61218 Cannot start the Virtual CD v4 Image Writer.
61229 Cannot edit the image file. (Header signature: %s).
61237 Cannot execute the start program. Please check the settings and your 'execute' rights.
61238 You do not have 'execute' rights for the start program assigned to this file.
61239 Cannot find start program or document. Please check the settings for the start program assigned to this file.
61240 Not enough memory to execute the start program. Please end one or more other applications and try again.
61241 There is no start program assigned to this document.
61243 The number of virtual drives has been changed. Please reboot your system.
61244 Virtual CD ('%s') not found.
61245 Virtual CD ('%s') not inserted.
61246 Load the virtual CD '%s' in the '%s' drive.
61247 Eject a virtual CD.
61248 '%s' is not a valid virtual drive.
61249 The virtual drive is already in use. Ejecting the virtual CD...
61251 The virtual CD has been inserted.
61252 Searching for the virtual drive '%s' to eject the virtual CD '%s'.
61253 The virtual CD is in another virtual drive and will be ejected from that drive.
61254 Cannot eject the virtual CD; not found in the specified drive.
61255 Ejecting the virtual CD from the '%s' drive.
61256 '%s' is not a virtual drive.
61257 The virtual CD was ejected from the drive.
61258 Cannot eject the virtual CD from drive '%s'.
61259 Execute '%s' command.
61260 '%s' is not a virtual CD description.
61261 '%s' argument not recognized.
61262 All arguments processed.
61263 Executing the '%s' file.
61264 Cannot read the file specified.
61272 File ('%s') not found.
61273 File ( '%s') is too long.
61274 Cannot open the parameter file.
61275 Program not found. Please check path and file names.
61276 Program not started. Not enough memory available.
61277 Program not started. Please make sure you have the required rights.
61278 No program specified for opening this file.
61279 Program not started.
61280 This version of Virtual CD does not support virtual CDs stored on a network drive. Operation canceled.
61282 You do not have the permissions required for ejecting virtual CDs.
61283 Before a CD can be inserted, the currently loaded virtual CD must be ejected - and unfortunately, you do not have the permissions required for ejecting virtual CDs.
61284 This version of Virtual CD does not support audio CDs. The selected virtual CD cannot be edited.
61285 The password for CD %s is invalid; the CD was not inserted.
61286 Cannot find the specified virtual CD.
61287 The VCD Player is not running.
61288 Cannot eject the virtual CD.
61289 The language file has the wrong version - using build in language. Please download the current language files.