home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* -*- Mode: Java; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public
- * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
- * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
- * the License at http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
- * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
- * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
- * rights and limitations under the License.
- *
- * The Original Code is mozilla.org code.
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape
- * Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
- * Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All
- * Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- * Ben Goodger <ben@netscape.com> (Original Author)
- */
- var gBookmarksShell = null;
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Class which defines methods for a bookmarks UI implementation based around
- // a toolbar. Subclasses BookmarksBase in bookmarksOverlay.js. Some methods
- // are required by the base class, others are for event handling. Window specific
- // glue code should go into the BookmarksWindow class in bookmarks.js
- function BookmarksToolbar (aID)
- {
- this.id = aID;
- }
- BookmarksToolbar.prototype = {
- __proto__: BookmarksUIElement.prototype,
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Personal Toolbar Specific Stuff
- openNewWindow: false,
- get db ()
- {
- return this.element.database;
- },
- get element ()
- {
- return document.getElementById(this.id);
- },
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // This method constructs a menuitem for a context menu for the given command.
- // This is implemented by the client so that it can intercept menuitem naming
- // as appropriate.
- createMenuItem: function (aDisplayName, aCommandName, aItemNode)
- {
- const kXULNS = "http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul";
- var xulElement = document.createElementNS(kXULNS, "menuitem");
- xulElement.setAttribute("cmd", aCommandName);
- var cmd = "cmd_" + aCommandName.substring(NC_NS_CMD.length)
- xulElement.setAttribute("command", cmd);
- switch (aCommandName) {
- case NC_NS_CMD + "open":
- xulElement.setAttribute("label", aDisplayName);
- xulElement.setAttribute("default", "true");
- break;
- case NC_NS_CMD + "openfolder":
- xulElement.setAttribute("default", "true");
- if (aItemNode.localName == "hbox")
- // Don't show an "Open Folder" item for clicks on the toolbar itself.
- return null;
- default:
- xulElement.setAttribute("label", aDisplayName);
- break;
- }
- return xulElement;
- },
- // Command implementation
- commands: {
- openFolder: function (aSelectedItem)
- {
- var mbo = aSelectedItem.boxObject.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIMenuBoxObject);
- mbo.openMenu(true);
- },
- editCell: function (aSelectedItem, aXXXLameAssIndex)
- {
- goDoCommand("cmd_properties");
- return; // Disable Inline Edit for now. See bug 77125 for why this is being disabled
- // on the personal toolbar for the moment.
- if (aSelectedItem.getAttribute("editable") != "true")
- return;
- var property = "http://home.netscape.com/NC-rdf#Name";
- aSelectedItem.setMode("edit");
- aSelectedItem.addObserver(this.postModifyCallback, "accept",
- [gBookmarksShell, aSelectedItem, property]);
- },
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Called after an inline-edit cell has left inline-edit mode, and data
- // needs to be modified in the datasource.
- postModifyCallback: function (aParams)
- {
- var aShell = aParams[0];
- var selItemURI = NODE_ID(aParams[1]);
- aShell.propertySet(selItemURI, aParams[2], aParams[3]);
- },
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Creates a dummy item that can be placed in edit mode to retrieve data
- // to create new bookmarks/folders.
- createBookmarkItem: function (aMode, aSelectedItem)
- {
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Disable Inline-Edit for now and just use a dialog.
- // XXX - most of this is just copy-pasted from the other two folder
- // creation functions. Yes it's ugly, but it'll do the trick for
- // now as this is in no way intended to be a long-term solution.
