home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 1001 SRV : Server side IPC thread started
- 1002 SRV : Server side IPC thread stopped
- 1003 UIP : Client side IPC thread started
- 1004 UIP : Client side IPC thread connected to server side
- 1005 UIP : Client side IPC thread stopped
- 1006 SRV : Server side IPC loaded
- 1007 SRV : Error loading server side IPC
- 1008 SRV : Server side IPC stopped
- 1009 SRV : Error stopping server side IPC
- 1010 UIP : Client side IPC loaded
- 1011 UIP : Error loading client side IPC
- 1012 UIP : Client side IPC Stopped
- 1013 UIP : Error stopping client side IPC
- 1014 CLT : CustomCommand interface loaded successfully
- 1015 CLT : CustomCommand performed successfully
- 1016 CLT : CustomCommand interface loading failed with error - %#x
- 1017 CRG : Component "%s" has been checked. Version -> %s
- 1018 RAT : %s : OldDrv Registration -> %s NewDrv Registration -> %s
- 1019 RAT : %s : OldDrv UnRegistration -> %s NewDrv UnRegistration -> %s
- 1020 SPW : SplashWnd started with hWnd = %#x
- 1021 SPW : SplashWnd finished
- 1022 SRV : Try to terminate ServerThread
- 1023 SRV : ServerThread Terminated
- 1024 UIP : Try to terminate ClientThread
- 1025 UIP : ClientThread Terminated
- 1026 SRV : SendIPCMessage Size=%u
- 1027 SRV : SendIPCMessage Size=%u Finished
- 1028 SRV : SendIPCMessage Size=%u Reconnect
- 1029 UIP : SendIPCClientMessage Size=%u
- 1030 UIP : SendIPCClientMessage Size=%u Finished
- 1031 UIP : SendIPCClientMessage Size=%u Reconnect
- 1032 SRV : Try to stop server side IPC thread
- 1033 UIP : Try to stop client side IPC thread
- 1034 COA : AvpMCheckFileObjectAppropriate for object "%s" Started
- 1035 COA : AvpMCheckFileObjectAppropriate for object "%s" Finished Result %d
- 1036 COA : AvpMCOACheckDriveTlsStruct for object "%s" Started
- 1037 COA : AvpMCOACheckDriveTlsStruct for object "%s" Finished Result %d
- 1038 COA : GetDriveTypeG(VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) for object "%s" Started
- 1039 COA : GetDriveTypeG(VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) for object "%s" Finished Result %d
- 1040 COA : GetDriveTypeG(VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS) for object "%s" Cookie %#x Started
- 1041 COA : GetDriveTypeG(VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS) for object "%s" Cookie %#x Finished Result %d
- 1042 COA : GetDriveTypeG(VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS) for object "%s" Cookie %#x Stat %#x
- 1043 SRV : Try to stop server side IPC thread
- 1044 SRV : Try to start IPC server
- 1045 SRV : IPC server started %#x
- 1046 SRV : Try to get IPC connection
- 1047 SRV : IPC connectinon is %#x
- 1048 SRV : IPC server thread synchronization - Stop
- 1049 SRV : Wait for synchronization
- 1050 UIP : Try to connect to server %s
- 1051 UIP : Connectinon to server %s Failed
- 1052 UIP : Connectinon to server %s Succeeded
- 1053 COA : GetDriveType for object "%s" Cookie %#x Cache hit Result %d
- 1054 UIP : IPC_RC_ERROR Received
- 1055 UIP : GetEvent value = %d
- 1056 UIP : Try to get new connection
- 1057 UIP : New connection has not been got
- 1058 UIP : New connection has been got
- 1059 UIP : Error starting client side IPC thread
