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- Copyright CANON INC. 2001. All Rights Reserved.
- ________________________________________________________________________
- Microsoft Windows XP, Microsoft Windows 2000
- BJ Printer Driver Canon BJC-6200 Version 1.50
- Instructions
- ________________________________________________________________________
- Canon and BJC are registered trademarks, and Bubble Jet is a trademark,
- Microsoft, Windows and Windows NT are registered trademarks
- of the Microsoft Corporation in the U.S. and other countries.
- Intel and Pentium are registered trademarks of the Intel Corporation.
- Other brand names and product names may be trademarks or registered
- trademarks of their respective companies.
- ========================================================================
- Introduction
- ========================================================================
- < Foreword >
- This Readme gives you important information about setting up and using
- the BJ Printer Driver with which the Readme is distributed. The BJ
- Printer Driver allows you to print on your Canon BJ printer from
- applications running under Microsoft (R) Windows (R) XP or Microsoft (R)
- Windows (R) 2000. Before you can use your printer, you must install
- the printer driver on your computer.
- < Installation Components >
- The following components make up the installation package:
- - Installer (Setup.exe)
- Installs the BJ Printer Driver on your computer.
- - BJ Printer Driver (referred to as the "printer driver" in this
- document)
- The software that allows you to print on your printer.
- - Uninstaller
- Lets you remove the printer driver from your computer.
- - Readme (readme.txt)
- This document. It contains important information about the printer
- driver. To view it after installation, select [Start]-[Programs]-
- [BJC-6200]-[Readme].
- < System Requirements >
- This software requires the following system configuration:
- Operating System
- Windows XP Home Edition (English)
- Windows XP Professional (English)
- Windows 2000 Professional (English) or
- Windows 2000 Server/Advanced Server (English)
- Hardware
- Computer: Must operate normally under the operating system used.
- (CPU: Intel Pentium microprocessor or equivalent
- microprocessor)
- Memory: Must operate normally under the operating system used.
- Hard drive: At least 25 MB free space prior to installing driver
- Other drive: CD-ROM drive
- Interface: Parallel or USB interface
- Printer cable: Bi-directional Centronics cable or USB cable
- Display: VGA or better
- < Installation Precaution >
- Before installing this printer driver, read the following precautions.
- - Before starting installation, connect your printer to your computer.
- See your printer manual for details.
- - You must have full-control access to printer settings to carry out an
- installation. Before starting installation, log in as a member of the
- Administrators group.
- - Close any applications that are running.
- - If you have an earlier version of the printer driver installed on your
- computer, you must remove it with the uninstaller before installing
- the new driver. Remove the earlier version according to the instructions
- in "Deleting the Printer Driver."
- - Depending on the environment that you are using, a Windows printer
- driver provided by Microsoft may be installed automatically on your
- computer. However, it is recommended that you use this printer driver
- provided by Canon.
- < Installation Method >
- If you are installing the printer driver from a CD-ROM setup disk,
- download (1) from the Web and read (2). The installation method
- described below is for the printer used as a local printer.
- When using your printer as a network printer, use the installation
- method described in "About Network Printing."
- (1) Installing the printer driver from a CD-ROM setup disk
- 1. Turn OFF the printer.
- Note:
- If you turn on the computer while the printer is on, the
- Windows Plug and Play feature's [Found New Hardware] Wizard
- will automatically appear when you start your computer.
- If this happens, click [Cancel].
- 2. Start Windows, and load the CD-ROM into your computer's
- CD-ROM drive.The CD-ROM will start automatically.
- 3. When the [License Agreement] screen appears, read the agreement
- conditions. If you agree to the conditions, click [Yes].
- 4. Click [Install] to start the file copying process.
- 5. When the [Printer Port] screen appears, turn on the printer and
- wait until the port is recognized.
- Note:
- If you want to select the printer port yourself, click
- [Manual selection], select the port in the [Select port] screen,
- and click [Next].
- 6. When the [Installation Complete] message appears, click [OK].
- 7. Click [Exit].
- Note:
- In certain environments, a message prompting you to restart the
- computer appears after you click [Exit]. It is recommended that
- you restart the computer to complete the installation properly.
- (2) Using the installation program
- You can download the printer driver from a Canon web site.
- Note:
- When you expand the downloaded compressed file, save the file to a
- folder such as [C:temp]. Do not use Japanese characters in the
- folder name. Otherwise, the printer driver will not be installed
- correctly.
- 1. Turn OFF the printer.