- const kPromptSvcContractID = "@mozilla.org/embedcomp/prompt-service;1";
- const kPromptSvcIID = Components.interfaces.nsIPromptService;
- const kPromptSvc = Components.classes[kPromptSvcContractID].getService(kPromptSvcIID);
- var defaultValue = gBookmarksShell.getLocaleString("ile_newfolder");
- var dialogTitle = gBookmarksShell.getLocaleString("newfolder_dialog_title");
- var dialogMsg = gBookmarksShell.getLocaleString("newfolder_dialog_msg");
- var stringValue = { value: defaultValue };
- if (kPromptSvc.prompt(window, dialogTitle, dialogMsg, stringValue, null, { value: 0 })) {
- var relativeNode = aSelectedItem || gBookmarksShell.element;
- var parentNode = relativeNode ? gBookmarksShell.findRDFNode(relativeNode, false) : gBookmarksShell.element;
- var args = [{ property: NC_NS + "parent",
- resource: NODE_ID(parentNode) },
- { property: NC_NS + "Name",
- literal: stringValue.value }];
- const kBMDS = gBookmarksShell.RDF.GetDataSource("rdf:bookmarks");
- var relId = relativeNode ? NODE_ID(relativeNode) : "NC:PersonalToolbarFolder";
- BookmarksUtils.doBookmarksCommand(relId, NC_NS_CMD + "newfolder", args);
- }
- return;
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- const kXULNS = "http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul";
- var dummyButton = document.createElementNS(kXULNS, "menubutton");
- dummyButton = gBookmarksShell.createBookmarkFolderDecorations(dummyButton);
- dummyButton.setAttribute("class", "button-toolbar bookmark-item");
- dummyButton.setAttribute("label", gBookmarksShell.getLocaleString("ile_newfolder") + " ");
- // By default, create adjacent to the selected button. If there is no button after
- // the selected button, or the target is the toolbar itself, just append.
- var bIsButton = aSelectedItem.localName == "button" || aSelectedItem.localName == "menubutton";
- if (aSelectedItem.nextSibling && bIsButton)
- aSelectedItem.parentNode.insertBefore(dummyButton, aSelectedItem.nextSibling);
- else
- (bIsButton ? aSelectedItem.parentNode : aSelectedItem).appendChild(dummyButton);
- gBookmarksShell._focusElt = document.commandDispatcher.focusedElement;
- dummyButton.setMode("edit");
- // |aSelectedItem| will be the node we create the new folder relative to.
- dummyButton.addObserver(this.onEditFolderName, "accept",
- [dummyButton, aSelectedItem, dummyButton]);
- dummyButton.addObserver(this.onEditFolderName, "reject",
- [dummyButton, aSelectedItem, dummyButton]);
- },
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Edit folder name & update the datasource if name is valid
- onEditFolderName: function (aParams, aTopic)
- {
- // Because the toolbar has no concept of selection, this function
- // is much simpler than the one in bookmarksTree.js. However it may
- // become more complex if pink ever lets me put context menus on menus ;)
- var name = aParams[3];
- var dummyButton = aParams[2];
- var relativeNode = aParams[1];
- var parentNode = gBookmarksShell.findRDFNode(relativeNode, false);
- dummyButton.parentNode.removeChild(dummyButton);
- if (!gBookmarksShell.commands.validateNameAndTopic(name, aTopic, relativeNode, dummyButton))
- return;
- parentNode = relativeNode.parentNode;
- if (relativeNode.localName == "hbox") {
- parentNode = relativeNode;
- relativeNode = (gBookmarksShell.commands.nodeIsValidType(relativeNode) &&
- relativeNode.lastChild) || relativeNode;
- }
- var args = [{ property: NC_NS + "parent",
- resource: NODE_ID(parentNode) },
- { property: NC_NS + "Name",
- literal: name }];
- BookmarksUtils.doBookmarksCommand(NODE_ID(relativeNode),
- NC_NS_CMD + "newfolder", args);
- // We need to do this because somehow focus shifts and no commands
- // operate any more.
- //gBookmarksShell._focusElt.focus();
- },
- nodeIsValidType: function (aNode)
- {
- switch (aNode.localName) {
- case "button":
- case "menubutton":
- // case "menu":
- // case "menuitem":
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- },
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Performs simple validation on what the user has entered:
- // 1) prevents entering an empty string
- // 2) in the case of a canceled operation, remove the dummy item and
- // restore selection.
