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- /*
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public
- * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
- * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
- * the License at http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
- * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
- * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
- * rights and limitations under the License.
- *
- * The Original Code is Mozilla Communicator client code, released
- * March 31, 1998.
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape
- * Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
- * Copyright (C) 1998-1999 Netscape Communications Corporation. All
- * Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- */
- var anchorElement = null;
- var imageElement = null;
- var insertNew = false;
- var replaceExistingLink = false;
- var insertLinkAtCaret;
- var needLinkText = false;
- var href;
- var newLinkText;
- var HNodeArray;
- var gHaveNamedAnchors = false;
- var gHaveHeadings = false;
- var gCanChangeHeadingSelected = true;
- var gCanChangeAnchorSelected = true;
- var gHaveDocumentUrl = false;
- var dialog;
- // NOTE: Use "href" instead of "a" to distinguish from Named Anchor
- // The returned node is has an "a" tagName
- var tagName = "href";
- // dialog initialization code
- function Startup()
- {
- if (!InitEditorShell())
- return;
- doSetOKCancel(onOK, onCancel);
- dialog = new Object;
- if (!dialog)
- {
- dump("Failed to create dialog object!!!\n");
- window.close();
- return;
- }
- // Message was wrapped in a <label> or <div>, so actual text is a child text node
- dialog.linkTextCaption = document.getElementById("linkTextCaption");
- dialog.linkTextMessage = document.getElementById("linkTextMessage");
- dialog.linkTextInput = document.getElementById("linkTextInput");
- dialog.hrefInput = document.getElementById("hrefInput");
- dialog.NamedAnchorList = document.getElementById("NamedAnchorList");
- dialog.HeadingsList = document.getElementById("HeadingsList");
- dialog.MoreSection = document.getElementById("MoreSection");
- dialog.MoreFewerButton = document.getElementById("MoreFewerButton");
- dialog.AdvancedEditSection = document.getElementById("AdvancedEdit");
- var selection = editorShell.editorSelection;
- if (selection)
- dump("There is a selection: collapsed = "+selection.isCollapsed+"\n");
- else
- dump("Failed to get selection\n");
- // See if we have a single selected image
- imageElement = editorShell.GetSelectedElement("img");
- if (imageElement)
- {
- // Get the parent link if it exists -- more efficient than GetSelectedElement()
- anchorElement = editorShell.GetElementOrParentByTagName("href", imageElement);
- if (anchorElement)
- {
- if (anchorElement.childNodes.length > 1)
- {
- // If there are other children, then we want to break
- // this image away by inserting a new link around it,
- // so make a new node and copy existing attributes
- anchorElement = anchorElement.cloneNode(false);
- //insertNew = true;
- replaceExistingLink = true;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // Get an anchor element if caret or
- // entire selection is within the link.
- anchorElement = editorShell.GetSelectedElement(tagName);
- if (anchorElement)
- {
- // Select the entire link
- editorShell.SelectElement(anchorElement);
- selection = editorShell.editorSelection;
- }
- else
- {
- // If selection starts in a link, but extends beyond it,
- // the user probably wants to extend existing link to new selection,
- // so check if either end of selection is within a link
- // POTENTIAL PROBLEM: This prevents user from selecting text in an existing
- // link and making 2 links.
- // Note that this isn't a problem with images, handled above
- anchorElement = editorShell.GetElementOrParentByTagName("href", selection.anchorNode);
- if (!anchorElement)
- anchorElement = editorShell.GetElementOrParentByTagName("href", selection.focusNode);
- if (anchorElement)
- {
- // But clone it for reinserting/merging around existing
- // link that only partially overlaps the selection
- anchorElement = anchorElement.cloneNode(false);
- //insertNew = true;
- replaceExistingLink = true;
- }
- }
- }
- if(!anchorElement)
- {
- // No existing link -- create a new one
- anchorElement = editorShell.CreateElementWithDefaults(tagName);
- insertNew = true;
- // Hide message about removing existing link
- document.getElementById("RemoveLinkMsg").setAttribute("hidden","true");
- }
- if(!anchorElement)
- {
- dump("Failed to get selected element or create a new one!\n");
- window.close();
- return;
- }
- // We insert at caret only when nothing is selected
- insertLinkAtCaret = selection.isCollapsed;
- var selectedText;
- if (insertLinkAtCaret)
- {
- // Groupbox caption:
- dialog.linkTextCaption.setAttribute("value", GetString("LinkText"));
- // Message above input field:
- dialog.linkTextMessage.setAttribute("value", GetString("EnterLinkText"));
- }
- else
- {
- if (!imageElement)
- {
- // We get here if selection is exactly around a link node
- // Check if selection has some text - use that first
- selectedText = GetSelectionAsText();
- if (!selectedText)
- {
- // No text, look for first image in the selection
- var children = anchorElement.childNodes;
- if (children)
- {
- for(var i=0; i < children.length; i++)
- {
- var nodeName = children.item(i).nodeName.toLowerCase();
- if (nodeName == "img")
- {
- imageElement = children.item(i);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Set "caption" for link source and the source text or image URL
- if (imageElement)
- {
- dialog.linkTextCaption.setAttribute("value",GetString("LinkImage"));
- // Link source string is the source URL of image
- dialog.linkTextMessage.setAttribute("value",imageElement.src);
- } else {
- dialog.linkTextCaption.setAttribute("value",GetString("LinkText"));
- if (selectedText)
- {
- // Use just the first 60 characters and add "..."
