home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- <?xml version="1.0"?>
- <!DOCTYPE window>
- <!-- DO NOT LOCALIZE: this file is source documentation; not part of the build -->
- <!-- dialog containing a control requiring initial setup, expecting
- initial settings to be passed in as parameters -->
- <xul:window
- xmlns:html="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
- xmlns:xul ="http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul"
- onload = "SetFromParams()"
- title = "Things to do"
- height = "200" width = "300">
- <script>
- <![CDATA[
- var debug = true;
- // Initialize controls from parameters sent through the URL
- function SetFromURL() {
- // dump a bunch of diagnostics
- if (debug) {
- dump("In SetFromURL...\n");
- dump("param string is '" + location.search + "', length " +
- location.search.length + "\n");
- var debugSetting = GetNamedParam(location.search.substring(1,location.search.length), "remind");
- if (debugSetting) {
- dump("'remind' parameter = '" + debugSetting + "'\n");
- } else
- dump("'remind' setting not found\n");
- if (document.getElementById("remind"))
- dump("found 'remind' element in document\n");
- else
- dump("'remind' element missing from document\n");
- dump("Finishing SetFromURL...\n");
- }
- // set checkbox from "remind=xxx" name=value pair
- var params = location.search.substring(1, location.search.length);
- var setting = GetNamedParam(params, "remind");
- if (setting)
- setting = setting.toLowerCase() == "true";
- else
- setting = false;
- var checkbox = document.getElementById("remind");
- if (checkbox)
- checkbox.checked = setting;
- // set prompt text from "prompt=xxx" name=value pair
- var setting = GetNamedParam(params, "prompt");
- control = document.getElementById("prompt");
- if (control && setting) {
- control = control.firstChild;
- if (control && control.nodeType == 3) // TEXT_NODE
- control.data = setting;
- }
- }
- // Initialize controls from parameters sent through openDialog
- function SetFromParams() {
- // dump a bunch of diagnostics
- if (debug) {
- var debugSetting;
- var debugControl;
- dump("In SetFromParams...\n");
- if (window.arguments) {
- dump("arguments exist\n");
- if (window.arguments[0]) {
- dump(" arguments[0] exists\n");
- if (window.arguments[0].remind) {
- dump(" arguments[0].remind exists\n");
- debugSetting = window.arguments[0].remind;
- dump(" it's " + debugSetting +
- ", type " + typeof debugSetting + "\n");
- } else
- dump("arguments[0].remind does not exist\n");
- if (window.arguments[0].prompt) {
- dump(" arguments[0].prompt exists\n");
- debugSetting = window.arguments[0].prompt;
- dump(" it's " + debugSetting +
- ", type " + typeof debugSetting + "\n");
- } else
- dump("arguments[0].prompt does not exist (or it's just false)\n");
- } else
- dump("arguments[0] does not exist\n");
- } else
- dump("no arguments\n");
- debugControl = document.getElementById("remind");
- if (debugControl)
- dump("found 'remind' element in document "+
- typeof debugControl+"\n");
- else
- dump("'remind' element missing from document\n");
- debugControl = document.getElementById("prompt");
- if (debugControl) {
- dump("found 'prompt' element in document "+
- typeof debugControl+"\n");
- debugControl = debugControl.firstChild;
- if (debugControl) {
- dump("found prompt's first child. type " + debugControl.nodeName + "\n");
- } else
- dump("couldn't find prompt's first child\n");
- } else
- dump("'prompt' element missing from document\n");
- dump("Finishing SetFromParams...\n");
- }
- // look in arguments[0] for an object with interesting properties and values
- // set checkbox from its value, if present
- if (window.arguments && window.arguments[0]) {
- var setting;
- var control;
- // set checkbox from the value of argment[0]'s "value" property
- setting = window.arguments[0].remind;
- if (setting) { // (exists and true)
- control = document.getElementById("remind");
- if (control)
- control.checked = setting;
- }
- // set prompt from the value of argment[0]'s "prompt" property
- setting = window.arguments[0].prompt;
- if (setting) {
- if (typeof setting == "string") {
- control = document.getElementById("prompt");
- if (control) {
- control = control.firstChild;
- if (control && control.nodeType == 3) // TEXT_NODE
- control.data = setting;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // OK button handler
- // return the setting of the "remind" checkbox in two equivalent ways
- // and then close the window (disabled for now, since that crashes)
- function DoOK() {
- var checkbox = document.getElementById("remind");
- if (checkbox) {
- // attach a property to ourselves, which can be queried from outside
- window.returnArguments = checkbox.checked;
- // additionally, if we were given an openDialog parameter, set its value
- if (window.arguments && window.arguments[0])
- window.arguments[0].remind = checkbox.checked;
- }
- // var toolkitCore = GetToolkitCore();
- // if (toolkitCore)
- // toolkitCore.CloseWindow(window);
- window.close();
- }
- function GetToolkitCore() {
- var toolkitCore = XPAppCoresManager.Find("ToolkitCore");
- if (!toolkitCore) {
- toolkitCore = new ToolkitCore();
- if (toolkitCore)
- toolkitCore.Init("ToolkitCore");
- }
- return toolkitCore;
- }
- // params is a list of name=value parameters separated by semicolons
- // or ampersands. To pass parameters containing either character,
- // string together parameters escape()d separately, separated by ;.
- // this function returns the value of the named pair, or null
- // if it found nothing.
- function GetNamedParam(params, name) {
- if (debug)
- dump("GetNamedParam looking for '" + name + "' in '" + params + "'\n");
- var re = new RegExp(name+" *=([^&;]+)");
- var match = re(params);
- if (match) {
- if (debug)
- dump(" matched regexp. found '" + match[1] + "'\n");
- return unescape(match[1]);
- }
- return null;
- }
- function DumpWindow() {
- dump("**********************************************\n");
- for (prop in window)
- dump(prop + "\n");
- dump("----------------------------------------------\n");
- }
- ]]>
- </script>
- <html:table>
- <html:tr>
- <html:td html:id="prompt">Give me your money</html:td>
- </html:tr>
- <html:tr>
- <html:td>
- <!-- note the html namespace on the id attribute, which
- seems at this time to be required by getAttribute() -->
- <html:input type="checkbox" html:id="remind"/>Remind me
- </html:td>
- </html:tr>
- <html:tr>
- <html:td>
- <html:button onclick="DoOK()">OK</html:button>
- </html:td>
- </html:tr>
- <html:tr>
- <html:td>
- <html:button onclick="SetFromURL()">Startup from URL</html:button>
- </html:td>
- </html:tr>
- <html:tr>
- <html:td>
- <html:button onclick="SetFromParams()">Startup from Params</html:button>
- </html:td>
- </html:tr>
- <html:tr>
- <html:td>
- <html:button onclick="sizeToContent()">Size To Content</html:button>
- </html:td>
- </html:tr>
- <html:tr>
- <html:td>
- <html:button onclick="DumpWindow()">Dump Window</html:button>
- </html:td>
- </html:tr>
- </html:table>
- </xul:window>