112 Windows operating system files to be copied to the Norton Zip Rescue disk
113 A component of Windows
114 RescueItemWindows Class
115 Windows Files
116 RescueItemSystem Class
117 A component of Windows
118 Rescue Disk
119 ZipBoot
120 Norton Zip Rescue Boot Floppy Files
121 RescueMediaZipBoot Class
122 RescueGroupZipBoot Class
123 Files needed to boot your system and access the Zip drive
124 RescueMediaZip Class
125 ZipRescue
126 RescueMediaFloppy Class
127 RescueDisk
128 RescueMediaFloppyBoot Class
129 RescueBoot
130 PNCI CMOS Tables
131 PNCI Boot Record Tables
132 PNCI Partition Tables
137 Copy of your system's AUTOEXEC.BAT file
138 Copy of your system's CONFIG.SYS file
140 System CONFIG.SYS
141 RescueItemSysConfig Class
142 Rescue Config.sys
144 The CONFIG.SYS used when you start your system with the rescue disk
145 RescueItemSysFile Class
146 RescueItemSysAutoexec Class
149 The AUTOEXEC.BAT used when you start your system with the rescue disk
150 RescueItemSysMsDosSys Class
151 Rescue MSDOS.SYS
153 The MSDOS.SYS used when you start your system with the rescue disk
154 RescueItemMsDosSys Class
156 Copy of your system's MSDOS.SYS file
157 System MSDOS.SYS
158 system.dat and user.dat
159 Norton Zip Rescue system registry
160 The system registry on the Norton Zip Rescue disk
164 Base Zip Registry
165 Base registry that Rescue will boot with
166 User-selected Files
167 Files you specified to be saved to the rescue set
168 CRescueGroupUser Class
169 You added this file to the rescue set
170 Norton Zip Rescue disk set
171 Zip Rescue
172 Original SYSTEM.INI
173 Copy of your system's SYSTEM.INI file
176 Rescue shell command file
177 RescueItemWinBase Class
179 Basic Rescue Boot Floppy Files
180 Files needed to boot your system into DOS
181 Registry backup
182 system.rsc and user.rsc
183 Backup of your system's registry, saved to the Windows directory on the hard disk
184 Basic Rescue disk set
185 Basic Rescue
186 Most recent rescue set
187 Specifies the available commands during a rescue session.
188 LastRescueType
189 ZipReg.bak
190 Rescue Recovery Wizard virus scanner. Unless you have installed NAV SE, this file will not be available
191 RNavOem.DLL
192 VxD Registrar
194 Installs device drivers when you start your system using the rescue set
195 Zip WIN.INI
197 WIN.INI file used when you start your system using the rescue set
200 SYSTEM.INI file used when you start your system using the rescue set
201 Zip IOS.INI
203 Necessary for starting your system using the rescue set
205 Copy of your system's AUTOEXEC.DOS
208 Copy of your system's CONFIG.DOS
210 system.dat
212 Zip registry
213 File specific to your system
214 File necessary for your system's startup
215 Non-essential component of the operating system
216 Setup
218 The floppy disk format engine (rscfmt.dll) could not be initialized.\nYou may have to reinstall this product.\n\nRescue Disk cannot continue.
219 Rescue VxD Exclude List
220 Read/Write Protection Detected
221 The Zip disk is read/write protected.\nRemove the protection or insert another disk.
222 Zip Adapters
223 Zip/Jaz drive %c:, previously used for rescue set creation,\nis no longer available.\n\nDrive %c: will be used instead.
224 Zip Drive Changed
225 Zip drive %c:, previously used for rescue set creation,\nis no longer available. Rescue cannot continue.\n\nMake sure your Zip drive is connected and\nis functioning correctly
226 No Zip Drives
227 Can't find SCSIDLL.DLL, needed to detect Zip drives.
228 Jaz drive %s contains files.\n\nYou chose to create a Norton Zip Rescue set using Jaz drive %s.\nIf you continue, all existing files on the Jaz drive will be erased.\n\nAre you sure you want to continue?
229 Delete Jaz Drive Files?
230 Cannot access %s\nMake sure disk is inserted correctly
231 Error Accessing Disk
232 The folder you specified:\n\n %s \n\ndoes not exist.\nChoose OK to create the folder, or Cancel to stop the rescue set creation.
233 Folder Does Not Exist
234 Error Creating Folder
235 The following error occurred while copying %s:\n\n%s\n\nYour rescue set may still function without this file.\n\n- Choose Ignore to continue copying other files.\n (Be sure to test the rescue set.)\n- Choose Abort to stop the rescue set creation.\n- Choose Retry to try copying this file again.
236 Error Copying File
237 Error Deleting %s
238 Rescue Disk needs to determine available disk space.\nPlease insert disk into drive %s
239 Insert Disk
240 An error occured while restoring the registry.\nYour original registry has not been changed.
241 Norton Zip Rescue Boot Floppy Disk
242 The bitmap displayed while starting your system from a Norton Zip Rescue set
243 Norton Zip Rescue Disk
244 Windows will run NDD if the system was not shut down properly
245 User-selected Files Disk %u
246 If you are creating a Norton Basic Rescue set,\nadding %s will cause other files to be removed\nfrom the set to free up enough disk space. If you\nadd this file, be sure to test the rescue set to\nmake sure it contains all the necessary files.\n\nIf you are creating a Basic Rescue set, choose\na rescue destination with more space available.\n\nDo you want to add this file to the rescue set?
247 File Size Exceeds Space Available
248 Rescue Disk initialization failed,\nTry reinstalling Rescue Disk.
254 @echo We have determined that your last run of Windows was not successful.\n@choice /TN,99 Was there a problem with the boot
255 @echo In that case we recommend you try a Safe Mode boot.\n@echo All Norton Zip Rescue recovery capabilities are still available in this mode.\n@choice /TY,99 Would you like to Boot in Safe Mode
256 Known Plugins
257 Known Groups
258 !command: Introduction\n!dos-cmd: \n^BRescue Disk\n\nTo recover from an emergency, use the\ndown arrow key to select each command\nin the order shown.\n\nAfter you select a command, insert the\ndisk indicated.\n\nYou can change the command line options\nat the bottom of the screen.\n\nPress Enter to execute the command.\nPress Escape to exit to DOS.\n
259 !command: Rescue Recovery\n!dos-cmd: RESCUE.EXE\n!Disk_Name: Basic Rescue boot Disk\n^BRescue Disk Recovery\n\n^BDisk:^NBasic Rescue Boot Disk\n\nChecks and restores boot and\npartition information.\n
260 @echo We have determined that your last run of Windows was not successful.\n@choice /TN,99 Was there a problem with the boot
261 @echo.\n@echo It is likely that your system will not be able to boot into Windows.\n@echo You may choose to use the DOS recovery mode or consult the trouble.txt\n@echo file for troubleshooting information.\n@echo.
262 @echo.\n@echo.\n@echo ***************************************************************\n@echo Remove the floppy disk from the drive and reboot your computer.\n@echo ***************************************************************\n@echo.\n@echo.
263 @echo.\n@echo We cannot find your Rescue Zip Disk.\n@echo.\n@choice /TY,99 Is the Zip disk inserted
264 Supported Application Change
265 \n\nYour Rescue Disks will be reconfigured accordingly.
266 Rescue Disk has detected the addition of:\n
267 \nRescue Disk has detected the removal of:\n
268 @cls\n@echo.\n@echo.\n@echo Norton Zip Rescue is now starting Windows. This will take significantly longer\n@echo than a typical startup. Do not remove the Zip disk while Norton Zip Rescue is\n@echo running Windows.\n@echo.\n@echo If several minutes pass with no drive activity, your computer may have failed\n@echo to start. Restart the computer leaving the rescue disks in place and let\n@echo Norton Zip Rescue attempt to restart Windows.
296 Lists the files the Rescue VxD should not copy
300 Needed to support compressed drives
301 Static Vxd specific to your system
302 @echo 1. If you are testing your basic rescue disk set, you have succeeded.\n@echo Remember to store the disks in a safe place.\n@echo 2. If this is an emergency, you have now used your boot floppy to start DOS.\n@echo NOTE:\n@echo Norton Utilities provides several programs that may help. Full Emergency\n@echo Procedures are available in Chapter 3 of your User Guide.\n
303 @echo The first step is rescue.exe which will check your cmos, your boot record\n@echo and your partition table.\n@echo Press any key to start rescue.exe or press Ctrl+C to go to DOS.\n@pause > nul\n@rescue
305 Sets the operating system version for various applications
306 Error Initializing
307 Error Loading DLL
308 The bitmap displayed while closing down your system from a Norton Zip Rescue set
309 Format Engine Error
312 SYSTEM.CB file used when you start your system using the rescue set
313 Rescue Recovery Wizard.LNK
315 Desktop shortcut to launch recovery utility from Zip disk.
316 Norton Disk Doctor.LNK
318 UnErase Wizard.LNK
321 @echo WARNING: Your computer does not match this Norton Zip Rescue Disk set.\n@echo Rescue disks can only be used on the computer for which they were created.\n@echo If you run Norton Zip Rescue on this computer, you may cause irreparable\n@echo damage to your files.\n@echo.\n@choice /TN,99 Are you sure you want to run Norton Zip Rescue on this computer
322 @echo CAUTION: Norton Zip Rescue disks can only be used for the computer on\n@echo which they were created. If you use rescue disks created on a different\n@echo computer, you may cause unrecoverable damage to your files.\n@echo.\n@choice /TN,99 Do you want to begin the rescue operation
323 @echo.\n@echo Please reboot your system, leaving the Rescue disks in the drives.\n@echo.