- dialog.linkTextMessage.setAttribute("value",TruncateStringAtWordEnd(ReplaceWhitespace(selectedText, " "), 60, true));
- } else {
- dialog.linkTextMessage.setAttribute("value",GetString("MixedSelection"));
- }
- }
- }
- // Make a copy to use for AdvancedEdit and onSaveDefault
- globalElement = anchorElement.cloneNode(false);
- // Get the list of existing named anchors and headings
- FillListboxes();
- // We only need to test for this once per dialog load
- gHaveDocumentUrl = GetDocumentBaseUrl();
- // Set data for the dialog controls
- InitDialog();
- // Search for a URI pattern in the selected text
- // as candidate href
- selectedText = TrimString(selectedText);
- if (!dialog.hrefInput.value && TextIsURI(selectedText))
- dialog.hrefInput.value = selectedText;
- // Set initial focus
- if (insertLinkAtCaret) {
- // We will be using the HREF inputbox, so text message
- SetTextboxFocus(dialog.linkTextInput);
- } else {
- SetTextboxFocus(dialog.hrefInput);
- // We will not insert a new link at caret, so remove link text input field
- dialog.linkTextInput.setAttribute("hidden","true");
- dialog.linkTextInput = null;
- }
- InitMoreFewer();
- // This sets enable state on OK button
- doEnabling();
- SetWindowLocation();
- }
- // Set dialog widgets with attribute data
- // We get them from globalElement copy so this can be used
- // by AdvancedEdit(), which is shared by all property dialogs
- function InitDialog()
- {
- // Must use getAttribute, not "globalElement.href",
- // or foreign chars aren't coverted correctly!
- dialog.hrefInput.value = globalElement.getAttribute("href");
- // Set "Relativize" checkbox according to current URL state
- SetRelativeCheckbox();
- }
- function chooseFile()
- {
- // Get a local file, converted into URL format
- var fileName = GetLocalFileURL("html");
- if (fileName)
- {
- // Always try to relativize local file URLs
- if (gHaveDocumentUrl)
- fileName = MakeRelativeUrl(fileName);
- dialog.hrefInput.value = fileName;
- SetRelativeCheckbox();
- doEnabling();
- }
- // Put focus into the input field
- SetTextboxFocus(dialog.hrefInput);
- }
- function FillListboxes()
- {
- var NamedAnchorNodeList = editorShell.editorDocument.anchors;
- var NamedAnchorCount = NamedAnchorNodeList.length;
- var item;
- if (NamedAnchorCount > 0)
- {
- for (var i = 0; i < NamedAnchorCount; i++)
- AppendStringToTreelist(dialog.NamedAnchorList, NamedAnchorNodeList.item(i).name);
- gHaveNamedAnchors = true;
- }
- else
- {
- // Message to tell user there are none
- item = AppendStringToTreelistById(dialog.NamedAnchorList, "NoNamedAnchors");
- if (item) item.setAttribute("disabled", "true");
- }
- var firstHeading = true;
- for (var j = 1; j <= 6; j++)
- {
- var headingList = editorShell.editorDocument.getElementsByTagName("h"+String(j));
- if (headingList.length > 0)
- {
- var heading = headingList.item(0);
- // Skip headings that already have a named anchor as their first child
- // (this may miss nearby anchors, but at least we don't insert another
- // under the same heading)
- var child = heading.firstChild;
- if (child && child.nodeName == "A" && child.name && (child.name.length>0))
- continue;
- var range = editorShell.editorDocument.createRange();
- range.setStart(heading,0);
- var lastChildIndex = heading.childNodes.length;
- range.setEnd(heading,lastChildIndex);
- var text = range.toString();
- if (text)
- {
- // Use just first 40 characters, don't add "...",
- // and replace whitespace with "_" and strip non-word characters
- text = ConvertToCDATAString(TruncateStringAtWordEnd(text, 40, false));
- // Append "_" to any name already in the list
- if (GetExistingHeadingIndex(text) > -1)
- text += "_";
- AppendStringToTreelist(dialog.HeadingsList, text);
- // Save nodes in an array so we can create anchor node under it later
- if (!HNodeArray)
- HNodeArray = new Array(heading)
- else
- HNodeArray[HNodeArray.length] = heading;
- }
- }
- }
- if (HNodeArray)
- {
- gHaveHeadings = true;
- } else {
- // Message to tell user there are none
- item = AppendStringToTreelistById(dialog.HeadingsList, "NoHeadings");
- if (item) item.setAttribute("disabled", "true");
- }
- }
- function doEnabling()
- {
- // We disable Ok button when there's no href text only if inserting a new link
- var enable = insertNew ? (dialog.hrefInput.value.trimString().length > 0) : true;
- SetElementEnabledById( "ok", enable);
- }
- var gClearListSelections = true;
- function ChangeLocation()
- {
- if (gClearListSelections)
- {
- // Unselect the treelists
- UnselectNamedAnchor();
- UnselectHeadings();
- }
