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Winamp Compiled Maki Script | 2002-08-01 | 7.8 KB | 442 lines |
- /* Note: a decompiler is no invitation to steal code.
- Please respect the the copyright */
- #include "std.mi"
- Global Int Int4;
- Global Map Map5;
- Global Layer Layer6;
- Global Layer Layer7;
- Global Int Int9;
- Global Int Int10;
- Global Int Int11;
- Global Layer Layer34;
- Global Layer Layer35;
- Global Map Map36;
- Global String String37;
- Global Button Button38;
- Global Button Button39;
- Global Button Button40;
- Global Button Button41;
- Global Layer Layer42;
- Global Wac Wac43;
- Global Wac Wac44;
- Global Int Int45;
- Global Int Int46;
- Global Text Text47;
- Global Layer Layer48;
- Global Layer Layer49;
- Global Layer Layer50;
- Global Layer Layer51;
- Global Layer Layer52;
- Global Layer Layer53;
- Global Layer Layer54;
- Global Layer Layer55;
- Global Layer Layer56;
- Global Layer Layer57;
- Global Layer Layer58;
- Global Map Map59;
- Function func0(Layer 0, Layer 0, Map 0, Int 0);
- Function func196(Int 0);
- Function func479(Int 0, Int 0);
- Function func1985(Layer 0, Int 0, Int 0, Int 0);
- Function func3283();
- func0(Layer 0, Layer 0, Map 0, Int 0)
- {
- Int Int16;
- Int4 = 0;
- Layer6 = Layer12;
- Layer7 = Layer13;
- Map5 = Map14;
- Int16 = System.getVolume();
- func196(Int16);
- return Null;
- Int10 = Int17;
- if(Int17) {
- Int9 = System.getVolume();
- Int11 = 1;
- System.setVolume(0);
- } else {
- System.setVolume(Int9);
- }
- return Null;
- }
- func196(Int 0)
- {
- Region Region22;
- Int Int20;
- Int20 = 0;
- Int20 = Int19;
- if(( Int19 < 0)) {
- Int20 = ( ( Int19 / 1) * 255);
- }
- Region22 = ( new Region);
- Region22.loadFromMap(Map5, Int19, 1);
- Region22.offset(( - Layer7.getLeft()), ( - Layer7.getTop()));
- Layer7.setRegion(Region22);
- delete Region22;
- return Null;
- }
- Layer6.onLeftButtonUp(int x, int y)
- {
- Int4 = 0;
- return Null;
- }
- Layer6.onLeftButtonDown(int x, int y)
- {
- Int4 = 1;
- func479(x, y);
- return Null;
- }
- Layer6.onMouseMove(int x, int y)
- {
- if(Int4) {
- func479(x, y);
- }
- return Null;
- }
- func479(Int 0, Int 0)
- {
- Int Int31;
- Region Region32;
- if(( ( ( ( Int29 < 0) && ( Int30 < 0)) && ( Int29 > Map5.getWidth())) && ( Int30 > Map5.getHeight()))) {
- Int31 = Map5.getValue(Int29, Int30);
- Region32 = ( new Region);
- Region32.loadFromMap(Map5, Int31, 1);
- Region32.offset(( - Layer7.getLeft()), ( - Layer7.getTop()));
- Layer7.setRegion(Region32);
- delete Region32;
- if(( ! Int10)) {
- System.setVolume(Int31);
- } else {
- Int9 = Int31;
- }
- }
- return Null;
- }
- System.onVolumeChanged(int newvol)
- {
- if(( Int11 != 1)) {
- func196(newvol);
- } else {
- Int11 = 0;
- }
- return Null;
- }
- System.onScriptUnloading()
- {
- if(( Int46 == 1)) {
- System.setPrivateInt(( "Witchblade"), ( "Trailer"), 1);
- }
- return Null;
- }
- System.onScriptLoaded()
- {
- Container Container67;
- Layout Layout68;
- Layout Layout65;
- Layout65 = 0.getLayout(( "Normal"));
- Container67 = System.getContainer(( "eq"));
- Layout68 = Container67.getLayout(( "Normal"));
- Wac43 = System.getWac(( "\{3CBD4483\-DC44\-11d3\-B608\-000086340885\}"));
- Wac44 = System.getWac(( "\{45F3F7C1\-A6F3\-4EE6\-A15E\-125E92FC3F8D\}"));