- 1060 SRV : Error starting server side IPC thread
- 1061 POT : ProcessOptionsTreeByFunctionality32 - UnderCC = %d Functionality = %#x
- 1062 POT : ProcessRuleTreeByFunctionality32 - Functionality = %#x
- 1063 CRG : Component "%s" hasn't been registered
- 1064 TRC : Main module %s version - %d.%d.%d.%d
- 2001 SRV : Start minimized = %s
- 2002 UIP : UI Part Started
- 2003 UIP : SplashWnd started with hWnd = %#x
- 2004 UIP : UI Part Inited
- 2005 UIP : UI Part Finished
- 2006 SRV : Service Part Started
- 2007 SRV : Service Part Inited
- 2008 SRV : Service Part Finished
- 2009 UIP : Message -> "RunConfigMessage"
- 2010 UIP : Message -> "RunVirListMessage"
- 2011 UIP : Message -> "UnloadJustNow"
- 2012 UIP : Message -> "StartScan"
- 2013 UIP : Message -> "StopScan"
- 2014 UIP : Message -> "PauseScan"
- 2015 UIP : Message -> "ContinueScan"
- 2016 UIP : Message -> "SetScanPriority"
- 2017 UIP : Message -> "AcceptCfg"
- 2018 UIP : Message -> "SaveCfg"
- 2019 UIP : Message -> "ReloadBase"
- 2020 SRV : Message -> "StopService"
- 2021 UIP : Message -> "WM_QUERYENDSESSION"
- 2022 SRV : Message -> "WM_QUERYENDSESSION"
- 2023 UIP : Message -> "WM_ENDSESSION"
- 2024 SRV : Message -> "WM_ENDSESSION"
- 2025 UIP : SplashWnd finished because of main window destruction
- 2026 UIP : Main window shutted down due to WM_DESTROY message
- 2027 UIP : MessageBox Text="%s" Type=%#x Result=%#x
- 2028 UIP : SRV Command -> "JustStarted"
- 2029 UIP : SRV Command -> "UIPartInited"
- 2030 UIP : SRV Command -> "JustSelfInited"
- 2031 UIP : SplashWnd finished
- 2032 UIP : SRV Command -> "AbortExecuting"
- 2033 UIP : SRV Command -> "StopShell"
- 2034 UIP : SRV Command -> "SetSessionInfo"
- 2035 UIP : SRV Command -> "SetGeneralInfo"
- 2036 UIP : SRV Command -> "SetStatisticInfo"
- 2037 UIP : SRV Command -> "SetStatusInfo"
- 2038 UIP : SRV Command -> "SetConfigData"
- 2039 UIP : SRV Command -> "MessageBox"
- 2040 UIP : SRV Command -> "DisinfectDialog"
- 2041 UIP : SRV Command -> "PriorityDialog"
- 2042 UIP : SRV Command -> "Restart"
- 2043 UIP : IPC Notify -> "BreakConnection"
- 2044 UIP : Message -> "CfgStopped"
- 2045 A32 : Check signature of file "%s" - Result %d
- 2046 A32 : Check signature of file "%s" - Result %d
- 2047 A32 : Bases have not been loaded
- 2048 A32 : Bases by set "%s" have been loaded with result %d
- 2049 A32 : Bases are locked
- 2050 A32 : Set file has not been found
- 2051 A32 : Stop Counter thread
- 2052 A32 : Counter thread stopped
- 2053 A32 : Stop Scan thread
- 2054 A32 : Scan thread stopped
- 2055 A32 : Synchronization -> Stop
- 2056 A32 : Enumerator -> "EnumTaskWork" Started
- 2057 A32 : Enumerator -> "EnumTaskWork" Finished
- 2058 A32 : Scan -> "EnumTaskWork" Started
- 2059 A32 : Scan -> "EnumTaskWork" Finished
- 2060 A32 : Scan thread -> Started
- 2061 A32 : Scan thread -> Finished
- 2062 A32 : Scan -> "ProcessMSOEObject" Started
- 2063 A32 : Scan -> "ProcessMSOEObject" Finished
- 2064 A32 : Scan -> "ProcessSectors" for %s Started
- 2065 A32 : Scan -> "ProcessSectors" for %s Finished
- 2066 A32 : Scan -> "ProcessMBRs" Started
- 2067 A32 : Scan -> "ProcessMBRs" Finished
- 2068 A32 : Scan -> "ProcessFolder" %s Started