- Note:
- If you turn on the computer while the printer is on, the Windows
- Plug and Play feature's [Found New Hardware] Wizard will
- automatically appear when you start your computer. If this happens,
- click [Cancel].
- 2. Open the folder that contains this program.
- 3. Double-click [Setup.exe] to start the installation program.
- 4. On the [Welcome] screen, click [Next].
- 5. Read the [License Agreement]. If you agree to the conditions,
- click [Yes].
- The file copying process starts.
- 6. When the [Printer Port] screen appears, turn on the printer and
- wait until the port is recognized.
- Note:
- If you want to select the printer port yourself, click [Manual
- selection], select the port in the [Select port] screen, and click
- [Next].
- 7. When the [Installation Complete] screen appears, click [Finish].
- Note:
- In certain environments, a message prompting you to restart the
- computer appears after you click [Exit]. It is recommended that
- you restart the computer to complete the installation properly.
- < Warning messages displayed during installation >
- - In certain environments, the system displays a message asking
- whether you want to replace the printer driver that is already
- installed with this printer driver. If this message is displayed,
- click [Yes].
- * Windows XP
- If the message that the software has not passed Windows Logo testing
- is displayed during the installation, click [Continue Anyway] to
- continue the installation process.
- * Windows 2000
- If the message [Digital signature was not found] is displayed during
- the installation, click [Yes] to continue the installation process.
- < Deleting the Printer Driver >
- Delete the unnecessary printer driver according to the following
- procedure:
- 1. From the [Start] menu, select [Programs], and then click
- [Canon BJC-6200].
- 2. Click [Uninstall].
- 3. If the [Confirm File Deletion] dialogue box appears,
- click the [Yes] button.
- Note:
- -Printer driver Version 1.00 for Windows 2000 does not have an
- uninstaller. Delete the unnecessary printer driver according
- to the following procedure:
- 1) From the [Start] menu, select [Settings], and then click
- [Printers].
- 2) Select a printer name to be deleted and select [Delete] from
- the [File] menu.
- 3) Select [Server Properties] from the [File] menu.
- 4) Click the [Drivers] tab, and select a printer name to be
- deleted from [Installed printer drivers].
- 5) Click [Remove], [OK].
- ========================================================================
- Specifying Printer Driver Settings
- ========================================================================
- < Opening the Printer Driver Setup Window >
- - Opening from your application
- A typical way to open the printer driver from your application is to
- select [File]-[Page Setup] and click [Printer], or select [File]-
- [Print...] and click [Properties].
- - Opening directly
- To specify a regularly-used setup or to access your printer's
- maintenance functions, use the procedure below. Don't try to use the
- maintenance functions while printing.
- 1) From the [Start] menu, select the following items:
- For Windows XP: [Control Panel]-[Printers and Other Hardware]-
- [Printers and Faxes]
- For Windows 2000: [Settings]-[Printers]
- 2) Click the icon of the printer model to be used.
- 3) From the [File] menu select [Printing Preferences].
- < Principal Printer Setting Tabs >
- The printer driver setup window is organized into tabs, as follows:
- - [Main] tab
- Specifies what BJ Cartridge is installed and what media is loaded.
- With this tab you can specify the ink and paper you're using.
- - [Page Setup] tab
- Specifies [Orientation], [Page Size], [Scaling], and related
- settings.
- - [Stamp/Background] tab
- You can automatically print a stamp or background image on your
- document. You can choose from several available stamps or background
- images, or create and save your own unique stamp or background image.
- - [Effects] tab
- Specifies optional effects for altering or enhancing printed images.
- - [Profiles] tab
- Lets you save the settings on the [Main], [Page Setup] and [Effects]
- tabs. Settings you use regularly can be saved and restored. You can
- also delete unwanted saved settings.
- - [Maintenance] tab
- Executes print head cleaning, test printing, and other printer-
- maintenance-related functions.
- Note:
- To get information on any item of the setup window, use the online help.
- Click [?] at the top right of the box, then click the item to get an
- explanation. To get help on an entire tab, click the Help button at
- the bottom of the setup window. For help on using [Help], press [F1]
- when the [Help] window opens.
- < Using the Printer Driver >
- When printing something with this printer driver, restrictions on what
- you can do sometimes apply. Keep the following points in mind when
- printing:
- - With certain applications, the [Copies] setting is non-effective
- when setting is attempted from the printer driver. In such cases,
- specify the setting in the applications' [Print] dialogue box.
