REGISTERED user have such privileges to unregistered:
- You will be able to use ALL ABILITIES of the program.
- You will first receive new versions of program to your e-mail FOR FREE.
- You'll be able to receive updates DIRECTLY to your e-mail.
- You'll HAVE AN INFLUENCE to program's developing by your remarks and suggestions for getting handy tool "for yourself".
- You'll get ANY CONSULTATION about program work.
- You'll be well informed about modernizations and updates in a program.
Program price is 90 roubles, payment by the simple postal order or post electronic translation, and it is probable shortly with the help of a plastic card from Internet.
If you want to be registered iWorm user you should fill in a form below and send it as attachment to: . Only the one request: form was in a text file (you may write your data in this file), so don't copy it to Word and sell registry.doc .
Your form will be added in our database and letter with the notice, and as the essential elements for a remittance will be sent to you. As soon as the translation will come, we shall send you on your e-mail full-function version iWorm.
ATTENTION: all sections marked with a "!" is obligatory to fill.
! Your name (you may write your nickname here):
! Your primary key:
! You e-mail address:
! Program version you're using:
! Operating system:
! Internet connection type (local net, dial-up ;
are you using proxy-server and firewall):
Found interface defects:
Desired interface improvements:
Found program bugs:
Desired functional improvements:
! How have had you khown about the program:
! What site have you used for downloading program: