controller, PIIX0
- 218 Nfävºc6RhV
- 219 ck(W ÅeQ╟îÖeσNRpS...
- 220 RpSσ]\O≥]Yσ]Θ}]êUåt≤üpShê_j0
- 221 Yσ]Θ}]êUåtRpSσ]\O≤üpShê_j...
- 222 RpSσ]\O╓Sêm0
- 223 }çeW[öjHh (*.txt)|*.*|@b göjHh (*.*)|*.*||
- 224 1XJT
- 225 txt
- 226 ck(W2QX[1XJT...
- 227 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4
- 228 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5
- 229 0 - 2 - 3 - 4
- 230 2
- 231 1 - 2
- 232 0 - 1 - 2
- 233 N/e⌠c
- 234 ݈n ID
- 235 !q╒lïò_U
- 236 0,g0W 0
- 237 (GMT)
- 238 rè1XJT/f1u OEM !j_"uu0
- 240 1XJTΦlaïNÿ
- 241 √|q}èï⌠fb√|q}═æ░eïò_j±dn0
- 242 {vô╟îÖe
- 243 ~bN0R<P
- 244 \Omi√|q}
- 245 Windows NT4
- 246 Windows 2000
- 247 Nfäv Windows NT Hr,g
- 248 Windows 98 Retail
- 249 Windows 98 Second Edition
- 250 Nfäv Windows 9x Hr,g
- 251 Nfävs^≡SXï%R╝x
- 252 (Build
- 253 )
- 254 s^≡S╟î
- è
- 255 UåthV^ÿïW
- 256 UåthVI{} √|R
- 257 0x0
- 258 0x
- 259 UåthVεOèHr
- 260 ïW_å
- 261 ek2É
- 262 _U╒RUåthVnÉi
- 263 UåthVxe╧æ
- 264 PCI D}Ka
- 265 PCI D}Ka{vô - ²Qxe 00PCI ≤ü ISA KjÑchV 0
- 266 PCI D}Ka{vô - ²Qxe 10IDE ╦Nbù 0
- 267 X:
- 268 0
- 269 ck(W"uu1XJT...
- 270 0
- 271 - 1
- 272 - 2
- 273 - 3
- 274 - 4
- 275 - 5
- 276 ATAPI -èÖP
- 277 LBA/CHS !qHe
- 278 0
- 279 0x%8.8X
- 280 %4.4X x %4.4X x %4.4X
- 281 0x%8.8X
- 282 %.1f GB
- 283 %.0f
- 284 (
- 285 MOCQD} 0
- 286 PIO-%u
- 287 *gÜ[⌐!j_ #%u
- 296 0x
- 298 D}Ka-èÜ[èï⌠f╝e \n
- 299 \n\n√|q}═æ░e_U╒Rî_èï⌠fMbguHe0\n\n¿`üë■s(W═æ░e_U╒R√|q}╬U
- 320 rèxÉÿüëBlΩüè╟îÖe0
- 321 *gσwäv▌ên
- 322 :
- 323
- 324 ,
- 325 .
- 326 ,
- 327
- 328 \n
- 329 \n
- 330 dkvfGrD}-Näv
- éyr'`
- 331 ;N┴xƒx_j 0 ßO_å
- 332 ;N┴xƒx_j 0 ßO_åck8^
- 333 ;N┴xƒx_j 1 ßO_å
- 334 ;N┴xƒx_j 1 ßO_åck8^
- 335 ƒR²Ç*g╫S Windows NT /e⌠c0
- 336 dkvfGrD}-N*g╫S/e⌠cävyr'`
- 337 ;Nüë;N▌ên
- 338 ;NüëoR▌ên
- 339 ÿ-è<P
- 340 ╥y
- 341 Ωüè
- 342 ΩüÜ[0╥y 0
- 343 ▄òëò
- 344 ÿ-è \P(u
- 345 \P(u
- 346 _U(u
- 347 _U(u
- 348 ck(W8ÅeQO(uÇ!j_...╦èzP0
- 349 ck(W8ÅeQ OEM !j_...╦èzP0
- 351 ┴xƒx>ÉBf<P
- 352 IQƒx_j>ÉBf<P
- 353 IQƒx≤ùHe>ÉBf<P
- 354 IDE ßO_åD}Ka
- 355 IDE ºc6RhV N└rKa
- 356 VxD Hr,g
- 357 VxD σ]\OHr
- 358 EÜ╒Rz_σ]\OHr
- 359 EÜ╒Rz_Hr,g
- 360 2QX[WY÷Nσ]\OHr
- 361 2QX[WY÷N≥]ë[▌ê
- 362 ;NüëÉSÉ
- 363 !küëÉSÉ
- 364 *g▌ê Åäv
- 365 │P8Å!j_Pû6R
- 366 εvMR│P8Å!j_
- 367 IDE ºc6RhV
- 368 Æl g∩S(u╟î
- è
- 369 LBA (g'Y28 MOCQ)
- 370 CHS
- 371 CHS ┴x@S
- 372 ┴xƒx'Y\ (g'Y28 MOCQ)
- 373 ÿ-è│P8Å!j_