- - With certain applications, if you attempt multiple-copy printing of
- a document with [Collate] checked on the printer driver's [Page
- Setup] tab or in the application's [Print] dialogue box, printing
- will not be done correctly. To work around this, uncheck [Collate]
- before printing.
- - With certain applications, printing may not be done properly if
- [Print Type] or [Halftoning] is set to [Auto]. In this case, start
- [Print Advisor] on the [Main] tab and be sure to select [Print a
- top-quality photo] or [Print tables and charts]. Alternatively, set
- [Print Quality] on the [Main] tab to [Custom] and select a setting
- other than [Auto] for [Halftoning]. Next set [Colour Adjustment] to
- [Manual] and select a setting other than [Auto] for [Print Type].
- - When printing graduated or graphics-intensive print data, sometimes
- print data may not be printed. This occurs when there is not enough
- free space on your hard disk to temporarily store the data. To
- remedy this, make sure there is 40-50 MB of free space on the drive
- where Windows XP or Windows 2000 is installed. Alternatively, use the
- [Spool Folder] setting of [Server Properties] to allocate sufficient
- space for the spool folder.
- - If, during printing, you cancel the print job from the Printer's
- folder, there will be a delay before printing actually stops.
- - If any error occurs during printing, cancel printing in the following
- manner.
- 1. Delete the current and all pending print jobs.
- 2. Turn off the printer.
- Print data that has already been received by the printer is cleared
- by this operation.
- - In some cases, printing will fail if there isn't enough virtual
- memory available. You can remedy this by increasing the size of the
- paging file. To do this, open the [System Properties] dialogue box
- by double-clicking [System] in the Control Panel or right-clicking
- [My Computer] and choosing [Properties]. Then click the [Advanced]
- tab, click [Performance Options...], click [Change...], specify the
- new paging file size, click [Set], and click [OK].
- - Do not change [Print Processor...] settings on the [Advanced] tab in
- the Printer Properties dialogue box.
- If changed, the following functions cannot be used correctly.
- - [Page Layout Printing], [Poster Printing], [Reverse Order],
- and [Collate] on the [Page Setup] tab
- - All functions of the [Stamp/Background] tab
- The following functions cannot be used if you uncheck [Enable
- advanced printing features] on the [Advanced] tab in the Printer
- Properties dialogue box:
- - [Page Layout Printing], [Poster Printing], [Reverse Order], and
- [Collate] on the [Page Setup] tab
- - All functions of the [Stamp/Background] tab
- The following functions cannot be used when you are using an
- application that does not allow EMF spooling (for example, PhotoShop
- 4.0 and Power Point):
- - [Page Layout Printing], [Poster Printing], [Reverse Order], and
- [Collate] on the [Page Setup] tab
- - All functions of the [Stamp/Background] tab
- The following functions cannot be used if you check [Print to file]
- in your application's [Print] dialogue box:
- - [Page Layout Printing], [Poster Printing], [Reverse Order], and
- [Collate] on the [Page Setup] tab
- - All functions of the [Stamp/Background] tab
- - With some applications, when printing with [Page Layout] on the
- [Page Setup] tab set to [2-up Printing] or greater, certain page
- images may get cropped. If this happens, use the application to
- adjust the layout of the affected pages.
- - When using the LPT port, to ensure the Status Monitor is responsive,
- open the Printer Properties dialogue box, click the [Ports] tab,
- click [Configure Port...] and change [Transmission Retry] to a value
- less than the default of 90 seconds. Restart your computer to make
- the new setting take effect.
- - You might possibly want to consider setting the parallel port to
- ECP mode in your computer's BIOS. For details on changing BIOS
- settings, see your computer's user manual.
- Note:
- Depending on your hardware, the BJ Status Monitor may not report the
- printer status correctly or print jobs may not finish properly with
- ECP mode set. If you get such problems, click [Custom Settings] on
- the [Maintenance] tab, and uncheck [Set Printer to ECP mode].
- - When carrying out poster printing or stamp/background printing,
- the displayed number of pages of the document in the print queue is
- greater than that of the actual document.
- - When another user logs in on the computer using the "Fast User
- Switching" function, an error or warning message is displayed only
- on the status monitor.
- - For details on functions related to Windows XP or Windows 2000,
- see the corresponding user's manual.
