This mode provides the same cursor-motion-to-mouse-motion ratio regardless of how quickly the mouse is moved.
.topic 6140
This mode provides the best overall behavior.
.topic 6170
This adjusts the amount of extra movement the cursor makes as you move the mouse faster in Relative or Absolute with Acceleration modes.
.topic 4010
Choose an existing command for this axis direction from the drop-down list.
.topic 1060
This button shows the command assigned to this axis. This button is labeled with the name of the currently-assigned command. If no command is assigned, the button label is the name of the axis. Click this button to assign a command to this axis, edit or delete the currently-assigned command, create a new axis command, or remove the current command assignment from this axis.
.topic 4050
Choose a different axis's mapping from the drop-down list. For example, you might want to change the throttle mapping to that of the X axis instead, if you want to use the throttle to perform the commands currently associated with the X-axis.
.topic 4020
Type the name you want to give the axis in this box.
.topic 4040
Use this slider to set the level of control you wish to have over axis behavior. Sensitivity includes such factors as speed, acceleration, and centering (a state in which, when you let go of the joystick, both its axes revert to the center). A higher level of sensitivity gives you very precise control over the axis, but it may not be as easy to maneuver the axis as when you use a lower sensitivity level.
.topic 6040
This adjusts the distance from the limits of the mouseÆs physical travel that you begin to feel the Border Spring Effect.
.topic 6030
This adjusts the amount of resistance you feel in the mouse as it reaches the limits of its physical travel on the base.
.topic 5030
Click the button for the direction to which you wish to assign a command.
.topic 1080
This button shows the command assigned to this button control. This button is labeled with the name of the currently-assigned command. If no command is assigned, the button label is the name of the button control. Click this button to assign a command to this button control, edit or delete the currently-assigned command, create a new button command, or remove the current command assignment from this button control.
.topic 920
Click this button to close the dialog box without saving any changes you have made.
.topic 6020
This adjusts the stiffness of the centering spring strength in force feedback devices.
.topic 3070
This list shows all of the commands in the currently-selected game profile. From this list, you can select a command to edit or delete.
.topic 2010
Type the name you want to give the command in this box.
.topic 4030
Choose either a low, medium, or high dead zone effect. The dead zone determines how far you will have to move the joystick before getting axis feedback. The dead zone reduces the sensitivity of the joystick near the center point. The larger the dead zone, the farther you will have to move the joystick to get a response from your game character.
.topic 6180
The Default button in the Specific Game Settings window and in the Global Device Settings window is used to restore all of the settings to the original settings provided by Logitech.
.topic 3060
Click this button to delete the currently-selected command.
.topic 940
This area describes the part of the dialog box to which the mouse is currently pointing. As you move the mouse cursor over the dialog box, this description changes.
.topic 2060
This box shows the command details as you record them.
.topic 3020
This box shows the details of the currently-selected command.
.topic 1010
Click this button to select another default controller.
.topic 3050
Click this button to open the Edit Command dialog box, where you can edit the currently-selected command.
.topic 3030
Click this button to open the Commands dialog box, where you can create a new command to assign to the axis or POV direction, edit an existing command, or delete a command.
.topic 6010
When this box is checked, it force feedback devices have a centering spring force even in games that do not provide it.
.topic 1020
Use this button to launch a game. This button is labeled with the name of the currently-selected game.
.topic 5010
Type the name you want to give the POV in this box.
.topic 1070
This button shows the command assigned to this POV. This button is labeled with the name of the currently-assigned command. If no command is assigned, the button label is the name of the POV. Click this button to assign a command to this POV, edit or delete the currently-assigned command, create a new POV command, or remove the current command assignment from this POV.
.topic 1050
Use this button to open the WingMan Profiler online help file.
.topic 930
Click this button to view online help for this dialog box.
.topic 6120
This enables you to change Force Feedback Mouse modes by pressing a key combination.
.topic 2050
Check this box before you begin recording if you want WingMan Profiler to include pauses between keystrokes in the command details.
.topic 6150
This mode works in games using DirectX to provide force feedback.
.topic 6100
This sets the behavior of the WingMan Force Feedback Mouse in the selected Profile.
.topic 6110
This sets the global behavior of the WingMan Force Feedback Mouse in in games, applications, and the operating system.
.topic 3040
Click this button to open the Edit Command dialog box, where you can create a new command.
.topic 910
Click this button to close the dialog box and save any changes you have made.
.topic 2090
Click this button to open the Record Command Options dialog box, where you can select a repeat rate and other options for the command.
.topic 6090
This slider enables you to adjust the intensity of force feedback effects.
.topic 5040
Choose an existing command for this POV direction from the drop-down list.
.topic 2020
Click this button to begin recording the keystrokes you wish to map to the command. Record keystrokes in the order in which you press them when using the keyboard to play the game.
.topic 6160
This mode provides basic compatibility with some games that do not provide force feedback.
.topic 2080
Use the slider to select a repeat rate. The repeat rate is the rate at which a specific command is reproduced upon a single use of the control to which the command is assigned. For example, if the game you are playing supports a variable repeat rate for the Fire command, you can configure your gaming device to fire multiple rounds each time you press the Fire button.
.topic 6050
This changes the way pedals motion is interpreted by games.
.topic 6060
A check in this box enables you to override the Global Force Feedback Settings for the currently selected game profile.
.topic 6080
A check in this box enables you to override the Global Steering Wheel Settings for the currently selected game profile.
.topic 6070
A check in this box enables you to override the Global Device Settings with regard to the WingMan Force Feedback Mouse for the currently selected game profile.
.topic 4060
This setting adjusts the maximum value reported for an axis. When set to a value less than 100% this will limit the maximum value allowed for that axis. This control should only be used in conjunction with mapping a gamepad axis to a mouse axis. In this scenario it can be used to generate a smaller amount of mouse movement for a given gamepad axis movement.
.topic 4070
When this box is checked the polarity of the axis is inverted. For instance, you could invert the polarity of the Y-axis for a flight simulation so that pushing forward on the joystick, rather than pulling back, would bring up the nose of your aircraft.
.topic 7020
When you launch a game the profile for that game is automatically applied.
.topic 7040
This is the name of the persistent profile to be applied when the dialog box is closed.
.topic 7010
When you launch a game the profile for that game is not applied.
.topic 7030
When this dialog box is closed the selected persistent profile is applied. The settings in the profile are permanent. When you launch a game the profile for that game is no longer automatically applied because the select persistent profile is already active.