- 374 £~┌}^ÿïW(▌ên)
- 375 PIO !j_/e⌠c
- 376 DMA SW !j_/e⌠c
- 377 DMA MW !j_/e⌠c
- 378 UDMA !j_/e⌠c
- 379 ▌ên^ÿïW
- 380 ïW_å
- 381 ̗Ԛ
- 382 ÉSÉ N└rKa
- 383 Nf
- 384 ├Sxe
- 385 εvMR<P
- 386 (W2QX[1XJTKNMR┼_ÿ║xìèèï⌠f &N\√|q}═æ░eïò_j0
- 387 ≥]║xìèävèï⌠f(W√|q}═æ░eïò_jBf±dn0\n\n2QX[1XJTKNMR┼_ÿ\√|q}═æ░eïò_j0
- 391 !qPû6R
- 392 [!q╟îÖe]
- 393 [!q╟îÖe]
- 394 PIO-0
- 395 PIO-1
- 396 PIO-2
- 397 PIO-3
- 398 PIO-4
- 399 DMA SW-0
- 400 DMA SW-1
- 401 DMA SW-2
- 402 DMA MW-0
- 403 DMA MW-1
- 404 DMA MW-2
- 405 UDMA-0
- 406 UDMA-1
- 407 UDMA-2
- 408 UDMA-3
- 409 UDMA-4
- 410 UDMA-5
- 411 ÿ-è<P
- 412 !q/e⌠c
- 413 ƒR²Ç*g╫SEÜ╒Rz_/e⌠c0
- 414 !qεvMR/e⌠c
- 415 *g1XJT╟îÖe
- 416 IDE ╦NbùßO_å≥]_U(u
- 417 IDE ╦NbùßO_å≥]▄òëò
- 418 IDE ºc6RhV≥]▄òëò
- 419 IDE ºc6RhV≥]_U(u
- 420 IDE ßO_å≥]O(u╝e;N┴xƒx_j 0 îT;N┴xƒx_j 1
- 421 IDE ßO_å≥]O(u╝e;NÉSÉîT!kÉSÉ
- 422 40 \Ԛ
- 423 80 \Ԛ
- 424 ƒR²Ç*g╫SEÜ╒Rz_/e⌠c0
- 425 * 0N};N│P8Å!j_Pû6R0èï⌠f║p
- 426 * 0N}oR│P8Å!j_Pû6R0èï⌠f║p
- 427 * 0îN};N│P8Å!j_Pû6R0èï⌠f║p
- 428 * 0îN}oR│P8Å!j_Pû6R0èï⌠f║p √y╒R_
- 429 _U(u
- 430 ▄òëò
- 431 Ultra DMA !j_≥]_U(u
- 432 Ultra DMA !j_≥]▄òëò
- 433 CT = 4 CLK / RP = 6 CLK
- 434 CT = 3 CLK / RP = 5 CLK
- 435 CT = 2 CLK / RP = 4 CLK
- 436 ▌OYu
- 437 ▌OYu
- 438 CT = 3 CLK / RP = 8 CLK
- 439 CT = 2 CLK / RP = 8 CLK
- 440 ▌OYu
- 441 ▌OYu
- 442 CT = 3 CLK / RP = 16 CLK
- 443 ▌OYu
- 444 ▌OYu
- 445 Ultra DMA 100 èBf
- 446 Ultra DMA 66 èBf
- 447 Ultra DMA 33 èBf
- 448 £~┌}^ÿïW(;N_j)
- 449 Å^R #
- 450 ┼P 80 \╘Ü£~┌}
- Näv UDMA
- 451 _U(undû
- 452 PIO PPE
- 453 ·W,gBfö
- 454 UDMA ºc6R{vô
- 455 UDMA èBf{vô
- 456 _U(u
- 457 ÿ-è \P(u
- 458 * _U╒Rndû\n
- 459 * \P(undû\n
- 460 * UDMA ΩSAQ1è(u╝e 80 \╘Ü£~┌}\n
- 461 * UDMA AQ1è(u╝e√NUO£~┌}\n
- 462 * ┴xƒx>ÉBf<P-è║p OS ÿ-è<P\n
- 463 * ┴xƒx>ÉBf<P-è║p %d ╥y\n
- 465 * CDROM >ÉBf<P-è║p OS ÿ-è<P\n
- 466 * IQƒx_j>ÉBf<P-è║p %d ╥y\n
- 468 * IQƒx≤ùHe>ÉBf<P-è║p OS ÿ-è<P\n
- 469 * IQƒx≤ùHe>ÉBf<P-è║p %d ╥y\n
- 496 _U(u
- 497 ▄òëò
- 512 _U(u Ping Pong
- 652 N/ecTBf≈WLêNPσN
- Näv Intel(R) Application Accelerator
- 659 Windows Millennium Edition
- 660 Intel(R) 82801CA Ultra ATA Controller, ICH3
- 661 O(uÇ┼_ÿ≈WLêεvûëójσg
- 662 ,nfèÉNÉ rsù_ÿgP}£g
- 663 ,nfèÉNÉ |v■sε]puX[(W
- 664 ;N_juP,nÉNÉ FOoÿ6q*gO(u▌ênuP,n
- 665 ▌ênuP,nEe£û ∩S²ÇävƒSαVS∞b
- 666 ;N▌ên(W/ôñèBfôògQd\╦æ>eäv PDIAG
- 667 ;N▌ên*gd\╦æ>eäv PDIAG
- 668 zÉ1Y;N_jäv 0.47uF √û╣[hV
