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- Winamp3 is Copyright 1999-2001 Nullsoft, Inc.
- Winamp3 is a trademark of Nullsoft, Inc.
- Table of Contents:
- About Winamp3
- Some features to try out
- How to start Winamp3
- Some known issues
- What's new (version history)
- About Winamp3
- What is Winamp3? Why Winamp3? Winamp3 is more than an excuse to have "mp3"
- built right into our product name. Winamp3 is our attempt to create a
- brand new methodology of complete customizability of the media playback
- experience via a system of component programming (which adds new functionality
- to the program) and a brand-new skinning system (to present the features of
- the program to you.) Collectively, this new technology platform is called
- Wasabi, or the Wasabi Coding Platform.
- Our component system gives developers unprecedented access to the program by
- encouraging them to build directly upon our coding platform (named Wasabi) and
- add brand-new functionality to the entire system. We provide an SDK (downloaded
- separately) packed with working C++ code taken directly from our own components
- and Winamp3 itself so developers can immediately start creating great new
- components on top of our code.
- New functionality is packaged in the form of "components". They are similar
- in idea to general-purpose plugins, except Wasabi components can actually
- leverage each others' features instead of only using the main Winamp services.
- Components can add a new window into the system, or just provide a new type
- of service to the system (like decoding a different type of media file, or
- displaying a brand-new type of visualization). Winamp3 comes packaged with
- some standard components, such as the playlist editor and skin switcher.
- Also, we have completely revamped the skinning system. In fact, we have
- revamped the entire idea of a skinning system. Winamp3 goes way beyond the
- idea of skins that are merely free-form. Our skins are both free-form
- and fully scriptable. Skinners (and now, scripters) can invoke nearly any
- UI behavior they desire in their skin, from changing a bitmap or vis mode
- to dynamically blending and rendering brand new interfaces on the fly.
- Another important reason for Winamp3 is portability. Wasabi currently runs on
- the win32 platform (Win95/98/NT/ME/2k/XP/TC). We are progressing nicely on a
- Linux version as well, and we have plans for more operating
- systems/environments to receive support in the future. This means that
- components built on the Wasabi Coding Platform will be easily recompilable for
- other OSes and architectures, and skins won't need to be modified at all to
- be totally portable.
- Some features to try out:
- - Grab the little resizer control in the lower right and stretch your Winamp3!
- - Click the eject button to pick some music files on your hard drive and
- play them.
- - Turn on the crossfader. (The button just to the right of the eject
- button).
- - Click on the little Winamp logo (the flashing lightning bolt icon in the
- lower right of the main player piece) to bring up the Thinger, if it isn't
- already displaying. The Thinger allows you to open and close component
- windows (like the playlist editor, or the skin switcher, or other components
- you might install) and otherwise interact with the components you have
- installed.
- - If you are connected to the Internet, open the Shoutcast Server List in the
- Thinger and double-click on a station list (once the list displays) to listen
- to that station.
- - The media library, availble both through the Thinger and through the "ML"
- button, can sort and display your music collection if it has been tagged
- with ID3 information. At first, your database of music is empty. It grows
- as you add new files to your playlist or when you add more files to it via
- the "add music to db" button in the lower left. It takes a little while
- to read all the info from the files after you add them, but once it's done
- you can try clicking on the available queries to see what it's found.
- Once you find some music, you can drag and drop it into the playlist editor.
- You can also drag-and-drop files from Windows Explorer windows directly
- onto the playlist editor or the main player piece.
- - Right clicking on the player piece will bring up a menu with some more
- options.
- - All windows naturally "dock" to each other when they get near. You can undock
- any docked window (including the main player) by holding down either SHIFT
- key while dragging it.
- - If you hold down the CONTROL and ALT keys while moving a window, every
- window will move along with it.
- - There's lots more, so explore!
- How to start Winamp3:
- (as originally written for the internal alphas)
- (on a French keyboard)
- (by a drunken Brennan)
- (with my left pinky)
- (blindfolded)
- Start Winamp3 via whatever method you prefer. That would mean either clicking
- the quickstart icon, the desktop icon, or by projecting your awesome mutant
- powers onto a nearby human and exploding their brain in such a way as to cause
- variations in the sunspot cycle which causes in turn a freakish burst of
- neutrinos to blast forth from the sun's molten innards (the advanced student can
- use a nearby star and a buttload of patience) flipping a bit in your computers
- Instruction Pointer (usually referred to as IP except on the SPARC platform
- which uses the notation PC, for Program Counter) causing it to jump to the
- part of Windows that is secretly programmed in at the last second that causes
- it to feel remorse for sucking so damned bad and always crashing and deleting
- all your work right when you were JUST ABOUT to hit Save, no really you were,
- and while wallowing in this black pit of despair and self-loathing it hits it,
- hey, I know what would make the world a better place, if I was running
- Winamp 3.0, and it does.
- Notes
- - About the HTTP reader:
- The proxy string can be either: "user:password@host:port", "user@host:port" or "host:port"
- If "port" is not specified, 80 is assumed.
