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//************************************ //*NetView plug-ins header file v2.82* //* (c)Killer{R} 17.11.2004 Rev F* //************************************ #ifndef nvplugh #define nvplugh //------------------------------------------------ //NMPN_IMAGES //Use this message to obtain any NetView interface-specified //images such as indexed menus images loaded from images.bmp //and shared and ftp resource name assotiated images //HICON's returned are owned by NetView so plug-in shouldn't //destroy it after use #define NVIMAGES_GETRESIMG 0x01//Retrieves HICON associated to given resource name in NetView settings ///lParam - points to NULL-terminated resourcename string ///returns HICON as result or NULL if no icon associated #define NVIMAGES_GETRESIMGCH 0x02//Same as NVIMAGES_GETRESIMG but "cached resource" image will be returned #define NVIMAGES_GETNVIMG 0x03//Retrieves HICON of internal NetView image associated to given index ///Icons are images extracted from images.bmp on startup ///lParam specifies icon index as zero-based image number in images.bmp ///returns HICON as result //------------------------------------------------ //NMNP_HOSTMSG //Sent by NetView to plug-ins and scripts when //user double clicked on the host with specified //and enabled "hostmsg://NNN" command on advanced page //of host's edition dialog. wParam - user specified //number NNN. lParam - host's id. //------------------------------------------------ //NMPN_TRYAUTH //Used to authorize self on local computer using stored in metavariables user and password or using //random-generated username //if wParam = 0: ///try authorize host with stored username and password in variables ///"user" and "pass". If no user/pass stored do nothing //if wParam = 1: ///try authorize host with stored username and password in variables ///"user" and "pass". If no user/pass stored try random username //lParam - host's ID //------------------------------------------------ //NMPN_GETRESLIST //Used to get NETBIOS or FTP resourcelist of specified hostname //NETBIOS and FTP settings determined by general NetView's settings //and host's individual settings //Flags for wParam: #define NVRESLIST_FTP 0 //get FTP resources (if enabled by settings) #define NVRESLIST_NETBIOS 1 //get NETBIOS resources (if enabled by settings) #define NVRESLIST_USEID 2 //bitmask flag, can be used with one of above, tells ///NetView to use NVRESLIST::host.id ///(if not specified NVRESLIST::host.name used) //lParam points to NVRESLIST structure. If thereis not enough buffer length //to place result message returns 2 and set buflen field to neccessary length. //In case of success returns 1. By the way if hosts has no resources or if network //error occured message returns 1, but resourcelist contains only character '\1' //If other error occured returns 0 //------------------------------------------------ //NMPN_CALLBACK //Used to set plugins callback functions to handle event of recheck host with //disabled default rechecks or to make some work on every host's SETSTATE event //lParam points to such callback function : //LRESULT CALLBACK NVCallBackProc(DWORD EventCode, DWORD ObjId, void *Reserved) //EventCode - event code: NVCB_CUSTOM_RECHECK or NVCB_PRE_SETSTATE (see below) //ObjId - host's id //function must return 1 //Flags in wParam: #define NVCB_CUSTOM_RECHECK 0x0001//to enable notifies on recheck of hosts ///with disabled default recheck mechanism #define NVCB_PRE_SETSTATE 0x0002//to enable notifies just before hosts setstate #define NVCB_REMOVECALLBACK 0x1000//use to remove callback function or disable some events //------------------------------------------------ //NMPN_NVCTL //wParam=0;lParam=0 - shows and activates main NetView window //wParam=1;lParam points to MSG structure. Message in MSG will // be broadcasted to all currently loaded plugins //------------------------------------------------ //NMPN_PLUGINEX -used to connect external process as plugin //wParam //0 to query NetView info by external process //1 to remove thread from NetView's plugins list //2 to add thread to NetView's plugins list //lParam points to NVPLUGININFO structure //process must allocate this structure //process must allocate NVPLUGINGOINFO structure and set pointer to it in NVPLUGININFO.goinfo //process nust allocate and free all structrures in address space of NetView, by using //VirtualAllocEx/VirtualFreeEx, read and write memory by