home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- // this function verifies disk space in kilobytes
- function verifyDiskSpace(dirPath, spaceRequired)
- {
- var spaceAvailable;
- // Get the available disk space on the given path
- spaceAvailable = fileGetDiskSpaceAvailable(dirPath);
- // Convert the available disk space into kilobytes
- spaceAvailable = parseInt(spaceAvailable / 1024);
- // do the verification
- if(spaceAvailable < spaceRequired)
- {
- logComment("Insufficient disk space: " + dirPath);
- logComment(" required : " + spaceRequired + " K");
- logComment(" available: " + spaceAvailable + " K");
- return(false);
- }
- return(true);
- }
- // this function deletes a file if it exists
- function deleteThisFile(dirKey, file)
- {
- var fFileToDelete;
- fFileToDelete = getFolder(dirKey, file);
- logComment("File to delete: " + fFileToDelete);
- if(File.isFile(fFileToDelete))
- {
- File.remove(fFileToDelete);
- return(true);
- }
- else
- return(false);
- }
- // this function deletes a folder if it exists
- function deleteThisFolder(dirKey, folder, recursiveDelete)
- {
- var fToDelete;
- if(typeof recursiveDelete == "undefined")
- recursiveDelete = true;
- fToDelete = getFolder(dirKey, folder);
- logComment("folder to delete: " + fToDelete);
- if(File.isDirectory(fToDelete))
- {
- File.dirRemove(fToDelete, recursiveDelete);
- return(true);
- }
- else
- return(false);
- }
- // OS type detection
- // which platform?
- function getPlatform()
- {
- var platformStr;
- var platformNode;
- if('platform' in Install)
- {
- platformStr = new String(Install.platform);
- if (!platformStr.search(/^Macintosh/))
- platformNode = 'mac';
- else if (!platformStr.search(/^Win/))
- platformNode = 'win';
- else
- platformNode = 'unix';
- }
- else
- {
- var fOSMac = getFolder("Mac System");
- var fOSWin = getFolder("Win System");
- logComment("fOSMac: " + fOSMac);
- logComment("fOSWin: " + fOSWin);
- if(fOSMac != null)
- platformNode = 'mac';
- else if(fOSWin != null)
- platformNode = 'win';
- else
- platformNode = 'unix';
- }
- return platformNode;
- }
- function updateWinReg4Ren8dot3()
- {
- var fProgram = getFolder("Program");
- var fTemp = getFolder("Temporary");
- //Notes:
- // can't use a double backslash before subkey - Windows already puts it in.
- // subkeys have to exist before values can be put in.
- var subkey; // the name of the subkey you are poking around in
- var valname; // the name of the value you want to look at
- var value; // the data in the value you want to look at.
- var winreg = getWinRegistry() ;
- if(winreg != null)
- {
- // Here, we get the current version.
- winreg.setRootKey(winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER) ; // CURRENT_USER
- subkey = "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\RunOnce" ;
- winreg.createKey(subkey,"");
- valname = "ren8dot3";
- value = fProgram + "ren8dot3.exe " + fTemp + "ren8dot3.ini";
- err = winreg.setValueString(subkey, valname, value);
- }
- }
- function prepareRen8dot3(listLongFilePaths)
- {
- var fTemp = getFolder("Temporary");
- var fProgram = getFolder("Program");
- var fRen8dot3Ini = getWinProfile(fTemp, "ren8dot3.ini");
- var bIniCreated = false;
- var fLongFilePath;
- var sShortFilePath;
- if(fRen8dot3Ini != null)
- {
- for(i = 0; i < listLongFilePaths.length; i++)
- {
- fLongFilePath = getFolder(fProgram, listLongFilePaths[i]);
- sShortFilePath = File.windowsGetShortName(fLongFilePath);
- if(sShortFilePath)
- {
- fRen8dot3Ini.writeString("rename", sShortFilePath, fLongFilePath);
- bIniCreated = true;
- }
- }
- if(bIniCreated)
- updateWinReg4Ren8dot3() ;
- }
- return(0);
- }
- // main
- var srDest;
- var err;
- var pluginsFolder;
- srDest = 385;
- err = initInstall("Macromedia Shockwave Flash", "Plugins/Macromedia/Shockwave Flash", "");
- logComment("initInstall: " + err);
- pluginsFolder = getFolder("Plugins");
- logComment("pluginsFolder: " + pluginsFolder);
- if(verifyDiskSpace(pluginsFolder, srDest))
- {
- setPackageFolder(pluginsFolder);
- err = addDirectory("",
- "",
- "Plugins", // dir name in jar to extract
- pluginsFolder, // Where to put this file (Returned from getFolder)
- "", // subdir name to create relative to pluginsFolder
- true); // Force Flag
- logComment("addDirectory() returned: " + err);
- // check return value
- if(!err)
- {
- err = performInstall();
- logComment("performInstall() returned: " + err);
- }
- else
- cancelInstall(err);
- }
- else
- // end main