102 The Virtual CD Start Selection Dialog is now disabled.\nYou can enable this dialog again in the Virtual CD Settings.
103 Virtual CD v4.5 - Start Selection Dialog
142 Error - Cannot execute the '%s' program.
144 Starts the Virtual CD Image Wizard.\nThe Image Wizard guides you through the steps require\nfor creating a 1:1 image of the source CD.
145 This disables the Virtual CD Start Selection Dialog\nand starts the Virtual CD 'CD Management' program.
147 Starts the Virtual CD Editor.\nWith the Editor,\nyou can create custom images and modify\nexisting virtual CDs.
148 Starts the Virtual CD 'CD Management' program.\nThis is the central program in Virtual CD\nand lets you access all Virtual CD functions and manage your virtual CDs.
149 Starts the Virtual CD 'CD Management' program and \nopens the Search dialog. The search function\nsearches all hard drives for existing virtual CDs.
151 Shows the Virtual CD on-line ducumentation.
152 Closes the Virtual CD Start Selection dialog.
153 Fatal error - Cannot find the Virtual CD - Player.
173 The language file is the wrong version - now using default language.\nPlease download the current language files.