ReadProcessMemory/WriteProcessMemory //process must correctly remove itself from plugins list on exiting and when received WM_QUIT //from NetView to avoid blocking NetView on exit //------------------------------------------------ //NetView sets this flags in NMNP_ALERT as wParam //lParam depends on alert type #define NVALERT_NETWATCHER 0x00000001//NetWatcher detected user connection, lParam - host id or NULL #define NVALERT_ALARMHOST 0x00000002//Alarm host in host list goes up or down, lParam - host id or NULL #define NVALERT_TERMINAL 0x00000003//Terminal accepted client in server mode, lParam - host id or NULL #define NVALERT_REDIRECTOR 0x00000004//Redirector accepted client, lParam - host id or NULL #define NVALERT_IPLOGGER 0x00000005//IP logger detected activity or flood atack, #define NVALERT_NETSEARCHER 0x00000006//NetSearcher event send on end searching #define NVALERT_RESSCANER 0x00000007//Resources Searcher event send on end of scan #define NVALERTMASK_CANCEL 0x00040000//bitmask. If set continious event has been finished.(Alarmhost goes down, NetWatcher - user disconnected, Terminal, Redirector - client disconnected, IP logger - no portlistener activity, NVALERT_ALARMHOST - user clicks on alarmed host) #define NVALERTMASK_NWBLACK 0x00010000//NVALERT_NETWATCHER #define NVALERTMASK_NWWHITE 0x00020000//masks #define NVALERTMASK_NWSKIP 0x00080000// #define NVALERTMASK_ILLIST 0x00010000/////// #define NVALERTMASK_ILICMP 0x00020000//NVALERT_IPLOGGER #define NVALERTMASK_ILSYN 0x00080000//masks #define NVALERTMASK_ILUDP 0x00100000/////// #define NVALERTMASK_HOSTUP 0x00010000//NVALERT_ALARMHOST #define NVALERTMASK_HOSTDOWN 0x00020000//masks //------------------------------------------------ //use with NMPN_OBJECT //lParam points to NVHOST, NVLIST, NVLINE or NVAREA structures(or even represents objects IDs) //wParam: #define NVOBJ_SELECTED 0x10000//Use with NVOBJ_GETHOST - to get list of selected hosts ///or NVOBJ_GETLIST to get currently active hostlist ///(id will be set to NULL if there is no active hostlist's window) #define NVOBJ_FORCENEW 0x20000//Use with NVOBJ_HOSTBYTEXT and NVOBJ_LISTBYTEXT #define NVOBJ_HOSTNOIP 0x40000//Use with NVOBJ_HOSTBYTEXT|NVOBJ_FORCENEW to add host //with empty IP preventing any resolving //you can add host with random name and empy IP then //make it static and set true name and IP #define NVOBJ_GETHOST 0x00001//set id to NULL to get first host ///selected hosts will be returned if NVOBJ_SELECTED #define NVOBJ_SETHOST 0x00002//set id to NULL to add new host ///Note that if exists host with same name or IP ///it will be rescanned and returned #define NVOBJ_DELHOST 0x00004 #define NVOBJ_HOSTBYTEXT 0x00008//lp points to hostname or ip address. Message returns host id ///if NVOBJ_FORCENEW specified new host will be created // #define NVOBJ_GETLIST 0x00010//set id to zero to get first list #define NVOBJ_SETLIST 0x00020//set id to zero to create new list. ///Note that if exists list with same name it will be returned #define NVOBJ_DELLIST 0x00040//lParam represents list id #define NVOBJ_LISTBYTEXT 0x00080//lParam points to mapname, can be used with NVOBJ_FORCENEW ///Message returns list id #define NVOBJ_GETLINE 0x00100//Set index field in NVLINE structure. ///Message result equals total line count. #define NVOBJ_SETLINE 0x00200//Set index field in NVLINE structure. Set Index to -1 to add new line. ///Message result equals total line count after. Set Nodes to -1 to allow ///user to add nodes manually (first line node will be placed on the last ///right-mouse click position). Note that if Nodes=-1 then line's hostlist ///will be activated and switched to Visual Map mode, if not in it #define NVOBJ_DELLINE 0x00400//Set lParam to index of line to be deleted. ///Message result equals total line count after. #define NVOBJ_GETAREA 0x00800//set id to zero to get first area //return id if success or 0 if error occured #define NVOBJ_SETAREA 0x01000//set id to zero to create new area if there is no area with the same name on the same map ///Note that if exists area with same name on specified map it will be returned //return id if success or 0 or -1 if error occured #define NVOBJ_DELAREA 0x02000//lParam represents area's id //return 1 if success or 0 if error occured //------------------------------------------------ //use with NMPN_MENU //wParam MENUACTION_SET|MENUACTION_DEL|MENUACTION_SPLIT //lParam LPNVMENUINFO |DWORD id #define NVMENUACTION_SET 0//set id to zero to create new menu item and