1001 Enable force feedback on this device/nEnable Force
1501 Print a layout diagram for this device/nPrint device layout
5200 Slider2
5201 Slider2
5202 Slider2
5203 Slider2
5213 Enable Centering Spring
5214 Enable Centering Spring in Force Feedback Games
5247 Slider1
5258 Report Combined Pedals
5262 Static
5273 Use Special Force Feedback Device Settings
5274 Use Special Steering Wheel Settings
5275 Use Special WingMan Force Feedback Mouse Settings
5276 Use hotkey to toggle mode
5277 HotKey1
5278 Overall Effects Strength
5280 Centering Spring Strength
5290 Acceleration
5291 Border Spring Strength
5292 Border Spring Size
5293 Mouse Mode
7006 Logitech WingMan Profiler
8000 &About WingMan Profiler...
8001 &About Logitech WingMan Profiler...
8002 Accelerator
8003 Axis%s moved
8004 Button %s %s
8005 POV%s %s %s
8006 %s %s
8007 Mouse %s,%s
8008 Pause %s
8009 Press
8010 Axis#%u
8011 %sButton%u
8012 Click
8013 %sPOV#%d %s
8014 %s%s
8015 Release
8016 Mouse %d,%d
8017 Pause %ums
8018 Logitech WingMan Profiler
8019 Assign as Shift Button
8020 Apply &Profile on Game Launch
8021 Mouse Left
8022 Mouse Right
8023 Mouse Forward
8024 Mouse Backward
8025 Gas Pedal
8026 Brake Pedal
8027 R-Axis Left
8028 R-Axis Right
8029 Spinner CounterClockwise
8030 Spinner Clockwise
8031 Throttle Forward
8032 Throttle Back
8033 U-Axis Forward
8034 U-Axis Backward
8035 V-Axis Up
8036 V-Axis Down
8037 Wheel Left
8038 Wheel Right
8039 X-Axis Left
8040 X-Axis Right
8041 Y-Axis Forward
8042 Y-Axis Backward
8043 Z-Axis Up
8044 Z-Axis Down
8045 Axis
8046 Accelerator up
8047 Accelerator down
8048 Brake up
8049 Brake down
8050 Brake Pedal
8051 Gas Pedal
8053 Axis Properties...
8054 Axis Rotate Right
8055 Axis Rotate Left
8056 Spin CounterClockwise
8057 Spin Clockwise
8058 Throttle Backward
8059 Throttle Forward
8060 Twist Right
8061 Twist Left
8062 Axis Rotate Backward
8063 Axis Rotate Forward
8064 Axis Rotate Downward
8065 Axis Rotate Upward
8066 Turn Left
8067 Turn Right
8068 Axis Left
8069 Axis Right
8070 Axis Backward
8071 Axis Forward
8072 Axis Down
8073 Axis Up
8074 Axis %u
8075 Brake
8076 Button
8077 Button A
8078 Button B
8079 Button C
8080 Button D
8081 Button %u
8082 Button X
8083 Button Y
8084 Button Z
8086 Command
8087 Are you sure you want to delete this command? Deleted commands cannot be recovered.
8088 Delete - %s...
8089 Are you sure you want to delete this profile? Deleted profiles cannot be recovered.
8090 Select a command to assign to this direction.
8091 Adjust the Dead Zone setting for this axis.
8092 Map this axis to another.
8093 Adjust the sensitivity for this axis.
8094 Close this dialog, discarding any changes you have made.
8095 View the contents of the currently selected command.
8096 View the contents of this command.
8097 Use this button to delete the currently selected command.
8098 Use this button to edit the currently selected command.
8099 Enter the name for this Command.
8100 Use this button to create a new command.
8101 View the options for this command
8102 Choose whether or not to Record the delay between actions in your command.
8103 Set the repeat rate for this command. Move the slider all the way to the left to turn off the repeat rate.
8104 Re-Record this command.
8105 Choose a command from the list.
8106 View a list of all commands in this profile and optionally edit or create new commands.
8107 Move the mouse over a control to see more information for that item.