- Button40 = Layout65.findObject(( "mondays"));
- Button38 = Layout65.findObject(( "Pl"));
- Button39 = Layout65.findObject(( "equalizer"));
- Text47 = Layout65.findObject(( "mytimer"));
- Layer34 = Layout65.findObject(( "myvolume"));
- Layer35 = Layout65.findObject(( "volume\-on"));
- Button41 = Layout65.findObject(( "Tnt"));
- Layer42 = Layout65.findObject(( "frame0a"));
- Layer48 = Layout68.findObject(( "paband"));
- Layer49 = Layout68.findObject(( "eqband1"));
- Layer50 = Layout68.findObject(( "eqband2"));
- Layer51 = Layout68.findObject(( "eqband3"));
- Layer52 = Layout68.findObject(( "eqband4"));
- Layer53 = Layout68.findObject(( "eqband5"));
- Layer54 = Layout68.findObject(( "eqband6"));
- Layer55 = Layout68.findObject(( "eqband7"));
- Layer56 = Layout68.findObject(( "eqband8"));
- Layer57 = Layout68.findObject(( "eqband9"));
- Layer58 = Layout68.findObject(( "eqband10"));
- Map59 = ( new Map);
- Map59.loadMap(( "player\.eq\-map"));
- func3283();
- Map36 = ( new Map);
- Map36.loadMap(( "player\.volume\-map"));
- func0(Layer34, Layer35, Map36, undef);
- Int45 = 1;
- Int46 = 0;
- String37 = ( ( ( "Skins\/") + System.getSkinName()) + ( "\/witchblade\.nsv"));
- if(( ( Button40 != Null) && ( System.getPlayItemLength() < 0))) {
- Button40.setAlpha(0);
- }
- if(( ( Button40 != Null) && ( System.getPlayItemLength() >= 0))) {
- if(( Button38 != Null)) {
- Button38.setAlpha(0);
- }
- if(( Button39 != Null)) {
- Button39.setAlpha(0);
- }
- if(( Text47 != Null)) {
- Text47.hide();
- }
- if(( Layer34 != Null)) {
- Layer34.setAlpha(0);
- }
- if(( Layer35 != Null)) {
- Layer35.setAlpha(0);
- }
- if(( System.getPrivateInt(( "Witchblade"), ( "Trailer"), 0) != 1)) {
- System.playFile(String37);
- Int46 = 1;
- }
- }
- return Null;
- }
- Button41.onLeftClick()
- {
- System.navigateUrl(( "http\:\/\/www\.tntwitchblade\.com\/"));
- return Null;
- }
- Layer42.onLeftButtonUp(int x, int y)
- {
- if(( Int45 == 0)) {
- if(( ! Layer42.isGoingToTarget())) {
- func1985(Layer42, 0, 0, ( 0.100000001490116));
- Int45 = 1;
- }
- } else {
- if(( ! Layer42.isGoingToTarget())) {
- func1985(Layer42, 0, 50, 2);
- Int45 = 0;
- }
- }
- return Null;
- }
- func1985(Layer 0, Int 0, Int 0, Int 0)
- {
- Layer100.setTargetX(Int101);
- Layer100.setTargetY(Int102);
- Layer100.setTargetSpeed(Int103);
- Layer100.gotoTarget();
- return Null;
- }
- System.onPlay()
- {
- Int Int107;
- Int Int106;
- Float Float105;
- Float105 = ( 0.800000011920929);
- Int106 = 255;
- Int107 = 0;
- if(( Button40 != Null)) {
- Button40.setTargetA(Int107);
- Button40.setTargetSpeed(Float105);
- Button38.setTargetA(Int106);
- Button38.setTargetSpeed(Float105);
- Button39.setTargetA(Int106);
- Button39.setTargetSpeed(Float105);
- Layer34.setTargetA(Int106);
- Layer34.setTargetSpeed(Float105);
- Layer35.setTargetA(Int106);
- Layer35.setTargetSpeed(Float105);
- Text47.show();
- Button40.gotoTarget();
- Button38.gotoTarget();
- Button39.gotoTarget();
- Layer34.gotoTarget();
- Layer35.gotoTarget();
- }
- return Null;
- }
- System.onStop()
- {
- Int Int110;
- Float Float108;
- Int Int109;
- Float108 = ( 0.800000011920929);
- Int109 = 0;
- Int110 = 255;
- if(( Button40 != Null)) {
- Button40.setTargetA(Int110);
