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/ Chip 2003 May / CHIP_CD_2003-05.iso / software / fonttwister / ftw12e.exe / FTwister.exe / 0 / RCDATA / TSWINFOFORM / TSWINFOFORM.txt
Text File  |  2003-03-07  |  4.1 KB  |  131 lines

  1. object SWInfoForm: TSWInfoForm
  2.   Left = 256
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  28.     Caption = 
  29.       'Copyright ∩┐╜ 1998-2002 Neuber GbR'#13'Postfach 11 05 25, D-06019 Hall' +
  30.       'e'#13'Fax:               +49-700-11 777 000'#13'Internet:         www.ne' +
  31.       'uber.com'#13'                      info@neuber.com'
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  40.     Caption = 
  41.       'Thank you for using the trial version of FontTwister!'#13'We hope yo' +
  42.       'u enjoy it.'#13#13'If you like FontTwister, please register it.'#13'You ma' +
  43.       'y use it for 30 days.'#13'If after your 30 days evaluation period'#13'yo' +
  44.       'u would like to continue to use FontTwister'#13'you must purchase th' +
  45.       'e licensed version.'
  46.     Color = clBtnFace
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  48.   end
  49.   object CloseSpeedButton: TSpeedButton
  50.     Left = 324
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  54.     Caption = '&Close'
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  88.   end
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  94.     Caption = '&Go Online'
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  109.   object FTWImage: TImage
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  119.   object VersionLabel: TLabel
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  129.   end
  130. end