home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
INI File | 2002-10-23 | 18.5 KB | 672 lines |
- [MainForm]
- sDropout=Tea wanna crash :) Please restart Tea
- mniKeybLayout=Keyboard layout
- mniColorStyles=Color style
- mniSniM=Snippet manager
- mniCopyOnSelect=Copy on select
- mniStdPalette=Standart palette
- mniPickColorfromScreen=Pick color from the screen
- mniString2q=String to Q-s±ript
- mniQ2Cm=Q-script to command line
- mniMainToolbar=Main
- mniFreedback4Designer=Feedback for designer
- mniFeedb=Feedback
- mniClipHook=Auto-catch clipboard content
- mniFixURL=Fix %3c stuff in a URL
- mniDup=Duplicate
- mniHTMLTidy=HTML-Tidy (external program)
- mniPIM=Personal info manager
- mniFibonacciNumbers=Fibonacci numbers
- sCantOpenOpenedYet=Can't open yet opened file
- mniNextWindow=Next document
- mniPrevWindow=Previous document
- btNew.hint=Create new file
- btSave.hint=Save current file
- btOpen.hint=Open file
- btCopy.hint=Copy selected text into clipboard
- btCut.hint=Cut selected text into clipboard
- btPaste.hint=Insert text from clipboard into current file
- btUndo.hint=Undo
- btRedo.hint=Redo
- btBookmarks.hint=Call bookmarks manager window
- btNeptuno.hint=Built-in file manager Neptuno 13
- btInfo.hint=Statistics
- btHTMLTemplate.hint=Insert empty HTML-template
- btTablemaster.hint=Tables wizard
- btImage.hint=Insert image
- btLink.hint=Make hyperlink
- btList.hint=<LI></LI>
- btFont.hint=Font
- btPal.hint=Palette
- btComment.hint=Comment
- btBR.hint=<BR>
- btTR.hint=<TR></TR>
- btTD.hint=<TD></TD>
- btB.hint=<B></B>
- btI.hint=<I></I>
- btP.hint=<P></P>
- btPreviewDef.hint=Preview current file in default browser
- sSaveChanges=Save changes to %s?
- sOverWrite=OK for overwrite %s
- sModified=modified
- sFileCopyPrefix=Copy_of_
- sConCountOfCharsAndSpaces=>Count of characters and spaces -
- sConCountOfCharsOnly=>Amount of characters only -
- sConCountOfWord=>Words count -
- sConFileCreationDateTime=>Date and time of file creation -
- sYearIsLeap= is leap year
- sYearIsNotLeap= isn't leap year
- sSometinWronWithYear=Somethin' wrong with the selected text - maybe letters here
- sIncorrectPath4Browser=path for this browser is incorrect
- sInputWordForDelete=Enter the word for deletion
- sEnterthePassword=Enter the password
- sPasswordCannotBeEmpty=Password can't be empty
- sWrapParams=Wrap options
- sInputWrapWidthInChars=Enter text width in characters
- sWhatToFind=What to search?
- sEnterTheSearchPattern=Enter the pattern to find
- sEnterNubmerBiggerThanZero=Enter the number > 0:
- sFibonacciNubmers=Fibonacci Nubmers
- sICantToExportFromCurrentCharset=Uh-oh... I can't export from CURRENT charset
- sDelimeterChar=Delimiter char
- sEnterValue=Enter the value
- sValueIsNotDefined=the value is not defined!
- mniFileNew=New
- mniOpen=Open
- mniSave=Save
- mniFileSaveAs=Save As
- mniPrint=Print
- EditUndoItem=Undo
- EditCutItem=Cut
- EditCopyItem=Copy
- EditPasteItem=Paste
- mniHelpAbout='bout
- mniFunctions=Functions
- mniInsertDate1=Insert date (1)
- mniInsertTime=Insert time
- mniUpcase=To upper case
- mniReverseString=Reverse string
- mniHackerize=hAckEriZE
- mniDowncase=To lower case
- mniArabToRoman=13 to XIII
- mniRomantoArab=XIII to 13
- mniSearch=Search
- mniFind=Find
- mniNumber=Number
- mniIns=Insert
- mniCase=Case
- mniCleanup=Cleanup
- mniUtilities=Utilities
- mniCharTable=Character table
- mwordwrap=Word wrap
- mniNum2WordsRus=Number to words (Russian ver.)
