45661 Arranges the windows as vertical, non-overlapping tiles
45662 Arranges the windows as horizontal, non-overlapping tiles
45663 Arrange minimized icons
57344 Virtual CD v4 - CD Management
57345 Press F1 for Help
57346 Select the object you would like information about.
57664 Shows program information, version number and copyright\nAbout
57665 Close the program\nExit
57667 Display Help texts\nHelp
59392 Show or hide the toolbar\nShow/Hide Toolbar
59393 Show or hide the status bar\nShow/Hide status bar
59408 Show image files with small symbols\nSmall symbols
59409 Show image files with large symbols\nLarge symbols
59410 Show image files as a list\nList
59411 Show image files with details\nDetails
61184 Change window size
61185 Change window position
61186 Minimize window to an icon
61187 Expand window to full size
61188 Change to next document window
61189 Change to previous document window
61190 Close the active window and prompt to save changes
61202 Restore window size and position
61203 Activate the task bar
61204 Virtual CD Drives
61205 CD Drives
61206 Virtual CDs/DVDs
61207 CD overview
61208 Insufficient memory to show all CD drives
61209 Insufficient memory to show all virtual CD drives
61210 Insufficient memory to show all virtual CDs
61211 Error initializing of data
61212 Virtual CD (description)
61213 Virtual CD
61214 Default drive
61215 In use
61216 Compression
61217 Size (MB)
61218 Date created
61219 Yes
61220 No
61221 (CD is not available)
61222 Drive is empty
61223 Start program
61224 Hotkey
61225 No
61226 Yes
61227 None
61228 Normal
61229 High
61230 Audio
61231 This virtual CD cannot be used. (invalid header signature: %s)
61232 This directory already contains a folder called '%s'.\n If files in the existing folder have the same name as files in the folder you are moving, the existing files will be overwritten.
61233 A folder with the name '%s' already exists.\n Please choose a different name.
61234 New Folder
61235 unknown
61236 Cannot start the program for creating virtual CDs.
61237 Cannot start the Editor.
61238 CD label
61239 Working directory
61240 Password
61241 Comment
61242 CD Overview
61243 Virtual CD v4 files (*.vc4)|*.vc4|Virtual CD 1/2/3 files (*.fcd)|*.fcd|ISO files (*.iso)|*.iso|
61244 Program files (*.exe)|*.exe|All files (*.*)|*.*||
61245 There already is a file with this name.
61246 The file name field is empty or contains one or more characters that are not allowed.
61248 Cannot rename the tracks.
61249 Virtual CD v4 - Image File Properties
61251 You cannot change the properties of the selected virtual CD, because it is in use.
61252 Cannot start the Virtual CD Settings program.
61253 The passwords entered were not identical.
61254 Password not changed; please check your input.
61255 Are you sure you want to delete the virtual CD '%s'?
61256 Are you sure you want to remove the folder '%s' and all its contents?
61257 %d image files found.
61258 Virtual CD Online
61259 Compression
61260 Track name
61261 none
61262 low
61263 medium
61264 high
61265 Data track
61266 Digital audio track
61267 Wrong password. The virtual CD '%s' was not deleted from the hard disk.
61268 Name
61269 Size
61270 Date
61271 Could not open the image file.
61272 Session %d
61273 Data track (non ISO)
61274 '%s' file not found.
61275 There is no program linked to the '%s' file.
61276 Cannot open the '%s' file.
61277 Temp directory not found.
61278 Error creating Virtual CD v4 temp directory.
61285 The language file has the wrong version - using build in language. Please download the current language files.
61286 Cannot start the program for setting virtual CD drives.
61287 Select the folder to be searched for virtual CDs
61288 Virtual CD v4 files (*.vc4)
61289 Virtual CD v1/2/3 files (*.fcd)
61290 ISO files (*.iso)
61291 Data CD
61292 Mixed Mode CD
61293 Audio CD
61294 CDI CD
61295 Video CD
61296 CD Extra
61297 Unknown CD Type
61298 DVD-ROM
61299 DVD-Video
61300 DVD-ROM with Video
61301 Source CD
61302 Size (MB)
61303 DVD-Audio
61304 DVD-ROM with Audio
61305 DVD-ROM with Video and Audio
61306 DVD with Video and Audio
61307 CD Text
61308 Multisession CD
61309 miniDVD
61310 Photo CD
61311 Select this option if you want to keep a copy of the source image file.
61312 Select this option if you wish to remove the virtual CDs from your hard disk entirely, rather than simply excluding them from the CD Management program.
61313 Select this option to move all virtual CDs in this folder to the root directory.
61314 Select this option to remove (exclude) the virtual CDs from the CD Management program, but retain the image files on the hard disk.