- < Points To Note with Applications >
- - Microsoft Word 2002/Microsoft Word 2000/Microsoft Corporation
- If you specify a value greater than one for the [Pages per sheet]
- setting in Word's [Print] dialogue box, set [Page Layout] on the
- driver's [Page Setup] tab to [1-up Printing]. If you specify values
- greater than one for both settings, printing will not be done
- correctly. When you want to print more than one page per sheet, use
- one setting or the other to specify it.
- - Microsoft Word 2002/Microsoft Word 2000/Microsoft Corporation
- When using the [Scale to paper size] setting in the [Print] dialogue
- box, uncheck [Scaled Printing] on the printer driver's [Page Setup]
- tab. If checked, Word's [Scale to paper size] setting will be
- overridden by the printer driver's [Printer Paper Size] setting on
- the [Page Setup] tab when scaling to fit.
- - Microsoft Word 2002/Microsoft Word 2000/Microsoft Corporation
- When Word's [Allow A4/Letter paper resizing] feature is enabled, if
- [Orientation] in Word's [Page Setup] dialogue box is set to
- [Portrait] and the driver's [Orientation] setting is specified as
- [Landscape], printing is not done correctly. To avoid this, disable
- [Allow A4/Letter paper resizing] before printing. To access this
- feature, open the [Options] dialogue box from Word's [Tools] menu
- and click the [Print] tab.
- - Microsoft Word/Microsoft Corporation
- When changing [Paper size] and [Orientation], do it using Word's
- settings, not the printer driver's.
- - Microsoft Word/Microsoft Corporation
- When selecting [Scaled Printing] on the [Page Setup] tab, do this:
- 1. Open Word's [Print] dialogue box.
- 2. Open the printer driver setup window and on the [Page Setup]
- tab select the page size and click [OK].
- 3. Without starting printing, close the [Print] dialogue box.
- 4. Open Word's [Print] dialogue box again.
- 5. Open the printer driver setup window and click [OK] again.
- 6. Start printing.
- - Lotus Organizer 2.1/97/Lotus Corporation
- Lotus Organizer will print in colour even though monochrome printing
- has been selected. To stop this, check [Greyscale Printing] in
- the printer driver.
- - Photoshop/Adobe Systems Inc.
- Printing may not be done if you don't have system administrator
- privileges. Log on with system administrator privileges to print.
- - Lotus Notes/Lotus Corporation
- The system can lock up with certain print jobs. Make sure that in
- Notes' [Page Layout] settings you specify top and bottom margins of
- 22.86 mm (0.9 in.) or 27.94 mm (1.1 in.).
- - Microsoft Outlook/Microsoft Corporation
- If you cancel printing from the application, the next print job will
- crash. On the Printer Properties' [Advanced] tab, select spooling
- for the print document.
- - CorelDraw 8/Corel Corporation
- There are instances where problems arise if you try to open the
- printer driver setup window from CorelDraw 8.0. For instance, a
- crash may occur or characters may be corrupted. To get round this,
- open the printer driver setup window from the [Printers] folder,
- specify the settings you want, then print from the application.
- This problem does not occur with CorelDraw 9.0.
- - Illustrator/Adobe Systems Inc.
- If Bitmap Printing takes effect, printing may take time or some
- data may not be printed. Print after clearing the [Bitmap Printing]
- check box in the [Print] dialog box.
- ============================================================================
- About Network Printing
- ============================================================================
- < Preface >
- Windows allow two or more users to share a printer via a network.
- To share a printer among multiple users, necessary settings must be
- made on the computers connected to the network.
- The computer to which a printer is connected actually is called a
- print server (hereafter called a server). The computer that use the
- printer connected to the server via a network is called a client
- machine (hereafter called a client).
- The server and client need not use the same operating system. However,
- the installation method and the restrictions on use differ depending
- on the combination of operating systems of the server and client.
- < Version of the Printer Driver to be Used >
- -Get the printer driver that matches the OS used on the server
- and clients.
- -The combination of the printer driver (made by Microsoft) that
- comes with Windows and a Canon's printer driver does not allow
- network printing. Use Canon's printer drivers on both servers
- and clients.
- -Printer drivers used on the server and clients must be of the
- same version. When Windows XP is used in combination with
- Windows 2000, install this printer driver (Version 1.50)
- in both the server and client.
- -When any server or client uses Windows NT 4.0, install the
- Version 4.50 that matches this printer driver.
- Installing any other version can cause a problem.
- Note:
- The printer without a parallel interface does not have the
- printer driver for Windows NT4.0.
- -When any server or client uses Windows Me, Windows 98, or
- Windows 95, install the latest BJ printer driver that matches
- the OS.
