home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
- /*
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public License
- * Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
- * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is Mozilla Communicator client code,
- * released March 31, 1998.
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape Communications
- * Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
- * Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All Rights
- * Reserved.
- *
- * Contributors:
- * William A. ("PowerGUI") Law <law@netscape.com>
- * Scott MacGregor <mscott@netscape.com>
- */
- var prefContractID = "@mozilla.org/preferences;1";
- var externalProtocolServiceID = "@mozilla.org/uriloader/external-protocol-service;1";
- // dialog is just an array we'll use to store various properties from the dialog document...
- var dialog;
- // the helperAppLoader is a nsIHelperAppLauncher object
- var helperAppLoader;
- // random global variables...
- var completed = false;
- var startTime = 0;
- var elapsed = 0;
- var interval = 500; // Update every 500 milliseconds.
- var lastUpdate = -interval; // Update initially.
- var keepProgressWindowUpBox;
- var targetFile;
- var gRestartChecked = false;
- // These are to throttle down the updating of the download rate figure.
- var priorRate = 0;
- var rateChanges = 0;
- var rateChangeLimit = 2;
- // all progress notifications are done through our nsIWebProgressListener implementation...
- var progressListener = {
- onStateChange: function(aWebProgress, aRequest, aStateFlags, aStatus)
- {
- if (aStateFlags & Components.interfaces.nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_STOP)
- {
- // we are done downloading...
- completed = true;
- // Indicate completion in status area.
- var msg = getString( "completeMsg" );
- msg = replaceInsert( msg, 1, formatSeconds( elapsed/1000 ) );
- dialog.status.setAttribute("value", msg);
- // Put progress meter at 100%.
- dialog.progress.setAttribute( "value", 100 );
- dialog.progress.setAttribute( "mode", "normal" );
- var percentMsg = getString( "percentMsg" );
- percentMsg = replaceInsert( percentMsg, 1, 100 );
- dialog.progressText.setAttribute("label", percentMsg);
- processEndOfDownload();
- }
- },
- onProgressChange: function(aWebProgress, aRequest, aCurSelfProgress, aMaxSelfProgress, aCurTotalProgress, aMaxTotalProgress)
- {
- if (!gRestartChecked)
- {
- gRestartChecked = true;
- try
- {
- // right now, all that supports restarting downloads is ftp (rfc959)
- ftpChannel = aRequest.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIFTPChannel);
- if (ftpChannel) {
- dialog.pauseResumeDeck.setAttribute("index", "1");
- }
- }
- catch (ex) {}
- }
- // this is so that we don't clobber the status text if
- // a onProgressChange event happens after we press the pause btn.
- if (dialog.downloadPaused)
- {
- dialog.status.setAttribute("value", getString("pausedMsg"));
- }
- dialog.request = aRequest;
- var overallProgress = aCurTotalProgress;
- // Get current time.
- var now = ( new Date() ).getTime();
- // If interval hasn't elapsed, ignore it.
- if ( now - lastUpdate < interval && aMaxTotalProgress != "-1" && parseInt(aCurTotalProgress) < parseInt(aMaxTotalProgress) )
- return;
- // Update this time.
- lastUpdate = now;
- // Update download rate.
- elapsed = now - startTime;
- var rate; // aCurTotalProgress/sec
- if ( elapsed )
- rate = ( aCurTotalProgress * 1000 ) / elapsed;
- else
- rate = 0;
- // Update elapsed time display.
- dialog.timeElapsed.setAttribute("value", formatSeconds( elapsed / 1000 ));
- // Calculate percentage.
- var percent;
- if ( aMaxTotalProgress > 0)
- {
- percent = parseInt( (overallProgress*100)/aMaxTotalProgress + .5 );
- if ( percent > 100 )
- percent = 100;
- // Advance progress meter.
- dialog.progress.setAttribute( "value", percent );
- }
- else
- {
- percent = -1;
- // Progress meter should be barber-pole in this case.
- dialog.progress.setAttribute( "mode", "undetermined" );
- }
- // now that we've set the progress and the time, update # bytes downloaded...
- // Update status (nnK of mmK bytes at xx.xK aCurTotalProgress/sec)
- var status = getString( "progressMsg" );
- // Insert 1 is the number of kilobytes downloaded so far.
- status = replaceInsert( status, 1, parseInt( overallProgress/1024 + .5 ) );
- // Insert 2 is the total number of kilobytes to be downloaded (if known).
- if ( aMaxTotalProgress != "-1" )
- status = replaceInsert( status, 2, parseInt( aMaxTotalProgress/1024 + .5 ) );
- else
- status = replaceInsert( status, 2, "??" );
- if ( rate )
- {
- // rate is bytes/sec
- var kRate = rate / 1024; // K bytes/sec;
- kRate = parseInt( kRate * 10 + .5 ); // xxx (3 digits)
- // Don't update too often!
