108 Enables the popup information text\n(tool tips) when the mouse cursor is on a\ncontrol element.
109 Select the language for Virtual CD v4.\nNote: You need to restart the computer to\nactivate the new language in all programs.
110 Defines the type of icons shown in Virtual CD v4.\nNote: You need to restart the computer to\nactivate the new setting in all programs.
111 When the Start Selection dialog is activated, this dialog opens automatically when you start Virtual CD, unless you use the Quick Start Utility to start Virtual CD.
112 With this option, the Quick Start Utility is opened\nautomatically in the quick-launch tray of your taskbar\nwhen you start your system, giving you quick access to\nthe main functions of the Virtual CD program.
113 Enables access to the CDDBâ–“ Server to\nretrieve information for audio CDs, CD Extra\nand CD Text.\nNote: Internet access is required\nfor this service!
114 Opens a dialog for selecting a new\ndefault image path.
115 Current path used by Virtual CD for\nstoring virtual CDs.\nNote: Make sure you select a path with enough\nspace available for virtual CD image files.
116 Lets you define which style you want to\nuse in the CD Management view.\nClassic: show only a list of the virtual drives in the left-hand view.\nHigh-tech: shows a tree with enhanced functionality in the left-hand view.
117 Enables large symbols in the drive view.
118 Shows animation when a virtual CD is\ninserted or ejected.
119 Shows Virtual CD symbols only.
120 Double-click on a virtual CD in the image\nview to open the Properties dialog.
121 Double-click on a virtual CD in the image\nview to insert that virtual CD in the\ndefault drive.
122 Columns which are NOT shown in the\nimage view details.
123 Columns which are shown in the image\nview details.
124 Remove the selected columns from the\n'Shown Columns' list.
125 Add the selected columns from the\n'Hidden Columns' list.
126 Move the selected column in the 'Shown\nColumns' list one position down.
127 Move the selected column in the 'Shown\nColumns' list one position up.
128 Path used by the Virtual CD Editor to\nstore files temporarily.
129 Opens a dialog for selecting a new\ndefault path for temporary files.
130 Enables the Easy Copy Mode, which\nautomatically defines most of the settings\nfor creating a virtual CD.
131 Click here to browse for a path\nfor the network configuration file.
132 Lets you edit the CD label.\nNote: Changing the label may interfere\nwith the proper functioning of some\nCD-based applications!
133 Virtual CD uses this path for centralized management\nof the network access configuration files.
134 Eject the source CD/DVD automatically\nonce the virtual CD has been created\nsuccessfully.
135 Close the Image Writer automatically\nonce the virtual CD has been created\nsuccessfully.
136 Define the priority of the write process.\nLow: gives other tasks more CPU time.\nNormal: gives the write process CPU time according to system defaults.\nHigh: gives the write process as much CPU time as possible.
137 Define the default compression level\nused by the Virtual CD Image Wizard.
138 The compression ratio you define here is\nthe basis for the compression level used\nby the Virtual CD Image Wizard.\nFor example, if you select a ratio of 80%,\nand Virtual CD determines that an 80%\ncompression ratio can be attained using\nlevel 2 (medium) compression,\nthen level 2 compression is used automatically.
139 Defines the default compression level for 1 : 1 copies.\n0: None. Data is stored without compression.\n1: Normal. This is generally the best compromise between compression ratio and required write time.\n2: Medium. Higher compression rate, with the trade-off of more time required. This level is better than level 1 for CDs manufactured using RAW mode.\n3: Maximum. This gives the highest level of compression, but also requires the most time. This level is not recommended unless you have a CPU with at least 700 MHz.
140 Define the compression ratio of the\nsource CD/DVD which must be attainable\nbefore compression is used automatically.
141 Increases or decreases the compression level.
142 Select this option to create audio tracks as sound files.\nThese require less space than data files,\nbut will not support all functions in\naudio players (such as Media Player)\nor CD writers.
143 Select this option to create audio tracks\nas data files.\nThese enable full support\nfor audio player functions (such as Media\nPlayer) but take up more hard disk space\nthan sound files.
144 Lists the types of compression used by\nVirtual CD on sound files. Here you can\ndefine the default compression mode\nused for sound files.\nNote: ACM (Audio Compression Manager)\nis the only file type listed when you first\nuse Virtual CD.
145 Opens a dialog for defining the audio format\nused with the selected compression type.
146 Fatal error - Cannot find the Virtual CD Player!
147 With this option, Virtual CDs are listed all\nat once, without sorting, when you open\nVirtual CD v4 from the Quick Start Utility\nor the Shell Extension in the start menu.