- - About the video support:
- When in fullscreen, you can use any Winamp3 key to control the playback and
- also use the mouse wheel to control volume.
- Doubleclick on the fullscreen window or press "ESC" to go back to normal mode.
- - About CD playback:
- The CD reader will first try to digitally extract the tracks, so it can
- provide you with gapless and crossfadable output along with visualisation.
- The digital extraction relies on an ASPI manager being installed on your
- computer. It'll also try to use the internal ASPI NT manager, but it might
- not work on all CD drives. If digital extraction doesn't work properly, try
- installing an ASPI manager. Check out the following page for detailed
- instructions:
- http://www.windac.de/eng/sup02.shtml
- If ASPI is not found, the WA3 CD playback component will then fallback
- into a MCI type CD playback (like Winamp 2 does).
- Some known issues
- - Configuration is very basic right now, but it's usable. In a few versions
- we hope to have fully skinnable config in a releasable state.
- - if no file is valid in a playlist, hitting play enters an endless loop
- Found one we missed? Go to http://bugzilla.nullsoft.com:3430/ and help us
- out by reporting it. Or email to steve@winamp.com. Or let us know your thoughts
- in our forums at http://forums.winamp.com/
- Sincerely,
- Brennan Underwood
- Francis Gastellu
- Christophe Thibault
- Justin Frankel
- Steve Gedikian
- Mig Gerard
- and the whole Nullsoft team^H^H^H^Hsemi-digested hunks of meat
- What's new:
- 3.0 Beta 3 days (02/08/02) build #466
- - video playback! (still experimental)
- - ogg vorbis, MIDI and MOD support!
- - popup menus work better
- - faster startup
- - more config options
- - color controls faster and better (any skin can now have color themes)
- - all known skin reload issues resolved
- - better desktopalpha support
- - ns_database moved into component
- - http proxy support
- - xml errors handled better
- - adding files to library and loading playlists MUCH faster now
- - component code can now hook skin functions (see SDK for examples)
- - many many bugs fixed, not so many added this time :)
- - and lots more, so explore!
- 3.0 Beta 2.5 weirzbowski (12/18/01) build #455
- - mostly bugfixes, and lots of em
- - playlists:
- - load somewhat faster
- - directory entries loaded only when needed
- - number column auto-resizes
- - editor accepts dropped playlists
- - popup menus don't stack up against the right side of the screen
- - minibrowser works again (woo?)
- - skin reloading crash fixed
- - skin pieces scale amount linked among layouts
- - internal NT aspi manager support in CDDA
- 3.0 Beta 2 cold (11/28/01) build #454
- - lots of bugfixes!
- - media playback:
- - more accurate timekeeping
- - CD audio playback! Uses digital extraction of audio so it works
- with the crossfader and eq! Falls back to normal redbook audio
- playback if ASPI layer not installed, see above
- - long playback time crash bug fixed
- - skinning improvements:
- - superslow loading bug fixed
- - zipped skin loading bug fixed
- - per-pixel alpha blending against the desktop! (in win2k/xp only)
- - subtractable region objects (good for rounded corners etc.)
- - more objects can be made ghosted
- - generic frame support, skin one layout and wrap it around anything
- - antialiased font support
- - upside-down fonts bug fixed
- - vertical sliders fixed
- - playlist editor:
- - windowshade mode
- - more robust m3u loading
- - config!
- - this is the very basic version so you can play. by beta3 we should
- have more fully skinnable config screens
- 3.0 Beta 1 love (10/09/01) (developer's) build #448
- - mostly finalized all interfaces so developers can get busy
- - config file in sexy XML now
- - crossfader switchable again
- - crossfade on next/previous works
- - playlist editor:
- - faster, better, more stable
- - shuffle on next now default behavior
- - sorting by specific criteria, more general sorting to come later
- - .pls loading
- - no more "working playlist", now whatever playlist is showing is the
- playlist being edited, always
- - prioritizes ID3 reading for items you're looking at
- - sexy skinned drop indicator
- - playlist saving works again
- - url selector remembers recent entries
- - skinning:
- - groups work better
- - many components now scalable (not working 100% yet)
- - skins start out centered on screen on first load
- - gamma groups! tintastic!
- - memory usage reduced
- - finally, some better buttons than the ones I made in MS Paint on my laptop
- with a touchpad (thanks Steve!)
- - many many bugfixes, including the NT4 startup crash
- - even better SDK
- - lots more!
- 3.0 Alpha L8r (08/24/01) build #441
- - apparently we still have jobs (some of us)
- - so we fix the bugs
- - fixed assert on playlist editor's "select dups" and "delete dups" options
- - fixed the minimize bug
- - added "open location" and "open dir" options
- - re-enabled volume & eq settings saving (it's not a bug if it's just
- commented out, right?)