- mniImport=Import
- mniExport=eXport
- mniExportKOI8Rus=Export 2 KOI8Rus
- mniExportDOS=Export 2 DOS 866
- mniStat=Text stats
- mniFIO=abbr. of Name, Second Name and Family (Russian ver. only)
- mniFeedback=Feedback for programmer
- mniPi=number PI
- mniE=number e
- mniHEX2dec=HEX 2 decimal
- mniExportMAC=Export 2 Mac
- mniImportMac=Import from Mac
- mniImportISO88595=Import from ISO8859-5
- mniExportISO88595=mniExportro ISO8859-5
- mniAppSite=TEA site
- mniHistory=History
- mniView=View
- mniEditorColorStyle=Editor color styles
- mniEditorColorStyleNortonCommander=Norton Commander
- mniEditorColorStyleDOSNavigator=DOS Navigator
- mniEditorColorStyleStandartWindows=Standart Windows
- mniEditorColorStyleOldoldUNIX=UNIX
- mniEditorColorStyleTypewriter101=Typewriter 1.01
- mniEncoding=Charset
- mniWorkInEncoding=Work in charset
- mniConvertToEncoding=Convert into charset
- dox=Documents
- mniArrange=Arrange
- mniTile=Tile
- mniCascade=Cascade
- mniEditorColorStyleOldpaper=Old paper
- mniReplaceAllMulti=Replace All/Multireplace
- mniStripHTML1=Strip HTML-tags
- mniEditorColorStyleOldDOS=Old DOS
- mniPreview=Preview
- mniWindows=Documents
- mniDec2Hex=Decimal 2 hex
- mniFindNext=Find next
- mniString=String
- mniDelEmptyLines=Kill empty lines
- mniIsLeapYear=Is selected year leap?
- mniEditorColorStyleKids=Kids
- mniOpts=Preferences
- mniRevertToSaved=Revert to saved
- mniCaseFirstBigChar=First char is Big
- mniCaseEachFirstCharIsBig=Each First Char Is Big
- mniDeleteWordOrChar=Delete word or character
- mniKillFormat=Kill format
- mniAppManual=User's guide
- mniRusAlpha=Russian ABC (for Russian CP1251 font )
- mniEngAlpha=English ABC
- mniDeTranslit=Detranslit
- mniAntiwordChartableDistortions=Fix charset distortions after Word convertion (Rus. version only)
- mniCalendar=Calendar
- mniFido2Normal=Fido 2 normal
- mniFixEncoding=Fix charset (Rus. version only)
- mniTabs2Spaces=Tabs to spaces
- mniSecurity=Security
- mniEncode=Encode
- mniDecode=Decode
- mniReplaceFunctions=Misc replacement functions
- mniSimpleQuotas2Paired=" to <<
- mniPairedQuotas2Simple=<< to "
- mniHardWordWrap=Hard word wrap
- mniFormat=Text format
- mniDec2bin=Decimal to binary
- mniParaSort=Sort paragraphs
- mniBookmarx=Bookmarks manager
- mniFileBro=File manager
- mniGotoLine=Go to line #
- mniHEXValues= Hex values
- mniInsertDate2=Insert date (2)
- mniAboutAppModules='bout program modules
- mniReplace=Replace
- Redo1=Redo
- mniMegaCalc=Wow! Supa-mega-calculator
- plugsmenubase=Plugins
- mniEvaluateExpression=Evaluate Expression
- mniBin2Dec=Binary to decimal
- mniConvertUnits=Convert Units
- mniCheck=Check
- mniIsISBNcodeCorrect=Is ISBN-code correct?
- mniNumberOfCurrentDayInYear=Number of current day in year
- mniDecodeFromMIME=Decode from MIME
- mniEncodeToMIME=Encode to MIME
- mniFromHEXValues2chars=From hex-values into chars
- mniBase64encode=Base64 encode
- mniBase64decode=Base64 decode
- mniRLECompression=RLE compress
- mniRLEUnpack=RLE unpack
- mniInsertDate3=Insert date (3)
- mniDateSubmenu=Date/Time
- mniSaveCopy=Save the copy
- mniLoadCopy=Load the copy
- mniSpecial=Very special
- mniAnagramm=Anagram
- mniHTMLStrip2=Strip HTML-tags (2)
- mniNum2WordsEng=Number to words (English ver.)