8108 Choose which direction to which you would like to assign a command.
8109 View the help for this dialog.
8110 Enter the name for this Assignment.
8111 Close this dialog, keeping any changes you have made.
8112 %s on ID %d
8113 %s Controls
8114 D-Pad
8116 Game Controllers
8117 Edit Assignment
8118 Edit - %s...
8119 Enable Force Feedback
8120 Error: Could not initialize Direct Input. Please reboot and try again.
8121 The system does not have sufficient memory or resources to complete this operation. Recommendation: Shut down some other running programs. If that doesn't help, try restarting Windows.
8122 Could not launch an Internet Browser.
8123 Could not launch Game Controller control panel.
8124 Cannot launch Internet Update! Either the computer does not have a connection to the Internet or the Logitech WingMan Software is not properly installed. Recommendation: Ensure the computer has a connection to the Internet and then uninstall and reinstall the missing software.
8125 Error: Could not load the Event Monitor. Please reboot and try again.
8126 Error: Could not access the GameStore. Please reboot and try again.
8127 Logitech WingMan Profiler was unable to detect any WingMan game controllers. Please ensure the device is connected. If your controller requires a power supply, please verify it is plugged in and the LED on the controller is lit.\n\nOnce the connections are verified, click Retry. Clicking Cancel will close the WingMan Profiler.
8128 Error
8129 E&xit
8130 Unable to write profile. Is there room on the drive? Is there an existing, read-only copy of the file?
8131 WingMan Game Profile (*.wgp)|*.wgp||
8132 Browse for Game
8133 Export to File
8134 Import from File
8135 &Game Controllers...
8136 A Profile for this game already exists. Import failed.
8137 La&unch a Game
8138 WingMan Game File renamed to %s
8139 %s Layout
8140 POV
8141 POV East
8142 POV North
8143 POV NorthEast
8144 POV NorthWest
8145 POV South
8146 POV SouthEast
8147 POV SouthWest
8148 POV West
8157 POV %u
8158 &Hide Tray Icon
8159 File: %s\n\n.. is not formatted correctly or has been damaged.
8160 WingMan Game Profiles (*.wgp;*.les)|*.wgp; *.les|All Files (*.*)|*.*||
8161 File: %s\n\n.. is not a Logitech Game Profile.
8162 WingMan Game has an obsolete format.
8170 Key
8173 Enter
8174 Esc
8175 F1
8176 F10
8177 F11
8178 F12
8179 F2
8180 F3
8181 F4
8182 F5
8183 F6
8184 F7
8185 F8
8186 F9
8187 Print Screen
8190 Tab
8191 Alt+%s
8192 Ctrl+%s
8193 Customizes the WingMan Game Launcher
8194 Left Button
8195 &Logitech WingMan Profiler...
8196 Left Paddle
8197 Left Trigger
8198 Macro
8199 Mouse
8200 Restore game profile to 'Factory Default' settings?
8201 Axis Name
8202 No Device
8203 Pedal Name
8204 Spinner Name
8205 Throttle Name
8206 Twist Name
8207 Wheel Name
8208 WingMan Interceptor
8209 CyberMan 2
8210 WingMan Extreme Digital
8211 WingMan Extreme Digital 3D
8212 WingMan Force
8213 WingMan Formula
8214 WingMan Formula Force
8215 WingMan Force Feedback Mouse
8216 WingMan GamePad
8217 WingMan Gamepad
8218 WingMan Gamepad Extreme
8219 ThunderPad Digital
8220 WingMan Warrior
8221 New Axis Assignment...
8222 New Axis
8223 New Command...
8224 New Command
8225 New Game
8226 New POV Assignment...
8227 New POV
8229 Please select the directory where your game is located.
8230 Invalid Name: You may not use the characters '! / \ " ( ; ) , :' in the Name field. Please choose another name for your Profile.
