home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- // This is mostly a modified version of code in EdColorProps.xul
- // TODO: Factor out common code to reduce code size
- // and make a new utility.js to eliminate duplication
- // in editor.js and EdDialogCommon.js
- // Initialize in case we can't get them from prefs???
- var defaultTextColor="#000000";
- var defaultLinkColor="#000099";
- var defaultActiveColor="#000099";
- var defaultVisitedColor="#990099";
- var defaultBackgroundColor="#FFFFFF";
- var customTextColor;
- var customLinkColor;
- var customActiveColor;
- var customVisitedColor;
- var customBackgroundColor;
- var previewBGColor;
- var backgroundImage = "";
- // Strings we use often
- var styleStr = "style";
- var textStr = "text";
- var linkStr = "link";
- var vlinkStr = "vlink";
- var alinkStr = "alink";
- var bgcolorStr = "bgcolor";
- var backgroundStr = "background";
- var colorStyle = "color: ";
- var backColorStyle = "background-color: ";
- var backImageStyle = "; background-image: url(";
- var browserColors;
- var dialog;
- function Startup()
- {
- dialog = new Object;
- if (!dialog)
- return false;
- dialog.ColorPreview = document.getElementById("ColorPreview");
- dialog.NormalText = document.getElementById("NormalText");
- dialog.LinkText = document.getElementById("LinkText");
- dialog.ActiveLinkText = document.getElementById("ActiveLinkText");
- dialog.VisitedLinkText = document.getElementById("VisitedLinkText");
- dialog.DefaultColorsRadio = document.getElementById("DefaultColorsRadio");
- dialog.CustomColorsRadio = document.getElementById("CustomColorsRadio");
- dialog.BackgroundImageInput = document.getElementById("BackgroundImageInput");
- // The data elements that hold the pref values
- dialog.NormalData = document.getElementById("textData");
- dialog.LinkData = document.getElementById("linkData");
- dialog.ActiveLinkData = document.getElementById("aLinkData");
- dialog.VisitedLinkData = document.getElementById("fLinkData");
- dialog.BackgroundColorData = document.getElementById("backgroundColorData");
- dialog.BackgroundImageData = document.getElementById("backgroundImageData");
- browserColors = GetDefaultBrowserColors();
- // Use author's browser pref colors passed into dialog
- defaultTextColor = browserColors.TextColor;
- defaultLinkColor = browserColors.LinkColor;
- // Note: Browser doesn't store a value for ActiveLinkColor
- defaultActiveColor = defaultLinkColor;
- defaultVisitedColor = browserColors.VisitedLinkColor;
- defaultBackgroundColor= browserColors.BackgroundColor;
- // Get the colors and image set by prefs init code
- customTextColor = dialog.NormalData.getAttribute("value");
- customLinkColor = dialog.LinkData.getAttribute("value");
- customActiveColor = dialog.ActiveLinkData.getAttribute("value");
- customVisitedColor = dialog.VisitedLinkData.getAttribute("value");
- customBackgroundColor = dialog.BackgroundColorData.getAttribute("value");
- backgroundImage = dialog.BackgroundImageData.getAttribute("value");
- if (backgroundImage)
- dialog.BackgroundImageInput.value = backgroundImage;
- // "value" attribute value is a string conversion of boolean!
- if( document.getElementById( "useCustomColors" ).value == "true" )
- UseCustomColors();
- else
- UseDefaultColors();
- return true;
- }
- function GetColorAndUpdate(ColorWellID)
- {
- // Only allow selecting when in custom mode
- if (!dialog.CustomColorsRadio.checked) return;
- var colorObj = new Object;
- var colorWell = document.getElementById(ColorWellID);
- if (!colorWell) return;
- // Don't allow a blank color, i.e., using the "default"
- colorObj.NoDefault = true;
- switch( ColorWellID )
- {
- case "textCW":
- colorObj.Type = "Text";
- colorObj.TextColor = customTextColor;
- break;
- case "linkCW":
- colorObj.Type = "Link";
- colorObj.TextColor = customLinkColor;
- break;
- case "activeCW":
- colorObj.Type = "ActiveLink";
- colorObj.TextColor = customActiveColor;
- break;
- case "visitedCW":
- colorObj.Type = "VisitedLink";
- colorObj.TextColor = customVisitedColor;
- break;
- case "backgroundCW":
- colorObj.Type = "Page";
- colorObj.PageColor = customBackgroundColor;
- break;
- }
- window.openDialog("chrome://editor/content/EdColorPicker.xul", "_blank", "chrome,close,titlebar,modal", "", colorObj);
- // User canceled the dialog
- if (colorObj.Cancel)
- return;
- var color = "";
- switch( ColorWellID )
- {
- case "textCW":
- color = customTextColor = colorObj.TextColor;
- dialog.NormalData.setAttribute("value", color);
- break;
- case "linkCW":
- color = customLinkColor = colorObj.TextColor;
- dialog.LinkData.setAttribute("value", color);
- break;
- case "activeCW":
- color = customActiveColor = colorObj.TextColor;
- dialog.ActiveLinkData.setAttribute("value", color);
- break;
- case "visitedCW":