- 669 ,nfè1YWe ∩S²ÇƒSαVS∞b
- 670 oR▌ênS+Täv PDIAG NÉNO *ggqÿg-N╦æ>e
- 671 ;N_j(W/ôñèBfôògQd\╦æ>eäv PDIAG
- 672 GPIO uP,n*gck║x≈WLê
- 673 ;N▌ên(W/ôñèBfôògQd\╦æ>eäv PDIAG
- 674 ;N▌ên*gd\╦æ>eäv PDIAG
- 675 zÉ1Y;N_jäv 0.47uF √û╣[hV
- 676 oR▌ênS+Täv PDIAG NÉNO *ggqÿg-N╦æ>e
- 677 ;N_j*g1XJT£~┌}└rKa≤üEÜ╒Rz_/ºc6RhV
- 678 ,nfè;Nüëäv;N£~┌}uP,n
- 679 ,nfè;NüëävoR£~┌}uP,n
- 680 ,nfè!küëäv;N£~┌}uP,n
- 681 ,nfè!küëävoR£~┌}uP,n
- 682 ;Nüëäv;N£~┌}uP,n,nfèÉNÉ
- 683 ;NüëävoR£~┌}uP,n,nfèÉNÉ
- 684 !küëäv;N£~┌}uP,n,nfèÉNÉ
- 685 !küëävoR£~┌}uP,n,nfèÉNÉ
- 686 ;Nüëäv;N£~┌}uP,n,nfèΦüLuÉNÉ
- 687 ;NüëävoR£~┌}uP,n,nfèΦüLuÉNÉ
- 688 !küëäv;N£~┌}uP,n,nfèΦüLuÉNÉ
- 689 !küëävoR£~┌}uP,n,nfèΦüLuÉNÉ
- 690 ;Nüëäv;N£~┌}uP,n,nfè1YWe
- 691 ;NüëävoR£~┌}uP,n,nfè1YWe
- 692 !küëäv;N£~┌}uP,n,nfè1YWe
- 693 !küëävoR£~┌}uP,n,nfè1YWe
- 694 ;Nüëäv;N▌ên
- 695 ;NüëävoR▌ên
- 696 !küëäv;N▌ên
- 697 !küëävoR▌ên
- 698 ;N_juP,n0R 40 \╘Ü£~┌}
- 699 ;N_juP,n0R 80 \╘Ü£~┌}
- 700 ▌ênuP,n0R 40 \╘Ü£~┌}
- 701 ▌ênuP,n0R 80 \╘Ü£~┌}
- 702 Æl g▌ên#ÉÑc0RdkMOn
- 703 40 \╘Ü£~┌}
- 704 80 \╘Ü£~┌}
- 705 8ÅeQ£~┌}^ÿïW
- 706 IDE ºc6R{vôgQ╣[ = 0x%lX
- 707 MOCQ 15 - FAST !küë┴xƒx_j 1 ·W,gBfö (FAST_SCB1) = %lX
- 708 MOCQ 14 - FAST !küë┴xƒx_j 0 ·W,gBfö (FAST_SCB0) = %lX
- 709 MOCQ 13 - FAST ;Nüë┴xƒx_j 1 ·W,gBfö (FAST_PCB1) = %lX
- 710 MOCQ 12 - FAST ;Nüë┴xƒx_j 0 ·W,gBfö (FAST_PCB0) = %lX
- 711 MOCQ 11 - ≥]▌OYu = %lX
- 712 MOCQ 10 - WR Ping Pong _U(u = %lX _U(u
- 713 MOCQ 9 - ≥]▌OYu = %lX
- 714 MOCQ 8 - ≥]▌OYu = %lX
- 715 MOCQ 7 - !küë┴xƒx_j 1 £~┌}1XJT (SCR1) = %lX
- 716 MOCQ 6 - !küë┴xƒx_j 0 £~┌}1XJT (SCR0) = %lX
- 717 MOCQ 5 - ;Nüë┴xƒx_j 1 £~┌}1XJT (PCR1) = %lX
- 718 MOCQ 4 - ;Nüë┴xƒx_j 0 £~┌}1XJT (PCR0) = %lX
- 719 MOCQ 3 - !küë┴xƒx_j 1 ·W,gBfö (SCB1) = %lX
- 720 MOCQ 2 - !küë┴xƒx_j 0 ·W,gBfö (SCB0) = %lX
- 721 MOCQ 1 - ;Nüë┴xƒx_j 1 ·W,gBfö (PCB1) = %lX
- 722 MOCQ 0 - ;Nüë┴xƒx_j 0 ·W,gBfö (PCB0) = %lX
- 723 dk,nfè┼P(W ICHx
- N≈WLê
- 724 £~┌}uP,n
- 725 8ÅeQ├Sxe
- 726 ;NüëÉSÉ
- 727 O(uÇuP,n0R
- 728 !küëÉSÉ
- 729 P}£g
- 730 *g≈WLêójσg0
- 731 *g≈WLê,nfè0
- 732 Courier New
- 733 ReportWrite *gxÉ╓S8Å·Q╣e_0
- 734 1XJT8Å·Q≥]2ÉLê
- 735 Æl göjHhïò_UσN2ÉLê1XJT
- 736 öjHhïò_UσN2ÉLê1XJT
- 737 !q╒lïò_U1XJTn«U╣eJX
- 739 Æl gn«Uïò_UσN2ÉLê1XJT
- 740 n«Uïò_UσN2ÉLê1XJT
- 741 !q╒lïò_U1XJTW[2N
- 742 Æl gW[2Nïò_UσN2ÉLê1XJT
- 743 W[2Nïò_UσN2ÉLê1XJT
- 747 σNN/f
- N≡Å1XJTäv±éçeHr0
- 756 ݈nnj
