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- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Animated Volume/Treble/Bass knobs
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // volumebasstreble.m
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // - Volume
- // - Treble
- // - Bass
- // - Knob-LEDs
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Script by: Barti Bartman alias Sven Kistner for MMD3
- // Last Modified: 26.11.2002
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // ThePlague.............for the great ideas and inspirations
- // Dennis Ostermann......for code parts of the new script
- //
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Feel free to use parts of this script in your own projects
- // I know the code looks a litle bit strange. Sorry for that...
- // ...I am more a graphic artist than a coder...but it works :)
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- #include "../../../lib/std.mi"
- Function updateVolume(int v);
- Function initVolume();
- Function updateTreble(int v);
- Function updateTrebleKnob(int v);
- Function initTreble();
- Function initTicker();
- Function int getTreble();
- Function SetTreble(float v);
- Function SetBass(float v);
- Function updateBass(int v);
- Function updateBassKnob(int v);
- Function initBass();
- Function int getBass();
- Global AnimatedLayer Bass, Treble, Volume, Volume2,VolumeLED, BassLED, TrebleLED;
- Global Layer BassInfo, TrebleInfo, VolumeInfo, VolumeInfo2;
- Global Boolean InUse=0;
- Global Timer SongTickerTimer;
- Global Layout dummynormal;
- Global group mainnormal;
- Global Text SongTicker;
- Global Slider HiddenVolume;
- Global Int VolChanging, VolFrames;
- Global Int TrebleChanging, TrebFrames, TickerExist;
- Global Int BassChanging, BassFrames;
- Global Int VolumeIsPlaying,TrebleIsPlaying,BassIsPlaying,MouseIsDown,lmx,lmy,specialTreble,specialBass;
- Global Timer VolKnobTimer,Vol2KnobTimer,BassKnobTimer,TrebleKnobTimer;
- Global Map bassMap, trebleMap, volMap,volMap2;
- Global int WinX,WinY;
- System.onScriptLoaded() {
- dummynormal = System.getContainer("main").getLayout("normal");
- mainnormal = dummynormal.getObject("main.mmd3");
- Volume = mainnormal.getObject("VolumeAnim");
- VolumeLED = mainnormal.getObject("VolumeAnimLED");
- Volume2 = mainnormal.getObject("VolumeAnim2");
- VolumeInfo = mainnormal.getObject("volumeaniminfo");
- VolumeInfo2 = mainnormal.getObject("volumeaniminfo2");
- HiddenVolume = mainnormal.getObject("HiddenVolume");
- Bass = mainnormal.getObject("BassAnim");
- BassLED = mainnormal.getObject("BassAnimLED");
- BassInfo = mainnormal.getObject("bassaniminfo");
- Treble = mainnormal.getObject("TrebleAnim");
- TrebleLED = mainnormal.getObject("TrebleAnimLED");
- TrebleInfo = mainnormal.getObject("trebleaniminfo");
- VolumeIsPlaying=0;
- MouseIsDown=0;
- specialTreble=0;
- volMap = new Map;
- volMap.loadMap("player.map.volume");
- volMap2 = new Map;
- volMap2.loadMap("player.map.volume2");
- bassMap = new Map;
- bassMap.loadMap("player.map.bass");
- trebleMap = new Map;
- trebleMap.loadMap("player.map.treble");
- VolKnobTimer = new Timer;
