103 You can select the data track of a 'CD Extra' CD only if you select all audio tracks as well.
104 The position of the data track cannot be changed.
105 It is not possible to read the sub-channel data if the track order of the source CD has changed.
106 List of all possible source CD\ndrives. To add or remove a CD from the\nlist, just remove or insert the CD.
107 Starts the Explorer to verify the data\non the source CD.
108 The CD label is the name shown in the\nExplorer when a CD is inserted. The\nmaximum label length allowed is 16\ncharacters.\nNote: If you change the CD label, the CD-based\napplication might not work.
109 There is no source CD selected.\nPlease select a source CD before you continue.
110 Data CD
111 Mixed Mode CD
112 Audio CD
113 CDI CD
114 Video CD
115 CD Extra
116 Unknown CD type
118 DVD-Video
119 DVD-ROM with Video
120 Source CD
121 Size (MB)
122 DVD-Audio
123 DVD-ROM with Audio
124 DVD-ROM with Video and Audio
125 DVD with Video and Audio
126 Type
127 This video-DVD is copy protected. You can continue if you wish, but in most cases the resulting virtual CD will not work.\n\nDo you wish to continue?
128 The description is the internal name\nof the virtual CD. You can use this name to\nidentify the virtual CD in all Virtual CD v4 programs.
129 Move the selected track to the top of the list.
130 Searching for source CDs...
131 CD Text
132 Multisession CD
133 miniDVD
134 Loading CDDB information...
135 Error: Cannot read the required information from the source CD/DVD.
136 Title
137 Time
138 No.
139 Data track
140 Unknown
141 Title_%02d
142 Move the selected track one position up.
143 Activates or deactivates the selected track.\nA deactivated track is not included on the virtual CD.
144 Default
145 Move the selected element in the \n"Show columns" list one position up.
146 Move the selected track to the end of the list.
147 ACM
148 Select audio format
149 Audio decompression module (CODEC) not found. Cannot convert audio data to the selected format.
150 No "write" privileges in the configuration file\nfor the virtual CD. Process cancelled.
151 Photo CD
152 Virtual CD v4 image files (*.vc4)|*.vc4|All files (*.*)|*.*||
153 Virtual CD v4 - Select an Image File
154 Invalid name or no name entered for the image file.\nPlease enter a valid name or click on the folder to open the file selection dialog.
155 The following characters are not allowed in file names:\n/ * ? < >
156 The image file '%s' already exists. Overwrite this file?
157 The destination drive is write-protected.\nPlease select another drive or remove the write protection.
158 Images can be stored only on a hard disk.
159 Please enter a valid file name.
160 Not enough space for the virtual CD on the selected destination drive.\nContinue anyway?
161 Two different passwords entered.\nPlease type in your password again.
162 Error - Cannot start Virtual CD v 4 Image Writer (%s).
168 You cannot deselect this option.\n\nData tracks from \n\n- CD Extra\n- CDI\n- (S)Video CD\n\nCD types must be written as RAW sectors.
169 You have chosen to create the audio tracks of this CD as data tracks.\nThis is only possible using RAW sectors.
170 Please insert the source CD from which you want to create a virtual CD.
171 Error - Cannot start Explorer.
172 Popup menu for CDDBâ–“ functions.
173 The language file is the wrong version - now using default language.\nPlease download the current language files.
174 Virtual CD v4.5 - Image Writer
175 ?
176 Analyzing source CD...
177 The source drive does not support RAW sector read.\nPlease insert the CD/DVD in another drive and try this option again.
178 Custom write options
179 %d MB
180 The source CD type requires RAW sector read, which is not supported by your drive.\nPlease use another drive to create this type of CD.
181 The source drive does not allow digital audio recording.
182 No .wav output device found.\nError while playing a .wav file. Please check the sound card driver.
183 No .wav file found.\nUnable to play audio.
184 The CD drive is being used by another program (such as CD Player, for example).\nPlease close that program to continue.
185 There is no audio mixer installed. Please check the sound card driver.
186 Cannot open the audio mixer. Please check the sound card driver.
187 Unknown sound device.\nThe sound device must support DirectSound.
188 Another program is using the audio recording port.\nPlease close that program to continue.
189 Cannot open file '%s'. Try again?
190 Converting the .wav data into the selected format.
191 There is no test recording to play.\nPlease record a title before selecting 'Play'.
192 Error closing the volume mixer. Please make sure the sound card driver is installed correctly.
193 -- Waiting --
194 Playing...
195 Error while writing a temporary file. (%d)
196 No audio recording device found.\nCannot create an analog recording of audio tracks. Please check the sound card driver.
197 Internal error.\nPlease restart your computer.
198 Not enough memory.\nPlease close one or more programs or restart your computer.
199 Recording...
200 Error - Cannot start volume control (%s).
201 Fatal error - Cannot find the Virtual CD v4 - Player.
202 The source drive does not support RAW sector reading for audio data.\nPlease insert the CD/DVD in another drive and try this option again.
203 The source drive does not support sub-channel data reading.\nPlease insert the CD/DVD in another drive and try this option again.
204 Drive
205 Total space
206 Available space
207 RO
208 Yes
209 No
210 Editor
211 Opens a dialog for editing track titles.\nNote: track names can be changed only for audio tracks.
212 Lists all tracks on the source CD.\nIn this list you can select\nor deselect tracks for inclusion in the\nimage file. You can also change the order\nof the audio tracks on the virtual CD.