8231 Games (*.exe, *.com, *.bat)|*.exe;*.com;*.bat|All Files (*.*)|*.*||
8232 Profile names can not be larger than 31 charactors.
8233 We have located your game's executable file. Please confirm that this is correct and click 'Finish' to begin using this Profile.
8234 We could not locate your game's executable file. Please type it in the edit box below or hit browse to locate the file. Click 'Finish' to begin using this Profile.
8235 No Active Game
8236 No Profiles
8237 <No Assignment>
8238 O&ff
8239 &On
8240 Help...
8241 Pause
8242 Pedal
8243 Pitch
8244 Play
8245 You may now press any keys or controller buttons that you wish to record into your command. Click on the Stop button when you are finished recording.
8246 Print...
8247 %s
8248 Device Layout
8249 Profile: %s
8250 Profile Revision %d: %s\n
8251 Printed by %s
8252 Print a layout of the mappings for the %s device.
8253 Print a layout of the mappings for the game %s.
8254 Custom User Profile
8255 Wizard
8256 Property Sheet
8257 Terminating this program will cause any Logitech Game Controllers to quit functioning properly.
8258 Right Button
8259 Recording has begun. You may press any keys or controller buttons that you wish to have recorded now.
8260 Restore default (%s)
8261 Restoring profiles to factory defaults will lose all user definitions and assignments. Would you like to proceed?
8262 Roll
8263 Right Paddle
8264 Right Trigger
8265 Select
8266 Select A Device
8267 Select A Game
8268 &Select Default Controller
8269 Select Default Controller
8270 Select Assignment
8271 Select Physical Mapping
8272 Unshifted Commands
8273 SHIFT
8274 An unrecoverable error has occured. This application will exit. You may try running it again later.
8275 An unrecoverable error has occured. Please close the application and try again.
8276 Spinner
8277 Start
8283 Hide Tray Icon
8284 Show Tray Icon
8286 Throttle
8287 Trigger
8289 %1 assigned to %2
8290 %1 assigned to %2
8292 Click for controllers options
8293 Click for game profile options
8294 Click to get online help for Logitech WingMan Profiler
8295 Click to print game or device layout
8297 Click to download the latest software from Logitech
8298 Twist
8300 Restore %s
8301 Restore %s
8302 Restore %s
8303 Shifted Commands
8304 Internet Update...
8305 All Commands need names. Please provide a name for this command.
8306 There is already a command with this name. Please choose another name for this command.
8307 Steering Wheel
8308 X-Axis
8309 Yaw
8310 Y-Axis
8311 Z-Axis
8312 Adjust this slider to set the strength of the centering spring. This does not affect the strength of force feedback effects.
8313 Check this box to enable centering forces in this game. Uncheck it to use the default setting.
8314 Adjust this slider to set the overall strength of force feedback effects.
8315 Check this box to combine accelerator and brake pedals on one axis. Uncheck it to report the pedals as separate axes.
8319 Check this box to specify specific force feedback settings for this box. Uncheck it to use the default force feedback settings.
8320 Check this box to set specific steering wheel settings for this game. Uncheck it to use default settings.
8321 Check this box to set specific settings for the WingMan Force Feedback Mouse in this game. Uncheck it to use the default settings.
8322 Check this box to use a specific hot key to change mode of the WingMan Force Feedback Mouse. Uncheck it to use the default hot key.
8323 Click in this box and press the hot key that you want to use to switch the operating mode of the WingMan Force Feedback Mouse.
8324 If enabled, the Launcher will pop up when you click any button on your WingMan game controller. (Outside a game, of course.)
8325 The Launcher will disappear after this timeout, if you don't use it.
8326 Adjust this slider to set the sensitivity of the WingMan Force Feedback Mouse. Sensitivity is only applied if "Absolute with Acceleration" is selected as mouse mode.