- validateNameAndTopic: function (aName, aTopic, aOldSelectedItem, aDummyItem)
- {
- // Don't allow user to enter an empty string "";
- if (!aName) return false;
- // If the user hit escape, go no further.
- return !(aTopic == "reject");
- }
- },
- _focusElt: null,
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Evaluates an event to determine whether or not it affords opening a tree
- // item. Typically, this is when the left mouse button is used, and provided
- // the click-rate matches that specified by our owning tree class. For example,
- // some trees open an item when double clicked (bookmarks/history windows) and
- // others on a single click (sidebar panels).
- isValidOpenEvent: function (aEvent)
- {
- return !(aEvent.type == "click" &&
- (aEvent.button != 0 || aEvent.detail != this.openClickCount))
- },
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // For the given selection, selects the best adjacent element. This method is
- // useful when an action such as a cut or a deletion is performed on a
- // selection, and focus/selection needs to be restored after the operation
- // is performed.
- getNextElement: function (aElement)
- {
- if (aElement.nextSibling)
- return aElement.nextSibling;
- else if (aElement.previousSibling)
- return aElement.previousSibling;
- else
- return aElement.parentNode;
- },
- selectElement: function (aElement)
- {
- },
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Add the treeitem element specified by aURI to the tree's current selection.
- addItemToSelection: function (aURI)
- {
- },
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Return a set of DOM nodes that represents the current item in the Bookmarks
- // Toolbar. This is always |document.popupNode|.
- getSelection: function ()
- {
- return [document.popupNode];
- },
- getBestItem: function ()
- {
- var seln = this.getSelection ();
- if (seln.length < 1) {
- var kids = ContentUtils.childByLocalName(this.tree, "treechildren");
- if (kids) return kids.lastChild;
- }
- else
- return seln[0];
- return null;
- },
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Return a set of DOM nodes that represent the selection in the tree widget.
- // This method is takes a node parameter which is the popupNode for the
- // document. If the popupNode is not contained by the selection, the
- // popupNode is selected and the new selection returned.
- getContextSelection: function (aItemNode)
- {
- return [aItemNode];
- },
- getSelectedFolder: function ()
- {
- return "NC:PersonalToolbarFolder";
- },
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // For a given start DOM element, find the enclosing DOM element that contains
- // the template builder RDF resource decorations (id, ref, etc). In the
- // Toolbar case, this is always the popup node (until we're proven wrong ;)
- findRDFNode: function (aStartNode, aIncludeStartNodeFlag)
- {
- var temp = aStartNode;
- while (temp && temp.localName != (aIncludeStartNodeFlag ? "button" : "hbox")
- && temp.localName != (aIncludeStartNodeFlag ? "menubutton" : "hbox"))
- temp = temp.parentNode;
- return temp || this.element;
- },
- selectFolderItem: function (aFolderURI, aItemURI, aAdditiveFlag)
- {
- var folder = document.getElementById(aFolderURI);
- var kids = ContentUtils.childByLocalName(folder, "treechildren");
- if (!kids) return;
- var item = kids.firstChild;
- while (item) {
- if (item.id == aItemURI) break;
- item = item.nextSibling;
- }
- if (!item) return;
- this.tree[aAdditiveFlag ? "addItemToSelection" : "selectItem"](item);
- },
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Command handling & Updating.