- è
- 757 ݈n
- 758 ₧_σNN▓}∩ì9jxÉ╓S▌ên
- 759 ├Sxe
- 760 *gxÉ╓S▌ên
- 761 1XJT
- 762 Φ}/Åxe<P
- 763 ├SxeT1z
- 764 ├Sxe╟îÖe
- 765 Ωüè╟îÖe
- 766 /e⌠c
- 767 ╟îÉn
- 768 URL
- 769 *gÜ[⌐/e⌠c╟îÉn0╦èoÇa}¿`äv√|q}²ê ÉFUb⌐îπîFUσN\Bl/e⌠c0
- 770 ╔a(uz_gsOS
- 771 ,gûëùz*Y\σN⌠ü╝e!q╒liÉvu0Woÿ:y╟îÖe0
- 772 √N┘Rn«U
- 773 0x%12.12I64X
- 774 %.1I64d GB
- 775 %.0I64d
- 776 LBA g'Y48 MOCQ
- 777 ┴xƒx'Y\
- 778 ûÖüëävÇbSêOULÿ
- 779 *g²Ç═æ░e_U╒R¿`äv√ûfü0 ╦è═æ░e_U╒R¿`äv√ûfü ôï@b\Oävèï⌠fuHe0
- 780 σwXï½^
- 782 Intel Application Accelerator N Å
- 784 ¿`εvMRäv{veQ3^_åwQ g/UÇïX[╓S
- k0\n\n éY£g¿`≤`9eèï├Sxe-èÜ[ ╦è(uí{tßT3^_å{veQ bT¿`äv▓}∩ìí{tßToÇa} σNrs╓S⌠fY╟î
- è0\n
- 785 Windows XP
- 786 (WoÇa}ÇbSê/e⌠cKNMR ╦èHQ├SÇσNN╟îÉn
- 787 ╦èxÉ╟dNÿ╟îÉn ¿`ävÿ-è▓}ÿp╜ëhVsSgïò_U0
- 788 Intel(R) 82801DB Ultra ATA Controller, ICH4
- 789 Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 Processor
- 790 Intel Architecture-Based Processor
- 791 dkƒR²ÇNrs▌ên/e⌠c
- 792 Ωü╒RrÇ≤ùí{t
- 793 Maximum Performance
- 794 ²ê Éα^FUÿ-è
- 795 Minimum Acoustic Output
- 796 Maximum Performance
- 797 Minimum Power Consumption Without Standby
- 798 Minimum Power Consumption With Standby
- 799 2ÉÄû√ûÉní{t
- 800 Ωü╒RrÇ≤ùí{t (OEM)
- 801 2ÉÄû√ûÉní{t (OEM)
- 802 Ωüè, 0x%X
- 803 ²ê Éα^FUÿ-è, 0x%X
- 804 Intel(R) 82801CAM Ultra ATA Controller, ICH3M
- 805 Intel(R) 82801DBM Ultra ATA Controller, ICH4M
- 806 ≥]bƒRèï⌠f-èÜ[0
- 807 !q╒lèï⌠f-èÜ[0â[∩S²ÇN╫Sdk▌êÖP/e⌠c0
- 808 Intel(R) 82801BAM Ultra ATA Controller, ICH2M
- 61440 Open
- 61441 Save As
- 61442 All Files (*.*)
- 61443 Untitled
- 61446 an unnamed file
- 61457 &Hide
- 61472 No error message is available.
- 61473 An unsupported operation was attempted.
- 61474 A required resource was unavailable.
- 61475 Out of memory.
- 61476 An unknown error has occurred.
- 61696 Invalid filename.
- 61697 Failed to open document.
- 61698 Failed to save document.
- 61699 Save changes to %1?
- 61700 Failed to create empty document.
- 61701 The file is too large to open.
- 61702 Could not start print job.
- 61703 Failed to launch help.
- 61704 Internal application error.
- 61705 Command failed.
- 61706 Insufficient memory to perform operation.
- 61707 System registry entries have been removed and the INI file (if any) was deleted.
- 61708 Not all of the system registry entries (or INI file) were removed.