it's id will be returned #define NVMENUACTION_DEL 1//deletes menu item #define NVMENUACTION_SPLIT 2//split menu submenu items to fit in screen #define NVMENUFLAG_MAIN 0x01//Menu item will be appeared in Plug-ins submenu. This flag only used when creating non-submenu item. #define NVMENUFLAG_CONTEXT 0x02//Menu item will be appeared in context menu. This flag only used when creating non-submenu item. #define NVMENUFLAG_TRAY 0x04//Menu item will be appeared in tray icon popup menu. This flag only used when creating non-submenu item. #define NVMENUFLAG_DISABLED 0x08//Menu item will be appeared as disabled #define NVMENUFLAG_CHECKED 0x10//Menu item will be appeared as checked #define NVMENUFLAG_SORTED 0x20//Menu item will be added at sorted position //------------------------------------------------ //use with NMPN_METAVAR //wParam = {NVMETAVAR_GET,NVMETAVAR_SET} //lParam LPNVMETAVAR #define NVMETAVAR_GET 0 //return 1 if success //return 0 if fail //return 2 if vallen too small to acomodate all data. Vallen on return equals data length #define NVMETAVAR_SET 1 //return 1 if success //return 0 if fail #define NVMETAVAR_USEID 2 //Bit flags, is set then use "id" instead of "name" field of "host" union in NVMETAVAR structure //------------------------------------------------ //NMPN_ACTION and NMNP_ACTION //bitmask for wParam //group flags #define NVACTION_GETFROMNET 0x01//!use only when NVACTION_LIST specified #define NVACTION_GETFROMFILE 0x02//!use only when NVACTION_LIST specified ///lParam contains (char *) - path to LMHOSTS ///to import or NULL - default will be used #define NVACTION_RECHECK 0x08//if NVACTION_LIST not specified ///lParam contains ListView host id ///otherwise list id or NULL to recheck all lists #define NVACTION_RETRACE 0x1000//if NVACTION_LIST not specified lParam contains list id or hostid #define NVACTION_CLEARLIST 0x2000//lParam contains id of list to be deleted or NULL to clear entire list #define NVACTION_LIST 0x20//if not set means single host action /// //single flags #define NVACTION_ACTIVATE 0x8000//Main netview window status changed lParam ///equals wParam in WM_ACTIVATE message sent ///to main window by system #define NVACTION_MENUPOPUP 0x10000//NetView sends this message when plug-ins menu, tray menu or context menu popups //lParam equals NVMENUFLAG_MAIN, NVMENUFLAG_CONTEXT or NVMENUFLAG_TRAY //plugin can use this notification to dynamically enable/disable its menu items #define NVACTION_OPEN 0x10//lParam contains host item id #define NVACTION_OPENPATH 0x80000//lParam points to path to be opened #define NVACTION_SAVELMHOSTS 0x100//use to save entire hostlist to specified file ///lParam contains pointer to file path\name ///or NULL - default LMHOSTS will be saved ///!All other flags should be not set #define NVACTION_SETSTATE 0x400//lParam=0 Resets current state of NetView: ///lParam=hostid - redraws host on list #define NVACTION_SETTINGS 0x800//lParam=0 - notifies plug-in that global settings has been changed by user #define NVACTION_EDIT 0x20000 //lParam contains host id to edit #define NVACTION_IMGEXPORT 0x40000//lParam contains exported list id ///this message can be sent by plugin to initiate export ///returns 1 if initiate export succed ///NetView sends this message when list has been exported #define NVACTION_LOCKSAVE 0x100000//lParam = 1 - to increment saving hostlist locks counter ///lParam = 0 - to decrement saving hostlist locks counter ///lParam = 2 - do nothing, only return current locks counter ///NetView allow user to save hostlist if current locks counter is zero ///if autosave hostlist enabled and locks counter on NetView exit ///is not zero then hostlist will not be saved automatically on exit ///plug-in can increment locks counter before doing some integrity-critical ///task and decrement it after task is completed to prevent saving hostlist ///with incorrect data. For example NetView sets lock before loading hostlist ///from file and decrements counter after load finished /// //followed bitmasks sets by NetView in wParam with NVACTION_OPEN and NVACTION_RECHECK //only when NVACTION_LIST not set (single open/recheck host) lParam in this case //represents hostitem id or NULL if no item associated #define NVACTION_RESULTONLINE 0x40 #define NVACTION_RESULTOPENED 0x80 //------------------------------------------------- //------------------------------------------------- //------------------------------------------------- //-----------------------Control codes