61315 This option removes the folder and any files in it from your hard disk. To use these virtual CDs again, you would have to make new image files from the physical CDs.
61316 Analyze and show the drive properties.
61317 Select the network station or the folder to be searched for image files.
61318 Select the type of image file to search for.\nTo find files from an older version of Virtual CD, search for FCD files. You can also load ISO image files in Virtual CD v4.
61319 Click on this button to load all image files found into Virtual CD v4.
61320 Click on this button to load the selected image files into Virtual CD v4.
61321 Click on this button to start the search operation.
61322 Click on this button to end the search operation.
61323 You can enter comments or other information regarding the virtual CD here.
61324 You can change the description of the virtual CD here.
61325 You can define a start program for the virtual CD here This program is started automatically when the virtual CD is inserted.\nYou can enter %VCDDRIVE% to define the virtual drive. %VCDDRIVE% is replaced at runtime by the drive in which the virtual CD is inserted.
61326 Define the working directory for the start program here.\nYou can enter %VCDDRIVE% to define the virtual drive. %VCDDRIVE% is replaced at runtime by the drive in which the virtual CD is inserted.
61327 You can change the CD label here.
61328 You can define a default drive for the virtual CD here.
61329 You can define a key combination (such as 'Ctrl+H', for example) for automatic insertion of the virtual CD.
61330 Select this option to have virtual CDs ejected automatically when a session is ended.
61331 You can define a desktop shortcut here. This shortcut inserts the virtual CD in the default drive and also calls the start program, if one is defined.
61332 You can change the password for the virtual CD here.
61333 Enter the old password first.
61334 Enter the new password.
61335 Enter the new password again, for verification.
61336 Enter your license code here.
61337 Your Virtual CD v4 license hasn't been registered yet. You can use the demo version for up to 30 days without registration.
61338 This is the Virtual CD v4 demo version. You can use it for %d more days.
61339 Your demo version of Virtual CD v4 has expired. Presumably you've had 30 days to test Virtual CD v4, and we hope you have enjoyed it.
61340 Thank you for choosing Virtual CD! Your Virtual CD v4 license is already registered. You are now using the full version of the program.\nWe hope you enjoy it!
61341 Please insert a data CD.\nThis test cannot be run with a DVD.
61342 Please insert a data CD to continue the test.
61343 Please insert an audio CD to continue the test.
61344 Yes (mode %d)
61345 No
61346 Initializing Virtual CD Management
61347 To register your Virtual CD v4, enter your license code here. Have fun with Virtual CD v4!
61348 If you register your license now, you can start using the Virtual CD v4 full version right away!
61349 If you have already purchased a license for your Virtual CD v4, just enter your license code and you can start using the full version right away!
61350 The license code entered is invalid.
61351 Converting file %d of %d file(s).
61352 Conversion of %d %% done
61353 %s is not a valid image file.
61354 Cannot convert %s. Error: %s.
61355 Cannot convert %s.
61356 This application requires recent versions of certain Microsoft \ncomponents. These components are included when you install the Microsoft Internet Explorer version 5.0 or later.
61357 Version
61358 Module
61359 Version
61360 Add image files
61361 Virtual CD v4.5 - CD Management
61362 Are you sure you want to abort the conversion?
61363 %s is not a valid Virtual CD v4 image. This image will not be added.
61364 Cannot add the image %s at the moment. It may be in use by another application. Please try again later.
61365 Error: Invalid system DLL. Cannot launch Management program.
61366 Cannot store your license code. (Error: %d)
61367 Cannot start license monitor.
61368 Cannot read your license data at the moment.
61369 local
61370 network
61371 Copying CD '%s' %s
61372 from local to network
61373 from network to local
61374 Image '%s' not found. Are you sure this is a .vc4 image?
61375 Cannot copy the virtual CD called '%s'
61376 Please check your license code and try again later.
61377 Cannot start network mode administration.
61378 Up to now, multiple instances of a given virtual CD were permitted in the structured view. Now you wish to permit only one instance. Multiple references will be deleted automatically, provided you have the required permissions.
61379 Reference in structured view
61380 Your selection includes %d virtual CD(s) stored on the network. Do you wish to copy the CD(s)?
61381 The copy requires %d MB hard disk space.
61382 Your selection includes %d virtual CD(s) stored locally. Do you wish to copy the CD(s)?
61383 Not enough space available to copy the virtual CD(s) to the selected path.
61384 Please check the path you specified. The path as entered was not found and cannot be created.
61385 Target path for virtual CDs
61386 Your selection includes both local and network CDs. Please select the seperated view to move local and network CDs separately.
61387 View
61388 CD type
61389 Compression
61390 Category
61391 Cannot physically delete the virtual CD called '%s'. Possible causes: You do not have the required permissions, or the virtual CD is in use on another computer.