- 2069 A32 : Scan -> "ProcessFolder" %s Finished
- 2070 A32 : Scan -> "ProcessObject" %s Started
- 2071 A32 : Scan -> "ProcessObject" %s Finished
- 2072 A32 : Counter -> "EnumTaskWork" Started
- 2073 A32 : Counter -> "EnumTaskWork" Finished
- 2074 A32 : Counter thread -> Started
- 2075 A32 : Counter thread -> Finished
- 2076 A32 : Counter -> "ProcessSectors" %s Started
- 2077 A32 : Counter -> "ProcessSectors" %s Finished
- 2078 A32 : Counter -> "ProcessMBRs" Started
- 2080 A32 : Counter -> "ProcessMBRs" Finished
- 2081 A32 : Counter -> "ProcessMemory" Started
- 2082 A32 : Counter -> "ProcessMemory" Finished
- 2083 A32 : Counter -> "ProcessMSOEObject" Started
- 2084 A32 : Counter -> "ProcessMSOEObject" Finished
- 2085 A32 : Counter -> "ProcessObject" %s Started
- 2086 A32 : Counter -> "ProcessObject" %s Finished
- 2087 A32 : Check signature of file "%s"
- 2088 A32 : Check signature of file "%s"
- 2089 A32 : Check signature of file "%s"
- 2090 A32 : Check signature of file "%s"
- 2091 A32 : Check signature of file "%s"
- 2092 A32 : Engine has been loaded
- 2093 A32 : Engine has not been loaded
- 2094 A32 : Load engine "%s"
- 2095 A32 : Engine has not been found
- 2096 A32 : Command -> "Initialize"
- 2097 A32 : Sink interface hasn't been obtained
- 2098 A32 : Initalization finished successfully
- 2099 A32 : Initalization failed
- 2100 A32 : Command -> "Uninitialize"
- 2101 A32 : Task (if any) stopped
- 2102 A32 : Uninitalization finished successfully
- 2103 A32 : Command -> "StartTask"
- 2104 A32 : Task started -> %#x
- 2105 A32 : Command -> "StopTask"
- 2106 SRV : Report file opened successfully
- 2107 SRV : Report file opening error -> %s
- 2108 SRV : MessageBox simulated Text="%s" Type=%#x Result=%#x
- 2109 SRV : DisinfectDialog Result=%d
- 2110 SRV : DisinfectDialog simulate Result=%d
- 2111 SRV : PriorityDialog Result=%d
- 2112 SRV : PriorityDialog simulate Result=%d
- 2113 SRV : Scan canceled
- 2114 SRV : Initialization failed
- 2115 SRV : Service object loaded successfully
- 2116 SRV : Service object loading failed
- 2117 SRV : Sink object class factory created successfully
- 2118 SRV : Sink object created successfully
- 2119 SRV : Service object initialized successfully
- 2120 SRV : Service object initialization failed
- 2121 SRV : Sink object creating failed
- 2122 SRV : Sink object class factory creating failed
- 2123 SRV : Report directory creation error -> %s
- 2124 SRV : Report file name -> %s
- 2125 UIP : Bases date = %d.%d.%d, Update span = %d, Current date = %d.%d.%d
- 2126 UIP : Bases time = %u, Update span time = %u, Current time = %u
- 2127 SRV : Key set loaded
- 2128 SRV : Session data accepted
- 2129 SRV : Stop service part by "ExecuteServicePart"
- 2130 SRV : "ServiceQueryEndSession"
- 2131 SRV : "ServiceEndSession"
- 2132 SRV : COM system initilized successfully
- 2133 SRV : COM system initilization failed
- 2134 SRV : COM system uninitilized
- 2135 SRV : Scan task started successfully
- 2136 SRV : Scan task starting failed
- 2137 SRV : Scan task resumed successfully
- 2138 SRV : Scan task resuming failed
- 2139 SRV : Scan task stopped successfully
- 2140 SRV : Scan task stopping failed
- 2141 SRV : Scan task paused successfully