- mniPreviewInCustomBrowser=Preview in custom browser
- mniAscroll=Auto-scrolling
- mniEncloseEachLineInto=Enclose each line with...
- mniFindinFiles=Find in files
- mniSaveVersion=Save version
- mniNumberStrings=Number strings
- mniFindInNet=Find in Net
- mnKillSpacesOneAfterAnother=Kill unnecessary spaces
- mniExit=Exit
- mniSaveAll=Save All
- mniSysFiles=System files
- mniAnalysis=Analysis
- mniAnHypLinx=Hyper links
- mniNum2WordsGerm=Number to words (Germ. ver.)
- mniCallWindowManager=Window manager
- mniHEXeditor=Hex editor
- mniTranslit=Translit
- mniHTMLSubmenu=HTML
- mniTableMaster=Table wizard
- mniColorizeText=Colorize text
- mniSortStrings=Sort strings
- mnirevsortstrings=Reverse sort strings
- mniAppNotes=TEA history notes
- mnTagToMeta=< to <
- mniReverseStrings=Reverse strings
- mniNewFromTemplate=New from template
- mniSaveAsTemplate=Save as template
- mniBugs=Bugs
- mniEditorColorStyleGraveyard=Graveyard
- mniEditorColorStyleSpring=Spring
- mniHelpMenu=Help
- mniSortMenu=Sort
- mniCompilers=External programs
- mniWebFont=Font
- mniNormalPal=Palette
- mniSafepal=Web-safe palette
- mniPictureDlg=Picture
- mniHTMLTemplate=HTML default template
- mniComment=Comment
- mniCenterAlign=Center align
- mniDefaultBrowserPreview=Preview in default browser
- mniLink=Link
- mniSnippets=Snippets
- mniSaveAsSnippet=Save as snippet
- EditMenu=Edit
- FileMenu=File
- edRun.hint=Command line. Makros @ assigned to current file name, i.e. opera @ runs browser wtith current file
- btRun.hint=Run command line
- cbTemplates.hint=Select code templates here
- cbSyntax.hint=Select syntax highlighter here
- mniExport2RTF=Export 2 RTF
- mniImportUnicode=Import unicode
- mniKillFormat2=Kill format (2)
- mniTD=<BR>
- mniTR=<TR>
- mniP=<P></P>
- mniBold=<B></B>
- mniItalic=<I></I>
- mniLi=<LI></LI>
- btUndo.hint=Undo
- btRedo.hint=Redo
- mniBR=<BR>
- mniPARA=<P></P>
- mniExport2HTML=Export 2 HTML
- mniCloseCurrent=Close current
- mniCloseAll=Close all
- btColorText.hint=Colorize text
- btImage.hint=Insert image
- btH.hint=HEADER
- pmToolbars.mniMainToolbar=Main
- pmToolbars.mniHTMLToolbar=HTML
- mniHTMLCleanUp=HTML optional cleanup
- mniText2HTML=text 2 HTML (formatting)
- mniFAQ=FAQ
- mniDocWeight=HTML document weight
- mniApplyMakroses=Apply makros from makros file
- mniOpenMakros=Open makros file
- mniwebFx=WebFX
- mnitextGradient=Make gradient HTML-text
- mniBaseConv=number base conversion
- mniUUEDecode=UUE-decode
- sRussianLangSelected=Please restart Tea to apply Russian language
- lLayouts=Keyboard layouts
- cbHlUrls=Highlight URL's
- cboutput_processed_files_to_dir=Save processed files to folder
- cbPersistentblocks=Persistent blocks
- btAssignShortCut=Assign
- btDeleteShortCut=Delete
- lConfFiles=Config files
- lTidyPath=Path to Tidy
- btSaveTidyConfig=Save
- btSaveAsTidyConfig=Save as
- btSetAsCurrentTidyConfig=Set as current
- btNewconfig=New config
- btApplyColors=Apply
- cbUseTempFile=Use temp copy of doc to run with app
- urlNatalieAlbum=Free desktop wallpapers on Natalie Album!