- SetRelativeCheckbox();
- // Set OK button enable state
- doEnabling();
- }
- function GetExistingHeadingIndex(text)
- {
- var len = dialog.HeadingsList.getAttribute("length");
- for (var i=0; i < len; i++)
- {
- if (GetTreelistValueAt(dialog.HeadingsList, i) == text)
- return i;
- }
- return -1;
- }
- function SelectNamedAnchor()
- {
- if (gCanChangeAnchorSelected)
- {
- if (gHaveNamedAnchors)
- {
- // Prevent ChangeLocation() from unselecting the list
- gClearListSelections = false;
- dialog.hrefInput.value = "#"+GetSelectedTreelistValue(dialog.NamedAnchorList);
- gClearListSelections = true;
- SetRelativeCheckbox();
- // ChangeLocation isn't always called, so be sure Ok is enabled
- doEnabling();
- }
- else
- UnselectNamedAnchor();
- UnselectHeadings();
- }
- }
- function SelectHeading()
- {
- if (gCanChangeHeadingSelected)
- {
- if (gHaveHeadings)
- {
- gClearListSelections = false;
- dialog.hrefInput.value = "#"+GetSelectedTreelistValue(dialog.HeadingsList);
- gClearListSelections = true;
- SetRelativeCheckbox();
- doEnabling();
- }
- else
- UnselectHeadings();
- UnselectNamedAnchor();
- }
- }
- function UnselectNamedAnchor()
- {
- // Prevent recursive calling of SelectNamedAnchor()
- gCanChangeAnchorSelected = false;
- dialog.NamedAnchorList.selectedIndex = -1;
- gCanChangeAnchorSelected = true;
- }
- function UnselectHeadings()
- {
- // Prevent recursive calling of SelectHeading()
- gCanChangeHeadingSelected = false;
- dialog.HeadingsList.selectedIndex = -1;
- gCanChangeHeadingSelected = true;
- }
- // Get and validate data from widgets.
- // Set attributes on globalElement so they can be accessed by AdvancedEdit()
- function ValidateData()
- {
- href = dialog.hrefInput.value.trimString();
- if (href)
- {
- // Set the HREF directly on the editor document's anchor node
- // or on the newly-created node if insertNew is true
- globalElement.setAttribute("href",href);
- }
- else if (insertNew)
- {
- // We must have a URL to insert a new link
- //NOTE: We accept an empty HREF on existing link to indicate removing the link
- ShowInputErrorMessage(GetString("EmptyHREFError"));
- return false;
- }
- if (dialog.linkTextInput)
- {
- // The text we will insert isn't really an attribute,
- // but it makes sense to validate it
- newLinkText = TrimString(dialog.linkTextInput.value);
- if (!newLinkText)
- {
- if (href)
- newLinkText = href
- else
- {
- ShowInputErrorMessage(GetString("EmptyLinkTextError"));
- SetTextboxFocus(dialog.linkTextInput);
- return false;
- }
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- function doHelpButton()
- {
- openHelp("chrome://help/content/help.xul?link_properties");
- }
- function onOK()
- {
- if (ValidateData())
- {
- if (href.length > 0)
- {
- // Copy attributes to element we are changing or inserting
- editorShell.CloneAttributes(anchorElement, globalElement);
- // Coalesce into one undo transaction
- editorShell.BeginBatchChanges();
- // Get text to use for a new link
- if (insertLinkAtCaret)
- {
- // Append the link text as the last child node
- // of the anchor node
- var textNode = editorShell.editorDocument.createTextNode(newLinkText);
- if (textNode)
- anchorElement.appendChild(textNode);
- try {
- editorShell.InsertElementAtSelection(anchorElement, false);
- } catch (e) {
- dump("Exception occured in InsertElementAtSelection\n");
- return true;
- }
- } else if (insertNew || replaceExistingLink)
- {
- // Link source was supplied by the selection,
- // so insert a link node as parent of this
- // (may be text, image, or other inline content)
- try {
- editorShell.InsertLinkAroundSelection(anchorElement);
- } catch (e) {
- dump("Exception occured in InsertElementAtSelection\n");
- return true;
- }
- }
- // Check if the link was to a heading
- if (href[0] == "#")
- {
- var name = href.substr(1);
- var index = GetExistingHeadingIndex(name);
- if (index >= 0) {
- // We need to create a named anchor
- // and insert it as the first child of the heading element
- var headNode = HNodeArray[index];
- var anchorNode = editorShell.editorDocument.createElement("a");
- if (anchorNode) {
- anchorNode.name = name;
- // Remember to use editorShell method so it is undoable!
- editorShell.InsertElement(anchorNode, headNode, 0, false);
- }
- } else {
- dump("HREF is a heading but is not in the list!\n");
- }
- }
- editorShell.EndBatchChanges();
- }
- else if (!insertNew)
- {
- // We already had a link, but empty HREF means remove it
- editorShell.RemoveTextProperty("a", "");
- }
- SaveWindowLocation();
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }