Launch MPLAY. Drop audio-, video- or imagefiles to MPLAYs window to add items to the playlist. You may also drop a folder containing playable files.
To begin playback click the Play-button.
During playback you can skip to the next item by clicking the Next-button.
The current selected item is both highlighted and marked with a >-symbol in the beginning of the name. The current playing item is marked with a ΓÇó-symbol. Played items is marked with a Γùè-symbol. Pressing the Stop-button twice will clear the playlist from symbols.
The Previous-button takes you back to the beginning of the current item if more than 3 seconds have been played, otherwise it will jump to the previous item (similar to regular CD-players).
For fast access within a song/movie, use the slider. You may click anywhere within the slider-area to fast-position the slider, or drag the slider to the desired spot.
The counter shows elapsed time or remaining time in hh:mm:ss-format. Clicking on the counter switches between elapsed/remaining time.
The name-area shows the name of playlist. Clicking on it repeatedly displays more information, like number of items in the playlist, total playlist time and more. During playback, this area shows the name of the current item. If the item is a MP3-file, clicking on the name-area displays the ID3-tags and MP3 bitrate info. Tip! By Cmd-clicking on the area during playback, you may also show the information displayed during non-playback (number of items in the playlist, total playlist time etc).
At the upper right of the MPLAY window you have a LED-indicator that lights up during playback and flashes when MPLAY is in Pause-mode. By clicking on it you may switch to dual LED's so you may see how MPLAY's dual playback engines alternate. Clicking again switches back to normal LED-mode.
The mastervolume can be changed (from 0-100%) with the Volume Up / Down buttons. If the Shift-key is pressed volume will change in 8 preset steps form SILENT to HIGHEST. You may also use the Cmd + and Cmd - to change volume, as well as the numeric keys 0-7.
Almost all operations in MPLAY can be controlled by key-commands instead of clicking buttons or selecting from menus. For a complete reference of all available key-commands see the section Key-commands.
By clicking on the Preferences-button you open the Preferences Window. Here you can customize MPLAY to your needs. Preferences are cathegorized into Playlist, Video, Images and Misc. Preferences are saved automatically when MPLAY quits. The Preferences are described in detail in section 4. The Preferences.
To save a playlist press the Save-button or select Save from the File-menu. Saved playlists contain information about items in the playlist, mix-values (overlap/fade-in/fade-out etc), individual volume-adjustments, and mediatypes.
Loading playlists may be done by pressing the Load-button or selecting Load from the File-menu. You may also drop a playlist on MPLAYs window or it's icon, as well as just double-clicking the playlist in the Finder.