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- ; ****************************************************************************
- ; ****************************************************************************
- ; ** Filename: CUSTOM.INF
- ; ** Abstract: Windows* 98 and Windows 98 Second Edition custom
- ; ** systems containing Intel(R) 82801BA I/O Controller Hub
- ; **
- ; ** Last Update: July 20, 2001 (Version 3.00 Build 029)
- ; ****************************************************************************
- ; ****************************************************************************
- [Version]
- signature="$CHICAGO$"
- [DestinationDirs]
- PreCopyFiles=2 ; Windows temp setup directory
- InfCopyFiles=17 ; Windows \inf directory
- PreCatCopyFiles=2 ; Windows temp setup directory
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- ; ****************************************************
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- [PreCopyFiles]
- 810.INF ; For Intel(R) 810/810E Chipset
- 815.INF ; For Intel(R) 815 Chipset
- 820.INF ; For Intel(R) 820 Chipset
- 830.INF ; For Intel(R) 830 Chipset
- 850.inf
- 860.inf
- 850860.inf
- 845.inf
- p64h.inf ; For Intel(R) 82806AA
- p64hres.inf ; For Intel(R) 82806AA
- ICH2core.inf ; For Intel(R) 82801BA components
- ICH2ide.inf ; For Intel(R) 82801BA components
- ICH2smb.inf ; For Intel(R) 82801BA components
- ICH2USB.inf ; For Intel(R) 82801BA components
- ; Comment this out if you intend to install the Intel(r) Security Driver
- ifwh.inf ; For Intel(R) 810, Intel(r) 820, and Intel(r) 840 Chipsets
- [PreCatCopyFiles]
- 810.cat ; For Intel(R) 810/810E Chipset
- 815.cat ; For Intel(R) 815 Chipset
- 820.cat ; For Intel(R) 820 Chipset
- 830.cat ; For Intel (R) 830 Chipset
- 850.cat ; For Intel(R) 850 Chipset
- 850860.cat ; For Intel(R) 850 Chipset
- 860.cat ; For Intel(R) 860 Chipset
- 845.cat
- p64h.cat ; For Intel(R) 82806AA
- p64hres.cat ; For Intel(R) 82806AA
- ich2core.cat ; For Intel(R) 82801BA components
- ich2ide.cat ; For Intel(R) 82801BAM components
- ICH2smb.cat ; For Intel(R) 82801BA components
- ICH2USB.cat ; For Intel(R) 82801BA components
- ; Comment this out if you intend to install the Intel(r) Security Driver
- ifwh.cat ; For Intel(R) 810, Intel(r) 820, and Intel(r) 840 Chipsets
- ; ****************************************************
- [BaseWinOptions]
- InfCopy
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- [InfCopyFiles]
- 810.INF ; For Intel(R) 810/810E Chipset
- 815.INF ; For Intel(R) 815 Chipset
- 820.INF ; For Intel(R) 820 Chipset
- 830.INF ; For Intel(R) 830 Chipset
- 850.inf
- 860.inf
- 850860.inf
- 845.inf
- p64h.inf ; For Intel(R) 82806AA
- p64hres.inf ; For Intel(R) 82806AA
- ICH2core.inf ; For Intel(R) 82801BA components
- ICH2ide.inf ; For Intel(R) 82801BA components
- ICH2smb.inf ; For Intel(R) 82801BA components
- ICH2USB.inf ; For Intel(R) 82801BA components
- ; Comment this out if you intend to install the Intel(r) Security Driver
- ifwh.inf ; For Intel(R) 810, Intel(r) 820, and Intel(r) 840 Chipsets
- [CatCopyFiles]
- 810.cat ; For Intel(R) 810/810E Chipset
- 815.cat ; For Intel(R) 815 Chipset
- 820.cat ; For Intel(R) 820 Chipset
- 830.cat ; For Intel(R) 830 Chipset
- 850.cat ; For Intel(R) 850 Chipset
- 850860.cat ; For Intel(R) 850 Chipset
- 860.cat ; For Intel(R) 860 Chipset
- 845.cat
- p64h.cat ; For Intel(R) 82806AA
- p64hres.cat ; For Intel(R) 82806AA