324 @echo.\n@echo Please check that the drive is connected properly and the right\n@echo disk is in the drive, then restart your system.\n@echo.
325 A previous attempt at formatting the floppy disk has failed. If the problem persists, it is recommended that you select the 'No Format' option in the Format Settings tab in the Options dialog.\n\nContinue with the format?
326 Format Failure Detected
327 Rescue failed to format the floppy disk. If the problem persists, it is recommended that you select the 'No Format' option in the Format Settings tab in the Options dialog.
328 Error Formatting Floppy
330 @echo.\n@echo Entering DOS mode, to return to the menu, type EXIT then press the ENTER key.\n@echo.
331 @echo.\n@echo Your Rescue Disk set provides the following recovery options:\n@echo.\n@echo F - Full Windows Recovery Mode: in this mode the rescue set is used to\n@echo start your system in a fully functional Windows environment. The recovery\n@echo wizard is automatically launched to assist in recovering your system.\n@echo.
332 @echo S - Safe Windows Recovery Mode: similar to Full Windows Recovery Mode, but it\n@echo starts Windows in Safe Mode. All the Recovery Wizard capabilities are\n@echo still available in this mode.
333 @echo C - DOS Command Mode: in this mode, your system will be booted into a MS-DOS\n@echo prompt for manual recovery.\n@echo.\n@echo T - Display TROUBLE.TXT: this file contains a troubleshooting guide which\n@echo also contains additional information regarding the options in this menu.\n@echo.\n@choice /c:FSDCT Please make your selection
334 @echo WARNING: Your computer does not match this Rescue Disk set.\n@echo Rescue disks can only be used on the computer for which they were created.\n@echo If you run Rescue on this computer, you may cause irreparable damage to\n@echo your files.\n@echo.\n@choice /TN,99 Are you sure you want to run Rescue on this computer
335 @echo CAUTION: Rescue disks can only be used for the computer on which they were\n@echo created. If you use rescue disks created on a different computer, you may\n@echo cause unrecoverable damage to your files.\n@echo.\n@choice /TN,99 Do you want to begin the rescue operation
336 @if not exist \RESCUE.EXE echo This option is not available
337 @echo ***************************************************************\n@echo Remove the floppy disk from the drive and reboot your computer.\n@echo ***************************************************************
339 Copy of your system's IO.SYS file
340 IO.SYS
341 System IO.SYS
342 @echo D - DOS Recovery Mode: a DOS recovery application will be automatically\n@echo launched to check and/or restore the CMOS, boot and partition information.\n@echo.
352 Windows Help Center is not available while running Zip Rescue.
6001 NAV Definitions Disk 4
6002 Definitions Disk 4
6003 NAV Definitions Disk 5
6004 Definitions Disk 5
6005 NAV Definitions Disk 6
6006 Definitions Disk 6
7001 Norton Utilities Emergency Programs
7002 Contains Norton Utilities applications that can recover your system from a crash
7003 Virus definitions database file
7004 NU Emergency Utilities Disk %u
7005 Guides you step by step in recovering your system
7006 Needed by the Rescue Recovery Wizard
7007 Diagnoses and fixes disk errors
7008 Needed to run Norton Disk Doctor
7009 Needed to run Norton Disk Doctor
7010 Norton UnErase Wizard, recovers erased files
7011 Needed to run Norton Utilities
7012 Label and insert %s into drive %s\n
7013 Insert %s into drive %s\n
7014 \nWarning: All data on the inserted disk will be erased!\n
7015 Insert Disk
7016 The selected media currently contains rescue information\nthat will be erased if you continue.\n\n- To stop the rescue set creation, choose Abort\n- If you are saving to a removable disk, you\n can insert a different disk and choose Retry\n- To continue, erasing any data on the media, choose Ignore.
7017 This rescue media is write protected.\n\nRemove the write protection and choose Retry,\nor choose Cancel to stop the rescue set creation.
7018 There is no disk in the Zip drive, or the inserted disk is not valid.\n\nCorrect the problem and choose Retry\nor choose Cancel to stop the rescue set creation.
