128 Virtual CD v4 Editor\nUntitled\nVirtual CD v4 Editor\nVirtual CD v4 Definition files (*.VCX)\n.VCX\nVCDROMDefinition_File\nVirtual CD v4 Definitionfile
32771 Shows the entries with large symbols\nLarge symbols
32772 Shows the entries with small symbols\nSmall symbols
32773 Deletes the selected object\nDelete
32774 Shows detailed information on all entries\nDetails
32775 Shows the entries as a list\nList
32779 Open
32780 Renames the selected object
32781 Shows the properties of the selected object\nProperties
32783 Adds audio tracks\nAudio track
32785 Adds a directory\nDirectory
32786 Adds files\nFiles
32789 Shows or hides the text under the toolbar buttons
32794 Select a directory
32795 All files (*.*)|*.*||
32797 Audio track
32798 Data track
32799 File name
32800 Type
32801 Size
32802 Date/Time
32803 Source file
32804 Title
32805 No.
32806 Untitled
32807 Data
32808 File
32810 Untitled
32811 Title_%.2d
32812 Cannot read the CD's table of contents. Is the CD surface scratched or dirty?
32813 No music CD in the CD-ROM drive.
32820 A file name cannot contain any of the following characters:\n \ / : * ? " < > |
32821 A track called '%s' already exists. Please enter a different track title.
32822 Choose the view format\nView
32823 You have to close the Virtual CD Image Wizard \nbefore you can continue.
32824 You have to close the Virtual CD Image Writer \nbefore you can continue.
32825 The volume of data is too large for a CD.
32826 This image has too many tracks.
32827 Please enter a name.
32828 Note: An error occured while attempting to retrieve music CD information.
32829 '%s'\ndirectory not found.
32830 You cannot close the Editor until the creation process has been completed.
32831 Edit settings\nSettings
32832 Time
32833 Error: Unable to initialize CDDBâ–“.
32840 Adds an audio or data track\nAdd
32841 Creates the image\nCreate
32842 The path\n'%s'\nhas more than 240 characters.
32843 The file name '%s'\nin the path '%s'\nhas more than 64 characters.
32844 The inserted CD has no audio tracks.
32845 A file with the name '%s'\nalready exists in the directory '%s'
32850 Rename an audio CD\nRename a CD
32851 View CD information
32852 Edit CD information
32853 Submit CD information
32854 Open the CDDBâ–“ Music Browser dialog
32855 This CD cannot be used,\n The CD has too many tracks.
32856 The language file is the wrong version - now using default language.\nPlease download the current language files.
32858 Displays the properties of the selected item\nProperties
32868 Sets the size of the CD\nCD size
32873 Creates a new directoy\nNew directory
32874 Refreshes explorer view\nRefresh
32875 Do you want to cancel the operation?
32876 Session
32877 Type
32878 Name
32879 Data
32880 Audio
32881 Data and audio
32882 Data (multiple)
32883 Session %d
32884 Date
32885 Virtual CD v4 Definition files (*.VCX)|*.VCX|Virtual CD v4 Image files (*.VC4)|*.VC4|All files (*.*)|*.*||
32886 VCX
32887 Importing ISO file system; one moment please...
32888 Error: The player process is not running and cannot be started; aborting operation.
32889 Unknown error.
32890 Cannot start Virtual CD writer.
32891 Do you want to insert these files as audio tracks?
32892 Not a valid VCD image file.
32893 Failed to read Multisession info.
32894 No free entries in Multisession info.
32895 This CD format is not supported yet.
32896 Error reading the ISO file system.
32897 This CD contains analog audio tracks and cannot be used as a source CD.
32898 New Folder
32899 This list allows you to select the source CD.\nIt shows all CD drives containing CDs with audio tracks.
32900 Refreshes the list of source CDs that contain audio tracks.
32901 Shows additional options you can use with the CDDB database.
32902 Allows you to edit the title of the selected audio track in the list.
32903 Select the audio tracks you want to add to your virtual CD.\nYou can select multiple tracks using the SHIFT and CTRL keys.
32904 Select this option if you want to cache the selected audio tracks on inserting.\nOtherwise you will be prompted to insert the source CD during the build process.
32905 Enter a unique name which identifies the CD. You will be prompted\nto insert this CD during the build process if necessary.
32907 Select the session you want to import from the virtual CD.
32908 Enter a new title for the audio track here.\nNote: Use only characters that are permitted in file names.
32909 Check this option if you do not wish to be informed again when a file is not found.
32910 Enter a new name here if you want to rename the file to be inserted.
32911 Replaces the existing file with the new one.
32912 Replaces all existing files with the new ones.
32913 Rename and insert the file.\nYou have to change the name in the box above.
32914 Skip this file and continue.
32915 Abort this operartion.
57344 Virtual CD v4 Editor
57345 Ready
57600 Creates a new document\nNew
57601 Opens an existing document\nOpen
57602 Closes the active document\nClose
57603 Saves the active document\nSave
57604 Saves the active document under a new name\nSave as...
57606 For changing printers or printing options\nPrinter setup
57607 Prints the active document\nPrint
57609 Shows entire pages\nPrint preview
57616 Opens this document
57617 Opens this document
57618 Opens this document
57619 Opens this document
57620 Opens this document
57621 Opens this document
57622 Opens this document
57623 Opens this document
57624 Opens this document
57625 Opens this document
57626 Opens this document
57627 Opens this document
57628 Opens this document
57629 Opens this document
57630 Opens this document
57631 Opens this document
57632 Deletes the selection\nDelete
57633 Deletes all\nDelete all
57634 Copies the selection and pastes it in the clipboard\nCopy
57635 Removes the selection and pastes it in the clipboard\nCut
57636 Searches for the text entered\nFind
57637 Inserts the contents of the clipboard at the current position\nPaste
57640 Repeats the last operation\nRepeat
57641 Replaces a given string with another\nReplace
57642 Selects the entire document\nSelect all
57643 Undoes the last operation\nUndo
57644 Restores the operation that was undone\nRedo
57653 Divides the active window into two parts\nSplit
57664 Shows program information, version number and copyright information\nAbout
57665 Closes the application; prompts you to save files first\nExit
57667 Shows the Help\nHelp
57670 Shows the Help\nHelp
57680 Changes to the next window pane\nNext pane
57681 Changes to the previous window pane\nPrevious pane
59392 Shows or hides the toolbar\nToolbar on/off
59393 Shows or hides the status bar\nStatus bar on/off
59394 This is a placeholder for the size bar. The length of this string determines the size.
61184 Changes the size of the window
61185 Changes the position of the window
61186 Reduces the window to an icon
61187 Expands the window to full size
61188 Changes to the next document window
61189 Changes to the previous document window
61190 Closes the active window; prompts you to save documents