- VolKnobTimer.setDelay(10);
- Vol2KnobTimer = new Timer;
- Vol2KnobTimer.setDelay(10);
- BassKnobTimer = new Timer;
- BassKnobTimer.setDelay(10);
- TrebleKnobTimer = new Timer;
- TrebleKnobTimer.setDelay(10);
- initVolume();
- initBass();
- initTreble();
- }
- initTicker() {
- SongTicker = mainnormal.getObject("songticker");
- SongTickerTimer = new Timer;
- SongTickerTimer.setDelay(1000);
- }
- SongTickerTimer.onTimer() {
- SongTicker.setText("");
- SongTickerTimer.stop();
- }
- initVolume() {
- VolumeInfo.setAlpha(0);
- VolumeInfo2.setAlpha(0);
- VolChanging = 0;
- VolFrames = Volume.getLength();
- VolFrames = VolFrames - 1;
- TickerExist = VolumeInfo.getTop();
- float u;
- u = System.getVolume();
- u = u / 255;
- int k = u * VolFrames;
- Volume.gotoFrame(k);
- Volume2.gotoFrame(k);
- if (TickerExist) initTicker();
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------
- // Volume functions
- //------------------------------------------------------------
- Volume.onLeftButtonDown(int x, int y) {
- VolChanging = 1;
- MouseIsDown = 1;
- lmx=getMousePosX();
- lmy=getMousePosY();
- WinX=getMousePosX()-x+Volume.getLeft()+(Volume.getWidth()/2);
- WinY=getMousePosY()-y+Volume.getTop()+(Volume.getHeight()/2);
- x = x - Volume.getLeft();
- y = y - Volume.getTop();
- if (volMap.inRegion(x, y)) {
- float v = volMap.getValue(x, y);
- if (v>252) v=255;
- float k = v / 255;
- int g = k * VolFrames;
- Volume.setStartFrame( Volume.getCurFrame() );
- Volume2.setStartFrame( Volume2.getCurFrame() );
- Volume.setEndFrame(g);
- Volume2.setEndFrame(g);
- Volume.setSpeed(40);
- Volume2.setSpeed(40);
- VolumeIsPlaying=1;
- Volume.play();
- Volume2.play();
- }
- VolKnobTimer.start();
- }
- VolKnobTimer.onTimer()
- {
- float dx,dy,dWinX,dWinY,Temp,AniVol,Vol;
- int Gate,Gate2;
- int x=getMousePosX();
- int y=getMousePosY();
- dx=x;
- dy=y;
- dWinx=WinX;
- dWinY=WinY;
- if ( (x-lmx)>2 || (x-lmx)<-2 || (y-lmy)>2 || (y-lmy)<-2 ) {
- if (VolumeIsPlaying==1) {
- Volume.stop();
- Volume2.stop();
- VolumeIsPlaying=0;
- }
- if ((WinY<y) && (WinX>x) )
- {
- if (Gate==0)
- {
- Temp=((dWinX-dx)/((dWinY-dy)*-1));
- Vol=(atan(Temp)-0.523598775)*48.89239852;
- Gate2=1;
- }
- else Vol=255;
- }
- else if ((WinY>y) && (WinX>x))
- {
- Temp=(dWinY-dy)/(dWinX-dx);
- Vol=51.2+atan(Temp)*48.89239852;
- Gate=0;
- Gate2=0;
- }
- else if ((WinY>y) && (WinX<x))
- {
- Temp=((dWinX-dx)*-1)/(dWinY-dy);
- Vol=128.0+atan(Temp)*48.89239852;
- Gate=0;
- Gate2=0;
- }
- else if ((WinY<y) && (WinX<x) )
- {
- if (Gate2==0)
- {
- Temp=((dWinY-dy)*-1)/((dWinX-dx)*-1);
- Vol=204.8+atan(Temp)*48.89239852;
- Gate=1;
- }
- else Vol=0;
- }
- UpdateVolume(Vol);
- }
- }
- Volume.onLeftButtonUp(int x, int y)
- {
- VolKnobTimer.stop();
- SongTickerTimer.start();
- VolChanging=0;
- MouseIsDown = 0;
- }
- Vol2KnobTimer.onTimer()
- {
- float Vol;
- float x=getMousePosX();
- float l=Volume2.getWidth();
- if (x!=lmx) {
- if (VolumeIsPlaying==1) {
- Volume.stop();
- Volume2.stop();
- VolumeIsPlaying=0;
- }
- Vol = (x - WinX) * (255.0 / l);
- UpdateVolume(Vol);
- }
- }
- Volume2.onLeftButtonDown(int x, int y) {
- VolChanging = 1;