7019 There is no disk in the drive.\n\nInsert a disk and choose Retry,\nor choose Cancel to stop the rescue set creation.
7020 Cannot access rescue media. This could be due to a hardware problem.\n\nCorrect the problem and choose Retry,\nor choose Cancel to stop the rescue set creation.
7021 (%s) Media Problem
7022 Verifying Media ID
7023 The folder: %s\ndoes not contain valid rescue information.\n\n- To use this folder anyway, choose OK.\n- To stop rescue set update, choose Cancel.
7024 Invalid Rescue Folder
7025 Writing Media ID
7026 Rescue cannot use the folder %s.\nPlease create a new set using a different folder
7027 Invalid Rescue Folder
7028 The rescue disk in drive %s is not %s,\n\nInsert %s into drive %s, then choose Retry.\nOr:\n- Choose Abort to stop rescue set update.\n- Choose Ignore to make the current disk %s.\n\nWARNING: If you select Ignore, the contents of the media will be deleted.
7029 The disk in drive %s is not %s,\n\nInsert %s into drive %s, then choose Retry.\nOr:\n- Choose Abort to stop rescue set update.\n- Choose Ignore to make the current disk %s.\n\nWARNING: If you select Ignore, the contents of the media will be deleted
7030 Rescue is unable to find %s in drive %s\n\nInsert %s then choose Retry,\nor choose Cancel to stop the rescue set update.
7031 Incorrect Media
7032 Updating %s
7033 Copying %s
7034 Done
7035 Deleting Media Contents
7036 Cannot delete some existing files on drive %s. The files may be in use.\nIf you proceed with the rescue set creation, be sure to test the set.\n\nProceed with rescue set creation?
7037 Cannot delete the existing files on drive %s.\nMake sure that you have inserted a valid disk.\n\nRescue cannot continue.
7038 Cannot Delete Files
7039 Norton Utilities DOS Emergency Programs
7040 DOS Utility programs that help recover your system in case of a crash
7041 NU Emergency Utilities Disk %u
7042 Formats disk drives, be careful using this program
7043 Copies the operating system files from one drive to another
7044 Hard disk partitioning program, use it carefully
7045 Modifies the attributes of a file
7046 Software\Symantec\Norton Rescue
7047 Norton AntiVirus
7048 Norton AntiVirus Overlay
7049 Norton AntiVirus Batch File
7050 Norton Antivirus Configuration
7051 Norton Antivirus Program
7052 Programs that scan your system for viruses
7053 Norton Antivirus Program Disk
7054 Definitions Disk 1
7055 Contains virus definition information
7056 NAV Definitions Disk 1
7057 Special virus recovery notes
7058 Definitions Location File
7059 Norton Antivirus Definitions
7060 Definitions Disk 2
7061 NAV Definitions Disk 2
7062 NAV Definitions Disk 3
7063 Definitions Disk 3
7064 Norton Utilities Rescue Plugin
7065 Norton Antivirus Rescue Plugin
7066 NAV Rescue plugin engine
7067 Norton Antivirus Program
7068 Files necessary for virus scanning
7069 Norton Antivirus Plugin
7070 !command: Norton AntiVirus\n!dos-cmd: NAVDX.EXE %c: /l /doallfiles /zips /repair /cfg:a\n!Disk_Name: Norton AntiVirus Program Disk\n^BNorton AntiVirus\n^BDisk: ^NNorton AntiVirus Program Disk\nScans your system for viruses.\n\n^BCommonly Used Options\n/l Scans only local drives.\n/doallfiles Scans all files.\n/zips Scans compressed files.\n/repair Repair infected files.\n/cfg:a Specifies the folder containing\n Norton AntiVirus.\n\nScanning takes a long time. To stop the\nscan, press Ctrl+Break.
7071 !command: Disk Doctor\n!dos-cmd: NDD.EXE\n!Disk_Name: NU Emergency Utilities Disk 1\n^BNorton Disk Doctor\n\n^BDisk: ^NNU Emergency Utilities Disk 1\n\nAutomatically detects and corrects\nphysical and logical disk errors.\n\n^BCommonly Used Options\n/QUICK Test system area only\n/COMPLETE Test system and data areas\n/R:file Write a report to 'file'\n/RA:file Append a report to 'file'\n/X:drive Exclude 'drive' from testing
7072 !command: Norton UnErase\n!dos-cmd: UNERASE\n!Disk_Name: NU Emergency Utilities Disk 1\n^BNorton UnErase\n\n^BDisk: ^NNU Emergency Utilities Disk 1\n\nAutomatically recovers intact files.\nYou can also recover data from files\nthat have been partially overwritten\nor are fragmented.\n