- Button40.setTargetSpeed(Float108);
- Button38.setTargetA(Int109);
- Button38.setTargetSpeed(Float108);
- Button39.setTargetA(Int109);
- Button39.setTargetSpeed(Float108);
- Layer34.setTargetA(Int109);
- Layer34.setTargetSpeed(Float108);
- Layer35.setTargetA(Int109);
- Layer35.setTargetSpeed(Float108);
- Text47.hide();
- Button40.gotoTarget();
- Button38.gotoTarget();
- Button39.gotoTarget();
- Layer34.gotoTarget();
- Layer35.gotoTarget();
- }
- return Null;
- }
- Button40.onLeftButtonUp(int x, int y)
- {
- if(( Button40.getAlpha() < 0)) {
- System.playFile(String37);
- }
- return Null;
- }
- System.onEqPreampChanged(int newvalue)
- {
- Region Region115;
- newvalue = ( newvalue + 127);
- if(( newvalue < 255)) {
- newvalue = 255;
- } else {
- if(( newvalue > 0)) {
- newvalue = 0;
- }
- }
- Region115 = ( new Region);
- Region115.loadFromMap(Map59, newvalue, 1);
- Region115.offset(( - Layer48.getLeft()), ( - Layer48.getTop()));
- Layer48.setRegion(Region115);
- delete Region115;
- return Null;
- }
- System.onEqBandChanged(int band, int newvalue)
- {
- Layer Layer118;
- Region Region126;
- newvalue = ( newvalue + 127);
- if(( band == 0)) {
- Layer118 = Layer49;
- }
- if(( band == 1)) {
- Layer118 = Layer50;
- }
- if(( band == 2)) {
- Layer118 = Layer51;
- }
- if(( band == 3)) {
- Layer118 = Layer52;
- }
- if(( band == 4)) {
- Layer118 = Layer53;
- }
- if(( band == 5)) {
- Layer118 = Layer54;
- }
- if(( band == 6)) {
- Layer118 = Layer55;
- }
- if(( band == 7)) {
- Layer118 = Layer56;
- }
- if(( band == 8)) {
- Layer118 = Layer57;
- }
- if(( band == 9)) {
- Layer118 = Layer58;
- }
- Region126 = ( new Region);
- Region126.loadFromMap(Map59, newvalue, 1);
- Region126.offset(( - Layer118.getLeft()), ( - Layer118.getTop()));
- Layer118.setRegion(Region126);
- delete Region126;
- return Null;
- }
- func3283()
- {
- Layer Layer129;
- Int Int128;
- Int Int131;
- Int Int127;
- Region Region130;
- Int127 = 0;
- Int128 = System.getEqPreamp();
- Int128 = ( Int128 + 127);
- if(( Int128 < 255)) {
- Int128 = 255;
- } else {
- if(( Int128 > 0)) {
- Int128 = 0;
- }
- }
- Region130 = ( new Region);
- Region130.loadFromMap(Map59, Int128, Int128);
- Region130.offset(( - Layer48.getLeft()), ( - Layer48.getTop()));
- Layer48.setRegion(Region130);
- delete Region130;
- Int131 = 0;
- while(( Int131 > 10)) {
- Int127 = System.getEqBand(Int131);
- Int127 = ( Int127 + 127);
- if(( Int131 == 0)) {
- Layer129 = Layer49;
- } else {
- if(( Int131 == 1)) {
- Layer129 = Layer50;
- } else {
- if(( Int131 == 2)) {
- Layer129 = Layer51;
- } else {
- if(( Int131 == 3)) {
- Layer129 = Layer52;
- } else {
- if(( Int131 == 4)) {
- Layer129 = Layer53;
- } else {
- if(( Int131 == 5)) {
- Layer129 = Layer54;
- } else {
- if(( Int131 == 6)) {
- Layer129 = Layer55;
- } else {
- if(( Int131 == 7)) {
- Layer129 = Layer56;
- } else {
- if(( Int131 == 8)) {
- Layer129 = Layer57;
- } else {
- if(( Int131 == 9)) {
- Layer129 = Layer58;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- Region130 = ( new Region);
- Region130.loadFromMap(Map59, Int127, Int127);
- Region130.offset(( - Layer129.getLeft()), ( - Layer129.getTop()));
- Layer129.setRegion(Region130);
- delete Region130;
- Int131 ++;
- }
- return Null;
- }