213 Click here to use the Easy Copy Mode\nwhen creating virtual CDs or DVDs.
214 Click here to use the Expert Copy Mode\nwhen creating virtual CDs or DVDs.
215 No advanced information available.
216 No problems found on the source CD. Using default settings for CD creation.
217 Problems on the source CD found. Using advanced settings to solve the problems.
218 Destination path for the virtual CD.
219 Opens a standard Windows dialog to\nbrowse for a destination for the virtual CD.
220 Normally, a separate folder is created\nautomatically for each virtual CD.\nYou can disable this option here.\nNote: This may result in overwriting files of other virtual CDs.
221 Shows advanced information about\nyour hard disks.
222 Error while opening drive %c as a CD player. Make sure this drive is configured under Windows to play audio CDs ('Start' menu > Settings > Control Panel > Multimedia > CD Music).
223 Password for access to the virtual CD.
224 Verify password to make sure that it is correct.
225 Program which is started when the CD is inserted.
226 Opens a window in which you can browse for a program.
227 You can select a working directory here,\nwhich is then made the current directory\nautomatically when the CD is inserted.
228 Browse for a working directory using a standard dialog.
229 You can define a hotkey for inserting the virtual CD automatically.
230 Select the virtual drive in which the virtual CD should be\ninserted when the write process is completed.
231 Opens a dialog to add a comment to the virtual CD.
232 Pre-defined copy methods which are\nmost commonly used. The list shows\nonly the settings which are possible for the type of CD you\nwant to copy.
233 Uses a method which allows faster sector reading.\nNote: With older drives or certain CD types, this may not result in a greater speed.
234 Normally, virtual CD stops and outputs\nan error message if a sector on the\nsource CD cannot be read. This option\nactivates a function which works around\nbad sectors, and allows the write process\nto be completed.
235 If 'correction of bad sectors' is selected,\nthe programs scans very quickly for\nbad sectors. Depending on the source\ndrive and the type of bad sectors\n(such as physical errors on the CD surface),\nit might be necessary to look more\nclosely.\nNote: This may increase the\nwrite time significantly.
236 Reads the sectors with additional information.\nFor some CD types (CD Extra, CD (S)Video, CDI) or when\ncreating audio tracks as data files, the\nsectors must be read in RAW mode.
237 Sub-channel data contains additional\ninformation about each sector (such as\nthe current position on the CD). Some CD\napplications require this information\nto work correctly.
238 Normally, a sector is read only once.\nWith this option, sectors are read several\ntimes. On some drives, it is necessary\nto read sectors repeatedly to distinguish\nbad sectors from good ones.\nNote: This may increase the write time.
239 On some drives and for some CDs, the\nread speed of the source drive influences\nthe detection of bad sectors. The faster\nthe speed, the more easily bad sectors\ncan be 'overlooked'. If you have trouble\nto creating a virtual CD, decrease the\nread speed.\nNote: some drives do not return their maximum read speed. In this case, only the default speed is available.
240 You can choose from 4 levels of compression:\n0 - No compression.\n1 - Normal compression: generally the best compromise between CD size and CPU time required.\n2 - Medium compression: recommended for RAW-mode data.\n3. - Maximum compression: the highest level of compression; not recommended unless you have a CPU with at least 700 MHz.
241 Creates audio tracks as sound files.\nThis allows higher compression, but the\nresulting audio tracks cannot be accessed\nby other programs (such as CD-writing software,\nmusic players, etc.).
242 Saves the audio tracks as data. This\noffers a low compression rate, but\nthe resulting audio data can be accessed\nby other programs (CD writing-software,\nmusic players, etc.).
243 Select the compression mode for writing\naudio tracks as sound files.\nNote: ACM is the only compression method\nrecognized for audio tracks when you\nfirst use Virtual CD.
244 Start recording the currently selected audio track.
245 Plays the last recorded music file to check whether the quality is OK.
246 Stop playing or recording.
247 Select an audio title for testing.
248 Change the audio compression if the\nquality is not good enough.
249 Start the volume control.
250 Records the audio data digitally and stores\nit in a wave file using the selected compression.
251 Analog recording of audio data with\nstorage in a wave file using the selected\ncompression. This is the slowest\nmethod, which plays the CD and records\nwhat is played.\nNote: This is only possible\nif the source CD drive is connected to a\nsound card.
252 The analog sound is recorded as in full\nPCM mode (CD quality) and then compressed\nto the selected compression\nlevel.\nNote: This is only recommended\nif you have a very slow computer.
253 Lets you test the current settings for ACM recording.
254 For CD-quality recording, no pre-caching is necessary.
255 It is not possible to read the sub-channel data if the audio tracks are recorded as audio files.
256 Automatically adjust speed while creating the virtual CD.\nExample: If you select 4x for a 24x CD,\nthe data is read at 24x unless and until\na defective sector is found, in which case\nVCD switches automatically to 4x until the\ndefective sector has been read.
257 Define where the new virtual CD is displayed.\nLocal view: The virtual CD is visible only on this computer.\nGlobal view: The virtual CD is available on all computers that use\nthe same global configuration path.