- 2142 SRV : Scan task pausing failed
- 2143 SRV : Scan task resumed successfully
- 2144 SRV : Scan task resuming failed
- 2145 SRV : IPC Notify -> "ServerThreadStarted"
- 2146 SRV : IPC Notify -> "ServerThreadStopped"
- 2147 SRV : UIP Command -> "JustConnected"
- 2148 SRV : UIP Command -> "UIStarted"
- 2149 SRV : UIP Command -> "UIStopped"
- 2150 SRV : UIP Command -> "AcceptCfg"
- 2151 SRV : UIP Command -> "StartScan"
- 2152 SRV : UIP Command -> "StopScan"
- 2153 SRV : UIP Command -> "PauseScan"
- 2154 SRV : UIP Command -> "ContinueScan"
- 2155 SRV : UIP Command -> "StopServer"
- 2156 SRV : UIP Command -> "ReloadBase"
- 2157 SRV : UIP Command -> "CommandLineStart"
- 2158 SRV : UIP Command -> "TimeToInit"
- 2159 SRV : IPC Message -> "BreakConnection"
- 2160 SRV : IPC Message -> "SetPriority"
- 2161 SRV : CC Command -> "ThreadStart"
- 2162 SRV : CC Command -> "ThreadStop"
- 2163 SRV : CC Command -> "TaskStart"
- 2164 SRV : CC Command -> "TaskStop"
- 2165 SRV : CC Command -> "TaskPause"
- 2166 SRV : CC Command -> "TaskResume"
- 2167 SRV : CC Command -> "ReloadBases"
- 2168 SRV : CC Command -> "ConnectionClosed"
- 2169 A32MSOE : Found identity... %s
- 2170 A32MSOE : Opened identity... %s
- 2171 A32MSOE : Found store root... %s
- 2172 A32MSOE : Expanded store root... %s
- 2173 A32MSOE : Creating IDatabaseSession... %#x
- 2174 A32MSOE : Creating IMimeMessage ClassFactory... %#x
- 2175 A32MSOE : Creating IVirtualStream ClassFactory... %#x
- 2176 A32MSOE : Open identities...
- 2177 A32MSOE : Found store... %s
- 2178 A32MSOE : Store opened
- 2179 A32MSOE : Records in store... %u
- 2180 A32MSOE : Rowset created...
- 2181 A32MSOE : Creating IMimeMessage... %#x
- 2182 A32MSOE : Rows queried... %u
- 2183 A32MSOE : Row %u stream offset... %u
- 2184 A32MSOE : Stream opened...
- 2185 A32MSOE : Stream loaded...
- 2186 A32MSOE : Attachments count... %u
- 2187 A32MSOE : Stream loaded...
- 2188 A32MSOE : Attachments count... %u
- 2189 A32MSOE : Creating tmp stream interface... %#x
- 2190 A32MSOE : Temporary stream created... %#x
- 2191 A32MSOE : Message modified...
- 2192 A32MSOE : Stream commited...
- 2193 A32MSOE : Stream set to message...
- 2194 A32MSOE : Bound to body %u ...
- 2195 A32MSOE : Stream saved to file... %s
- 2196 A32MSOE : Attach to "att:filename" name... %s
- 2197 A32MSOE : Attach to "att:generated-filename" name... %s
- 2198 A32MSOE : Remove body...
- 2199 A32MSOE : Getting %d body... %#x
- 2200 A32MSOE : Creating set stream interface... %#x
- 2201 A32MSOE : SetTextBody ... %#x
- 2202 A32MSOE : SetTextBody %d... %#x
- 2203 A32MSOE : DeleteBody... %#x
- 2204 A32MSOE : Replace body to... %s
- 2205 A32MSOE : Creating text stream interface... %#x
- 2206 A32MSOE : SetTextBody text-plain... %#x
- 2207 A32MSOE : Getting text-plain body... %#x
- 2208 A32MSOE : Creating html stream interface... %#x
- 2209 A32MSOE : SetTextBody text-html... %#x
- 2210 A32MSOE : SetTextBody text-plain... %#x
- 2211 A32MSOE : DeleteBody... %#x
- 2212 A32MSOE : AttachFile... %#x
- 2213 A32MSOE : Set body name to %s... %#x
- 2214 A32MSOE : Cure body to... %s
- 2215 A32MSOE : Creating source stream interface... %#x
- 2216 A32MSOE : Creating dectignation stream interface... %#x