8327 Adjust this slider to set the strength of the border spring of the WingMan Force Feedback Mouse. The border spring is only available if "Relative", "Absolute" or "Absolute with Acceleration" is selected as mouse mode.
8328 Adjust this slider to set the size of the border spring of the WingMan Force Feedback Mouse. The border spring is only available if "Relative", "Absolute" or "Absolute with Acceleration" is selected as mouse mode.
8329 Select the mouse mode. To use the WingMan Force Feedback Mouse in games which only support Force Feedback on game controllers, select "Joystick Emulation". If the mouse behaves erratically in the game, select "Relative".
8330 Relative
8331 Absolute
8332 Absolute with Acceleration
8333 Joystick Emulation
8334 Adjust this slider to set the strength of the centering spring. This does not affect the strength of force feedback effects.
8335 Check this box to enable centering forces in force feedback games. Uncheck it to disable the centering forces in force feedback games.
8336 Adjust this slider to set the overall strength of force feedback effects.
8337 Check this box to combine accelerator and brake pedals on one axis. Uncheck it to report the pedals as separate axes.
8338 Check this box to use a hot key to change mode of the WingMan Force Feedback Mouse. Uncheck to not use a hot key.
8339 Click in this box and press the hot key that you want to use to switch the operating mode of the WingMan Force Feedback Mouse.
8340 Adjust this slider to set the sensitivity of the WingMan Force Feedback Mouse. Sensitivity is only applied if 'Absolute with ballistics' is selected as mouse mode.
8341 Adjust this slider to set the strength of the border spring of the WingMan Force Feedback Mouse. The border spring is only available if "Relative", "Absolute" or "Absolute with Acceleration" is selected as mouse mode.
8342 Adjust this slider to set the size of the border spring of the WingMan Force Feedback Mouse. The border spring is only available if "Relative", "Absolute" or "Absolute with Acceleration" is selected as mouse mode.
8343 Select the mouse mode. To use the WingMan Force Feedback Mouse in games which only support Force Feedback on game controllers, select "Joystick Emulation". If the mouse behaves erratically in the game, select "Relative".
8344 Specific Game Settings - %s
8346 Click this button to reset all the settings to their default values.
8347 &Apply
8348 Click this button to save your settings without closing the dialog.
8349 (running)
8350 www.buylogitech.com
8351 http://www.buylogitech.com
8352 www.logitech.com
8353 http://www.logitech.com
8354 www.wingmanteam.com
8355 http://www.wingmanteam.com
8357 Select this choice to have the Game Launcher pop up only when you click a button on the #1 or primary game controller. If you have multiple game controllers installed this choice saves a few CPU cycles.
8358 Select this choice to have the Game Launcher appear when you click a button on any installed game controller. If you have multiple controllers, this takes a few more CPU cycles.
8359 WingMan RumblePad
8360 WingMan Force 3D
8361 WingMan Strike Force 3D
8362 WingMan Formula Force GP
8363 Left Stick X-Axis
8364 Left Stick Y-Axis
8365 Right Stick X-Axis
8366 Right Stick Y-Axis
8367 Button S
10000 OK
10001 Cancel
10002 Stop
10003 &Help
10004 &New...
10005 &Edit...
10006 &Delete
10007 Edit &Commands...
10008 Name:
10009 Command Contents
10010 Description
10011 Commands
10012 Create, modify or delete commands.
10013 Slider1
10014 Slider2
10015 &Defaults
10016 Browse...
50000 About WingMan Profiler
50001 Version %s Date %s
50002 (c) 1998-2002 Logitech. All rights reserved.
50003 Visit Logitech on the Internet
50004 Visit the WingMan Team on the Internet
50005 The people behind Logitech
50006 Credits
50007 www.logitech.com
50008 www.wingmanteam.com
50009 Logitech WingMan Profiler
50020 Edit Command
50021 Give the command a name. Click the Record button to record a new command.
50022 Command Information
50023 &Options...