- controller: {
- supportsCommand: function (aCommand)
- {
- switch(aCommand) {
- case "cmd_undo":
- case "cmd_redo":
- return false;
- case "cmd_bm_cut":
- case "cmd_bm_copy":
- case "cmd_bm_paste":
- case "cmd_bm_delete":
- case "cmd_bm_selectAll":
- return true;
- case "cmd_open":
- case "cmd_openfolder":
- case "cmd_openfolderinnewwindow":
- case "cmd_newbookmark":
- case "cmd_newfolder":
- case "cmd_newseparator":
- case "cmd_find":
- case "cmd_properties":
- case "cmd_rename":
- case "cmd_setnewbookmarkfolder":
- case "cmd_setpersonaltoolbarfolder":
- case "cmd_setnewsearchfolder":
- case "cmd_import":
- case "cmd_export":
- case "cmd_bm_fileBookmark":
- return true;
- default:
- return false;
- }
- },
- isCommandEnabled: function (aCommand)
- {
- switch(aCommand) {
- case "cmd_undo":
- case "cmd_redo":
- return false;
- case "cmd_bm_paste":
- var cp = gBookmarksShell.canPaste();
- return cp;
- case "cmd_bm_cut":
- case "cmd_bm_copy":
- case "cmd_bm_delete":
- return (document.popupNode != null) && (NODE_ID(document.popupNode) != "NC:PersonalToolbarFolder");
- case "cmd_bm_selectAll":
- return false;
- case "cmd_open":
- var seln = gBookmarksShell.getSelection();
- return document.popupNode != null && seln[0].getAttribute("type") == NC_NS + "Bookmark";
- case "cmd_openfolder":
- case "cmd_openfolderinnewwindow":
- seln = gBookmarksShell.getSelection();
- return document.popupNode != null && seln[0].getAttribute("type") == NC_NS + "Folder";
- case "cmd_find":
- case "cmd_newbookmark":
- case "cmd_newfolder":
- case "cmd_newseparator":
- case "cmd_import":
- case "cmd_export":
- return true;
- case "cmd_properties":
- case "cmd_rename":
- return document.popupNode != null;
- case "cmd_setnewbookmarkfolder":
- seln = gBookmarksShell.getSelection();
- if (!seln.length) return false;
- var folderType = seln[0].getAttribute("type") == (NC_NS + "Folder");
- return document.popupNode != null && !(NODE_ID(seln[0]) == "NC:NewBookmarkFolder") && folderType;
- case "cmd_setpersonaltoolbarfolder":
- seln = gBookmarksShell.getSelection();
- if (!seln.length) return false;
- folderType = seln[0].getAttribute("type") == (NC_NS + "Folder");
- return document.popupNode != null && !(NODE_ID(seln[0]) == "NC:PersonalToolbarFolder") && folderType;
- case "cmd_setnewsearchfolder":
- seln = gBookmarksShell.getSelection();
- if (!seln.length) return false;
- folderType = seln[0].getAttribute("type") == (NC_NS + "Folder");
- return document.popupNode != null && !(NODE_ID(seln[0]) == "NC:NewSearchFolder") && folderType;
- case "cmd_bm_fileBookmark":
- seln = gBookmarksShell.getSelection();
- return seln.length > 0;
- default:
- return false;
- }
- },
- doCommand: function (aCommand)
- {
- switch(aCommand) {
- case "cmd_undo":
- case "cmd_redo":
- break;
- case "cmd_bm_paste":
- case "cmd_bm_copy":
- case "cmd_bm_cut":
- case "cmd_bm_delete":
- case "cmd_newbookmark":
- case "cmd_newfolder":
- case "cmd_newseparator":
- case "cmd_properties":
- case "cmd_rename":
- case "cmd_open":
- case "cmd_openfolder":
- case "cmd_openfolderinnewwindow":
- case "cmd_setnewbookmarkfolder":
- case "cmd_setpersonaltoolbarfolder":
- case "cmd_setnewsearchfolder":
- case "cmd_find":
- case "cmd_import":
- case "cmd_export":
- case "cmd_bm_fileBookmark":
- gBookmarksShell.execCommand(aCommand.substring("cmd_".length));
- break;
- case "cmd_bm_selectAll":
- break;
- }
- },
- onEvent: function (aEvent)
- {
- },
- onCommandUpdate: function ()
- {
- }
- }
- };
- function BM_navigatorLoad(aEvent)
- {
- if (!gBookmarksShell) {
- gBookmarksShell = new BookmarksToolbar("innermostBox");
- controllers.appendController(gBookmarksShell.controller);
- removeEventListener("load", BM_navigatorLoad, false);
- }
- }
- addEventListener("load", BM_navigatorLoad, false);