- lThumbW=Thumb width
- lThumbH=Thumb height
- lThumbColor=Thumb color
- cbShowSmotrelka=Show viewer
- gbSmotrelka=Image viewer
- tsPrograms=Programs
- caption=Preferences
- cbtext_styles_use_back_color=Use main backgr. color 4 all styles
- tsOptsMain=Main
- cbDoEncDetect=Autodetect charset
- cbChangeQuotes=Replace "" quotes on pair quotes
- pcColors=Colors
- tsEditorColors=Editor colors
- lColorPresets=Color presets
- lGradientPresets=Gradient presets
- rbFNONE=Solid color
- rbGrad=Gradient
- rbWall=Wallpaper
- gbSimpleText=Simple text
- gbSelectedtext=Selected text
- btEditFillSave=Save
- btEditFillDel=Delete
- btEditFillNew=New
- btEditFillRename=Rename
- btEditFillGradSave=Save
- btEditFillGradNew=New
- btEditFillGradRename=Rename
- btEditFillGradDel=Delete
- tsMiscColors=Others
- gbGutterOpts=Gutter options
- lWidthInPixels=Width in pixels
- rbFillSimpleColor=Solid color
- rbGutterGrad=Gradient
- tsFonts=Fonts
- lWindowsFont=standart windows font
- lDOSFint=DOS 866 font
- lKOI8Font=KOI8-R font
- tsBrowsers=Browsers
- gbAutoscroll=Autoscroll
- cbAutoscroll=Autoscroll active
- lScrollNLines=Scroll N lines
- lByNMsecs=per N msecs
- tsSaveOptions=Saving options
- gbVersions=Versions
- cbSaveVersionOnExit=Save version before exit
- cbConvertVersionTo=Convert version charset to
- cbAddPrefixToVersion=Add prefix to version name
- cbSamePlace=In same place
- cbDoCopyOfVer=Do copy of version also in folder
- gbSaveOnEvent=Save files on
- cbStandBy=Standby mode
- cbSuspend=Suspend mode
- cbShutdown=Shutdown mode
- gbBackupOpts=Bakup options
- cbBkOnOpen=Do backup after file opening
- lImageEditor=image editor
- lImageViewer=Image viewer
- gbWWWSaveOpts=WWW
- cbautosaveonpreview= Autosave before preview
- lRecentItemsCount=Recent items count
- tsFileMan=File manager
- lNeptunoColsNum=Number of columns
- gbNeptunoColors=Colors
- lNeptunoFont=Font
- cbFileGroups=File groups
- btNepFileTypeAdd=Add
- btNepFileTypeDel=Del
- btNepFileTypeEdit=Edit
- lNeptunoFontSize=Font size
- tsMisc=Misc
- gbRunglerOpts=Translit options
- stSyntax=Highlight
- btAddSynModule=Add
- btEditSynModule=Edit
- btDelSynModule=Del
- lInstalledModules=Installed modules
- lLanguage=Language
- cbTimeAutoSave=Autosave on timer
- gbTextStyles=Text styles
- lTextStylesCharsColor=Characters color
- lTextStylesbackColor=Background color
- cbTextStyleBold=Bold
- cbTextStyleItalic=Italic
- cbTextStyleUnderline=Undeline
- tsKeyboard=Keyboard
- lCurrentHotKey=Current hot key
- tsEditor=Editor
- cbGutterVisible=Gutter is visible
- cbDefAutoIndent=Auto ident
- lSpacesPerIndentCount=Spaces per ident
- cbMarginActive=Margin is active
- cbShowLineNumbers=Show line numbering
- cbLined=Editor's text field is lined
- lCharsPerTab=characters per tab;
- lLineWidthInChars=Line width (chars count)
- cbSyntaxHighlight=Highlight syntax!
- tsCompilers=Compilers
- btAddComp=Add
- btEditComp=Edit
- btDelComp=Delete
- btAddLangFile=Add language
- tsPlugs=Plugins
- btHandlePlugInstall=Install the plugin
- btHandlePlugRemoveCurrent=Remove current plugin
- btHandlePlugRefreshList=Refresh the list of plugs
- lHandlePluginInfo=Plugin info;
- cbload_opened_files_on_start=Load last opened files on startup
- cbautosave_on_exit=Autosave on exit
- tsSound=Sound
- rbTypewriter=Typewriter
- rbSynth=Synthesizer
- gbSyntOpts=Synthesizer options
- rbWaveOpts=Wave options
- rgResolution=Bit depth
- lFreq=Frequency (Hz)
- lDuration=Duration (mSecs)
- cbKeySound=Play sound on key pressed
- cbUseExtTranslit=Use enhanced translit engine
- btOK=Okay-okaaaaaay!
