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Text File  |  2005-02-22  |  5.1 KB  |  141 lines

  1. program Searcher_PHP_Base;
  2. {
  3. This program searchers *.FileList files created by NetSearcher.nvs script
  4. after every global hostlist recheck. It creates Online.*.txt and All.*.txt
  5. files in wich filelist information about only online and all hosts is placed
  6. in the following form:
  7. IPAddress1|Hostname1|FilePath1|FileName1|FileSize1|Flags1|FindTime1|SeenTime1
  8. IPAddress2|Hostname2|FilePath2|FileName2|FileSize2|Flags2|FindTime2|SeenTime2
  9. IPAddress3|Hostname3|FilePath3|FileName3|FileSize3|Flags3|FindTime3|SeenTime3
  11. This files then can be used with PHP search engine and can be found in
  12. NetView\Scripts\ folder.
  13. Sample PHP search script can be found in NetView\searcher_php.zip file
  14. }
  15. function CreateMutex(notused:Longint; bInitialOwner:Longint; lpName: PChar): Longint; external 'CreateMutexA@kernel32.dll stdcall';
  16. function WaitForSingleObject(hHandle :Longint; dwMilliseconds:Longint): Longint; external 'WaitForSingleObject@kernel32.dll stdcall';
  17. function ReleaseMutex (hObject :Longint): Longint; external 'ReleaseMutex@kernel32.dll stdcall';
  18. function CloseHandle(hObject :Longint): Longint; external 'CloseHandle@kernel32.dll stdcall';
  20. var mtx:longint;
  21.     hind,e,x,i1,i2,f1,f2,f3,j:integer;
  22.     s,s1,s2,s3,hname,fname:string;
  23.     hnames,lstips,lstnames,lstison:TStringList;
  24.     hst:TNVHost;
  25.     sr:TSearchRec;
  27. procedure WorkFileList(FileListName:string);
  28. var mtxname:string;
  29. begin
  30. mtxname:='SearcherFileMutex_'+FileListName;
  31. mtx:=CreateMutex(0,1,pchar(mtxname));
  32. WaitForSingleObject(mtx,-1);
  33. f1:=OpenFile(FileListName,1);
  34. f2:=OpenFile('Online.'+FileListName+'.tmp',1+2+4+8);
  35. f3:=OpenFile('All.'+FileListName+'.tmp',1+2+4+8);
  36. if f1<>0 then
  37.     begin
  38.     s:='';
  39.     while(ReadFile(f1,1024,s1)<>0)do
  40.         begin
  41.         s:=s+s1;
  42.         x:=pos(chr(13)+chr(10),s);
  43.         while x<>0 do
  44.             begin
  45.             s2:=copy(s,1,x-1);delete(s,1,x+1);
  46.             x:=pos('|',s2);
  47.             if x<>0 then
  48.                 begin
  49.                 s1:=copy(s2,1,x-1);delete(s2,1,x);
  50.                 hname:=s1;
  51.                 if hname[1]='\' then
  52.                     begin
  53.                     j:=length(s1);
  54.                     while(j>1)and(s1[j]<>'\')do j:=j-1;
  55.                     fname:=copy(s1,j+1,length(s1)-j);
  56.                     delete(s1,j+1,length(s1)-j);
  57.                     delete(hname,1,2);
  58.                     x:=pos('\',hname);if x<>0 then delete(hname,x,length(hname)-x+1);
  59.                     end else
  60.                     begin
  61.                     j:=length(s1);
  62.                     while(j>1)and(s1[j]<>'/')do j:=j-1;
  63.                     fname:=copy(s1,j+1,length(s1)-j);
  64.                     delete(s1,j+1,length(s1)-j);
  65.                     delete(hname,1,6);
  66.                     x:=pos('/',hname);
  67.                     if x<>0 then delete(hname,x,length(hname)-x+1);
  68.                     end;
  70.                 hind:=hnames.IndexOf(hname);
  71.                 if hind=-1 then
  72.                     begin
  73.                     hst.GetByText(hname,0);
  74.                     hnames.Add(hname);
  75.                     hind:=hnames.Count-1;
  76.                     if hst.id<>0 then
  77.                         begin
  78.                         lstnames.Add(hst.hname);
  79.                         lstips.Add(hst.hip);
  80.                         if hst.GetMetaVar('ison')='off' then lstison.Add('-')
  81.                                                         else lstison.Add('+');
  82.                         end else
  83.                         begin
  84.                         lstnames.Add(hname);
  85.                         lstips.Add('');
  86.                         lstison.Add('+');
  87.                         end;
  88.                     end;
  90.                 s3:=lstips.Strings[hind]+'|'+lstnames.Strings[hind]+'|'+s1+'|'+fname+'|'+s2+chr(13)+chr(10);
  91.                 if lstison.Strings[hind]='+' then writefile(f2,s3);
  92.                 writefile(f3,s3);
  93.             end;
  94.         x:=pos(chr(13)+chr(10),s);
  95.         end;
  96.     end;
  97. end;
  98. CloseFile(f1);CloseFile(f2);CloseFile(f3);
  100. DeleteFile('All.'+FileListName+'.txt');
  101. MoveFile('All.'+FileListName+'.tmp','All.'+FileListName+'.txt');
  102. DeleteFile('Online.'+FileListName+'.txt');
  103. MoveFile('Online.'+FileListName+'.tmp','Online.'+FileListName+'.txt');
  105. ReleaseMutex(mtx);
  106. CloseHandle(mtx);
  107. end;
  109. begin
  110. hnames:=TStringList.Create;
  111. lstips:=TStringList.Create;
  112. lstnames:=TStringList.Create;
  113. lstison:=TStringList.Create;
  114. hst:=TNVHost.Create;
  115. SetStatus('Idle');
  116.     repeat
  117.     e:=waitevent(i1,i2);
  118.         if((e=NMNP_ACTION)and((i1 and NVACTION_RECHECK)<>0)and((i1 and NVACTION_LIST)<>0))or((e=NMNP_ALERT)and(i1=NVALERT_NETSEARCHER))then
  119.         begin
  120.         if FindFirst('*.FileList',sr)=0 then
  121.             begin
  122.             hnames.Clear;
  123.             lstips.Clear;
  124.             lstnames.Clear;
  125.             lstison.Clear;
  126.                 repeat
  127.                 SetStatus(sr.Name);
  128.                 WorkFileList(sr.Name);
  129.                 until FindNext(sr)<>0;
  130.             FindClose(sr);
  131.             SetStatus('Idle');
  132.             end;
  133.         end;
  134.     until e=0;
  135. hnames.Free;
  136. lstips.Free;
  137. lstnames.Free;
  138. lstison.Free;
  139. hst.Free;
  140. end.