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- /* -*- Mode: Java; tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; -*-
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public License
- * Version 1.0 (the "NPL"); you may not use this file except in
- * compliance with the NPL. You may obtain a copy of the NPL at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the NPL is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the NPL
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- * NPL.
- *
- * The Initial Developer of this code under the NPL is Netscape
- * Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
- * Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All Rights
- * Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- * Ben "Count XULula" Goodger <rgoodger@ihug.co.nz>
- */
- /** class WizardManager( string frame_id, string tagURLPrefix,
- * string tagURLPostfix, object wizardMap ) ;
- * purpose: class for managing the state of a generic wizard
- * in: string frame_id content frame id/name
- * string tagURLPrefix prefix root of wizard pages
- * string tagURLPostfix extension suffix of wizard pages (e.g. ".xul")
- * object wizardMap navigation map object
- * out: nothing.
- **/
- function WizardManager( frame_id, tagURLPrefix, tagURLPostfix, wizardMap )
- {
- // current page
- this.currentPageTag = null;
- // data grid of navigable pages
- this.wizardMap = ( wizardMap ) ? wizardMap : null;
- // current page
- this.currentPageNumber = 0;
- // flag to signify no page-change occurred.
- this.firstTime = true; // was false, let's see what this does. o_O
- // frame which holds data
- this.content_frame = document.getElementById( frame_id );
- // wizard state manager
- this.WSM = new WidgetStateManager( frame_id );
- // wizard button handler set
- this.WHANDLER = new WizardHandlerSet( this.WSM, this );
- // url handling
- this.URL_PagePrefix = ( tagURLPrefix ) ? tagURLPrefix : null;
- this.URL_PagePostfix = ( tagURLPostfix ) ? tagURLPrefix : null;
- // string bundle
- this.bundle = srGetStrBundle("chrome://global/locale/wizardManager.properties");
- this.LoadPage = WM_LoadPage;
- this.GetURLFromTag = WM_GetURLFromTag;
- this.GetTagFromURL = WM_GetTagFromURL;
- this.SetHandlers = WM_SetHandlers;
- this.SetPageData = WM_SetPageData;
- this.SavePageData = WM_SavePageData;
- this.ProgressUpdate = WM_ProgressUpdate;
- this.GetMapLength = WM_GetMapLength;
- // set up handlers from wizard overlay
- // #include chrome://global/content/wizardOverlay.js
- doSetWizardButtons( this );
- }
- /** void LoadPage( string page ) ;
- * purpose: loads a page into the content frame
- * in: string page tag referring to the complete file name of the current page
- * string frame_id optional supply of page frame, if content_frame is not
- * defined
- * out: boolean success indicator.
- **/
- function WM_LoadPage( pageURL, absolute )
- {
- if( pageURL != "" )
- {
- if ( this.firstTime && !absolute )
- this.ProgressUpdate( this.currentPageNumber );
- // 1.1: REMOVED to fix no-field-page-JS error bug. reintroduce if needed.
- // if ( !this.firstTime )
- // this.WSM.SavePageData( this.content_frame );
- // build a url from a tag, or use an absolute url
- if( !absolute ) {
- var src = this.GetURLFromTag( pageURL );
- } else {
- src = pageURL;
- }
- if( this.content_frame )
- this.content_frame.setAttribute("src", src);
- else
- return false;
- this.firstTime = false;
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- /** string GetUrlFromTag( string tag ) ;
- * - purpose: creates a complete URL based on a tag.
- * - in: string tag representing the specific page to be loaded
- * - out: string url representing the complete location of the page.
- **/
- function WM_GetURLFromTag( tag )
- {
- return this.URL_PagePrefix + tag + this.URL_PagePostfix;
- }
- /** string GetTagFromURL( string tag ) ;
- * - purpose: fetches a tag from a URL
- * - in: string url representing the complete location of the page.
- * - out: string tag representing the specific page to be loaded
- **/
- function WM_GetTagFromURL( url )
- {
- return url.substring(this.URL_PagePrefix.length, this.URL_PagePostfix.length);
- }
- // SetHandlers pass-through for setting wizard button handlers easily
- function WM_SetHandlers( onNext, onBack, onFinish, onCancel, onPageLoad, enablingFunc )
- {
- this.WHANDLER.SetHandlers( onNext, onBack, onFinish, onCancel, onPageLoad, enablingFunc );
- }
- // SetPageData pass-through
- function WM_SetPageData()
- {
- this.WSM.SetPageData();
- }
- // SavePageData pass-through
- function WM_SavePageData()
- {
- this.WSM.SavePageData();
- }
- /** int GetMapLength()
- * - purpose: returns the number of pages in the wizardMap
- * - in: nothing
- * - out: integer number of pages in wizardMap
- **/
- function WM_GetMapLength()
- {
- var count = 0;
- for ( i in this.wizardMap )
- count++;
- return count;
- }
- /** void ProgressUpdate ( int currentPageNumber );
- * - purpose: updates the "page x of y" display if available
- * - in: integer representing current page number.
- * - out: nothing
- **/
- function WM_ProgressUpdate( currentPageNumber )
- {
- var statusbar = document.getElementById ( "status" );
- if ( statusbar ) {
- var string;
- try {
- string = this.bundle.formatStringFromName("oflabel",
- [currentPageNumber+1,
- this.GetMapLength()], 2);
- } catch (e) {
- string = "";
- }
- statusbar.setAttribute( "progress", string );
- }
- }