- MouseIsDown = 1;
- lmx=getMousePosX();
- lmy=getMousePosY();
- WinX=getMousePosX()-x+Volume2.getLeft();
- x = x - Volume2.getLeft();
- y = y - Volume2.getTop();
- if (volMap2.inRegion(x, y)) {
- float v = volMap2.getValue(x, y);
- if (v>252) v=255;
- float k = v / 255;
- int g = k * VolFrames;
- Volume.setStartFrame( Volume.getCurFrame() );
- Volume2.setStartFrame( Volume2.getCurFrame() );
- Volume.setEndFrame(g);
- Volume2.setEndFrame(g);
- Volume.setSpeed(40);
- Volume2.setSpeed(40);
- VolumeIsPlaying=1;
- Volume.play();
- Volume2.play();
- }
- Vol2KnobTimer.start();
- }
- Volume2.onLeftButtonUp(int x, int y)
- {
- Vol2KnobTimer.stop();
- SongTickerTimer.start();
- VolChanging=0;
- MouseIsDown = 0;
- }
- Volume.onFrame(int vf) {
- VolumeLED.gotoFrame(vf);
- if (VolumeIsPlaying) {
- int v=11.6*vf;
- System.setVolume(v);
- if (MouseIsDown) {
- float k = v / 255;
- int p = k * 100;
- SongTickerTimer.stop();
- SongTickerTimer.start();
- SongTicker.setAlternateText("VOLUME: " + System.integerToString(p) + "%");
- }
- }
- }
- Volume.onStop() {
- VolumeIsPlaying=0;
- }
- updateVolume(float v) {
- if (v < 0) v=0;
- if (v >255) v=255;
- float k = v / 255;
- int g = k * VolFrames;
- if ( !Volume.isPlaying() ) {
- Volume.gotoFrame(g);
- Volume2.gotoFrame(g);
- }
- System.setVolume(v);
- int p = k * 100;
- SongTickerTimer.stop();
- SongTickerTimer.start();
- SongTicker.setAlternateText("VOLUME: " + System.integerToString(p) + "%");
- }
- HiddenVolume.onPostedPosition(int p) {
- if (!VolChanging) {
- Float f = getVolume();
- Float sf = f/2.55;
- f = f * VolFrames;
- f = f / 255;
- if ( !Volume.isPlaying() ) {
- Volume.gotoFrame(f);
- Volume2.gotoFrame(f);
- }
- SongTickerTimer.stop();
- SongTickerTimer.start();
- SongTicker.setAlternateText("VOLUME: " + System.integerToString(sf) + "%");
- }
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------
- // End of Volume functions
- //------------------------------------------------------------
- //------------------------------------------------------------
- // Treble functions
- //------------------------------------------------------------
- initTreble() {
- TrebleInfo.setAlpha(0);
- TrebleChanging = 0;
- TrebFrames = Treble.getLength();
- TrebFrames = TrebFrames - 1;
- float u;
- u = getTreble();
- u = u / 255;
- int k = u * TrebFrames;
- Treble.gotoFrame(k);
- }
- TrebleKnobTimer.onTimer()
- {
- float dx,dy,dWinX,dWinY,Temp,Treb;
- int Gate,Gate2;
- int x=getMousePosX();
- int y=getMousePosY();
- dx=x;
- dy=y;
- dWinx=WinX;
- dWinY=WinY;
- if ( (x-lmx)>2 || (x-lmx)<-2 || (y-lmy)>2 || (y-lmy)<-2 ) {
- if (TrebleIsPlaying==1) {
- Treble.stop();
- TrebleIsPlaying=0;
- }
- if ((WinY<y) && (WinX>x) )
- {
- if (Gate==0)
- {
- Temp=((dWinX-dx)/((dWinY-dy)*-1));
- Treb=(atan(Temp)-0.523598775)*48.89239852; // 1/6 PI ~ 0.523598775
- Gate2=1; // 256 : 1/2/3 PI ~ 48.89239852
- }
- else Treb=255;
- }
- else if ((WinY>y) && (WinX>x))
- {
- Temp=(dWinY-dy)/(dWinX-dx);
- Treb=51.2+atan(Temp)*48.89239852;
- Gate=0;
- Gate2=0;
- }
- else if ((WinY>y) && (WinX<x))
- {
- Temp=((dWinX-dx)*-1)/(dWinY-dy);
- Treb=128.0+atan(Temp)*48.89239852;