definitions- //plugin->netview main window main codes //Use as 1st parameter in NVPLUGINGOINFO::nvcall (SendMessage available for compatibility)) #define NMPN_MENU WM_USER+0x401 #define NMPN_METAVAR WM_USER+0x402 #define NMPN_ACTION WM_USER+0x403 #define NMPN_GETSHARELIST WM_USER+0x404 #define NMPN_GETRESLIST WM_USER+0x405 #define NMPN_TRYAUTH WM_USER+0x406 #define NMPN_OBJECT WM_USER+0x407 #define NMPN_IMAGES WM_USER+0x408 #define NMPN_PLUGINEX WM_USER+0x409 #define NMPN_CALLBACK WM_USER+0x40A #define NMPN_NVCTL WM_USER+1215 //netview->plugin main thread //NetView posts this messabes to plug-ins thread by PostThreadMessage) #define NMNP_ACTION WM_USER+0x403 #define NMNP_HOSTMSG WM_USER+0x404 #define NMNP_ALERT WM_USER+0x406 //--------------------------------------------structures typedef struct _NVHOST { char hostname[128]; char hostip[64]; DWORD id; //set this value to zero to get first host. DWORD nextid; DWORD color; //item color in list DWORD res[4]; bool selected; //item is selected in list }NVHOST,*LPNVHOST; typedef struct _NVLIST { char name[128]; char theme[128]; char ltype[128]; char llength[128]; char lspeed[128]; char lnote[128]; int w[32]; DWORD id; DWORD nextid; DWORD reserved[128]; }NVLIST,*LPNVLIST; typedef struct _NVLINE { int index; int x[32];//nodes points int y[32];/// int nodes;//nodes count DWORD color; int flags; int width; char ltype[128]; char llength[128]; char lspeed[128]; char lnote[128]; char mapname[128]; DWORD selnode; DWORD reserved[127]; }NVLINE,*LPNVLINE; typedef struct _NVAREA { RECT bounds; DWORD color; char hint[256]; char name[256]; char mapname[128]; DWORD id; DWORD nextid; DWORD reserved[128]; }NVAREA,*LPNVAREA; typedef struct _NVRESLIST { union { char name[128];//hostname which resources list to retrieve DWORD id;//if NVRESLIST_USEID specified }host; DWORD reserved[8]; int buflen; char bufdata[]; }NVRESLIST,*LPNVRESLIST; typedef struct _NVMENUINFO{DWORD id; //After NVMENUACTION_SET call with id=0 id //will be contain menu handle wich can be //used in subsequent calls NVMENUACTION_SET //or NVMENUACTION_DEL DWORD msg; //Message to send to plug-in's thread on click DWORD tid; //ThreadId to wich send message HICON icon; //HANDLE to icon or NULL DWORD parentid; //id of the parent menu item or NULL. //If it is not NULL NVMENUFLAG_MAIN,NVMENUFLAG_CONTEXT,NVMENUFLAG_TRAY //doesn't matter when creating menu item char text[64]; //item text DWORD flags; //see NVMENUFLAG_###### char reserved[256];//set to zero }NVMENUINFO,*LPNVMENUINFO; typedef struct _NVMETAVAR{ union { char name[128];//hostname which metavariable set or retrieve DWORD id;//if }host; char varname[64]; //variable name. Cannot contain characters //'#', '$', #0, #13 int vallen; //length of the variable data char val[]; //variable data. Cannot contain characters //'#', '$', #0, #13 }NVMETAVAR,*LPNVMETAVAR; typedef struct _NVVERSION{unsigned char hi;unsigned char lo;}NVVERSION,*LPNVVERSION; typedef DWORD (WINAPI *NVUPCALL)(//This function must be used instead of SendMessage since NetView v2.82 DWORD ThreadId,//Plug-in's main thread (in what NVPLUGINGO executed) DWORD Msg, //NetView call's code (NMPN_...) DWORD wParam, //call-specific parameter, usually call flags DWORD lParam //call-specific parameter, usually object ID or pointer ); typedef struct _NVPLUGINGOINFO{ HWND nvwnd; //NetView's plug-in messages processing window hanle //use as the 1st parameter in SendMessage HWND nvmainwnd; //NetView's main window hanle char *inipath; //path to NetView .ini file char *exepath; //path and name of NetView.exe file NVUPCALL nvcall; //SendMessage substitude for call NetView's APIs since NV2.82 char reserved[160]; }NVPLUGINGOINFO,*LPNVPLUGINGOINFO; typedef struct _NVPLUGININFO{ NVVERSION nvver;//NetView sets this field to it's version NVVERSION retver;//Plug-in should sets this field to it's version char plname[64]; //plug-in name char retstr[128];//plug-in description LPNVPLUGINGOINFO goinfo; //used only with NMPN_PLUGINEX. External thread must allocate this structure DWORD tid; //used only with NMPN_PLUGINEX. External thread ID. char reserved[244]; //set to zero }NVPLUGININFO,*LPNVPLUGININFO; //plugin exported functions-------------------- typedef DWORD (WINAPI *NVPLUGINGETINFO)(LPNVPLUGININFO);//export name NVPluginGetInfo typedef DWORD (WINAPI *NVPLUGINGO)(LPNVPLUGINGOINFO); //export name NVPluginGo typedef DWORD (WINAPI *NVPLUGINCONFIG)(void *reserved); //export name NVPluginConfig //plugin can don't export this #endif