- ich2core.cat ; For Intel(R) 82801BA components
- ich2ide.cat ; For Intel(R) 82801BAM components
- ICH2smb.cat ; For Intel(R) 82801BA components
- ICH2USB.cat ; For Intel(R) 82801BA components
- ; Comment this out if you intend to install the Intel(r) Security Driver
- ifwh.cat ; For Intel(R) 810, Intel(r) 820, and Intel(r) 840 Chipsets
- ; ****************************************************
- [SourceDisksNames]
- 1=%INF_DISK%, "", 0
- [SourceDisksFiles]
- 810.INF=1 ; For Intel(R) 810/810E Chipset
- 815.INF=1 ; For Intel(R) 815 Chipset
- 820.INF=1 ; For Intel(R) 820 Chipset
- 830.INF=1 ; For Intel(R) 830 Chipset
- 860.inf=1
- 850.inf=1
- 850860.inf=1
- 845.inf=1
- p64h.inf=1 ; For Intel(R) 82806AA
- p64hres.inf=1 ; For Intel(R) 82806AA
- ICH2core.inf=1 ; For Intel(R) 82801BA components
- ICH2ide.inf=1 ; For Intel(R) 82801BA components
- ICH2smb.inf=1 ; For Intel(R) 82801BA components
- ICH2USB.inf=1 ; For Intel(R) 82801BA components
- ; Comment this out if you intend to install the Intel(r) Security Driver
- ifwh.inf=1 ; For Intel(R) 810, Intel(r) 820, and Intel(r) 840 Chipsets
- 820.cat=1 ; For Intel(R) 820 Chipset
- 830.cat=1 ; For Intel(R) 830 Chipset
- 850.cat=1 ; For Intel(R) 850 Chipset
- 850860.cat=1 ; For Intel(R) 850 Chipset
- 860.cat=1 ; For Intel(R) 860 Chipset
- 845.cat=1
- p64h.cat=1 ; For Intel(R) 82806AA
- p64hres.cat=1 ; For Intel(R) 82806AA
- ich2core.cat=1 ; For Intel(R) 82801BA components
- ICH2ide.cat=1 ; For Intel(R) 82801BA components
- ICH2smb.cat=1 ; For Intel(R) 82801BA components
- ICH2USB.cat=1 ; For Intel(R) 82801BA components
- ; Comment this out if you intend to install the Intel(r) Security Driver
- ifwh.cat=1 ; For Intel(R) 810, Intel(r) 820, and Intel(r) 840 Chipsets
- [Strings]
- INF_DISK="INF Files for Intel(r) Chipsets"
- ; Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Intel Corporation
- ; ************************************************************
- ; Intel is making no claims of usability, efficacy or
- ; warranty.
- ; ************************************************************
- ; Information in this document is provided in connection with
- ; Intel products. No license, express or implied, by estoppel
- ; or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted
- ; by this document. Intel assumes no liability whatsoever,
- ; and Intel disclaims any express or implied warranty,
- ; relating to sale and/or use of Intel products including
- ; liability or warranties relating to fitness for a particular
- ; purpose, merchantability, or infringement of any patent,
- ; copyright or other intellectual property right. Intel
- ; products are not intended for use in medical, life saving,
- ; or life sustaining applications.
- ; ************************************************************
- ; Intel Corporation disclaims all warranties and liabilities
- ; for the use of this document and the information contained
- ; herein, and assumes no responsibility for any errors which
- ; may appear in this document, nor does Intel make a
- ; commitment to update the information contained herein. Intel
- ; reserves the right to make changes to this document at any
- ; time, without notice.
- ; ************************************************************
- ; ************************************************************
- ; * Third-party brands and names are the property of their
- ; respective owners.