- 61709 This program requires the file %s, which was not found on this system.
- 61710 This program is linked to the missing export %s in the file %s. This machine may have an incompatible version of %s.
- 61712 Please enter an integer.
- 61713 Please enter a number.
- 61714 Please enter an integer between %1 and %2.
- 61715 Please enter a number between %1 and %2.
- 61716 Please enter no more than %1 characters.
- 61717 Please select a button.
- 61718 Please enter an integer between 0 and 255.
- 61719 Please enter a positive integer.
- 61720 Please enter a date and/or time.
- 61721 Please enter a currency.
- 61728 Unexpected file format.
- 61729 %1\nCannot find this file.\nPlease verify that the correct path and file name are given.
- 61730 Destination disk drive is full.
- 61731 Unable to read from %1, it is opened by someone else.
- 61732 Unable to write to %1, it is read-only or opened by someone else.
- 61733 An unexpected error occurred while reading %1.
- 61734 An unexpected error occurred while writing %1.
- 61836 Unable to read write-only property.
- 61837 Unable to write read-only property.
- 61840 Unable to load mail system support.
- 61841 Mail system DLL is invalid.
- 61842 Send Mail failed to send message.
- 61856 No error occurred.
- 61857 An unknown error occurred while accessing %1.
- 61858 %1 was not found.
- 61859 %1 contains an invalid path.
- 61860 %1 could not be opened because there are too many open files.
- 61861 Access to %1 was denied.
- 61862 An invalid file handle was associated with %1.
- 61863 %1 could not be removed because it is the current directory.
- 61864 %1 could not be created because the directory is full.
- 61865 Seek failed on %1
- 61866 A hardware I/O error was reported while accessing %1.
- 61867 A sharing violation occurred while accessing %1.
- 61868 A locking violation occurred while accessing %1.
- 61869 Disk full while accessing %1.
- 61870 An attempt was made to access %1 past its end.
- 61872 No error occurred.
- 61873 An unknown error occurred while accessing %1.
- 61874 An attempt was made to write to the reading %1.
- 61875 An attempt was made to access %1 past its end.
- 61876 An attempt was made to read from the writing %1.
- 61877 %1 has a bad format.
- 61878 %1 contained an unexpected object.
- 61879 %1 contains an incorrect schema.
- 61888 pixels