- < Installation and Setup Methods >
- Use an installation method according to the type of the operating system
- used on the server.
- - Windows XP, Windows 2000 or Windows NT 4.0 ----- (1), (2), (3)
- Note:
- Use a procedure matching the type of the operating system used on
- the client.
- - Windows Me, Windows 98, or Windows 95 ----- (4)
- (1) When both the server and client use the same operating system
- Server: Windows XP or Windows 2000, Client: Windows XP or Windows 2000
- or
- Server: Windows NT 4.0, Client: Windows NT 4.0
- 1. On the server, install a printer driver suitable for the operating
- system used. The installation method is more or less the same as
- for an ordinary local printer.
- 2. Specify the printer connected to the print server as a shared printer.
- For how to do this, see the Windows help.
- Point and print installation can be done here.
- (When doing this, skip step 3.)
- 3. On the client, install a printer driver suitable for the operating
- system used. The installation method is more or less the same as
- for an ordinary local printer.
- Note:
- - Any port can be selected during installation. After choosing any
- port, complete installation.
- - When installing the printer driver using the installer, a message
- requiring you to turn on the printer appears. Ignore it.
- 4. Open the network computer on the client and select [Printers] on
- the server.
- 5. Right-click the icon of the shared printer you want to use in the
- [Printers] folder and choose either of the following from the menu:
- - [Connect...] for Windows XP or Windows 2000
- - [Install...] for Windows NT 4.0
- Thus, a shared printer icon is created on the client.
- Since the icon of the printer whose driver has been installed in step 3
- is no longer needed, it can be deleted.
- (2) When the client uses a different operating system
- Server: Windows XP or Windows 2000, Client: Windows NT 4.0
- or
- Server: Windows NT 4.0, Client: Windows XP or Windows 2000
- Note:
- When the client uses Windows Me, Windows 98, or Windows 95, use the
- procedure described in "(3) When the client uses a different operating
- system."
- 1. On the server, install a printer driver suitable for the operating
- system used. The installation method is more or less the same as for
- an ordinary local printer.
- 2. Specify the printer connected to the print server as a shared printer.
- For how to do this, see the Windows help.
- Point and print installation can be done here.
- (When doing this, skip step 3.)
- Note:
- When the server uses Windows NT 4.0 and the client uses Windows XP or
- Windows 2000, do not carry out point and print installation.
- 3. On the client, install a printer driver suitable for the operating
- system used. The installation method is more or less the same as for
- an ordinary local printer.
- Note:
- - Any port can be selected during installation. After choosing any
- port, complete installation.
- - When installing the printer driver using the installer, a message
- requiring you to turn on the printer appears. Ignore it.
- 4. Open the network computer on the client and select [Printers] on the
- server.
- 5. Right-click the icon of the shared printer you want to use in the
- [Printers] folder and choose either of the following from the menu:
- - [Connect...] for Windows XP or Windows 2000
- - [Install...] for Windows NT 4.0
- Thus, a shared printer icon is created on the client.
- Since the icon of the printer whose driver has been installed in step 3
- is no longer needed, it can be deleted.
- (3) When the client uses a different operating system
- Server: Windows XP, Windows 2000 or Windows NT 4.0
- Client: Windows Me, Windows 98, Windows 95
- 1. Install a printer driver suitable for the operating system used on
- the server. The installation method is more or less the same as for
- an ordinary local printer.
- 2. Specify the printer connected to the print server as a shared printer.
- For how to do this, see the Windows help.
- 3. On the client, install a printer driver suitable for the operating
- system used. The installation method is more or less the same as for
- an ordinary local printer.
- Note:
- - Any port can be selected during installation. After choosing any
- port, complete installation.
- - When installing the printer driver using the installer, a message
- requiring you to turn on the printer appears. Ignore it.
- 4. On the client, select [Start]-[Settings]-[Printers].
- 5. Right-click the icon of the type of the printer you want to use and
- select [Properties].
- 6. Click the [Details] tab and click [Add port...].
- 7. Select [Network] and click [Browse].
- 8. From the printer list, select the type of the shared printer you want
- to use and click [OK].
- Thus, a shared printer icon is created on the client.
- (4) When the server uses Windows Me, Windows 98, or Windows 95
- Server: Windows Me, Windows 98, or Windows 95
- Client: Windows XP, Windows 2000 or Windows NT 4.0
- 1. Install a printer driver suitable for the operating system used on
- the server. The installation method is more or less the same as for
- an ordinary local printer.