- if ( kRate != priorRate )
- {
- if ( rateChanges++ == rateChangeLimit )
- {
- // Time to update download rate.
- priorRate = kRate;
- rateChanges = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- // Stick with old rate for a bit longer.
- kRate = priorRate;
- }
- }
- else
- rateChanges = 0;
- var fraction = kRate % 10;
- kRate = parseInt( ( kRate - fraction ) / 10 );
- // Insert 3 is the download rate (in kilobytes/sec).
- status = replaceInsert( status, 3, kRate + "." + fraction );
- }
- else
- status = replaceInsert( status, 3, "??.?" );
- // Update status msg.
- dialog.status.setAttribute("value", status);
- // Update percentage label on progress meter.
- if (percent < 0)
- dialog.progressText.setAttribute("value", "");
- else
- {
- var percentMsg = getString( "percentMsg" );
- percentMsg = replaceInsert( percentMsg, 1, percent );
- dialog.progressText.setAttribute("value", percentMsg);
- }
- // Update time remaining.
- if ( rate && (aMaxTotalProgress > 0) )
- {
- var rem = ( aMaxTotalProgress - aCurTotalProgress ) / rate;
- rem = parseInt( rem + .5 );
- dialog.timeLeft.setAttribute("value", formatSeconds( rem ));
- }
- else
- dialog.timeLeft.setAttribute("value", getString( "unknownTime" ));
- },
- onLocationChange: function(aWebProgress, aRequest, aLocation)
- {
- // we can ignore this notification
- },
- onStatusChange: function(aWebProgress, aRequest, aStatus, aMessage)
- {
- },
- onSecurityChange: function(aWebProgress, aRequest, state)
- {
- },
- QueryInterface : function(iid)
- {
- if (iid.equals(Components.interfaces.nsIWebProgressListener) || iid.equals(Components.interfaces.nsISupportsWeakReference))
- return this;
- throw Components.results.NS_NOINTERFACE;
- }
- };
- function getString( stringId ) {
- // Check if we've fetched this string already.
- if ( !dialog.strings[ stringId ] ) {
- // Try to get it.
- var elem = document.getElementById( "dialog.strings."+stringId );
- try {
- if ( elem
- &&
- elem.childNodes
- &&
- elem.childNodes[0]
- &&
- elem.childNodes[0].nodeValue ) {
- dialog.strings[ stringId ] = elem.childNodes[0].nodeValue;
- } else {
- // If unable to fetch string, use an empty string.
- dialog.strings[ stringId ] = "";
- }
- } catch (e) { dialog.strings[ stringId ] = ""; }
- }
- return dialog.strings[ stringId ];
- }
- function formatSeconds( secs )
- {
- // Round the number of seconds to remove fractions.
- secs = parseInt( secs + .5 );
- var hours = parseInt( secs/3600 );
- secs -= hours*3600;
- var mins = parseInt( secs/60 );
- secs -= mins*60;
- var result;
- if ( hours )
- result = getString( "longTimeFormat" );
- else
- result = getString( "shortTimeFormat" );
- if ( hours < 10 )
- hours = "0" + hours;
- if ( mins < 10 )
- mins = "0" + mins;
- if ( secs < 10 )
- secs = "0" + secs;
- // Insert hours, minutes, and seconds into result string.
- result = replaceInsert( result, 1, hours );
- result = replaceInsert( result, 2, mins );
- result = replaceInsert( result, 3, secs );
- return result;
- }
- function loadDialog()
- {
- var sourceUrlValue = {};
- var initialDownloadTimeValue = {};
- // targetFile is global because we are going to want re-use later one...
- targetFile = helperAppLoader.getDownloadInfo(sourceUrlValue, initialDownloadTimeValue);
- var sourceUrl = sourceUrlValue.value;
- startTime = initialDownloadTimeValue.value / 1000;
- // set the elapsed time on the first pass...
- var now = ( new Date() ).getTime();
- // intialize the elapsed time global variable slot
- elapsed = now - startTime;
- // Update elapsed time display.
- dialog.timeElapsed.setAttribute("value", formatSeconds( elapsed / 1000 ));
- dialog.timeLeft.setAttribute("value", formatSeconds( 0 ));
- dialog.location.setAttribute("value", sourceUrl.spec );
- dialog.fileName.setAttribute( "value", targetFile.unicodePath );
- var prefs = Components.classes[prefContractID].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPref);
- if (prefs)
- keepProgressWindowUpBox.checked = prefs.GetBoolPref("browser.download.progressDnldDialog.keepAlive");
- }
- function replaceInsert( text, index, value ) {
- var result = text;
- var regExp = new RegExp( "#"+index );
- result = result.replace( regExp, value );
- return result;
- }
- function onLoad() {
- // Set global variables.