- lMakros= Makros character;
- tsMiracles=Wonders
- gbQuotes=Quotes
- cbQuotesFile.hint=Quotes preset
- cbshowmagik=Show citations on startup
- btApplyColors=Apply!
- sRussianLangSelected=┬√ß≡αφ ≡≤±±ΩΦΘ τ√Ω. ╚τ∞σφσφΦ ∩≡εΦτεΘΣ≤≥ ∩ε±δσ ∩σ≡στα∩≤±Ωα Tea
- sCannotChangeBuiltInParsers=U can't do nothin with built-in highlighters
- sEnterNewName=Enter the new name
- sPresetName=Preset name
- sNewPreset=New preset
- sWarning=Warning!!!
- sAreUSure=R U Sure?
- sPluginName=Plugin name
- sFileName=File name
- cbFillWallMode_Tiled=Tiled
- cbFillWallMode_Center=Centered
- cbFillWallMode_Stretch=Stretch
- cbFillGradMode_vert=Vertical
- cbFillGradMode_hor=Horizontal
- TabSheet4=Colors
- cbExitReq=Confirm exit
- cpBackColor=Background color
- cpFontColor=Font colour
- cpSelBack=Background color
- cpSelFontColor=Font colour
- lFolders=Folders
- lFiles=Files
- lBackgr=Background
- [fmdox]
- caption=Windows manager
- [fmba]
- caption=options
- lBefore=Before
- lAfter=After
- [editor]
- mniShellOpenAs=Select app and open file with it
- mniCopy=Copy
- mniPaste=Paste
- mniCut=Cut
- mniSelMode=Selection mode
- mniSelModeStream=Stream
- mniSelModeBlock=Block
- mniEOLMode=End of line mode
- mniOpenSelectedFile=Open selected file (if image, then with external app)
- mniViewSelectedFile=View selected file (with external app)
- mniTogglebreakpoint=Toggle breakpoint
- mniSetLocalBookmark=Set local bookmark
- mniGotoLocalBookmark=Go to local bookmark
- mniDelLocalBookmark=Delete local bookmark
- mniAutoIdent=Autoident
- mniInternalViewer=View seleted image file with internal viewer
- sFileModified=File was modified after last saving. R u sure 2 close it?
- [filebox]
- sRUSure=Are you sure?
- mniMakeIMG=Insert image as IMG tag
- mniOptions=Options
- mniOpeninHEXEditor=Open in HEX editor
- mniFiles=Files
- mniReplaceMultiReplace=Replace or multi-replace
- mniFindInFiles=Find text in files
- mniChangeCharset=Charset
- mniHotDirs=Hotlist
- mniOPenInExtrernalEditor=Open with external editor
- mniOPenInExtrernalViewer=Open with external viewer
- mniFileProps=File properties
- mniRename=Rename
- mniDeleteFile=Delete file
- mniRefresh=Refresh file list
- mniText2HTML=Text > HTML (with formatting)
- mniCleanUpHTML=Cleanup defined HTML-tags
- mniMakeLinkTo=Make single link or file index (HTML)
- mniShowInInternalViewer=Show with built-in image viewer
- sFileSize=File size
- SFileRename=File rename
- sNewName=New name
- mniMakeThumbs=Create thumbs gallery
- mniSelectAll=Select all
- mniInsertTag=Insert image as IMG tag
- mnimakeGal=Create thumbs gallery
- [replaceform]
- caption=Find and replace
- lReplaceOn=Replace on
- lFindWhat=Find what?
- btDo=Do
- btCancel=Cancel
- CheckBox1=Multireplace
- btSaveMultireplacePreset=Save
- [fmbmxtree]
- caption=Bookmarks
- mniBookmark=Bookmark
- mniAddChild=Add subelement (bookmark)
- mniUpdateCurrent=Update current bookmark
- mniDelCurrent=Delete current
- mniAddNode=Add element (bookmark)
- edCapt.hint=Bookmark's caption edit ONLY here!
- sAreUSure=Are you sure?