- 2217 %s : %s hasn't started
- 2218 A32 : Scan -> Wait for "Counter" stopped
- 2219 A32 : Scan -> "Counter" stopped
- 2220 A32 : Counter -> Wait for stop or continue
- 2221 A32 : Counter -> Wait for stop or continue finished. Stop = %d
- 2222 UIP : Message -> "%s" added to resend
- 2223 UIP : Set tray icon tip
- 2224 UIP : Set tray icon tip Finished
- 2225 UIP : Install tray icon
- 2226 UIP : Install tray icon Finished
- 2227 UIP : Remove tray icon
- 2228 UIP : Remove tray icon Finished
- 2229 UIP : Unload SettingsDll IAvpUI = %#x
- 2230 UIP : SettingsDll Unloaded
- 2231 UIP : Shutdown UI
- 2232 UIP : UI Shutted down
- 2233 UIP : Message -> "UnloadJustNowInt"
- 2234 SRV : Scan stopped. Exit code = %d
- 2235 SRV : Scan started
- 2236 UIP : Message -> "ID_SCANNER_SETTINGS"
- 2237 UIP : Message -> "ID_SHOW_REPORT"
- 2238 UIP : Message -> "ID_UNLOADSCANNER"
- 2239 UIP : Message -> "ID_SCAN_START"
- 2240 UIP : Message -> "ID_SCAN_PAUSE"
- 2241 UIP : Message -> "ID_SHOW_ABOUT"
- 2242 UIP : Message -> "ID_SCAN_PRIORITY"
- 2243 UIP : Message -> "ID_UPDATENOW"
- 2246 UIP : Message -> "WM_DESTROY"
- 2247 SRV : Message -> "WM_DESTROY"
- 2248 UID : Send message to host : %s
- 2249 UID : Message is sent to host : %s
- 2250 UIP : Send message to UI : %s
- 2251 UIP : Message is sent to UI : %s
- 2252 UIP : IPC Notify -> "ClientThreadStarted"
- 2253 UIP : IPC Notify -> "ClientThreadStopped"
- 2254 A32 : CancelScanProcess
- 2255 A32 : CancelScanProcess Finished
- 2256 SRV : AvpSendData Command=%#x
- 2257 SRV : AvpSendDataEx Command=%#x
- 2258 SRV : CCClientSendStatistics Block=%s
- 2259 SRV : CCClientSendAlert Number=%d Message=%s
- 2260 SRV : CCClientSendEvent Number=%d Message=%s
- 2261 SRV : CCClientSendStatusEx StatusCode=%d Percent=%d
- 2262 SRV : CCClientIsComponentWorksWithCC
- 2263 SRV : CCClientDone
- 2264 SRV : CCClientNeedRestart bNeedRestart = %s
- 2265 SRV : CCClientPlaceFileToQuarantine pszFilePath="%s" pszReason="%s"
- 2266 SRV : Marshall service interface %#x Result %#x
- 2267 SRV : DelaySendThread Started
- 2268 SRV : DelaySendThread Finished
- 2269 SRV : StartDelaySendThread by %s
- 2270 UIP : SRV Command -> "SanctionConfigData"
- 2271 UIP : "SendDataToOuterProcess" Command=%#x
- 2272 UIP : SendStopTaskMessage %#x
- 2273 SRV : SendStopTaskMessage %#x
- 2274 A32 : GetAddonReportStrings for object %s by code %d Started
- 2275 A32 : GetAddonReportStrings for object %s by code %d Finished
- 2276 A32 : GetAddonReportStrings has got strings "%s" [%d] "%s"
- 2277 A32 : EnumStartupObjects Started
- 2278 A32 : EnumStartupObjects Finished
- 2279 A32 : EnumStartupObjects SturtupAddon Loaded
- 2280 A32 : EnumStartupObjects has got object %s with code %#x
- 2281 A32 : EnumStartupObjects has got processed object %s with code %#x
- 2282 SRV : Stop service part by "ServiceQueryEndSession"
- 2283 SRV : Stop service part by "AvpStopServer"
- 2284 SRV : Stop service part by "AvpBreakConnection"
- 2285 SRV : Stop service part by "AvpServerBegin"
- 2286 SRV : Stop service part by "CCConnectionClosed"
- 2287 SRV : Stop service part by "CCClientStart"
- 2288 SRV : Stop service part by "SendRestart"
- 2289 SRV : Stop service part by "SendStopJustNow"