- helperAppLoader = window.arguments[0].QueryInterface( Components.interfaces.nsIHelperAppLauncher );
- if ( !helperAppLoader ) {
- dump( "Invalid argument to downloadProgress.xul\n" );
- window.close()
- return;
- }
- dialog = new Object;
- dialog.strings = new Array;
- dialog.location = document.getElementById("dialog.location");
- dialog.contentType = document.getElementById("dialog.contentType");
- dialog.fileName = document.getElementById("dialog.fileName");
- dialog.status = document.getElementById("dialog.status");
- dialog.progress = document.getElementById("dialog.progress");
- dialog.progressText = document.getElementById("dialog.progressText");
- dialog.timeLeft = document.getElementById("dialog.timeLeft");
- dialog.timeElapsed = document.getElementById("dialog.timeElapsed");
- dialog.cancel = document.getElementById("cancel");
- dialog.pause = document.getElementById("pause");
- dialog.resume = document.getElementById("resume");
- dialog.pauseResumeDeck = document.getElementById("pauseResumeDeck");
- dialog.request = 0;
- dialog.downloadPaused = false;
- keepProgressWindowUpBox = document.getElementById('keepProgressDialogUp');
- // Set up dialog button callbacks.
- var object = this;
- doSetOKCancel("", function () { return object.onCancel();});
- // Fill dialog.
- loadDialog();
- // set our web progress listener on the helper app launcher
- helperAppLoader.setWebProgressListener(progressListener);
- if ( window.opener ) {
- moveToAlertPosition();
- } else {
- centerWindowOnScreen();
- }
- }
- function onUnload()
- {
- // remember the user's decision for the checkbox.
- var prefs = Components.classes[prefContractID].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPref);
- if (prefs)
- prefs.SetBoolPref("browser.download.progressDnldDialog.keepAlive", keepProgressWindowUpBox.checked);
- // Cancel app launcher.
- if (helperAppLoader)
- {
- try
- {
- helperAppLoader.closeProgressWindow();
- helperAppLoader = null;
- }
- catch( exception ) {}
- }
- }
- // If the user presses cancel, tell the app launcher and close the dialog...
- function onCancel ()
- {
- // Cancel app launcher.
- if (helperAppLoader)
- {
- try
- {
- helperAppLoader.Cancel();
- }
- catch( exception ) {}
- }
- // Close up dialog by returning true.
- return true;
- }
- // closeWindow should only be called from processEndOfDownload
- function closeWindow()
- {
- // while the time out was fired the user may have checked the
- // keep this dialog open box...so we should abort and not actually
- // close the window.
- if (!keepProgressWindowUpBox.checked)
- window.close();
- else
- setupPostProgressUI();
- }
- function setupPostProgressUI()
- {
- //dialog.cancel.childNodes[0].nodeValue = "Close";
- // turn the cancel button into a close button
- var cancelButton = document.getElementById('cancel');
- if (cancelButton)
- {
- cancelButton.label = getString("close");
- cancelButton.setAttribute("onclick", "window.close()");
- }
- // enable the open and open folder buttons
- var openFolderButton = document.getElementById('openFolder');
- var openButton = document.getElementById('open');
- openFolderButton.removeAttribute("disabled");
- if ( !targetFile.isExecutable() )
- {
- openButton.removeAttribute("disabled");
- }
- dialog.pause.disabled = true; // setAttribute("disabled", true);
- dialog.resume.disabled = true;
- }
- // when we receive a stop notification we are done reporting progress on the download
- // now we have to decide if the window is supposed to go away or if we are supposed to remain open
- // and enable the open and open folder buttons on the dialog.
- function processEndOfDownload()
- {
- if (!keepProgressWindowUpBox.checked)
- closeWindow(); // shut down, we are all done.
- // o.t the user has asked the window to stay open so leave it open and enable the open and open new folder buttons
- setupPostProgressUI();
- }
- function doOpen()
- {
- try {
- var localFile = targetFile.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile);
- if (localFile)
- localFile.launch();
- } catch (ex) {}
- }
- function doOpenFolder()
- {
- try {
- var localFile = targetFile.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile);
- if (localFile)
- localFile.reveal();
- } catch (ex) {}
- }
- function doPauseButton() {
- if (dialog.downloadPaused)
- {
- // resume
- dialog.downloadPaused = false;
- dialog.pauseResumeDeck.setAttribute("index", "1");
- dialog.request.resume()
- }
- else
- {
- // suspend
- dialog.downloadPaused = true;
- dialog.pauseResumeDeck.setAttribute("index", "2");
- dialog.request.suspend()
- }
- }