- Gate=0;
- Gate2=0;
- }
- else if ((WinY<y) && (WinX<x) )
- {
- if (Gate2==0)
- {
- Temp=((dWinY-dy)*-1)/((dWinX-dx)*-1);
- Treb=204.8+atan(Temp)*48.89239852;
- Gate=1;
- }
- else Treb=0;
- }
- UpdateTreble(Treb);
- UpdateTrebleKnob(Treb);
- }
- }
- Treble.onLeftButtonDown(int x, int y) {
- trebleChanging = 1;
- MouseIsDown = 1;
- specialTreble=0;
- WinX=getMousePosX()-x+Treble.getLeft()+(Treble.getWidth()/2);
- WinY=getMousePosY()-y+Treble.getTop()+(Treble.getHeight()/2);
- lmx=getMousePosX();
- lmy=getMousePosY();
- x = x - Treble.getLeft();
- y = y - Treble.getTop();
- if (trebleMap.inRegion(x, y)) {
- float v = trebleMap.getValue(x, y);
- if (v>252) v=255;
- float k = v / 255;
- int g = k * TrebFrames;
- Treble.setStartFrame( Treble.getCurFrame() );
- Treble.setEndFrame(g);
- Treble.setSpeed(40);
- TrebleIsPlaying=1;
- Treble.play();
- }
- TrebleKnobTimer.start();
- }
- Treble.onLeftButtonUp(int x, int y) {
- TrebleKnobTimer.stop();
- SongTickerTimer.start();
- trebleChanging=0;
- MouseIsDown = 0;
- }
- Treble.onFrame(int vf) {
- TrebleLED.gotoframe(vf);
- int v=11.6*vf;
- if (TrebleIsPlaying) {
- if (!specialTreble) SetTreble(v);
- }
- float k = v / 255;
- int p = k * 100-50;
- string vz="";
- if (p>0) vz="+";
- SongTickerTimer.stop();
- SongTicker.setAlternateText("TREBLE: " + vz + System.integerToString(p) + "%");
- SongTickerTimer.start();
- }
- Treble.onStop() {
- TrebleIsPlaying=0;
- specialTreble=0;
- }
- updateTreble(float v) {
- if (v < 0) v=0;
- if (v >255) v=255;
- float k = v / 255;
- int g = k * TrebFrames;
- if ( !Treble.isPlaying() ) {
- Treble.gotoFrame(g);
- }
- SetTreble(v);
- }
- SetTreble(float v) {
- v -=127;
- setEq(1);
- int move;
- InUse = 1;
- for(int i=5; i<10; i++) {
- move = v*1.27/(10-i);
- setEqBand(i, move);
- }
- InUse = 0;
- }
- updateTrebleKnob(float v) {
- if (v < 0) v=0;
- if (v >255) v=255;
- trebleChanging = 1;
- specialTreble = 1;
- float k = v / 255;
- int g = k * TrebFrames;
- Treble.setStartFrame( Treble.getCurFrame() );
- Treble.setEndFrame(g);
- Treble.setSpeed(40);
- TrebleIsPlaying=1;
- Treble.play();
- }
- getTreble() {
- float average=0;
- for(int i=5; i<10; i++) average += ( (getEqBand(i)+127)*(i-4)*(i-4)*(i-4) );
- average /= 198;
- int rTreble = average;
- if (rTreble < 0) rTreble=0;
- if (rTreble >255) rTreble=255;
- return rTreble;
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------
- // End of Treble functions
- //------------------------------------------------------------
- //------------------------------------------------------------
- // Bass functions
- //------------------------------------------------------------
- initBass() {
- BassInfo.setAlpha(0);
- BassChanging = 0;
- BassFrames = Bass.getLength();
- BassFrames = BassFrames - 1;
- float u;
- u = getBass();
- u = u / 255;
- int k = u * BassFrames;
- Bass.gotoFrame(k);
- }
- BassKnobTimer.onTimer()
- {
- float dx,dy,dWinX,dWinY,Temp,theBass;
- int Gate,Gate2;
- int x=getMousePosX();
- int y=getMousePosY();
- dx=x;
- dy=y;
- dWinx=WinX;
- dWinY=WinY;
- if ( (x-lmx)>2 || (x-lmx)<-2 || (y-lmy)>2 || (y-lmy)<-2 ) {
- if (BassIsPlaying==1) {