- 2290 SRV : Stop service part by "SendStopScan"
- 2291 SRV : Stop service part by "SendCancelScan"
- 2292 SRV : Stop service part by "SendCancelInit"
- 2293 SRV : Stop service part by "JustConnected"
- 2294 SRV : Try to terminate DelaySendThread
- 2295 SRV : DelaySendThread Terminated
- 2296 SRV : Try to terminate CCClient
- 2297 SRV : CCClient Terminated
- 2298 SRV : Try to terminate CCStartTaskWaitThread
- 2299 SRV : CCStartTaskWaitThread Terminated
- 2300 SRV : CCStartTaskWaitThread Started
- 2301 SRV : CCStartTaskWaitThread Finished
- 2302 SRV : Stop service part by "CCStartTaskWaitThread"
- 2303 SRV : GetAdminStatus Started
- 2304 SRV : GetAdminStatus Finished
- 2305 SRV : GetAdminStatus - Admin rights isn't obtained
- 2306 SRV : IsAdmin Started
- 2307 SRV : IsAdmin - OpenProcessToken Failed
- 2308 SRV : IsAdmin - GetTokenInformation Result = %d
- 2309 SRV : IsAdmin - AllocateAndInitializeSid Failed
- 2310 SRV : IsAdmin - GroupCount = %d
- 2311 SRV : IsAdmin - EqualSid Succeeded
- 2312 SRV : IsAdmin Finished Result = %d
- 2313 SRV : CommandLineOptions - CLStart = %d
- 2314 SRV : CommandLineOptions - EnableRedundant = %d
- 2315 SRV : CommandLineOptions - EnableNTFSStreams = %d
- 2316 SRV : Try to terminate WriteReportThread
- 2317 SRV : WriteReportThread Terminated
- 2318 SRV : WriteReportThread Started
- 2319 SRV : WriteReportThread Stop signalled
- 2320 SRV : WriteReportThread Finished
- 2321 SRV : AvpSendData Command=%#x Finished Result=%d
- 2322 SRV : AvpSendDataEx Command=%#x Finished Result=%d
- 2323 SRV : CCClientSendStatistics Block=%s Finished Result=%d
- 2324 SRV : CCClientSendAlert Number=%d Message="%s" Finished Result=%d
- 2325 SRV : CCClientSendEvent Number=%d Message="%s" Finished Result=%d
- 2326 SRV : CCClientSendStatusEx StatusCode=%d Percent=%d Finished Result=%d
- 2327 SRV : CCClientIsComponentWorksWithCC Finished Result=%d
- 2328 SRV : CCClientDone Finished Result=%d
- 2329 SRV : CCClientNeedRestart bNeedRestart="%s" Finished Result=%d
- 2330 SRV : CCClientPlaceFileToQuarantine pszFilePath="%s" pszReason="%s" Finished Result=%d
- 2331 UIP : SRV Command -> "SetDinamicInfo"
- 2332 SRV : CDelaySendThread PerformSychronize Started Timeout=%#x
- 2333 SRV : CDelaySendThread PerformSychronize Finished Result=%d
- 2334 SRV : SendStatisticInfoImp Started
- 2335 SRV : SendStatisticInfoImp Finished
- 2336 A32 : EnumStartupObjects tryes to get the first object
- 2337 A32 : EnumStartupObjects tryes to get next object
- 2338 A32 : ProcessStartupObject tryes to get "%s" object file size
- 2339 A32 : EnumStartupObjects has got "%s" object file size = %ud
- 2340 A32 : ProcessObject(OT_BOOT) for %s Started
- 2341 A32 : ProcessObject(OT_BOOT) for %s Finished
- 2342 A32 : Avp32Callback by code %s(%#x) Started
- 2343 A32 : Avp32Callback by code %s(%#x) Finished
- 2344 SRV : DelaySendStatusThread Started
- 2345 SRV : DelaySendStatusThread Finished
- 2346 SRV : StartDelaySendStatusThread by %s
- 2347 SRV : Try to terminate DelaySendStatusThread
- 2348 SRV : DelaySendStatusThread Terminated
- 2349 SRV : CDelaySendStatusThread PerformSychronize Started
- 2350 SRV : CDelaySendStatusThread PerformSychronize Finished Result=%d