- - p.s. to use Mozilla you also have to set
- "Use Mozilla instead of IE for minibrowser=1" in studio.xnf
- 3.0 Alpha L8 (08/22/01) build #440
- - much faster startup time
- - systray ASSERT should really really be fixed now
- - 8-bit UTF-8 playlist names work, 16-bit ones still don't
- - lots more text now translated through locales system
- - improved component painting (more efficient, less wrong)
- - faster skin loading (caches unpacked skins into temp directory)
- - faster playlist loading
- - can select mozilla to be used in the minibrowser
- -> go to the mozilla folder and type "regsvr32 mozctlx.dll"
- - ID3 tags read on a timer
- - many and vast improvements to the UI subsystem
- - hokey transparent context menus (under win2k, just 'cause they look cute)
- - bugs fixed, added
- 3.0 Alpha 667 (06/28/01)
- - autodetects MMX, no need for separate noMMX version any more
- - immediate music stop on shutdown
- - fixed systray ASSERT on WINE & litestep
- - mouse wheel scrolling for list windows
- - scripting:
- - engine speedups
- - mc.exe supports #include, #define, #undef, #ifdef, etc.
- - skinning:
- - fx objects (like dmove) work on subbitmaps
- - faster blitting
- - more options for various GUI objects
- - F5 reloads current skin
- - BMP files work again (bleh... use PNG)
- - basic translation of strings, not everything is translated yet :)
- - keyboard accelerator keys
- - text scale up/down (use control-minus and control+equals)
- - truetype font loading from skins works again (no need to install into OS)
- - skin colors overriding in skins should work again
- - new script included: MiniKick
- - skin switcher! with preliminary wa2 skin loading support (not finished)
- - skin version # checking
- - select duplicates command in playlist editor
- - memory usage cut down in general
- - config screen almost ready (not in this alpha, tho :)
- - lots and lots of other internals stuff you won't see until the SDK :)
- 3.0 Alpha 666 (05/21/01) build #429
- - better http streaming
- - more responsive interface
- - better seeking
- - image loading done by components
- - faster startup
- - preliminary support for winamp 2.x visualizations
- - less memory usage
- - better crossfading (no more clicks we hope)
- - Shuffle on next added, edit your .xnf file to turn it on
- - skin love:
- - faster skin switching/loading
- - faster gamma tweaking
- - GDI resource usage cut way down
- - faster MMX optimized blitting
- - bilinear filtering for stretched skin pieces
- - snap points for funky-shaped skin piece love
- - more scripting amazingness:
- - guru meditations slightly more helpful
- - faster execution
- - general purpose scripts
- - script manager to add/remove general purpose scripts
- - basic field editing in dbexplorer, which will probably go into the media lib
- - sclist for shoutcast browsing pleasure
- - bugs fixed, added
- 3.0 Alpha 6 e (4/20/01) build #420
- - takes even less memory, smaller .exe, more stable (as usual ;)
- - playlist editor ASSERT bug smushed
- - working playlist thingy
- - fixed bug where files dropped on bottom of playlist showed up on top
- - faster window painting and resizing and shit
- - new avs with overlay support!
- - skinning:
- - skin xml can include other skins' xml files for tinyness
- - skin pieces can hold multiple components
- - all-in-one skin ("Compact") included, takes up only about 5k
- - added support for horizontal animations
- - accurate animatedrects are back :)
- - eq latency cut to 2 seconds instead of 7
- - eq has sexy curves again!
- - skin scripts can have user functions and user classes
- - automatically updated build numbers to aid conspiracy theorists
- - http status messages added
- - more... much more... can't remember
- 3.0 Alpha 5 UX (03/16/01)
- - working eq?!
- - even smaller default skin
- - fixed-width bitmap fonts
- - logical font names for various text objects, yay for skinners
- - playlists load now
- - open/save file dialogs remember last dir opened from/saved to
- - less AVS bugs
- - even better skin switching
- - did someone say scaling? =)
- 3.0 Alpha 4 n1c8 (02/13/01)
- - speed and size optimizations (about 18k cut from exe+dll)
- - far more functional playlist editor
- - remembers last playlist open & vertical scroll position
- - skins can now overlay default.wal, so you don't have to include one of every
- single bitmap from it
- - core playback bugs fixed
- - min/max sizing for components implemented
- - skin piece scaling!
- - better skin switching
- - component status bar now skinnable
- - http streaming leaks less memory
- - plus lots of little bugfixes & tweaks
- 3.0 Alpha 3.00ZX (02/01/01):
- - uses WAY less cpu when playing files.
- - packaged with latest SuperPimp.
- - volume is now saved.
- - optimized visual animations (sound analyzer, etc...)
- - "Report bugs" option in system menu
- - gamma component! (warning: does not actually tweak gamma)
- - LOTS of bugfixes including:
- - skin switching 99% works!
- - crossfading fixed and can now crossfades mono streams
- - avs fixes
- - song name display fixed
- - audio playback system fixed
- - playlist editor time display fixed
- - a lot more :) Check our bugzilla for more
- 3.0 Alpha 2 turbo (01/27/01):
- - Fixed lots of bitmaps, scroll bars. Mostly cosmetic stuff.
- 3.0 Alpha 1 turbo (01/27/01):
- - Everything. :)