1158 Please enter a valid e-mail address (e.g. name@domain.com).
1159 Required field is missing or incomplete. Please enter the required information.
1160 Modem is not available or is in use by another application
1161 Disconnecting, no answer
1162 Selected line doesn't support outbound calls
1163 Disconnecting, no dial tone
1164 Unable to continue registration process. Either no suitable\nmethods are installed or unable to register from this location.\n\nPress OK to continue.
1165 Please enter a valid phone number including area code.
1166 Unable to connect to server
1167 Unable to send registration
1168 Question %d of %d
1169 Arial
1170 Registering your product entitles you to a limited period of free technical support and LiveAdvisor, a free support service from Symantec. Using your Internet connection, LiveAdvisor delivers information about your registered Symantec products: critical technical information and product updates, special customer appreciation offers, and tips for using your Symantec products.\n\nLiveAdvisor support services are not available in all countries/regions.
1171 This information is used to tailor essential support information to your needs. An asterisk (*) indicates a required field.
1172 With LiveAdvisor, personalized support services are delivered via the Internet right to your desktop. To stay safe, productive and well informed, elect to receive product updates, new versions, and other information. Best of all, LiveAdvisor is free.
1173 Below is a list of the products to be registered. If there are any you would prefer not to register, you can de-select them here.
1174 Click Next to submit your registration
1175 Progress will be shown below
1176 To help Symantec improve products and services, please take a moment to answer the survey questions. Click the button below the question to select an answer.
1177 Below is a summary of the products that have been registered along with their serial numbers. If you contact Technical Support, you may be asked for your serial number.
1178 Already registered
1179 Internal Error
1180 Invalid address information
1181 Invalid Survey Answer
1182 Invalid product
1183 Invalid Survey Question
1184 Invalid service
1185 Invalid SKU
1186 Invalid subscription
1187 Invalid Survey ID
1188 Invalid User ID
1189 Updating product serial number
1190 No address specified
1191 No registrations found
1192 No subscriptions found
1193 Currently unable to process request
1194 Internet (secure connection)
1195 Company:
1197 Fax to:
1198 Fold here first
1199 Fold here last
1200 Full Name:
1201 Home Address:
1202 E-mail (Home):
1203 Home:
1204 Job Title:
1205 Place\nPostage\nHere
1206 Tape closed - No staples please
1207 Business Address:
1208 E-mail (Business):
1209 Business:
1210 Dr.|Miss|Mr.|Mrs.|Ms.|Prof.
1211 Dial-up (Modem)
1212 In order to properly secure and store your data, the information you are about to submit may cross a country or regional border. Symantec transfers data across borders for reasons such as: recovery from disaster, backup, and for customer support purposes.\n\nIf you wish to not allow Symantec to do this, please cancel your registration.
1213 Are you sure you want to skip the registration process?
1242 Privacy: Email=%s, Postal Mail=%s, Telephone=%s, Rent=%s\n
1243 Operating System: %s\n
1244 Date Purchased: %s\n
1245 Mail-in (Printer)
1246 Unable to establish a connection over SSL.\nWould you like to continue anyway?
1247 Security
1248 Printing registration
1249 Unable to print registration
1250 As a world leader in Internet security technology, Symantec is constantly improving its broad range of solutions for individuals and companies. By registering, you help us to develop products that meet your needs and to keep you informed about product upgrades, the latest security threats, and new information that is important to you or your business.
1251 Item
1252 Value
1253 Where are you enrolling from?
1254 I live in a &different country/region (select below)
1255 We respect your privacy\n
1256 Please take a moment to decide how you would like us to communicate with you.
1257 Please select your contact options:
1258 I would like to receive &e-mail from Symantec about product upgrades, the latest security threats, and new information important to me or my business. \n
1259 I would like Symantec to &telephone me about new information important to me or my business.\n
1260 I would like to receive &postal mail from Symantec about new information important to me or my business.\n
1261 I would like to &receive postal mail from Symantec partners about information important to me or my business.\n
1262 Please tell us about yourself
1263 By entering your personal information, we can tailor your support and other services. An asterisk (*) indicates a required field.
1264 What is your name?
1265 Who should this product be registered to?
1266 What is your address?
1267 The fastest, easiest way to register
1268 Save time by using Rapid Registration the next time you need to register a Symantec product.
1269 Here's a preview of the registration information that will be sent to Symantec.
1270 Symantec uses registration information to improve technical support and provide you with product information.
1271 Welcome to Rapid Registration
1272 Because you've registered with us before, you can\nregister with just one click.
1273 Survey #%s:
1274 Click Settings to review or change the account information shown below.
1275 Click Go to Wizard to turn off Rapid Registration and switch to the step-by-step registration wizard.
1276 Thank you for registering
1277 LiveAdvisor is a feature within your Symantec product. With this feature, our experts will help ensure safe computing by notifying you if there are issues such as new virus threats. It is important to check for new messages regularly.
1278 Please complete a short survey
1279 Which products do you want to register?
1280 Ready to send your registration
1281 S&kip
9000 vCard.Title|Salutation
9001 vCard.FirstName|First name|*
9002 vCard.LastName|Last name|*
9003 vCard.Furigana.LastName|Furigana, last name
9004 vCard.Furigana.FirstName|Furigana, first name