- color = customVisitedColor = colorObj.TextColor;
- dialog.VisitedLinkData.setAttribute("value", color);
- break;
- case "backgroundCW":
- color = customBackgroundColor = colorObj.BackgroundColor;
- dialog.BackgroundColorData.setAttribute("value", color);
- break;
- }
- setColorWell(ColorWellID, color);
- SetColorPreview(ColorWellID, color);
- }
- function SetColorPreview(ColorWellID, color)
- {
- switch( ColorWellID )
- {
- case "textCW":
- dialog.NormalText.setAttribute(styleStr,colorStyle+color);
- break;
- case "linkCW":
- dialog.LinkText.setAttribute(styleStr,colorStyle+color);
- break;
- case "activeCW":
- dialog.ActiveLinkText.setAttribute(styleStr,colorStyle+color);
- break;
- case "visitedCW":
- dialog.VisitedLinkText.setAttribute(styleStr,colorStyle+color);
- break;
- case "backgroundCW":
- // Must combine background color and image style values
- var styleValue = backColorStyle+color;
- if (backgroundImage)
- styleValue += ";"+backImageStyle+backgroundImage+");";
- dialog.ColorPreview.setAttribute(styleStr,styleValue);
- previewBGColor = color;
- break;
- }
- }
- function UseCustomColors()
- {
- SetElementEnabledById("TextButton", true);
- SetElementEnabledById("LinkButton", true);
- SetElementEnabledById("ActiveLinkButton", true);
- SetElementEnabledById("VisitedLinkButton", true);
- SetElementEnabledById("BackgroundButton", true);
- SetElementEnabledById("Text", true);
- SetElementEnabledById("Link", true);
- SetElementEnabledById("Active", true);
- SetElementEnabledById("Visited", true);
- SetElementEnabledById("Background", true);
- SetColorPreview("textCW", customTextColor);
- SetColorPreview("linkCW", customLinkColor);
- SetColorPreview("activeCW", customActiveColor);
- SetColorPreview("visitedCW", customVisitedColor);
- SetColorPreview("backgroundCW", customBackgroundColor);
- setColorWell("textCW", customTextColor);
- setColorWell("linkCW", customLinkColor);
- setColorWell("activeCW", customActiveColor);
- setColorWell("visitedCW", customVisitedColor);
- setColorWell("backgroundCW", customBackgroundColor);
- dialog.NormalData.setAttribute("value", customTextColor);
- dialog.LinkData.setAttribute("value", customLinkColor);
- dialog.ActiveLinkData.setAttribute("value", customActiveColor);
- dialog.VisitedLinkData.setAttribute("value", customVisitedColor);
- dialog.BackgroundColorData.setAttribute("value", customBackgroundColor);
- }
- function UseDefaultColors()
- {
- SetColorPreview("textCW", defaultTextColor);
- SetColorPreview("linkCW", defaultLinkColor);
- SetColorPreview("activeCW", defaultActiveColor);
- SetColorPreview("visitedCW", defaultVisitedColor);
- SetColorPreview("backgroundCW", defaultBackgroundColor);
- // Setting to blank color will remove color from buttons,
- setColorWell("textCW", "");
- setColorWell("linkCW", "");
- setColorWell("activeCW", "");
- setColorWell("visitedCW", "");
- setColorWell("backgroundCW", "");
- // Disable color buttons and labels
- SetElementEnabledById("TextButton", false);
- SetElementEnabledById("LinkButton", false);
- SetElementEnabledById("ActiveLinkButton", false);
- SetElementEnabledById("VisitedLinkButton", false);
- SetElementEnabledById("BackgroundButton", false);
- SetElementEnabledById("Text", false);
- SetElementEnabledById("Link", false);
- SetElementEnabledById("Active", false);
- SetElementEnabledById("Visited", false);
- SetElementEnabledById("Background", false);
- // Note that we leave custom colors set even if
- // custom colors pref is false (we just ignore the colors)
- }
- function ChooseImageFile()
- {
- // Get a local image file, converted into URL format
- var fileName = GetLocalFileURL("img");
- if (fileName)
- {
- dialog.BackgroundImageInput.value = fileName;
- ValidateAndPreviewImage(true);
- }
- SetTextboxFocus(dialog.BackgroundImageInput);
- }
- function ChangeBackgroundImage()
- {
- // Don't show error message for image while user is typing
- ValidateAndPreviewImage(false);
- }
- function ValidateAndPreviewImage(ShowErrorMessage)
- {
- // First make a string with just background color
- var styleValue = backColorStyle+previewBGColor+";";
- var image = dialog.BackgroundImageInput.value.trimString();
- if (image)
- {
- if (IsValidImage(image))
- {
- backgroundImage = image;
- // Append image style
- styleValue += backImageStyle+backgroundImage+");";
- }
- else
- {
- backgroundImage = "";
- if (ShowErrorMessage)
- {
- SetTextboxFocus(dialog.BackgroundImageInput);
- // Tell user about bad image
- ShowInputErrorMessage(GetString("MissingImageError"));
- }
- }
- }
- else
- backgroundImage = "";
- // Set style on preview (removes image if not valid)
- dialog.ColorPreview.setAttribute(styleStr, styleValue);
- // Set the pref data so pref code saves it
- dialog.BackgroundImageData.setAttribute("value", backgroundImage ? backgroundImage : "");
- }