148 Change audio format
149 Cannot convert audio data to selected format.
150 With this option, Virtual CDs are listed in\na tree structure, sorted by category, when\nyou open Virtual CD v4 from the Quick\nStart Utility or the Shell Extension in the\nstart menu.
151 Enable the use of virtual drives as source \ndrives for creating virtual CDs.
152 Defines the compression level for virtual\nCDs created using the Virtual CD v4 Editor.
153 This setting activates sub-channel data\nreading when making 1 : 1 copies of CDs\nwith audio tracks (e.g., audio CDs, CD Text,\nCD Extra). Note: sub-channel\ndata is not usually required for making\naudio virtual CDs--and activating\nthis setting results in longer read times\nfor audio tracks!
154 Use the compression defaults for 1 : 1\ncopies for all CDs and DVDs.
155 Use the compression defaults for 1 : 1\ncopies of data CDs and DVD-ROMs only.
156 Use the compression defaults for 1 : 1\ncopies of all CDs/DVDs except video CDs\nand DVD-Video.
157 To activate this option in all Virtual CD v4 programs, you need to restart your system.
158 Automatically creates a list of audio titles in\nthe 'Comment' field of the virtual CD.\nThis applies to audio CDs, CD Text\nand CD Extra.
159 Select the path for the image configuration file
160 Select a path for the tree configuration file
161 Virtual CD uses this path for centralized management\nof the network access configuration files.
162 Click here to browse for a path\nfor the network configuration file.
163 Data CD
164 Mixed Mode CD
165 Audio CD
166 Error while writing image file %s.
167 Could not open file '%s'.
168 CDI CD
169 (S)Video CD
170 CD Extra
171 Editor
173 The language file is the wrong version - now using default language.\nPlease download the current language files.
174 DVD-video
175 DVD-ROM with video
176 DVD-audio
177 DVD-ROM with audio
178 DVD-ROM with video and audio
179 DVD with video and audio
180 CD Text
181 Photo CD
182 Standard
183 CD type
184 Compression
185 None
186 Compression level %d
187 Compression level when the ratio is equal to or less than %d%%
188 To activate this option, close the CD Management program and start it again.
189 Define compression defaults (%s)
190 Use standard defaults
191 This list shows all CD types recognized by Virtual CD\nwith the compression defaults defined for each type.\nTo change compression defaults, double-click\non the desired CD type in the first column.
192 Select the compression defaults for the CD type in question.
193 With this setting, Virtual CD does not attempt to show a virtual CD if any of the files for that virtual CD cannot be found.
194 Blocks access to locally stored virtual CDs,\n as well as the creation of new locally stored virtual CDs.\nThis option is recommended if you want users\nto work only within the network.
195 "CD-Extra" CDs have an additional track following\nthe music tracks, which usually contains a video.\nYou can have Virtual CD leave this track out automatically when creating a virtual CD.
196 Some CDs have a defective table of contents.\nSelect this setting if you want Virtual CD to attempt to correct such defects.
197 In the "Virtual CDs/DVDs" folder, you can sort\nyour virtual CDs by category.\nThis setting lets you define whether a given\nvirtual CD can be shown only once, or in multiple\ncategories.
198 Error reading the information for virtual drives.\nCannot show the page containing driver settings.
199 The following characters are permitted in the information text (manufacturer, type, version) on a virtual CD:\n 'A' thru 'Z'\n '0' - '9'\n '-'\n '+'\n '_'\n '.'\n Space
200 Error: Cannot start the helper program for changing driver settings.
201 Information text for manufacturer.\nMax. 8 characters.
202 Information text for CD type.\nMax. 16 characters.
203 Information text for version.\nMax. 4 characters.
204 Reset the information texts\n(manufacturer, type, version) to the original data from\nVirtual CD.
205 Lets you define whether 'Eject on exit'\nis active for newly created virtual CDs.
206 Virtual CDs entered in both the local and global\nviews are shown together in one pane.
207 A virtual CD entered in both the local\nand global views is displayed separately\nin two additional folders: 'local' and 'global'.
208 The hotkey defined here lets you open\nthe Quick Start menu without using the mouse.\nNote: This works only if the Quick Start utility is running!
209 View
210 CD type
211 Compression
212 Category
213 If you want the virtual CD to appear only once, all duplicates will be deleted.\nDo you wish to continue?
214 When you select this option, the computer is forced into\nthe Hibernate/Sleep mode, regardless of previous status.\nNote: It might be necessary to eject \nsome or all virtual CDs from their virtual drives.