- Bass.stop();
- BassIsPlaying=0;
- }
- if ((WinY<y) && (WinX>x) )
- {
- if (Gate==0)
- {
- Temp=((dWinX-dx)/((dWinY-dy)*-1));
- theBass=(atan(Temp)-0.523598775)*48.89239852; // 1/6 PI ~ 0.523598775
- Gate2=1; // 256 : 1/2/3 PI ~ 48.89239852
- }
- else theBass=255;
- }
- else if ((WinY>y) && (WinX>x))
- {
- Temp=(dWinY-dy)/(dWinX-dx);
- theBass=51.2+atan(Temp)*48.89239852;
- Gate=0;
- Gate2=0;
- }
- else if ((WinY>y) && (WinX<x))
- {
- Temp=((dWinX-dx)*-1)/(dWinY-dy);
- theBass=128.0+atan(Temp)*48.89239852;
- Gate=0;
- Gate2=0;
- }
- else if ((WinY<y) && (WinX<x) )
- {
- if (Gate2==0)
- {
- Temp=((dWinY-dy)*-1)/((dWinX-dx)*-1);
- theBass=204.8+atan(Temp)*48.89239852;
- Gate=1;
- }
- else theBass=0;
- }
- UpdateBass(theBass);
- UpdateBassKnob(theBass);
- }
- }
- Bass.onLeftButtonDown(int x, int y) {
- BassChanging = 1;
- MouseIsDown = 1;
- specialBass=0;
- WinX=getMousePosX()-x+Bass.getLeft()+(Bass.getWidth()/2);
- WinY=getMousePosY()-y+Bass.getTop()+(Bass.getHeight()/2);
- lmx=getMousePosX();
- lmy=getMousePosY();
- x = x - Bass.getLeft();
- y = y - Bass.getTop();
- if (BassMap.inRegion(x, y)) {
- float v = BassMap.getValue(x, y);
- if (v>252) v=255;
- float k = v / 255;
- int g = k * BassFrames;
- Bass.setStartFrame( Bass.getCurFrame() );
- Bass.setEndFrame(g);
- Bass.setSpeed(40);
- BassIsPlaying=1;
- Bass.play();
- }
- BassKnobTimer.start();
- }
- Bass.onLeftButtonUp(int x, int y) {
- BassChanging=0;
- BassKnobTimer.stop();
- SongTickerTimer.start();
- MouseIsDown = 0;
- }
- Bass.onFrame(int vf) {
- BassLED.gotoframe(vf);
- int v=11.6*vf;
- if (BassIsPlaying) {
- if (!specialBass) SetBass(v);
- }
- float k = v / 255;
- int p = k * 100-50;
- string vz="";
- if (p>0) vz="+";
- SongTickerTimer.stop();
- SongTicker.setAlternateText("Bass: " + vz + System.integerToString(p) + "%");
- SongTickerTimer.start();
- }
- Bass.onStop() {
- BassIsPlaying=0;
- specialBass=0;
- }
- updateBass(float v) {
- if (v < 0) v=0;
- if (v >255) v=255;
- float k = v / 255;
- int g = k * BassFrames;
- if ( !Bass.isPlaying() ) {
- Bass.gotoFrame(g);
- }
- SetBass(v);
- int p = k * 100-50;
- }
- SetBass(float v) {
- v -=127;
- setEq(1);
- int move;
- InUse = 1;
- for(int i=0; i<5; i++) {
- move = v*1.27/(i+1);
- setEqBand(i, move);
- }
- InUse = 0;
- }
- updateBassKnob(float v) {
- if (v < 0) v=0;
- if (v >255) v=255;
- BassChanging = 1;
- specialBass = 1;
- float k = v / 255;
- int g = k * BassFrames;
- Bass.setStartFrame( Bass.getCurFrame() );
- Bass.setEndFrame(g);
- Bass.setSpeed(40);
- BassIsPlaying=1;
- Bass.play();
- }
- getBass() {
- float average=0;
- for(int i=0; i<5; i++) average += ( (getEqBand(i)+127)*(5-i)*(5-i)*(5-i) );
- average /= 198;
- int rBass = average;
- if (rBass < 0) rBass=0;
- if (rBass >255) rBass=255;
- return rBass;
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------
- // End of Bass functions
- //------------------------------------------------------------
- System.onEqBandChanged(int band, int newvalue) {
- if(!InUse) {
- if (band<5) {
- int rb=getBass();
- updateBassKnob(rb);
- } else {
- int rb=getTreble();
- updateTrebleKnob(rb);
- }
- }
- }