- [frm_cal]
- caption=Calendar
- btFirstDate=First date
- btSecondDate=Second date
- btMiscInfo=Misc info
- sGrinvTimeDiff=Difference between Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) and local time, in HHMM is:
- [fmCompOpts]
- caption=Options
- lMenuCaption=Menu item caption
- lCommandLine=Command line
- [frm_FileFind]
- caption=Find in files
- btStartSearch=Search
- btPauseSearch=Pause
- btStopSearch=Stop
- btResumeSearch=Resume
- lFileMask=File mask
- lWhereToSearch=Search start location
- lWhatToSearch=What to find
- sFound=Found
- sFile=File[s]
- sBeginSearch=Search starting
- sPaused=I'm waiting...
- sStopped=Stopped
- sResume=Resumed!
- [fmFileProps]
- caption=File type properties
- lViewer=Viewer
- lEditor=Editor
- lFileExt=Extensions
- lColor=Color
- [unt]
- caption=Universal text analyzer
- btClear=Clear
- btAnalysis=Analysis
- btStop=Stop
- btPause=Pause
- btResume=Resume
- btClose=Close
- lJobPriority=Job priority
- btCopy2Clipboard=Copy 2 clipboard
- sNoOneFileOpened=Open any file first!
- sEvalWait=Wait, I'm thinking...
- sStartSorting=Start sorting...
- sSortingDone=Sorting done OK
- sOutputResults=Output results...
- sTimeElapsed=Time elapsed:
- sTotalWords=Words total:
- sUniqueWords=Words unique:
- sUniqueToTotal=Unique to total ratio:
- sAverageLenOfTotalWords=Average length of "total" words:
- sFrequenceStatistics=Words frequence statistics...
- [supacalc]
- caption=Supadupamegacalc!
- btAdd=Add
- lFirstVeryBigNumber=First VERY big numba
- lSecondVeryBigNumber=Second VERY big numba
- lResult=Result here...
- btMultiply=Multiply
- btDivide=Divide
- btSubtract=Subtract
- btCompare=Compare
- btToHEX=Decimal 2 hex
- btToDEC=Hex 2 decimal
- btCopyToCLipboard=Copy 2 clipboard
- btClearFields=Clear fields
- btClearHistory=Clear history
- [fmhexedit]
- mniFile=File
- mniFileOpen=Open
- mniFileSave=Save
- mniSaveAs=Save As
- mniExit=Exit
- mniOptions=Options
- mniSearch=Search
- [fmSyntax]
- caption=Options
- lFileExt=File extenstion (without dot!)
- lCaption=Caption for list item
- lFileName=File name
- btOk=Okay-okaaaaaay!
- [tablewizard]
- lCols=Columns
- lRows=Rows
- gbCurrentCell=Current cell
- [fmText2HTML]
- caption=Options
- cbreplace_CRLF_with_br=Replace CR with <BR>
- cbadd_spaces_after_br=Add unbreakable spaces after BR
- cbenclose_para_with_p=enclose paragraphs into P
- gbMargins=Page margins (IE 3+ only)
- lRightMargin=Right
- lLeftMargin=Left
- gbColors=Colors
- lBackcolor=Background
- lForeColor=Text
- cbUseCSSStyle=Use CSS for P
- cbMakeNewFile=Result to new file
- [fmBaseConv]
- caption=Base conversion
- btOk=Okay-okaaaaay!
- btCancel=Cancel
- lNumber=Number
- lBase=Base
- lResult=Result
- btDo=Do!
- rbDecode=From decimal to N base
- rbEncode=From base N to decimal
- [fm_GViewer]
- caption=Viewer
- mniZoom=Zoom to window size
- mniZoomDefault=Actual size
- [fmPim]
- tsMemo=Notes
- tsPlanner=Year planner
- caption=pim
- [fmThumbOptions]
- caption=Options
- gbOptimization=JPEG thumbs compression
- lCompressionQuality=Quality
- cbProgressiveEncoding=Progressive encoding
- cbGrayscale=Grayscale
- lCreateGalBasedOn=Gallery based on the template
- lTitle=Page header
- rbOuputToFile=Output result to the file
- lCols=Cols per row
- cbShowGallery=Show gallery after creation
- cbOpenGal=Open gallery file in editor
- rbOutputToDoc=Insert result (table) into the current doc