50024 Record
50040 Commands
50041 Create a new command or modify the selected command.
50042 Commands in current profile
50050 Edit Assignment
50051 Give the assignment a name and specify a command for each axis direction.
50052 Axis Assignment
50053 //AXIS LEFT:
50054 //AXIS RIGHT:
50060 Edit Assignment
50061 Give the assignment a name and specify a command for each POV direction.
50062 POV Assignment
50063 Direction:
50064 E
50065 N
50066 NE
50067 NW
50068 S
50069 SE
50070 SW
50071 W
50080 Adjust Sensitivity, DeadZone, Range and Mapping
50081 Adjust Sensitivity, Dead Zone, Range and Mapping.
50082 Properties
50083 Sensitivity
50085 Low
50086 High
50087 Dead Zone
50089 %s mapped to
50091 Range
50093 Invert Axis Polarity
50094 0%
50095 0%
50096 0%
50100 Record Command Options
50101 Set options for recording commands.
50102 Options
50103 Record Pauses
50104 Repeat Rate
50106 Off
50107 Fast
50110 Global Profiler Settings
50111 Type of profile to apply
50112 Choose persistent profile
50114 Do not apply profiles to games automatically
50115 Apply profiles to games automatically
50116 Apply persistent profile
50120 Game Launcher Settings
50121 Appear when a button is clicked
50122 &Enable Game Launcher
50123 &Time Out:
50124 Short
50125 Long
50126 on &any controller.
50127 on the &primary controller.
50130 Add New Game Wizard
50131 Choose your game from the list below.\nIf you do not see your game listed, you may click "Internet Update" to retrieve the latest list from Logitech. If you still do not see your game, click the Create from Scratch button.
50132 Profiles Library
50133 &Manufacturers
50134 &Games:
50135 Use Existing Profile
50136 Create From Scratch
50137 Import via File
50138 Import via Internet
50140 Profile Properties
50141 A profile with this title already exists. Choose a different title.
50142 A profile for this executable exists in the database. Choose a different executable.
50151 Please wait while we search for the game's executable file. If you'd like to find it yourself, click the "Browse" button below.
50160 Create Profile from Scratch
50161 What would you like the Game Profile to be called?
50162 Please press the Browse button to locate your game's executable file, or type the full path and name in the space below.
50163 Finally, choose an icon below and click Finish to begin customizing your new Profile.
57344 Logitech WingMan Profiler
57348 Logitech
57349 WingMan Precision USB GamePad
57350 WingMan Action Pad
57351 WingMan Formula GP
57352 WingMan Attack 2
57353 Building Game Data Base
57354 Mouse Left Button
57355 Mouse Right Button
57356 Mouse Middle Button
57357 Mouse X-Axis
57358 Mouse Y-Axis
57359 Assign as Mouse Left Button
57360 Assign as Mouse Middle Button
57361 Assign as Mouse Right Button
57362 Inverts the Axis Polarity.
57363 Adjusts the Range for the axis.
57364 Profiles are never applied on game launch.
57365 Profiler automatically recognizes which game you are playing and applies the correct profile.
57366 When this dialog box is closed, the selected profile is applied. The settings from this profile will always remain in place even if different games and applications are launched.
57367 Select the profile to be used as the persistent profile.
57368 Profile :
57369 Persistent
57370 Automatic
57371 OFF
57372 Detection :
57373 Logitech WingMan Cordless Gamepad
57374 Logitech MOMO Force
57375 Left Trigger #1
57376 Left Trigger #2
57377 Right Trigger #1
57378 Right Trigger #2
57380 Logitech Freedom 2.4
57381 Logitech MOMO Racing
57382 Logitech Driving Force
57383 L1
57384 L2
57385 R1
57386 R2
57387 Stick Shifter Forward
57388 Stick Shifter Backward
57389 Are you sure you want to delete this profile? Deleted profiles cannot be recovered. This profile is also assigned as the persistent profile. Deleting it will set the Profiler to Automatic mode.