- 2. Specify the printer connected to the print server as a shared printer.
- For how to do this, see the Windows help.
- 3. On the client, install a printer driver suitable for the operating
- system used. The installation method is more or less the same as for
- an ordinary local printer.
- Note:
- - Any port can be selected during installation. After choosing any port,
- complete installation.
- - When installing the printer driver using the installer, a message
- requiring you to turn on the printer appears. Ignore it.
- 4. Open the network computer on the client and select [Printers] on the
- server.
- 5. Right-click the icon of the shared printer you want to use in the
- [Printers] folder and choose either of the following from the menu:
- - [Connect...] for Windows XP or Windows 2000
- - [Install...] for Windows NT 4.0
- Thus, a shared printer icon is created on the client.
- Since the icon of the printer whose driver has been installed in step 3
- is no longer needed, it can be deleted.
- This combination of operating systems does not allow bi-directional
- communication to be performed normally. Read "When the server uses
- Windows Me, Windows 98, or Windows 95" in "Restrictions Related to
- Network."
- < Restrictions Related to Network >
- - When using a network printer, if the client's cartridge detection
- function ([Main] tab [Detect...] button) is used or the BJ Status
- Monitor is activated, a command is sent to the printer to obtain its
- status. If you have checked [Notify when remote documents are printed]
- on the [Advanced] tab of the print server's [Server Properties] dialogue
- box, a print completion notification message is displayed on the
- client in response to each command. In particular, if the BJ Status
- Monitor has been activated, a command requesting the printer status is
- issued frequently, with a completion notification message being
- displayed each time. To stop these messages appearing, uncheck [Notify
- when remote documents are printed] on the [Advanced] tab of the print
- server's [Server Properties] dialogue box, then restart the print server
- to make the setting effective.
- - When using a network printer, sometimes the BJ cartridge cannot be
- detected correctly by clicking the [Detect...] button on the [Main]
- tab. If this happens, use the [Detect...] button of the printer driver
- installed on the print server.
- - When the server uses Windows XP, Windows 2000 or Windows NT 4.0
- Doing point and print installation (method of saving a printer driver
- for clients on the print server using the [Additional Drivers] function
- on Windows XP or Windows 2000 or the [Alternative Drivers] function on
- Windows NT 4.0) will install the Windows NT 4.0 printer driver on the client.
- Windows NT 4.0 driver operation under Windows XP or Windows 2000 is not
- guaranteed. To solve this problem, install the Windows XP or Windows 2000
- printer driver on the client following the procedure described in
- "(2) When the client uses a different operating system."
- - When the server used Windows NT4.0, Windows Me, Windows 98, or
- Windows 95 and the client uses Windows XP or Windows 2000
- When point and print installation is done, the [Page Layout Printing],
- [Booklet Printing], [Duplex Printing], [Reverse Order], [Collate],
- and [Stamp/Background Printing] settings are made ineffective.
- In this case, carry out the following operation:
- On the client, open the [Printer Properties] dialogue box, select
- [Add port...] on the [Ports] tab, and enter the server printer name
- together with a network path name.
- - When the server uses Windows Me, Windows 98, or Windows 95
- Bi-directional communication with the printer cannot be done normally,
- so a warning message is displayed and printing sometimes stops or cannot
- be done at all.
- To solve this problem, select [Properties] of the printer driver
- installed on the server, click [Spool Settings...] on the [Details] tab,
- and select [Disable bi-directional support for this printer].
- - When the client uses Windows XP, Windows 2000 or Windows NT 4.0
- When point and print installation is done, the bi-directional support
- setting on the client is made ineffective.
- If the client user, having opened [Properties] of the printer driver,
- clicks [OK] without selecting [Enable bi-directional support], the
- bi-directional communication function of the server is also disabled.
- To avoid this problem, you can install the printer driver on the client
- in advance following the procedure described in "(2) When the client uses
- a different operating system."
- You can also avoid this problem by restricting the access rights of the
- client user when making a shared printer security setting.
- - When using Axis Communications' PrintPoint 140 BJC ethernet print
- server, although printing is possible, bi-directional communication is
- not.
- - When printing via the Internet (IPP environment), check the version of the
- printer driver installed in the server and then install the same printer
- driver in the client as a local printer.
- Note that the client cannot start the status monitor because the printer
- status cannot be obtained via the Internet.
- - When the same printer driver is installed in both the server and client
- as a local printer, the network crawl function can automatically create
- a network printer icon on the client side.
- ________________________________________________________________________